Compund Words
- abasia trepidans
- abronia fragrans
- acanthosis nigricans
- acris crepitans
- aeschynanthus radicans
- afrikaans
- ajuga reptans
- aleutians
- alytes obstetricans
- amaranthus graecizans
- ans
- ansaid
- ansar al-islam
- ansar al islam
- anselm
- anser
- anser anser
- anser cygnoides
- anseres
- anseriform bird
- anseriformes
- anserinae
- anshar
- answer
- answerability
- answerableness
- answerer
- answering machine
- appalachians
- arcado-cyprians
- arizona elegans
- arteria communicans
- arteriosclerosis obliterans
- arthur evans
- asclepias albicans
- balkans
- band of partisans
- bessera elegans
- bitis arietans
- boston baked beans
- brodiaea elegans
- calochortus elegans
- campsis radicans
- candida albicans
- canis latrans
- carduus nutans
- carpathians
- colossians
- culex fatigans
- desmodium gyrans
- diomedea exulans
- dryopteris fragrans
- ephesians
- epistle of paul the apostle to the colossians
- epistle of paul the apostle to the ephesians
- epistle of paul the apostle to the galatians
- epistle of paul the apostle to the philippians
- epistle of paul the apostle to the romans
- epistle to the colossians
- epistle to the ephesians
- epistle to the galatians
- epistle to the philippians
- epistle to the romans
- erica vagans
- eucalyptus regnans
- euonymus fortunei radicans
- evans
- explanans
- first epistle of paul the apostle to the corinthians
- first epistle of paul the apostle to the thessalonians
- first epistle to the corinthians
- first epistle to the thessalonians
- galatians
- gallinula chloropus cachinnans
- galtonia candicans
- genus juglans
- geoffroea decorticans
- glans
- glaucomys volans
- habenaria elegans
- haematobia irritans
- herbert mclean evans
- hirundo nigricans
- humans
- hyacinthus candicans
- hypentelium nigricans
- i corinthians
- i thessalonians
- ii corinthians
- ii thessalonians
- islands of langerhans
- isles of langerhans
- islets of langerhans
- istiophorus albicans
- juglans
- jupiter tonans
- keratosis nigricans
- king of the germans
- koopmans
- lallans
- lanius ludovicianus migrans
- latrodectus mactans
- madia elegans
- makaira nigricans
- man of means
- martynia fragrans
- mary ann evans
- means
- milvus migrans
- mitrula elegans
- monilia albicans
- musca volitans
- myristica fragrans
- myrtillocactus geometrizans
- new orleans
- nipa fruticans
- octans
- organs
- orleans
- osteitis deformans
- paralysis agitans
- pecten irradians
- pestis ambulans
- petasites fragrans
- philippians
- pholiota flammans
- phytophthora infestans
- polemonium reptans
- pork and beans
- proboscidea fragrans
- prumnopitys elegans
- psophia crepitans
- pulex irritans
- rana clamitans
- refried beans
- rhizopus nigricans
- rhus radicans
- romans
- scottish lallans
- second epistle of paul the apostle to the corinthians
- second epistle of paul the apostle to the thessalonians
- second epistle to the corinthians
- second epistle to the thessalonians
- siege of orleans
- sir arthur john evans
- thyrsopteris elegans
- tjalling charles koopmans
- tjalling koopmans
- toxicodendron radicans
- trapa natans
- tunga penetrans
- tyrannus vociferans
- vena comitans
- viscount st. albans
- volans
- ways and means
- zigadenus elegans
- 401-k plan
- a'man
- a. e. housman
- abadan
- abecedarian
- abel janszoon tasman
- abel tasman
- abidjan
- abkhasian
- abkhazian
- able-bodied seaman
- able seaman
- abominable snowman
- aboriginal australian
- abyssinian
- academician
- acadian
- acanthocephalan
- acanthopterygian
- achaean
- achaian
- acoustician
- acrilan
- actinian
- actiniarian
- actinomyxidian
- actinozoan
- adman
- adrian
- adsuki bean
- adzuki bean
- aegean
- aeolian
- aerosol can
- aesthetician
- afghan
- afghanistan
- afrasian
- african
- african-american
- african american
- afro-american
- age of man
- aghan
- agnathan
- ahriman
- aircraftman
- aircraftsman
- aircrewman
- airman
- airwoman
