Compund Words
- 1st lieutenant
- 2nd lieutenant
- abandoned infant
- abandonment
- abasement
- abashment
- abatement
- abducent
- aberrant
- abetment
- abolishment
- abortifacient
- abradant
- abridgement
- abridgment
- abscondment
- absorbent
- absorption coefficient
- abstinent
- abutment
- academic department
- academic requirement
- accent
- accident
- accommodating lens implant
- accompaniment
- accomplishment
- accouchement
- account
- account statement
- accountant
- accouterment
- accoutrement
- accruement
- achievement
- acknowledgement
- acknowledgment
- aclant
- acquirement
- acquisition agreement
- acrobatic stunt
- acrodont
- acrylic paint
- action plant
- activating agent
- active agent
- actor's agent
- actor's assistant
- acute accent
- adamant
- adherent
- adhesive agent
- adjournment
- adjustment
- adjutant
- adjuvant
- admonishment
- adolescent
- adoptive parent
- adornment
- adsorbent
- adulterant
- advancement
- advent
- advertisement
- advertising department
- advertizement
- advice and consent
- advisement
- afferent
- affiant
- affluent
- affricate consonant
- affront
- african elephant
- age of consent
- agent
- aggrandisement
- aggrandizement
- agony aunt
- agreement
- agricultural agent
- agriculture department
- ailment
- air current
- air plant
- alfred lunt
- alignment
- aliment
- alinement
- aliquant
- alkylating agent
- allegement
- alleviant
- alliaceous plant
- allotment
- allowance account
- allurement
- alluvial sediment
- almond crescent
- alpha-adrenergic blocking agent
- alternating current
- alternating electric current
- alupent
- alveolar consonant
- alveolar point
- amazement
- amazon ant
- amendment
- ament
- amercement
- american mastodont
- amount
- amusement
- anaesthetic agent
- ancient
- anesthetic agent
- animal pigment
- anionic detergent
- anise plant
- ankle joint
- announcement
- annuitant
- annulment
- anointment
- anovulant
- ant
- antarctic continent
- antecedent
- anthropology department
- anti-war movement
- antianxiety agent
- anticipant
- anticoagulant
- anticonvulsant
- antidepressant
- antiflatulent
- antifouling paint
- antifungal agent
- antigenic determinant
- antimycotic agent
- antioxidant
- antiperspirant
- antipsychotic agent
- antispasmodic agent
- antiviral agent
- apartment
- aperient
- apparent movement
- appeasement
- appellant
- appetite suppressant
- apple mint
- applemint
- applicant
- appointment
- apportionment
- aquatic plant
- aquatint
- arabian nights' entertainment
- arbitrament
- arbitrement
- arborescent plant
- arc-boutant
- arc cosecant
- arc cotangent
- arc secant
- arc tangent
- arccosecant
- arccotangent
- architectural ornament
- arcsecant
- arctangent
- argent
- argument
- argus pheasant
- arhant
- ark of the covenant
- armament
- army ant
- arpent
- arraignment
- arrangement
- arrest warrant
- arrested development
- art department
- art movement
- art student
- artichoke plant
- articles of agreement
- artificial joint
- artillery plant
- artistic movement
- asbestos abatement
- ascendant
- ascendent
- ascent
- aspirant
- assailant
- assembly plant
- assent
- assessment
- assignment
- assistant
- assortment
- assuagement
- astonishment
- astringent
- ataractic agent
- atonement
- atrovent
- attachment
- attainment
- attendant
- attestant
- audited account
- aunt
- auricular point
- australian pitcher plant
- autophytic plant
- auxiliary equipment
- averment
- avouchment
- bacchant
- backpacking tent
- badminton equipment
- bafflement
- bailment
- ball-and-socket joint
- ballottement
- ballpoint
- banishment
- bank account
- bank discount
- bank statement
- baptismal font
- bar-room plant
- baroness dudevant
