Compund Words
- a la carte
- ablative absolute
- absentee rate
- absolute
- absorbate
- acanthocyte
- acaryote
- acetate
- achondrite
- acolyte
- aconite
- acquired taste
- acrylate
- actinolite
- actinomycete
- active site
- acute
- adenosine diphosphate
- adenosine monophosphate
- adenosine triphosphate
- adesite
- adsorbate
- advocate
- aerolite
- aerophyte
- aesthete
- affiliate
- affricate
- aftertaste
- agamete
- agate
- agglomerate
- aggregate
- agnate
- aguacate
- ahuehuete
- aigrette
- aiguilette
- akaryocyte
- akaryote
- alaskan malamute
- albite
- alendronate
- alexandrite
- alimentary paste
- aliterate
- alkylbenzenesulfonate
- allen tate
- almandite
- aloha state
- alternate
- aluminate
- amblygonite
- american state
- amlodipine besylate
- ammonite
- ammonium carbamate
- ammonium carbonate
- ammonium nitrate
- amniote
- ampere-minute
- amphetamine sulfate
- amphetamine sulphate
- amphibolite
- amyl nitrate
- anchorite
- anchovy paste
- and gate
- andante
- andesite
- andradite
- andrew d. white
- andrew dickson white
- anecdote
- anisette
- anisogamete
- annamite
- anne bronte
- anorthite
- ante
- antepenultimate
- anthophyllite
- anthracite
- anthropophagite
- anti-semite
- antidote
- antimetabolite
- antimony potassium tartrate
- apatite
- aphanite
- aphrodite
- aplite
- apostate
- apostolic delegate
- appetite
- aquatic vertebrate
- aragonite
- archeological site
- archidiaconate
- archimandrite
- arcminute
- areopagite
- arete
- argentite
- argillite
- argyrodite
- armor plate
- armour plate
- arrival gate
- arriviste
- arsenate
- arsenopyrite
- artificial satellite
- artiste
- ascomycete
- aspirate
- associate
- associated state
- astarte
- astrocyte
- astronomy satellite
- asymptote
- ate
- athlete
- atmospheric state
- attribute
- attrition rate
- audiocassette
- augite
- auguste comte
- austenite
- australian state
- authoritarian state
- autophyte
- azote
- azurite
- b lymphocyte
- baccalaureate
- bacchante
- bachelorette
- backplate
- baddeleyite
- badger state
- baguette
- bakelite
- baking chocolate
- baldpate
- balkan state
- ballistite
- baltic state
- bandelette
- bank note
- bank rate
- banknote
- banquette
- bar absolute
- barbary pirate
- barbette
- barbiturate
- bargain rate
- barite
- barium sulfate
- barium sulphate
- barndoor skate
- barrette
- basal metabolic rate
- base rate
- basidiomycete
- baste
- bastnaesite
- bastnasite
- batholite
- batiste
- battle born state
- baud rate
- bauxite
- bay state
- bayes' postulate
- beats per minute
- beau geste
- beaver state
- bedlamite
- bedroom suite
- beehive state
- belemnite
- bell cote
- belo horizonte
- bentonite
- benzoate
- beurre noisette
- bicarbonate
- bichromate
- billingsgate
- biotite
- biquadrate
- birth certificate
- birth rate
- birthrate
- bitartrate
- bite
- bite plate
- biteplate
- bitter chocolate
- bittersweet chocolate
- black and white
- black kite
- black margate
- blastocyte
- blastomycete
- blatherskite
- blind date
- block vote
- blue marguerite
- blue note
- bluegrass state
- bobwhite
- body waste
- boilerplate
- bolete
- bomb site
- bonaparte
- bond certificate
- bonete
- bookplate
- borate
- bornite
- borosilicate
- box kite
- boy orator of the platte
- bramante
- breastplate
- bret harte
- briquette
- brochette
- brompheniramine maleate
- bronte
- brunette
- brute
- bryophyte
- buck private
- buckeye state
- buffer state
- building site
- bunkmate
- burette
- burial site
- bus route
- butacaine sulfate
- butte
- butyl nitrite
- byte
- c-note
- caffe latte
- calcite
- calcium bicarbonate
- calcium carbonate
- calcium hydrate
- calcium hypochlorite
- calcium lactate
- calcium nitrate
- calcium octadecanoate
- calcium phosphate
- calcium stearate
- calcium sulfate
- calcium sulphate
- caliphate
- caliphate state
- camellia state
- camping site
- campmate
- campsite
- canaanite
- candidate
- canute
- capitate
- capote
- carafate
- carbamate
- carbohydrate
- carbonate
- cardinalate
- carinate
- carmelite
- carnallite
- carnotite
- carte
- cartesian coordinate
- cassette
- cassite
- cassiterite
- caste
- casting vote
- castrate
- catamite
- caudate
- celestite
