Compund Words
- aare
- abampere
- aberdare
- absence seizure
- absolute temperature
- acer campestre
- acoustic radiation pressure
- acre
- acupressure
- acupuncture
- acute kidney failure
- acute renal failure
- admixture
- adventure
- aeciospore
- aegean culture
- aeolian lyre
- affaire
- aftercare
- agateware
- agriculture
- aide-memoire
- air pressure
- aire
- airfare
- al gore
- albacore
- allure
- alpha software
- american hellebore
- american sycamore
- amour propre
- ampere
- amphitheatre
- anatomical structure
- andre le notre
- animal fibre
- animal nature
- antheridiophore
- antiaircraft fire
- antidorcas euchore
- aperture
- apgar score
- apiculture
- apishamore
- apollinaire
- aquaculture
- aquiculture
- arboriculture
- archespore
- architecture
- arctic hare
- are
- arere
- arisarum vulgare
- arizona sycamore
- armature
- armillary sphere
- armoire
- army of the pure
- arterial pressure
- arthromere
- arthrospore
- article of furniture
- artillery fire
- ascospore
- astaire
- asthenosphere
- atmosphere
- atmospheric pressure
- attire
- attractive feature
- auriculare
- authority figure
- auto tire
- automobile tire
- ayrshire
- azure
- bachelor of literature
- bachelor of science in architecture
- backfire
- bacteriological warfare
- balefire
- baling wire
- ball of fire
- baltimore
- bangalore
- bank failure
- barbed wire
- barbwire
- barometric pressure
- barrage fire
- barrymore
- bartle frere
- basal body temperature
- basal temperature
- baseball score
- basidiospore
- basketball score
- basseterre
- bathroom fixture
- bathysphere
- battledore
- baudelaire
- beacon fire
- bearded vulture
- bedroom furniture
- bedsore
- belgian hare
- belvedere
- berkshire
- beta software
- bete noire
- bevel square
- bill of fare
- billionaire
- biological warfare
- biosphere
- bistre
- black hellebore
- black maire
- black vulture
- blantyre
- blare
- blastomere
- blastopore
- blastosphere
- blood pressure
- board measure
- bodily structure
- body structure
- body temperature
- bonaire
- bonfire
- bookstore
- bordeaux mixture
- bore
- boutonniere
- bowling score
- brake failure
- brassiere
- british empire
- brochure
- broodmare
- brumaire
- brush fire
- buffer store
- building supply store
- bureaucratic procedure
- bus fare
- byre
- byzantine architecture
- byzantine empire
- cab fare
- cadastre
- cadre
- caffre
- calcarine fissure
- calibre
- california sycamore
- call centre
- call fire
- camera care
- campfire
- candidature
- candy store
- canker sore
- cannon fire
- capacity measure
- capillary fracture
- capital expenditure
- capital of delaware
- capital of new hampshire
- capital of singapore
- capture
- car care
- car tire
- care
- carfare
- caricature
- carnivore
- carpenter's square
- carpophore
- carpospore
- carrere
- cartilaginous structure
- cashmere
- cataloged procedure
- cause celebre
- caviare
- cease-fire
- celestial sphere
- censure
- centare
- center of curvature
- centilitre
- centimetre
- centre
- centre of curvature
- centromere
- ceramic ware
- cere
- cerebellar hemisphere
- cerebral hemisphere
- chain store
- chancre
- charles baudelaire
- charles pierre baudelaire
- check-out procedure
- chef-d'oeuvre
- chemical warfare
- chevre
- chicken cacciatore
- chicken manure
- chicken wire
- child care
- childcare
- chinaware
- chiwere
- chlamydospore
- chlamyphore
- chore
- chromophore
- chromosphere
- chronic kidney failure
- chronic renal failure
- chrysanthemum lacustre
- cincture
- circle of curvature
- circular measure
- circulatory failure
- cirsium rivulare
- cirsium vulgare
- city centre
- class structure
- class warfare
- classical architecture
- clay sculpture
- claymore
- clayware
- clinopodium vulgare
- close supporting fire
- closed fracture
- closure
- clothing store
- cloture
- clovis culture
- cloze procedure
- coiffure
- cold sore
- comminuted fracture
- commissionaire
- commissure
- commixture
- commodore
