Compund Words
- a-bomb
- ab
- abb
- abcoulomb
- ad-lib
- adverb
- aerosol bomb
- ahab
- al-magrib
- alaska crab
- alaska king crab
- alaskan king crab
- alb
- american lady crab
- anti-personnel bomb
- antipersonnel bomb
- aplomb
- arab
- arb
- ardeb
- artery of the penis bulb
- artery of the vestibule bulb
- asian horseshoe crab
- atom bomb
- atomic bomb
- auxiliary verb
- b
- b-52
- b-complex vitamin
- b-flat clarinet
- b-girl
- b-horizon
- b-meson
- b-scan ultrasonography
- b. b. king
- b. f. skinner
- b.o.
- b.t.u.
- b battery
- b cell
- b complex
- b horizon
- b lymphocyte
- b vitamin
- ba
- baa
- baa-lamb
- baader-meinhof gang
- baader meinhof gang
- baal
- baal merodach
- baas
- baba
- baba au rhum
- babacu oil
- babar
- babassu
- babassu nut
- babassu oil
- babassu palm
- babbitt
- babbitt metal
- babbitting
- babble
- babbler
- babbling
- babe
- babe didrikson
- babe ruth
- babe zaharias
- babel
- babesiidae
- babies'-breath
- babies' slippers
- babinski
- babinski reflex
- babinski sign
- babiroussa
- babirusa
- babirussa
- babka
- baboo
- baboon
- babu
- babushka
- baby
- baby's bed
- baby's breath
- baby's dummy
- baby's room
- baby's tears
- baby-boom generation
- baby-sitter
- baby-walker
- baby bed
- baby bird
- baby blue-eyes
- baby boom
- baby boomer
- baby buggy
- baby buster
- baby carriage
- baby doc
- baby doctor
- baby farmer
- baby grand
- baby grand piano
- baby minder
- baby oil
- baby powder
- baby rose
- baby shoe
- baby sitting
- baby talk
- baby tears
- baby tooth
- babyhood
- babylon
- babylonia
- babylonian
- babylonian captivity
- babylonian weeping willow
- babyminder
- babyrousa
- babyrousa babyrussa
- babysitter
- babysitting
- babytalk
- bacca
- baccalaureate
- baccarat
- bacchanal
- bacchanalia
- bacchant
- bacchante
- baccharis
- baccharis halimifolia
- baccharis pilularis
- baccharis viminea
- bacchus
- baccy
- bach
- bachelor
- bachelor's button
- bachelor's degree
- bachelor-at-arms
- bachelor girl
- bachelor of arts
- bachelor of arts in library science
- bachelor of arts in nursing
- bachelor of divinity
- bachelor of laws
- bachelor of literature
- bachelor of medicine
- bachelor of music
- bachelor of naval science
- bachelor of science
- bachelor of science in architecture
- bachelor of science in engineering
- bachelor of theology
- bachelor party
- bachelorette
- bachelorhood
- bacillaceae
- bacillariophyceae
- bacillary dysentery
- bacillary white diarrhea
- bacillary white diarrhoea
- bacillus
- bacillus anthracis
- bacillus globigii
- bacillus subtilis
- bacitracin
- back
- back-blast
- back-formation
- back-number
- back brace
- back breaker
- back burner
- back channel
- back circle
- back country
- back door
- back end
- back entrance
- back exercise
- back judge
- back matter
- back of beyond
- back pack
- back porch
- back room
- back saw
- back street
- back talk
- back tooth
- backache
- backband
- backbeat
- backbench
- backbencher
- backbend
- backbiter
- backblast
- backboard
- backbone
- backchat
- backcloth
- backdoor
- backdown
- backdrop
- backer
- backfield
- backfire
- backflow
- backflowing
- backgammon
- backgammon board
- background
- background knowledge
- background level
- background noise
- background processing
- background radiation
- background signal
- backgrounder
- backgrounding
- backhand
- backhand drive
- backhand shot
- backhand stroke
- backhander
- backhoe
- backing
- backlash
- backlighting
- backlog
- backpack
- backpacker
- backpacking
- backpacking tent
- backplate
- backrest
- backroom
- backroom boy
- backsaw
- backscratcher
- backseat
- backseat driver
- backsheesh
- backside
- backslapper
- backslider
- backsliding
- backspace
- backspace character
- backspace key
- backspacer
- backspin
- backstage
- backstairs
- backstay
- backstitch
- backstop
- backstroke
- backstroker
- backswimmer
- backsword
- backtalk
- backup
- backup file
- backup man
- backup system
- backwardness
- backwash
- backwater
- backwoods
- backwoodsman
- backyard
- bacon
- bacon-lettuce-tomato sandwich
- bacon and eggs
- bacon rind
- bacon strip
- bacteremia
- bacteria
- bacteria bed
- bacteria family
- bacteria genus
- bacteria order
- bacteria species
- bacteriacide
- bacteriaemia
- bacterial plaque
- bacterial toxin
- bactericide
- bacteriemia
- bacteriochlorophyll
- bacteriological warfare
- bacteriologist
- bacteriology
- bacteriolysis
- bacteriophage
- bacteriostasis
- bacteriostat
- bacterium
- bacteroid
- bacteroidaceae
- bacteroides
- bactrian camel
- bad
- bad block
- bad blood
- bad check
- bad cheque
- bad debt
- bad egg
- bad fairy
- bad guy
- bad hat
- bad lands
- bad luck
