Compund Words
- 1-hitter
- 11 november
- 17 november
- 1st earl of balfour
- 2-hitter
- 3-hitter
- 3d radar
- 4-hitter
- 5-hitter
- aar
- aare river
- aaron burr
- aba transit number
- abator
- abattoir
- abbe condenser
- abbreviator
- abdicator
- abductor
- abetter
- abettor
- abhorrer
- abies concolor
- abjurer
- abnegator
- abominator
- abor
- abrader
- abraham stoker
- abridger
- abrogator
- absconder
- abseiler
- absolver
- absorber
- absorption factor
- absorption indicator
- abstainer
- abstracter
- abstractor
- abukir
- abuser
- abutter
- academic administrator
- academic year
- accelerator
- accelerator factor
- accelerometer
- accentor
- acceptor
- accipiter
- accommodation endorser
- accommodation ladder
- accommodator
- accordion door
- accoucheur
- accumulator
- accumulator register
- accuser
- ace inhibitor
- acer
- achiever
- achromatic color
- achromatic colour
- acid-base indicator
- acipenser
- acoustic guitar
- acoustic power
- acquirer
- acrylic fiber
- actinometer
- action officer
- activator
- activewear
- actor
- actuator
- acular
- acute brain disorder
- acyclovir
- adapter
- adaptor
- adar
- adder
- additions to esther
- adducer
- adductor
- adenauer
- adhesive plaster
- adipose tumor
- adjudicator
- adjustable spanner
- adjuster
- adjustor
- administrator
- admirer
- admonisher
- adolf hitler
- adopter
- adorer
- adulator
- adulterator
- adulterer
- advancer
- adventurer
- advertiser
- advertizer
- adviser
- advisor
- advocator
- adzhar
- aegir
- aerator
- aerial ladder
- aerobacter
- aerogenerator
- aeronautical engineer
- aerosol container
- aerospace engineer
- aesir
- aether
- affair
- affaire d'honneur
- affective disorder
- affenpinscher
- afferent fiber
- affirmer
- afisr
- african monitor
- africander
- afrikander
- afrikaner
- afterburner
- agar
- agar-agar
- agent provocateur
- agglomerator
- aggravator
- aggregator
- aggressor
- agitator
- agricultural laborer
- agricultural labourer
- agrippina the elder
- agrippina the younger
- air
- air-raid shelter
- air bladder
- air cleaner
- air compressor
- air conditioner
- air cover
- air filter
- air force isr
- air force officer
- air hammer
- air letter
- air power
- air search radar
- air thermometer
- air traveler
- air traveller
- aircraft carrier
- aire river
- airedale terrier
- airliner
- airmail letter
- airmailer
- airplane maneuver
- airplane propeller
- al nathir
- alabama river
- alabaster
- alan jay lerner
- alan seeger
- alar
- alaska cedar
- alaskan brown bear
- albert schweitzer
- albert speer
- albrecht durer
- alcazar
- alcohol-in-glass thermometer
- alcohol amnestic disorder
- alcohol thermometer
- alder
- ale drinker
- alexander
- alexander calder
- alexander the liberator
- alfred kastler
- alfred kroeber
- alfred lothar wegener
- alfred louis kroeber
- algebraic number
- alger
- algerian dinar
- algometer
- algorithm error
- alice malsenior walker
- alice walker
- alien absconder
- alienator
- alienor
- alimentary tract smear
- alir
- alka-seltzer
- alkaliser
- alkalizer
- all-day sucker
- all-rounder
- all arounder
- all clear
- allayer
- allegheny river
- allegoriser
- allegorizer
- alleviator
- alligator
- alligator pear
- alligator snapper
- alliterator
- allocator
- allosaur
- alma mater
- almoner
- almsgiver
- alois senefelder
- aloys senefelder
- alpha-adrenergic blocker
- alpha-adrenergic receptor
- alpha-adrenoceptor
- alpha-blocker
- alpha blocker
- alpha receptor
- alphabetic character
- alphabetiser
- alphabetizer
- alpine clover
- alpine fir
- alpine glacier
- alpine mouse-ear
- alpine salamander
- alpine sunflower
- alpine type of glacier
- altair
- altar
- alternator
- altimeter
- altogether
- alton glenn miller
- alveolar
- amabilis fir
- amalgamator
- amateur
- amazon river
- ambassador
- amber
- ambler
- ambulance chaser
- ambusher
- ambystomid salamander
- ameer
- amelanchier
- amen corner
- american alligator
- american badger
- american black bear
- american civil war
- american copper
- american creeper
- american elder
- american federation of labor
- american germander
- american lobster
- american merganser
- american pasqueflower
- american pit bull terrier
- american red elder
- american revolutionary leader
- american revolutionary war
- american staffordshire terrier
- american twinflower
- amir
- ammeter
- ammonia water
- amor
- amour
- ampere-hour
- amphitheater
- amplifier
- amputator
- amur
- amur river
- anal sphincter
- analog-digital converter
- analog-to-digital converter
- analog computer
- analogue computer
- analyser
- analyzer
- anaphor
- anatomical sphincter
- anaximander
- ancestor
- anchor
- anchovy butter
- anchovy pear
- andean condor
- andrew lloyd webber
- anechoic chamber
- anemometer
- aneroid barometer
- angara river
- angelo correr
- anger
- angiogenesis inhibitor
- angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor
- angiotensin ii inhibitor
- angledozer
- angler
- animal fancier
- animal fiber
- animal order
- animal stuffer
- animal trainer
- animator
- ankylosaur
- ann arbor
- annihilator
- annotator
- announcer
- annoyer
- annual salt-marsh aster
- annunciator
- anointer
- anomalistic year
- anser
