Compund Words
- 'hood
- 18-karat gold
- 2-hydroxybenzoic acid
- 2-methylpropenoic acid
- 22-karat gold
- 24-karat gold
- 3-d
- 3d
- 4wd
- aaron's rod
- aaron copland
- aaron montgomery ward
- abelard
- abfarad
- absolute threshold
- absorption band
- absurd
- abul-walid mohammed ibn-ahmad ibn-mohammed ibn-roshd
- academy award
- acapulco gold
- acarid
- access road
- accord
- accounting standard
- accused
- acellular slime mold
- acetanilid
- acetic acid
- acetoacetic acid
- acetylsalicylic acid
- acid
- acid head
- acridid
- acrylic acid
- act of god
- actifed
- actinoid
- actinopod
- ad
- ada-scid
- adad
- adam's needle-and-thread
- adapid
- add
- addend
- addle-head
- addlehead
- adelgid
- adelie land
- adenoid
- adenylic acid
- adhd
- adipic acid
- adjutant bird
- admiral byrd
- admiralty island
- adrenal cortical steroid
- adrenal gland
- adulthood
- advisory board
- aegean island
- aeneid
- affirmed
- afghan hound
- african marigold
- african sandalwood
- african yellowwood
- afterworld
- agamid
- agamid lizard
- aged
- agua toad
- ague weed
- agueweed
- ahmad shah masoud
- aid
- air combat command
- air force space command
- air national guard
- air raid
- airfield
- airhead
- airing cupboard
- airspeed
- al-jihad
- al-tawhid
- al hirschfeld
- al tawhid
- alan shepard
- alaska cod
- alaska rein orchid
- albert edward
- albuminoid
- alder dogwood
- alfred
- alfred north whitehead
- alginic acid
- alicyclic compound
- alidad
- aliphatic compound
- alizarin red
- alizarine red
- alkaloid
- alkyd
- allgood
- allice shad
- alligator lizard
- alligator weed
- allis shad
- almond
- almoravid
- alpha-linolenic acid
- alpine gold
- alpine goldenrod
- altocumulus cloud
- altostratus cloud
- alveolar bed
- ambystomid
- amd
- american basswood
- american dogwood
- american foxhound
- american green toad
- american smokewood
- american spikenard
- american toad
- american wormseed
- amerind
- amino acid
- aminoalkanoic acid
- aminobenzoic acid
- ammonoid
- amnionic fluid
- amniotic fluid
- ampere-second
- ampersand
- amphidiploid
- amphipod
- amsler grid
- amusd
- amygdaloid
- amyloid
- an nafud
- an nefud
- anabolic steroid
- anadama bread
- analysand
- anapsid
- anaspid
- anchorage ground
- andaman redwood
- andrenid
- android
- aneroid
- angiospermous yellowwood
- anglesea island
- anglesey island
- anguid lizard
- anionic compound
- anise seed
- aniseed
- annelid
- ansaid
- anseriform bird
- ant bird
- antacid
- antbird
- anterior pituitary gland
- antherozoid
- anthropoid
- anti-tnf compound
- antiacid
- antimonial lead
- antitrade wind
- any-and-all bid
- aoudad
- apartheid
- aphid
- apocrine gland
- apodiform bird
- apollo asteroid
- apothecaries' pound
- appeal board
- appeals board
- apple aphid
- apple of discord
- apple orchard
- applewood
- aquatic bird
- arachnid
- arachnoid
- archiannelid
- arcsecond
- arctiid
- argasid
- arianrhod
- arianrod
- arkansas kingbird
- arm band
- arm guard
- arm pad
- armband
- armed bullhead
- armguard
- army national guard
- army of muhammad
- arnica bud
- arnold
- aroid
- aromatic compound
- arrow wood
- arrowhead
- arsenic acid
- artemus ward
- arterial blood
- arterial road
- arthropod
- arthur john gielgud
- arthur rimbaud
- arthurian legend
- artificial blood
- artsd
- arytaenoid
- arytenoid
- ascension of the lord
- asclepiad
- ascorbic acid
- asgard
- ashkhabad
- asparagus bed
- aspartic acid
- assemblies of god
- asteroid
- athanasian creed
- athletic field
- athodyd
- athol fugard
- atlantic cod
- atomic warhead
- attosecond
- auckland
- audad
- audio cd
- audiovisual aid
- augend
- autacoid
- autocoid
- autumn sneezeweed
- auxiliary airfield
- award
- ax head
- axe head
- axseed
- ayn rand
- aztec marigold
- baby's bed
- baby bed
- baby bird
- baby grand
- babyhood
- bachelorhood
- back end
- back of beyond
- backband
- backbend
- backboard
- backfield
- backgammon board
- background
- backhand
- backsword
- backyard
- bacon rind
- bacteria bed
- bacteroid
- bad
- bad blood
- baffin island
- baffle board
- baffled
- bagdad
- baghdad
- bahrain island
- bahrein island
- bail bond
- bakersfield
- baldhead
- ball field
- ballad
- balm of gilead
- balsa wood
- balsam woolly aphid
- baltimore bird
- banana bread
- band
- band aid
- bandstand
- bank card
- bank guard
- bank of england
- bankhead
- barbara ward
- barbituric acid
- barbra joan streisand
- barbra streisand
- bard
- barmaid
- barney oldfield
- barnyard
- baroque period
- barrier island
- bartholin's gland
- basal body temperature method
- baseball card
- baseball diamond
- baseball field
- baseboard
- basketball backboard
- basset hound
- basswood
- bastard
- bastard yellowwood
- basutoland
- batter bread
- battery-acid
- battery acid
- battle of flodden field
- battle of jutland
- battle of teutoburger wald
- battle of wake island
- battlefield
- battleground
- baud
- bawd
- bayard
- bd
- beach goldenrod
- beach wormwood
- beachhead
- bead
- beaded lizard
- bean aphid
- bean curd
- beard
- bearer bond
- bearer of the sword
- bearwood
- beaver board
