Compund Words
- ab
- aba
- aba transit number
- abaca
- abacus
- abadan
- abalone
- abamp
- abampere
- abandon
- abandoned infant
- abandoned person
- abandoned ship
- abandonment
- abarticulation
- abasement
- abashment
- abasia
- abasia trepidans
- abatable nuisance
- abatement
- abatement of a nuisance
- abatis
- abator
- abattis
- abattoir
- abaya
- abb
- abbacy
- abbe
- abbe condenser
- abbess
- abbey
- abbot
- abbott lawrence lowell
- abbreviation
- abbreviator
- abc
- abc's
- abcoulomb
- abcs
- abdias
- abdication
- abdicator
- abdomen
- abdominal
- abdominal actinomycosis
- abdominal aorta
- abdominal aortic aneurysm
- abdominal breathing
- abdominal cavity
- abdominal delivery
- abdominal external oblique muscle
- abdominal muscle
- abdominal nerve plexus
- abdominal pregnancy
- abdominal wall
- abdominocentesis
- abdominoplasty
- abdominousness
- abducens
- abducens muscle
- abducens nerve
- abducent
- abducent nerve
- abduction
- abductor
- abductor muscle
- abecedarian
- abecedarius
- abel
- abel janszoon tasman
- abel tasman
- abelard
- abele
- abelia
- abelian group
- abelmoschus
- abelmoschus esculentus
- abelmoschus moschatus
- abelmosk
- abenaki
- aberdare
- aberdeen
- aberdeen angus
- aberrance
- aberrancy
- aberrant
- aberration
- abetalipoproteinemia
- abetment
- abettal
- abetter
- abettor
- abeyance
- abfarad
- abhenry
- abhorrence
- abhorrer
- abidance
- abidjan
- abience
- abies
- abies alba
- abies amabilis
- abies balsamea
- abies bracteata
- abies concolor
- abies fraseri
- abies grandis
- abies lasiocarpa
- abies lowiana
- abies venusta
- abila
- abilene
- ability
- abiogenesis
- abiogenist
- abiotrophy
- abjection
- abjuration
- abjurer
- abkhas
- abkhasian
- abkhaz
- abkhazia
- abkhazian
- ablactation
- ablation
- ablative
- ablative absolute
- ablative case
- ablaut
- able-bodied seaman
- able-bodiedism
- able-bodism
- able seaman
- ableism
- ablepharia
- ablism
- abls
- ablution
- abm
- abnaki
- abnegation
- abnegator
- abney level
- abnormal psychology
- abnormalcy
- abnormality
- abo
- abo antibodies
- abo blood group system
- abo group
- abo system
- abocclusion
- abode
- abohm
- abolishment
- abolition
- abolitionism
- abolitionist
- abomasum
- abominable snowman
- abomination
- abominator
- abor
- aboriginal
- aboriginal australian
- aborigine
- abort
- aborticide
- abortifacient
- abortion
- abortion-inducing drug
- abortion pill
- abortionist
- abortus
- aboulia
- about-face
- about turn
- above
- abracadabra
- abrachia
- abradant
- abrader
- abrading stone
- abraham
- abraham's bosom
- abraham lincoln
- abraham stoker
- abramis
- abramis brama
- abrasion
- abrasive
- abrasive material
- abrasiveness
- abreaction
- abridgement
- abridger
- abridgment
- abrocoma
- abrocome
- abrogation
- abrogator
- abronia
- abronia elliptica
- abronia fragrans
- abronia latifolia
- abronia maritima
- abronia umbellata
- abronia villosa
- abruptio placentae
- abruption
- abruptly-pinnate leaf
- abruptness
- abruzzi
- abruzzi e molise
- abs
- abscess
- abscessed tooth
- abscissa
- abscission
- absconder
- abscondment
- abseil
- abseiler
- absence
- absence seizure
- absence without leave
- absentee
- absentee ballot
- absentee rate
- absenteeism
- absentmindedness
- absinth
- absinthe
- absinthe oil
- absolute
- absolute alcohol
- absolute ceiling
- absolute frequency
- absolute magnitude
- absolute majority
- absolute pitch
- absolute scale
- absolute space
- absolute temperature
- absolute threshold
- absolute value
- absolute viscosity
- absolute zero
- absoluteness
- absolution
- absolutism
- absolutist
- absolver
- absorbance
- absorbate
- absorbency
- absorbent
- absorbent cotton
- absorbent material
- absorber
- absorptance
- absorption
- absorption band
- absorption coefficient
- absorption factor
- absorption indicator
- absorption spectrum
- absorption unit
- absorptivity
- abstainer
- abstemiousness
- abstention
- abstinence
- abstinent
- abstract
- abstract art
- abstract artist
- abstract entity
- abstract expressionism
- abstract thought
- abstractedness
- abstracter
- abstraction
- abstractionism
- abstractionist
- abstractness
- abstractor
- abstruseness
- abstrusity
- absurd
- absurdity