- common measure
- common murre
- comparative literature
- compare
- compartment pressure
- compatible software
- compere
- complete fracture
- composure
- compound fracture
- compression fracture
- computer architecture
- computer hardware
- computer software
- computer store
- concentrated fire
- concessionaire
- conducting wire
- confiture
- confrere
- congestive heart failure
- conidiophore
- conidiospore
- conjecture
- conjuncture
- conservatoire
- contingency procedure
- contracture
- convenience store
- cookfire
- cookware
- copperware
- core
- coronal suture
- coronary failure
- corpus mamillare
- corpuscular-radiation pressure
- cote d'ivoire
- counterbattery fire
- counterbore
- counterculture
- counterfire
- countermeasure
- countermortar fire
- counterpreparation fire
- countersignature
- country store
- coup de theatre
- couture
- couverture
- covering fire
- cow manure
- cow pasture
- crackleware
- cranberry culture
- creature
- crenature
- croix de guerre
- crop failure
- crore
- cross wire
- crossfire
- crown fire
- ctenophore
- cubic centimetre
- cubic decimetre
- cubic kilometre
- cubic measure
- cubic metre
- cubic millimetre
- cubitiere
- culture
- curare
- cure
- curie temperature
- curtain lecture
- curvature
- cyberculture
- cycladic culture
- cynosure
- cypre
- cytoarchitecture
- daguerre
- danse du ventre
- danse macabre
- dare
- dasyure
- data structure
- day care
- daycare
- de la mare
- de saussure
- dead centre
- debenture
- decalitre
- decametre
- decilitre
- decimetre
- deep supporting fire
- deere
- defensive measure
- defensive structure
- dekalitre
- dekametre
- delaware
- dental care
- dental procedure
- denture
- department of agriculture
- department of health education and welfare
- department store
- departure
- depressed fracture
- derriere
- desensitisation procedure
- desensitization procedure
- desire
- desperate measure
- destruction fire
- detention centre
- devonshire
- diagnostic procedure
- diastolic pressure
- dining-room furniture
- dinner theatre
- dinnerware
- dioptre
- direct fire
- direct supporting fire
- disclosure
- discomfiture
- discomposure
- discount store
- dishware
- disjuncture
- displaced fracture
- displeasure
- distinctive feature
- distributed fire
- divestiture
- doctrinaire
- double-blind procedure
- double entendre
- double feature
- douglas moore
- dressed ore
- drip culture
- drugstore
- drumfire
- dry measure
- dudley moore
- dudley stuart john moore
- due care
- eagre
- earning per share
- earthenware
- eastern dasyure
- eastern hemisphere
- eastern roman empire
- eau claire
- ecclesiastical attire
- echium vulgare
- eco-warfare
- ecological warfare
- edouard lemaitre
- egyptian empire
- egyptian vulture
- eire
- elaphure
- electric fire
- electronic warfare
- embouchure
- embrasure
- emergency procedure
- emigre
- empire
- enamelware
- enclosure
- encolure
- encore
- endospore
- enfilade fire
- engine failure
- english-gothic architecture
- entablature
- entire
- epauliere
- epicentre
- epicure
- epileptic seizure
- equipment failure
- equisetum palustre
- erasure
- erythema solare
- escritoire
- esquire
- etagere
- ethel barrymore
- euchre
- european hare
- exosphere
- expenditure
- experimental procedure
- explosive mixture
- exposure
- eyesore
- eyre
- facial gesture
- failure
- faith cure
- false hellebore
- false vampire
- fanfare
- fare
- father-figure
- father figure
- fatigue fracture
- feature
- femtometre
- ferdinand de saussure
- fete champetre
- fibre
- field of fire
- fieldfare
- figure
- filature
- fille de chambre
- fillmore
- filthy lucre
- fine structure
- fire
- firmware
- fish lure
- fisherman's lure
- fissure
- fixture
- flare
- flat tire
- flatware
- flexure
- floriculture
- flower store
- fluorescent fixture
- flying mare
- focal seizure
- foeniculum vulgare
- folklore
- folsom culture
- football score
- force majeure
- fore
- foreclosure