- celibate
- cellulite
- cellulose acetate
- cellulose nitrate
- cellulose triacetate
- cellulose xanthate
- cementite
- cenobite
- centennial state
- cephalochordate
- cerate
- certificate
- cerussite
- ceylonite
- chabasite
- chabazite
- chair of state
- chalcanthite
- chalcocite
- chalcopyrite
- chalybite
- chamosite
- champagne flute
- change of state
- chanson de geste
- charge plate
- charles louis napoleon bonaparte
- charlotte
- charlotte bronte
- cheapskate
- checkmate
- chelate
- chief of state
- china jute
- chinese date
- chinese white
- chloral hydrate
- chlorate
- chlorite
- chlorophyte
- chlorpheniramine maleate
- choanocyte
- chocolate
- chondrite
- chordate
- chromate
- chromite
- chrysolite
- church-state
- chute
- chute-the-chute
- cigarette
- ciliate
- cinema verite
- cite
- citrate
- city-state
- city state
- class lycopodiate
- classmate
- clean slate
- cleft palate
- climate
- clofibrate
- clomiphene citrate
- clopidogrel bisulfate
- co-ordinate
- coal-tar creosote
- coal chute
- cobaltite
- cocotte
- coelenterate
- coenobite
- coffee substitute
- cognate
- cognitive state
- cognoscente
- colette
- collection plate
- columbite
- columbite-tantalite
- comb-plate
- commedia dell'arte
- common fate
- communications satellite
- commute
- complex conjugate
- composite
- compote
- comte
- conacaste
- concentrate
- concrete
- condensate
- confederate
- confidante
- conglomerate
- conjugate
- constitution state
- consulate
- cooking chocolate
- coordinate
- copalite
- copper sulfate
- copper sulphate
- copperplate
- coprolite
- coquette
- cordierite
- cordite
- cornhusker state
- correlate
- corrosive sublimate
- cortone acetate
- corvette
- cosmopolite
- cote
- couchette
- count per minute
- counts/minute
- courante
- courgette
- cover plate
- coyote
- coyote state
- craniate
- crapette
- crate
- creatine phosphate
- creosote
- crepe suzette
- crescentia cujete
- crete
- crime rate
- crime syndicate
- cristobalite
- crocolite
- croquette
- crustal plate
- cryolite
- cryptophyte
- crystallite
- cubeb cigarette
- culotte
- cumulative vote
- cupric acetate
- cupric sulfate
- cupric sulphate
- cuprite
- curate
- curette
- cut rate
- cyanite
- cyclohexanol phthalate
- cypriote
- d'oyly carte
- dacite
- dame kiri janette te kanawa
- dame kiri te kanawa
- damourite
- dante
- dark chocolate
- data rate
- date
- deaf-mute
- death rate
- deathrate
- debate
- debutante
- degenerate
- delegate
- demand note
- dendrite
- dendroica striate
- dental plate
- deoxyadenosine monophosphate
- deoxycytidine monophosphate
- deoxyguanosine monophosphate
- deoxythymidine monophosphate
- department of state
- departure gate
- depreciation rate
- desperate
- despite
- dessert plate
- detente
- deviate
- devil's advocate
- dextroamphetamine sulphate
- diamante
- diamond state
- diatomite
- dibranchiate
- dichromate
- dictate
- dilettante
- dimenhydrinate
- dinette
- diningroom suite
- dinner plate
- dinocerate
- dinoflagellate
- diorite
- diplomate
- dipylon gate
- directorate
- discomycete
- discount rate
- diskette
- dispute
- disrepute
- distaste
- distillate
- dittany of crete
- doctorate
- dog bite
- dolce far niente
- dolomite
- domestic prelate
- don quixote
- donato bramante
- donato d'agnolo bramante
- doorplate
- dose rate
- double date
- dovecote
- drill site
- drinking chocolate
- drogue chute
- drogue parachute
- drum majorette
- dry-wood termite
- dry plate
- duck pate
- due date
- duette
- dumpsite
- duplicate
- durante
- dyer's mignonette
- dynamite
- e. b. white
- eau de toilette
- ebionite
- ebonite
- ecarte
- ecstatic state
- ectoparasite
- edentate
- edward d. white
- edward white
- egalite
- egg en cocotte
- egg white
- eighth note
- ejaculate
- elamite
- electorate
- electrolyte
- electroplate
- elite
- eluate
- elwyn brooks white
- emily bronte
- emily jane bronte
- emirate
- emotional state
- empire state
- enate
- end-plate
- endoparasite
- endplate
- energy state
- ensete
- entente
- entoparasite
- entr'acte
- entrecote
- epaulette
- epiphyte
- episcopate
- equality state
- eremite
- ergotrate maleate
- erythrite
- erythrocyte
