Compund Words
- 1st lieutenant
- 2nd lieutenant
- a-list
- aalst
- abandoned infant
- abandonment
- abasement
- abashment
- abatement
- abbot
- abducent
- aberrant
- abetment
- abiogenist
- ablaut
- abolishment
- abolitionist
- abort
- abortifacient
- abortionist
- abradant
- abridgement
- abridgment
- abscondment
- absentee ballot
- absolutist
- absorbent
- absorption coefficient
- absorption unit
- abstinent
- abstract
- abstract art
- abstract artist
- abstract thought
- abstractionist
- abutment
- abvolt
- abwatt
- abyssinian cat
- academic department
- academic requirement
- acceleration unit
- accent
- accessory after the fact
- accessory before the fact
- accessory during the fact
- accessory fruit
- accident
- accommodating lens implant
- accompaniment
- accompanist
- accompanyist
- accomplished fact
- accomplishment
- accordionist
- accouchement
- account
- account statement
- accountant
- accouterment
- accoutrement
- accruement
- achievement
- acid test
- acknowledgement
- acknowledgment
- aclant
- acquirement
- acquisition agreement
- acre-foot
- acrobat
- acrobatic feat
- acrobatic stunt
- acrodont
- acrylic paint
- act
- acting out
- action plant
- activating agent
- active agent
- active transport
- active trust
- activist
- actor's agent
- actor's assistant
- acute accent
- adamant
- addict
- adduct
- adelie coast
- adept
- adherent
- adhesion contract
- adhesive agent
- adit
- adjournment
- adjunct
- adjustment
- adjutant
- adjuvant
- administrative district
- administrative unit
- admonishment
- adolescent
- adoptive parent
- adornment
- adsorbent
- adult
- adulterant
- advance death benefit
- advancement
- advent
- adventist
- adventitious root
- advert
- advertisement
- advertising department
- advertizement
- advice and consent
- advisement
- aeolic dialect
- aerialist
- aerodynamic lift
- aeronaut
- aetiologist
- affect
- afferent
- affiant
- affidavit
- affluent
- affricate consonant
- affright
- affront
- afghan monetary unit
- african elephant
- african millet
- african violet
- african walnut
- after part
- aftereffect
- aftershaft
- afterthought
- age bracket
- age limit
- age of consent
- agent
- agglutination test
- aggrandisement
- aggrandizement
- aggravated assault
- aggregate fruit
- agincourt
- aglet
- agonist
- agony aunt
- agreement
- agricultural agent
- agriculturalist
- agriculture department
- agriculturist
- agronomist
- ague root
- aiglet
- aigret
- ailment
- air alert
- air current
- air duct
- air jacket
- air plant
- air pocket
- air shaft
- air transport
- air unit
- airburst
- aircraft
- airlift
- airplane pilot
- airplane ticket
- airport
- airpost
- akvavit
- al-rashid trust
- alarmist
- albanian monetary unit
- albert
- alcahest
- alchemist
- alcott
- alder blight
- aldomet
- aleatory contract
- alecost
- aleph-nought
- alert
- aleut
- alexander the great
- alexander woollcott
- alfalfa sprout
- alfred binet
- alfred de musset
- alfred eisenstaedt
- alfred lunt
- alfred the great
- algebraist
- algerian monetary unit
- alienist
- alignment
- aliment
- alimentary tract
- alinement
- aliquant
- aliquant part
- aliquot
- aliquot part
- alkahest
- alkanet
- alkylating agent
- all get out
- allegement
- allergist
- allergy diet
- alleviant
- alley cat
- alliaceous plant
- allocation unit
- allograft
- allotment
- allowance account
- allurement
- alluvial deposit
- alluvial flat
- alluvial sediment
- almond crescent
- almond extract
- alpha-adrenergic blocking agent
- alpha-naphthol test
- alpha test
- alphabet
- alphabetic script
- alpine coltsfoot
- alpine lift
- alpinia zerumbet
- alpinist
- alt
- alternating current
- alternating electric current
- alto saxophonist
- altoist
- altruist
- alumroot
- alupent
- alveolar consonant
- alveolar point
- amadavat
- amazement
- amazon ant
- ambit
- amelia earhart
- ameloblast
- amendment
- ament
- amercement
- american arrowroot
- american bittersweet
- american blight
- american chestnut
- american coot
- american dog violet
- american egret
- american frogbit
- american mastodont
- american redstart
- american smelt
- american sweet chestnut
- amethyst
- aminoplast
- amish sect
- ammunition chest
- amoralist
- amorist
- amount
- amphibious aircraft
- amphibious assault
- amulet
- amur privet
- amusement
- anabaptist
- anaesthetic agent
- anaesthetist
- anagnost
- analogist
- analphabet
- analyst
- anapaest
- anapest
- anarchist
- anastigmat
- anatomist
- anchor light
- ancient
- and circuit
- andre maginot
- anecdotist
- anesthesiologist
- anesthetic agent
- anesthetist
- angel's trumpet
- angel dust
- angiologist
- angle bracket
- angolan monetary unit
- angora cat
- angora goat
- angora rabbit
- angst
- angstrom unit
- angular unit
- animal fat
- animal foot
- animal pigment
- animal product
- animal scientist
- animated oat
- animist
- anionic detergent
- anise plant
- ankle bracelet
- ankle joint
- anklet
- anna eleanor roosevelt
- annalist
- anne bradstreet
- anne dudley bradstreet
- anne robert jacques turgot
- announcement
- annuitant
- annulet
- annulment
- anointment
- anomalist
- anovulant
- ant
- antagonist
- antarctic continent
- antecedent
- antepenult
- anterior root
- anthologist
- anthropologist
- anthropology department
- anti-g suit
- anti-submarine rocket
- anti-war movement
- antiaircraft
- antianxiety agent
- anticatalyst
- antichrist
- anticipant
- anticoagulant
- anticonvulsant
- antidepressant
- antifeminist
