Compund Words
- 1st lieutenant
- 2nd lieutenant
- abandoned infant
- aberrant
- abradant
- accommodating lens implant
- accountant
- aclant
- action plant
- actor's assistant
- adamant
- adjutant
- adjuvant
- adulterant
- affiant
- affricate consonant
- african elephant
- air plant
- aliquant
- alleviant
- alliaceous plant
- alveolar consonant
- amazon ant
- anise plant
- annuitant
- anovulant
- ant
- ant bear
- ant bird
- ant cow
- ant lion
- ant shrike
- ant thrush
- antabuse
- antacid
- antagonism
- antagonist
- antagonistic muscle
- antakiya
- antakya
- antalya
- antananarivo
- antapex
- antarctic
- antarctic circle
- antarctic continent
- antarctic ocean
- antarctic peninsula
- antarctic zone
- antarctica
- antares
- antbird
- ante
- anteater
- antecedence
- antecedency
- antecedent
- antechamber
- antediluvian
- antediluvian patriarch
- antedon
- antedonidae
- antefix
- antelope
- antelope chipmunk
- antelope squirrel
- antenna
- antennaria
- antennaria dioica
- antennaria plantaginifolia
- antennariidae
- antepenult
- antepenultima
- antepenultimate
- anterior
- anterior cardinal vein
- anterior cerebral artery
- anterior cerebral vein
- anterior crural nerve
- anterior facial vein
- anterior fontanelle
- anterior horn
- anterior jugular vein
- anterior labial veins
- anterior meningeal artery
- anterior naris
- anterior pituitary
- anterior pituitary gland
- anterior root
- anterior serratus muscle
- anterior synechia
- anterior temporal artery
- anterior vertebral vein
- anteriority
- anterograde amnesia
- anteroom
- anthelminthic
- anthelmintic
- anthem
- anthemis
- anthemis arvensis
- anthemis cotula
- anthemis nobilis
- anthemis tinctoria
- anther
- antheraea
- antheraea mylitta
- antheraea pernyi
- antheraea polyphemus
- anthericum
- anthericum liliago
- anthericum torreyi
- antheridiophore
- antheridium
- antheropeas
- antheropeas wallacei
- antherozoid
- anthesis
- anthidium
- anthill
- anthoceropsida
- anthoceros
- anthocerotaceae
- anthocerotales
- anthologist
- anthology
- anthonomus
- anthonomus grandis
- anthony
- anthony burgess
- anthony charles lynton blair
- anthony comstock
- anthony hopkins
- anthony trollope
- anthony vandyke
- anthony wayne
- anthophyllite
- anthophyta
- anthozoa
- anthozoan
- anthracite
- anthracite coal
- anthracosis
- anthrax
- anthrax bacillus
- anthrax pneumonia
- anthrenus scrophulariae
- anthriscus
- anthriscus cereifolium
- anthriscus sylvestris
- anthropocentricity
- anthropocentrism
- anthropogenesis
- anthropogeny
- anthropoid
- anthropoid ape
- anthropoidea
- anthropolatry
- anthropologist
- anthropology
- anthropology department
- anthropometry
- anthropomorphism
- anthropophagite
- anthropophagus
- anthropophagy
- anthroposophy
- anthurium
- anthurium andraeanum
- anthurium scherzerianum
- anthus
- anthus pratensis
- anthyllis
- anthyllis barba-jovis
- anthyllis vulneraria
- anti
- anti-american
- anti-catholicism
- anti-drug law
- anti-dumping duty
- anti-g suit
- anti-imperialist international brigade
- anti-impotence drug
- anti-inflammatory
- anti-inflammatory drug
- anti-intellectual
- anti-masonic party
- anti-personnel bomb
- anti-racketeering law
- anti-semite
- anti-semitism
- anti-submarine rocket
- anti-sway bar
- anti-takeover defense
- anti-tnf compound
- anti-torque rotor
- anti-virus program
- anti-war movement
- antiacid
- antiaircraft
- antiaircraft fire
- antiaircraft gun
- antialiasing