- anser anser
- anshar
- answer
- answerer
- ant bear
- anteater
- antechamber
- anterior
- anther
- anthony charles lynton blair
- anti-sway bar
- anti-torque rotor
- antiberiberi factor
- anticipator
- antihaemophilic factor
- antihemophilic factor
- antihemorrhagic factor
- antimacassar
- antimatter
- antiophthalmic factor
- antipernicious anemia factor
- antisocial personality disorder
- antler
- antoine laurent lavoisier
- antoine lavoisier
- anton bruckner
- antony tudor
- anxiety disorder
- apalachicola river
- apar
- apatosaur
- aper
- apetalous flower
- aphthous ulcer
- apostelic father
- appeaser
- appenzeller
- appetiser
- appetizer
- applauder
- apple butter
- apple canker
- apple fritter
- apple polisher
- apple turnover
- appleton layer
- applicator
- applier
- appointment calendar
- appraiser
- appreciator
- apprehender
- appropriator
- approver
- apr
- apricot bar
- aquarius the water bearer
- aqueous humor
- aqueous humour
- aquifer
- ar
- arab-israeli war
- araguaia river
- araguaya river
- arbiter
- arbitrager
- arbitrageur
- arbitrator
- arbor
- arboreal salamander
- arbour
- archer
- archidiskidon imperator
- archosaur
- arctic char
- arctic mouse-ear
- ardor
- ardour
- arena theater
- argentine hemorrhagic fever
- argentinosaur
- arguer
- argun river
- aristolochia durior
- arkansas river
- arkansawyer
- armchair
- armerican cheddar
- armiger
- armor
- armor-bearer
- armored car
- armored dinosaur
- armored personnel carrier
- armorer
- armour
- armoured car
- armoured personnel carrier
- armourer
- arms-runner
- arms manufacturer
- army engineer
- army high performance computing research center
- army officer
- arno river
- arnold daniel palmer
- arnold palmer
- aromatic aster
- arouser
- arranger
- arrester
- arriver
- arrogator
- arrow leaved aster
- art dealer
- art director
- art editor
- art paper
- art teacher
- arteria alveolaris inferior
- arteria alveolaris superior
- arteria labialis inferior
- arteria labialis superior
- arteria temporalis anterior
- arteria temporalis posterior
- arthur
- arthur fiedler
- arthur honegger
- arthur james balfour
- arthur koestler
- arthur laffer
- arthur meier schlesinger
- arthur miller
- arthur schlesinger
- arthur schopenhauer
- articulated ladder
- articulator
- artificer
- artificial flower
- artificial pacemaker
- artium magister
- asbat al-ansar
- ascender
- ascii character
- ascii control character
- ashir
- ashlar
- ashur
- asia minor
- asiatic black bear
- asker
- asp viper
- aspen poplar
- asper
- asphyxiator
- aspirator
- aspirer
- aspirin powder
- ass-kisser
- assam fever
- assam rubber
- assassinator
- assaulter
- assayer
- assembler
- assenter
- asserter
- assessor
- asseverator
- assignor
- assimilator
- assistant professor
- associate professor
- assur
- astatic galvanometer
- aster
- astor
- astrantia major
- astrogator
- astrologer
- astronomer
- astronomical year
- asur
- atar
- atelier
- athanor
- athar
- athletic supporter
- athletic wear
- atlantic croaker
- atlantic white cedar
- atlas cedar
- atmometer
- atom smasher
- atomic number
- atomic power
- atomic reactor
- atomiser
- atomizer
- attack aircraft carrier
- attacker
- attainder
- attar
- attempter
- attender
- attention deficit disorder
- attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- attenuator
- attestator
- attester
- attestor
- attracter
- attractor
- au pair
- au revoir
- auctioneer
- audio amplifier
- audiometer
- auditor
- auditory center
- audubon's warbler
- audubon warbler
- auger
- augur
- augustinian order
- austin friar
- australian dollar
- australian terrier
- auteur
- authenticator
- author
- authoriser
- authorizer
- auto-changer
- auto maker
- auto manufacturer
- autobiographer
- autoimmune disorder
- autoinjector
- autoloader
- automaker
- automated teller
- automatic teller
- automatic washer
- automobile driver
- automotive engineer
- autosomal dominant disorder
- auxiliary boiler
- avahi laniger
- avatar
- avenger
- aviator
- avocado pear
- avogadro's number
- avogadro number
- avower
- axle bar
- ayr
- azure aster
- b. f. skinner
- babar
- babbler
- baby-sitter
- baby-walker
- baby boomer
- baby buster
- baby doctor
- baby farmer
- baby minder
- baby powder
- babyminder
- babysitter
- bachelor
- back-number
- back breaker
- back burner
- back door
- back matter
- backbencher
- backbiter
- backdoor
- backer
- backgrounder
- backhander
- backpacker
- backscratcher
- backseat driver
- backslapper
- backslider
- backspace character
- backspacer
- backstroker
- backswimmer
- backwater
- bacteria order
- bad temper
- bad weather
- badger
- badgerer
- baedeker
- baggage car
- bagger
- bagpiper
- bahamian dollar
- bahrain dinar
- bailor
- baker
- baking powder
- balance of power
- balancer
- balder
- baldr
- balfour
- balker
- ball-breaker
- ball-buster
- ball-peen hammer
- ball carrier
- ballad maker
- balladeer
- ballast resistor
- ballet dancer
- ballet master
- ballistic galvanometer
- balloon flower
- ballplayer
- balsam fir
- balsam pear
- balsam poplar
- balthasar
- balthazar
- baluster
- banded adder
- banded anteater
- bandleader
- bandmaster
- bandoleer
- bandolier
- banger
- bangor
