Compund Words
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- aah
- abacinate
- abandon
- abase
- abash
- abate
- abbreviate
- abdicate
- abduce
- abduct
- aberrate
- abet
- abhor
- abide
- abide by
- abjure
- ablactate
- ablate
- abnegate
- abolish
- abominate
- abort
- abound
- abound in
- about-face
- abrade
- abrase
- abreact
- abridge
- abrogate
- abscise
- abscond
- abseil
- absent
- absolve
- absorb
- absquatulate
- abstain
- abstract
- abuse
- abut
- aby
- abye
- accede
- accelerate
- accent
- accentuate
- accept
- access
- accession
- acclaim
- acclimate
- acclimatise
- acclimatize
- accommodate
- accompany
- accomplish
- accord
- accost
- account
- account for
- accouter
- accoutre
- accredit
- accrete
- accrue
- acculturate
- accumulate
- accurse
- accuse
- accustom
- ace
- acerbate
- acetify
- acetylate
- acetylise
- acetylize
- ache
- achieve
- achromatise
- achromatize
- acid-wash
- acidify
- acidulate
- acknowledge
- acquaint
- acquiesce
- acquire
- acquit
- act
- act as
- act involuntarily
- act on
- act out
- act reflexively
- act superior
- act up
- act upon
- action
- activate
- actualise
- actualize
- actuate
- acuminate
- ad-lib
- adapt
- add
- add on
- add to
- add together
- add up
- addict
- addle
- address
- adduce
- adduct
- adhere
- adjoin
- adjourn
- adjudge
- adjudicate
- adjure
- adjust
- admeasure
- administer
- administrate
- admire
- admit
- admix
- admonish
- adolesce
- adopt
- adore
- adorn
- adsorb
- adulate
- adulterate
- adumbrate
- advance
- advantage
- advect
- adventure
- advert
- advertise
- advertize
- advise
- advocate
- aerate
- aerify
- aerosolise
- aerosolize
- aestivate
- affect
- affiance
- affiliate
- affirm
- affix
- afflict
- afford
- afforest
- affranchise
- affright
- affront
- age
- agenise
- agenize
- agglomerate
- agglutinate
- aggrade
- aggrandise
- aggrandize
- aggravate
- aggregate
- aggress
- aggrieve
- aggroup
- agitate
- agnise
- agnize
- agonise
- agonize
- agree
- aid
- ail
- aim
- air
- air-condition
- air-cool
- air-drop
- air-freight
- air-ship
- air-slake
- air out
- airbrush
- airfreight
- airlift
- airmail
- airt
- alarm
- alchemise
- alchemize
- alcoholise
- alcoholize
- alert
- alibi
- alien
- alienate
- alight
- align
- aliment
- aline
- alkalify
- alkalinise
- alkalinize
- alkalise
- alkalize
- allay
- allege
- allegorise
- allegorize
- alleviate
- alligator
- alliterate
- allocate
- allot
- allow
- allow for
- allow in
- allowance
- alloy
- allude
- allure
- ally
- ally with
- alphabetise
- alphabetize
- alter
- altercate
- alternate
- aluminise
- aluminize
- amalgamate
- amass
- amaze
- ambition
- amble
- ambulate
- ambuscade
- ambush
- ameliorate
- amend
- amerce
- americanise
- americanize
- ammoniate
- ammonify
- amnesty
- amortise
- amortize
- amount
- amplify
- amputate
- amuse
- anaesthetise
- anaesthetize
- anagram
- anagrammatise
- anagrammatize
- analogise
- analogize
- analyse
- analyze
- anastomose
- anathematise
- anathematize
- anathemise
- anathemize
- anatomise
- anatomize
- anchor
- ancylose
- anele
- anesthetise
- anesthetize
- anger
- angle
- angle-park
- anglicise
- anglicize
- anguish
- angulate
- animadvert
- animalise
- animalize
- animate
- animise
- animize
- ankylose
- anneal
- annex
- annihilate
- annotate
- announce
- annoy
- annul
- annunciate
- anodise
- anodize
- anoint
- answer
- answer for
- antagonise
- antagonize
- ante
- ante up
- antecede
- antedate
- anthologise
- anthologize