- antiflatulent
- antifouling paint
- antifungal agent
- antigenic determinant
- antimycotic agent
- antioxidant
- antiperspirant
- antipsychotic agent
- antispasmodic agent
- antivert
- antiviral agent
- antonio gaudi i cornet
- anwar el-sadat
- anwar sadat
- aorist
- apartment
- aperient
- aphorist
- apiarist
- apiculturist
- apologist
- apomict
- apothecaries' unit
- apothecaries' weight
- apparent movement
- appeals court
- appeasement
- appellant
- appellate court
- appetite suppressant
- apple blight
- apple maggot
- apple mint
- apple nut
- apple rust
- apple tart
- applecart
- applemint
- applet
- applicant
- applied scientist
- appointment
- apportionment
- approach shot
- apricot
- aquanaut
- aquatic plant
- aquatint
- aquavit
- aqueduct
- arab republic of egypt
- arabian desert
- arabian nights' entertainment
- arabic alphabet
- arabist
- arafat
- aramaic script
- ararat
- arbalest
- arbalist
- arbitrament
- arbitrement
- arborescent plant
- arboriculturist
- arborist
- arc-boutant
- arc cosecant
- arc cotangent
- arc light
- arc secant
- arc tangent
- arcadic dialect
- arccosecant
- arccotangent
- arch support
- archaeologist
- archaist
- archeologist
- architect
- architectural ornament
- archivist
- archpriest
- arcsecant
- arctangent
- area unit
- areca nut
- arendt
- argent
- argentine monetary unit
- argonaut
- argonne forest
- argot
- argument
- argus pheasant
- arhant
- arhat
- arianist
- aristocort
- aristocrat
- ark of the covenant
- armament
- armed combat
- armenian alphabet
- armenian monetary unit
- armet
- arminian baptist
- armlet
- armpit
- armrest
- army ant
- army brat
- army hut
- army unit
- arouet
- arpent
- arraignment
- arrangement
- arrest
- arrest warrant
- arrested development
- arrowroot
- arsonist
- art
- art department
- art movement
- art object
- art student
- artefact
- artichoke heart
- artichoke plant
- articles of agreement
- artifact
- artificial heart
- artificial joint
- artillery plant
- artillery unit
- artist
- artist's loft
- artistic movement
- asbestos abatement
- ascendant
- ascendent
- ascension of christ
- ascent
- ascii character set
- ascot
- aspect
- asphalt
- aspirant
- assailant
- assault
- assembly plant
- assent
- assessment
- asset
- assignment
- assist
- assistant
- assortment
- assuagement
- asteroid belt
- astonishment
- astringent
- astrologist
- astronaut
- astronomical unit
- astronomy unit
- astrophysicist
- at
- at-bat
- atacama desert
- ataractic agent
- atavist
- athanasius the great
- atheist
- athlete's foot
- athlete's heart
- athletic contest
- atlantic coast
- atlantic halibut
- atomic mass unit
- atomic weight
- atonement
- atrial septal defect
- atrium of the heart
- atrovent
- attachment
- attack aircraft
- attainment
- attempt
- attendant
- attestant
- attestation report
- audit
- audited account
- aught
- august
- auklet
- aunt
- auricular point
- australian chestnut
- australian desert
- australian hare's foot
- australian pitcher plant
- australian stilt
- austrian monetary unit
- auto part
- autocrat
- autodidact
- autograft
- automat
- automatic pilot
- automobilist
- autophytic plant
- autopilot
- autosomal recessive defect
- auxiliary equipment
- avadavat
- average cost
- averment
- avocet
- avoirdupois unit
- avoirdupois weight
- avouchment
- awlwort
- azerbaijani monetary unit
- azt
- b-flat clarinet
- babassu nut
- babbitt
- baccarat
- bacchant
- back-blast
- back street
- backbeat
- backblast
- backchat
- backhand shot
- backpacking tent
- backrest
- backseat
- bacteriologist
- bacteriostat
- bad debt
- bad hat
- badminton court
- badminton equipment
- badminton racket
- badminton racquet
- bafflement
- baguet
- bahrainian monetary unit
- baht
- bailment
- bait
- baker's yeast
- baking-powder biscuit
- balaclava helmet
- balance sheet
- balanced budget
- balanced diet
- bald-faced hornet
- ball-and-socket joint
- ballast
- ballet
- ballet skirt
- balloon seat
- balloonist
- ballot
- ballottement
- ballpoint
- ballyhoo artist
- balsa raft
- balsamroot
- bamboo shoot
- banana boat
- banana passion fruit
- banana quit
- banana split
- banded krait
- banded palm civet
- banded stilt
- bandelet
- bandicoot
- bandicoot rat
- bandit
- bandlet
- bandwagon effect
- bangladeshi monetary unit
- banishment
- bank account
- bank deposit
- bank discount
- bank draft
- bank shot
- bank statement
- bank vault
- banker's draft
- bankrupt
- banneret
- banquet
- bantamweight
- baptismal font
- baptist
- bar-room plant
- bar bit
- bar chart
- bar magnet
- barbary coast
- barbecue pit
- barbershop quartet
- barbet
- bareboat
- barn millet
- baron alexander von humboldt
- baron friedrich heinrich alexander von humboldt
- baron karl wilhelm von humboldt
- baron wilhelm von humboldt
- baroness dudevant
- baronet
- barrel knot
- barrel vault
- barrenwort
- bart
- bartlett
- basalt
- base hit
- baseball bat
- baseball equipment
- baseball mitt
- basement
- basil mint
- basil the great
- basinet
- basket
- basket hilt
- basketball court
- basketball equipment
- basketball shot
- bass clarinet
- bass part
- basset
- bassinet
- bassist
- bassoonist
- bast
- bat
- bath mat
- bathing suit
- bathyal district
- batting helmet
- battle fleet
- battle of panipat
- battle sight
- battlefront
- battlement
- battlesight
- bawling out
- bayat
- bayonet
- bayrut
- bb shot
- beachfront
- beacon light
- beaked hazelnut
- beam of light
- bean blight
- bean plant