- antianxiety agent
- antianxiety drug
- antiarrhythmic
- antiarrhythmic drug
- antiarrhythmic medication
- antibacterial
- antibacterial drug
- antiballistic missile
- antibaryon
- antiberiberi factor
- antibiosis
- antibiotic
- antibiotic drug
- antibody
- antic
- anticatalyst
- anticholinergic
- anticholinergic drug
- anticholinesterase
- antichrist
- anticipant
- anticipation
- anticipator
- anticipatory breach
- anticlimax
- anticoagulant
- anticoagulant medication
- anticoagulation
- anticonvulsant
- anticonvulsant drug
- anticyclone
- antidepressant
- antidepressant drug
- antidiabetic
- antidiabetic drug
- antidiarrheal
- antidiarrheal drug
- antidiuretic
- antidiuretic drug
- antidiuretic hormone
- antido
- antidorcas
- antidorcas euchore
- antidorcas marsupialis
- antidote
- antielectron
- antiemetic
- antiemetic drug
- antiepileptic
- antiepileptic drug
- antiestablishmentarianism
- antiestablishmentism
- antifeminism
- antifeminist
- antiferromagnetism
- antiflatulent
- antifouling paint
- antifreeze
- antifungal
- antifungal agent
- antigen
- antigenic determinant
- antigone
- antigonia
- antigonus
- antigonus cyclops
- antigram
- antigua
- antigua and barbuda
- antiguan
- antihaemophilic factor
- antihaemophilic globulin
- antihemophilic factor
- antihemophilic globulin
- antihemorrhagic factor
- antihero
- antihistamine
- antihypertensive
- antihypertensive drug
- antiknock
- antilepton
- antilles
- antilocapra
- antilocapra americana
- antilocapridae
- antilog
- antilogarithm
- antilope
- antilope cervicapra
- antimacassar
- antimalarial
- antimalarial drug
- antimatter
- antimeson
- antimetabolite
- antimicrobial
- antimicrobic
- antimonial lead
- antimony
- antimony potassium tartrate
- antimuon
- antimycin
- antimycotic
- antimycotic agent
- antineoplastic
- antineoplastic antibiotic
- antineoplastic drug
- antineutrino
- antineutron
- antinode
- antinomasia
- antinomian
- antinomianism
- antinomy
- antioch
- antiophthalmic factor
- antioxidant
- antiparticle
- antipasto
- antipathy
- antipernicious anemia factor
- antipersonnel bomb
- antiperspirant
- antiphon
- antiphonal
- antiphonary
- antiphony
- antiphrasis
- antipodal
- antipodal opposition
- antipode
- antipodes
- antipope
- antiproton
- antiprotozoal
- antiprotozoal drug
- antipruritic
- antipsychotic
- antipsychotic agent
- antipsychotic drug
- antipyresis
- antipyretic
- antiquarian
- antiquark
- antiquary
- antique
- antiquity
- antiredeposition
- antirrhinum
- antirrhinum coulterianum
- antirrhinum filipes
- antirrhinum majus
- antisemitism
- antisepsis
- antiseptic
- antiserum
- antisocial personality disorder
- antispasmodic
- antispasmodic agent
- antistrophe
- antisyphilitic
- antitauon
- antithesis
- antitoxin
- antitrade
- antitrade wind
- antitrades
- antitrust case
- antitrust law
- antitrust legislation
- antitussive
- antitype
- antivenene
- antivenin
- antivert
- antiviral
- antiviral agent
- antiviral drug
- antler
- antler moth
- antlia
- antlion
- antlion fly
- antofagasta
- antoine domino
- antoine henri becquerel
- antoine laurent de jussieu
- antoine laurent lavoisier
- antoine lavoisier
- anton bruckner
- anton chekhov
- anton chekov
- anton gregor rubinstein
- anton grigorevich rubinstein
- anton pavlovich chekhov
- anton pavlovich chekov
- anton rubenstein
- anton van leeuwenhoek
- anton van leuwenhoek
- antonin dvorak
- antonine wall
- antoninus
- antonio allegri da correggio
