Compund Words
- 15 may organization
- 3rd october organization
- a-horizon
- a. a. michelson
- a. e. w. mason
- a horizon
- aaron
- abandon
- abandoned person
- abarticulation
- abbreviation
- abdication
- abduction
- aberration
- abjection
- abjuration
- ablactation
- ablation
- ablution
- abnegation
- abocclusion
- abolition
- abomination
- abortion
- abrasion
- abreaction
- abrogation
- abruption
- abscission
- absolution
- absorbent cotton
- absorption
- abstention
- abstraction
- abu nidal organization
- abutilon
- acacia melanoxylon
- academic relation
- academic session
- acanthion
- acceleration
- accentuation
- acceptation
- accession
- acclamation
- acclimation
- acclimatisation
- acclimatization
- accommodation
- accord and satisfaction
- accordion
- accreditation
- accretion
- acculturation
- accumulation
- accusation
- acetate rayon
- acetylation
- acheron
- acheson
- achilles tendon
- achromatic vision
- acid precipitation
- acidification
- acoustic phenomenon
- acoustic projection
- acquisition
- acromion
- actinic radiation
- actinon
- action
- activated carbon
- activation
- active application
- actual eviction
- actual possession
- actualisation
- actualization
- actuation
- acylation
- adaptation
- adaption
- adaptive radiation
- add-on
- addiction
- addition
- addition reaction
- adduction
- adhesion
- adhesive friction
- adjudication
- adjunction
- adjuration
- adlai ewing stevenson
- adlai stevenson
- administration
- administrative division
- admiral nelson
- admiration
- admission
- admonition
- adoption
- adoration
- adsorption
- adulation
- adult education
- adulteration
- adumbration
- advection
- adversative conjunction
- adverse opinion
- advertising division
- advowson
- aegean civilisation
- aegean civilization
- aeon
- aeration
- aestivation
- affectation
- affection
- afferent neuron
- affiliation
- affine transformation
- affirmation
- affirmative action
- affixation
- affliction
- afforestation
- affrication
- affusion
- african chameleon
- african nation
- after-shave lotion
- afternoon
- aftersensation
- agamemnon
- age-related macular degeneration
- age of reason
- agglomeration
- agglutination
- aggravation
- aggregation
- aggression
- agitated depression
- agitation
- agkistrodon
- agnation
- agon
- agropyron
- aid station
- aileron
- aimee semple mcpherson
- air cushion
- air division
- air pollution
- air station
- air transportation
- airborne transmission
- akhenaton
- akron
- al jolson
- al qanoon
- alan paton
- alan stewart paton
- albert abraham michelson
- albert michelson
- albion
- alcapton
- alcohol addiction
- aldol reaction
- alexander hamilton
- alexander wilson
- alfred damon runyon
- alfred edward woodley mason
- alfred lord tennyson
- alfred tennyson
- alice hamilton
- alienation
- alienation of affection
- alimentation
- aliterate person
- alizarin crimson
- alkapton
- allegation
- allergic reaction
- alleviation
- alliteration
- allium haematochiton
- allocation
- allocution
- alloy cast iron
- alloy iron
- allusion
- alluviation
- alluvion
- alpha-interferon
- alpha iron
- alpha radiation
- alphabetisation
- alphabetization
- alphonse bertillon
- alteration
- altercation
- alternation
- althea gibson
- alveolar resorption
- amaethon
- amalgamation
- amazon
- ambition
- ambiversion
- ambulation
- amelioration
- american baptist convention
- american bison
- american chameleon
- american legion
- american mastodon
- american persimmon
- american revised version
- american revolution
- american standard version
- american widgeon
- americanisation
- americanization
- amethystine python
- ammonification
- ammonium ion
- ammunition
- amnion
- amon
- amortisation
- amortization
- amphibious demonstration
- amphibious operation
- amphiprion
- amplification