- bean sprout
- beanfeast
- bear's foot
- bear cat
- bear market
- bearcat
- beast
- beat
- beating-reed instrument
- beaumont
- beaut
- beauty consultant
- beauty spot
- beauty treatment
- beaver rat
- becket
- beckett
- bed-and-breakfast
- bed and breakfast
- bed jacket
- bed rest
- bed sheet
- bedding plant
- bedevilment
- bedpost
- bedrest
- bedroom set
- bedsit
- beechnut
- beef plant
- beef roast
- beefsteak plant
- beer mat
- beet
- beet blight
- beetroot
- befoulment
- befuddlement
- beguilement
- behaviorist
- behaviourist
- behest
- beignet
- beijing dialect
- beirut
- bel esprit
- belarusian monetary unit
- belfast
- bell cot
- bell seat
- bell tent
- belladonna plant
- belle de nuit
- belligerent
- bellwort
- belmont
- belt
- bemusement
- ben hecht
- bench warrant
- benedict
- benefit
- benefit concert
- benet
- bengal light
- benjamin jowett
- benjamin west
- bennet
- bennett
- benoit mandelbrot
- bent
- bequest
- bereavement
- beret
- bergamot
- bergamot mint
- bering strait
- berit
- ber
- abduct
- abet
- abort
- abreact
- absent
- abstract
- abut
- accent
- accept
- accost
- account
- accredit
- acquaint
- acquit
- act
- act out
- adapt
- addict
- adduct
- adjust
- admit
- adopt
- advect
- advert
- affect
- afflict
- afforest
- affright
- affront
- air-freight
- air out
- airfreight
- airlift
- airt
- alert
- alight
- aliment
- allot
- amount
- animadvert
- anoint
- appoint
- aquatint
- arrest
- arrive at
- arse about
- ask for it
- ask out
- asphalt
- assault
- assent
- assert
- assist
- assort
- attaint
- attempt
- attest
- attract
- audit
- augment
- average out
- avert
- await
- babbitt
- babble out
- baby-sit
- back out
- bail out
- bait
- bale out
- ballast
- ballot
- bandy about
- bang out
- bankrupt
- banquet
- basset
- bat
- bawl out
- bayonet
- be adrift
- be quiet
- be with it
- bear out
- beat
- beat a retreat
- beat about
- beat out
- become flat
- bedight
- befit
- beget
- bell the cat
- belly out
- belt
- belt out
- benefact
- benefit
- benight
- beset
- besot
- bespot
- best
- bet
- bight
- billet
- bird-nest
- birdnest
- bisect
- bite out
- bitt
- blab out
- black market
- black out
- blacken out
- blacklist
- blank out
- blanket
- blare out
- blast
- blat
- blat out
- blaze out
- blazon out
- bleach out
- bleat
- blight
- bloat
- block out
- blossom out
- blot
- blot out
- blow out
- blubber out
- blueprint
- bluff out
- blunder out
- blunt
- blurt
- blurt out
- boast
- boat
- bob about
- bodypaint
- bolt
- bolt out
- bomb out
- bonnet
- boom out
- boost
- boot
- boot out
- bottom out
- bounce out
- bow out
- boycott
- bracket
- bracket out
- branch out
- brave out
- break apart
- break out
- break short
- break someone's heart
- breakfast
- breast
- breathe out
- brevet
- bridle at
- bring about
- bring out
- bristle at
- broadcast
- browbeat
- bruit
- bucket
- budget
- buffet
- bug out
- bulge out
- bullshit
- bum about
- bunt
- burn out
- burst
- burst out
- bush out
- bust
- bustle about
- butt
- butt against
- buy at
- buy it
- buy out
- call at
- call on the carpet
- call out
- camp out
- cancel out
- cant
- carburet
- carpet
- carry out
- carry weight
- cart
- carve out
- cash out
- casket
- cast
- cast about
- cast out
- cat
- catapult
- catch it
- catch out
- catch sight
- cathect
- cavern out
- cavort
- cement
- chalk out
- chant
- chariot
- chart
- chat
- cheat
- check out
- chew out
- chew the fat
- chicken-fight
- chicken out
- chickenfight
- chill out
- chip at
- chip away at
- chit-chat
- chitchat
- chuck out
- churn out
- circuit
- circumvent
- claret
- clean out
- clear-cut
- clear out
- clear the throat
- cleat
- clock out
- close out
- closet
- clot
- clout
- co-opt
- coact
- coapt
- coast
- coat
- coexist
- cohabit
- collect
- colorcast
- comb out
- combat
- combust
- come about
- come apart
- come out
- come out of the closet
- come short
- come to light
- comfit
- comfort
- comment
- commit
- compact
- compart
- complect
- complement
- compliment
- complot
- comport
- compost
- concert
- concoct
- conduct
- confect
- conflict
- confront
- congest
- conk out
- connect
- connive at
- conscript
- consent
- consist
- consort
- constrict
- construct
- consult
- contact
- content
- contest
- contort
- contract
- contract out
- contradict
- contrast
- controvert
- convect
- convert
- convict
- cook out
- cool it
- cop out
- copy out
- copyedit
- copyright
- coquet
- core out
- correct
- corrupt
- corset
- cosset
- cost
- cough out
- count
- count out
- counteract
- counterfeit
- counterplot
- counterpoint
- counterweight
- court
- covenant
- covet
- craft
- crank out
- crawfish out
- create by mental act
- credit
- crest
- cricket
- crochet
- crop out
- croquet
- cross out
- crosscut
- crowd out
- crush out
- crust
- cry out
- cull out
- curvet
- cut
- cut out
- cut short
- dart
- daunt
- deal out
- debit
- debut
- decant
- deck out
- decoct
- deconstruct
- decrypt
- deduct
- defat
- default
- defeat
- defect
- deflect
- deforest
- defrost
- degust
- deject
- delight
- delimit
- delist
- demist
- dent
- depart
- depict
- deport
- deposit
- derestrict
- desalt
- descant
- desert
- desist
- destruct
- detect
- detest
- detract
- die out
- diet
- diffract
- dig out
- digest
- dine out
- direct
- disaffect
- disafforest
- disappoint
- discomfit
- disconcert
- disconnect
- discontent
- discount
- discredit
- disenchant
- disforest
- disgust
- dish out
- dish the dirt
- disinfect