- banister
- bank charter
- bank commissioner
- bank examiner
- bank identification number
- bank manager
- bank robber
- banker
- banner
- banning-order
- bannister
- banter
- bar
- bar printer
- bar sinister
- barbados dollar
- barbados maidenhair
- barber
- barber chair
- bargain hunter
- bargainer
- barkeeper
- barker
- barking deer
- barley-sugar
- barley water
- barn door
- barn spider
- barnburner
- barndoor
- barnstormer
- barometer
- baron georges cuvier
- baron jean baptiste joseph fourier
- baron karl maria friedrich ernst von weber
- baron lister
- baron snow of leicester
- baroreceptor
- barosaur
- barrater
- barrator
- barrel maker
- barretter
- barrier
- barrister
- bartender
- barter
- barterer
- barthold george niebuhr
- bartlett pear
- bartramian sandpiper
- barycenter
- baryon number
- base pair
- base runner
- baseball manager
- baseball player
- basic color
- basic colour
- basket flower
- basket maker
- basket star
- basketball player
- basketeer
- basketmaker
- basketweaver
- bass guitar
- bast fiber
- baster
- bath chair
- bath powder
- bath water
- bather
- bathometer
- bathroom cleaner
- bathymeter
- baton twirler
- batter
- battery charger
- batting order
- battle cruiser
- battle of granicus river
- battle of marston moor
- battle of trafalgar
- battler
- baulker
- bawler
- bay-leaved caper
- bay stater
- bayer
- bazaar
- bazar
- beach aster
- beach chair
- beach heather
- beachcomber
- beachwear
- beaker
- bean caper
- bean counter
- beaner
- bear
- bear'
- abhor
- account for
- accouter
- act superior
- add together
- administer
- air
- alligator
- allow for
- alter
- anchor
- anger
- answer
- answer for
- appear
- arch over
- armor
- armour
- ask for
- ask over
- attemper
- auctioneer
- augur
- author
- aver
- bachelor
- backscatter
- badger
- ball over
- band together
- banter
- bar
- barber
- barter
- batter
- be after
- bear
- beaver
- beggar
- belabor
- belabour
- beleaguer
- beplaster
- besmear
- bespatter
- bestir
- better
- bewhisker
- bewilder
- bicker
- bind over
- birr
- bitter
- blabber
- black marketeer
- blather
- blear
- blether
- blinker
- blister
- blither
- blow out of the water
- blow over
- blubber
- blunder
- blur
- bluster
- bob under
- boil over
- bolster
- border
- bother
- bower
- bowl over
- brace oneself for
- break water
- brick over
- bridge over
- brim over
- bring to bear
- bring together
- broider
- broker
- bubble over
- buccaneer
- buckle under
- budget for
- buffer
- bugger
- bunch together
- bunker
- bur
- burr
- butcher
- butter
- calendar
- calender
- caliper
- call for
- call to order
- calliper
- camber
- canker
- cant over
- canter
- cantilever
- caper
- care for
- career
- carpenter
- carry over
- cashier
- cast anchor
- cater
- censor
- center
- chaffer
- chair
- chamber
- chamfer
- change over
- char
- character
- charter
- chase after
- chatter
- chauffeur
- check over
- checker
- cheer
- chequer
- chew over
- chirr
- chitter
- choir
- churr
- cipher
- clabber
- clamber
- clamor
- clamour
- clangor
- clangour
- clap together
- clatter
- claver
- clear
- clear the air
- clinker
- clitter
- clobber
- cloister
- cloud over
- cluster
- clutter
- co-author
- co-occur
- co-star
- cobble together
- cocker
- cold-shoulder
- collar
- color
- colour
- come after
- come in for
- come near
- come over
- come together
- commandeer
- concenter
- concur
- confer
- conquer
- consider
- contour
- cooccur
- cooper
- copper
- corner
- cosponsor
- counter
- court favor
- court favour
- cover
- cover for
- cower
- cross-refer
- crowd together
- cry for
- cry out for
- cumber
- curry favor
- curry favour
- cypher
- debar
- decipher
- decolor
- decolour
- deed over
- defer
- deflower
- deliver
- demur
- despair
- deter
- detour
- devour
- dicker
- didder
- differ
- dip solder
- disappear
- disbar
- discolor
- discolour
- discover
- disencumber
- disfavor
- disfavour
- dishonor
- dishonour
- disinter
- dismember
- disorder
- dissever
- distemper
- dither
- doctor
- dodder
- domineer
- double over
- dower
- draw and quarter
- draw near
- draw together
- drool over
- drop anchor
- electioneer
- embitter
- embower
- embroider
- empower
- enamor
- enamour
- encipher
- encounter
- encumber
- endanger
- endear
- endeavor
- endeavour
- engender
- engineer
- enter
- err
- factor
- fair
- fall all over
- fall for
- fall over
- fall under
- falter
- father
- favor
- favour
- fear
- feather
- feel for
- fend for
- fester
- fetter
- filibuster
- film over
- filter
- financier
- finger
- flatter
- flavor
- flavour
- fleer
- flicker
- flip over
- flitter
- floor
- flounder
- flour
- flower
- fluster
- flutter
- fodder
- forbear
- foregather
- foreswear
- forgather
- fork over
- forswear
- foster
- founder
- fritter
- frost over
- fudge together
- further
- gain vigor
- garner
- garter
- gather
- gauffer
- gear
- gerrymander
- get over
- get together
- geyser
- gibber
- ginger
- give ear
- give the once over
- glamour
- glance over
- glass over
- glaze over
- glimmer
- glitter
- gloss over
- glower
- go after
- go far
- go for
- go over
- go to war
- go under
- goffer
- grass over
- grope for
- grow over
- gutter
- halter