- antonio gaudi
- antonio gaudi i cornet
- antonio ghislieri
- antonio lopez de santa ana
- antonio lopez de santa anna
- antonio lucio vivaldi
- antonio pignatelli
- antonio stradivari
- antonio vivaldi
- antonius
- antonius pius
- antonius stradivarius
- antony
- antony tudor
- antonym
- antonymy
- antrozous
- antrozous pallidus
- antrum
- antum
- antwerp
- antwerpen
- appellant
- appetite suppressant
- applicant
- aquatic plant
- arborescent plant
- arc-boutant
- arc cosecant
- arc secant
- arccosecant
- arcsecant
- argus pheasant
- arhant
- ark of the covenant
- army ant
- arrest warrant
- artichoke plant
- artillery plant
- ascendant
- aspirant
- assailant
- assembly plant
- assistant
- attendant
- attestant
- australian pitcher plant
- autophytic plant
- bacchant
- bar-room plant
- baroness dudevant
- bean plant
- beauty consultant
- bedding plant
- beef plant
- beefsteak plant
- belladonna plant
- bench warrant
- bezant
- bezzant
- black currant
- blechnum spicant
- block grant
- body servant
- bog plant
- boltzmann's constant
- bon vivant
- bond servant
- bottling plant
- bouffant
- brant
- breast implant
- broad-bean plant
- buck sergeant
- bulbous plant
- bulldog ant
- burn plant
- butter-bean plant
- butterfly plant
- byzant
- california pitcher plant
- cant
- capsicum pepper plant
- caricature plant
- carnivorous plant
- carpenter ant
- cart-track plant
- cary grant
- caryophyllaceous plant
- cast-iron plant
- castor-oil plant
- castor bean plant
- cauterant
- celebrant
- century plant
- certified public accountant
- chant
- chard plant
- charles l'enfant
- chartered accountant
- chemical irritant
- chemical plant
- chickpea plant
- chicory plant
- chief assistant
- chimney plant
- chinese lantern plant
- chinese silk plant
- christ plant
- civil servant
- claimant
- clairvoyant
- co-defendant
- coagulant
- coca plant
- codefendant
- color sergeant
- combatant
- commandant
- common bean plant
- common pitcher plant
- common unicorn plant
- communicant
- compass plant
- complainant
- composite plant
- concomitant
- confidant
- congregant
- consonant
- constant
- consultant
- contaminant
- contestant
- continuant
- continuant consonant
- coolant
- coriander plant
- cormorant
- cormous plant
- corneal transplant
- corposant
- cosecant
- cosmological constant
- cost accountant
- cotenant
- cotton plant
- counterirritant
- covenant
- cowpea plant
- cress plant
- croissant
- crow pheasant
- cruciferous plant
- cruel plant
- cultivated plant
- currant
- death warrant
- deciduous plant
- decoagulant
- decongestant
- defendant
- defoliant
- denaturant
- dental assistant
- dental consonant
- dental implant
- deodorant
- deodourant
- dependant
- depressant
- descant
- descendant
- desert plant
- desiccant
- desk sergeant
- determinant
- deviant
- dilutant
- dining-room attendant
- discant
- discussant
- disinfectant
- disposal plant
- disputant
- dissociation constant
- dividend warrant
- dominant
- driver ant
- duncan grant
- duncan james corrow grant
- durant
- eggplant
- electrical plant
- elephant
- emigrant
- en passant
- entrant
- epiphytic plant
- equilibrium constant
- euphoriant
- european black currant
- evergreen plant
- excitant
- executant
- expectorant
- fashion consultant
- field-pea plant
- fire ant
- fire hydrant
- first lieutenant
- first sergeant
- flagellant
- flamboyant
- flamingo plant
- flight attendant
- flowering plant
- fondant