- disinfest
- disinherit
- disinvest
- disjoint
- dismount
- disorient
- dispirit
- disport
- disquiet
- disrespect
- disrupt
- dissect
- dissent
- distort
- distract
- district
- distrust
- divert
- divest
- do it
- do one's best
- docket
- document
- dogfight
- dole out
- dot
- double crochet
- doubt
- draft
- drag a bunt
- drag one's feet
- drag out
- draught
- draw out
- dress out
- drift
- drift apart
- drive out
- drop out
- drown out
- drum out
- dry-rot
- dry out
- dust
- eat
- eat at
- eat out
- ebb out
- edit
- edit out
- effect
- egest
- eject
- eke out
- elect
- elicit
- emit
- enact
- enchant
- encrust
- encrypt
- englut
- engraft
- enlist
- entreat
- entrust
- erect
- eruct
- erupt
- escort
- even out
- evert
- evict
- exact
- exalt
- excel at
- except
- excerpt
- exempt
- exert
- exhaust
- exhibit
- exhort
- exist
- exit
- expect
- experiment
- exploit
- export
- exposit
- exsert
- extort
- extract
- exult
- face-lift
- factor out
- fade out
- fag out
- faggot
- fagot
- faint
- fall apart
- fall flat
- fall out
- fall short
- fan out
- farm out
- fart
- fast
- fat
- fatten out
- fault
- feast
- feather one's nest
- feel out
- feint
- felt
- ferment
- ferret
- ferret out
- fidget
- field-test
- fig out
- fight
- figure out
- file out
- filet
- fill out
- fillet
- filter out
- find fault
- find out
- finger-paint
- fingerprint
- finish out
- fistfight
- fit
- fit out
- fizzle out
- flabbergast
- flake out
- flare out
- flat-hat
- flatten out
- flaunt
- fleet
- flesh out
- flight
- flip out
- flirt
- flit
- float
- flood out
- floodlight
- flout
- flow out
- flush it
- fly contact
- foist
- follow out
- follow suit
- foment
- foot
- force out
- forecast
- forest
- forfeit
- forget
- fork out
- format
- fort
- foul out
- foxhunt
- foxtrot
- fragment
- freak out
- freeze out
- freight
- frequent
- fret
- fright
- front
- frost
- fruit
- gallivant
- garment
- genuflect
- get
- get about
- get at
- get it
- get out
- get the best
- ghost
- gibbet
- gift
- give-up the ghost
- give a hoot
- give one's best
- give out
- give vent
- glint
- gloat
- globe-trot
- glut
- gnaw at
- go about
- go against
- go all out
- go out
- go past
- go to pot
- gouge out
- graft
- grant
- greet
- grind out
- grind to a halt
- grit
- gross out
- ground out
- grout
- grub out
- grunt
- grunt-hoot
- gut
- habit
- had best
- halt
- hammer out
- hand out
- handcraft
- hang out
- harvest
- hash out
- hat
- haunt
- have a fit
- have a go at it
- have got
- have the best
- headbutt
- hear out
- heat
- heft
- heist
- help out
- hew out
- hide out
- highlight
- hightail it
- hint
- hire out
- hit
- hit the dirt
- hit the jackpot
- hoist
- hold fast
- hold out
- hold tight
- hole out
- holler out
- hollow out
- hoof it
- hoot
- hop out
- host
- hotfoot
- hunt
- hurt
- ill-treat
- impact
- impart
- implant
- implement
- import
- imprint
- incrust
- indent
- indict
- induct
- infect
- infest
- inflect
- inflict
- infract
- ingest
- ingraft
- inhabit
- inherit
- inhibit
- inject
- input
- insert
- inset
- insist
- inspect
- inspirit
- instruct
- instrument
- insult
- interact
- intercept
- interconnect
- interdict
- interest
- interject
- intermit
- interpret
- interrupt
- intersect
- introject
- intromit
- introspect
- introvert
- intrust
- intuit
- intussuscept
- inunct
- invent
- invert
- invest
- invite out
- iron out
- irrupt
- jacket
- jacklight
- jackrabbit
- jar against
- jaunt
- jest
- jest at
- jet
- jilt
- joint
- jolt
- jot
- joust
- jump-start
- jump out
- jumpstart
- junket
- jut
- jut out
- keep abreast
- keep apart
- keep one's mouth shut
- keep out
- keep quiet
- key out
- kick-start
- kick about
- kick out
- kick the bucket
- kit
- kit out
- knight
- knit
- knock about
- knock against
- knock out
- knot
- know apart
- know what's what
- lambast
- lament
- lark about
- lash out
- last
- last out
- laugh at
- lay out
- lay to rest
- leak out
- lean against
- leap out
- leave out
- leg it
- let
- let out
- levant
- lie about
- lie dormant
- lie in wait
- lift
- lift out
- light
- lilt
- limit
- list
- live out
- lock out
- loft
- log out
- look at
- look out
- loot
- lose it
- lose weight
- lot
- lounge about
- luck it
- luck out
- lust
- mail out
- make a point
- make it
- make no bones about
- make out
- maledict
- malt
- maltreat
- manifest
- manumit
- map out
- mapquest
- march out
- mark out
- market
- mat
- max out
- measure out
- meet
- mellow out
- melt
- merit
- mess about
- mete out
- mill about
- mint
- miscast
- misconduct
- miscount
- misdirect
- misinterpret
- misprint
- misrepresent
- mist
- mistreat
- mistrust
- molest
- molt
- moon about
- moonlight
- moot
- motorboat
- moult
- mount
- move out
- muck about
- mulct
- muster out
- neglect
- nest
- net
- nett
- nose out
- nut
- object
- obstruct
- occult
- offset
- omit
- ooze out
- opt
- opt out
- orbit
- orient
- ornament
- oust
- out
- outfight
- outfit
- outlast
- outpoint
- output
- outshout
- outsmart
- outwit
- over-correct
- overact
- overcast
- overeat
- overexert
- overexploit
- overheat
- overprint
- overprotect
- overreact
- overshoot
- paint
- pan out
- pan roast
- pant
- pant-hoot
- parcel out
- parent
- parget
- parrot
- part
- pass judgment
- pass out
- pat
- patent
- pay out
- peck at
- pelt
- perfect
- permit
- persist
- pervert
- pet
- peter out
- phase out
- photostat
- pick apart
- pick at
- pick out
- pick up the gauntlet
- picket
- pig it