- anthropomorphise
- anthropomorphize
- antic
- anticipate
- antiquate
- antique
- antisepticize
- ape
- aphorise
- aphorize
- apologise
- apologize
- apostatise
- apostatize
- apostrophise
- apostrophize
- apotheose
- apotheosise
- apotheosize
- appal
- appall
- apparel
- appeal
- appear
- appease
- append
- apperceive
- appertain
- applaud
- applique
- apply
- appoint
- apportion
- appose
- appraise
- appreciate
- apprehend
- apprentice
- apprise
- apprize
- approach
- approbate
- appropriate
- approve
- approximate
- aquaplane
- aquatint
- arbitrage
- arbitrate
- arborise
- arborize
- arc
- arch
- arch over
- archaise
- archaize
- archive
- argue
- argufy
- arise
- arm
- armor
- armour
- aromatise
- aromatize
- arouse
- arraign
- arrange
- array
- arrest
- arrive
- arrive at
- arrogate
- arse about
- arse around
- arterialise
- arterialize
- article
- articulate
- ascend
- ascertain
- ascribe
- ash
- ask
- ask for
- ask for it
- ask for trouble
- ask in
- ask out
- ask over
- ask round
- asperse
- asphalt
- asphyxiate
- aspirate
- aspire
- assail
- assassinate
- assault
- assay
- assemble
- assent
- assert
- assert oneself
- assess
- asseverate
- assibilate
- assign
- assimilate
- assist
- associate
- assoil
- assonate
- assort
- assuage
- assume
- assure
- asterisk
- astonish
- astound
- astringe
- astrogate
- atom-bomb
- atomise
- atomize
- atone
- atrophy
- attach
- attach to
- attack
- attain
- attaint
- attemper
- attempt
- attend
- attend to
- attenuate
- attest
- attire
- attitudinise
- attitudinize
- attorn
- attract
- attribute
- attune
- auction
- auction off
- auctioneer
- audit
- audition
- augment
- augur
- aurify
- auscultate
- auspicate
- authenticate
- author
- authorise
- authorize
- autoclave
- autograph
- automate
- automatise
- automatize
- automobile
- autopsy
- autotomise
- autotomize
- avail
- avalanche
- avenge
- aver
- average
- average out
- avert
- avianise
- avianize
- aviate
- avoid
- avouch
- avow
- avulse
- await
- awake
- awaken
- award
- awe
- ax
- axe
- azure
- baa
- beat a retreat
- blow a fuse
- ca-ca
- call it a day
- care a hang
- catch a glimpse
- catch a wink
- cha-cha
- concertina
- conga
- do a job on
- drag a bunt
- draw a bead on
- draw a blank
- draw a line
- drop a line
- explode a bombshell
- feel like a million
- feel like a million dollars
- get a line
- get a load
- get a look
- get a noseful
- get a whiff
- give a damn
- give a hang
- give a hoot
- give it a try
- give it a whirl
- go a long way
- grind to a halt
- hang by a hair
- hang by a thread
- have a ball
- have a bun in the oven
- have a fit
- have a go
- have a go at it
- have a good time
- have a look
- henna
- make a clean breast of
- make a face
- make a motion
- make a point
- make a stink
- paint a picture
- play a joke on
- play a trick on
- polka
- pull a face
- pull a fast one on
- raise a stink
- rhumba
- rumba
- run a risk
- samba
- send a message
- shoot a line
- spend a penny
- strike a blow
- strike a chord
- strike a note
- subpoena
- take a bow
- take a breath
- take a breather
- take a chance
- take a crap
- take a dare
- take a dive
- take a firm stand
- take a hit
- take a hop
- take a joke
- take a leak
- take a look
- take a powder
- take a shit
- throw a fit
- touch a chord
- turn a blind eye
- turn a loss
- turn a nice dime
- turn a nice dollar
- turn a nice penny
- turn a profit
- turn a trick
- turn on a dime
- visa
- a-ok
- a-okay
- a-one
- a.m.