- hammer
- hamper
- hand over
- handcolor
- handcolour
- hang by a hair
- hang together
- hanker
- harbinger
- harbor
- harbour
- hash over
- haze over
- headquarter
- hear
- hector
- hinder
- hold dear
- hold over
- hold still for
- hold water
- holler
- homer
- honor
- honour
- hoover
- hover
- huckster
- huddle together
- hugger mugger
- humor
- humour
- hunch over
- hunger
- hunker
- ice over
- impair
- incur
- infer
- inter
- jabber
- jar
- jeer
- judder
- junketeer
- keel over
- knock over
- knuckle under
- labor
- labour
- lacquer
- ladder
- lash together
- lather
- launder
- lay over
- layer
- league together
- leather
- lech after
- leer
- letter
- lever
- lighter
- limber
- linger
- linger over
- litter
- live over
- live together
- loiter
- look after
- look for
- look out over
- lord it over
- lose one's temper
- lour
- lower
- lumber
- lust after
- madder
- major
- make for
- make over
- make water
- malinger
- maneuver
- manoeuver
- mar
- martyr
- master
- matter
- maunder
- meander
- mentor
- meter
- minister
- mirror
- misdeliver
- misremember
- mist over
- miter
- molder
- monger
- monitor
- moor
- mortar
- mother
- motor
- moulder
- mound over
- mountaineer
- move over
- mull over
- murder
- murmur
- muster
- mutter
- natter
- near
- neighbor
- neighbour
- neuter
- nicker
- number
- occur
- offer
- officer
- order
- outmaneuver
- outnumber
- outroar
- outwear
- overbear
- overhear
- overmaster
- overpower
- overwinter
- oyster
- pack together
- pair
- palaver
- palter
- pamper
- pander
- paper
- par
- parti-color
- partner
- pass over
- pass water
- patter
- pay for
- peer
- pepper
- pester
- philander
- pick over
- pilfer
- pioneer
- pitter-patter
- plank over
- plaster
- plaster over
- play it by ear
- plump for
- plunder
- plunk for
- pompadour
- ponder
- porter
- pother
- potter
- pour
- powder
- power
- prefer
- premier
- prepare for
- print over
- proctor
- proffer
- profiteer
- prosper
- pucker
- pull over
- pull together
- purr
- put one over
- put over
- put together
- put under
- putter
- puzzle over
- quarter
- quaver
- queen it over
- queer
- quest after
- quest for
- quiver
- rabbet
- rabbit
- rabbit on
- race
- rachet up
- rack
- rack up
- racket
- racketeer
- raddle
- radiate
- radicalize
- radio
- radiolocate
- raffle
- raffle off
- raft
- rafter
- rag
- rage
- raid
- rail
- rail in
- rail off
- railroad
- raiment
- rain
- rain buckets
- rain cats and dogs
- rain down
- rain out
- raise
- raise a stink
- raise hell
- raise the roof
- raise up
- rake
- rake in
- rake off
- rake up
- rally
- ram
- ram down
- ram home
- ramble
- ramble on
- ramify
- ramp
- ramp up
- rampage
- ranch
- randomise
- randomize
- range
- range in
- rank
- rankle
- ransack
- ransom
- rant
- rap
- rape
- rappel
- rarefy
- rarify
- rase
- rasp
- rasterize
- rat
- ratchet
- ratchet down
- rate
- ratify
- ratiocinate
- ration
- ration out
- rationalise
- rationalise away
- rationalize
- rationalize away
- rattle
- rattle down
- rattle off
- rattle on
- ravage
- rave
- ravel
- ravel out
- raven
- ravish
- ray
- raze
- razor
- razz
- re-address
- re-afforest
- re-argue
- re-arm
- re-assume
- re-create
- re-emerge
- re-emphasise
- re-emphasize
- re-enter
- re-equip
- re-examine
- re-explain
- re-explore
- re-incorporate
- re-introduce
- re-start
- reabsorb
- reach
- reach into
- reach one's nostrils
- reach out
- reacquaint
- react
- reactivate
- read
- read between the lines
- readapt
- readjust
- readmit
- ready
- reaffirm
- realign
- realine
- realise
- realize
- reallocate
- reallot
- ream
- reanimate
- reap
- reappear
- reapportion
- reappraise
- rear
- rear-end
- rear back
- rearm
- rearrange
- reason
- reason out
- reassail
- reassemble
- reassert
- reassess
- reassign
- reassure
- reattribute
- reave
- reawaken
- rebate
- rebel
- rebind
- reboot
- rebound
- rebroadcast
- rebuff
- rebuild
- rebuke
- rebury
- rebut
- recalcitrate
- recalculate
- recall
- recant
- recap
- recapitulate
- recapture
- recast
- recede
- receipt
- receive
- recess
- recharge
- recidivate
- reciprocate
- recite
- reckon
- reclaim
- reclassify
- recline
- recode
- recognise
- recognize
- recoil
- recollect
- recombine
- recommence
- recommend
- recommit
- recompense
- reconcile
- recondition
- reconfirm
- reconnoiter
- reconnoitre
- reconquer
- reconsecrate
- reconsider
- reconstitute
- reconstruct
- reconvene
- reconvert
- reconvict
- recopy
- record
- recount
- recoup
- recover
- recreate
- recriminate
- recrudesce
- recruit
- rectify
- recumb
- recuperate
- recur
- recurve
- recuse
- recycle
- red-eye
- red-ink
- redact
- redden
- rede
- redecorate
- rededicate
- redeem
- redefine
- redeploy
- redeposit
- redesign
- redetermine
- redevelop
- redirect
- rediscover
- redispose
- redistribute
- redline
- redo
- redouble
- redound
- redress
- reduce
- reduplicate
- reecho
- reef
- reek
- reel
- reel off
- reelect
- reenact
- reenforce
- reestablish
- reevaluate
- reeve
- reexamine
- reface
- refashion
- refer
- referee
- reference
- refill
- refinance
- refine
- refinish
- refit
- reflate
- reflect
- reflectorise
- reflectorize
- refloat
- refocus
- reforest
- reforge
- reform
- reformulate