- bad manners
- bad person
- bad temper
- bad weather
- badaga
- baddeleyite
- baddie
- bade
- badge
- badger
- badger dog
- badger skunk
- badger state
- badgerer
- badgering
- badinage
- badlands
- badlands national park
- badminton
- badminton court
- badminton equipment
- badminton racket
- badminton racquet
- badness
- baeda
- baedeker
- baffin bay
- baffin island
- baffle
- baffle board
- baffled
- bafflement
- bag
- bag lady
- bag of tricks
- bagascosis
- bagasse
- bagassosis
- bagatelle
- bagdad
- bagel
- bagful
- baggage
- baggage car
- baggage claim
- baggageman
- bagger
- bagging
- baghdad
- bagman
- bagnio
- bagpipe
- bagpiper
- baguet
- baguette
- bahai
- bahaism
- bahama grass
- bahama islands
- bahamas
- bahamian
- bahamian dollar
- bahasa
- bahasa indonesia
- bahasa kebangsaan
- bahasa malaysia
- bahasa melayu
- bahia blanca
- bahia coquilla
- bahia grass
- bahia piassava
- bahrain
- bahrain dinar
- bahrain island
- bahraini
- bahrainian monetary unit
- bahrein
- bahrein island
- bahreini
- baht
- bai
- baic
- baikal
- bail
- bail bond
- bailee
- bailey
- bailey bridge
- bailiff
- bailiffship
- bailiwick
- bailment
- bailor
- bain-marie
- baiomys
- baiomys taylori
- bairava
- bairdiella
- bairdiella chrysoura
- bairiki
- bairn
- baisa
- baisakh
- bait
- bait and switch
- bait casting
- baiting
- baiza
- baize
- baja california
- bakeapple
- baked-apple berry
- baked alaska
- baked egg
- baked goods
- baked potato
- bakehouse
- bakelite
- baker
- baker's dozen
- baker's eczema
- baker's yeast
- bakersfield
- bakery
- bakeshop
- baking
- baking-powder biscuit
- baking chocolate
- baking powder
- baking soda
- baking tray
- bakke decision
- baklava
- baksheesh
- bakshis
- bakshish
- baku
- bakunin
- balaclava
- balaclava helmet
- balaena
- balaena mysticetus
- balaeniceps
- balaeniceps rex
- balaenicipitidae
- balaenidae
- balaenoptera
- balaenoptera acutorostrata
- balaenoptera borealis
- balaenoptera musculus
- balaenoptera physalus
- balaenopteridae
- balagan
- balalaika
- balance
- balance-of-payments problem
- balance beam
- balance of international payments
- balance of payments
- balance of power
- balance of trade
- balance sheet
- balance wheel
- balanced budget
- balanced diet
- balancer
- balanchine
- balancing
- balanidae
- balanitis
- balanoposthitis
- balanus
- balanus balanoides
- balarama
- balas
- balas ruby
- balata
- balata tree
- balaton
- balboa
- balbriggan
- balcony
- bald-faced hornet
- bald cypress
- bald eagle
- baldachin
- balder
- balderdash
- baldhead
- baldness
- baldpate
- baldr
- baldric
- baldrick
- baldwin
- baldy
- bale
- balearic islands
- baleen
- baleen whale
- balefire
- balefulness
- balenciaga
- balfour
- bali
- balibago
- balinese
- baling wire
- balistes
- balistes vetula
- balistidae
- balk
- balkan
- balkan country
- balkan mountain range
- balkan mountains
- balkan nation
- balkan peninsula
- balkan state
- balkan wars
- balkans
- balker
- balkiness
- balkline
- ball
- ball-and-socket joint
- ball-breaker
- ball-buster
- ball-peen hammer
- ball and chain
- ball bearing
- ball boy
- ball carrier
- ball cartridge
- ball club
- ball cock
- ball fern
- ball field
- ball game
- ball gown
- ball hawk
- ball hawking
- ball nettle
- ball nightshade
- ball of fire
- ball valve
- ballad
- ballad maker
- ballade
- balladeer
- ballast
- ballast resistor
- ballcock
- balldress
- ballerina
- ballet
- ballet company
- ballet dancer
- ballet master
- ballet mistress
- ballet position
- ballet skirt
- balletomane
- balletomania
- ballgame
- ballista
- ballistic capsule
- ballistic fingerprinting
- ballistic galvanometer
- ballistic identification
- ballistic missile
- ballistic missile defense organization
- ballistic pendulum
- ballistic trajectory
- ballistics
- ballistite
- ballistocardiogram
- ballistocardiograph
- ballock
- balloon
- balloon bomb
- balloon flower
- balloon sail
- balloon seat
- balloon vine
- balloonfish
- ballooning
- balloonist
- ballot
- ballot box
- ballota
- ballota nigra
- balloting
- ballottement
- ballpark
- ballpen
- ballplayer
- ballpoint
- ballpoint pen
- ballroom
- ballroom dance
- ballroom dancing
- ballroom music
- balls-up
- ballup
- ballyhoo
- ballyhoo artist
- balm
- balm of gilead
- balminess
- balmoral
- balmoral castle
- balochi
- baloney
- balsa
- balsa raft
- balsa wood
- balsam
- balsam apple
- balsam capivi
- balsam family
- balsam fir
- balsam herb
- balsam of peru
- balsam of tolu
- balsam pear
- balsam poplar
- balsam willow
- balsam woolly aphid
- balsaminaceae
- balsamorhiza
- balsamroot
- balthasar
- balthazar
- baltic
- baltic-finnic
- baltic language
- baltic republic