- foreshore
- forest fire
- forfeiture
- foster care
- fourscore
- foursquare
- fracture
- francesco della rovere
- fred astaire
- freedom from search and seizure
- freeware
- freezing mixture
- friendly fire
- frimaire
- frontal suture
- fundamental measure
- funeral pyre
- furniture
- furore
- future
- g. e. moore
- galere
- gametophore
- gas fixture
- gas pressure
- general store
- generalized seizure
- genital torture
- genre
- genus bartle-frere
- george edward moore
- georges henri lemaitre
- georgiana barrymore
- georgiana emma barrymore
- geosphere
- germ pore
- germ warfare
- gesture
- glare
- glass fibre
- glassware
- gloucestershire
- god's acre
- going ashore
- goitre
- gold of pleasure
- gomphothere
- gondoliere
- good nature
- gore
- gosmore
- gothic architecture
- gram's procedure
- graniteware
- grassfire
- gravure
- grazing fire
- great care
- greco-roman architecture
- greek architecture
- greek fire
- green hellebore
- green lead ore
- green manure
- greenstick fracture
- griffon vulture
- grimoire
- grocery store
- gros ventre
- ground fire
- groupware
- gruyere
- guenevere
- guillaume apollinaire
- guinevere
- gun enclosure
- gun for hire
- gunfire
- guy wire
- gynophore
- gyre
- haberdashery store
- hachure
- hackamore
- hair care
- haircare
- hairline fracture
- hairy tare
- haltere
- hampshire
- harare
- harassing fire
- hard core
- hardware
- hardware store
- hare
- haute couture
- haywire
- health care
- healthcare
- heart failure
- heather mixture
- hebrew scripture
- hectare
- hectolitre
- hectometre
- heimlich manoeuvere
- heliogravure
- heliosphere
- hell's half acre
- helladic culture
- hellebore
- hellfire
- hemisphere
- henry moore
- henry of navarre
- henry spencer moore
- herbivore
- here
- hertfordshire
- hierarchical data structure
- hierarchical structure
- high-angle fire
- high blood pressure
- high temperature
- high wire
- hire
- hohenzollern empire
- holloware
- hollowware
- holy roman empire
- holy scripture
- holy sepulchre
- hombre
- home theatre
- hordeum vulgare
- horny structure
- hors d'oeuvre
- horse manure
- horticulture
- hospital care
- hostile fire
- houhere
- huitre
- human nature
- hydrosphere
- hypothetical creature
- identikit picture
- ill nature
- imaginary creature
- impacted fracture
- imposture
- incisure
- inclosure
- incomplete fracture
- incurvature
- indecent exposure
- indenture
- indirect fire
- information measure
- information warfare
- infrastructure
- insectivore
- instantaneous sound pressure
- instrument of torture
- intensive care
- interdiction fire
- intermaxillary suture
- intermixture
- internasal suture
- international ampere
- interparietal suture
- intraocular pressure
- investiture
- involucre
- ionosphere
- ire
- iron ore
- ironware
- isere
- jean-paul sartre
- jewelry store
- jobcentre
- joffre
- john barrymore
- john deere
- john le carre
- john merven carrere
- joie de vivre
- joint venture
- jointure
- joseph jacques cesaire joffre
- jubbulpore
- judicature
- judicial torture
- juncture
- kalashnikov culture
- kangaroo hare
- key signature
- kidney failure
- kilolitre
- kilometre
- kilovolt-ampere
- kinetochore
- king vulture
- kitchenware
- kol nidre
- kore
- lacquerware
- lady of pleasure
- lahore
- laissez faire
- lake eyre
- lakeshore
- lamboid suture
- lamellar mixture
- lancashire
- land tenure
- landscape architecture
- latin square
- lavaliere
- lavalliere
- law of closure
- law of nature
- lawn furniture
- lay figure
- le carre
- le havre
- le notre
- lead ore
- lecture
- ledum palustre
- left hemisphere
- legal jointure
- legendary creature
- legionnaire
- legislature
- leicestershire
- leisure
- lemaitre
- leucanthemum lacustre
- leucanthemum vulgare
- ligature
- lighting fixture
- ligustrum vulgare
- lincolnshire
- line of fire
- line score
- linear measure
- lionel barrymore
- liquid measure
- liquor store
- literary genre
- literature
- lithosphere