- akan
- akkadian
- al-qur'an
- al faran
- alabaman
- alabamian
- alaskan
- albanian
- albizia saman
- aldebaran
- alderman
- aleutian
- alexandrian
- alfred edward housman
- alfred thayer mahan
- algarroba bean
- algerian
- algonkian
- algonquian
- alkeran
- alluvial fan
- alsatian
- also-ran
- american
- american gentian
- american indian
- american organ
- american plan
- amerindian
- amman
- amphibian
- an
- an nafud
- an nefud
- ana
- anabantidae
- anabaptism
- anabaptist
- anabaptist denomination
- anabas
- anabas testudineus
- anabiosis
- anabolic steroid
- anabolism
- anabrus
- anabrus simplex
- anacanthini
- anacardiaceae
- anacardium
- anacardium occidentale
- anachronism
- anacin iii
- anaclisis
- anaclitic depression
- anacoluthia
- anacoluthon
- anaconda
- anacyclus
- anacyclus pyrethrum
- anadama bread
- anadenanthera
- anadenanthera colubrina
- anadiplosis
- anaemia
- anaerobe
- anaerobic exercise
- anaesthesia
- anaesthetic
- anaesthetic agent
- anaesthetist
- anagallis
- anagallis arvensis
- anagallis tenella
- anagasta
- anagasta kuehniella
- anaglyph
- anaglyphy
- anagnost
- anagoge
- anagram
- anagrams
- anagyris
- anagyris foetida
- anaheim
- anal intercourse
- anal personality
- anal phase
- anal retentive personality
- anal sex
- anal sphincter
- anal stage
- analbuminemia
- analecta
- analects
- analeptic
- analgesia
- analgesic
- analog
- analog-digital converter
- analog-to-digital converter
- analog clock
- analog computer
- analog watch
- analogist
- analogue
- analogue computer
- analogy
- analphabet
- analphabetic
- analphabetism
- analysand
- analyser
- analysis
- analysis of variance
- analysis situs
- analyst
- analytic geometry
- analytic thinking
- analytical balance
- analytical cubism
- analytical geometry
- analytical review
- analyticity
- analyzer
- anamnesis
- anamnestic reaction
- anamnestic response
- anamorphism
- anamorphosis
- ananas
- ananas comosus
- ananias
- anapaest
- anapest
- anaphalis
- anaphalis margaritacea
- anaphase
- anaphor
- anaphora
- anaphoric pronoun
- anaphoric relation
- anaphrodisia
- anaphylactic shock
- anaphylaxis
- anaplasia
- anaplasmosis
- anaplasty
- anaprox
- anapsid
- anapsid reptile
- anapsida
- anapurna
- anarchism
- anarchist
- anarchy
- anarhichadidae
- anarhichas
- anarthria
- anas
- anas acuta
- anas americana
- anas clypeata
- anas crecca
- anas discors
- anas penelope
- anas platyrhynchos
- anas querquedula
- anas rubripes
- anasa
- anasa tristis
- anasarca
- anasazi
- anaspid
- anaspida
- anastalsis
- anastatica
- anastatica hierochuntica
- anastigmat
- anastigmatic lens
- anastomosis
- anastomotic vein
- anastomus
- anastrophe
- anastylosis
- anathema
- anathematisation
- anathematization
- anatidae
- anatole france
- anatoli karpov
- anatoli yevgenevich karpov
- anatolia
- anatolian
- anatolian language
- anatomical
- anatomical reference
- anatomical sphincter
- anatomical structure
- anatomist
- anatomy
- anatotitan
- anatoxin
- anatropous ovule
- anaxagoras
- anaximander
- anaximenes
- ancestor
- ancestor worship
- ancestress
- ancestry
- anchor
- anchor chain
- anchor light
- anchor ring
- anchor rope
- anchorage
- anchorage ground
- anchorite
- anchorman
- anchorperson
- anchovy
- anchovy butter
- anchovy dressing
- anchovy paste
- anchovy pear
- anchovy pear tree
- anchovy pizza
- anchovy sauce
- anchusa
- anchusa capensis
- anchusa officinalis
- anchusa riparia
- anchylosis
- ancien regime
- ancient
- ancient greek
- ancient history
- ancient pine
- ancientness
- ancients
- ancistrodon
- ancohuma
- anconeous muscle
- ancylidae
- ancylostomatidae
- ancylus
- ancylus fluviatilis
- and circuit
- and gate
- andalucia
- andalusia
- andaman marble
- andaman redwood
- andaman sea
- andante
- andean condor
- andelmin
- anders celsius
- andersen
- anderson
- andes
- andesite
- andhra pradesh
- andira
- andira inermis
- andiron
- andorra
- andorran
- andradite