- erythrocyte sedimentation rate
- essonite
- estate
- esthete
- estimate
- ethanoate
- ethyl acetate
- ethyl aminobenzoate
- etiquette
- eucaryote
- euclid's postulate
- euglenophyte
- eukaryote
- evaporite
- even-toed ungulate
- everglade state
- evergreen state
- exabyte
- exarchate
- exbibyte
- exchange rate
- excursion rate
- exegete
- expatriate
- explication de texte
- exudate
- faceplate
- farmerette
- fashion plate
- fatality rate
- fate
- father surrogate
- favorite
- favourite
- federal reserve note
- fergusonite
- ferrite
- ferroconcrete
- fertility rate
- fete
- fibrous astrocyte
- figure skate
- filet de boeuf en croute
- filter-tipped cigarette
- filtrate
- finger plate
- fipple flute
- first estate
- first mate
- first state
- fishpaste
- fishplate
- fixed phagocyte
- flagellate
- flannelette
- flatmate
- flea bite
- floodgate
- flow rate
- fluorapatite
- fluorescein isocyanate
- fluorescein isothiocyanate
- fluorite
- fluosilicate
- flute
- folate
- fomite
- food waste
- footnote
- footplate
- foretaste
- forte
- four-card monte
- fourth estate
- franche-comte
- free phagocyte
- free state
- freight rate
- frigate
- frost's bolete
- frostbite
- fruit compote
- fuel consumption rate
- fulminate
- functional illiterate
- future date
- gadolinite
- galilean satellite
- gamete
- gametocyte
- gametophyte
- gamma hydroxybutyrate
- gangliocyte
- garden state
- garnierite
- garotte
- garrote
- garrotte
- gaseous state
- gasteromycete
- gastromycete
- gate
- gavotte
- gazette
- gelignite
- gem state
- geminate
- genus ensete
- geophyte
- georges gilles de la tourette
- georgette
- germanite
- gibbsite
- gibibyte
- gigabyte
- gilles de la tourette
- gillette
- glauconite
- globular pearlite
- glutamate
- glute
- glycerite
- glycerol trimargarate
- glycerol tripalmitate
- glycerol tristearate
- glyceryl trinitrate
- goethite
- gold plate
- golden gate
- golden marguerite
- golden parachute
- golden state
- gopher state
- gothite
- government note
- grace note
- graduate
- grand canyon state
- granite
- granite state
- granular pearlite
- granulocyte
- graphite
- grate
- gray skate
- great lakes state
- green mountain state
- greenockite
- grey skate
- gross estate
- ground state
- growth rate
- guesstimate
- guestimate
- guided missile frigate
- gummite
- gunite
- gusset plate
- haematite
- half-caste
- half note
- halite
- halophyte
- hamate
- hard palate
- harte
- harvest mite
- haste
- hate
- hausmannite
- hawkeye state
- head gate
- head of state
- heart rate
- hecate
- hell-kite
- hellgrammiate
- helpmate
- hematite
- hemiepiphyte
- hemimorphite
- hemiparasite
- henri labrouste
- hermaphrodite
- hessonite
- heterozygote
- heulandite
- hiddenite
- high-level radioactive waste
- histiocyte
- hittite
- hockey skate
- holophyte
- home plate
- homogenate
- homozygote
- honey mesquite
- hoosier state
- hot chocolate
- hot plate
- hotplate
- house of ill repute
- housemate
- housing estate
- human waste
- humate
- hussite
- hydrate
- hydrazoite
- hydrogen carbonate
- hydrolysate
- hydrophyte
- hygrophyte
- hypermastigote
- hypochlorite
- hypocrite
- ice skate
- illegitimate
- illiterate
- ilmenite
- imavate
- in-line skate
- indian chocolate
- indo-hittite
- inebriate
- infant deathrate
- infant mortality rate
- infinite
- inflation rate
- ingrate
- initiate
- inmate
- inorganic phosphate
- insect bite
- inspectorate
- installment rate
- institute
- interest rate
- intermediate
- internet site
- interstate
- intimate
- invertebrate
- invite
- iron pyrite
- isidore auguste marie francois comte
- isobutyl nitrite
- isocyanate
- isogamete
- isothiocyanate
- israelite
- itch mite
- abacinate
- abate
- abbreviate
- abdicate
- aberrate
- ablactate
- ablate
- abnegate
- abominate
- abrogate
- absquatulate
- accelerate
- accentuate
- acclimate
- accommodate
- accrete
- acculturate
- accumulate
- acerbate
- acetylate
- acidulate
- activate
- actuate
- acuminate
- adjudicate
- administrate
- adulate
- adulterate
- adumbrate
- advocate
- aerate
- aestivate
- affiliate
- agglomerate
- agglutinate
- aggravate
- aggregate
- agitate
- alienate
- alleviate
- alliterate
- allocate