- pig out
- pigment
- pilot
- pinpoint
- pip out
- pit
- pivot
- place upright
- plait
- plant
- plat
- play out
- playact
- pleat
- plight
- plot
- pluck at
- plummet
- plump out
- podcast
- point
- point out
- poke at
- poke out
- pooch out
- poop out
- pop out
- port
- portion out
- posit
- post
- pot
- pour out
- pout
- predict
- predigest
- preempt
- preexist
- preheat
- present
- press out
- pretermit
- prevent
- prim out
- prizefight
- profit
- prohibit
- project
- prompt
- prospect
- protect
- protest
- protract
- puff out
- pull at
- pull one's weight
- pull out
- pull up short
- punch out
- punt
- purport
- push out
- pussyfoot
- put
- put out
- put right
- putt
- puzzle out
- quail at
- quest
- quiet
- quilt
- quit
- rabbet
- rabbit
- racket
- raft
- raiment
- rain out
- rant
- rat
- ratchet
- ration out
- ravel out
- re-afforest
- re-start
- reach out
- reacquaint
- react
- readapt
- readjust
- readmit
- reallot
- reason out
- reassert
- reboot
- rebroadcast
- rebut
- recant
- recast
- receipt
- recollect
- recommit
- reconstruct
- reconvert
- reconvict
- recount
- recruit
- redact
- redeposit
- redirect
- reelect
- reenact
- refit
- reflect
- refloat
- reforest
- refract
- regiment
- regret
- reheat
- reinterpret
- reinvent
- reject
- relent
- remit
- remount
- render-set
- rent
- rent out
- reorient
- repaint
- repeat
- repent
- replant
- repoint
- report
- report out
- reposit
- repot
- represent
- reprint
- request
- reseat
- resect
- resent
- reset
- reshoot
- resift
- resist
- resort
- respect
- rest
- restart
- restrict
- resubmit
- result
- resurrect
- ret
- retort
- retract
- retransmit
- retreat
- retrofit
- retrospect
- retrovert
- revert
- revet
- revisit
- revolt
- revolve about
- ricochet
- ride out
- rig out
- right
- ring out
- riot
- rip out
- rivet
- roast
- rocket
- roll out
- roost
- root
- root out
- rot
- rough out
- roughcast
- round out
- rout
- rout out
- rub out
- rule out
- run out
- run short
- rush out
- rust
- rut
- sack out
- saint
- sally out
- salt
- sand cast
- sandblast
- scant
- scarf out
- scat
- scent
- scent out
- scoop out
- scoot
- score out
- scout
- scratch out
- screen out
- script
- sculpt
- seat
- sediment
- see the light
- see to it
- seek out
- segment
- select
- self-destruct
- sell out
- sell short
- send out
- separate out
- set
- set about
- set apart
- set out
- shaft
- sharpshoot
- sheet
- shell out
- shift
- shine at
- shirt
- shit
- shoot
- shop at
- shoplift
- short
- short-circuit
- shortlist
- shout
- shout out
- shunt
- shut
- shut out
- sieve out
- sift
- sight
- signpost
- silt
- single-foot
- single crochet
- single out
- sit
- sit out
- sit tight
- skimcoat
- skirt
- skyrocket
- slant
- slat
- sleep out
- sleet
- slight
- slit
- slot
- smart
- smell out
- smelt
- smoke out
- smooth out
- smut
- sn
- 101st
- 1st
- 21st
- 31st
- 41st
- abducent
- aberrant
- abeyant
- abhorrent
- abient
- abject
- abortifacient
- about
- abreast
- abrupt
- absent
- absolutist
- absorbefacient
- absorbent
- abstinent
- abstract
- abstractionist
- abundant
- acaulescent
- acceptant
- accordant
- accumbent
- accurst
- acid-fast
- acidulent
- acquiescent
- activist
- adamant
- adducent
- adept
- adherent
- adient
- adjacent
- adjunct
- adjuvant
- adolescent
- adrift
- adroit
- adscript
- adsorbent
- adult
- adulterant
- adust
- advertent
- afferent
- affluent
- afloat
- afoot
- aforethought
- aft
- aftermost
- aghast
- air-tight
- airtight
- albescent
- alcalescent
- alcohol-dependent
- alert
- alight
- aliquot
- alkalescent
- all-important
- all-night
- all-out
- all important
- all right
- allegiant
- alright
- ambient
- ambivalent
- ambulant
- amethyst
- amort
- ancient
- animist
- antecedent
- antiaircraft
- anticipant
- antitrust
- apart
- aperient
- apparent
- appellant
- appendant
- appetent
- appurtenant
- apt
- arborescent
- ardent
- argent
- arrant
- arrogant
- asat
- ascendant
- ascendent
- askant
- aslant
- aspirant
- asquint
- assentient
- assistant
- assonant
- assurgent
- astringent
- at fault
- at rest
- atheist
- athirst
- atilt
- attendant
- au courant
- au fait
- august
- autofluorescent
- avirulent
- backmost
- backswept
- baking hot
- bankrupt
- barefoot
- beat
- bedfast
- behaviorist
- behaviourist
- belligerent
- below the belt
- beneficent
- benevolent
- benignant
- bent
- bereft
- besprent
- best
- beyond doubt
- big-ticket
- bioluminescent
- birefringent
- bit-by-bit
- bittersweet
- bivalent
- black-market
- blanket
- blatant
- blest
- bloodshot
- blotted out
- blue-violet
- bluish-violet
- blunt
- bolshevist
- bottommost
- bouffant
- bowfront
- braggart
- bright
- brilliant
- brisant
- brunet
- brut
- buddhist
- built
- buoyant
- burned-out
- burnt
- burnt-out
- bust
- bypast
- cadent
- calefacient
- calorifacient
- calvinist
- candent
- candescent
- canescent
- canonist
- capitalist
- carvel-built
- caulescent
- centralist
- centrist
- chatoyant
- chemiluminescent
- chestnut
- circular-knit
- circumferent
- circumspect
- clairvoyant
- clamant
- clapped out
- clean-cut
- clear-cut
- cleft
- clement
- clincher-built
- clinker-built
- clinquant
- close-knit
- close-set
- close set
- closed-circuit
- closely knit
- co-occurrent
- co-referent
- coalescent
- coexistent
- cogent
- cognisant
- cognizant
- coherent
- coincident
- collect
- collectivist
- colorfast
- combatant
- comburant
- comburent
- comme il faut
- communist
- compact
- competent