- baseball equipment
- basement
- basil mint
- basketball equipment
- battlefront
- battlement
- beachfront
- bean plant
- beating-reed instrument
- beaumont
- beauty consultant
- beauty treatment
- bedding plant
- bedevilment
- beef plant
- beefsteak plant
- befoulment
- befuddlement
- beguilement
- bell tent
- belladonna plant
- belligerent
- belmont
- bemusement
- bench warrant
- bent
- bereavement
- bergamot mint
- bestowment
- beta-adrenergic blocking agent
- beta-blocking agent
- betterment
- bewilderment
- bewitchment
- bezant
- bezzant
- bilateral descent
- bill of indictment
- biological agent
- biology department
- biont
- birthday present
- biserial correlation coefficient
- black currant
- black september movement
- blanching agent
- blandishment
- blank endorsement
- bleaching agent
- blechnum spicant
- blessed event
- blistering agent
- block grant
- blocking agent
- blood count
- blue point
- bluepoint
- blueprint
- bodoni font
- body count
- body servant
- bog plant
- boiling point
- boltzmann's constant
- bombardment
- bon vivant
- bond servant
- book agent
- book of account
- booking agent
- bottling plant
- bouffant
- bowed stringed instrument
- bowel movement
- bowling equipment
- boxing equipment
- brant
- brass instrument
- breach of trust with fraudulent intent
- breaker point
- breaking point
- breast implant
- brent
- bridge agent
- british parliament
- broad-bean plant
- brokerage account
- brown bent
- brownian movement
- brunt
- buck sergeant
- building department
- bulbous plant
- bulldog ant
- bunt
- burial garment
- burn plant
- business agent
- business department
- business establishment
- butt joint
- butter-bean plant
- butter-print
- butterfly plant
- byzant
- calamint
- california pitcher plant
- canned hunt
- cant
- cantonment
- canvas tent
- capital account
- capital of vermont
- capital punishment
- capsicum pepper plant
- cardinal compass point
- caricature plant
- carnivorous plant
- carpenter ant
- cart-track plant
- cartridge font
- cary grant
- caryophyllaceous plant
- case agreement
- case in point
- casein paint
- casement
- cash account
- cash equivalent
- cast-iron plant
- castor-oil plant
- castor bean plant
- catamount
- catchment
- cationic detergent
- catmint
- causal agent
- cauterant
- cautious statement
- celebrant
- celestial point
- cement
- cent
- century plant
- cerebrovascular accident
- cerement
- certified public accountant
- chance event
- chant
- chard plant
- charge account
- charles l'enfant
- chartered accountant
- chastisement
- checking account
- checkpoint
- chemical agent
- chemical element
- chemical irritant
- chemical plant
- chemistry department
- chequing account
- chickpea plant
- chicory plant
- chief assistant
- chimney plant
- chinese lantern plant
- chinese silk plant
- chokepoint
- christ plant
- christmas present
- circus tent
- civil rights movement
- civil servant
- claim agent
- claimant
- clairvoyant
- classified advertisement
- cleaning equipment
- cleaning implement
- cleansing agent
- client
- clip joint
- closure by compartment
- co-defendant
- co-respondent
- coagulant
- coat of paint
- coca plant
- codefendant
- coefficient
- cognitive content
- cognovit judgement
- cognovit judgment
- cold front
- collective agreement
- college student
- color sergeant
- colour supplement
- combatant
- comint
- commandant
- commandment
- commencement
- comment
- commerce department
- commercial document
- commercial instrument
- commitment
- common bean plant
- common calamint
- common front
- common pitcher plant
- common stock equivalent
- common unicorn plant
- communicant
- communication equipment