- litre
- littl
- abjure
- accoutre
- acquire
- adhere
- adjure
- admeasure
- admire
- adore
- adventure
- allure
- aspire
- assure
- attire
- azure
- backfire
- bare
- bemire
- beware
- blare
- bore
- capture
- care
- caricature
- catch fire
- censure
- centre
- cere
- change posture
- closure
- cloture
- coconspire
- cohere
- coiffure
- coinsure
- come before
- come to the fore
- compare
- compere
- concentre
- configure
- conjecture
- conjure
- conspire
- core
- culture
- cure
- dare
- declare
- denature
- deplore
- desire
- disfigure
- encore
- endure
- enquire
- enrapture
- ensnare
- ensure
- expire
- explore
- fare
- feature
- figure
- fire
- fissure
- flare
- fracture
- gesture
- get the picture
- give care
- give full measure
- glare
- gore
- hare
- hire
- hot-wire
- ignore
- immure
- implore
- indenture
- inhere
- injure
- inquire
- inspire
- insure
- interfere
- inure
- know the score
- lecture
- lure
- make pure
- make sure
- manicure
- manoeuvre
- manufacture
- manure
- massacre
- mature
- measure
- mire
- misfire
- nurture
- obscure
- open fire
- outmanoeuvre
- outscore
- outstare
- overtire
- paint a picture
- pare
- pasture
- pedicure
- perjure
- persevere
- perspire
- picture
- pore
- posture
- prefigure
- premiere
- prepare
- pressure
- procure
- puncture
- re-address
- re-afforest
- re-argue
- re-arm
- re-assume
- re-create
- re-emerge
- re-emphasise
- re-emphasize
- re-enter
- re-equip
- re-examine
- re-explain
- re-explore
- re-incorporate
- re-introduce
- re-start
- reabsorb
- reach
- reach into
- reach one's nostrils
- reach out
- reacquaint
- react
- reactivate
- read
- read between the lines
- readapt
- readjust
- readmit
- ready
- reaffirm
- realign
- realine
- realise
- realize
- reallocate
- reallot
- ream
- reanimate
- reap
- reappear
- reapportion
- reappraise
- rear
- rear-end
- rear back
- rearm
- rearrange
- reason
- reason out
- reassail
- reassemble
- reassert
- reassess
- reassign
- reassure
- reattribute
- reave
- reawaken
- rebate
- rebel
- rebind
- reboot
- rebound
- rebroadcast
- rebuff
- rebuild
- rebuke
- rebury
- rebut
- recalcitrate
- recalculate
- recall
- recant
- recap
- recapitulate
- recapture
- recast
- recede
- receipt
- receive
- recess
- recharge
- recidivate
- reciprocate
- recite
- reckon
- reclaim
- reclassify
- recline
- recode
- recognise
- recognize
- recoil
- recollect
- recombine
- recommence
- recommend
- recommit
- recompense
- reconcile
- recondition
- reconfirm
- reconnoiter
- reconnoitre
- reconquer
- reconsecrate
- reconsider
- reconstitute
- reconstruct
- reconvene
- reconvert
- reconvict
- recopy
- record
- recount
- recoup
- recover
- recreate
- recriminate
- recrudesce
- recruit
- rectify
- recumb
- recuperate
- recur
- recurve
- recuse
- recycle
- red-eye
- red-ink
- redact
- redden
- rede
- redecorate
- rededicate
- redeem
- redefine
- redeploy
- redeposit
- redesign
- redetermine
- redevelop
- redirect
- rediscover
- redispose
- redistribute
- redline
- redo
- redouble
- redound
- redress
- reduce
- reduplicate
- reecho
- reef
- reek
- reel
- reel off
- reelect
- reenact
- reenforce
- reestablish
- reevaluate
- reeve
- reexamine
- reface
- refashion
- refer
- referee
- reference
- refill
- refinance
- refine
- refinish
- refit
- reflate
- reflect
- reflectorise
- reflectorize
- refloat
- refocus
- reforest
- reforge
- reform
- reformulate
- refract
- refracture
- refrain
- refresh
- refreshen
- refrigerate
- refuel
- refund
- refurbish
- refurnish
- refuse
- refute
- regain
- regale
- regard
- regard as
- regenerate
- regiment
- register
- regorge
- regress
- regret
- regroup
- regrow
- regularise
- regularize
- regulate
- regurgitate
- rehabilitate
- reharmonise
- reharmonize
- rehash
- rehear
- rehearse
- reheat
- reheel
- rehouse
- reify
- reign
- reignite
- reimburse
- reimpose
- rein
- rein in
- reincarnate
- reinforce
- reinstall
- reinstate
- reinsure
