Compund Words
- abyssinian cat
- acrobat
- acrobatic feat
- action at law
- alexander the great
- alfred the great
- alley cat
- alluvial flat
- amadavat
- anastigmat
- angora cat
- angora goat
- animal fat
- animated oat
- anwar el-sadat
- anwar sadat
- arafat
- ararat
- arhat
- aristocrat
- armed combat
- army brat
- artemision at ephesus
- at
- at-bat
- at home
- atabrine
- atacama desert
- atacama trench
- atactic abasia
- atakapa
- atakapan
- atar
- ataractic
- ataractic agent
- ataractic drug
- atarax
- ataraxia
- ataraxis
- ataturk
- atavism
- atavist
- ataxia
- ataxic abasia
- ataxic aphasia
- ataxy
- atayalic
- ate
- atelectasis
- ateleiosis
- ateles
- ateles geoffroyi
- atelier
- ateliosis
- aten
- atenolol
- ateria gastrica dextra
- atf
- athabascan
- athabaskan
- athanasian creed
- athanasianism
- athanasius
- athanasius the great
- athanor
- athapascan
- athapaskan
- athapaskan language
- athar
- atharva-veda
- atheism
- atheist
- athelstan
- athena
- athenaeum
- athene
- athene noctua
- atheneum
- athenian
- athens
- atherinidae
- atherinopsis
- atherinopsis californiensis
- atherodyde
- atherogenesis
- atheroma
- atherosclerosis
- atherurus
- athetosis
- athinai
- athiorhodaceae
- athlete
- athlete's foot
- athlete's heart
- athletic competition
- athletic contest
- athletic facility
- athletic field
- athletic game
- athletic sock
- athletic supporter
- athletic training
- athletic type
- athletic wear
- athleticism
- athletics
- athodyd
- athol fugard
- athos
- athrotaxis
- athrotaxis selaginoides
- athyriaceae
- athyrium
- athyrium distentifolium
- athyrium filix-femina
- athyrium pycnocarpon
- athyrium thelypteroides
- ativan
- atlanta
- atlantic
- atlantic bonito
- atlantic bottlenose dolphin
- atlantic city
- atlantic coast
- atlantic cod
- atlantic croaker
- atlantic halibut
- atlantic herring
- atlantic manta
- atlantic moonfish
- atlantic ocean
- atlantic puffin
- atlantic ridley
- atlantic sailfish
- atlantic salmon
- atlantic sea bream
- atlantic spiny dogfish
- atlantic standard time
- atlantic time
- atlantic tripletail
- atlantic walrus
- atlantic white cedar
- atlantides
- atlantis
- atlas
- atlas cedar
- atlas moth
- atlas mountains
- atlas vertebra
- atm
- atmometer
- atmosphere
- atmospheric condition
- atmospheric electricity
- atmospheric phenomenon
- atmospheric pressure
- atmospheric state
- atmospheric static
- atmospherics
- atole
- atoll
- atom
- atom bomb
- atom smasher
- atomic bomb
- atomic clock
- atomic cocktail
- atomic energy
- atomic energy commission
- atomic explosion
- atomic mass
- atomic mass unit
- atomic number
- atomic number 1
- atomic number 10
- atomic number 100
- atomic number 101
- atomic number 102
- atomic number 103
- atomic number 104
- atomic number 105
- atomic number 106
- atomic number 107
- atomic number 108
- atomic number 109
- atomic number 11
- atomic number 110
- atomic number 111
- atomic number 112
- atomic number 113
- atomic number 114
- atomic number 115
- atomic number 116
- atomic number 12
- atomic number 13
- atomic number 14
- atomic number 15
- atomic number 16
- atomic number 17
- atomic number 18
- atomic number 19
- atomic number 2
- atomic number 20
- atomic number 21
- atomic number 22
- atomic number 23
- atomic number 24
- atomic number 25
- atomic number 26
- atomic number 27
- atomic number 28
- atomic number 29
- atomic number 3
- atomic number 30
- atomic number 31
- atomic number 32
- atomic number 33
- atomic number 34
- atomic number 35
- atomic number 36
- atomic number 37
- atomic number 38
- atomic number 39
- atomic number 4
- atomic number 40
- atomic number 41
- atomic number 42
- atomic number 43
- atomic number 44
- atomic number 45
- atomic number 46
- atomic number 47
- atomic number 48
- atomic number 49
- atomic number 5
- atomic number 50
- atomic number 51
- atomic number 52