- andre derain
- andre eglevsky
- andre gide
- andre le notre
- andre maginot
- andre malraux
- andre markoff
- andre maurois
- andre paul guillaume gide
- andre weil
- andrea guarneri
- andrea mantegna
- andrea palladio
- andreaea
- andreaeales
- andreas vesalius
- andrei andreyevich gromyko
- andrei arsenevich tarkovsky
- andrei dimitrievich sakharov
- andrei gromyko
- andrei markov
- andrei sakharov
- andrei tarkovsky
- andrei voznesenski
- andrena
- andrenid
- andrenidae
- andres martinez
- andres segovia
- andrew
- andrew's clintonia
- andrew carnegie
- andrew d. white
- andrew dickson white
- andrew fielding huxley
- andrew huxley
- andrew jackson
- andrew jackson downing
- andrew johnson
- andrew lloyd webber
- andrew marvell
- andrew mellon
- andrew w. mellon
- andrew william mellon
- andrew wyeth
- andrews
- andricus
- andrija mohorovicic
- androecium
- androgen
- androgenesis
- androgenic hormone
- androgeny
- androglossia
- androgyne
- androgyny
- android
- andromeda
- andromeda galaxy
- andromeda glaucophylla
- andromeda polifolia
- androphobia
- andropogon
- andropogon furcatus
- andropogon gerardii
- andropogon scoparius
- andropogon virginicus
- androsterone
- andryala
- andrzej wajda
- andvari
- andy warhol
- anecdote
- anecdotist
- anechoic chamber
- aneides
- aneides lugubris
- anemia
- anemia adiantifolia
- anemic anoxia
- anemic hypoxia
- anemography
- anemometer
- anemometry
- anemone
- anemone canadensis
- anemone cylindrica
- anemone fish
- anemone ludoviciana
- anemone nemorosa
- anemone occidentalis
- anemone pulsatilla
- anemone quinquefolia
- anemone riparia
- anemone sylvestris
- anemone tetonensis
- anemone virginiana
- anemonella
- anemonella thalictroides
- anemopsis
- anemopsis californica
- anencephalia
- anencephaly
- anergy
- aneroid
- aneroid barometer
- anesthesia
- anesthesiologist
- anesthesiology
- anesthetic
- anesthetic agent
- anesthetist
- anesthyl
- anestrum
- anestrus
- anethum
- anethum graveolens
- aneuploidy
- aneurin
- aneurism
- aneurysm
- ang
- angara
- angara river
- angas
- angel
- angel's trumpet
- angel-wing begonia
- angel cake
- angel dust
- angel falls
- angel food cake
- angel shark
- angelfish
- angelica
- angelica archangelica
- angelica sylvestris
- angelim
- angelique
- angelo correr
- angelo guiseppe roncalli
- angelology
- angelus
- angelus bell
- anger
- angevin
- angevine
- angiitis
- angina
- angina pectoris
- angiocardiogram
- angiocarp
- angioedema
- angiogenesis
- angiogenesis inhibitor
- angiogram
- angiography
- angiohemophilia
- angiologist
- angiology
- angioma
- angiopathy
- angioplasty
- angiopteris
- angiopteris evecta
- angiosarcoma
- angioscope
- angiosperm
- angiospermae
- angiospermous tree
- angiospermous yellowwood
- angiotelectasia
- angiotensin
- angiotensin-converting enzyme
- angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor
- angiotensin converting enzyme
- angiotensin i
- angiotensin ii
- angiotensin ii inhibitor
- angiotonin
- angle
- angle-closure glaucoma
- angle bracket
- angle iron
- angle of attack
- angle of dip
- angle of extinction
- angle of incidence
- angle of inclination
- angle of reflection
- angle of refraction
- angle of view
- angled loofah
- angledozer
- angler
- angler fish
- anglerfish
- anglesea
- anglesea island
- anglesey
- anglesey island
- anglewing
- angleworm
- anglia
- anglian
- anglican
- anglican catholic
- anglican church
- anglican communion
- anglicanism
- anglicisation
- anglicism
- anglicization
- angling
- anglo-american
- anglo-catholicism
- anglo-french
- anglo-indian
- anglo-norman
- anglo-saxon
- anglo-saxon deity
- anglomania
- anglophil
- anglophile
- anglophilia
- anglophobe
- anglophobia
- angola
- angolan
- angolan capital
- angolan monetary unit
- angolese
- angora
- angora cat
- angora goat
- angora rabbit
- angostura
- angostura bark
- angostura bridge
- angoumois grain moth
- angoumois moth