- amplitude distortion
- amplitude modulation
- amputation
- amy lyon
- anabaptist denomination
- anaclitic depression
- anacoluthon
- anamnestic reaction
- anaphoric relation
- anathematisation
- anathematization
- anchorperson
- ancistrodon
- anderson
- andiron
- andrew jackson
- andrew johnson
- andrew mellon
- andrew w. mellon
- andrew william mellon
- andropogon
- angle iron
- angle of extinction
- angle of inclination
- angle of reflection
- angle of refraction
- anglican communion
- anglicisation
- anglicization
- anglo-saxon
- angular acceleration
- angular position
- angulation
- angus frank johnstone wilson
- animadversion
- animal communication
- animalisation
- animalization
- animated cartoon
- animation
- anion
- anne hutchinson
- anne sexton
- annexation
- annihilation
- annon
- annotation
- annunciation
- anomalous communication
- anovulation
- ant lion
- antedon
- antiarrhythmic medication
- antibaryon
- anticipation
- anticoagulant medication
- anticoagulation
- antielectron
- antilepton
- antimeson
- antimuon
- antineutron
- antiphon
- antipodal opposition
- antiproton
- antiredeposition
- antitauon
- antitrust legislation
- antlion
- anxiety reaction
- apatetic coloration
- aphelion
- aphid lion
- aphis lion
- apical placentation
- apogon
- aposematic coloration
- apparent horizon
- apparent motion
- apparition
- appellation
- appendicular skeleton
- apperception
- appleton
- application
- apposition
- appreciation
- apprehension
- approbation
- appropriation
- approximation
- apron
- aqueous solution
- aragon
- arbitration
- archaeozoic aeon
- archdeacon
- archean aeon
- archean eon
- archenteron
- archeozoic eon
- archidiskidon
- argon
- argonon
- argumentation
- arithmetic operation
- arithmetic progression
- arizona wild cotton
- arlington
- armageddon
- aromatic hydrocarbon
- arrhenius theory of dissociation
- arrogation
- arson
- art collection
- art exhibition
- arthur compton
- arthur holly compton
- articles of confederation
- articles of incorporation
- articulation
- artificial horizon
- artificial insemination
- artificial respiration
- artistic creation
- artistic production
- asa yoelson
- ascending colon
- ascension
- ascription
- asexual reproduction
- ashton
- asian nation
- aspersion
- asphyxiation
- aspiration
- asplenium platyneuron
- assassination
- assertion
- asseveration
- assibilation
- assignation
- assimilation
- association
- assumption
- asterion
- astronavigation
- astrophyton
- astropogon
- asuncion
- asynchronous operation
- asyndeton
- athletic competition
- athyrium pycnocarpon
- atlantic salmon
- atmospheric condition
- atmospheric phenomenon
- atomic energy commission
- atomic explosion
- atomic weapon
- atomisation
- atomization
- aton
- atrial fibrillation
- attention
- attenuation
- attestation
- attorney-client relation
- attraction
- attribution
- attrition
- auction
- audio lingual acquisition
- audition
- auditory communication
- auditory hallucination
- auditory perception
- auditory sensation
- audubon
- augmentation
- augsburg confession
- auscultation
- australian sea lion
- authentication
- authorisation
- authorization
- authorized version
- auto-suggestion
- auto limitation
- autochthon
- automatic face recognition
- automatic transmission
- automatic weapon
- automation
- automaton
- autonomic ganglion
- autoregulation
- autosuggestion
- auxiliary operation
- aversion
- aviation
- avignon
- avocation
- avon
- avulsion
- axial motion
- axial rotation
- axial skeleton
- axile placentation
- axis of rotation
- axon
- b-horizon
- b-meson
- b horizon
- babe didrikson
- baboon
- baby-boom generation
- babylon
- bachelor's button
- back-formation
- backgammon
- background radiation
- bacon
- bad person
- badminton
- bakke decision
- balaton
- balkan nation