- refract
- refracture
- refrain
- refresh
- refreshen
- refrigerate
- refuel
- refund
- refurbish
- refurnish
- refuse
- refute
- regain
- regale
- regard
- regard as
- regenerate
- regiment
- register
- regorge
- regress
- regret
- regroup
- regrow
- regularise
- regularize
- regulate
- regurgitate
- rehabilitate
- reharmonise
- reharmonize
- rehash
- rehear
- rehearse
- reheat
- reheel
- rehouse
- reify
- reign
- reignite
- reimburse
- reimpose
- rein
- rein in
- reincarnate
- reinforce
- reinstall
- reinstate
- reinsure
- reintegrate
- reinterpret
- reintroduce
- reinvent
- reinvigorate
- reissue
- reiterate
- reject
- rejig
- rejoice
- rejoin
- rejuvenate
- rekindle
- relace
- relapse
- relate
- relativise
- relativize
- relax
- relay
- relearn
- release
- relegate
- relent
- relieve
- relieve oneself
- reline
- relinquish
- relish
- relive
- reload
- relocate
- rely
- rely on
- rely upon
- relyric
- remain
- remain down
- remain firm
- remainder
- remake
- remand
- remark
- remarry
- remediate
- remedy
- remember
- remember oneself
- remilitarise
- remilitarize
- remind
- reminisce
- remit
- remodel
- remold
- remonstrate
- remould
- remount
- remove
- remunerate
- rename
- rend
- render
- render-set
- rendezvous
- renegade
- renege
- renege on
- renegociate
- renegotiate
- renegue on
- renew
- renormalise
- renormalize
- renounce
- renovate
- rent
- rent out
- reopen
- reorder
- reorganise
- reorganize
- reorient
- reorientate
- repaint
- repair
- repatriate
- repay
- repeal
- repeat
- repel
- repent
- repercuss
- rephrase
- repine
- replace
- replant
- replay
- replenish
- replete
- replicate
- reply
- repoint
- report
- report out
- repose
- repose on
- reposit
- reposition
- repossess
- repot
- reprehend
- represent
- repress
- reprieve
- reprimand
- reprint
- reprise
- reprize
- reproach
- reprobate
- reprocess
- reproduce
- reproof
- reprove
- republish
- repudiate
- repugn
- repulse
- repurchase
- repute
- request
- require
- requisition
- requite
- reread
- rerun
- rescale
- reschedule
- rescind
- rescue
- reseal
- research
- reseat
- resect
- reseed
- resell
- resemble
- resent
- reserve
- reset
- resettle
- resew
- reshape
- reship
- reshoot
- reshuffle
- reside
- resift
- resign
- resile
- resinate
- resist
- resize
- resmudge
- resole
- resolve
- resonate
- resorb
- resort
- resound
- respect
- respire
- respite
- resplend
- respond
- rest
- rest on
- restart
- restate
- restitute
- restock
- restore
- restrain
- restrengthen
- restrict
- restructure
- resublime
- resubmit
- result
- resume
- resurface
- resurge
- resurrect
- resuscitate
- resuspend
- ret
- retail
- retain
- retake
- retaliate
- retard
- retch
- retell
- rethink
- retick
- reticulate
- retie
- retire
- retool
- retort
- retouch
- retrace
- retract
- retrain
- retranslate
- retransmit
- retread
- retreat
- retrench
- retrieve
- retrofit
- retroflex
- retrograde
- retrogress
- retrospect
- retrovert
- retry
- return
- reunify
- reunite
- reuse
- rev
- rev up
- revalue
- revamp
- reveal
- revel
- revenge
- reverberate
- revere
- reverence
- reverse
- revert
- revet
- review
- revile
- revise
- revisit
- revitalise
- revitalize
- revive
- revivify
- revoke
- revolt
- revolutionise
- revolutionize
- revolve
- revolve about
- revolve around
- reward
- rewire
- reword
- rework
- rewrite
- rhapsodise
- rhapsodize
- rhumba
- rhyme
- rib
- rice
- rick
- ricochet
- rid
- rid of
- riddle
- ride
- ride away
- ride herd
- ride horseback
- ride off
- ride out
- ride roughshod
- ride the bench
- ridge
- ridicule
- riff
- riffle
- rifle
- rig
- rig out
- rig up
- right
- rigidify
- rile
- rim
- rime
- ring
- ring out
- ring up
- rinse
- rinse off
- riot
- rip
- rip off
- rip out
- rip up
- ripen
- riposte
- ripple
- rise
- rise up
- ri
- .22-caliber
- .22 caliber
- .38-caliber
- .38 caliber
- .45-caliber
- .45 caliber
- acellular
- acetabular
- acicular
- acinar
- aflicker
- aflutter
- afrikaner
- after
- aglitter
- air-to-air
- ajar
- alabaster
- alar
- all-weather
- all over
- allover
- alular
- alveolar
- amateur
- amber
- amphiprostylar
- amphistylar
- ampullar
- angular
- annular
- another
- anterior
- anticancer
- antitumor
- antitumour
- appendicular
- areolar
- arteriolar
- articular
- astir
- astragalar
- astylar
- asunder
- atrioventricular
- auricular
- auriculoventricular
- avascular
- avuncular
- bacillar
- backstair
- banner
- basilar
- better
- biauricular
- bicapsular
- bicolor
- bicolour
- biedermeier
- bifilar
- bigger
- bilinear
- bilocular
- bimolecular
- binocular
- binuclear
- biovular
- bipolar
- bitter
- blastular
- blear
- blue-collar
- bonzer
- bronchiolar
- bulbar
- bumper-to-bumper
- burned-over
- calicular
- caller
- calycular
- campanular
- canalicular
- canicular
- cannular
- capitular
- capsular
- carbuncular
- cardiovascular
- cared-for
- caruncular
- catacorner
- catercorner
- catty-corner
- cavalier
- cellular
- center
- cerebellar
- cerebrovascular
- chipper
- cinnabar
- circular
- circumpolar
- cislunar
- clear
- clever
- client-server
- cloak-and-dagger
- close together
- closed-door
- cochlear
- cold sober
- collinear
- color
- colour
- columnar
- condylar