- atomic number 53
- atomic number 54
- atomic number 55
- atomic number 56
- atomic number 57
- atomic number 58
- atomic number 59
- atomic number 6
- atomic number 60
- atomic number 61
- atomic number 62
- atomic number 63
- atomic number 64
- atomic number 65
- atomic number 66
- atomic number 67
- atomic number 68
- atomic number 69
- atomic number 7
- atomic number 70
- atomic number 71
- atomic number 72
- atomic number 73
- atomic number 74
- atomic number 75
- atomic number 76
- atomic number 77
- atomic number 78
- atomic number 79
- atomic number 8
- atomic number 80
- atomic number 81
- atomic number 82
- atomic number 83
- atomic number 84
- atomic number 85
- atomic number 86
- atomic number 87
- atomic number 88
- atomic number 89
- atomic number 9
- atomic number 90
- atomic number 91
- atomic number 92
- atomic number 93
- atomic number 94
- atomic number 95
- atomic number 96
- atomic number 97
- atomic number 98
- atomic number 99
- atomic physics
- atomic pile
- atomic power
- atomic reactor
- atomic spectrum
- atomic theory
- atomic warhead
- atomic weapon
- atomic weight
- atomisation
- atomiser
- atomism
- atomist theory
- atomistic theory
- atomization
- atomizer
- aton
- atonalism
- atonality
- atonement
- atonia
- atonicity
- atony
- atopic allergy
- atopic dermatitis
- atopic eczema
- atopognosia
- atopognosis
- atopy
- atorvastatin
- atp
- atrazine
- atresia
- atreus
- atrial artery
- atrial auricle
- atrial fibrillation
- atrial septal defect
- atrichornis
- atrichornithidae
- atrioventricular block
- atrioventricular bundle
- atrioventricular nodal rhythm
- atrioventricular node
- atrioventricular trunk
- atrioventricular valve
- atriplex
- atriplex hortensis
- atriplex hymenelytra
- atriplex lentiformis
- atriplex mexicana
- atrium
- atrium cordis
- atrium dextrum
- atrium of the heart
- atrium sinistrum
- atrociousness
- atrocity
- atromid-s
- atropa
- atropa belladonna
- atrophedema
- atrophic arthritis
- atrophy
- atropidae
- atropine
- atropos
- atrovent
- atsugewi
- attacapa
- attacapan
- attache
- attache case
- attachment
- attack
- attack aircraft
- attack aircraft carrier
- attack dog
- attack submarine
- attacker
- attainability
- attainableness
- attainder
- attainment
- attalea
- attalea funifera
- attar
- attar of roses
- attempt
- attempter
- attendance
- attendance check
- attendant
- attendee
- attender
- attending
- attention
- attention deficit disorder
- attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- attention span
- attentiveness
- attenuation
- attenuator
- attestant
- attestation
- attestation report
- attestation service
- attestator
- attester
- attestor
- attic
- attic fan
- attica
- atticus
- atticus atlas
- attila
- attila the hun
- attilio
- attire
- attitude
- attlee
- attorney
- attorney-client privilege
- attorney-client relation
- attorney general
- attorney general of the united states
- attorneyship
- attosecond
- attracter
- attraction
- attractive feature
- attractive force
- attractive nuisance
- attractiveness
- attractor
- attribute
- attribution
- attributive genitive
- attributive genitive case
- attrition
- attrition rate
- atypical pneumonia
- atypicality
- autocrat
- automat
- avadavat
- baccarat
- bachelor-at-arms
- backbeat
- backchat
- backseat
- bacteriostat
- bad hat
- balloon seat
- banana boat
- bandicoot rat
- bareboat
- baseball bat
- basil the great
- bat
- bath mat
- battle of panipat
- bayat
- bear cat
- bearcat
- beat
- beaver rat
- beer mat
- bell seat
- bezoar goat
- bharat
- bicycle seat
- big-eared bat
- big brown bat
- big cat
- billy goat
- bishop's hat
- black cat
- black rat
- bleat
- bloat
- blood heat
- blue cat
- blue channel cat
- bluecoat
- bluethroat
- boat
- bobcat
- bobfloat
- bogmat
- bone fat
- bowler hat
- box coat
- box pleat
- box seat
- brass hat
- brat