- altercate
- alternate
- amalgamate
- ambulate
- ameliorate
- ammoniate
- amputate
- angulate
- animate
- annihilate
- annotate
- annunciate
- ante
- antedate
- anticipate
- antiquate
- appreciate
- approbate
- appropriate
- approximate
- arbitrate
- arrogate
- articulate
- asphyxiate
- aspirate
- assassinate
- asseverate
- assibilate
- assimilate
- associate
- assonate
- astrogate
- attenuate
- attribute
- auscultate
- auspicate
- authenticate
- automate
- aviate
- backbite
- backdate
- baste
- bate
- be intimate
- beneficiate
- benficiate
- berate
- bifurcate
- bite
- blate
- bloviate
- bombilate
- bombinate
- brachiate
- brecciate
- bromate
- brominate
- bullet vote
- butylate
- cachinnate
- calculate
- calibrate
- calumniate
- camphorate
- cannulate
- cantillate
- canulate
- capacitate
- capitulate
- capsulate
- captivate
- carbonate
- carboxylate
- caseate
- castigate
- castrate
- catenate
- catenulate
- celebrate
- centrifugate
- cerebrate
- certificate
- change state
- change taste
- checkmate
- chelate
- chlorinate
- chromium-plate
- chute
- circulate
- circumambulate
- circumnavigate
- circumstantiate
- circumvallate
- circumvolute
- cite
- citrate
- co-educate
- coagulate
- coeducate
- cogitate
- collaborate
- collate
- colligate
- collimate
- collocate
- commemorate
- commentate
- comminate
- comminute
- commiserate
- communicate
- commutate
- commute
- compassionate
- compensate
- compete
- complete
- complicate
- compute
- concatenate
- concentrate
- conciliate
- concrete
- confabulate
- confederate
- confiscate
- conflagrate
- conflate
- confute
- conglobate
- conglomerate
- conglutinate
- congratulate
- congregate
- conjugate
- connote
- consecrate
- consociate
- consolidate
- consonate
- constellate
- consternate
- constipate
- constitute
- consubstantiate
- consummate
- contaminate
- contemplate
- contraindicate
- contribute
- convolute
- cooperate
- coordinate
- copulate
- coquette
- coronate
- correlate
- corroborate
- corrugate
- coruscate
- crate
- create
- cremate
- crenelate
- crenellate
- creosote
- crepitate
- criminate
- cross-pollinate
- culminate
- cultivate
- cumulate
- cybernate
- date
- de-aerate
- de-escalate
- de-iodinate
- de-ionate
- deactivate
- deaerate
- deaminate
- debate
- debilitate
- decaffeinate
- decapitate
- decarbonate
- decarboxylate
- decelerate
- decerebrate
- dechlorinate
- decimate
- decollate
- deconcentrate
- deconsecrate
- decontaminate
- decorate
- decorticate
- decrepitate
- decussate
- dedicate
- dedifferentiate
- defalcate
- defecate
- defenestrate
- defibrillate
- defibrinate
- deflagrate
- deflate
- defoliate
- degenerate
- dehydrate
- dehydrogenate
- delegate
- delete
- deliberate
- delimitate
- delineate
- demarcate
- demodulate
- demonstrate
- demote
- demyelinate
- denigrate
- denominate
- denote
- denudate
- deoxygenate
- depilate
- deplete
- deplumate
- depopulate
- deprecate
- depreciate
- depute
- deracinate
- derate
- deregulate
- derogate
- desalinate
- desecrate
- desegregate
- desiccate
- designate
- desolate
- desquamate
- deteriorate
- detonate
- detoxicate
- devaluate
- devastate
- deviate
- devote
- dictate
- differentiate
- dilapidate
- dilate
- dilute
- disambiguate
- disarticulate
- disassociate
- discombobulate
- discriminate
- disincarnate
- disintegrate
- dislocate
- disorientate
- dispute
- disseminate
- dissertate
- dissimilate
- dissimulate
- dissipate
- dissociate
- dissonate
- distribute
- disunite
- divagate
- divaricate
- domesticate
- domiciliate
- dominate
- donate
- dote
- double-date
- dulcorate
- duplicate
- dynamite
- educate
- edulcorate
- effectuate
- ejaculate
- elaborate
- elate
- electrocute
- electroplate
- elevate
- eliminate
- elocute
- elongate
- elucidate
- elute
- emaciate
- emanate
- emancipate
- emasculate
- embrocate
- emigrate
- emote
- emulate
- encapsulate
- enervate
- enucleate
- enumerate
- enunciate
- epilate
- equate
- equilibrate
- equivocate
- eradicate
- escalate
- estimate
- estivate
- etiolate
- evacuate
- evaluate
- evaporate
- eventuate
- eviscerate
- exacerbate
- exaggerate
- exasperate
- excavate
- excite
- excogitate
- excommunicate
- excoriate