- consular
- cookie-cutter
- coplanar
- copular
- corpuscular
- cosher
- counter
- countertenor
- counterterror
- crepuscular
- crystal clear
- cupular
- curricular
- curvilinear
- cuticular
- dapper
- de rigueur
- dear
- debonair
- deep-water
- dexter
- dipolar
- dissimilar
- done for
- door-to-door
- dour
- downstair
- drear
- eager
- earlier
- eighty-four
- elder
- equiangular
- exterior
- extracellular
- extracurricular
- fair
- familiar
- far
- farther
- fewer
- fifty-four
- filar
- finer
- first-year
- fistular
- fitter
- follicular
- former
- forty-four
- foster
- four
- fourth-year
- funicular
- further
- ginger
- glabellar
- glandular
- globular
- glomerular
- gossamer
- granular
- greater
- ground-floor
- half-seas-over
- half-timber
- hardcover
- healthier
- heavier-than-air
- helter-skelter
- hexangular
- high-power
- higher
- hilar
- hinder
- hoar
- hole-and-corner
- hole-in-corner
- hoped-for
- hot under the collar
- hugger-mugger
- improper
- in for
- in gear
- in order
- in the altogether
- indoor
- inferior
- inner
- insular
- intercellular
- interior
- interlinear
- interlobular
- intermolecular
- interstellar
- intracellular
- intralobular
- intramolecular
- intramuscular
- intraventricular
- irregular
- jerkwater
- jocular
- jugular
- junior
- kitty-corner
- kosher
- lackluster
- laminar
- larger
- later
- latter
- lavender
- left-of-center
- left over
- leftover
- lenticular
- lesser
- liechtensteiner
- lighter-than-air
- limber
- linear
- littler
- liver
- lobar
- lobular
- locomotor
- long-familiar
- longed-for
- lumbar
- lunar
- lunisolar
- luxemburger
- macromolecular
- made-to-order
- magyar
- major
- majuscular
- mandibular
- many another
- master
- matrilinear
- maxillomandibular
- meager
- meshuggener
- micropylar
- minor
- minuscular
- modular
- molar
- molecular
- mononuclear
- monovular
- motor
- mounded over
- multi-color
- multi-colour
- multicellular
- multicolor
- multicolour
- muscular
- navicular
- near
- nebular
- neither
- nether
- neuromotor
- neuromuscular
- neuter
- new zealander
- ninety-four
- nodular
- noncellular
- nongranular
- nonkosher
- nonlinear
- nonpolar
- north-polar
- nuclear
- ocher
- octangular
- ocular
- off-center
- off-color
- off-colour
- off-the-shoulder
- older
- one-member
- one-year
- open-air
- oracular
- orbicular
- orthomolecular
- ossicular
- other
- out-of-door
- out of gear
- outdoor
- outer
- over
- over-the-counter
- overeager
- overfamiliar
- ovular
- palmar
- particular
- patellar
- patrilinear
- peculiar
- peninsular
- pentangular
- peristylar
- perpendicular
- pilar
- pink-collar
- pink-lavender
- pinkish-lavender
- planar
- plantar
- polar
- poor
- popular
- posterior
- postwar
- premier
- pressor
- prewar
- prior
- proconsular
- proper
- psychomotor
- quadrangular
- queer
- quicksilver
- r.c.
- rabbinic
- rabbinical
- rabbit-sized
- rabble-rousing
- rabelaisian
- rabid
- racemose
- rachitic
- racial
- racist
- rackety
- racking
- racy
- raddled
- radial
- radial-ply
- radially symmetrical
- radiant
- radiate
- radiating
- radical
- radio
- radio-controlled
- radio-opaque
- radioactive
- radiographic
- radiological
- radiolucent
- radiopaque
- radiophonic
- radiosensitive
- radiotelephonic
- raffish
- raftered
- ragged
- raging
- raiding
- raimentless
- raining
- rainless
- rainproof
- rainy
- raisable
- raiseable
- raised
- raising
- rakish
- rallentando
- rallying
- ramate
- rambling
- rambunctious
- ramose
- ramous
- rampageous
- rampant
- ramshackle
- rancid
- rancorous
- random
- randomised
- randomized
- randy
- ranging
- rangy
- rank
- rank-smelling
- ranked
- ranking
- ransacked
- ransomed
- rapacious
- raped
- rapid
- rapt
- raptorial
- rapturous
- rare
- rare-roasted
- rarefied
- rarified
- raring
- rascally
- rash
- raspberry-red
- rasping
- raspy
- rastafarian
- ratable
- rateable
- ratified
- ratiocinative
- rational
- rationalist
- rationalistic
- rationed
- ratlike
- rattlebrained
- rattled
- rattlepated
- rattling
- ratty
- raucous
- raunchy
- ravaged
- ravaging
- ravening
- ravenous
- raving mad
- ravishing
- raw
- rawboned
- rayless
- razed
- razor-backed
- razor-sharp
- razorback
- re-created
- re-entrant
- re-formed
- reachable
- reactionary
- reactionist
- reactive
- readable
- ready
- ready-cooked
- ready-made
- ready-to-eat
- ready-to-wear
- ready and waiting
- ready to hand
- real
- real-time
- realised
- realistic
- realizable
- realized
- reanimated
- rear
- rearing
- rearmost
- rearward
- reasonable
- reasoned
- reasoning
- reasonless
- reassured
- reassuring
- rebarbative
- rebellious
- reborn
- recalcitrant
- receding
- receivable
- received
- recent
- receptive
- recessed
- recessional
- recessionary
- recessive
- rechargeable
- recherche
- reciprocal
- reciprocative
- reciprocatory
- reckless
- reclaimable
- reclaimed
- recluse
- reclusive
- recognisable
- recognised
- recognizable
- recognized
- recoilless
- recollective
- recombinant
- reconcilable
- reconciled
- reconciling
- recondite
- reconstructed
- reconstructive
- record-breaking
- recorded
- recoverable
- recovered
- recovering
- recreant
- recreational
- recriminative
- recriminatory