- fricative consonant
- friendship plant
- fumigant
- gallant
- garden pea plant
- garden plant
- gas constant
- gas giant
- gas plant
- giant
- golden honey plant
- golden pheasant
- grain merchant
- graminaceous plant
- gramineous plant
- grant
- gravitational constant
- gregorian chant
- gum plant
- gunnery sergeant
- guttural consonant
- guy de maupassant
- habitant
- head cabbage plant
- heating plant
- henri rene albert guy de maupassant
- herbaceous plant
- hiram ulysses grant
- honey plant
- hooded pitcher plant
- hospital attendant
- hot water plant
- house servant
- houseplant
- hubble's constant
- hubble constant
- humble plant
- humectant
- hydrant
- hydrophytic plant
- ice plant
- icicle plant
- idiot savant
- illuminant
- immanuel kant
- immigrant
- immunosuppressant
- imperial elephant
- implant
- india-rubber plant
- indian currant
- indian elephant
- indicant
- indigo plant
- industrial plant
- inebriant
- infant
- informant
- inhabitant
- inhalant
- injectant
- inoculant
- insect repellant
- instant
- instigant
- insulant
- interocular lens implant
- intoxicant
- invariant
- inverse cosecant
- inverse secant
- iridaceous plant
- irritant
- itinerant
- ivory plant
- john tradescant
- kangaroo-foot plant
- kant
- knight-errant
- l'enfant
- labial consonant
- labiodental consonant
- land grant
- law merchant
- lead plant
- leadplant
- le
- antagonise
- antagonize
- ante
- ante up
- antecede
- antedate
- anthologise
- anthologize
- anthropomorphise
- anthropomorphize
- antic
- anticipate
- antiquate
- antique
- antisepticize
- cant
- chant
- covenant
- decant
- descant
- disenchant
- enchant
- gallivant
- grant
- implant
- levant
- lie dormant
- pant
- plant
- rant
- recant
- replant
- scant
- slant
- supplant
- tenant
- transplant
- want
- warrant
- aberrant
- abeyant
- abundant
- acceptant
- accordant
- adamant
- adjuvant
- adulterant
- all-important
- all important
- allegiant
- ambulant
- antacid
- antagonistic
- antarctic
- ante meridiem
- antebellum
- antecedent
- antecubital
- antediluvial
- antediluvian
- antemeridian
- antemortem
- antenatal
- antennal
- antennary
- antenuptial
- antepartum
- antepenultimate
- anterior
- anterograde
- anthelminthic
- anthelmintic
- antheral
- antheridial
- anthophagous
- anthophilous
- anthracitic
- anthropic
- anthropical
- anthropocentric
- anthropogenetic
- anthropogenic
- anthropoid
- anthropoidal
- anthropological
- anthropometric
- anthropometrical
- anthropomorphic
- anthropomorphous
- anthropophagous
- anti
- anti-american
- anti-intellectual
- anti-semite
- anti-semitic
- antiadrenergic
- antiaircraft
- antiapartheid
- antiauthoritarian
- antibacterial
- antibiotic
- antiblack
- antic
- anticancer
- anticholinergic
- anticipant
- anticipated
- anticipative
- anticipatory
- anticlimactic
- anticlimactical
- anticlinal
- anticlockwise
- anticoagulative
- anticyclonic
- antidotal
- antidromic
- antiferromagnetic
- antifertility
- antifungal
- antigenic
- antiguan
- antiheretical
- antiknock
- antiknocking
- antimagnetic
- antimicrobial
- antimicrobic
- antimonial
- antimonic
- antimonious
- antimonopoly
- antineoplastic
- antinomian
- antiparallel
- antipathetic
- antipathetical
- antipersonnel
- antiphlogistic
- antiphonal
- antiphonary
- antipodal
- antipodean
- antipollution
- antipyretic
- antiquarian
- antiquated
- antique
- antisatellite
- antisemitic
- antiseptic
- antisocial
- antistrophic