- becket bend
- bed
- bed-ground
- bed ground
- bedford cord
- bedground
- bedloe's island
- bedspread
- bedstead
- bee orchid
- beebread
- beechwood
- beefwood
- beetleweed
- beggarweed
- behind
- belgian shepherd
- bell toad
- bellbird
- belleau wood
- bells of ireland
- bellyband
- beloved
- bend
- benedict arnold
- benniseed
- bentwood
- benweed
- benzoic acid
- beograd
- bereaved
- berna eli oldfield
- bernard
- bernard malamud
- best friend
- beta-hydroxybutyric acid
- betrothed
- bicuspid
- bid
- big-eyed scad
- big band
- big bend
- big bill haywood
- big board
- big hand
- big marigold
- bigeye scad
- bighead
- bignoniad
- bile acid
- billboard
- billfold
- billie the kid
- bilsted
- binary compound
- bind
- binder's board
- binder board
- bindweed
- bioflavinoid
- biohazard
- biped
- birch rod
- bird
- bird feed
- bird food
- birdseed
- birthday card
- bit field
- bits per second
- bitter almond
- bitter end
- bitterweed
- bitterwood
- bitthead
- black-and-tan coonhound
- black bead
- black bindweed
- black bread
- black cottonwood
- black diamond
- black greasewood
- black hand
- black horehound
- black knapweed
- black lead
- black mustard
- black rockweed
- blackbeard
- blackbird
- blackboard
- blackguard
- blackhead
- blackseed
- blackwood
- bladderpod
- blend
- blennioid
- blighty wound
- blind
- blind bend
- blindfold
- blinking chickweed
- blizzard
- blockhead
- blond
- blood
- blood brotherhood
- blood feud
- bloodhound
- bloodshed
- bloomfield
- blowhard
- blue blood
- blue mockingbird
- blue orchid
- blue pointed
- bluebeard
- bluebird
- bluehead
- blueweed
- board
- boarding card
- boarhound
- boatload
- boatswain bird
- boatyard
- bob woodward
- bobsled
- bod
- bodily fluid
- body-build
- body fluid
- body pad
- bodyguard
- bog rein orchid
- bold
- bollard
- bollywood
- bombard
- bombycid
- bond
- bondmaid
- bonehead
- bonnethead
- bookend
- boott's goldenrod
- boracic acid
- borderland
- boric acid
- borrower's card
- boston brown bread
- bosworth field
- bottle gourd
- bottom round
- bottomland
- boulevard
- bound
- bouvet island
- bovid
- bow wood
- bowerbird
- bowhead
- boxwood
- boyfriend
- boyhood
- bracelet wood
- brachiopod
- brad
- bradford
- bradley method
- braid
- brainchild
- brake band
- brake pad
- branchiopod
- brand
- brass band
- brassard
- brazilian ironwood
- brazilian rosewood
- brazilwood
- bread
- bread board
- bread mold
- breadboard
- breakfast food
- breaking wind
- breed
- breeding ground
- briard
- briarwood
- brick red
- brickfield
- brickyard
- bridesmaid
- bridge hand
- bridgehead
- bridle road
- brier-wood
- brierwood
- brigand
- brigid
- british pound
- broad
- broad leaved goldenrod
- broadsword
- broken wind
- bromic acid
- brood
- brookweed
- broom-weed
- broom snakeweed
- broomweed
- brotherhood
- brown bread
- brown bullhead
- brunhild
- brushwood
- brynhild
- buchenwald
- buckboard
- buckler mustard
- bud
- buffalo gourd
- bufflehead
- bugleweed
- build
- built-in bed
- built in bed
- bulbourethral gland
- bulkhead
- bullethead
- bulletin board
- bullhead
- bumper guard
- bungee cord
- bunk bed
- bur marigold
- bur reed
- burial ground
- burial mound
- burmese rosewood
- burr marigold
- burying ground
- business card
- busload
- bustard
- butanoic acid
- butcher board
- butcher cumberland
- butcherbird
- butt-weld
- butt end
- butt weld
- butterfield
- butterfly orchid
- butterfly weed
- butterweed
- buttonwood
- butyric acid
- buyout bid
- buzzard
- buzzword
- bvd
- byrd
- byroad
- byword
- c. vann woodward
- cabinet wood
- cabstand
- cad
- caesar salad
- caiman lizard
- calendar method
- california redbud
- california redwood
- call-board
- caller id
- calling card
- cambrian period
- camelopard
- camera tripod
- camp bed
- camp david
- campground
- camphorweed
- camping ground
- camwood
- canada moonseed
- canadian goldenrod
- canadian pondweed
- canadian shield
- canard
- canary bird
- canary seed
- canary whitewood
- cancer of the blood
- cancer weed
- cancerweed
- cancroid
- candlewood
- candyweed
- cane reed
- canfield
- canid
- cankerweed
- canned food
- cannibal mound
- cape breton island
- cape cod
- cape froward
- cape marigold
- cape yellowwood
- capeweed
- capillary bed
- capital of chad
- capital of finland
- capital of iceland
- capital of ireland
- capital of maryland
- capital of new zealand
- capital of northern ireland
- capital of poland
- capital of rhode island
- capital of swaziland
- capital of switzerland
- capital of thailand
- capric acid
- caprimulgid
- caprimulgiform bird
- caproic acid
- caprylic acid
- capsid
- captain kidd
- carangid
- caraway seed
- caraway seed bread
- carbamic acid
- carbolic acid
- carbonic acid
- carboniferous period
- carboxylic acid
- carcinoid
- card
- cardboard
- cardioid
- cargo hold
- carib wood
- caribbean island
- carinate bird
- carload
- carlsbad
- carolina moonseed
- carotenoid
- carpet pad
- carpetweed
- carrick bend
- carry-forward
- cartload
- cartroad
- caryatid
- case load
- cash card
- cash in hand
- cashcard
- cassin's kingbird