- reintegrate
- reinterpret
- reintroduce
- reinvent
- reinvigorate
- reissue
- reiterate
- reject
- rejig
- rejoice
- rejoin
- rejuvenate
- rekindle
- relace
- relapse
- relate
- relativise
- relativize
- relax
- relay
- relearn
- release
- relegate
- relent
- relieve
- relieve oneself
- reline
- relinquish
- relish
- relive
- reload
- relocate
- rely
- rely on
- rely upon
- relyric
- remain
- remain down
- remain firm
- remainder
- remake
- remand
- remark
- remarry
- remediate
- remedy
- remember
- remember oneself
- remilitarise
- remilitarize
- remind
- reminisce
- remit
- remodel
- remold
- remonstrate
- remould
- remount
- remove
- remunerate
- rename
- rend
- render
- render-set
- rendezvous
- renegade
- renege
- renege on
- renegociate
- renegotiate
- renegue on
- renew
- renormalise
- renormalize
- renounce
- renovate
- rent
- rent out
- reopen
- reorder
- reorganise
- reorganize
- reorient
- reorientate
- repaint
- repair
- repatriate
- repay
- repeal
- repeat
- repel
- repent
- repercuss
- rephrase
- repine
- replace
- replant
- replay
- replenish
- replete
- replicate
- reply
- repoint
- report
- report out
- repose
- repose on
- reposit
- reposition
- repossess
- repot
- reprehend
- represent
- repress
- reprieve
- reprimand
- reprint
- reprise
- reprize
- reproach
- reprobate
- reprocess
- reproduce
- reproof
- reprove
- republish
- repudiate
- repugn
- repulse
- repurchase
- repute
- request
- require
- requisition
- requite
- reread
- rerun
- rescale
- reschedule
- rescind
- rescue
- reseal
- research
- reseat
- resect
- reseed
- resell
- resemble
- resent
- reserve
- reset
- resettle
- resew
- reshape
- reship
- reshoot
- reshuffle
- reside
- resift
- resign
- resile
- resinate
- resist
- resize
- resmudge
- resole
- resolve
- resonate
- resorb
- resort
- resound
- respect
- respire
- respite
- resplend
- respond
- rest
- rest on
- restart
- restate
- restitute
- restock
- restore
- restrain
- restrengthen
- restrict
- restructure
- resublime
- resubmit
- result
- resume
- resurface
- resurge
- resurrect
- resuscitate
- resuspend
- ret
- retail
- retain
- retake
- retaliate
- retard
- retch
- retell
- rethink
- retick
- reticulate
- retie
- retire
- retool
- retort
- retouch
- retrace
- retract
- retrain
- retranslate
- retransmit
- retread
- retreat
- retrench
- retrieve
- retrofit
- retroflex
- retrograde
- retrogress
- retrospect
- retrovert
- retry
- return
- reunify
- reunite
- reuse
- rev
- rev up
- revalue
- revamp
- reveal
- revel
- revenge
- reverberate
- revere
- reverence
- reverse
- revert
- revet
- review
- revile
- revise
- revisit
- revitalise
- revitalize
- revive
- revivify
- revoke
- revolt
- revolutionise
- revolutionize
- revolve
- revolve about
- revolve around
- reward
- rewire
- reword
- rework
- rewrite
- rupture
- sabre
- scare
- score
- sculpture
- secure
- semaphore
- set afire
- set ashore
- set on fire
- share
- shore
- sire
- snare
- snore
- spare
- square
- squire
- stare
- step to the fore
- store
- structure
- suspire
- suture
- take a dare
- take care
- take fire
- tenure
- tincture
- tire
- tonsure
- torture
- transfigure
- transpire
- treasure
- turn up the pressure
- umpire
- underscore
- unwire
- venture
- vesture
- ware
- whore
- wire
- .22-calibre
- .22 calibre
- .38-calibre
- .38 calibre
- .45-calibre
- .45 calibre
- afire
- aflare
- austere
- aware
- azure
- bare
- bizarre
- cocksure
- de jure
- debonaire
- debonnaire
- demure
- devil-may-care
- dire
- doctrinaire
- entire
- extempore
- extraordinaire
- fair-and-square
- footsore
- footsure
- for sure
- fore
- fourscore
- foursquare
- frore
- future
- galore
- hard-core
- hardcore
- haywire
- here
- high-pressure
- immature
- impure
- in store
- insecure
- inshore
- insincere
- lacklustre
- laissez-faire
- low-pressure
- macabre
- mature
- meagre
- mediocre
- mere
- miniature
- moire
- more
- obscure
- ochre
- offshore
- on fire
- onshore