- excrete
- excruciate
- exculpate
- execrate
- execute
- exenterate
- exfoliate
- exhilarate
- exonerate
- expatiate
- expatriate
- expectorate
- expedite
- expiate
- explicate
- expostulate
- expropriate
- expurgate
- exsiccate
- extenuate
- exterminate
- extirpate
- extradite
- extrapolate
- extravasate
- extricate
- exuberate
- exudate
- exuviate
- fabricate
- facilitate
- fascinate
- fate
- fecundate
- federate
- felicitate
- fellate
- festinate
- fete
- fibrillate
- figure skate
- filiate
- filtrate
- fixate
- flagellate
- flocculate
- fluctuate
- fluoridate
- flute
- foliate
- footnote
- foredate
- formicate
- formulate
- fornicate
- fractionate
- free-associate
- frustrate
- fulminate
- fumigate
- furcate
- fustigate
- garotte
- garrote
- garrotte
- gate
- gazette
- geminate
- generate
- germinate
- gestate
- gesticulate
- ghostwrite
- give the gate
- glaciate
- gold-plate
- gold plate
- goldplate
- gradate
- graduate
- granulate
- grate
- gravitate
- guesstimate
- gyrate
- habilitate
- habituate
- haemagglutinate
- hallucinate
- handwrite
- hate
- hemagglutinate
- hesitate
- hibernate
- horripilate
- humiliate
- hydrate
- hydrogenate
- hyperventilate
- hyphenate
- hypothecate
- ice skate
- ideate
- ignite
- illuminate
- illustrate
- imbricate
- imitate
- immigrate
- immolate
- impersonate
- implicate
- imprecate
- impregnate
- impute
- inactivate
- inaugurate
- incapacitate
- incarcerate
- incarnate
- incinerate
- incite
- incorporate
- incriminate
- incubate
- inculcate
- inculpate
- incurvate
- indicate
- indite
- individuate
- indoctrinate
- indurate
- inebriate
- infatuate
- infiltrate
- inflate
- infuriate
- infuscate
- ingeminate
- ingratiate
- ingurgitate
- initiate
- innervate
- innovate
- inoculate
- inosculate
- inseminate
- insinuate
- insolate
- inspissate
- instantiate
- instigate
- institute
- instrumentate
- insufflate
- insulate
- integrate
- intercalate
- intercommunicate
- intermediate
- interpellate
- interpenetrate
- interpolate
- interrelate
- interrogate
- intimate
- intimidate
- intonate
- intoxicate
- intubate
- inundate
- invaginate
- invalidate
- investigate
- invigilate
- invigorate
- invite
- iodinate
- ionate
- irradiate
- irrigate
- irritate
- isolate
- iterate
- itinerate
- jactitate
- jubilate
- keep note
- keynote
- kite
- lacerate
- lactate
- lambaste
- laminate
- lapidate
- legislate
- legitimate
- levitate
- liberate
- librate
- ligate
- liquidate
- litigate
- locate
- locomote
- lubricate
- lucubrate
- lustrate
- luxate
- luxuriate
- macerate
- machicolate
- machinate
- maculate
- malversate
- mandate
- manducate
- manipulate
- marinate
- masticate
- masturbate
- mate
- matriculate
- matte
- maturate
- mediate
- medicate
- meditate
- meliorate
- menstruate
- mensurate
- metricate
- micturate
- migrate
- militate
- miniate
- misappropriate
- miscalculate
- miscegenate
- miscreate
- misdate
- misestimate
- mismate
- misquote
- misstate
- mistranslate
- mitigate
- moderate
- modulate
- motivate
- mussitate
- mutate
- mute
- mutilate
- narrate
- nauseate
- navigate
- necessitate
- negate
- negociate
- negotiate
- nictate
- nictitate
- nitrate
- nominate
- notate
- note
- novate
- nucleate
- numerate
- nutate
- obfuscate
- objurgate
- obligate
- obliterate
- obnubilate
- obstinate
- obstipate
- obturate
- obviate
- officiate
- operate
- orate
- orchestrate
- ordinate
- orientate
- originate
- oscillate
- osculate
- ostentate
- outvote
- overcompensate
- overcultivate
- overestimate
- overpopulate
- overrate
- overstate
- overwrite
- ovulate
- oxidate
- oxygenate
- paginate
- palliate
- palpate
- palpebrate
- palpitate
- parachute
- participate
- paste
- patinate
- peculate
- penetrate
- perambulate
- percolate
- peregrinate
- perennate
- perforate
- permeate
- permute
- perorate
- perpetrate
- perpetuate
- persecute
- perseverate
- personate
- pervaporate
- phonate
- pirate
- pirouette
- placate
- plastinate
- plate
- plicate
- pollenate
- pollinate
- pollute
- pontificate
- populate
- postdate
- postulate
- potentiate
- prate
- precipitate
- predate
- predestinate
- predicate
- predominate
- prefabricate
- preisolate