- antisubmarine
- antitank
- antithetic
- antithetical
- antithyroid
- antitoxic
- antitrust
- antitumor
- antitumour
- antitypic
- antitypical
- antiviral
- antler-like
- antlered
- antonymous
- antrorse
- antsy
- appellant
- appendant
- appurtenant
- arrant
- arrogant
- ascendant
- askant
- aslant
- aspirant
- assistant
- assonant
- attendant
- au courant
- benignant
- blatant
- bouffant
- brilliant
- brisant
- buoyant
- chatoyant
- clairvoyant
- clamant
- clinquant
- cognisant
- cognizant
- combatant
- comburant
- complaisant
- compliant
- concomitant
- concordant
- consonant
- constant
- continuant
- conversant
- corroborant
- corrosion-resistant
- coruscant
- couchant
- covariant
- crease-resistant
- defiant
- dependant
- depressant
- descendant
- determinant
- deviant
- discordant
- discrepant
- disinfectant
- dissonant
- distant
- dominant
- dormant
- elegant
- ensuant
- equidistant
- errant
- euphoriant
- evacuant
- excitant
- exorbitant
- expectant
- extant
- extravagant
- exuberant
- exultant
- faineant
- fire-resistant
- fire-retardant
- flagrant
- flamboyant
- flame-retardant
- flippant
- fragrant
- fulgurant
- fulminant
- gallant
- gardant
- giant
- guardant
- hesitant
- ignorant
- impeccant
- important
- impuissant
- incessant
- incognizant
- inconstant
- indignant
- inelegant
- inerrant
- inhalant
- insignificant
- insouciant
- instant
- intersectant
- intolerant
- intoxicant
- invariant
- irrelevant
- itinerant
- jubilant
- luxuriant
- malignant
- mellisonant
- mendicant
- migrant
- militant
- ministrant
- mordant
- moth-resistant
- mutant
- naiant
- non-buoyant
- nonchalant
- noncombatant
- noncompliant
- nonextant
- nonobservant
- nonpregnant
- nonresistant
- nonresonant
- nonruminant
- nonsignificant
- nurturant
- observant
- operant
- oscitant
- overabundant
- overvaliant
- palpitant
- passant
- peccant
- pendant
- penicillin-resistant
- permeant
- petulant
- piquant
- pleasant
- pliant
- poignant
- precipitant
- predominant
- pregnant
- preponderant
- propellant
- protestant
- protuberant
- puissant
- pursuant
- radiant
- rampant
- re-entrant
- recalcitrant
- recombinant
- recreant
- recusant
- redundant
- reentrant
- refrigerant
- regardant
- regnant
- relaxant
- relevant
- reliant
- reluctant
- renunciant
- repellant
- repentant
- repugnant
- resistant
- resonant
- resultant
- revenant
- reverberant
- riant
- rot-resistant
- ruminant
- run-resistant
- rust-resistant
- scant
- scintillant
- self-important
- self-reliant
- sibilant
- significant
- soi-disant
- sonant
- spirant
- stagnant
- statant
- stimulant
- superabundant
- supernatant
- suppliant
- supplicant
- susurrant
- tolerant
- toxicant
- trenchant
- triumphant
- truant
- undulant
- ungallant
- unimportant
- unobservant
- unpleasant
- unrepentant
- unresistant
- unreverberant
- unvigilant
- vacant
- vacillant
- vagrant
- valiant
- variant
- verdant
- vesicant
- vibrant
- vigilant
- volant
- water-resistant
- well-meant
- wrinkle-resistant
- y2k compliant
- antagonistically
- ante meridiem
- antecedently
- anteriorly
- anticlockwise
- antithetically
- aslant
- en passant
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KK Pronunciation
〔 ænt 〕
〔 ænt 〕
Overview of noun ant
The noun ant has 1 sense
- ant, emmet, pismire -- (social insect living in organized colonies; characteristically the males and fertile queen have wings during breeding season; wingless sterile females are the workers)