- a cappella
- a couple of
- a few
- a la carte
- a la mode
- a posteriori
- a priori
- abactinal
- abandoned
- abashed
- abasic
- abatable
- abatic
- abaxial
- abbatial
- abbreviated
- abdicable
- abdominal
- abdominous
- abdominovesical
- abducent
- abducting
- abecedarian
- aberdonian
- aberrant
- abeyant
- abhorrent
- abiding
- abient
- abiogenetic
- abject
- abkhaz
- abkhazian
- ablated
- ablative
- ablaze
- able
- able-bodied
- abloom
- ablutionary
- abnaki
- abnormal
- abolishable
- abolitionary
- abomasal
- abominable
- aboral
- aboriginal
- abortifacient
- abortive
- aboulic
- abounding
- about
- above
- above-mentioned
- above-named
- aboveboard
- aboveground
- abranchial
- abranchiate
- abranchious
- abrasive
- abreast
- abridged
- abroach
- abroad
- abrupt
- abruptly-pinnate
- abscessed
- absent
- absentminded
- absolute
- absolutist
- absolutistic
- absolved
- absolvitory
- absorbable
- absorbed
- absorbefacient
- absorbent
- absorbing
- absorptive
- abstemious
- abstentious
- abstinent
- abstract
- abstracted
- abstractionist
- abstractive
- abstruse
- absurd
- abulic
- abundant
- abused
- abusive
- abuzz
- abysmal
- abyssal
- academic
- acanthoid
- acanthotic
- acanthous
- acapnial
- acapnic
- acapnotic
- acarpellous
- acarpelous
- acarpous
- acatalectic
- acaudal
- acaudate
- acaulescent
- accelerando
- accelerated
- accelerative
- acceleratory
- accented
- accentual
- acceptable
- acceptant
- accepted
- accepting
- acceptive
- accessary
- accessible
- accessional
- accessorial
- accessory
- accident-prone
- accidental
- accipitrine
- acclivitous
- accommodating
- accommodational
- accommodative
- accompanied
- accompanying
- accomplishable
- accomplished
- accordant
- according
- accountable
- accoutered
- accoutred
- accredited
- accretionary
- accretive
- accrued
- acculturational
- acculturative
- accumbent
- accumulated
- accumulative
- accurate
- accursed
- accurst
- accusative
- accusatorial
- accusatory
- accusing
- accusive
- accustomed
- ace
- acellular
- acentric
- acephalous
- acerate
- acerb
- acerbic
- acerose
- acervate
- acetabular
- acetic
- acetonic
- acetose
- acetous
- acetylenic
- acetylic
- achaean
- achenial
- acheronian
- acherontic
- achievable
- aching
- achlamydeous
- achlorhydric
- achondritic
- achondroplastic
- achromatic
- achromatinic
- achromatous
- achromic
- achromous
- achy
- acicular
- aciculate
- acid
- acid-fast
- acid-forming
- acid-loving
- acid-tasting
- acidic
- acidimetric
- acidophilic
- acidophilous
- acidotic
- acidulent
- acidulous
- aciduric
- acinar
- acinic
- acinose
- acinous
- acknowledgeable
- acknowledged
- acned
- acneiform
- acold
- acorn-shaped
- acoustic
- acoustical
- acquainted
- acquiescent
- acquirable
- acquired
- acquisitive
- acquitted
- acrid
- acrimonious
- acritical
- acrobatic
- acrocarpous
- acrocentric
- acrogenic
- acrogenous
- acromegalic
- acronymic
- acronymous
- acropetal
- acrophobic
- acroscopic
- across-the-board
- actable
- actinal
- acting
- actinic
- actinoid
- actinometric
- actinometrical
- actinomorphic
- actinomorphous
- actinomycetal
- actinomycetous
- actinomycotic
- actionable
- activated
- activating
- active
- activist
- activistic
- actual
- actuarial
- actuated
- actuating
- acuate
- aculeate
- aculeated
- acuminate
- acute
- acyclic
- ad-lib
- ad hoc
- ad hominem
- adactylous
- adagio
- adamant
- adamantine
- adaptable
- adaptational
- adaptative
- adapted
- adaptive
- adaxial
- addable
- addible
- addicted
- addictive
- additional
- additive
- addlebrained
- addled
- addlepated
- addressable
- addressed
- adducent
- adducting
- adductive
- adenocarcinomatous
- adenoid
- adenoidal
- adept
- adequate
- adequate to
- adherent
- adhesive
- adiabatic
- adient
- adipose
- adjacent
- adjectival
- adjective
- adjudicative
- adjudicatory