- premeditate
- preponderate
- prevaricate
- probate
- procrastinate
- procreate
- prognosticate
- proliferate
- promote
- promulgate
- pronate
- propagate
- propitiate
- prorate
- prosecute
- prostitute
- prostrate
- protuberate
- pullulate
- pulsate
- punctuate
- pupate
- purpurate
- quadruplicate
- quote
- radiate
- radiolocate
- rate
- ratiocinate
- re-create
- re-incorporate
- reactivate
- reallocate
- reanimate
- reattribute
- rebate
- recalcitrate
- recalculate
- recapitulate
- recidivate
- reciprocate
- recite
- reconsecrate
- reconstitute
- recreate
- recriminate
- recuperate
- redecorate
- rededicate
- redistribute
- reduplicate
- reevaluate
- reflate
- reformulate
- refrigerate
- refute
- regenerate
- regulate
- regurgitate
- rehabilitate
- reignite
- reincarnate
- reinstate
- reintegrate
- reinvigorate
- reiterate
- rejuvenate
- relate
- relegate
- relocate
- remediate
- remonstrate
- remunerate
- renegociate
- renegotiate
- renovate
- reorientate
- repatriate
- replete
- replicate
- reprobate
- repudiate
- repute
- requite
- resinate
- resonate
- respite
- restate
- restitute
- resuscitate
- retaliate
- reticulate
- retranslate
- reunite
- reverberate
- rewrite
- riposte
- roller skate
- rotate
- route
- rubricate
- ruminate
- rusticate
- salinate
- salivate
- saltate
- salute
- sanitate
- sate
- satellite
- satiate
- saturate
- saute
- scintillate
- secernate
- secrete
- sedate
- segregate
- separate
- sequestrate
- serrate
- sibilate
- silhouette
- silver-plate
- silverplate
- simulate
- site
- situate
- skate
- slate
- sleep late
- smite
- solmizate
- solvate
- somnambulate
- sophisticate
- speciate
- spectate
- speculate
- speed skate
- sphacelate
- spite
- sporulate
- spot promote
- stagnate
- stalemate
- state
- stimulate
- stipulate
- strangulate
- striate
- stridulate
- strike a note
- subjugate
- sublimate
- subluxate
- subordinate
- subrogate
- substantiate
- substitute
- sudate
- suffocate
- sulfate
- sulfurette
- sulphurette
- summate
- superannuate
- superfetate
- superordinate
- supinate
- supplicate
- suppurate
- susurrate
- syllabicate
- syncopate
- syndicate
- tabulate
- tailgate
- take note
- taste
- teach
- team
- team up
- tear
- tear apart
- tear away
- tear down
- tear into
- tear off
- tear up
- teargas
- tease
- tease apart
- tee
- tee off
- tee up
- teem
- teem in
- teeter
- teeter-totter
- teetertotter
- teethe
- teetotal
- telecast
- telecommunicate
- telefax
- telegraph
- telepathise
- telepathize
- telephone
- teleport
- telescope
- televise
- telex
- tell
- tell apart
- tell off
- tell on
- temper
- temporise
- temporize
- tempt
- tenant
- tend
- tender
- tenderise
- tenderize
- tense
- tense up
- tent
- tenure
- tergiversate
- term
- terminate
- terrace
- terrasse
- terrify
- territorialise
- territorialize
- terrorise
- terrorize
- tessellate
- test
- test drive
- test fly
- testify
- tether
- thoriate
- tintinnabulate
- titillate
- titivate
- titrate
- tittivate
- tolerate
- tote
- transaminate
- translate
- transliterate
- translocate
- transmigrate
- transmute
- transpirate
- transubstantiate
- triangulate
- tribulate
- trifurcate
- triplicate
- truncate
- typewrite
- ulcerate
- ululate
- uncrate
- underestimate
- underquote
- underrate
- understate
- underwrite
- undulate
- unite
- update
- urinate
- urticate
- vacate
- vaccinate
- vacillate
- validate
- valuate
- variegate
- vaticinate
- vegetate
- vellicate
- venerate
- ventilate
- vermiculate
- vesicate
- vesiculate
- vibrate
- vind
- a la carte
- abranchiate
- abruptly-pinnate
- absolute
- acaudate
- accurate
- acerate
- acervate
- aciculate
- acuate
- aculeate
- acuminate
- acute
- adequate
- adnate
- adsorbate
- adulterate
- affectionate
- agglomerate
- agglutinate
- aggregate
- agnate
- al dente
- alate
- alternate
- alveolate
- amalgamate
- andante
- angulate
- animate
- annulate
- antepenultimate
- anti-semite
- antisatellite
- apiculate
- apostate
- appellate
- apposite
- appropriate
- approximate
- archegoniate
- arcuate
- areolate
- arillate
- articulate
- associate
- astute
- attenuate
- aureate
- auriculate
- baccate
- barbate
- barbellate