- ballet position
- ballistic identification
- ballistic missile defense organization
- balloon
- band-tail pigeon
- band-tailed pigeon
- bandoneon
- bandwagon
- bank-depositor relation
- bank examination
- baptist denomination
- bar examination
- barbarisation
- barbarization
- bard of avon
- baron
- baron lloyd webber of sydmonton
- baron olivier of birghton
- barrage balloon
- baryon
- basal ganglion
- basal placentation
- base on balls
- baseball season
- basic assumption
- basic iron
- basketball season
- bassoon
- bastardisation
- bastardization
- bastion
- baton
- battalion
- battle of maldon
- battle of marathon
- battlewagon
- beach erosion
- beach waggon
- beach wagon
- beacon
- beaked salmon
- beat generation
- beatification
- beautification
- beauty salon
- beef wellington
- behavior modification
- bel and the dragon
- belgian griffon
- bellerophon
- belly button
- bellybutton
- belt ammunition
- belted ammunition
- ben gurion
- ben jonson
- benediction
- benefaction
- beneficiation
- benison
- benjamin harrison
- benjamin jonson
- benjamin thompson
- bennington
- benthic division
- benton
- bereaved person
- bergson
- bermuda onion
- bernoulli distribution
- bertillon
- beta-interferon
- beta iron
- beta radiation
- betatron
- bevatron
- bhadon
- bifurcation
- bill clinton
- billiard saloon
- billion
- bilocation
- binary arithmetic operation
- binary notation
- binary operation
- binghamton
- binocular vision
- binomial distribution
- biodegradable pollution
- biogeographical region
- biological weapon
- biometric authentication
- biometric identification
- bioremediation
- bioweapon
- biquadratic equation
- bird-on-the-wing
- birth prevention
- bisection
- biserial correlation
- bisexual person
- bison
- bison bison
- bitter lemon
- black-body radiation
- black-crowned night heron
- black lotion
- black operation
- black person
- blackbody radiation
- bladder campion
- blaxploitation
- blazon
- blind person
- blood coagulation
- blood extravasation
- blood relation
- blood transfusion
- bloodless revolution
- bloomington
- bludgeon
- blue moon
- blue ribbon
- blue ribbon commission
- blueback salmon
- bluegrass region
- board of education
- boat-billed heron
- bodily function
- body lotion
- boeuf fondu bourguignon
- boletus chrysenteron
- bombardon
- bombilation
- bombination
- bon ton
- bonbon
- bone of contention
- book of mormon
- book of revelation
- book scorpion
- booker t. washington
- booker taliaferro washington
- boolean operation
- boon
- booster station
- boron
- boson
- boston
- botheration
- bottle collection
- bottom fermentation
- bouillon
- boundary condition
- bourbon
- bourdon
- bourguignon
- boustrophedon
- bowdlerisation
- bowdlerization
- brabancon griffon
- brachiation
- brachychiton
- brain surgeon
- branding iron
- brass section
- braxton-hicks contraction
- breech presentation
- breton
- bridoon
- brighton
- brigit nilsson
- brinton
- briton
- broad interpretation
- broadcast station
- broadcasting station
- broca's convolution
- brownian motion
- brussels griffon
- brutalisation
- brutalization
- buffer solution
- buffoon
- bull session
- bullion
- bulwer-lytton
- bunion
- burlington
- burton
- bus station
- bush administration
- bushman's poison
- business deduction
- business organisation
- business organization
- business relation
- businessperson
- buster keaton
- button
- buy-and-bust operation
- by-election
- bye-election
- byron
- c-horizon
- c-ration
- c-section
- c. d. gibson
- c. northcote parkinson
- c horizon
- cabernet sauvignon
- cable television
- cabochon
- cachinnation
- cacodaemon
- cacodemon
- caesarean section
- caesarian section
- caffein addiction
- caffeine intoxication
- caisson
- calamine lotion
- calcification
- calcination
- calcium ion