- angraecum
- angrecum
- angriness
- angry walk
- angst
- angstrom
- angstrom unit
- anguid lizard
- anguidae
- anguilla
- anguilla sucklandii
- anguillan
- anguillidae
- anguilliformes
- anguillula
- anguillula aceti
- anguis
- anguis fragilis
- anguish
- angular acceleration
- angular artery
- angular distance
- angular momentum
- angular position
- angular shape
- angular unit
- angular vein
- angular velocity
- angularity
- angulation
- angus
- angus frank johnstone wilson
- angus og
- angwantibo
- anhedonia
- anhidrosis
- anhima
- anhima cornuta
- anhimidae
- anhinga
- anhinga anhinga
- anhingidae
- anhydride
- anhydrosis
- ani
- anicius manlius severinus boethius
- anigozanthus
- anigozanthus manglesii
- anil
- aniline
- aniline dye
- aniline oil
- anima
- animadversion
- animal
- animal-worship
- animal black
- animal charcoal
- animal communication
- animal disease
- animal fancier
- animal fat
- animal fiber
- animal fibre
- animal foot
- animal glue
- animal group
- animal husbandry
- animal kingdom
- animal leg
- animal magnetism
- animal material
- animal nature
- animal oil
- animal order
- animal pigment
- animal product
- animal psychology
- animal scientist
- animal skin
- animal starch
- animal stuffer
- animal tissue
- animal toxin
- animal trainer
- animal virus
- animalcule
- animalculum
- animalia
- animalisation
- animalism
- animality
- animalization
- animate being
- animate thing
- animated cartoon
- animated oat
- animateness
- animation
- animatism
- animator
- animatronics
- anime
- animism
- animist
- animosity
- animus
- anion
- anionic
- anionic compound
- anionic detergent
- anise
- anise cookie
- anise hyssop
- anise plant
- anise seed
- anise tree
- aniseed
- aniseikonia
- anisette
- anisette de bordeaux
- anisogamete
- anisogamy
- anisometropia
- anisoptera
- anisotremus
- anisotremus surinamensis
- anisotremus virginicus
- anisotropy
- anjou
- ankara
- ankle
- ankle brace
- ankle bracelet
- ankle joint
- anklebone
- anklet
- anklets
- ankus
- ankyloglossia
- ankylosaur
- ankylosaurus
- ankylosing spondylitis
- ankylosis
- anlage
- ann arbor
- anna
- anna amalia mercouri
- anna eleanor roosevelt
- anna howard shaw
- anna mary robertson moses
- anna pavlova
- annaba
- annalist
- annals
- annam
- annamese
- annamite
- annapolis
- annapurna
- anne
- anne boleyn
- anne bradstreet
- anne bronte
- anne dudley bradstreet
- anne hathaway
- anne hutchinson
- anne mansfield sullivan
- anne robert jacques turgot
- anne sexton
- anne sullivan
- annealing
- annelid
- annelid worm
- annelida
- annex
- annexa
- annexation
- annexe
- annie oakley
- anniellidae
- annihilation
- annihilator
- anniversary
- annon
- annona
- annona cherimola
- annona diversifolia
- annona glabra
- annona muricata
- annona reticulata
- annona squamosa
- annonaceae
- annotating
- annotation
- annotator
- announcement
- announcer
- annoyance
- annoyer
- annoying
- annual
- annual fern
- annual parallax
- annual ring
- annual salt-marsh aster
- annualry
- annuitant
- annuity
- annuity in advance
- annular eclipse
- annular scotoma
- annulet
- annulment
- annulus
- annum
- annunciation
- annunciation day
- annunciation lily
- annunciator
- annwfn
- annwn
- ano
- anoa
- anoa depressicornis
- anoa mindorensis
- anobiidae
- anode
- anodonta
- anodyne
- anoectochilus
- anoe
- answer
- answer for
- spill the beans
- afrikaans
- anserine
- answerable
- answering
- by all means
- by any means
- by artificial means
- by no means
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Search Result:ans
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Overview of noun ans
The noun ans has 1 sense
- autonomic nervous system, ANS -- (the part of the nervous system of vertebrates that controls involuntary actions of the smooth muscles and heart and glands)
Overview of noun an
The noun an has 1 sense
- Associate in Nursing, AN -- (an associate degree in nursing)