- cat food
- catabatic wind
- catalina island
- catbird
- catchweed
- catchword
- caterpillar tread
- cathartid
- catherine howard
- catostomid
- cattle grid
- cattle guard
- cavalry sword
- caviuna wood
- cd
- cedarbird
- cedarwood
- cefobid
- celery seed
- cellular slime mold
- celluloid
- center field
- center spread
- centerboard
- centerfield
- centerfold
- central vein of suprarenal gland
- centrarchid
- centre spread
- centreboard
- centrefold
- centroid
- cephalaspid
- cephalopod
- cerebrospinal fluid
- cerotic acid
- cervid
- chabad
- chad
- chafeweed
- chaffweed
- chairman of the board
- chalcid
- chalkboard
- chambermaid
- chancroid
- change of mind
- channel island
- characid
- chard
- charge card
- charles digby harrod
- charles francois gounod
- charles henry harrod
- charles maurice de talleyrand
- charles robert redford
- charles the bald
- charlestown navy yard
- chased
- chasid
- chassid
- chateaubriand
- checker board
- checkerboard
- cheese rind
- cheese spread
- cheeseboard
- chef's salad
- chelate compound
- cheloid
- chemical bond
- chemical compound
- chenille cord
- cherry red
- chess board
- chessboard
- chesterfield
- chevalier de bayard
- chicken feed
- chicken salad
- chicken yard
- chickenfeed
- chickweed
- child
- childbed
- childhood
- chile tarweed
- chiliad
- chinese mustard
- chinook wind
- chipboard
- chittamwood
- chittimwood
- chloe anthony wofford
- chloric acid
- chlorohydric acid
- chlorophyll d
- chlorous acid
- choke hold
- chokehold
- cholic acid
- chopping board
- chord
- choroid
- christmas card
- christopher isherwood
- christopher william bradshaw isherwood
- chromatid
- chrome red
- chromic acid
- chronological record
- chrysomelid
- chrysopid
- church of england
- church of ireland
- churchyard
- cichlid
- cicily isabel fa
- abound
- abscond
- accord
- add
- afford
- aid
- amend
- append
- applaud
- apprehend
- arse around
- ascend
- ask round
- astound
- attend
- avoid
- award
- background
- backhand
- bald
- band
- bard
- bead
- bear in mind
- beard
- becloud
- bed
- befriend
- begild
- behead
- behold
- belly-land
- bend
- bid
- bind
- bird
- blackguard
- blacklead
- bleed
- blend
- blind
- blindfold
- blood
- board
- bob around
- bobsled
- body guard
- bombard
- bond
- boss around
- bottlefeed
- bound
- brad
- braid
- brand
- bread
- break bread
- break wind
- breastfeed
- breed
- bring around
- bring forward
- bring round
- brood
- bud
- build
- bum around
- bump around
- butt-weld
- buttweld
- buy food
- by-bid
- card
- carry forward
- cast around
- catch cold
- cause to be perceived
- cheerlead
- chord
- circle around
- circle round
- clapboard
- cloud
- clown around
- cod
- come around
- come forward
- come round
- come to hand
- come to mind
- command
- commend
- compound
- comprehend
- concord
- condescend
- confound
- contend
- copyread
- cord
- correspond
- countermand
- crash land
- crossbreed
- crowd
- cuckold
- dab
- dabble
- dado
- daisy-chain
- dally
- dam
- dam up
- damage
- damascene
- damn
- damp
- dampen
- dance
- dandify
- dandle
- dangle
- dapple
- dare
- darken
- darn
- dart
- dash
- dash down
- dash off
- date
- date-mark
- date back
- date from
- date stamp
- dateline
- datemark
- daub
- daunt
- dawdle
- dawn
- daydream
- daze
- dazzle
- de-access
- de-aerate
- de-emphasise
- de-emphasize
- de-energise
- de-energize
- de-escalate
- de-ice
- de-iodinate
- de-ionate
- deaccession
- deactivate
- deaden
- deaerate
- deaf
- deafen
- deal
- deal out
- deaminate
- deaminize
- debar
- debark
- debase
- debate
- debauch
- debilitate
- debit
- debone
- debouch
- debrief
- debug
- debunk
- debut
- decaffeinate
- decalcify
- decamp
- decant
- decapitate
- decarbonate
- decarbonise
- decarbonize
- decarboxylate
- decarburise
- decarburize
- decay
- decease
- deceive
- decelerate
- decentralise
- decentralize
- decerebrate
- decertify
- dechlorinate
- decide
- decimalise
- decimalize
- decimate
- decipher
- deck
- deck out
- deck up
- declaim
- declare
- declare oneself
- declassify
- declaw
- decline
- declutch
- decoct
- decode
- decoke
- decollate
- decolonise
- decolonize
- decolor
- decolorise
- decolorize
- decolour
- decolourise
- decolourize
- decommission
- decompose
- decompress
- deconcentrate
- deconsecrate
- deconstruct
- decontaminate
- decontrol
- decorate
- decorticate
- decouple
- decoy
- decrease
- decree
- decrepitate
- decrescendo
- decriminalise
- decriminalize
- decry
- decrypt
- decussate
- dedicate
- dedifferentiate
- deduce
- deduct
- deed over
- deem
- deep-dye
- deep-fat-fry
- deep-fry
- deep-six
- deep freeze
- deepen
- deface
- defalcate
- defame
- defang
- defat
- default
- default on
- defeat
- defecate
- defect
- defeminise
- defeminize
- defend
- defenestrate
- defer
- defervesce
- defibrillate
- defibrinate
- defile
- define
- deflagrate
- deflate
- deflect
- deflower
- defog
- defoliate
- deforest
- deform
- defraud
- defray
- defrock
- defrost
- defuse
- defy
- degas
- degauss
- degenerate
- deglaze
- deglycerolise
- deglycerolize
- degrade
- degrease