- calculation
- calderon
- caldron
- calefaction
- calibration
- california dandelion
- california sea lion
- california single-leaf pinyon
- call option
- calling into question
- calopogon
- calque formation
- calumniation
- cameroon
- camion
- campion
- canadian bacon
- canalisation
- canalization
- cancellatio
- abandon
- accession
- act on
- act upon
- action
- add on
- air-condition
- ambition
- apportion
- auction
- audition
- balloon
- be on
- be on cloud nine
- be on the ball
- beacon
- bear down on
- bear down upon
- bear on
- bear upon
- beckon
- bet on
- blazon
- bludgeon
- border on
- bourgeon
- bring home the bacon
- bring on
- brush on
- build on
- build upon
- burgeon
- burst in on
- burst upon
- butt on
- button
- call attention
- call into question
- call on
- call on the carpet
- cannon
- canton
- caparison
- caption
- carry on
- cartoon
- cash in on
- cast on
- catch on
- caution
- center on
- champion
- chance on
- chance upon
- chaperon
- charleston
- cheat on
- check up on
- clap on
- clarion
- claxon
- climb on
- clock on
- cocoon
- come on
- come upon
- commission
- companion
- complexion
- con
- concentrate on
- condition
- confection
- cotton
- cotton on
- count on
- couple on
- crayon
- crimson
- croon
- cross question
- cushion
- cycle on
- deaccession
- decommission
- default on
- depend on
- depend upon
- derequisition
- descant on
- devolve on
- dimension
- disillusion
- do a job on
- don
- drag on
- dragoon
- draw a bead on
- drone on
- dwell on
- eat on
- egg on
- embark on
- emblazon
- encrimson
- encroach upon
- enter upon
- environ
- envision
- express emotion
- falcon
- fall upon
- fashion
- fasten on
- feed on
- feed upon
- feel like a million
- festoon
- fly on
- focus on
- follow up on
- fraction
- frown on
- frown upon
- function
- garrison
- get it on
- get on
- get on with
- go back on
- go down on
- go on
- guide on
- hack on
- hang on
- happen upon
- harpoon
- harsh on
- have on
- hinge on
- hinge upon
- hold on
- honeymoon
- hook on
- hop on
- impinge on
- imprison
- intrude on
- iron
- jettison
- jump on
- keep an eye on
- keep on
- keep tabs on
- know what's going on
- lampoon
- latch on
- lay eyes on
- lay hands on
- lay on the line
- lead on
- lean on
- let on
- light upon
- live on
- log on
- look down on
- look on
- look out on
- look upon
- make a motion
- malfunction
- march on
- maroon
- mention
- misfunction
- moon
- moon on
- motion
- move in on
- move on
- munition
- obtrude upon
- occasion
- one-step
- operate on
- pack on
- pardon
- partition
- pass on
- pension
- petition
- pinion
- play a joke on
- play a trick on
- plough on
- poison
- pop the question
- portion
- position
- pour cold water on
- precondition
- press down on
- press on
- proportion
- proposition
- provision
- pull a fast one on
- push on
- put on
- put on airs
- put on the line
- question
- rabbit on
- ramble on
- ration
- rattle on
- reapportion
- reason
- reckon
- recondition
- refashion
- rely on
- rely upon
- renege on
- renegue on
- repose on
- reposition
- requisition
- rest on
- root on
- run on
- sanction
- season
- section
- seize on
- send on
- set in motion
- set on
- set on fire
- set upon
- settle on
- shed light on
- sign on
- siphon
- slam on
- slap on
- slip on
- sponge on
- spoon
- station
- stay on
- step on
- step on it
- stick on
- subvention
- suction
- summon
- supervene upon
- switch on
- swoon
- syphon
- tack on
- tag on
- take exception
- take it on the chin
- take on
- tampon
- tell on
- throw cold water on
- touch on
- transition
- tread on
- try on
- turn on
- turn on a dime
- unbutton
- urge on
- vacation
- vermilion
- wait on
- walk on air
- wanton
- wear on
- wear upon
- weigh on
- work on
- write on
- agreed upon
- anglo-saxon
- antipollution
- bent on
