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Search Result:animation

KK Pronunciation

〔 ˏænәˋmeʃәn 〕


〔 ˏæniˊmeiʃn 〕

Overview of noun animation

The noun animation has 6 senses

  • animation, life, living, aliveness -- (the condition of living or the state of being alive; "while there's life there's hope"; "life depends on many chemical and physical processes")

  • animation, vitality -- (the property of being able to survive and grow; "the vitality of a seed")

  • animation, spiritedness, invigoration, brio, vivification -- (quality of being active or spirited or alive and vigorous)

  • vivification, invigoration, animation -- (the activity of giving vitality and vigour to something)

  • animation -- (the making of animated cartoons)

  • liveliness, animation -- (general activity and motion)