- degust
- dehisce
- dehorn
- dehumanise
- dehumanize
- dehumidify
- dehydrate
- dehydrogenate
- deice
- deify
- deign
- deionize
- deject
- delay
- delegate
- delete
- deliberate
- delight
- delimit
- delimitate
- delineate
- deliquesce
- delist
- deliver
- deliver the goods
- delocalize
- delouse
- delude
- deluge
- delve
- demagnetise
- demagnetize
- demand
- demarcate
- demasculinise
- demasculinize
- dematerialise
- dematerialize
- demean
- demilitarise
- demilitarize
- demineralise
- demineralize
- demise
- demist
- demo
- demob
- demobilise
- demobilize
- democratise
- democratize
- demodulate
- demolish
- demonetise
- demonetize
- demonise
- demonize
- demonstrate
- demoralise
- demoralize
- demote
- demulsify
- demur
- demyelinate
- demystify
- demythologise
- demythologize
- denationalise
- denationalize
- denaturalise
- denaturalize
- denature
- denazify
- denigrate
- denitrify
- denominate
- denote
- denounce
- dent
- denudate
- denude
- deny
- deodorise
- deodorize
- deodourise
- deoxidise
- deoxidize
- deoxygenate
- depart
- depend
- depend on
- depend upon
- depersonalise
- depersonalize
- depict
- depilate
- deplane
- deplete
- deplore
- deploy
- deplumate
- deplume
- depolarise
- depolarize
- depone
- depopulate
- deport
- depose
- deposit
- deprave
- deprecate
- depreciate
- depress
- depressurise
- depressurize
- deprive
- depute
- deputise
- deputize
- deracinate
- derail
- derange
- derate
- derecognise
- derecognize
- deregulate
- derequisition
- derestrict
- deride
- derive
- derogate
- desacralize
- desalinate
- desalinise
- desalinize
- desalt
- descale
- descant
- descant on
- descend
- describe
- descry
- desecrate
- desegregate
- desensitise
- desensitize
- desert
- deserve
- desex
- desexualise
- desexualize
- desiccate
- design
- designate
- desire
- desist
- desolate
- desorb
- despair
- despatch
- despise
- despoil
- despond
- desquamate
- destabilise
- destabilize
- destain
- destalinise
- destalinize
- destine
- destress
- destroy
- destruct
- desulfurize
- desulphurize
- desynchronise
- desynchronize
- detach
- detail
- detain
- detect
- deter
- deterge
- deteriorate
- determine
- detest
- dethaw
- dethrone
- detick
- detonate
- detour
- detox
- detoxicate
- detoxify
- detract
- detrain
- detransitivise
- detransitivize
- detribalise
- detribalize
- detusk
- devaluate
- devalue
- devastate
- devein
- develop
- deviate
- devil
- devilise
- devilize
- devise
- devitalise
- devitalize
- devitrify
- devoice
- devolve
- devolve on
- devote
- devour
- diabolise
- diabolize
- diagnose
- diagonalise
- diagonalize
- diagram
- dial
- dialyse
- dialyze
- diazotize
- dibble
- dice
- dichotomise
- dichotomize
- dicker
- dictate
- didder
- diddle
- die
- die away
- die back
- die down
- die hard
- die off
- die out
- diet
- differ
- differentiate
- diffract
- diffuse
- dig
- dig in
- dig into
- dig out
- dig up
- digest
- digitalise
- digitalize
- digitise
- digitize
- dignify
- digress
- dike
- dilapidate
- dilate
- dilly-dally
- dillydally
- dilute
- dim
- dimension
- diminish
- dimple
- din
- dine
- dine in
- dine out
- ding
- dingdong
- dinge
- dip
- dip into
- dip solder
- diphthongise
- diphthongize
- direct
- dirty
- disable
- disabuse
- disaccord
- disadvantage
- disaffect
- disafforest
- disagree
- disagree with
- disallow
- disambiguate
- disappear
- disappoint
- disapprove
- disarm
- disarrange
- disarray
- disarticulate
- disassemble
- disassociate
- disavow
- disband
- disbar
- disbelieve
- disbud
- disburden
- disburse
- disc-jockey
- discard
- discase
- discern
- discerp
- discharge
- discipline
- disclaim
- disclose
- disco
- discolor
- discolorise
- discolorize
- discolour
- discolourise
- discombobulate
- discomfit
- discommode
- discompose
- disconcert
- disconnect
- discontent
- discontinue
- discord
- discount
- discountenance
- discourage
- discourse
- discover
- discredit
- discriminate
- discuss
- disdain
- disembark
- disembarrass
- disembody
- disembowel
- disembroil
- disenable
- disenchant
- disencumber
- disenfranchise
- disengage
- disentangle
- disestablish
- disesteem
- disfavor
- disfavour
- disfigure
- disforest
- disfranchise
- disgorge
- disgrace
- disgruntle
- disguise
- disgust
- dish
- dish out
- dish the dirt
- dish up
- disharmonize
- dishearten
- dishevel
- dishonor
- dishonour
- disillusion
- disincarnate
- disincline
- disinfect
- disinfest
- disinherit
- disintegrate
- disinter
- disinvest
- disinvolve
- disjoin
- disjoint
- disk
- disk-jockey
- dislike
- dislocate
- dislodge
- dismantle
- dismay
- dismember
- dismiss
- dismount
- disobey
- disoblige
- disorder
- disorganise
- disorganize
- disorient
- disorientate
- disown
- disparage
- dispatch
- dispel
- dispense
- dispense with
- disperse
- dispirit
- displace
- display
- displease
- displume
- disport
- dispose
- dispose of
- dispossess
- dispread
- disprove
- dispute
- disqualify
- disquiet
- disregard
- disrespect
- disrobe
- disrupt
- diss
- dissatisfy
- dissect
- dissemble
- disseminate
- dissent
- dissertate
- dissever
- dissimilate