- brickbat
- brown bat
- brown rat
- brunch coat
- bucket seat
- buckwheat
- buffalo gnat
- bulgur wheat
- bullbat
- bumboat
- bureaucrat
- burmese cat
- burning at the stake
- bushytail woodrat
- butat
- butterfat
- caffer cat
- calico cat
- california buckwheat
- campaign hat
- canal boat
- canned meat
- canute the great
- capricorn the goat
- car seat
- carat
- carling float
- carnivorous bat
- cashmere goat
- cat
- cat and rat
- catboat
- catherine the great
- cattle boat
- cavalier hat
- cave bat
- caveat
- cereal oat
- channel cat
- character-at-a-time printer
- charles louis de secondat
- charles the great
- chat
- cheat
- cheshire cat
- chinchilla rat
- chit-chat
- chit chat
- chitchat
- choroid coat
- church hat
- circus acrobat
- civet cat
- cleat
- coat
- cocked hat
- coconut meat
- coelostat
- cohune fat
- cold-water flat
- cold sweat
- combat
- commissariat
- common wheat
- common yellowthroat
- concordat
- constantine the great
- coon cat
- copycat
- cotton rat
- counselor-at-law
- countryseat
- county seat
- coup d'etat
- cowboy hat
- crabmeat
- cracked wheat
- cravat
- cricket bat
- croat
- cryostat
- cumquat
- cushat
- cut of meat
- cutthroat
- cyrus the great
- damaraland mole rat
- dangaleat
- darius the great
- dark meat
- dat
- data format
- dead-man's float
- dead heat
- deadbeat
- death seat
- defeat
- democrat
- derby hat
- desert rat
- dichromat
- dickey-seat
- dickie-seat
- dicky-seat
- diddly-squat
- diddlysquat
- dingbat
- diplomat
- domestic cat
- domestic goat
- doodly-squat
- doormat
- dopastat
- double flat
- downbeat
- downy cheat
- dress hat
- drip mat
- drumbeat
- ducat
- duffel coat
- duffle coat
- durum wheat
- dusky-footed wood rat
- dusky-footed woodrat
- dust coat
- dutch treat
- dwarf pocket rat
- eastern woodrat
- eclat
- edible fat
- egyptian cat
- ejection seat
- ejector seat
- escheat
- european brown bat
- european wildcat
- expat
- false oat
- false vampire bat
- fat
- fat cat
- feat
- felt hat
- female aristocrat
- ferdinand the great
- fermat
- ferryboat
- fiat
- finish coat
- finishing coat
- fireboat
- firebrat
- fisher cat
- fishing boat
- flat
- flat coat
- flatboat
- float
- florida water rat
- flying boat
- flying cat
- flyswat
- forcemeat
- forest goat
- format
- fossa cat
- frat
- frederick the great
- free-tailed bat
- freetailed bat
- frock coat
- frosted bat
- fruit bat
- fungus gnat
- fur coat
- fur hat
- gall gnat
- gas heat
- gat
- gentleman-at-arms
- georges pierre seurat
- georges seurat
- ghat
- gloat
- gnat
- gnu goat
- goat
- gravy boat
- great
- greatcoat
- greater whitethroat
- gregory the great
- groat
- guano bat
- guard boat
- gujarat
- gujerat
- gunboat
- gym mat
- gym rat
- habitat
- haemostat
- hairy-legged vampire bat
- hard hat
- hard wheat
- harpy bat
- hat
- hazmat
- he-goat
- heartbeat
- heat
- heir-at-law
- hellcat
- hemostat
- henry the great
- herat
- herod the great
- high hat
- hognose bat
- hooded coat
- horsemeat
- horseshoe bat
- hot seat
- house cat
- houseboat
- housecoat
- hyperstat
- ice-cream float
- iceboat
- inverted pleat
- iraqi mukhabarat
- ivan the great
- jackass bat
- jaguarundi cat
- jat
- jean paul marat
- jerboa rat
- jerked meat
- jolly boat
- joseph's coat
- jump seat
- jungle cat
- justinian the great
- kaffir cat
- kalaallit nunaat
- kamehameha the great
- kangaroo rat
- karat
- kashmir goat
- kat
- keelboat
- khat
- kiaat
- kick pleat
- kinetic theory of heat
- kismat
- kitty-cat
- knife pleat
- kumquat
- kurrat
- kyat
- lab coat
- laboratory coat
- langsat
- lansat
- lariat
- lat
- latent heat
- laundromat
- leaf-nosed bat
- leaf fat
- leafnose bat
- leo the great
- leopard cat
- lesser whitethroat
- lifeboat
- line-at-a-time printer
- little brown bat
- long-eared bat
- longboat
- looking at
- loquat
- louis the great
- love seat
- loveseat
- lumpenproletariat
- lunch meat