- baltic sea
- baltic state
- baltimore
- baltimore bird
- baltimore oriole
- balto-slavic
- balto-slavic language
- balto-slavonic
- baluchi
- baluster
- balusters
- balustrade
- balzac
- bam
- bamako
- bambino
- bamboo
- bamboo curtain
- bamboo fern
- bamboo palm
- bamboo shoot
- bambusa
- bambusa vulgaris
- bambuseae
- ban
- banality
- banana
- banana boat
- banana bread
- banana family
- banana oil
- banana passion fruit
- banana peel
- banana quit
- banana republic
- banana skin
- banana split
- banana tree
- band
- band-tail pigeon
- band-tailed pigeon
- band aid
- band of partisans
- band saw
- bandage
- bandaging
- bandana
- bandanna
- bandbox
- bandeau
- banded adder
- banded anteater
- banded gecko
- banded krait
- banded palm civet
- banded purple
- banded rattlesnake
- banded rudderfish
- banded sand snake
- banded stilt
- banded water snake
- bandelet
- bandelette
- banderilla
- banderillero
- bandicoot
- bandicoot rat
- banding
- bandit
- banditry
- bandleader
- bandlet
- bandmaster
- bandoleer
- bandolier
- bandoneon
- bandsaw
- bandsman
- bandstand
- bandtail
- bandung
- bandwagon
- bandwagon effect
- bandwidth
- bandy leg
- bandy legs
- bandyleg
- bane
- baneberry
- banff
- bang
- bang's disease
- bangalore
- bangalore torpedo
- banger
- bangiaceae
- banging
- bangkok
- bangla
- bangla desh
- bangladesh
- bangladeshi
- bangladeshi monetary unit
- bangle
- bangor
- bangtail
- bangui
- banian
- banian tree
- banishment
- banister
- banjo
- banjul
- bank
- bank-depositor relation
- bank account
- bank bill
- bank building
- bank card
- bank charter
- bank check
- bank clerk
- bank closing
- bank commissioner
- bank deposit
- bank discount
- bank draft
- bank examination
- bank examiner
- bank failure
- bank gravel
- bank guard
- bank holding company
- bank holiday
- bank identification number
- bank line
- bank loan
- bank manager
- bank martin
- bank note
- bank of england
- bank of japan
- bank rate
- bank robber
- bank run
- bank shot
- bank statement
- bank swallow
- bank vault
- bank withdrawal
- bankbook
- banker
- banker's acceptance
- banker's bill
- banker's check
- banker's draft
- bankhead
- bankia
- bankia setaceae
- banking
- banking company
- banking concern
- banking game
- banking industry
- banking system
- banknote
- bankroll
- bankrupt
- bankruptcy
- banks
- banksia
- banksia integrifolia
- banksia rose
- banner
- banneret
- banning
- banning-order
- bannister
- bannock
- bannockburn
- banns
- banquet
- banquet song
- banqueting
- banquette
- banshee
- banshie
- bantam
- bantamweight
- banteng
- banter
- banti's disease
- banti's syndrome
- banting
- bantoid language
- bantu
- ba
- absorb
- ad-lib
- adsorb
- atom-bomb
- baa
- babbitt
- babble
- babble out
- baby
- baby-sit
- bach
- bachelor
- back
- back away
- back down
- back off
- back out
- back up
- backbite
- backcross
- backdate
- backfire
- background
- backhand
- backlash
- backlog
- backpack
- backpedal
- backscatter
- backslap
- backslide
- backspace
- backstitch
- backstop
- backstroke
- backtrack
- bacterise
- bacterize
- badge
- badger
- badmouth
- baffle
- bag
- bail
- bail out
- bait
- bake
- balance
- bald
- bale
- bale out
- balk
- balkanise
- balkanize
- ball
- ball over
- ball up
- ballast
- balloon
- ballot
- ballyhoo
- ballyrag
- bamboozle
- ban
- band
- band oneself
- band together
- bandage
- bandy
- bandy about
- bang
- bang out
- bang up
- banish
- bank
- bankroll
- bankrupt
- banquet
- banter
- baptise
- baptize
- bar
- bar hop
- bar mitzvah
- barb
- barbarise
- barbarize
- barbecue
- barbeque
- barber
- bard
- barde
- bare
- barf
- bargain
- bargain down
- barge
- barge in
- bark
- barnstorm
- baronetise
- baronetize
- barrack
- barrage
- barrage jam
- barrel
- barricade
- barricado
- barter
- barter away
- base
- bash
- basify
- bask
- basset
- bastardise
- bastardize
- baste
- bastinado
- bat
- bat mitzvah
- batch
- bate
- batfowl
- bath
- bathe
- batik
- batten
- batten down
- batter
- battle
- baulk
- bawl
- bawl out
- bay
- bayonet
- be
- be active
- be adrift
- be after
- be amiss
- be at pains
- be born
- be due
- be full
- be given
- be intimate
- be on
- be on cloud nine
- be on the ball
- be quiet
- be sick
- be well
- be with it
- beach
- beacon
- bead
- beak
- beam
- bean
- bear
- bear away
- bear down
- bear down on
- bear down upon
- bear in mind
- bear off
- bear on
- bear out
- bear up
- bear upon
- bear witness
- beard
- beat
- beat a retreat
- beat about
- beat around the bush
- beat back
- beat down
- beat in
- beat out
- beat up
- beatify
- beautify
- beaver
- beaver away
- bebop
- becalm
- bechance
- becharm
- beckon