- dissimulate
- dissipate
- dissociate
- dissolve
- dissonate
- dissuade
- distance
- distemper
- distend
- distil
- distill
- distinguish
- distort
- distract
- distrain
- distress
- distribute
- district
- distrust
- disturb
- disunify
- disunite
- ditch
- dither
- ditto
- divagate
- divaricate
- dive
- dive-bomb
- diverge
- diversify
- divert
- divest
- divide
- divine
- divorce
- divulge
- divvy up
- dizen
- dizzy
- dj
- do
- do a job on
- do away with
- do by
- do drugs
- do good
- do in
- do it
- do justice
- do one's best
- do the dishes
- do the honors
- do up
- do well
- do well by
- do work
- dock
- docket
- doctor
- doctor up
- document
- dodder
- dodge
- doff
- dog
- dogfight
- dogmatise
- dogmatize
- dogsled
- dole out
- doll up
- domesticate
- domesticise
- domesticize
- domicile
- domiciliate
- dominate
- domineer
- don
- donate
- dong
- doodle
- doom
- dope
- dope off
- dope up
- dose
- doss
- doss down
- dot
- dote
- double
- double-check
- double-date
- double-glaze
- double-park
- double-space
- double-team
- double back
- double birdie
- double bogey
- double crochet
- double cross
- double dye
- double over
- double stitch
- double tongue
- double up
- doubt
- douche
- douse
- dovetail
- dower
- down
- downgrade
- download
- downplay
- downsize
- dowse
- doze
- doze off
- draft
- drag
- drag a bunt
- drag down
- drag in
- drag on
- drag one's feet
- drag one's heels
- drag out
- drag through the mud
- drag up
- draggle
- dragoon
- drain
- drain the cup
- dramatise
- dramatize
- drape
- draught
- draw
- draw a bead on
- draw a blank
- draw a line
- draw and quarter
- draw away
- draw back
- draw close
- draw in
- draw near
- draw off
- draw out
- draw rein
- draw the line
- draw together
- draw up
- drawl
- dread
- dream
- dream up
- dredge
- dredge up
- drench
- dress
- dress down
- dress out
- dress ship
- dress up
- dribble
- drift
- drift apart
- drift away
- drift off
- drill
- drill in
- drink
- drink down
- drink in
- drink up
- drip
- drip-dry
- drive
- drive around
- drive away
- drive back
- drive home
- drive in
- drive off
- drive out
- drive up
- drivel
- drizzle
- drone
- drone on
- drool
- drool over
- droop
- drop
- drop-kick
- drop a line
- drop anchor
- drop away
- drop back
- drop behind
- drop by
- drop by the wayside
- drop dead
- drop down
- drop in
- drop like flies
- drop off
- drop one's serve
- drop open
- drop out
- drop the ball
- dropforge
- dropkick
- drown
- drown out
- drowse
- drowse off
- drub
- drudge
- drug
- drum
- drum out
- drum up
- dry
- dry-dock
- dry-nurse
- dry-rot
- dry-wall
- dry clean
- dry out
- dry up
- drydock
- dub
- duck
- duel
- dulcify
- dulcorate
- dull
- dumbfound
- dummy
- dummy up
- dump
- dun
- dung
- dunk
- dupe
- duplex
- duplicate
- dusk
- dust
- dwarf
- dwell
- dwell on
- dwindle
- dwindle away
- dwindle down
- dye
- dyke
- dynamise
- dynamite
- dynamize
- embed
- emend
- end
- enfold
- engild
- enshroud
- exceed
- expand
- expend
- expound
- extend
- fall behind
- featherbed
- feed
- fend
- feud
- field
- find
- flip one's lid
- flood
- fly blind
- fold
- fool around
- forbid
- force-feed
- force-land
- ford
- forefend
- foreground
- forfend
- forward
- found
- freeload
- frig around
- fund
- gad
- gain ground
- garland
- geld
- get a load
- get ahead
- get around
- get behind
- get dressed
- get hold
- get laid
- get married
- get off the ground
- get started
- get wind
- get word
- gild
- gird
- go ahead
- go around
- go bad
- go forward
- go off half-cocked
- go to bed
- goad
- grandstand
- grind
- ground
- guard
- hand
- hand-build
- handbuild
- hang around
- hang by a thread
- have in mind
- hazard
- head
- heed
- herald
- herd
- hoard
- hold
- homestead
- hood
- horse around
- hound
- hunch forward
- husband
- hyperextend
- imbed
- impend
- impound
- intend
- interbreed
- interdepend
- interlard
- invalid
- jazz around
- keep guard
- keep one's eyes peeled
- keep one's eyes skinned
- kick around
- kid
- knead
- knock cold
- land
- lard
- laud
- lead
- leave behind
- leave no stone unturned
- lend
- lie around
- lip-read
- lipread
- load
- loll around
- look around
- look backward
- look forward
- lord
- loung
- 10-membered
- 22nd
- 23rd
- 2d
- 2nd
- 3-membered
- 32nd
- 33rd
- 3rd
- 4-membered
- 42nd
- 43rd
- 5-membered
- 6-membered
- 7-membered
- 8-membered
- 9-membered
- abandoned
- abashed
- abbreviated
- ablated
- able-bodied
- above-mentioned
- above-named
- aboveboard
- aboveground
- abridged
- abroad
- abscessed
- absentminded
- absolved
- absorbed
- abstracted
- absurd
- abused
- acanthoid
- accelerated
- accented
- accepted
- accompanied
- accomplished
- accoutered
- accoutred
- accredited
- accrued
- accumulated
- accursed
- accustomed
- acid
- acknowledged
- acned
- acold
- acorn-shaped
- acquainted
- acquired
- acquitted
- acrid
- across-the-board
- actinoid
- activated
- actuated
- aculeated
- adapted
- addicted
- addlebrained
- addled
- addlepated
- addressed
- adenoid
- adjusted
- admired
- adopted
- adored
- adorned
- adpressed
- adscripted
- adulterated
