Compund Words
- abfarad
- access road
- acid head
- ad
- ad-lib
- ad agency
- ad blitz
- ad campaign
- ad valorem tax
- ada
- ada-scid
- adactylia
- adactylism
- adactyly
- adad
- adage
- adagio
- adalia
- adalia bipunctata
- adam
- adam's apple
- adam's needle
- adam's needle-and-thread
- adam's peak
- adam-and-eve
- adam smith
- adamance
- adamant
- adams
- adams-stokes syndrome
- adana
- adansonia
- adansonia digitata
- adansonia gregorii
- adapa
- adapid
- adapid group
- adapin
- adaptability
- adaptation
- adapter
- adaption
- adaptive radiation
- adaptor
- adar
- adar sheni
- add
- add-in
- add-on
- addax
- addax nasomaculatus
- addend
- addendum
- adder
- adder's fern
- adder's tongue
- adder's tongue fern
- addict
- addiction
- adding machine
- addis ababa
- addison's disease
- addison's syndrome
- addition
- addition reaction
- additions to esther
- additive
- additive inverse
- addle-head
- addlehead
- address
- addressee
- addressing machine
- addressograph
- adducer
- adducing
- adduct
- adduction
- adductor
- adductor muscle
- ade
- adelaide
- adelges
- adelges abietis
- adelges piceae
- adelgid
- adelgidae
- adelie
- adelie coast
- adelie land
- adelie penguin
- adeline virginia stephen woolf
- aden
- aden-abyan islamic army
- adenanthera
- adenanthera pavonina
- adenauer
- adenine
- adenitis
- adenium
- adenium multiflorum
- adenium obesum
- adenocarcinoma
- adenohypophysis
- adenoid
- adenoidectomy
- adenoma
- adenomatous polyp
- adenomegaly
- adenomyosarcoma
- adenomyosis
- adenopathy
- adenosine
- adenosine deaminase
- adenosine diphosphate
- adenosine monophosphate
- adenosine triphosphate
- adenosis
- adenota
- adenota vardoni
- adenovirus
- adenylic acid
- adept
- adeptness
- adequacy
- adequateness
- ader wax
- adermin
- adesite
- adh
- adhd
- adherence
- adherent
- adhesion
- adhesion contract
- adhesive
- adhesive agent
- adhesive bandage
- adhesive friction
- adhesive material
- adhesive plaster
- adhesive tape
- adhesiveness
- adhocracy
- adi granth
- adiabatic process
- adiantaceae
- adiantum
- adiantum bellum
- adiantum capillus-veneris
- adiantum pedatum
- adiantum tenerum
- adiantum tenerum farleyense
- adience
- adieu
- adige
- adios
- adipic acid
- adipose cell
- adipose tissue
- adipose tumor
- adiposeness
- adiposis
- adiposity
- adirondack mountains
- adirondacks
- adit
- aditi
- aditya
- adjacency
- adjective
- adjoining room
- adjournment
- adjudication
- adjudicator
- adjunct
- adjunction
- adjuration
- adjustable spanner
- adjustable wrench
- adjuster
- adjusting entry
- adjustment
- adjustor
- adjutant
- adjutant bird
- adjutant general
- adjutant stork
- adjuvant
- adlai ewing stevenson
- adlai stevenson
- adlumia
- adlumia fungosa
- adman
- admass
- administration
- administrative body
- administrative data processing
- administrative district
- administrative division
- administrative hearing
- administrative law
- administrative official
- administrative unit
- administrator
- administrivia
- admirability
- admirableness
- admiral
- admiral byrd
- admiral dewey
- admiral nelson
- admiral nimitz
- admiralty
- admiralty brass
- admiralty island
- admiralty islands
- admiralty law
- admiralty metal
- admiralty mile
- admiralty range
- admiration
- admirer
- admissibility
- admission
- admission charge
- admission day
- admission fee
- admission price
- admittance
- admixture
- admonisher
- admonishment
- admonition
- adnexa
- adnoun
- ado
- adobe
- adobe brick
- adobe house
- adobe lily
- adobo
- adolescence
- adolescent
- adolf eichmann
- adolf hitler
- adolf loos
- adolf windaus
- adolph simon ochs
- adolphe sax
- adonic
- adonic line
- adonis
- adonis annua
- adoptee
- adopter
- adoption
- adoptive parent
- adorability
- adorableness
- adoration
- adorer
- adornment
- adoxography
- adp
- adp system
- adps
- adrenal
- adrenal cortex
- adrenal cortical steroid
- adrenal gland
- adrenal medulla
- adrenalectomy
- adrenalin
- adrenaline