- communications security establishment
- compartment
- compass plant
- compass point
- complainant
- complaint
- complement
- complete blood count
- compliment
- component
- comportment
- composite plant
- concealment
- concentration gradient
- concomitant
- condiment
- conferment
- confession of judgement
- confession of judgment
- confidant
- confinement
- confluent
- congealment
- congregant
- conodont
- consent
- consignment
- consonant
- constant
- constant-width font
- constituent
- constraint
- consultant
- contact print
- containment
- contaminant
- content
- contentment
- contestant
- continent
- contingent
- continuant
- continuant consonant
- control account
- control experiment
- convalescent
- convent
- coolant
- copyright infringement
- corespondent
- coriander plant
- cormorant
- cormous plant
- corn mint
- corneal transplant
- corporal punishment
- corposant
- correlation coefficient
- correspondent
- cosecant
- cosmological constant
- cost accountant
- cotangent
- cotenant
- cottage tent
- cotton plant
- cotyloid joint
- council of trent
- count
- counterargument
- counterbombardment
- countercurrent
- counterirritant
- counterpoint
- county agent
- covenant
- cowpea plant
- craniometric point
- credit account
- creeping bent
- crescent
- cress plant
- cricket equipment
- critical point
- croissant
- croquet equipment
- crosscurrent
- crow pheasant
- cruciferous plant
- cruel and unusual punishment
- cruel plant
- crustal movement
- cubital joint
- cuckoopint
- cultivated plant
- cultural movement
- cunt
- curettement
- curie point
- currant
- current
- current account
- curtailment
- cushion calamint
- custodial account
- customer agent
- cutting implement
- cynodont
- cyprinodont
- dandie dinmont
- data point
- database management
- day of atonement
- day of judgement
- day of judgment
- dealignment
- death warrant
- debarment
- debasement
- debridement
- debt instrument
- decadent
- decampment
- decedent
- deciduous plant
- decimal point
- decipherment
- decoagulant
- decongestant
- decrement
- deer hunt
- defacement
- default judgement
- default judgment
- defendant
- defense department
- deferment
- deferred payment
- defilement
- defoliant
- defrayment
- delinquent
- demulcent
- denaturant
- denouement
- denouncement
- dent
- dental assistant
- dental consonant
- dental implant
- deodorant
- deodourant
- department
- department of housing and urban development
- department of local government
- department of the federal government
- dependant
- dependent
- deployment
- deponent
- deportment
- deposit account
- depressant
- derailment
- derangement
- derivative instrument
- descant
- descendant
- descendent
- descent
- desert plant
- desiccant
- desk sergeant
- despoilment
- detachment
- detainment
- detent
- detergent
- determent
- determinant
- deterrent
- dethronement
- detriment
- development
- deviant
- devilment
- devolvement
- dew point
- diamond point
- dicynodont
- dietary supplement
- differential blood count
- differential coefficient
- diluent
- dilutant
- dining-room attendant
- dining compartment
- dint
- dipole moment
- direct current
- direct electric current
- diriment impediment
- disability payment
- disablement
- disagreement
- disappointment
- disarmament
- disarrangement
- disbandment
- disbarment
- disbursement
- discant
- discernment
- disconcertment
- discontent
- discontentment
- discount
- discouragement
- discussant
- disembarkment
- disembarrassment
- disembowelment
- disenchantment
- disenfranchisement
- disengagement
- disentanglement
- disestablishment
- disfigurement
- disfranchisement
- disgorgement
- disgruntlement
- disheartenment