- adjunct
- adjunctive
- adjuratory
- adjustable
- adjusted
- adjustive
- adjuvant
- administrable
- administrative
- admirable
- admired
- admissible
- admissive
- admittable
- admittible
- admonishing
- admonitory
- adnate
- adnexal
- adolescent
- adonic
- adoptable
- adopted
- adoptive
- adorable
- adored
- adoring
- adorned
- adpressed
- adrenal
- adrenergic
- adrenocortical
- adrenocorticotrophic
- adrenocorticotropic
- adrift
- adroit
- adscititious
- adscript
- adscripted
- adsorbable
- adsorbate
- adsorbent
- adsorptive
- adulatory
- adult
- adulterant
- adulterate
- adulterated
- adulterating
- adulterine
- adulterous
- adumbrative
- adust
- advance
- advanced
- advancing
- advantageous
- advective
- adventitial
- adventitious
- adventive
- adventuresome
- adventuristic
- adventurous
- adverbial
- adversative
- adverse
- advertent
- advertised
- advisable
- advised
- advisory
- adynamic
- aecial
- aegean
- aeolian
- aeolotropic
- aeonian
- aerated
- aerial
- aeriferous
- aeriform
- aerobic
- aerobiotic
- aerodynamic
- aerolitic
- aerological
- aeromechanic
- aeromedical
- aeronautic
- aeronautical
- aerophilatelic
- aerophilic
- aerophilous
- aerosolised
- aerosolized
- aery
- aeschylean
- aesculapian
- aesthetic
- aesthetical
- aestival
- aetiologic
- aetiological
- afeard
- afeared
- afebrile
- affable
- affected
- affecting
- affectional
- affectionate
- affective
- afferent
- affiliated
- affinal
- affine
- affined
- affirmable
- affirmative
- affirmatory
- affixal
- affixed
- affixial
- afflicted
- afflictive
- affluent
- affordable
- afghan
- afghani
- afghanistani
- afire
- aflame
- aflare
- aflicker
- afloat
- aflutter
- afoot
- aforementioned
- aforesaid
- aforethought
- afoul
- afraid
- african
- african-american
- afrikaans
- afrikaner
- afro-american
- afro-asian
- aft
- after
- after-hours
- after-school
- aftermost
- aftershafted
- agamic
- agamogenetic
- agamous
- agape
- agaze
- age-old
- age-related
- aged
- ageing
- ageless
- agelong
- agential
- agglomerate
- agglomerated
- agglomerative
- agglutinate
- agglutinative
- aggravated
- aggravating
- aggregate
- aggregated
- aggregative
- aggressive
- aghast
- agile
- aging
- agitated
- agitating
- agitative
- agleam
- aglitter
- aglow
- agnate
- agnatic
- agnostic
- agnostical
- ago
- agog
- agonadal
- agonal
- agone
- agonised
- agonising
- agonistic
- agonistical
- agonized
- agonizing
- agoraphobic
- agranulocytic
- agraphic
- agrarian
- agreeable
- agreed
- agreed upon
- agrestic
- agricultural
- agrobiologic
- agrobiological
- agrologic
- agrological
- agronomic
- agronomical
- aground
- agrypnotic
- aguish
- ahead
- ahistorical
- ahorse
- ahorseback
- aided
- ailing
- aimless
- ain
- air-breathing
- air-conditioned
- air-cooled
- air-dried
- air-dry
- air-filled
- air-tight
- air-to-air
- air-to-ground
- air-to-surface
- air sick
- airborne
- aired
- airheaded
- airless
- airlike
- airsick
- airtight
- airworthy
- airy
- ajar
- akimbo
- akin
- al dente
- alabaster
- alabastrine
- alacritous
- alar
- alarmed
- alarming
- alary
- alaskan
- alate
- alated
- albanian
- albescent
- albigensian
- albinal
- albinic
- albinistic
- albinotic
- albitic
- albuminous
- albuminuric
- alcalescent
- alchemic
- alchemical
- alchemistic
- alchemistical
- alcohol-dependent
- alcohol-soluble
- alcoholic
- aldehydic
- aldermanic
- aldermanly
- aleatory
- alert
- aleuronic
- aleutian
- alexandrian
- alexic
- alfresco
- algal
- algebraic
- algebraical
- algerian
- algid
- algoid
- algolagnic
- algometric
- algometrical
- algonkian
- algonquian
- algonquin
- algophobic
- algorithmic
- alien
- alienable
- alienated
- alienating
- aliform
- alight
- aligned
- aligning
- alike
- alimental
- alimentary
- alimentative
- aliphatic
- aliquot
- alive
- alkahestic
- alkalescent