- becloud
- become
- become flat
- bed
- bed-hop
- bed down
- bedamn
- bedaub
- bedaze
- bedazzle
- bedeck
- bedevil
- bedew
- bedhop
- bedight
- bedim
- bedizen
- bedraggle
- beef
- beef up
- beep
- beeswax
- beetle
- beetle off
- befall
- befit
- befog
- befool
- befoul
- befriend
- befuddle
- beg
- beg off
- beget
- beggar
- begild
- begin
- begrime
- begrudge
- beguile
- behave
- behead
- behold
- behoove
- behove
- bejewel
- belabor
- belabour
- belay
- belch
- beleaguer
- belie
- believe
- believe in
- belittle
- bell
- bell the cat
- bellow
- belly
- belly-flop
- belly-land
- belly dance
- belly out
- bellyache
- bellylaugh
- belong
- belong to
- belt
- belt along
- belt down
- belt out
- belt up
- bemire
- bemoan
- bemock
- bemuse
- bench
- bend
- bend over backwards
- benday
- benefact
- benefice
- beneficiate
- benefit
- benficiate
- benight
- benumb
- beplaster
- bequeath
- berate
- bereave
- berry
- berth
- beseech
- beseem
- beset
- beshrew
- besiege
- besmear
- besmirch
- besot
- bespangle
- bespatter
- bespeak
- bespeckle
- bespot
- besprinkle
- best
- bestialise
- bestialize
- bestir
- bestir oneself
- bestow
- bestrew
- bestride
- bet
- bet on
- betake oneself
- bethink
- betide
- betoken
- betray
- betroth
- better
- bevel
- bewail
- beware
- bewhisker
- bewilder
- bewitch
- bewray
- bias
- bib
- bicker
- bicycle
- bid
- bide
- biff
- bifurcate
- bight
- bike
- bilge
- bilk
- bill
- billet
- billow
- bin
- bind
- bind off
- bind over
- binge
- bioassay
- biodegrade
- birch
- bird
- bird-nest
- birdie
- birdlime
- birdnest
- birdwatch
- birl
- birle
- birr
- birth
- bisect
- bitch
- bite
- bite off
- bite out
- bitt
- bitter
- bituminise
- bituminize
- bivouac
- blab
- blab out
- blabber
- black
- black market
- black marketeer
- black out
- blackball
- blackberry
- blacken
- blacken out
- blackguard
- blackjack
- blacklead
- blackleg
- blacklist
- blackmail
- blacktop
- blackwash
- blame
- blanch
- blandish
- blank
- blank out
- blanket
- blanket jam
- blare
- blare out
- blarney
- blaspheme
- blast
- blast off
- blat
- blat out
- blate
- blather
- blaze
- blaze away
- blaze out
- blaze up
- blazon
- blazon out
- bleach
- bleach out
- blear
- bleat
- bleed
- bleep
- blemish
- blench
- blend
- blend in
- bless
- blether
- blight
- blind
- blindfold
- blindside
- blink
- blink away
- blinker
- blister
- blither
- blitz
- blitzkrieg
- bloat
- blob
- block
- block off
- block out
- block up
- blockade
- blog
- blood
- bloody
- bloom
- blossom
- blossom forth
- blossom out
- blot
- blot out
- blotch
- bloviate
- blow
- blow-dry
- blow a fuse
- blow off
- blow one's stack
- blow out
- blow out of the water
- blow over
- blow up
- blub
- blubber
- blubber out
- bludgeon
- blue
- blue-pencil
- blueprint
- bluff
- bluff out
- blunder
- blunder out
- blunt
- blur
- blurt
- blurt out
- blush
- bluster
- board
- board up
- boast
- boat
- boat-race
- bob
- bob about
- bob around
- bob under
- bob up
- bobble
- bobsled
- bode
- bodge
- body
- body-surf
- body forth
- body guard
- bodypaint
- bog
- bog down
- bogey
- boggle
- boil
- boil down
- boil over
- boldface
- bollix
- bollix up
- bollocks
- bollocks up
- bolshevise
- bolshevize
- bolster
- bolster up
- bolt
- bolt down
- bolt out
- bomb
- bomb out
- bomb up
- bombard
- bombilate
- bombinate
- bombproof
- bond
- bonderise
- bonderize
- bone
- bone up
- bong
- bonk
- bonnet
- boo
- boob
- boogie
- book
- book up
- boom
- boom out
- boomerang
- boondoggle
- boost
- boost up
- boot
- boot out
- bootleg
- bootlick
- bootstrap
- booze
- bop
- border
- border on
- bore
- borrow
- bosom
- boss
- boss around
- botanise
- botanize
- botch
- botch up
- bother
- bottle
- bottle up
- bottlefeed
- bottleneck
- bottom
- bottom out
- bounce
- bounce back
- bounce out
- bound
- bound off
- bourgeon
- bouse
- bow
- bow down
- bow out
- bowdlerise
- bowdlerize
- bower
- bowl
- bowl over
- bowse
- box
- box in
- box up
- boycott
- brabble
- brace
- brace oneself for
- brace up
- brachiate
- bracket
- bracket out
- brad
- brag
- braid
- brail
- braille
- brain
- brainstorm
- brainwash
- braise
- brake
- branch
- branch out
- brand
- brandish
- brandmark
- brattice
- brattle
- brave
- brave out
- bravo
- brawl
- bray
- braze
- brazen
- breach
- bread
- break
- break-dance
- break apart
- break away
- break bread
- break camp
- break dance
- break down
- break even
- break in
- break into
- break loose
- break off
- break one's back
- break open
- break out
- break short
- break someone's heart
- break through
- break up
- break water
- break wind
- break with
- breakfast
- bream
- breast
- breastfeed
- breaststroke