- complacent
- complaisant
- compliant
- concomitant
- concordant
- concupiscent
- concurrent
- condolent
- confident
- confluent
- conformist
- congregationalist
- congruent
- conjoint
- conjunct
- consentient
- consequent
- consistent
- consonant
- constant
- constituent
- content
- continent
- contingent
- continuant
- contrary to fact
- convalescent
- convenient
- convergent
- conversant
- coreferent
- corporatist
- corpulent
- correct
- correspondent
- corroborant
- corrosion-resistant
- corrupt
- corticoafferent
- corticoefferent
- coruscant
- cost-efficient
- couchant
- counterfeit
- counterinsurgent
- counterterrorist
- covalent
- covariant
- covert
- cragfast
- crapulent
- crease-resistant
- crescent
- cubist
- current
- curst
- curt
- custom-built
- cut
- cut out
- cutthroat
- cypriot
- czarist
- daft
- day-and-night
- dead on target
- dead set
- deaf as a post
- dealt out
- decadent
- decalescent
- decent
- deconstructionist
- decrepit
- decumbent
- deep-set
- deep in thought
- deferent
- defervescent
- defiant
- deficient
- deft
- defunct
- dehiscent
- deist
- delinquent
- deliquescent
- demulcent
- dependant
- dependent
- depressant
- derelict
- descendant
- descendent
- despondent
- detergent
- determinant
- deterrent
- deviant
- devout
- die-cast
- different
- difficult
- diffident
- diligent
- direct
- dirt
- discontent
- discordant
- discreet
- discrepant
- dishonest
- disinfectant
- disjoint
- disjunct
- disobedient
- dissentient
- dissident
- dissilient
- dissonant
- distant
- distinct
- distrait
- distraught
- divalent
- divergent
- doled out
- dominant
- donatist
- dormant
- down-and-out
- down pat
- downcast
- downmarket
- downright
- drawn-out
- dried-out
- dulcet
- earliest
- earnest
- east
- easternmost
- eastmost
- ebullient
- echt
- efferent
- effervescent
- efficient
- efflorescent
- effluent
- effulgent
- eight
- eighty-eight
- eldest
- elect
- elegant
- eloquent
- embonpoint
- emergent
- eminent
- emollient
- ensuant
- equidistant
- equipotent
- equipt
- equivalent
- erect
- errant
- esurient
- euphoriant
- evacuant
- evanescent
- ever-present
- every last
- evident
- exact
- excellent
- excitant
- excrescent
- exempt
- exigent
- existent
- existentialist
- exorbitant
- expansionist
- expectant
- expedient
- experient
- expert
- explicit
- expressionist
- extant
- extinct
- extravagant
- extravert
- extremist
- extrovert
- exuberant
- exultant
- fahrenheit
- faineant
- faint
- far-out
- far-right
- far left
- farthermost
- farthest
- fascist
- fast
- fat
- fatalist
- feculent
- feminist
- fervent
- fewest
- fifty-eight
- fire-resistant
- fire-retardant
- first
- fit
- fitted out
- flagrant
- flamboyant
- flame-retardant
- flat
- flatulent
- fleet
- fleshed out
- flint
- flippant
- flocculent
- floodlit
- fluent
- fluorescent
- fly-by-night
- fore-and-aft
- foremost
- forfeit
- forthright
- forty-eight
- forty-first
- fragrant
- fraudulent
- fraught
- frequent
- fresh-cut
- front
- frontmost
- fulgent
- fulgurant
- fulminant
- fundamentalist
- furthermost
- furthest
- futurist
- gallant
- gardant
- gas-tight
- gaunt
- giant
- gilt
- glabrescent
- good-for-naught
- grandiloquent
- great
- greatest
- guardant
- hail-fellow-well-met
- hair-shirt
- halt
- hard-and-fast
- hard-fought
- hard put
- headfirst
- heart-to-heart
- heartfelt
- heaven-sent
- heavyset
- hell-bent
- heraldist
- hesitant
- het
- high-interest
- high-ticket
- hindermost
- hindmost
- honest
- hot
- humanist
- hundred-and-first
- hurt
- idempotent
- ignescent
- ignorant
- illicit
- immanent
- imminent
- immodest
- immunocompetent
- immunodeficient
- impatient
- impeccant
- impellent
- impendent
- impenitent
- imperfect
- imperialist
- impermanent
- impertinent
- implicit
- important
- impotent
- impressionist
- improvident
- imprudent
- impudent
- impuissant
- in agreement
- in effect
- in height
- in one's birthday suit
- in sight
- in your birthday suit
- inadvertent
- inapt
- inbuilt
- incandescent
- incessant
- incident
- incipient
- inclement
- incognizant
- incoherent
- incompetent
- incongruent
- inconsequent
- inconsistent
- inconstant
- incontinent
- inconvenient
- incorrect
- incorrupt
- incumbent
- indecent
- indehiscent
- independent
- indifferent
- indigent
- indignant
- indirect
- indiscreet
- indistinct
- individualist
- indolent
- indulgent
- inefficient
- inelegant
- inept
- inerrant
- inert
- inexact
- inexpedient
- inexperient
- inexpert
- inexplicit
- influent
- infrequent
- inhalant
- inherent
- ink-jet
- inmost
- innermost
- innocent
- insentient
- inside-out
- insignificant
- insistent
- insolent
- insolvent
- insouciant
- inst
- instant
- instinct
- insufficient
- insurgent
- intact
- intelligent
- intent
- interdependent
- intermittent
- internationalist
- intersectant
- intolerant
- intoxicant
- intransigent
- intuitionist
- intumescent
- invariant
- inwrought
- iridescent
- irrelevant
- irreverent
- isolationist
- itinerant
- jainist
- jerry-built
- jesuit
- jet
- joint
- jubilant
- just
- kaput
- kempt
- kept
- knock-down-and-drag-out
- knockabout
- knockdown-dragout
- knocked-out
- knocked out
- knockout
- lambent
- lamplit
- last
- latent
- latest
- least
- left
- leftist
- leftmost
- lenient
- letter-perfect
- licit
- life-support
- light
- light-tight
- lightweight
- liquescent
- lit
- loosely knit
- lost
- low-budget
- low-cost
- low-cut
- low-interest
- low-set
- lowermost
- lowest
- lowset
- lucent