- adrenarche
- adrenergic
- adrenergic agonist eyedrop
- adrenergic drug
- adrenocorticotrophic hormone
- adrenocorticotrophin
- adrenocorticotropic hormone
- adrenocorticotropin
- adrenosterone
- adrian
- adrianople
- adrianopolis
- adriatic
- adriatic sea
- adroitness
- adsorbate
- adsorbent
- adsorbent material
- adsorption
- adsuki bean
- adulation
- adulator
- adult
- adult-onset diabetes
- adult-onset diabetes mellitus
- adult body
- adult education
- adult female
- adult female body
- adult intelligence
- adult male
- adult male body
- adult respiratory distress syndrome
- adult tooth
- adulterant
- adulteration
- adulterator
- adulterer
- adulteress
- adultery
- adulthood
- adumbration
- advance
- advance death benefit
- advanced research and development activity
- advancement
- advancer
- advantage
- advantageousness
- advection
- advent
- advent sunday
- adventism
- adventist
- adventitia
- adventitious root
- adventure
- adventure story
- adventurer
- adventuress
- adventurism
- adventurousness
- adverb
- adverbial
- adversary
- adversative conjunction
- adverse opinion
- adverse witness
- adversity
- advert
- advertence
- advertency
- advertisement
- advertiser
- advertising
- advertising agency
- advertising campaign
- advertising department
- advertising division
- advertizement
- advertizer
- advertizing
- advertorial
- advice
- advice and consent
- advil
- advisability
- advisee
- advisement
- adviser
- advisor
- advisory
- advisory board
- advisory service
- advocacy
- advocate
- advocator
- advowson
- adynamia
- adz
- adze
- adzhar
- adzharia
- adzuki bean
- agua toad
- airhead
- al-jihad
- alfred north whitehead
- alidad
- allice shad
- allis shad
- american green toad
- american toad
- anadama bread
- antimonial lead
- aoudad
- arm pad
- armed bullhead
- army of muhammad
- arrowhead
- arterial road
- asclepiad
- ashkhabad
- atomic warhead
- audad
- ax head
- axe head
- bad
- bagdad
- baghdad
- baldhead
- ballad
- balm of gilead
- banana bread
- bankhead
- batter bread
- beachhead
- bead
- bedspread
- bedstead
- beebread
- bell toad
- beograd
- big-eyed scad
- bigeye scad
- bighead
- bignoniad
- bitthead
- black bead
- black bread
- black lead
- blackhead
- blockhead
- bluehead
- boatload
- body pad
- bonehead
- bonnethead
- boston brown bread
- bowhead
- brad
- brake pad
- bread
- bridgehead
- bridle road
- broad
- brown bread
- brown bullhead
- bufflehead
- bulkhead
- bullethead
- bullhead
- busload
- byroad
- cad
- caesar salad
- capital of chad
- caraway seed bread
- carload
- carlsbad
- carpet pad
- cartload
- cartroad
- case load
- caterpillar tread
- center spread
- centre spread
- chabad
- chad
- cheese spread
- chef's salad
- chicken salad
- chiliad
- cinnamon bread
- classified ad
- cleaning pad
- clip lead
- club-head
- club head
- clubhead
- combination salad
- command overhead
- command processing overhead
- common american shad
- common arrowhead
- common corn salad
- conrad
- copperhead
- corn salad
- cornbread
- cow's head
- cracked-wheat bread
- crawdad
- crosshead
- crossroad
- crowned head
- cryptomonad
- cuckoo bread
- cycad
- cylinder head
- dad
- dark bread
- date-nut bread
- date bread
- dead
- dead load
- deadbeat dad
- deadhead
- death's head
- death squad
- department head
- dickhead
- dika bread
- dimpled chad
- disk overhead
- doodad
- dragon's head
- dragonhead
- dread
- drumhead
- dryad
- duad
- dunderhead
- dyad
- dyer's woad
- eastern narrow-mouthed toad
- egghead
- egyptian islamic jihad
- elbow pad
- elevated railroad
- elijah muhammad
- em quad
- ennead
- eurasian green toad
- european toad
- fad
- fairlead
- faisalabad
- false dragon head
- false dragonhead
- farad
- farmstead
- fathead
- feast of the unleavened bread
- fiddlehead
- figurehead
- fire-bellied toad
- firing squad
- flatbread
- flathead
- flinthead
- floodhead
- flower head
- flying squad
- folk ballad
- footpad
- forehead
- fountainhead
- french bread