- breathalyse
- breathalyze
- breathe
- breathe in
- breathe out
- brecciate
- breed
- breeze
- breeze through
- brevet
- brew
- bribe
- brick in
- brick over
- brick up
- bridge
- bridge over
- bridle
- bridle at
- bridle up
- brief
- brigade
- brighten
- brim
- brim over
- brine
- bring
- bring about
- bring around
- bring back
- bring down
- bring forth
- bring forward
- bring home
- bring home the bacon
- bring in
- bring off
- bring on
- bring oneself
- bring out
- bring outside
- bring round
- bring through
- bring to
- bring to bear
- bring together
- bring up
- brisk
- brisk up
- brisken
- bristle
- bristle at
- bristle up
- broach
- broadcast
- broaden
- broadside
- brocade
- broider
- broil
- broker
- bromate
- brominate
- bronze
- brooch
- brood
- brook
- broom
- browbeat
- brown
- brown-nose
- browse
- bruise
- bruit
- brunch
- brush
- brush aside
- brush down
- brush off
- brush on
- brush up
- brutalise
- brutalize
- bubble
- bubble over
- bubble up
- buccaneer
- buck
- buck up
- bucket
- bucket along
- buckle
- buckle down
- buckle under
- buckram
- bud
- budge
- budget
- budget for
- buff
- buffalo
- buffer
- buffet
- bug
- bug out
- bugger
- bugger off
- bugle
- build
- build in
- build on
- build up
- build upon
- bulge
- bulge out
- bulk
- bulk large
- bull
- bull through
- bulldog
- bulldoze
- bullet vote
- bulletin
- bulletproof
- bullshit
- bully
- bully off
- bullyrag
- bulwark
- bum
- bum about
- bum around
- bumble
- bump
- bump around
- bump into
- bump off
- bump up
- bunch
- bunch together
- bunch up
- bunco
- bundle
- bundle off
- bundle up
- bung
- bungle
- bunk
- bunk down
- bunk off
- bunker
- bunt
- buoy
- buoy up
- bur
- burble
- burden
- burgeon
- burgeon forth
- burglarise
- burglarize
- burgle
- burke
- burl
- burlesque
- burn
- burn down
- burn off
- burn out
- burn up
- burnish
- burp
- burr
- burrow
- burst
- burst forth
- burst in on
- burst out
- burst upon
- burthen
- bury
- bus
- bush
- bush out
- bushel
- bushwhack
- busk
- buss
- bust
- bust up
- bustle
- bustle about
- busy
- butcher
- butt
- butt-weld
- butt against
- butt in
- butt on
- butter
- butter up
- butterfly
- button
- button up
- buttonhole
- buttress
- buttweld
- butylate
- buy
- buy at
- buy back
- buy food
- buy in
- buy into
- buy it
- buy off
- buy out
- buy the farm
- buy time
- buy up
- buzz
- buzz off
- by-bid
- bypass
- cab
- carpet bomb
- chemisorb
- climb
- club
- comb
- confab
- crab
- crib
- crumb
- cub
- curb
- currycomb
- dab
- daub
- demob
- desorb
- disturb
- dive-bomb
- drub
- dub
- ebb
- entomb
- fib
- firebomb
- flub
- fob
- gab
- garb
- glide-bomb
- grab
- grub
- hob
- hobnob
- honeycomb
- hydrogen-bomb
- jab
- jib
- job
- lamb
- letter bomb
- lob
- mob
- nab
- numb
- orb
- pattern-bomb
- perturb
- plumb
- reabsorb
- recumb
- resorb
- rib
- rob
- rub
- scab
- scrub
- skip-bomb
- snub
- sob
- sorb
- stab
- strike dumb
- stub
- sub
- succumb
- swab
- swob
- throb
- thumb
- web
- acerb
- ad-lib
- babelike
- baboonish
- baby-faced
- babyish
- babylonian
- baccate
- bacchanal
- bacchanalian
- bacchantic
- bacchic
- bacciferous
- baccivorous
- bacillar
- bacillary
- bacilliform
- back
- back-channel
- back-geared
- back-to-back
- backbreaking
- backed
- backhand
- backhanded
- backless
- backmost
- backstage
- backstair
- backstairs
- backswept
- backward
- bacteremic
- bacterial
- bactericidal
- bacterioid
- bacterioidal
- bacteriologic
- bacteriological
- bacteriolytic
- bacteriophagic
- bacteriophagous
- bacteriostatic
- bacteroid
- bacteroidal
- baculiform
- bad
- bad-mannered
- bad-tempered
- baffled
- baffling
- bag-shaped
- baggy
- bahai
- bahamian
- bahraini
- bailable
- baked
- baking
- baking hot
- balanced
- balconied
- bald
- bald-faced
- bald-headed
- bald-pated
- balding
- baleful
- balking
- balky
- ball-hawking
- ball-shaped
- balletic
- ballistic
- bally
- balmy
- balsam-scented
- balsamic
- balsamy
- baltic
- balzacian
- banal
- banausic
- bandaged
- banded
- bandy
- bandy-legged
- baneful
- bang-up
- banging
- bangladeshi
- bankable
- bankrupt
- banned
- banner
- bantam
- bantering
- bantoid
- bantu
- bantu-speaking
- baptised
- baptismal
- baptistic
- baptized
- bar-shaped
- barbadian
- barbarian
- barbaric
- barbarous
- barbate
- barbecued
- barbed
- barbellate
- bardic
- bare
- bare-ass
- bare-assed
- bare-breasted
- bare-knuckle
- bare-knuckled
- bareback
- barebacked
- bared
- barefaced
- barefoot
- barefooted
- barehanded
- bareheaded
- barelegged
- bargain-priced
- baric
- baritone
- barky
- barmy
- barographic
- barometric
- barometrical
- baronial
- baroque
- barred
- barrel-shaped
- barreled