- dishwasher detergent
- dishwashing detergent
- disillusionment
- disinfectant
- disinterment
- disinvestment
- dislodgement
- dislodgment
- dismantlement
- dismemberment
- dismount
- disownment
- disparagement
- displacement
- disposal plant
- disputant
- dissent
- dissident
- dissociation constant
- dissolvent
- dissolving agent
- distillment
- distraint
- distribution agreement
- distributor point
- dividend warrant
- diving event
- divorcement
- divulgement
- dna fingerprint
- docent
- document
- dog bent
- dominant
- dormant account
- double-blind experiment
- double-reed instrument
- double agent
- dovetail joint
- down payment
- downy wood mint
- drafting instrument
- drag coefficient
- dramatic event
- driver ant
- absent
- accent
- account
- acquaint
- affront
- aliment
- amount
- anoint
- appoint
- aquatint
- assent
- attaint
- augment
- blueprint
- blunt
- bodypaint
- bunt
- cant
- cement
- chant
- circumvent
- comment
- complement
- compliment
- confront
- consent
- content
- count
- counterpoint
- covenant
- daunt
- decant
- dent
- descant
- disappoint
- discontent
- discount
- disenchant
- disjoint
- dismount
- disorient
- dissent
- document
- drag a bunt
- enchant
- experiment
- faint
- feint
- ferment
- finger-paint
- fingerprint
- flaunt
- foment
- foxhunt
- fragment
- frequent
- front
- gallivant
- garment
- give vent
- glint
- grant
- grunt
- haunt
- hint
- hunt
- implant
- implement
- imprint
- indent
- instrument
- invent
- jaunt
- joint
- lament
- levant
- lie dormant
- make a point
- mint
- miscount
- misprint
- misrepresent
- mount
- orient
- ornament
- outpoint
- overprint
- paint
- pant
- parent
- pass judgment
- patent
- pigment
- pinpoint
- plant
- point
- present
- prevent
- punt
- raiment
- rant
- reacquaint
- recant
- recount
- regiment
- reinvent
- relent
- remount
- rent
- reorient
- repaint
- repent
- replant
- repoint
- represent
- reprint
- resent
- saint
- scant
- scent
- sediment
- segment
- shunt
- slant
- splint
- sprint
- squint
- still-hunt
- stint
- stunt
- subvent
- supplant
- supplement
- surmount
- taint
- take account
- take into account
- take the count
- take the fifth amendment
- taunt
- tenant
- tent
- tint
- torment
- transplant
- vaunt
- vent
- want
- warrant
- abducent
- aberrant
- abeyant
- abhorrent
- abient
- abortifacient
- absent
- absorbefacient
- absorbent
- abstinent
- abundant
- acaulescent
- acceptant
- accordant
- accumbent
- acidulent
- acquiescent
- adamant
- adducent
- adherent
- adient
- adjacent
- adjuvant
- adolescent
- adsorbent
- adulterant
- advertent
- afferent
- affluent
- albescent
- alcalescent
- alcohol-dependent
- alkalescent
- all-important
- all important
- allegiant
- ambient
- ambivalent
- ambulant
- ancient
- antecedent
- anticipant
- aperient
- apparent
- appellant
- appendant
- appetent
- appurtenant
- arborescent
- ardent
- argent
- arrant
- arrogant
- ascendant
- ascendent
- askant
- aslant
- aspirant
- asquint
- assentient
- assistant
- assonant
- assurgent
- astringent
- attendant
- au courant
- autofluorescent
- avirulent
- belligerent
- beneficent
- benevolent
- benignant
- bent
- besprent
- bioluminescent
- birefringent
- bivalent
- blatant
- blunt
- bouffant
- bowfront
- brilliant
- brisant
- buoyant
- burnt
- cadent
- calefacient
- calorifacient
- candent
- candescent
- canescent
- caulescent
- chatoyant
- chemiluminescent
- circumferent
- clairvoyant
- clamant
- clement
- clinquant
- co-occurrent
- co-referent
- coalescent
- coexistent
- cogent
- cognisant
- cognizant
- coherent
- coincident
- combatant
- comburant
- comburent
- competent
- complacent
- complaisant
- compliant
- concomitant
- concordant