- alkalic
- alkaline
- alkaline-loving
- alkaloidal
- alkalotic
- alkylic
- all
- all-around
- all-devouring
- all-embracing
- all-encompassing
- all-fired
- all-important
- all-inclusive
- all-knowing
- all-mains
- all-metal
- all-night
- all-or-none
- all-or-nothing
- all-out
- all-powerful
- all-purpose
- all-round
- all-time
- all-victorious
- all-weather
- all important
- all in
- all over
- all right
- allantoic
- allantoid
- allargando
- alleged
- allegiant
- allegoric
- allegorical
- allegretto
- allegro
- allelic
- allelomorphic
- allergenic
- allergic
- alleviated
- alleviative
- alleviatory
- alliaceous
- allied
- alligatored
- alliterative
- allocable
- allocatable
- allochronic
- allochthonous
- allogamous
- allogeneic
- allographic
- allomerous
- allometric
- allomorphic
- allopathic
- allopatric
- allophonic
- allotropic
- allotropical
- allotted
- allover
- allowable
- alloyed
- alluring
- allusive
- alluvial
- allylic
- almighty
- almond-eyed
- almond-scented
- almond-shaped
- alone
- aloof
- alopecic
- alpestrine
- alpha
- alphabetic
- alphabetical
- alphabetised
- alphabetized
- alphameric
- alphamerical
- alphanumeric
- alphanumerical
- alpine
- alright
- alsatian
- altaic
- alterable
- alterative
- altered
- alternate
- alternating
- alternative
- altissimo
- altitudinal
- altitudinous
- alto
- altricial
- altruistic
- alular
- aluminiferous
- aluminous
- alveolar
- alveolate
- alvine
- amalgamate
- amalgamated
- amalgamative
- amaranthine
- amateur
- amateurish
- amative
- amatory
- amaurotic
- amazed
- amazing
- ambagious
- ambassadorial
- amber
- amber-green
- ambidextrous
- ambient
- ambiguous
- ambitionless
- ambitious
- ambivalent
- ambiversive
- amblyopic
- ambrosial
- ambrosian
- ambulacral
- ambulant
- ambulatory
- ameban
- amebic
- ameboid
- amebous
- ameliorating
- ameliorative
- amelioratory
- amenable
- amendable
- amendatory
- amended
- amenorrheal
- amenorrheic
- amenorrhoeal
- amenorrhoeic
- amentaceous
- amentiferous
- amerciable
- american
- amerind
- amerindic
- ametabolic
- ametabolous
- amethyst
- amethystine
- ametropic
- amharic
- amiable
- amicable
- amidship
- aminic
- amino
- amiss
- amitotic
- ammino
- ammoniac
- ammoniacal
- ammoniated
- ammonitic
- amnesiac
- amnesic
- amnestic
- amnic
- amnionic
- amniotic
- amoeban
- amoebic
- amoeboid
- amoebous
- amok
- amoristic
- amorous
- amorphous
- amort
- amphibian
- amphibiotic
- amphibious
- amphiprostylar
- amphiprostyle
- amphiprotic
- amphistylar
- amphitheatric
- amphitheatrical
- amphitropous
- amphoric
- amphoteric
- ample
- ampullar
- ampullary
- amuck
- amused
- amusing
- amusive
- amygdaliform
- amygdaline
- amygdaloid
- amygdaloidal
- amylaceous
- amyloid
- amyloidal
- amylolytic
- anabatic
- anabiotic
- anabolic
- anachronic
- anachronistic
- anachronous
- anaclinal
- anaclitic
- anacoluthic
- anadromous
- anaemic
- anaerobic
- anaerobiotic
- anaesthetic
- anaglyphic
- anaglyphical
- anaglyptic
- anaglyptical
- anagogic
- anagogical
- anagrammatic
- anagrammatical
- anal
- anal retentive
- analeptic
- analgesic
- analgetic
- analog
- analogical
- analogous
- analogue
- analphabetic
- analytic
- analytical
- analyzable
- analyzed
- anamnestic
- anamorphic
- anapaestic
- anapestic
- anaphasic
- anaphoric
- anaphrodisiac
- anaphylactic
- anaplastic
- anarchic
- anarchical
- anarchistic
- anasarcous
- anastigmatic
- anastomotic
- anatomic
- anatomical
- anatropous
- ancestral
- anchoritic
- ancient
- ancillary
- andalusian
- andante
- andantino
- andean
- andorran
- androgenetic
- androgenic
- androgenous
- androgynous
- ane
- anecdotal
- anecdotic
- anecdotical
- anechoic
- anemic
- anemographic
- anemometric
- anemometrical
- anemophilous
- anencephalic
- anencephalous
- aneroid
- anesthetic
- anestric
- anestrous
- aneuploid