- advanced
- advertised
- advised
- aerated
- aerosolised
- aerosolized
- afeard
- afeared
- affected
- affiliated
- affined
- affixed
- afflicted
- aforementioned
- aforesaid
- afraid
- aftershafted
- age-old
- age-related
- aged
- agglomerated
- aggravated
- aggregated
- agitated
- agonised
- agonized
- agreed
- aground
- ahead
- aided
- air-conditioned
- air-cooled
- air-dried
- air-filled
- air-to-ground
- aired
- airheaded
- alarmed
- alated
- algid
- algoid
- alienated
- aligned
- all-around
- all-fired
- all-round
- allantoid
- alleged
- alleviated
- allied
- alligatored
- allotted
- alloyed
- almond-eyed
- almond-scented
- almond-shaped
- alphabetised
- alphabetized
- altered
- amalgamated
- amazed
- ameboid
- amended
- amerind
- ammoniated
- amoeboid
- amused
- amygdaloid
- amyloid
- analyzed
- aneroid
- aneuploid
- angered
- angled
- anguished
- animated
- anise-scented
- annelid
- annihilated
- announced
- annoyed
- annulated
- antacid
- anthropoid
- antiapartheid
- anticipated
- antiquated
- antithyroid
- antlered
- apoplectoid
- appalled
- appareled
- appendaged
- apple-scented
- apple-shaped
- apple-sized
- applied
- appointed
- apportioned
- appreciated
- apprehended
- apprenticed
- appressed
- approved
- arachnoid
- arced
- arched
- argus-eyed
- arid
- ariled
- armed
- armor-clad
- armor-plated
- armored
- armour-clad
- armour-plated
- armoured
- aroid
- around the bend
- aroused
- arranged
- arrayed
- arrow-shaped
- articled
- articulated
- ascertained
- ashamed
- asphyxiated
- assassinated
- asserted
- assigned
- assisted
- assorted
- assumed
- assured
- asteriated
- asterisked
- asteroid
- astonied
- astonished
- astounded
- at hand
- atrophied
- attached
- attained
- attempted
- attended
- attenuated
- attested
- attired
- attrited
- augmented
- auld
- auriculated
- authenticated
- authorised
- authorized
- autographed
- automated
- avenged
- avid
- avowed
- awaited
- awakened
- awed
- awkward
- awl-shaped
- awned
- awninged
- baby-faced
- back-geared
- backed
- backhand
- backhanded
- backward
- bacterioid
- bacteroid
- bad
- bad-mannered
- bad-tempered
- baffled
- bag-shaped
- baked
- balanced
- balconied
- bald
- bald-faced
- bald-headed
- bald-pated
- ball-shaped
- balsam-scented
- bandaged
- banded
- bandy-legged
- banned
- bantoid
- baptised
- baptized
- bar-shaped
- barbecued
- barbed
- bare-assed
- bare-breasted
- bare-knuckled
- barebacked
- bared
- barefaced
- barefooted
- barehanded
- bareheaded
- barelegged
- bargain-priced
- barred
- barrel-shaped
- barreled
- barrelled
- barricaded
- based
- basifixed
- basined
- basket-shaped
- bastard
- bastardised
- bastardized
- bastioned
- bated
- batter-fried
- battered
- battery-powered
- battle-scarred
- battlemented
- beaded
- beady-eyed
- beaked
- bean-shaped
- bear-sized
- bearded
- beatified
- becalmed
- bedaubed
- bedded
- bedewed
- bedimmed
- bedraggled
- bedrid
- beetle-browed
- befogged
- beforehand
- befouled
- befuddled
- begrimed
- beguiled
- beheaded
- behind
- behindhand
- belated
- belittled
- bell-bottomed
- bell-shaped
- bellied
- beloved
- belowground
- belt-fed
- belt-shaped
- belted
- bemused
- bended
- beneficed
- benighted
- benumbed
- benzenoid
- bereaved
- berried
- besieged
- besotted
- bespectacled
- best-loved
- bestubbled
- betrothed
- bewhiskered
- bewildered
- bewitched
- biased
- bibbed
- bichromated
- bicolored
- bicoloured
- bicorned
- bicuspid
- bifid
- bifurcated
- big-bellied
- big-boned
- big-chested
- big-shouldered
- bigheaded
- bighearted
- bigmouthed
- bigoted
- billed
- billiard
- bilobated
- bilobed
- bimotored
- binucleated
- biped
- bipinnatifid
- bistered
- bistred
- bitumenoid
- bituminoid
- bivalved
- blabbermouthed
- black-barred
- black-coated
- black-haired
- black-marked
- black-seeded
- blackened
- blackish-red
- bladed
- blamed
- blanched
- bland
- blanketed
- blasted
- bleached
- blear-eyed
- bleary-eyed
- blebbed
- blemished
- blended
- blessed
- blighted
- blind
- blinded
- blindfold
- blindfolded
- blockaded
- blocked
- blockheaded
- blond
- blood-filled
- blood-red
- blood-related
- blooded
- bloodstained
- bloody-minded
- blotched
- blue-blind
- blue-blooded
- blue-eyed
- blue-flowered
- blue-fruited
- blunted
- blurred
- boat-shaped
- bobtailed
- bodied
- boiled
- bold
- bone-covered
- boned
- boneheaded
- bony-plated
- booked
- boot-shaped
- booted
- borated
- bordered
- bored
- boskopoid
- bosomed
- boss-eyed
- botched
- bothered
- botryoid
- bottle-fed
- bottle-shaped
- bottomed
- boughed
- bouldered
- bound
- bounded
- bountied
- bovid
- bowed
- bowl-shaped
- bowlegged
- box-shaped
- boxed
- braced
- brachiopod
- bracted
- braided
- brain dead
- brainwashed
- braised
- branched
- branchiopod
- branded
- brassbound
- brazen-faced
- breast-fed
- breasted
- breathed
- breeched
- brick-shaped
- bright-red
- brightly-colored
- brightly-coloured
- brinded
- brindled
- brine-cured
- bristle-pointed
- bristled
- broached
- broad
- broad-brimmed
- broad-headed
- broad-leafed
- broad-leaved
- broad-minded
- broad-shouldered