- recrudescent
- rectal
- rectangular
- rectifiable
- rectified
- rectilineal
- rectilinear
- rectosigmoid
- recumbent
- recuperative
- recurrent
- recurring
- recursive
- recurvate
- recurved
- recusant
- recyclable
- red
- red-blind
- red-blooded
- red-brick
- red-brown
- red-carpet
- red-coated
- red-faced
- red-flowered
- red-fruited
- red-gray
- red-grey
- red-handed
- red-hot
- red-lavender
- red-letter
- red-orange
- red-purple
- red-rimmed
- red-streaked
- red-striped
- red-violet
- red carpet
- redbrick
- reddened
- reddish
- reddish-brown
- reddish-gray
- reddish-grey
- reddish-lavender
- reddish-orange
- reddish-pink
- reddish-striped
- reddish-violet
- reddisn-purple
- redeemable
- redeemed
- redeeming
- redemptional
- redemptive
- redemptory
- redheaded
- redistributed
- redolent
- redoubled
- redoubtable
- reduced
- reducible
- reductionist
- reductive
- redundant
- redux
- reechoing
- reedlike
- reedy
- reefy
- reeking
- reentrant
- referable
- referenced
- referent
- referential
- refined
- reflected
- reflecting
- reflective
- reflex
- reflexed
- reflexive
- reform-minded
- reformable
- reformative
- reformatory
- reformed
- reformist
- refractile
- refractive
- refractory
- refractory-lined
- refreshed
- refreshful
- refreshing
- refrigerant
- refrigerated
- refrigerating
- refulgent
- refutable
- regal
- regardant
- regardful
- regardless
- regenerate
- regenerating
- regent
- regimental
- regimented
- regional
- registered
- regnant
- regressive
- regretful
- regrettable
- regular
- regulated
- regulation
- regulative
- regulatory
- rehabilitative
- reigning
- reincarnate
- reinforced
- reinvigorated
- reiterative
- rejected
- rejective
- rejoicing
- related
- related to
- relatiative
- relational
- relative
- relativistic
- relaxant
- relaxed
- relaxing
- releasing
- relentless
- relevant
- reliable
- reliant
- relieved
- religious
- relinquished
- relocated
- reluctant
- remaining
- remarkable
- rembrandtesque
- remediable
- remedial
- remindful
- reminiscent
- remiss
- remittent
- remorseful
- remorseless
- remote
- remote-controlled
- removable
- removed
- remunerated
- remunerative
- renal
- renascent
- rending
- renegade
- renewable
- renewed
- renewing
- reniform
- renowned
- rent-free
- rentable
- rental
- renunciant
- renunciative
- reorganised
- reorganized
- repand
- reparable
- repayable
- repeatable
- repeated
- repellant
- repellent
- repelling
- repentant
- repetitious
- repetitive
- replaceable
- replete
- reply-paid
- reportable
- reported
- reposeful
- reprehensible
- representable
- representational
- representative
- represented
- repressed
- repressing
- repressive
- reproachful
- reprobate
- reproducible
- reproductive
- reproving
- reptilian
- republican
- repudiative
- repugnant
- repulsive
- reputable
- requested
- required
- requisite
- rescindable
- rescued
- resentful
- reserved
- resettled
- resident
- residential
- residual
- residuary
- resilient
- resinated
- resinlike
- resinous
- resiny
- resistant
- resistible
- resistive
- resistless
- resolute
- resolvable
- resolved
- resonant
- resonating
- resounding
- resourceful
- resourceless
- respectable
- respected
- respectful
- respective
- respiratory
- resplendent
- respondent
- responsible
- responsible for
- responsive
- rested
- restful
- restive
- restless
- restorative
- restrained
- restricted
- restricting
- restrictive
- resultant
- resupine
- resurgent
- resuscitated
- retained
- retaliatory
- retarded
- retentive
- reticent
- reticular
- reticulate
- retinal
- retired
- retiring
- retractable
- retracted
- retractile
- retral
- retributive
- retributory
- retrievable
- retro
- retroactive
- retroflex
- retroflexed
- retrograde
- retrogressive
- retrorse
- retrospective
- retrousse
- returnable
- returning
- reusable
- revealing
- revelatory
- revenant
- revengeful
- reverberant
- reverberating
- reverberative
- revered
- reverend
- reverent
- reverential
- reverse
- reversed
- reversible
- reversionary
- reversive
- revertible
- reverting
- revised
- revitalised
- revitalising
- revitalized
- revitalizing
- revivalistic
- revived
- reviving
- revocable
- revokable
- revolting
- revolutionary
- revolved
- rewardful
- rewarding
- rh-negative
- rh-positive
- rhapsodic
- rhenish
- rheologic
- rheological
- rhetorical
- rheumatic
- rheumatoid
- rheumy
- rhinal
- rhizoidal
- rhizomatous
- rhodesian
- rhombic
- rhombohedral
- rhomboid
- rhomboidal
- rhymed
- rhymeless
- rhyming
- rhythmic
- rhythmical
- riant
- ribald
- ribbed
- ribbon-shaped
- ribbonlike
- ribbony
- ribless
- riblike
- rich
- rickettsial
- rickety
- riddled
- ridged
- ridiculous
- riemannian
- rife
- rifled
- rigged
- right
- right-angled
- right-down
- right-eyed
- right-hand
- right-handed
- right-minded
- right-side-out
- right-side-up
- right-wing
- right smart
- righteous
- rightful
- rightish
- rightist
- rightmost
- rigid
- rigorous
- riled
- rimed
- rimeless
- riming
- rimless
- rimmed
- rimose
- rimy
- ring-shaped
- ringed
- ringleted
- ringlike
- riotous
- rip-roaring
- riparian
- ripe
- ripened
- ripping
- rippled
- risen
- risible
- rising
- risk-free
- riskless
- risky
- risque
- rit.