- aneurismal
- aneurismatic
- aneurysmal
- aneurysmatic
- anfractuous
- angelic
- angelical
- angered
- anginal
- anginose
- anginous
- angiocarpic
- angiocarpous
- angiomatous
- angiospermous
- angled
- anglican
- anglo-catholic
- anglo-indian
- anglo-jewish
- anglo-saxon
- anglophilic
- anglophobic
- angolan
- angry
- anguillan
- anguine
- anguished
- angular
- angulate
- anhydrous
- anicteric
- anile
- animal
- animalistic
- animate
- animated
- animating
- animatistic
- animist
- animistic
- anionic
- anise-scented
- aniseikonic
- anisogametic
- anisogamic
- anisogamous
- anisometric
- anisometropic
- anisotropic
- ankle-deep
- ankylotic
- annalistic
- annelid
- annelidan
- annexal
- annexational
- annihilated
- annihilating
- annihilative
- announced
- annoyed
- annoying
- annual
- annular
- a
- a.d.
- a.k.a.
- a.m.
- a bit
- a cappella
- a fortiori
- a good deal
- a great deal
- a hundred times
- a la carte
- a la mode
- a little
- a lot
- a million times
- a posteriori
- a priori
- a trifle
- ab initio
- aback
- abaft
- abaxially
- abeam
- abed
- abjectly
- ably
- abnormally
- aboard
- abominably
- aborad
- abortively
- about
- above
- above all
- aboveboard
- abreast
- abroad
- abruptly
- absently
- absentmindedly
- absolutely
- abstemiously
- abstractedly
- abstractly
- abstrusely
- absurdly
- abundantly
- abusively
- abysmally
- academically
- accelerando
- acceptably
- accidentally
- accommodatingly
- accordingly
- accurately
- accusingly
- acoustically
- across
- across the board
- across the country
- across the nation
- actively
- actually
- acutely
- ad
- ad hoc
- ad infinitum
- ad interim
- ad lib
- ad libitum
- ad nauseam
- ad val
- ad valorem
- adagio
- adamantly
- adaxially
- additionally
- adequately
- adjectivally
- adjectively
- administratively
- admirably
- admiringly
- admittedly
- adorably
- adoringly
- adrift
- adroitly
- adulterously
- advantageously
- adverbially
- adversely
- advertently
- advisedly
- aerially
- aesthetically
- afar
- affably
- affectedly
- affectingly
- affectionately
- affirmatively
- afield
- afoot
- afresh
- aft
- after
- after a fashion
- after all
- after hours
- afterward
- afterwards
- again
- again and again
- against the clock
- against the wind
- against time
- aggravatingly
- aggressively
- agilely
- ago
- agonizingly
- agreeably
- aground
- ahead
- ahead of the game
- ahead of time
- ahorse
- ahorseback
- aimlessly
- airily
- akimbo
- alarmingly
- alas
- alee
- alertly
- alfresco
- algebraically
- alias
- alike
- all
- all-fired
- all along
- all at once
- all day long
- all in all
- all of a sudden
- all over
- all right
- all the same
- all the time
- all the way
- all together
- all told
- all too
- allegedly
- allegorically
- allegretto
- allegro
- alliteratively
- allowably
- almost
- aloft
- alone
- along
- alongside
- aloof
- aloud
- alphabetically
- already
- alright
- also
- also known as
- alternately
- alternatively
- altogether
- altruistically
- always
- amain
- amateurishly
- amazingly
- ambiguously
- ambitiously
- amiably
- amicably
- amidship
- amidships
- amiss
- amok
- amorally
- amorously
- amply
- amuck
- amusingly
- anachronistically
- analogously
- analytically
- anarchically
- anatomically
- anciently
- and how
- and so
- and so forth
- and so on
- and then
- and then some
- andante
- anew
- angelically
- angrily
- animatedly
- anisotropically
- anno domini
- annoyingly
- annually
- anomalously
- anon
- anonymously
- antagonistically
- ante meridiem
- antecedently
- anteriorly
- anticlockwise
- antithetically
- anxiously
- any
- any longer
- anyhow
- anymore
- anyplace
- anyway
- anyways
- anywhere
- apace
- apart
- apathetically
- apiece
- apologetically
- appallingly
- apparently
- appealingly
- appositively
- appreciably
- appreciatively
- apprehensively