- broadband
- broadnosed
- brocaded
- broiled
- broken-backed
- broken-field
- brokenhearted
- bronze-red
- bronzed
- brown-haired
- brown-speckled
- brown-striped
- browned
- brownish-red
- brownish-speckled
- brownish-striped
- brushed
- buck-toothed
- buff-colored
- buff-coloured
- buffeted
- bugged
- bulb-shaped
- bulbed
- bullet-headed
- bullheaded
- bullnecked
- bungaloid
- bungled
- burdened
- buried
- burked
- burled
- burned
- burnished
- burr-headed
- burred
- bushed
- busted
- busybodied
- butterfingered
- butterfly-shaped
- button-shaped
- buttoned
- buttressed
- cadenced
- cairned
- calced
- calculated
- calendered
- calibrated
- caliche-topped
- calloused
- calycled
- camouflaged
- campanulated
- camphorated
- cancellated
- cancelled
- cancroid
- candid
- candied
- candy-scented
- canned
- canonised
- canonized
- canopied
- canted
- caparisoned
- capped
- capsulated
- captivated
- carangid
- carbolated
- carbonated
- carbuncled
- cardboard
- carinated
- carotid
- carpeted
- carunculated
- carved
- case-hardened
- cased
- cashed
- cassocked
- castellated
- castled
- castrated
- cata-cornered
- categorised
- categorized
- cater-cornered
- caterpillar-tracked
- catty-cornered
- caucasoid
- caudated
- caulked
- cavitied
- cd
- cedar-scented
- ceilinged
- celebrated
- celluloid
- cellulosid
- censored
- centered
- centralised
- centralized
- cephalopod
- certificated
- certified
- chafed
- chagrined
- chained
- chambered
- changed
- chanted
- chapleted
- chapped
- charged
- charmed
- chartered
- checked
- checkered
- chelated
- chequered
- cherished
- cherry-red
- cherry-sized
- chestnut-colored
- chestnut-coloured
- chicken-breasted
- chickenhearted
- chilblained
- child-centered
- chinese-red
- chinked
- chiseled
- chocolate-colored
- chocolate-coloured
- choked
- chopped
- chuffed
- cigar-shaped
- ciliated
- cinnamon-colored
- cinnamon-coloured
- cinnamon-red
- cinnamon-scented
- cinnamon colored
- cinnamon coloured
- circumscribed
- citified
- city-bred
- cityfied
- civilised
- civilized
- clad
- classified
- claw-shaped
- clawed
- clean-handed
- clean-limbed
- clear-eyed
- clear-sighted
- cleared
- clearheaded
- clenched
- cliched
- clinched
- clipped
- cloaked
- clogged
- cloistered
- close-grained
- close-hauled
- close-minded
- close-packed
- close at hand
- closed
- closed-captioned
- closed-minded
- closefisted
- closelipped
- closely-held
- closemouthed
- clothed
- clotted
- cloud-covered
- clouded
- clove-scented
- cloven-footed
- cloven-hoofed
- club-shaped
- clubfooted
- clustered
- cluttered
- co-ed
- co-ordinated
- coagulated
- coal-fired
- coalesced
- coarse-furred
- coarse-grained
- coarse-haired
- coarse-textured
- coarsened
- coated
- coccoid
- cockeyed
- cod
- codified
- cogged
- coiled
- coin-operated
- cold
- cold-blooded
- cold-eyed
- coldhearted
- collected
- collectivised
- collectivized
- colonised
- colonized
- colonnaded
- color-blind
- colored
- colour-blind
- coloured
- columned
- combed
- combined
- comforted
- commercialised
- commercialized
- commissioned
- committed
- compartmentalised
- compartmentalized
- compartmented
- compensated
- completed
- complicated
- composed
- compound
- compounded
- comprehended
- compressed
- concealed
- conceited
- concentrated
- concerned
- concerted
- concluded
- conditioned
- cone-shaped
- configured
- confined
- confirmed
- confounded
- confused
- congealed
- congested
- conjoined
- conjugated
- connected
- consecrated
- conserved
- considered
- consolidated
- constipated
- constituted
- constrained
- constricted
- consummated
- contained
- contaminated
- contented
- contested
- continued
- contorted
- contraband
- contracted
- contrived
- controlled
- conventionalised
- conventionalized
- converted
- convinced
- convoluted
- cooked
- cookie-sized
- coolheaded
- coordinated
- copper-bottomed
- copper colored
- copyrighted
- coral-red
- corbelled
- corded
- corked
- corn-fed
- corned
- cornered
- coroneted
- corrected
- correlated
- corroded
- corrugated
- corrupted
- costumed
- cotyloid
- counterbalanced
- counterpoised
- countrified
- country-bred
- countryfied
- coupled
- court-ordered
- covered
- coveted
- cowl-shaped
- cowled
- crabbed
- crackbrained
- cracked
- cragged
- cramped
- crannied
- craved
- crazed
- cream-colored
- creamy-colored
- credentialled
- credited
- crenated
- crenulated
- crescent-shaped
- crested
- crinkled
- crinoid
- crippled
- crisscrossed
- crocked
- crocketed
- crookbacked
- crooked
- cropped
- cross-banded
- cross-eyed
- cross-grained
- cross-shaped
- crossbred
- crossed
- crosshatched
- crow-sized
- crowded
- crowned
- crumpled
- crushed
- crusted
- crystalised
- crystalized
- crystallised
- crystallized
- ctenoid
- cube-shaped
- cuboid
- cucumber-shaped
- cultivated
- cultured
- curdled
- cured
- curled
- curly-coated
- curly-grained
- curly-haired
- curly-leafed
- curly-leaved
- cursed
- curtained
- curved
- cushioned
- cuspated
- cusped
- cuspidated
- cussed
- cut-and-dried
- cycloid
- cylindrical-stemmed
- cyprinid
- cyprinoid
- d
- d.o.a.