- luculent
- luminescent
- luxuriant
- lying in wait
- magnificent
- magniloquent
- makeshift
- maladroit
- malcontent
- maledict
- maleficent
- malevolent
- malignant
- manifest
- maoist
- marxist
- marxist-leninist
- mat
- matt
- matter-of-fact
- meet
- mellisonant
- mendicant
- meted out
- methodist
- middlemost
- midget
- midmost
- migrant
- militant
- minimalist
- ministrant
- mint
- misbegot
- modest
- moist
- monovalent
- moonlit
- moot
- mordant
- most
- moth-resistant
- mucopurulent
- multipotent
- multivalent
- munificent
- must
- mutafacient
- mutant
- mutualist
- naiant
- nascent
- national socialist
- nationalist
- nativist
- neat
- negligent
- neoclassicist
- nescient
- net
- nethermost
- nett
- next
- next-to-last
- nilpotent
- ninety-eight
- no-account
- no-count
- no-hit
- nocent
- noctilucent
- non-buoyant
- nonabsorbent
- nonadjacent
- nonadsorbent
- nonastringent
- nonbelligerent
- nonchalant
- noncombatant
- noncompliant
- nonconformist
- nonconvergent
- noncurrent
- nondescript
- noneffervescent
- nonequivalent
- nonexempt
- nonexistent
- nonextant
- nonfat
- nonindulgent
- nonobservant
- nonpregnant
- nonprofit
- nonpurulent
- nonracist
- nonresident
- nonresilient
- nonresistant
- nonresonant
- nonruminant
- nonsignificant
- nonsweet
- nonturbulent
- nonviolent
- northeast
- northernmost
- northmost
- northwest
- nurturant
- nutrient
- obedient
- observant
- obsolescent
- occult
- occurrent
- of import
- off-street
- offbeat
- old-hat
- omnipotent
- omnipresent
- omniscient
- on-street
- on-the-spot
- opalescent
- open-and-shut
- opencast
- opencut
- operant
- operationalist
- opponent
- opportunist
- opulent
- oscitant
- out
- out-and-out
- out-of-pocket
- out of print
- out of sight
- outcast
- outermost
- outmost
- outright
- overabundant
- overcast
- overconfident
- overindulgent
- overmodest
- overnight
- overshot
- overt
- overvaliant
- overweight
- overwrought
- pacifist
- palpitant
- pantheist
- papist
- paramount
- parceled out
- parturient
- passant
- past
- pat
- patent
- patient
- peanut
- pearlescent
- peccant
- pendant
- pendent
- penicillin-resistant
- penitent
- pent
- pentavalent
- percipient
- perfect
- permanent
- permeant
- persistent
- pert
- pertinent
- pestilent
- pet
- petulant
- phosphorescent
- pinnatisect
- piquant
- plangent
- played out
- pleasant
- pliant
- pluperfect
- poignant
- pointillist
- politically correct
- politically incorrect
- polyglot
- polyvalent
- port
- positivist
- post-communist
- postmodernist
- potent
- pre-existent
- preadolescent
- precast
- precedent
- precipitant
- predominant
- preeminent
- preexistent
- preferent
- pregnant
- preponderant
- prepubescent
- prescient
- present
- preset
- prevalent
- prevenient
- procumbent
- proficient
- prominent
- prompt
- propagandist
- propellant
- propellent
- prospicient
- protestant
- protuberant
- provident
- prudent
- prurient
- puberulent
- pubescent
- puissant
- pungent
- purpose-built
- pursuant
- purulent
- putrefacient
- putrescent
- quaint
- quickset
- quiescent
- quiet
- racist
- radiant
- radiolucent
- rampant
- rapt
- rationalist
- re-entrant
- reactionist
- ready-to-eat
- rearmost
- recalcitrant
- recent
- recombinant
- recreant
- recrudescent
- recumbent
- recurrent
- recusant
- red-carpet
- red-hot
- red-violet
- red carpet
- reddish-violet
- redolent
- reductionist
- redundant
- reentrant
- referent
- reformist
- refrigerant
- refulgent
- regardant
- regent
- regnant
- relaxant
- relevant
- reliant
- reluctant
- reminiscent
- remittent
- renascent
- renunciant
- repellant
- repellent
- repentant
- repugnant
- resident
- resilient
- resistant
- resonant
- resplendent
- respondent
- resultant
- resurgent
- reticent
- revenant
- reverberant
- reverent
- riant
- right
- right-side-out
- right smart
- rightist
- rightmost
- roast
- robust
- romanist
- romanticist
- rot-resistant
- rough-cut
- roundabout
- ruminant
- run-resistant
- russet
- rust
- rust-resistant
- sacrosanct
- salient
- salt
- sapient
- scandent
- scant
- scarlet
- scattershot
- scintillant
- seagirt
- second-best
- secret
- select
- self-complacent
- self-confident
- self-consistent
- self-evident
- self-important
- self-indulgent
- self-referent
- self-reliant
- se
- a bit
- a lot
- abaft
- about
- abreast
- adrift
- afoot
- aft
- all right
- almost
- aloft
- alright
- apart
- aright
- as a matter of fact
- as luck would have it
- as yet
- aslant
- at any cost
- at best
- at first sight
- at heart
- at last
- at least
- at long last
- at most
- at present
- at the best
- at the least
- at the most
- at the worst
- at worst
- athwart
- barefoot
- before christ
- below the belt
- best
- betwixt
- beyond a doubt
- beyond a shadow of a doubt
- beyond doubt
- bit by bit
- bolt
- bright
- but
- by a long shot
- by heart
- closest
- collect
- day in and day out
- day in day out
- decent
- direct
- downright
- earliest
- east
- en passant
- erst
- every bit
- every night
- farthest
- fast
- fastest
- feetfirst
- first
- first and last
- flat
- flat out
- for short
- for the moment
- for the most part
- foremost
- forthright
- from pillar to post
- from the heart
- furthest
- hand and foot
- hand over fist
- headfirst
- hereabout
- hotfoot
- id est
- if not
- in any event
- in concert
- in earnest
- in effect
- in fact
- in flight
- in front
- in her own right
- in his own right
- in its own right
- in one's own right
- in point of fact