- luncheon meat
- macaroni wheat
- mackinaw boat
- mackinaw coat
- madagascar cat
- magnificat
- mail boat
- mailboat
- maktab al-khidmat
- male aristocrat
- maltese cat
- man-at-arms
- manat
- manx cat
- marat
- margay cat
- marie jean antoine nicolas caritat
- marsupial rat
- m
- arrive at
- atom-bomb
- atomise
- atomize
- atone
- atrophy
- attach
- attach to
- attack
- attain
- attaint
- attemper
- attempt
- attend
- attend to
- attenuate
- attest
- attire
- attitudinise
- attitudinize
- attorn
- attract
- attribute
- attune
- bat
- be at pains
- beat
- beat a retreat
- become flat
- bell the cat
- blat
- bleat
- bloat
- boat
- bridle at
- bristle at
- browbeat
- buy at
- call at
- cat
- chat
- cheat
- chew the fat
- chip at
- chip away at
- chit-chat
- chitchat
- clear the throat
- cleat
- coat
- combat
- connive at
- defat
- defeat
- eat
- eat at
- entreat
- excel at
- fall flat
- fat
- flat-hat
- float
- foam at the mouth
- format
- froth at the mouth
- get at
- gloat
- gnaw at
- go off at half-cock
- hat
- have a go at it
- heat
- ill-treat
- jest at
- know what's what
- laugh at
- look at
- maltreat
- mat
- mistreat
- motorboat
- overeat
- overheat
- pat
- peck at
- photostat
- pick at
- plat
- pleat
- pluck at
- poke at
- preheat
- pull at
- quail at
- rat
- refloat
- reheat
- repeat
- reseat
- retreat
- scat
- seat
- shine at
- shop at
- skimcoat
- slat
- snap at
- spat
- splat
- squat
- stand pat
- stay at
- steam-heat
- sugarcoat
- swat
- sweat
- talk through one's hat
- tat
- thermostat
- treat
- troat
- turn up the heat
- undercoat
- unseat
- wink at
- work at
- afloat
- asat
- at a loss
- at bay
- at fault
- at hand
- at large
- at loggerheads
- at odds
- at peace
- at rest
- at sea
- at the ready
- at variance
- at work
- atactic
- ataractic
- ataraxic
- atavistic
- ataxic
- ateleiotic
- atheist
- atheistic
- atheistical
- athenian
- atheromatic
- atheromatous
- atherosclerotic
- athirst
- athletic
- atilt
- atlantic
- atmospheric
- atmospherical
- atomic
- atomistic
- atomistical
- atonal
- atonalistic
- atonic
- atoxic
- atrabilious
- atrial
- atrioventricular
- atrip
- atrocious
- atrophic
- atrophied
- attachable
- attached
- attacking
- attainable
- attained
- attempted
- attendant
- attended
- attention-getting
- attentional
- attentive
- attenuate
- attenuated
- attested
- attic
- attired
- attitudinal
- attractable
- attractive
- attributable
- attributive
- attributive genitive
- attrited
- attritional
- atypical
- beat
- close at hand
- come-at-able
- cutthroat
- down pat
- fat
- flat
- get-at-able
- great
- ill at ease
- mat
- neat
- nonfat
- offbeat
- old-hat
- pat
- ready-to-eat
- squat
- standpat
- stay-at-home
- un-come-at-able
- un-get-at-able
- upbeat
- whole-wheat
- wildcat
- all at once
- at a loss
- at a low price
- at a lower place
- at a time
- at all
- at all costs
- at an equal rate
- at any cost
- at any expense
- at any rate
- at arm's length
- at best
- at bottom
- at close range
- at first blush
- at first glance
- at first hand
- at first sight
- at heart
- at home
- at large
- at last
- at least
- at leisure
- at length
- at long last
- at most
- at once
- at one time
- at present
- at random
- at stake
- at that place
- at the best
- at the least
- at the most
- at the same time
- at the worst
- at times
- at will
- at worst
- athwart
- atonally
- atop
- atrociously
- attentively
- attractively
- attributively
- atypically
- flat
- in that
- on that
- one at a time
- pat
- pit-a-pat
- pitty-pat
- somewhat
- to that
- under that
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Search Result:at
(TTS Sound)

Overview of noun at
The noun at has 2 senses
- astatine, At, atomic number 85 -- (a highly unstable radioactive element (the heaviest of the halogen series); a decay product of uranium and thorium)
- at -- (100 at equal 1 kip in Laos)