- concupiscent
- concurrent
- condolent
- confident
- confluent
- congruent
- conjoint
- consentient
- consequent
- consistent
- consonant
- constant
- constituent
- content
- continent
- contingent
- continuant
- convalescent
- convenient
- convergent
- conversant
- coreferent
- corpulent
- correspondent
- corroborant
- corrosion-resistant
- corticoafferent
- corticoefferent
- coruscant
- cost-efficient
- couchant
- counterinsurgent
- covalent
- covariant
- crapulent
- crease-resistant
- crescent
- current
- decadent
- decalescent
- decent
- decumbent
- deferent
- defervescent
- defiant
- deficient
- dehiscent
- delinquent
- deliquescent
- demulcent
- dependant
- dependent
- depressant
- descendant
- descendent
- despondent
- detergent
- determinant
- deterrent
- deviant
- different
- diffident
- diligent
- discontent
- discordant
- discrepant
- disinfectant
- disjoint
- disobedient
- dissentient
- dissident
- dissilient
- dissonant
- distant
- divalent
- divergent
- dominant
- dormant
- ebullient
- efferent
- effervescent
- efficient
- efflorescent
- effluent
- effulgent
- elegant
- eloquent
- embonpoint
- emergent
- eminent
- emollient
- ensuant
- equidistant
- equipotent
- equivalent
- errant
- esurient
- euphoriant
- evacuant
- evanescent
- ever-present
- evident
- excellent
- excitant
- excrescent
- exigent
- existent
- exorbitant
- expectant
- expedient
- experient
- extant
- extravagant
- exuberant
- exultant
- faineant
- faint
- feculent
- fervent
- fire-resistant
- fire-retardant
- flagrant
- flamboyant
- flame-retardant
- flatulent
- flint
- flippant
- flocculent
- fluent
- fluorescent
- fragrant
- fraudulent
- frequent
- front
- fulgent
- fulgurant
- fulminant
- gallant
- gardant
- gaunt
- giant
- glabrescent
- grandiloquent
- guardant
- heaven-sent
- hell-bent
- hesitant
- idempotent
- ignescent
- ignorant
- immanent
- imminent
- immunocompetent
- immunodeficient
- impatient
- impeccant
- impellent
- impendent
- impenitent
- impermanent
- impertinent
- important
- impotent
- improvident
- imprudent
- impudent
- impuissant
- in agreement
- inadvertent
- incandescent
- incessant
- incident
- incipient
- inclement
- incognizant
- incoherent
- incompetent
- incongruent
- inconsequent
- inconsistent
- inconstant
- incontinent
- inconvenient
- incumbent
- indecent
- indehiscent
- independent
- indifferent
- indigent
- indignant
- indolent
- indulgent
- inefficient
- inelegant
- inerrant
- inexpedient
- inexperient
- influent
- infrequent
- inhalant
- inherent
- innocent
- insentient
- insignificant
- insistent
- insolent
- insolvent
- insouciant
- instant
- insufficient
- insurgent
- intelligent
- intent
- interdependent
- intermittent
- intersectant
- intolerant
- intoxicant
- intransigent
- intumescent
- invariant
- iridescent
- irrelevant
- irreverent
- itinerant
- joint
- jubilant
- lambent
- latent
- lenient
- liquescent
- lucent
- luculent
- luminescent
- luxuriant
- magnificent
- magniloquent
- malcontent
- maleficent
- malevolent
- malignant
- mellisonant
- mendicant
- migrant
- militant
- ministrant
- mint
- monovalent
- mordant
- moth-resistant
- mucopurulent
- multipotent
- multivalent
- munificent
- mutafacient
- mutant
- naiant
- nascent
- negligent
- nescient
- nilpotent
- no-account
- no-count
- nocent
- noctilucent
- non-buoyant
- nonabsorbent
- nonadjacent
- nonadsorbent
- nonastringent
- nonbelligerent
- nonchalant
- noncombatant
- noncompliant
- nonconvergent
- noncurrent
- noneffervescent
- nonequivalent
- nonexistent
- nonextant
- nonindulgent
- nonobservant
- nonpregnant
- nonpurulent
- nonresident
- nonresilient
- nonresistant
- nonresonant
- nonruminant