- dabbled
- dacitic
- dactylic
- daedal
- daft
- dagger-like
- daily
- dainty
- daisylike
- dalmatian
- damaged
- damaging
- damascene
- damask
- damn
- damnable
- damnatory
- damned
- damning
- damp
- dampish
- danceable
- dandified
- dandy
- dandyish
- dangerous
- danish
- dank
- dantean
- dantesque
- dapper
- dappled
- daredevil
- daring
- dark
- dark-blue
- dark-brown
- dark-coated
- dark-colored
- dark-coloured
- dark-fruited
- dark-gray
- dark-green
- dark-grey
- dark-haired
- dark-skinned
- dark-spotted
- darkened
- darkening
- darkish
- darkling
- darling
- darned
- darwinian
- dashed
- dashing
- dastard
- dastardly
- data-based
- datable
- dateable
- dated
- dateless
- daughterly
- daunted
- daunting
- dauntless
- day-after-day
- day-and-night
- day-by-day
- day-old
- day-to-day
- daylong
- dazed
- dazzled
- dazzling
- de-iodinating
- de facto
- de jure
- de luxe
- de rigueur
- dead
- dead-end
- dead-on
- dead on target
- dead set
- deadened
- deadening
- deadlocked
- deadly
- deadpan
- deaf
- deaf-and-dumb
- deaf-mute
- deaf as a post
- deafened
- deafening
- dealt out
- dear
- dearly-won
- deathless
- deathlike
- deathly
- debased
- debasing
- debatable
- debauched
- debile
- debilitated
- debilitating
- debilitative
- debonair
- debonair
- abed
- aboard
- aborad
- aboveboard
- abroad
- across the board
- ad
- afield
- afterward
- against the wind
- aground
- ahead
- all-fired
- all told
- aloud
- around
- as needed
- as required
- at first hand
- backward
- backward and forward
- bad
- barebacked
- barefooted
- beforehand
- behind
- behindhand
- beyond
- by hand
- close to the wind
- coastward
- cod
- cross-legged
- daftly
- daily
- daintily
- damn
- damnably
- damned
- damply
- dandily
- dangerously
- daringly
- darkly
- dashingly
- dauntingly
- dauntlessly
- day after day
- day by day
- day in and day out
- day in day out
- daylong
- dazedly
- dazzlingly
- de facto
- de jure
- de novo
- dead
- dead ahead
- deadly
- deadpan
- dear
- dearly
- deathly
- deceitfully
- deceivingly
- decent
- decently
- deceptively
- decidedly
- decipherably
- decisively
- decoratively
- decorously
- deep
- deep down
- deeply
- defectively
- defenceless
- defencelessly
- defenseless
- defenselessly
- defensively
- deferentially
- defiantly
- definitely
- deftly
- dejectedly
- deliberately
- delicately
- deliciously
- delightedly
- delightfully
- deliriously
- delusively
- demandingly
- demeaningly
- dementedly
- democratically
- demoniacally
- demonstrably
- demonstratively
- demurely
- denominationally
- densely
- departmentally
- dependably
- deplorably
- deprecatively
- depressingly
- derisively
- derisorily
- descriptively
- deservedly
- designedly
- desolately
- despairingly
- desperately
- despicably
- despitefully
- despondently
- destructively
- determinedly
- detestably
- detrimentally
- deucedly
- developmentally
- devilish
- devilishly
- deviously
- devotedly
- devoutly
- dexterously
- dextrously
- diabolically
- diagonally
- diagrammatically
- dialectically
- diametrically
- dichotomously
- dictatorially
- didactically
- differentially
- differently
- diffidently
- diffusely
- digitally
- digitately
- diligently
- dimly
- dingdong
- dingily
- diplomatically
- direct
- directly
- direfully
- dirtily
- disadvantageously
- disagreeably
- disappointedly
- disappointingly
- disapprovingly
- disastrously
- disbelievingly
- disconcertingly
- disconsolately
- discontentedly
- discordantly
- discouragingly
- discourteously
- discreditably
- discreetly
- discursively
- disdainfully
- disgracefully
- disgustedly
- disgustingly
- dishonestly
- dishonorably
- dishonourably
- disingenuously
- disinterestedly
- disjointedly
- disloyally
- dismally
- disobediently
- disparagingly
- dispassionately
- dispiritedly
- displaying incompetence
- displeasingly
- disproportionately
- disputatiously
- disquietingly
- disregarding
- disregardless
- disreputably
- disrespectfully
- disruptively
- dissolutely
- distally
- distantly
- distastefully
- distinctively
- distinctly
- distractedly
- distressfully
- distressingly
- distributively
- distrustfully
- disturbingly
- diversely
- divertingly
- divinely
- dizzily
- doctrinally
- doggedly
- doggo
- dogmatically
- dolce
- dolefully
- doltishly
- domestically
- domineeringly
- dorsally
- dorsoventrally
- dottily
- double
- double quick
- double time
- doubly
- doubtfully
- doubtless
- doubtlessly
- dourly
- dowdily
- down
- down the stairs
- downfield
- downhill
- downright
- downriver
- downstage
- downstairs
- downstream
- downtown
- downward
- downwardly
- downwards
- downwind
- drably
- draggingly
- dramatically
- drastically
- dreadfully
- dreamfully
- dreamily
- drearily
- drily
- drippily
- dripping
- droopingly
- drop-dead
- drowsily
- drunkenly
- dryly
- dubiously
- due
- dully
- duly
- dumbly
- dutifully
- dynamically
- eastward
- end-to-end
- firsthand
- for all the world
- for good
- forrad
- forrard
- forward
- fourfold
- frontward
- goddamned
- good
- good and
- hand in hand
- hand to hand
- haphazard
- hard
- head-to-head
- heavenward
- heels over head
- henceforward
- homeward
- hundredfold
- in all likelihood
- in cold blood
- in hand
- in kind
- in the end
- in the lead
- indeed
- inland
- instead
- into the wind
- inward
- landward
- leeward
- like mad
- loud
- millionfold
- ninefold
- no end
- northeastward
- northward
- northwestward
- off-hand
- off the record
- offhand
- offhanded
- on board
- on one hand
- on the one hand
- on the other hand
- onward
- orad
- out loud
- out of hand
- outward
- overboard
- overhead
- post-paid
- rearward
- red-handed
- round
- seaward
- second
- second hand
- secondhand
- sevenfold
- sideward
- single-handed
- sixfold
- skyward
- southeastward
- southward
- southwestward
- spaceward
- straight-backed
- tenfold
- the other way around
- third
- thirdhand
- thousand-fold
- threefold
- twofold
- unaccompanied
- underground
- underhand
- upward
- upwind
- well-timed
- westward
- wild
- windward
- word for word
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Search Result:D
KK Pronunciation
〔 di 〕
〔 diː 〕
Overview of noun d
The noun d has 3 senses
- vitamin D, calciferol, viosterol, ergocalciferol, cholecalciferol, D -- (a fat-soluble vitamin that prevents rickets)
- five hundred, 500, D -- (the cardinal number that is the product of one hundred and five)
- D, d -- (the 4th letter of the Roman alphabet)
Overview of adj d
The adj d has 1 sense
- five hundred, 500, d -- (denoting a quantity consisting of 500 items or units)