- outre
- premature
- premiere
- pro tempore
- pure
- rare
- re-created
- re-entrant
- re-formed
- reachable
- reactionary
- reactionist
- reactive
- readable
- ready
- ready-cooked
- ready-made
- ready-to-eat
- ready-to-wear
- ready and waiting
- ready to hand
- real
- real-time
- realised
- realistic
- realizable
- realized
- reanimated
- rear
- rearing
- rearmost
- rearward
- reasonable
- reasoned
- reasoning
- reasonless
- reassured
- reassuring
- rebarbative
- rebellious
- reborn
- recalcitrant
- receding
- receivable
- received
- recent
- receptive
- recessed
- recessional
- recessionary
- recessive
- rechargeable
- recherche
- reciprocal
- reciprocative
- reciprocatory
- reckless
- reclaimable
- reclaimed
- recluse
- reclusive
- recognisable
- recognised
- recognizable
- recognized
- recoilless
- recollective
- recombinant
- reconcilable
- reconciled
- reconciling
- recondite
- reconstructed
- reconstructive
- record-breaking
- recorded
- recoverable
- recovered
- recovering
- recreant
- recreational
- recriminative
- recriminatory
- recrudescent
- rectal
- rectangular
- rectifiable
- rectified
- rectilineal
- rectilinear
- rectosigmoid
- recumbent
- recuperative
- recurrent
- recurring
- recursive
- recurvate
- recurved
- recusant
- recyclable
- red
- red-blind
- red-blooded
- red-brick
- red-brown
- red-carpet
- red-coated
- red-faced
- red-flowered
- red-fruited
- red-gray
- red-grey
- red-handed
- red-hot
- red-lavender
- red-letter
- red-orange
- red-purple
- red-rimmed
- red-streaked
- red-striped
- red-violet
- red carpet
- redbrick
- reddened
- reddish
- reddish-brown
- reddish-gray
- reddish-grey
- reddish-lavender
- reddish-orange
- reddish-pink
- reddish-striped
- reddish-violet
- reddisn-purple
- redeemable
- redeemed
- redeeming
- redemptional
- redemptive
- redemptory
- redheaded
- redistributed
- redolent
- redoubled
- redoubtable
- reduced
- reducible
- reductionist
- reductive
- redundant
- redux
- reechoing
- reedlike
- reedy
- reefy
- reeking
- reentrant
- referable
- referenced
- referent
- referential
- refined
- reflected
- reflecting
- reflective
- reflex
- reflexed
- reflexive
- reform-minded
- reformable
- reformative
- reformatory
- reformed
- reformist
- refractile
- refractive
- refractory
- refractory-lined
- refreshed
- refreshful
- refreshing
- refrigerant
- refrigerated
- refrigerating
- refulgent
- refutable
- regal
- regardant
- regardful
- regardless
- regenerate
- regenerating
- regent
- regimental
- regimented
- regional
- registered
- regnant
- regressive
- regretful
- regrettable
- regular
- regulated
- regulation
- regulative
- regulatory
- rehabilitative
- reigning
- reincarnate
- reinforced
- reinvigorated
- reiterative
- rejected
- rejective
- rejoicing
- related
- related to
- relatiative
- relational
- relative
- relativistic
- relaxant
- relaxed
- relaxing
- releasing
- relentless
- relevant
- reliable
- reliant
- relieved
- religious
- relinquished
- relocated
- reluctant
- remaining
- remarkable
- rembrandtesque
- remediable
- remedial
- remindful
- reminiscent
- remiss
- remittent
- remorseful
- remorseless
- remote
- remote-controlled
- removable
- removed
- remunerated
- remunerative
- renal
- renascent
- rending
- renegade
- renewable
- renewed
- renewing
- reniform
- renowned
- rent-free
- rentable
- rental
- renunciant
- renunciative
- reorganised
- reorganized
- repand
- reparable
- repayable
- repeatable
- repeated
- repellant
- repellent
- repelling
- repentant
- repetitious
- repetitive
- replaceable
- replete
- reply-paid
- reportable
- reported
- reposeful
- reprehensible
- representable
- representational
- representative
- represented
- repressed
- repressing
- repressive
- reproachful
- reprobate
- reproducible
- reproductive
- reproving
- reptilian
- republican
- repudiative
- repugnant
- repulsive
- reputable
- requested
- required
- requisite
- rescindable
- rescued