- nonsignificant
- nonturbulent
- nonviolent
- nth
- nurturant
- nutrient
- obedient
- observant
- obsolescent
- occurrent
- omnipotent
- omnipresent
- omniscient
- opalescent
- operant
- opponent
- opulent
- oscitant
- out of print
- overabundant
- overconfident
- overindulgent
- overvaliant
- palpitant
- paramount
- parturient
- passant
- patent
- patient
- pearlescent
- peccant
- pendant
- pendent
- penicillin-resistant
- penitent
- pent
- pentavalent
- percipient
- permanent
- permeant
- persistent
- pertinent
- pestilent
- petulant
- phosphorescent
- piquant
- plangent
- pleasant
- pliant
- poignant
- polyvalent
- potent
- pre-existent
- preadolescent
- precedent
- precipitant
- predominant
- preeminent
- preexistent
- preferent
- pregnant
- preponderant
- prepubescent
- prescient
- present
- prevalent
- prevenient
- procumbent
- proficient
- prominent
- propellant
- propellent
- prospicient
- protestant
- protuberant
- provident
- prudent
- prurient
- puberulent
- pubescent
- puissant
- pungent
- pursuant
- purulent
- putrefacient
- putrescent
- quaint
- quiescent
- radiant
- radiolucent
- rampant
- re-entrant
- recalcitrant
- recent
- recombinant
- recreant
- recrudescent
- recumbent
- recurrent
- recusant
- redolent
- redundant
- reentrant
- referent
- refrigerant
- refulgent
- regardant
- regent
- regnant
- relaxant
- relevant
- reliant
- reluctant
- reminiscent
- remittent
- renascent
- renunciant
- repellant
- repellent
- repentant
- repugnant
- resident
- resilient
- resistant
- resonant
- resplendent
- respondent
- resultant
- resurgent
- reticent
- revenant
- reverberant
- reverent
- riant
- rot-resistant
- ruminant
- run-resistant
- rust-resistant
- salient
- sapient
- scandent
- scant
- scintillant
- self-complacent
- self-confident
- self-consistent
- self-evident
- self-important
- self-indulgent
- self-referent
- self-reliant
- self-sufficient
- semipermanent
- semitransparent
- senescent
- sent
- sentient
- sequent
- shock-absorbent
- sibilant
- significant
- silent
- skint
- soi-disant
- solvent
- somnolent
- sonant
- sorbefacient
- spent
- spirant
- spur-of-the-moment
- squint
- stagnant
- statant
- stimulant
- strident
- stringent
- subjacent
- subsequent
- subservient
- succulent
- sufficient
- suffrutescent
- sunburnt
- superabundant
- superincumbent
- superjacent
- supernatant
- suppliant
- supplicant
- susurrant
- tantamount
- tetravalent
- tolerant
- totipotent
- toxicant
- transcendent
- transeunt
- transient
- translucent
- transparent
- trenchant
- triumphant
- trivalent
- truant
- truculent
- tumescent
- turbulent
- unapparent
- unbent
- undulant
- ungallant
- unimportant
- unintelligent
- univalent
- unobservant
- unpleasant
- unrepentant
- unresistant
- unreverberant
- unsent
- unspent
- unvigilant
- upfront
- urgent
- vacant
- vacillant
- vagrant
- valent
- valiant
- variant
- vehement
- verdant
- vesicant
- vibrant
- vigilant
- violent
- virulent
- volant
- water-repellent
- water-resistant
- well-meant
- windburnt
- wrinkle-resistant
- y2k compliant
- aslant
- at present
- decent
- en passant
- for the moment
- in any event
- in front
- in the adjacent apartment
- on that point
- on the spur of the moment
- out front
- through an experiment
- to a great extent
- to a greater extent
- to a lesser extent
- to that extent
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Search Result:NT
(TTS Sound)

Overview of noun nt
The noun nt has 1 sense
- National Trust, NT -- (an organization concerned to preserve historic monuments and buildings and places of historical interest or natural beauty; founded in 1895 and supported by endowment and private subscription)