- ritardando
- ritenuto
- ritual
- ritualistic
- ritzy
- rivalrous
- riveting
- roadless
- roan
- roaring
- roast
- roasted
- robed
- robotic
- robotlike
- robust
- robustious
- rock-bottom
- rock-inhabiting
- rock-loving
- rock-ribbed
- rock-steady
- rockbound
- rocket-propelled
- rocklike
- rocky
- rococo
- rod-shaped
- rodlike
- roentgenographic
- roguish
- roiled
- roiling
- roily
- rolled
- rolled into one
- rollicking
- rolling
- roly-poly
- romaic
- roman
- roman catholic
- romance
- romani
- romanian
- romanic
- romanist
- romansh
- romanti
- afar
- after
- all over
- all together
- altogether
- any longer
- asunder
- better
- bitter
- by far
- by trial and error
- clear
- closer
- come hell or high water
- counter
- dear
- downriver
- e'er
- each year
- earlier
- either
- en clair
- ever
- every quarter
- every year
- fair
- far
- far and near
- farther
- faster
- for that matter
- forever
- forrader
- further
- hell-for-leather
- helter-skelter
- hereafter
- hereinafter
- hereunder
- hither
- hither and thither
- hook line and sinker
- however
- hugger-mugger
- in a beastly manner
- in good order
- in one ear
- in particular
- in short order
- in so far
- in some manner
- in the air
- insofar
- jocular
- later
- like blue murder
- like thunder
- longer
- moreover
- ne'er
- near
- nearer
- never
- next door
- nigher
- no longer
- no matter
- o'er
- oftener
- on a higher floor
- on a lower floor
- on air
- on paper
- one after another
- out of thin air
- over
- over and over
- per year
- pitter-patter
- quicker
- racially
- racily
- radially
- radiantly
- radically
- radioactively
- raffishly
- raggedly
- rakishly
- rallentando
- ramblingly
- rampantly
- randomly
- rapaciously
- rapidly
- rapturously
- rarely
- rashly
- raspingly
- rather
- rationally
- rattling
- raucously
- ravenously
- raving
- ravingly
- ravishingly
- readably
- readily
- real
- realistically
- really
- rearward
- rearwards
- reasonably
- reassuringly
- rebelliously
- rebukingly
- recently
- receptively
- reciprocally
- recklessly
- recognizably
- recurrently
- red-handed
- redly
- reflectively
- reflexly
- refreshfully
- refreshingly
- regally
- regardless
- regimentally
- regionally
- regretfully
- regrettably
- regularly
- relatively
- relativistically
- relentlessly
- relevantly
- reliably
- religiously
- reluctantly
- remarkably
- reminiscently
- remorsefully
- remorselessly
- remotely
- rent-free
- repeatedly
- repellently
- repellingly
- repentantly
- repetitively
- reportedly
- reprehensibly
- reprehensively
- reproachfully
- reproducibly
- reprovingly
- repulsively
- reputably
- reputedly
- resentfully
- reservedly
- residentially
- resignedly
- resolutely
- resoundingly
- resourcefully
- respectably
- respectfully
- respectively
- resplendently
- responsibly
- restfully
- restively
- restlessly
- restrictively
- retail
- retentively
- reticently
- retroactively
- retrospectively
- revengefully
- reverentially
- reverently
- reversely
- reversibly
- revoltingly
- rewardingly
- rhapsodically
- rhetorically
- rhythmically
- richly
- ridiculously
- right
- right-down
- right along
- right away
- right on
- right smart
- righteously
- rightfully
- rightly
- rigidly
- rigorously
- riotously
- ripely
- riskily
- ritually
- roaring
- robustly
- roguishly
- rollickingly
- romantically
- roomily
- rotationally
- rottenly
- rotundly
- rough
- roughly
- round
- round-arm
- round the clock
- roundly
- routinely
- rowdily
- royally
- rudely
- ruefully
- ruggedly
- ruinously
- rurally
- ruthlessly
- scienter
- sheer
- shoulder-to-shoulder
- slower
- so far
- sooner
- super
- thereafter
- therefor
- thereinafter
- thereunder
- thither
- thus far
- to one ear
- to order
- to the letter
- together
- under
- upriver
- wheresoever
- wherever
- yonder
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Search Result:r
Overview of noun r
The noun r has 4 senses
- roentgen, R -- (a unit of radiation exposure; the dose of ionizing radiation that will produce 1 electrostatic unit of electricity in 1 cc of dry air)
- gas constant, universal gas constant, R -- ((physics) the universal constant in the gas equation: pressure times volume = R times temperature; equal to 8.3143 joules per kelvin per mole)
- R, r -- (the 18th letter of the Roman alphabet)
- radius, r -- (the length of a line segment between the center and circumference of a circle or sphere)