- barrelled
- barren
- barricaded
- barytic
- basal
- basaltic
- base
- base-forming
- baseborn
- based
- baseless
- bashful
- basic
- basidial
- basidiomycetous
- basidiosporous
- basifixed
- basilar
- basilary
- basilican
- basinal
- basined
- basipetal
- basiscopic
- basket-shaped
- basophilic
- bass
- bastard
- bastardised
- bastardized
- bastardly
- bastioned
- bated
- bathetic
- batholithic
- batholitic
- bathyal
- bathymetric
- bathymetrical
- batrachian
- bats
- batter-fried
- battered
- battery-powered
- battle-scarred
- battleful
- battlemented
- batty
- batwing
- bauxitic
- bavarian
- bawdy
- bay
- bayesian
- beaded
- beadlike
- beady
- beady-eyed
- beaked
- beakless
- beaklike
- beaming
- beamish
- beamy
- bean-shaped
- bear-sized
- bearable
- bearded
- beardless
- beardown
- bearing
- bearish
- beastly
- beat
- beat-up
- beatable
- beaten
- beaten-up
- beatific
- beatified
- beauteous
- beautiful
- becalmed
- becoming
- bedaubed
- bedded
- bedewed
- bedfast
- bedimmed
- bedless
- bedraggled
- bedrid
- bedridden
- beechen
- beefed-up
- beefy
- beery
- beethovenian
- beetle
- beetle-browed
- beetling
- befitting
- befogged
- beforehand
- befouled
- befuddled
- beggarly
- beginning
- begotten
- begrimed
- beguiled
- beguiling
- behavioral
- behaviorist
- behavioristic
- behavioural
- behaviourist
- behaviouristic
- beheaded
- behind
- behind-the-scenes
- behindhand
- beholden
- beige
- belarusian
- belated
- belemnitic
- belgian
- believable
- belittled
- belittling
- bell-bottom
- bell-bottomed
- bell-shaped
- bellbottom
- belletristic
- bellicose
- bellied
- belligerent
- belly-up
- bellying
- bellyless
- beloved
- below the belt
- belowground
- belt-fed
- belt-like
- belt-shaped
- belted
- beltless
- beltlike
- bemused
- bendable
- bended
- benedictine
- benedictive
- benedictory
- benefic
- beneficed
- beneficent
- beneficial
- beneficiary
- benevolent
- bengali
- benighted
- benign
- benignant
- beninese
- bent
- bent on
- benthal
- benthic
- benthonic
- bentonitic
- benumbed
- benzenoid
- benzoic
- benzylic
- bereaved
- bereft
- bermudan
- berried
- berrylike
- berserk
- beseeching
- besieged
- besotted
- bespectacled
- bespoke
- bespoken
- besprent
- best
- best-known
- best-loved
- best-selling
- bestial
- bestubbled
- beta
- betrothed
- better
- better-known
- better-looking
- better off
- bettering
- betting
- betulaceous
- bewhiskered
- bewildered
- bewitched
- bewitching
- beyond doubt
- bhutanese
- biannual
- bias
- biased
- biaural
- biauricular
- biaxal
- biaxate
- biaxial
- bibbed
- bibless
- biblical
- bibliographic
- bibliographical
- bibliolatrous
- bibliomaniacal
- bibliophilic
- bibliopolic
- bibliothecal
- bibliothecarial
- bibliotic
- bibulous
- bicameral
- bicapsular
- bicentenary
- bicentennial
- bicentric
- bicephalous
- bichromated
- bichrome
- bicipital
- bicolor
- bicolored
- bicolour
- bicoloured
- biconcave
- biconvex
- bicorn
- bicornate
- bicorned
- bicornuate
- bicornuous
- bicuspid
- bicuspidate
- bicyclic
- bicylindrical
- biddable
- bidentate
- bidirectional
- biedermeier
- biennial
- biface
- bifacial
- bifid
- bifilar
- biflagellate
- bifocal
- bifoliate
- biform
- bifurcate
- bifurcated
- big
- big-bellied
- big-boned
- big-chested
- big-shouldered
- big-ticket
- bigamous
- bigeminal
- bigeneric
- bigger
- biggish
- bigheaded
- bighearted
- bigmouthed
- bignoniaceous
- bigoted
- bilabial
- bilabiate
- bilateral
- bilaterally symmetric
- bilaterally symmetrical
- bilgy
- biliary
- bilinear
- bilingual
- bilious
- billed
- billiard
- billion
- billionth
- billowing
- billowy
- bilobate
- bilobated
- bilobed
- bilocular
- biloculate
- bimanual
- bimestrial
- bimetal
- bimetallic
- bimetallistic
- bimillenial
- bimodal
- bimolecular
- bimonthly
- bimorphemic
- bimotored
- binary
- binate
- binaural
- bindable
- binding
- binocular
- binomial
- binominal
- binuclear
- binucleate
- binucleated
- biocatalytic
- biochemical
- bioclimatic
- biodegradable
- biogenetic
- biogenic
- biogenous
- biogeographic
- biogeographical
- biographic
- biographical
- biologic
- biological
- biologistic
- bioluminescent
- biomedical
- bionic
- bionomic
- bionomical
- biosynthetic
- biosystematic
- biotic
- biotitic
- biotypic
- biovular
- biparous
- bipartisan
- bipartite
- bipartizan
- biped
- bipedal
- bipinnate
- bipinnatifid
- bipolar
- biquadratic
- biracial
- biradial
- biramous
- birch
- birchen
- bird's-eye
- birefringent
- birken
- bisectional
- biserrate
- bisexual
- bismarckian
- bismuthal
- bismuthic
- bisontine
- bistered
- bistred
- bistroic
- bisulcate
- bit-by-bit
- bitchy
- biting
- bitter
- bitterish
- bittersweet