- frontage road
- fruit salad
- fry bread
- fuckhead
- gad
- galahad
- garlic bread
- george herbert mead
- gesneriad
- gingerbread
- glad
- gluten bread
- go-ahead
- goad
- godhead
- golden thread
- goldthread
- golf-club head
- gonad
- grad
- graham bread
- grandad
- granddad
- green salad
- hamadryad
- hammerhead
- hanging chad
- hard lead
- hash head
- head
- heating pad
- hebdomad
- heptad
- herring salad
- hexad
- highroad
- hip pad
- hit squad
- hogshead
- homestead
- horned toad
- horse-head
- horsehead
- hot pad
- hothead
- hottentot's bread
- hottentot bread
- human head
- hyderabad
- hydrostatic head
- ijtihad
- iliad
- indian salad
- inking pad
- inkpad
- inroad
- international jihad
- irish soda bread
- iron overload
- ironclad
- islamabad
- islamic jihad
- italian bread
- jaish-e-muhammad
- jalalabad
- jehad
- jeremiad
- jewish rye bread
- jihad
- joseph conrad
- jumbie bead
- jumby bead
- jumper lead
- kaffir bread
- keypad
- khayr ad-din
- knee pad
- knucklehead
- krauthead
- lad
- lake chad
- lake mead
- laskar jihad
- launch pad
- launching pad
- launchpad
- lead
- leningrad
- letterhead
- light bread
- lily pad
- lisle thread
- live load
- living dead
- load
- loaf of bread
- local road
- loggerhead
- lunkhead
- macaroni salad
- mackerel scad
- mackerel shad
- maenad
- magnetic head
- maidenhead
- main road
- manpad
- margaret mead
- markaz-ud-dawa-wal-irshad
- mashhad
- masthead
- mattress pad
- mead
- medusa's head
- message pad
- metalhead
- microfarad
- midwife toad
- millifarad
- mohammad
- molded salad
- monad
- monkey bread
- mossad
- mousepad
- muhammad
- mujtihad
- mutton quad
- muttonhead
- myriad
- nad
- naiad
- nailhead
- nammad
- neck sweetbread
- newspaper ad
- nicad
- nomad
- nominal head
- northern snakehead
- notepad
- nuclear warhead
- nut bread
- obstetrical toad
- octad
- office of the dead
- ogdoad
- olympiad
- omayyad
- ommiad
- on the road
- onion bread
- oread
- overhead
- overload
- pacific tree toad
- packthread
- pad
- pagad
- palestine islamic jihad
- palestinian islamic jihad
- pasta salad
- payload
- pencil lead
- pentad
- petrograd
- phylloclad
- picofarad
- pig lead
- pill head
- pilot bread
- pinhead
- pithead
- pitot head
- pocket bread
- police squad
- post road
- potato salad
- pothead
- pregnant chad
- private road
- pseudomonad
- pudden-head
- pudding head
- quad
- quick bread
- quilted bedspread
- quirk bead
- rad
- railhead
- railroad
- raisin bread
- ram's-head
- read
- read/write head
- red lead
- redhead
- reductio ad absurdum
- republic of chad
- retread
- ribbed toad
- ring road
- river shad
- road
- roadstead
- rocket salad
- rotor head
- round scad
- roundhead
- royal road
- rug pad
- running head
- rye bread
- saint-john's-bread
- salad
- salah-ad-din yusuf ibn-ayyub
- salt-rising bread
- sam snead
- samuel jackson snead
- saphead
- scad
- scouring pad
- scratch pad
- scratchpad
- screw thread
- seanad
- seminole bread
- service abroad
- service road
- shad
- shawnee salad
- sheepshead
- shinpad
- shipload
- shithead
- shortbread
- shoulder pad
- shovelhead
- showerhead
- side road
- silk road
- sinbad
- sir galahad
- sketch pad
- skid road
- skillet bread
- skillet corn bread
- skinhead
- sleepyhead
- slip road
- smalleye hammerhead
- smooth hammerhead
- snake-head
- snakehead
- snead
- soap pad
- soledad
- sorehead
- sounding lead
- sour bread
- sourdough bread
- south american poison toad
- southwestern toad
- sowbread
- spadefoot toad
- spearhead
- special weapons and tactics squad
- spoon bread
- spread
- spread head
- spreadhead
- squad
- stagger head
- staggered head
- staghead
- stairhead
- stalinabad
- stalingrad
- stamp pad
- stead
- steel-wool pad
- stephead
- stomach sweetbread
- strad
- subhead
- subpoena ad testificandum
- sugar of lead
- superload
- surinam toad
- swad
- swat squad
- swedish rye bread
- sweetbread
- swelled head
- swellhead
- swinging chad
- tad
- tailed toad