- absurdness
- abu ali al-husain ibn abdallah ibn sina
- abu dhabi
- abu hafs al-masri brigades
- abu nidal organization
- abu sayyaf
- abudefduf
- abudefduf saxatilis
- abuja
- abukir
- abukir bay
- abul-walid mohammed ibn-ahmad ibn-mohammed ibn-roshd
- abulia
- abundance
- abuse
- abuser
- abutilon
- abutilon theophrasti
- abutment
- abutment arch
- abutter
- abvolt
- abwatt
- aby moritz warburg
- aby warburg
- abydos
- abyla
- abysm
- abyss
- abyssal zone
- abyssinia
- abyssinian
- abyssinian banana
- abyssinian cat
- ahab
- alaska crab
- alaska king crab
- alaskan king crab
- american lady crab
- arab
- asian horseshoe crab
- baobab
- bechtel crab
- bio lab
- biology lab
- blue crab
- broccoli raab
- cab
- calico crab
- cancer the crab
- chebab
- chem lab
- chemistry lab
- cherry crab
- confab
- corn dab
- crab
- dab
- dolichos lablab
- drab
- dungeness crab
- english lady crab
- european spider crab
- fast of ab
- fiddler crab
- flab
- flowering crab
- gab
- garland crab
- genus lablab
- giant crab
- grab
- group ab
- gypsy cab
- halab
- hansom cab
- hard-shell crab
- hermit crab
- hijab
- horseshoe crab
- infliximab
- iowa crab
- jab
- japanese crab
- jonah crab
- kebab
- keftab
- king crab
- lab
- lablab
- lady crab
- line of gab
- mantis crab
- mihrab
- minicab
- nawab
- ninth of ab
- niqab
- olive drab
- oyster crab
- palestinian arab
- pea crab
- pedicab
- physics lab
- prairie crab
- prefab
- punjab
- rajab
- research lab
- rock crab
- russet scab
- sand dab
- scab
- scarab
- science lab
- sea squab
- shish kebab
- siberian crab
- skylab
- slab
- soft-shell crab
- soft-shelled crab
- spider crab
- squab
- stab
- stone crab
- street arab
- swab
- swimming crab
- tab
- taxicab
- tisha b'ab
- tishah b'ab
- type ab
- wheat scab
- wild crab
- abacinate
- abandon
- abase
- abash
- abate
- abbreviate
- abdicate
- abduce
- abduct
- aberrate
- abet
- abhor
- abide
- abide by
- abjure
- ablactate
- ablate
- abnegate
- abolish
- abominate
- abort
- abound
- abound in
- about-face
- abrade
- abrase
- abreact
- abridge
- abrogate
- abscise
- abscond
- abseil
- absent
- absolve
- absorb
- absquatulate
- abstain
- abstract
- abuse
- abut
- aby
- abye
- blab
- cab
- confab
- crab
- dab
- gab
- grab
- jab
- nab
- scab
- stab
- swab
- abactinal
- abandoned
- abashed
- abasic
- abatable
- abatic
- abaxial
- abbatial
- abbreviated
- abdicable
- abdominal
- abdominous
- abdominovesical
- abducent
- abducting
- abecedarian
- aberdonian
- aberrant
- abeyant
- abhorrent
- abiding
- abient
- abiogenetic
- abject
- abkhaz
- abkhazian
- ablated
- ablative
- ablaze
- able
- able-bodied
- abloom
- ablutionary
- abnaki
- abnormal
- abolishable
- abolitionary
- abomasal
- abominable
- aboral
- aboriginal
- abortifacient
- abortive
- aboulic
- abounding
- about
- above
- above-mentioned
- above-named
- aboveboard
- aboveground
- abranchial
- abranchiate
- abranchious
- abrasive
- abreast
- abridged
- abroach
- abroad
- abrupt
- abruptly-pinnate
- abscessed
- absent
- absentminded
- absolute
- absolutist
- absolutistic
- absolved
- absolvitory
- absorbable
- absorbed
- absorbefacient
- absorbent
- absorbing
- absorptive
- abstemious
- abstentious
- abstinent
- abstract
- abstracted
- abstractionist
- abstractive
- abstruse
- absurd
- abulic
- abundant
- abused
- abusive
- abuzz
- abysmal
- abyssal
- drab
- fab
- olive-drab
- prefab
- squab
- ab initio
- aback
- abaft
- abaxially
- abeam
- abed
- abjectly
- ably
- abnormally
- aboard
- abominably
- aborad
- abortively
- about
- above
- above all
- aboveboard
- abreast
- abroad
- abruptly
- absently
- absentmindedly
- absolutely
- abstemiously
- abstractedly
- abstractly
- abstrusely
- absurdly
- abundantly
- abusively
- abysmally
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Overview of noun ab
The noun ab has 4 senses
- Bachelor of Arts, BA, Artium Baccalaurens, AB -- (a bachelor's degree in arts and sciences)
- Ab, Av -- (the eleventh month of the civil year; the fifth month of the ecclesiastical year in the Jewish calendar (in July and August))
- abdominal, abdominal muscle, ab -- (the muscles of the abdomen)
- AB, type AB, group AB -- (the blood group whose red cells carry both the A and B antigens)