- biaxate
- bicornate
- bicornuate
- bicuspidate
- bidentate
- biflagellate
- bifoliate
- bifurcate
- bilabiate
- bilobate
- biloculate
- binate
- binucleate
- bipartite
- bipinnate
- biserrate
- bisulcate
- bivariate
- black-and-white
- black and white
- blate
- blue-white
- bluish-white
- brachiate
- bracteate
- bracteolate
- branchiate
- brunette
- brute
- bullate
- calceolate
- calyculate
- calyptrate
- campanulate
- canaliculate
- cancellate
- capitate
- capsulate
- carinate
- carmelite
- carpellate
- carunculate
- catenulate
- catkinate
- caudate
- celibate
- chalybeate
- chaste
- chelate
- chelicerate
- chordate
- ciliate
- circinate
- clathrate
- coagulate
- coarctate
- cognate
- cold-temperate
- collegiate
- comate
- commensurate
- companionate
- compassionate
- complete
- composite
- concrete
- confederate
- confiscate
- conglomerate
- conjugate
- connate
- consecrate
- considerate
- consummate
- contrite
- convolute
- cool-white
- coordinate
- cordate
- corporate
- correlate
- costate
- cottony-white
- creamy-white
- crenate
- crenulate
- crispate
- cruciate
- cuneate
- cupulate
- cuspate
- cuspidate
- cut-rate
- cute
- cyanophyte
- cypriote
- deaf-mute
- decollete
- decussate
- definite
- defoliate
- degenerate
- deliberate
- delicate
- delineate
- dentate
- denticulate
- denudate
- desiccate
- designate
- desolate
- desperate
- destitute
- determinate
- deviate
- digitate
- dilettante
- dilute
- discalceate
- disconsolate
- discorporate
- discrete
- discriminate
- disparate
- dispassionate
- disproportionate
- dissolute
- dolabrate
- dull-white
- duplicate
- ebionite
- ebracteate
- edentate
- edentulate
- effeminate
- effete
- elaborate
- elite
- elongate
- emarginate
- emasculate
- enate
- enceinte
- erudite
- etiolate
- eusporangiate
- even-pinnate
- eviscerate
- exanimate
- exquisite
- extortionate
- falcate
- fastigiate
- faveolate
- favorite
- favourite
- federate
- fimbriate
- finite
- first-rate
- fistulate
- flagellate
- foliate
- foliolate
- forcipate
- forficate
- forte
- fortemente
- fortunate
- functionally illiterate
- geniculate
- grade-appropriate
- graduate
- gray-white
- grayish-white
- green-white
- greenish-white
- grey-white
- greyish-white
- hastate
- hermaphrodite
- hirsute
- hittite
- illegitimate
- illiterate
- imbricate
- immaculate
- immediate
- immoderate
- imparipinnate
- imperforate
- impolite
- importunate
- in good taste
- inaccurate
- inadequate
- inanimate
- inapposite
- inappropriate
- inarticulate
- incarnate
- inchoate
- incommensurate
- incomplete
- inconsiderate
- incorporate
- incurvate
- indefinite
- indelicate
- indeterminate
- indiscrete
- indiscriminate
- indurate
- inelaborate
- infinite
- innate
- innumerate
- inordinate
- insatiate
- insensate
- insubordinate
- intemperate
- intercollegiate
- intermediate
- interstate
- intestate
- intimate
- intrastate
- intricate
- invertebrate
- inveterate
- inviolate
- involucrate
- involute
- irate
- irresolute
- labiate
- lacerate
- laciniate
- lanate
- lanceolate
- lancinate
- last-minute
- late
- latinate
- laureate
- legitimate
- lepidote
- leptosporangiate
- lily-white
- lingulate
- lite
- literate
- lobate
- lunate
- lyrate
- maculate
- mandibulate
- matte
- mediate
- milk-white
- minute
- misfortunate
- moderate
- mononucleate
- monophysite
- multinucleate
- multipartite
- multivariate
- muscovite
- mute
- non-finite
- non-white
- nonliterate
- nonparticulate
- nonreticulate
- nucleate
- numerate
- obdurate
- oblanceolate
- oblate
- obligate
- obliterate
- obovate
- obsolete
- obstinate
- odd-pinnate
- off-site
- off-white
- on-site
- operculate
- opposite
- orbiculate
- ornate
- ossiculate
- out-of-date
- outcaste
- ovate
- overdelicate
- palmate
- palpebrate
- pandurate
- paniculate
- papillate
- paripinnate
- particulate
- passionate
- pearly-white
- pectinate
- pedate
- pedunculate
- peltate
- pennate
- penultimate
- perfoliate
- perforate
- petite
- pinkish-white
- pinnate
- pistillate
- planate
- plumate
- polite
- postgraduate
- pre-raphaelite
- precipitate
- predestinate
- predominate
- preliterate
- prerequisite
- private
- profligate
- prolate