- appropriately
- approvingly
- approximately
- apropos
- aptly
- arbitrarily
- architecturally
- archly
- ardently
- arduously
- arguably
- argumentatively
- aright
- aristocratically
- arithmetically
- around
- around the clock
- arrogantly
- artfully
- articulately
- artificially
- artistically
- artlessly
- as
- as a formality
- as a group
- as a matter of fact
- as far as possible
- as follows
- as if by magic
- as it is
- as it were
- as luck would have it
- as much as possible
- as needed
- as required
- as such
- as the crow flies
- as usual
- as we say
- as well
- as yet
- asap
- ascetically
- asea
- asexually
- ashamedly
- ashore
- aside
- askance
- askew
- aslant
- asleep
- assertively
- assiduously
- assuredly
- astern
- astonishingly
- astraddle
- astray
- astride
- astronomically
- astutely
- asunder
- asymmetrically
- asymptotically
- at a loss
- at a low price
- at a lower place
- at a time
- at all
- at all costs
- at an equal rate
- at any cost
- at any expense
- at any rate
- at arm's length
- at best
- at bottom
- at close range
- at first blush
- at first glance
- at first hand
- at first sight
- at heart
- at home
- at large
- at last
- at least
- at leisure
- at length
- at long last
- at most
- at once
- at one time
- at present
- at random
- at stake
- at that place
- at the best
- at the least
- at the most
- at the same time
- at the worst
- at times
- at will
- at worst
- athwart
- atonally
- atop
- atrociously
- attentively
- attractively
- attributively
- atypically
- audaciously
- audibly
- aurally
- auspiciously
- austerely
- authentically
- authoritatively
- autocratically
- automatically
- avariciously
- avidly
- avowedly
- away
- awful
- awfully
- awhile
- awkwardly
- awry
- axially
- axiomatically
- beyond a doubt
- beyond a shadow of a doubt
- by a long shot
- cap-a-pie
- chock-a-block
- common era
- et alia
- etcetera
- even a little
- ex cathedra
- extra
- for a bargain price
- for a song
- for a while
- forever and a day
- in a beastly manner
- in a broad way
- in a flash
- in a heartfelt way
- in a higher place
- in a low voice
- in a nutshell
- in a pig's eye
- in a similar way
- in a way
- in absentia
- in camera
- infra
- inter alia
- kinda
- like a shot
- not by a blame sight
- not by a long sight
- of a sudden
- on a higher floor
- on a lower floor
- on a regular basis
- on camera
- once in a while
- one at a time
- oversea
- per capita
- pig-a-back
- pit-a-pat
- pro forma
- pro rata
- pro re nata
- quite a
- since a long time ago
- sub rosa
- supra
- tete a tete
- to a fault
- to a great extent
- to a greater extent
- to a higher place
- to a lesser extent
- to a lower place
- to a man
- to a t
- vice versa
- vis-a-vis
- yea
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Search Result:a
KK Pronunciation
〔 ә 〕
〔 ә 〕
Overview of noun a
The noun a has 7 senses
- angstrom, angstrom unit, A -- (a metric unit of length equal to one ten billionth of a meter (or 0.0001 micron); used to specify wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation)
- vitamin A, antiophthalmic factor, axerophthol, A -- (any of several fat-soluble vitamins essential for normal vision; prevents night blindness or inflammation or dryness of the eyes)
- deoxyadenosine monophosphate, A -- (one of the four nucleotides used in building DNA; all four nucleotides have a common phosphate group and a sugar (ribose))
- adenine, A -- ((biochemistry) purine base found in DNA and RNA; pairs with thymine in DNA and with uracil in RNA)
- ampere, amp, A -- (the basic unit of electric current adopted under the Systeme International d'Unites; "a typical household circuit carries 15 to 50 amps")
- A, a -- (the 1st letter of the Roman alphabet)
- A, type A, group A -- (the blood group whose red cells carry the A antigen)