- bittie
- bitty
- bitumenoid
- bituminoid
- bituminous
- bivalent
- bivalve
- bivalved
- bivariate
- biweekly
- biyearly
- bizarre
- bizonal
- blabbermouthed
- blabby
- black
- black-and-blue
- black-and-tan
- black-and-white
- black-barred
- black-coated
- black-gray
- black-grey
- black-haired
- black-marked
- black-market
- black-seeded
- black-tie
- black and white
- blackened
- blackguardly
- blackish
- blackish-brown
- blackish-gray
- blackish-grey
- blackish-red
- bladderlike
- bladdery
- bladed
- bladelike
- blae
- blamable
- blame
- blameable
- blamed
- blameful
- blameless
- blameworthy
- blanched
- bland
- blank
- blanket
- blanketed
- blaring
- blase
- blasphemous
- blasted
- blastemal
- blastematic
- blastemic
- blasting
- blastocoelic
- blastodermatic
- blastodermic
- blastogenetic
- blastomeric
- blastomycotic
- blastoporal
- blastoporic
- blastospheric
- blastular
- blatant
- blate
- blazing
- bleached
- bleak
- blear
- blear-eyed
- bleary
- bleary-eyed
- blebbed
- blebby
- blemished
- blended
- blessed
- blest
- blighted
- blimpish
- blind
- blind drunk
- blinded
- blindfold
- blindfolded
- blinding
- blinking
- blissful
- blistering
- blistery
- blithe
- blithesome
- blockaded
- blockading
- blocked
- blockheaded
- blockish
- blocky
- blond
- blonde
- blood-and-guts
- blood-filled
- blood-red
- blood-related
- bloodcurdling
- blooded
- bloodguilty
- bloodless
- bloodshot
- bloodstained
- bloodsucking
- bloodthirsty
- bloody
- bloody-minded
- blooming
- blotched
- blotchy
- blotted out
- blotto
- blow-by-blow
- blown
- blown-up
- blowsy
- blowy
- blowzy
- blubbery
- blue
- blue-black
- blue-blind
- blue-blooded
- blue-chip
- blue-collar
- blue-eyed
- blue-flowered
- blue-fruited
- blue-gray
- blue-green
- blue-grey
- blue-lilac
- blue-purple
- blue-ribbon
- blue-sky
- blue-violet
- blue-white
- blueish
- bluff
- bluish
- bluish-gray
- bluish-grey
- bluish-lilac
- bluish-purple
- bluish-violet
- bluish-white
- bluish black
- bluish green
- blunt
- blunted
- blurred
- blurry
- blushful
- blushing
- blustering
- blusterous
- blustery
- boastful
- boat-shaped
- bobtail
- bobtailed
- bodacious
- bodied
- bodiless
- bodily
- bodyless
- boeotian
- boffo
- bogartian
- boggy
- bogus
- bohemian
- boiled
- boisterous
- bold
- bolivian
- bolographic
- bolometric
- bolshevik
- bolshevist
- bolshevistic
- bolshy
- bombastic
- bombproof
- bona fide
- bondable
- bone
- bone-covered
- bone-dry
- bone-idle
- bone-lazy
- bone dry
- boned
- boneheaded
- boneless
- bonelike
- boney
- bonkers
- bonnie
- bonny
- bony
- bony-plated
- bonzer
- bookable
- booked
- bookish
- boolean
- booming
- boon
- boorish
- boot-shaped
- booted
- bootleg
- bootless
- bootlicking
- boozy
- boracic
- borated
- bordered
- borderline
- boreal
- bored
- boric
- boring
- born
- born-again
- boronic
- boskopoid
- bosky
- bosnian
- bosomed
- bosomy
- boss
- boss-eyed
- bossy
- botanic
- botanical
- botched
- botchy
- both
- bothered
- bothersome
- botonee
- botonnee
- botryoid
- botryoidal
- botswanan
- bottle-fed
- bottle-green
- bottle-shaped
- bottom
- bottom-dwelling
- bottom-feeding
- bottom-up
- bottomed
- bottomless
- bottommost
- botuliform
- botulinal
- bouffant
- boughed
- boughless
- boughten
- bouldered
- bouldery
- bouncing
- bouncy
- bound
- bound up
- bounded
- bounden
- bounderish
- boundless
- bounteous
- bountied
- bountiful
- bourgeois
- boustrophedonic
- bovid
- bovine
- bowed
- bowed down
- bowelless
- bowery
- bowfront
- bowing
- bowl-shaped
- bowleg
- bowlegged
- box-shaped
- boxed
- boxed-in
- boxed in
- boxlike
- boxy
- boyish
- boylike
- boytrose
- braced
- brachial
- brachiate
- brachiopod
- brachiopodous
- brachycephalic
- brachycranial
- brachycranic
- brachydactylic
- brachydactylous
- brachypterous
- brachyurous
- bracing
- brackish
- bracteal
- bracteate
- bracted
- bracteolate
- brag
- braggart
- bragging
- braggy
- brahminic
- brahminical
- braided
- brain dead
- brainish
- brainless
- brainsick
- brainwashed
- brainy
- braised
- braky
- braless
- brambly
- bran-new
- branched
- branchial
- branchiate
- branching
- branchiopod
- branchiopodan
- branchiopodous
- branchless
- branchy
- brand-new
- branded
- brash
- brassbound
- brasslike
- brassy
- brattish
- bratty
- brave
- braw
- brawny
- brazen
- brazen-faced
- brazilian
- breakable
- breakaway
- breakneck
- breast-fed
- breasted
- breastless
- breathed
- breathing
- breathless
- breathtaking
- breech-loading
- breeched
- breeding
- breezy
- bregmatic
- briary
- bribable
- brick-shaped
- brickle
- brickly
- bridal
- bridgeable
- brief
- briefless
- briery
- bright
- bright-red
- bright as a new penny
