Compund Words
- anti
- anti-american
- anti-catholicism
- anti-drug law
- anti-dumping duty
- anti-g suit
- anti-imperialist international brigade
- anti-impotence drug
- anti-inflammatory
- anti-inflammatory drug
- anti-intellectual
- anti-masonic party
- anti-personnel bomb
- anti-racketeering law
- anti-semite
- anti-semitism
- anti-submarine rocket
- anti-sway bar
- anti-takeover defense
- anti-tnf compound
- anti-torque rotor
- anti-virus program
- anti-war movement
- antiacid
- antiaircraft
- antiaircraft fire
- antiaircraft gun
- antialiasing
- antianxiety agent
- antianxiety drug
- antiarrhythmic
- antiarrhythmic drug
- antiarrhythmic medication
- antibacterial
- antibacterial drug
- antiballistic missile
- antibaryon
- antiberiberi factor
- antibiosis
- antibiotic
- antibiotic drug
- antibody
- antic
- anticatalyst
- anticholinergic
- anticholinergic drug
- anticholinesterase
- antichrist
- anticipant
- anticipation
- anticipator
- anticipatory breach
- anticlimax
- anticoagulant
- anticoagulant medication
- anticoagulation
- anticonvulsant
- anticonvulsant drug
- anticyclone
- antidepressant
- antidepressant drug
- antidiabetic
- antidiabetic drug
- antidiarrheal
- antidiarrheal drug
- antidiuretic
- antidiuretic drug
- antidiuretic hormone
- antido
- antidorcas
- antidorcas euchore
- antidorcas marsupialis
- antidote
- antielectron
- antiemetic
- antiemetic drug
- antiepileptic
- antiepileptic drug
- antiestablishmentarianism
- antiestablishmentism
- antifeminism
- antifeminist
- antiferromagnetism
- antiflatulent
- antifouling paint
- antifreeze
- antifungal
- antifungal agent
- antigen
- antigenic determinant
- antigone
- antigonia
- antigonus
- antigonus cyclops
- antigram
- antigua
- antigua and barbuda
- antiguan
- antihaemophilic factor
- antihaemophilic globulin
- antihemophilic factor
- antihemophilic globulin
- antihemorrhagic factor
- antihero
- antihistamine
- antihypertensive
- antihypertensive drug
- antiknock
- antilepton
- antilles
- antilocapra
- antilocapra americana
- antilocapridae
- antilog
- antilogarithm
- antilope
- antilope cervicapra
- antimacassar
- antimalarial
- antimalarial drug
- antimatter
- antimeson
- antimetabolite
- antimicrobial
- antimicrobic
- antimonial lead
- antimony
- antimony potassium tartrate
- antimuon
- antimycin
- antimycotic
- antimycotic agent
- antineoplastic
- antineoplastic antibiotic
- antineoplastic drug
- antineutrino
- antineutron
- antinode
- antinomasia
- antinomian
- antinomianism
- antinomy
- antioch
- antiophthalmic factor
- antioxidant
- antiparticle
- antipasto
- antipathy
- antipernicious anemia factor
- antipersonnel bomb
- antiperspirant
- antiphon
- antiphonal
- antiphonary
- antiphony
- antiphrasis
- antipodal
- antipodal opposition
- antipode
- antipodes
- antipope
- antiproton
- antiprotozoal
- antiprotozoal drug
- antipruritic
- antipsychotic
- antipsychotic agent
- antipsychotic drug
- antipyresis
- antipyretic
- antiquarian
- antiquark
- antiquary
- antique
- antiquity
- antiredeposition
- antirrhinum
- antirrhinum coulterianum
- antirrhinum filipes
- antirrhinum majus
- antisemitism
- antisepsis
- antiseptic
- antiserum
- antisocial personality disorder
- antispasmodic
- antispasmodic agent
- antistrophe
- antisyphilitic
- antitauon
- antithesis
- antitoxin
- antitrade
- antitrade wind
- antitrades
- antitrust case
- antitrust law
- antitrust legislation
- antitussive
- antitype
- antivenene
- antivenin
- antivert
- antiviral
- antiviral agent
- antiviral drug
- chianti
- martes pennanti
- mesasamkranti
- nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
- nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
- raffaello santi
- antic
- anticipate
- antiquate
- antique
- antisepticize
- anti
- anti-american
- anti-intellectual
- anti-semite
- anti-semitic
- antiadrenergic
- antiaircraft
- antiapartheid
- antiauthoritarian
- antibacterial
- antibiotic
- antiblack
- antic
- anticancer
- anticholinergic
- anticipant
- anticipated
- anticipative
- anticipatory
- anticlimactic
- anticlimactical
- anticlinal
- anticlockwise
- anticoagulative
- anticyclonic
- antidotal
- antidromic
- antiferromagnetic
- antifertility
- antifungal
- antigenic
- antiguan
- antiheretical
- antiknock
- antiknocking
- antimagnetic
- antimicrobial
- antimicrobic
- antimonial
- antimonic
- antimonious
- antimonopoly
- antineoplastic
- antinomian
- antiparallel
- antipathetic
- antipathetical
- antipersonnel
- antiphlogistic
- antiphonal
- antiphonary
- antipodal
- antipodean
- antipollution
- antipyretic
- antiquarian
- antiquated
- antique
- antisatellite
- antisemitic
- antiseptic
- antisocial
- antistrophic
- antisubmarine
- antitank
- antithetic
- antithetical
- antithyroid
- antitoxic
- antitrust
- antitumor
- antitumour
- antitypic
- antitypical
- antiviral
- anticlockwise
- antithetically
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Search Result:anti
(TTS Sound)

KK Pronunciation
〔 ˋæntaI,ˋæntI 〕
〔 ˊænti,ˊæntai 〕
Overview of noun anti
The noun anti has 1 sense
- anti -- (a person who is opposed (to an action or policy or practice etc.); "the antis smelled victory after a long battle")
Overview of adj anti
The adj anti has 1 sense
- anti -- (not in favor of (an action or proposal etc.))