- proportionate
- prostate
- prostrate
- proximate
- pseudohermaphrodite
- purple-white
- purplish-white
- pustulate
- quadrate
- quadripartite
- quadruplicate
- quaternate
- quinquefoliate
- radiate
- ramate
- recondite
- recurvate
- regenerate
- reincarnate
- remote
- replete
- reprobate
- requisite
- resolute
- reticulate
- roseate
- rostrate
- runcinate
- sacculate
- sagittate
- satellite
- satiate
- saute
- second-rate
- sedate
- semi-prostrate
- semiliterate
- semiprivate
- semite
- sensate
- separate
- septate
- serrate
- serrulate
- silver-white
- silvery-white
- sinuate
- snow-white
- solid-state
- spatulate
- spicate
- staminate
- statute
- stellate
- striate
- subacute
- sublimate
- subordinate
- substitute
- sulcate
- superordinate
- surrogate
- svelte
- table d'hote
- tea-scented
- teachable
- teal
- tearaway
- tearful
- tearing
- tearless
- teary
- teary-eyed
- teased
- teasing
- technical
- technical-grade
- technical grade
- technological
- technophilic
- technophobic
- techy
- tectonic
- tedious
- teeming
- teen
- teenage
- teenaged
- teensy
- teensy-weensy
- teentsy
- teeny
- teeny-weeny
- teetotal
- tegular
- telegnostic
- telegraphic
- telemetered
- teleological
- telepathic
- telephonic
- telescoped
- telescopic
- telling
- telltale
- tellurian
- telluric
- telocentric
- temerarious
- temperamental
- temperate
- tempered
- tempering
- tempest-swept
- tempest-tossed
- tempest-tost
- tempestuous
- temporal
- temporary
- temptable
- tempting
- ten
- ten-fold
- ten-membered
- ten-sided
- ten thousand
- tenable
- tenacious
- tenanted
- tended to
- tendencious
- tendentious
- tender
- tenderhearted
- tenderised
- tenderized
- tending
- tendinous
- tendril-climbing
- tenebrific
- tenebrious
- tenebrous
- tenfold
- tenor
- tense
- tensed
- tensile
- tensional
- tensionless
- tentacled
- tentacular
- tentative
- tenth
- tenuous
- tenured
- tepid
- teratogenic
- terefah
- terete
- terminable
- terminal
- terminated
- terminative
- terminological
- ternary
- ternate
- terpsichorean
- terrene
- terrestrial
- terrible
- terrific
- terrified
- terrifying
- territorial
- terror-stricken
- terror-struck
- terse
- tertian
- tertiary
- tessellated
- testaceous
- testamentary
- testate
- tested
- testicular
- testimonial
- testy
- tetanic
- tetchy
- tete-a-tete
- tethered
- tetragonal
- tetramerous
- tetrametric
- tetravalent
- teutonic
- texan
- textbook
- textile
- textual
- textured
- third-rate
- trabeate
- trabeculate
- transvestite
- triangulate
- tricuspidate
- trifoliate
- trifoliolate
- trilobate
- trinucleate
- tripartite
- tripinnate
- trite
- truncate
- tuberculate
- turbinate
- ultimate
- umbellate
- umbilicate
- unaffectionate
- unarticulate
- unchaste
- uncompassionate
- uncomplete
- undulate
- unelaborate
- unfortunate
- unguiculate
- ungulate
- uniate
- unifoliate
- uninitiate
- uninucleate
- uniovulate
- unregenerate
- up-to-date
- up-to-the-minute
- urceolate
- vacuolate
- vermiculate
- vertebrate
- verticillate
- volute
- waste
- white
- yellow-white
- yellowish-white
- a la carte
- andante
- at an equal rate
- at any rate
- en route
- first-rate
- forte
- in haste
- in private
- inveterate
- late
- nemine contradicente
- of late
- opposite
- post-haste
- quite
- tearfully
- teasingly
- technically
- technologically
- tediously
- telegraphically
- telescopically
- tellingly
- temperamentally
- temperately
- temporally
- temporarily
- temptingly
- tenaciously
- tendentiously
- tenderly
- tenfold
- tensely
- tentatively
- tenthly
- tenuously
- tepidly
- terminally
- terrestrially
- terribly
- terrifically
- territorially
- tersely
- testily
- tetchily
- tete a tete
- to date
- upstate
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Search Result:te
(TTS Sound)

Overview of noun te
The noun te has 2 senses
- tellurium, Te, atomic number 52 -- (a brittle silver-white metalloid element that is related to selenium and sulfur; it is used in alloys and as a semiconductor; occurs mainly as tellurides in ores of copper and nickel and silver and gold)
- ti, te, si -- (the syllable naming the seventh (subtonic) note of any musical scale in solmization)