- bright blue
- brightly-colored
- brightly-coloured
- brilliant
- brimful
- brimfull
- brimless
- brimming
- brinded
- brindle
- brindled
- brine-cured
- briny
- brisant
- brisk
- bristle-pointed
- bristled
- bristlelike
- bristly
- britannic
- british
- briton
- brittle
- broached
- broad
- broad-brimmed
- broad-headed
- broad-leafed
- broad-leaved
- broad-minded
- broad-shouldered
- broadband
- broadleaf
- broadloom
- broadnosed
- broadside
- brobdingnagian
- brocaded
- broiled
- broke
- broken
- broken-backed
- broken-down
- broken-field
- broken in
- brokenhearted
- bromic
- bromidic
- bronchial
- bronchiolar
- bronchitic
- bronchoscopic
- bronze
- bronze-red
- bronzed
- bronzy
- brooding
- broody
- brotherlike
- brotherly
- brown
- brown-black
- brown-gray
- brown-green
- brown-grey
- brown-haired
- brown-purple
- brown-speckled
- brown-striped
- browned
- browned off
- brownish
- brownish-black
- brownish-gray
- brownish-green
- brownish-grey
- brownish-orange
- brownish-purple
- brownish-red
- brownish-speckled
- brownish-striped
- brownish-yellow
- bruising
- brumal
- brummagem
- brumous
- bruneian
- brunet
- brunette
- brushed
- brushlike
- brushy
- brusk
- brusque
- brut
- brutal
- brute
- brutish
- bryophytic
- bubaline
- bubbling
- bubbly
- bubonic
- buccal
- buck-toothed
- bucked up
- buckram
- buckshee
- bucolic
- b
- ad lib
- b.c.
- b.c.e.
- baby-like
- baby-wise
- back
- back and forth
- backstage
- backward
- backward and forward
- backwards
- bacterially
- bad
- badly
- baldly
- balefully
- balmily
- banefully
- bang
- bannerlike
- banteringly
- barbarously
- bareback
- barebacked
- barefacedly
- barefoot
- barefooted
- barely
- basely
- bashfully
- basically
- bawdily
- bc
- bce
- beastly
- beautifully
- becomingly
- befittingly
- before
- before christ
- before long
- beforehand
- behind
- behindhand
- belatedly
- believably
- believingly
- belike
- belligerently
- below
- below the belt
- beneath
- beneficially
- benevolently
- benignantly
- benignly
- beseechingly
- besides
- best
- best of all
- bestially
- betimes
- better
- between
- between decks
- betwixt
- bewilderedly
- bewilderingly
- bewitchingly
- beyond
- beyond a doubt
- beyond a shadow of a doubt
- beyond control
- beyond doubt
- beyond measure
- biannually
- biennially
- big
- bilaterally
- bilingually
- bimonthly
- binaurally
- biochemically
- biologically
- biradially
- bit by bit
- bitingly
- bitter
- bitterly
- biweekly
- biyearly
- blamelessly
- blandly
- blankly
- blasphemously
- blatantly
- bleakly
- blessedly
- blindly
- blissfully
- blithely
- bloodily
- bloodlessly
- bloody
- bluffly
- bluntly
- boastfully
- bodily
- body and soul
- boiling
- boisterously
- boldly
- bolt
- bombastically
- bonnily
- boorishly
- boringly
- boundlessly
- bounteously
- bountifully
- boyishly
- boylike
- brashly
- bravely
- brazenly
- breadthways
- breadthwise
- breast-deep
- breast-high
- breathlessly
- breezily
- briefly
- bright
- brightly
- brilliantly
- briskly
- broad-mindedly
- broadly
- broadly speaking
- broadside
- broadwise
- brotherly
- brusquely
- brutally
- brutishly
- bumptiously
- buoyantly
- bureaucratically
- busily
- but
- but then
- buxomly
- by
- by a long shot
- by all means
- by all odds
- by and by
- by and large
- by any means
- by artificial means
- by chance
- by choice
- by design
- by experimentation
- by far
- by fits and starts
- by hand
- by heart
- by hook or by crook
- by inches
- by luck
- by machine
- by memory
- by nature
- by no means
- by right of office
- by rights
- by small degrees
- by the bye
- by the day
- by the piece
- by the way
- by trial and error
- by word of mouth
- plumb
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Search Result:b
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〔 bi 〕
〔 bi: 〕
Overview of noun b
The noun b has 7 senses
- bacillus, B -- (aerobic rod-shaped spore-producing bacterium; often occurring in chainlike formations; found primarily in soil)
- B-complex vitamin, B complex, vitamin B complex, vitamin B, B vitamin, B -- (originally thought to be a single vitamin but now separated into several B vitamins)
- boron, B, atomic number 5 -- (a trivalent metalloid element; occurs both in a hard black crystal and in the form of a yellow or brown powder)
- Bel, B -- (a logarithmic unit of sound intensity equal to 10 decibels)
- barn, b -- ((physics) a unit of nuclear cross section; the effective circular area that one particle presents to another as a target for an encounter)
- B, b -- (the 2nd letter of the Roman alphabet)
- B, type B, group B -- (the blood group whose red cells carry the B antigen)