- talking head
- tallulah bankhead
- tchad
- tea bread
- terminus ad quem
- tetrad
- tetraethyl lead
- texas toad
- thermonuclear warhead
- ad-lib
- adapt
- add
- add on
- add to
- add together
- add up
- addict
- addle
- address
- adduce
- adduct
- adhere
- adjoin
- adjourn
- adjudge
- adjudicate
- adjure
- adjust
- admeasure
- administer
- administrate
- admire
- admit
- admix
- admonish
- adolesce
- adopt
- adore
- adorn
- adsorb
- adulate
- adulterate
- adumbrate
- advance
- advantage
- advect
- adventure
- advert
- advertise
- advertize
- advise
- advocate
- bead
- behead
- blacklead
- brad
- bread
- break bread
- cheerlead
- copyread
- dispread
- download
- dread
- drop dead
- freeload
- gad
- get a load
- get ahead
- go ahead
- go bad
- goad
- hang by a thread
- head
- homestead
- knead
- lead
- lip-read
- lipread
- load
- mislead
- misread
- offload
- overload
- overspread
- pad
- plead
- plow ahead
- proofread
- pull ahead
- railroad
- read
- reload
- reread
- retread
- set ahead
- sight-read
- sightread
- spearhead
- speech-read
- spread
- stop dead
- take the road
- thread
- thrust ahead
- tread
- unload
- upload
- wad
- abroad
- ad-lib
- ad hoc
- ad hominem
- adactylous
- adagio
- adamant
- adamantine
- adaptable
- adaptational
- adaptative
- adapted
- adaptive
- adaxial
- addable
- addible
- addicted
- addictive
- additional
- additive
- addlebrained
- addled
- addlepated
- addressable
- addressed
- adducent
- adducting
- adductive
- adenocarcinomatous
- adenoid
- adenoidal
- adept
- adequate
- adequate to
- adherent
- adhesive
- adiabatic
- adient
- adipose
- adjacent
- adjectival
- adjective
- adjudicative
- adjudicatory
- adjunct
- adjunctive
- adjuratory
- adjustable
- adjusted
- adjustive
- adjuvant
- administrable
- administrative
- admirable
- admired
- admissible
- admissive
- admittable
- admittible
- admonishing
- admonitory
- adnate
- adnexal
- adolescent
- adonic
- adoptable
- adopted
- adoptive
- adorable
- adored
- adoring
- adorned
- adpressed
- adrenal
- adrenergic
- adrenocortical
- adrenocorticotrophic
- adrenocorticotropic
- adrift
- adroit
- adscititious
- adscript
- adscripted
- adsorbable
- adsorbate
- adsorbent
- adsorptive
- adulatory
- adult
- adulterant
- adulterate
- adulterated
- adulterating
- adulterine
- adulterous
- adumbrative
- adust
- advance
- advanced
- advancing
- advantageous
- advective
- adventitial
- adventitious
- adventive
- adventuresome
- adventuristic
- adventurous
- adverbial
- adversative
- adverse
- advertent
- advertised
- advisable
- advised
- advisory
- adynamic
- ahead
- armor-clad
- armour-clad
- bad
- brain dead
- broad
- clad
- dead
- dread
- drumhead
- full-clad
- glad
- head-to-head
- in the lead
- ironclad
- mad
- mail-clad
- middle-of-the-road
- myriad
- not bad
- outspread
- overhead
- raving mad
- sad
- scantily clad
- snow-clad
- spread
- stone-dead
- thickspread
- too bad
- unclad
- unread
- well-read
- white-bread
- widespread
- aborad
- abroad
- ad
- ad hoc
- ad infinitum
- ad interim
- ad lib
- ad libitum
- ad nauseam
- ad val
- ad valorem
- adagio
- adamantly
- adaxially
- additionally
- adequately
- adjectivally
- adjectively
- administratively
- admirably
- admiringly
- admittedly
- adorably
- adoringly
- adrift
- adroitly
- adulterously
- advantageously
- adverbially
- adversely
- advertently
- advisedly
- ahead
- bad
- dead
- dead ahead
- drop-dead
- forrad
- head-to-head
- heels over head
- in the lead
- instead
- like mad
- orad
- overhead
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Last Search Words
Search Result:ad
(TTS Sound)

KK Pronunciation
〔 æd 〕
〔 æd 〕
Overview of noun ad
The noun ad has 1 sense
- ad, advertisement, advertizement, advertising, advertizing, advert -- (a public promotion of some product or service)
Overview of adv ad
The adv ad has 1 sense
- AD, A.D., anno Domini -- (in the Christian era; used before dates after the supposed year Christ was born; "in AD 200")