Compund Words
- aigret
- american egret
- banneret
- beret
- black-footed ferret
- buret
- cabaret
- caret
- cattle egret
- cellaret
- charles edouard jeanneret
- cigaret
- claret
- commissaire maigret
- curet
- egret
- ferret
- floret
- floweret
- fret
- garret
- greek fret
- green beret
- gun turret
- imaret
- inspector maigret
- knight banneret
- lazaret
- leveret
- little egret
- minaret
- open secret
- pomfret
- ray floret
- regret
- retail
- retail chain
- retail merchant
- retail price index
- retail store
- retailer
- retailing
- retained object
- retainer
- retaining wall
- retake
- retaking
- retaliation
- retaliator
- retaliatory eviction
- retama
- retama raetam
- retard
- retardant
- retardation
- retarded
- retarded depression
- retardent
- retarding force
- retch
- rete
- rete malpighii
- rete testis
- retem
- retention
- retention basin
- retentiveness
- retentivity
- rethink
- reticence
- reticle
- reticular activating system
- reticular formation
- reticulated python
- reticulation
- reticule
- reticulitermes
- reticulitermes flanipes
- reticulitermes lucifugus
- reticulocyte
- reticuloendothelial system
- reticulum
- retina
- retinal
- retinal cone
- retinal detachment
- retinal purple
- retinal rod
- retinal scanning
- retinene
- retinitis
- retinoblastoma
- retinol
- retinopathy
- retinue
- retired person
- retiree
- retirement
- retirement account
- retirement benefit
- retirement check
- retirement community
- retirement complex
- retirement fund
- retirement pension
- retirement plan
- retirement program
- retirement savings account
- retirement savings plan
- retort
- retraction
- retractor
- retraining
- retread
- retreat
- retreatant
- retreated
- retrenchment
- retrial
- retribution
- retrieval
- retriever
- retro
- retrobulbar neuritis
- retrofit
- retroflection
- retroflexion
- retrograde amnesia
- retrogression
- retromandibular vein
- retronym
- retrophyllum
- retrorocket
- retrospect
- retrospection
- retrospective
- retroversion
- retrovir
- retrovirus
- retrovision
- retsina
- return
- return address
- return key
- return on invested capital
- return on investment
- return ticket
- returning officer
- sayeret
- secret
- skirret
- snowy egret
- solleret
- swimmeret
- taboret
- tabouret
- trade secret
- turret
- carburet
- claret
- ferret
- fret
- interpret
- misinterpret
- regret
- reinterpret
- ret
- retail
- retain
- retake
- retaliate
- retard
- retch
- retell
- rethink
- retick
- reticulate
- retie
- retire
- retool
- retort
- retouch
- retrace
- retract
- retrain
- retranslate
- retransmit
- retread
- retreat
- retrench
- retrieve
- retrofit
- retroflex
- retrograde
- retrogress
- retrospect
- retrovert
- retry
- return
- retained
- retaliatory
- retarded
- retentive
- reticent
- reticular
- reticulate
- retinal
- retired
- retiring
- retractable
- retracted
- retractile
- retral
- retributive
- retributory
- retrievable
- retro
- retroactive
- retroflex
- retroflexed
- retrograde
- retrogressive
- retrorse
- retrospective
- retrousse
- returnable
- returning
- secret
- top-secret
- in secret
- retail
- retentively
- reticently
- retroactively
- retrospectively
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Search Result:ret
(TTS Sound)

KK Pronunciation
〔 rєt 〕
〔 ret 〕
Overview of verb ret
The verb ret has 1 sense
- ret -- (place (flax, hemp, or jute) in liquid so as to promote loosening of the fibers from the woody tissue)