- in secret
- in short
- in that
- in that respect
- in the adjacent apartment
- in the least
- in the midst
- inside out
- just
- just about
- just right
- last
- last but not least
- last not least
- least
- left
- lickety cut
- lickety split
- light
- like a shot
- like an expert
- longest
- lowest
- midmost
- more often than not
- most
- nearest
- next
- nighest
- no doubt
- nor'-east
- nor'-nor'-east
- nor'-nor'-west
- nor'-west
- north-east
- north-northeast
- north-northwest
- north-west
- northeast
- northwest
- not
- not by a blame sight
- not by a long sight
- oft
- on it
- on request
- on that
- on that point
- on the dot
- on the face of it
- on the qt
- on the spot
- on the spur of the moment
- out
- out front
- out of sight
- outright
- overnight
- part
- past
- pat
- pit-a-pat
- pitty-pat
- quickest
- quiet
- right
- right smart
- second-best
- short
- slowest
- soft
- somewhat
- soonest
- sou'-east
- sou'-sou'-east
- sou'-sou'-west
- sou'west
- south-east
- south-southeast
- south-southwest
- south-west
- southeast
- southwest
- straight
- sweet
- tacitly
- taciturnly
- tactfully
- tactically
- tactlessly
- tactually
- talkatively
- talkily
- tamely
- tandem
- tangentially
- tangibly
- tantalizingly
- tardily
- tartly
- tastefully
- tastelessly
- tastily
- tattily
- tauntingly
- tautly
- tawdrily
- taxonomically
- tearfully
- teasingly
- technically
- technologically
- tediously
- telegraphically
- telescopically
- tellingly
- temperamentally
- temperately
- temporally
- temporarily
- temptingly
- tenaciously
- tendentiously
- tenderly
- tenfold
- tensely
- tentatively
- tenthly
- tenuously
- tepidly
- terminally
- terrestrially
- terribly
- terrifically
- territorially
- tersely
- testily
- tetchily
- tete a tete
- thankfully
- that is to say
- that much
- the least bit
- the other way around
- the right way
- the whole way
- theatrically
- thematically
- then
- then again
- thence
- thenceforth
- theologically
- theoretically
- therapeutically
- there
- thereabout
- thereabouts
- thereafter
- thereby
- therefor
- therefore
- therefrom
- therein
- thereinafter
- thereof
- thereon
- thereto
- theretofore
- thereunder
- therewith
- therewithal
- thermally
- thermodynamically
- thermostatically
- thick
- thickly
- thievishly
- thin
- thinly
- third
- thirdhand
- thirdly
- thirstily
- this evening
- this night
- thither
- thoroughly
- though
- thoughtfully
- thoughtlessly
- thousand-fold
- thousand times
- threateningly
- three times
- threefold
- thrice
- thriftily
- thriftlessly
- through
- through an experiment
- through and through
- through empirical observation
- throughout
- thus
- thus far
- thusly
- tidily
- tight
- tightly
- til now
- time and again
- time and time again
- timely
- timidly
- timorously
- tip-top
- tiptoe
- tiredly
- tirelessly
- tiresomely
- to a fault
- to a great extent
- to a greater extent
- to a higher place
- to a lesser extent
- to a lower place
- to a man
- to a t
- to advantage
- to all intents and purposes
- to and fro
- to be precise
- to be sure
- to begin with
- to boot
- to both ears
- to date
- to each one
- to it
- to no degree
- to one ear
- to order
- to perfection
- to that
- to that degree
- to that effect
- to that extent
- to the contrary
- to the full
- to the highest degree
- to the hilt
- to the letter
- to the limit
- to the lowest degree
- to the south
- to wit
- today
- toe-to-toe
- together
- together with
- tolerably
- tolerantly
- tomorrow
- tonelessly
- tongue-in-cheek
- tonight
- too
- too much
- too soon
- tooth and nail
- topically
- topographically
- topologically
- toppingly
- topsy-turvily
- topsy-turvy
- torpidly
- tortuously
- torturously
- totally
- touchily
- touchingly
- toughly
- tout ensemble
- traditionally
- tragically
- traitorously
- tranquilly
- transcendentally
- transiently
- transitionally
- transitively
- transitorily
- transparently
- transversally
- transversely
- treacherously
- treasonably
- tremendously
- tremulously
- trenchantly
- trepidly
- trickily
- trimly
- trippingly
- tritely
- triumphantly
- trivially
- tropically
- truculently
- true
- truly
- trustfully
- trustingly
- truthfully
- tumultuously
- tunefully
- tunelessly
- turbulently
- turgidly
- tutorially
- twice
- twirlingly
- two times
- twofold
- typically
- typographically
- unbeknownst
- under it
- under that
- underfoot
- uppermost
- very fast
- videlicet
- west
- without doubt
- worst
- yet
- you bet
- you said it
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Search Result:t
KK Pronunciation
〔 t 〕
〔 t 〕
Overview of noun t
The noun t has 6 senses
- thymine, T -- (a base found in DNA (but not in RNA) and derived from pyrimidine; pairs with adenine)
- deoxythymidine monophosphate, T -- (one of the four nucleotides used in building DNA; all four nucleotides have a common phosphate group and a sugar (ribose))
- metric ton, MT, tonne, t -- (a unit of weight equivalent to 1000 kilograms)
- T, t -- (the 20th letter of the Roman alphabet)
- triiodothyronine, liothyronine, T -- (thyroid hormone similar to thyroxine but with one less iodine atom per molecule and produced in smaller quantity; exerts the same biological effects as thyroxine but is more potent and briefer)
- thyroxine, thyroxin, tetraiodothyronine, T -- (hormone produced by the thyroid glands to regulate metabolism by controlling the rate of oxidation in cells; "thyroxine is 65% iodine")