- resentful
- reserved
- resettled
- resident
- residential
- residual
- residuary
- resilient
- resinated
- resinlike
- resinous
- resiny
- resistant
- resistible
- resistive
- resistless
- resolute
- resolvable
- resolved
- resonant
- resonating
- resounding
- resourceful
- resourceless
- respectable
- respected
- respectful
- respective
- respiratory
- resplendent
- respondent
- responsible
- responsible for
- responsive
- rested
- restful
- restive
- restless
- restorative
- restrained
- restricted
- restricting
- restrictive
- resultant
- resupine
- resurgent
- resuscitated
- retained
- retaliatory
- retarded
- retentive
- reticent
- reticular
- reticulate
- retinal
- retired
- retiring
- retractable
- retracted
- retractile
- retral
- retributive
- retributory
- retrievable
- retro
- retroactive
- retroflex
- retroflexed
- retrograde
- retrogressive
- retrorse
- retrospective
- retrousse
- returnable
- returning
- reusable
- revealing
- revelatory
- revenant
- revengeful
- reverberant
- reverberating
- reverberative
- revered
- reverend
- reverent
- reverential
- reverse
- reversed
- reversible
- reversionary
- reversive
- revertible
- reverting
- revised
- revitalised
- revitalising
- revitalized
- revitalizing
- revivalistic
- revived
- reviving
- revocable
- revokable
- revolting
- revolutionary
- revolved
- rewardful
- rewarding
- saddle-sore
- sapphire
- secure
- self-aware
- sere
- severe
- sincere
- smoothbore
- sombre
- sophomore
- sore
- spare
- square
- sure
- sure-fire
- threadbare
- three-figure
- threescore
- twoscore
- unaware
- under fire
- unsure
- anymore
- anywhere
- as it were
- ashore
- at leisure
- before
- beyond measure
- by nature
- de jure
- elsewhere
- evermore
- everywhere
- ex tempore
- extempore
- for good measure
- for sure
- fore
- forevermore
- foursquare
- from nowhere
- furthermore
- here
- here and there
- hereinbefore
- heretofore
- inshore
- more
- more and more
- nevermore
- no more
- nowhere
- offshore
- once more
- onshore
- over here
- peradventure
- pro re nata
- pro tempore
- readably
- readily
- real
- realistically
- really
- rearward
- rearwards
- reasonably
- reassuringly
- rebelliously
- rebukingly
- recently
- receptively
- reciprocally
- recklessly
- recognizably
- recurrently
- red-handed
- redly
- reflectively
- reflexly
- refreshfully
- refreshingly
- regally
- regardless
- regimentally
- regionally
- regretfully
- regrettably
- regularly
- relatively
- relativistically
- relentlessly
- relevantly
- reliably
- religiously
- reluctantly
- remarkably
- reminiscently
- remorsefully
- remorselessly
- remotely
- rent-free
- repeatedly
- repellently
- repellingly
- repentantly
- repetitively
- reportedly
- reprehensibly
- reprehensively
- reproachfully
- reproducibly
- reprovingly
- repulsively
- reputably
- reputedly
- resentfully
- reservedly
- residentially
- resignedly
- resolutely
- resoundingly
- resourcefully
- respectably
- respectfully
- respectively
- resplendently
- responsibly
- restfully
- restively
- restlessly
- restrictively
- retail
- retentively
- reticently
- retroactively
- retrospectively
- revengefully
- reverentially
- reverently
- reversely
- reversibly
- revoltingly
- rewardingly
- somewhere
- square
- sure
- there
- therefore
- theretofore
- to be sure
- up here
- what is more
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Search Result:re
(TTS Sound)

KK Pronunciation
〔 ri 〕
〔 ri: 〕
Overview of noun re
The noun re has 3 senses
- rhenium, Re, atomic number 75 -- (a rare heavy polyvalent metallic element that resembles manganese chemically and is used in some alloys; is obtained as a by-product in refining molybdenum)
- Ra, Re -- (ancient Egyptian sun god with the head of a hawk; a universal creator; he merged with the god Amen as Amen-Ra to become the king of the gods)
- re, ray -- (the syllable naming the second (supertonic) note of any major scale in solmization)