- billion
- blue-ribbon
- boon
- briton
- carnation
- cast-iron
- champion
- clarion
- clip-on
- common
- contingent on
- contingent upon
- cresson
- crimson
- cross-section
- dead-on
- dead on target
- dearly-won
- dependant on
- dependant upon
- dependent on
- dependent upon
- depending on
- dipylon
- ebon
- halcyon
- hands-on
- head-on
- high-resolution
- high-tension
- imitation
- in-person
- in condition
- in operation
- in question
- incumbent on
- iron
- large-capitalisation
- large-capitalization
- legion
- low-resolution
- low-tension
- marched upon
- maroon
- million
- mormon
- most-favored-nation
- nonprescription
- nonunion
- odds-on
- off-and-on
- on
- on-going
- on-key
- on-line
- on-site
- on-street
- on-the-job
- on-the-scene
- on-the-spot
- on fire
- on guard
- on hand
- on one's guard
- on tap
- on the button
- on the fence
- on the go
- on the hook
- on the job
- on the loose
- on the nose
- on the offensive
- on the table
- on trial
- on your guard
- oncologic
- oncological
- oncoming
- one
- one-armed
- one-celled
- one-dimensional
- one-eared
- one-eyed
- one-handed
- one-horse
- one-humped
- one-man
- one-member
- one-on-one
- one-party
- one-person
- one-piece
- one-seed
- one-seeded
- one-sided
- one-time
- one-to-one
- one-way
- one-winged
- one-woman
- one-year
- one-year-old
- one and only
- one hundred
- one hundred eighty
- one hundred fifteen
- one hundred fifty
- one hundred fifty-five
- one hundred five
- one hundred forty
- one hundred forty-five
- one hundred ninety
- one hundred one
- one hundred seventy
- one hundred seventy-five
- one hundred sixty
- one hundred sixty-five
- one hundred ten
- one hundred thirty
- one hundred thirty-five
- one hundred twenty
- one hundred twenty-five
- one thousand
- oneiric
- onerous
- onetime
- ongoing
- online
- only
- onomastic
- onomatopoeic
- onomatopoeical
- onomatopoetic
- onshore
- onside
- onstage
- ontogenetic
- ontological
- onymous
- out of the question
- paying attention
- person-to-person
- poltroon
- prescription
- put-upon
- put on
- regulation
- run-on
- salmon
- saxon
- scarlet-crimson
- small-capitalisation
- small-capitalization
- soft on
- stick-on
- tatterdemalion
- tie-on
- trillion
- turned on
- uncommon
- union
- up on
- vermilion
- vermillion
- walk-on
- wanton
- won
- yon
- zillion
- across the nation
- after a fashion
- and so on
- anon
- by experimentation
- cash on delivery
- con
- early on
- end on
- for each person
- head-on
- hereupon
- in apposition
- in common
- in conclusion
- in due season
- in full action
- in great confusion
- in on
- in person
- in that location
- in unison
- later on
- nem con
- non
- not to mention
- of each person
- off and on
- on
- on a higher floor
- on a lower floor
- on a regular basis
- on air
- on all fours
- on an individual basis
- on an irregular basis
- on and off
- on approval
- on average
- on base
- on board
- on camera
- on earth
- on faith
- on it
- on occasion
- on one hand
- on paper
- on purpose
- on request
- on that
- on that point
- on the average
- on the button
- on the coattails
- on the contrary
- on the dot
- on the face of it
- on the fly
- on the nose
- on the one hand
- on the other hand
- on the q.t.
- on the qt
- on the side
- on the sly
- on the spot
- on the spur of the moment
- on the way
- on the whole
- on the wing
- on time
- once
- once again
- once and for all
- once in a while
- once more
- one-on-one
- one-sidedly
- one after another
- one at a time
- one by one
- one one's coattails
- one time
- onerously
- only
- only if
- only too
- only when
- onshore
- onstage
- onward
- onwards
- person-to-person
- right on
- soon
- thereon
- through empirical observation
- to perfection
- too soon
- yon
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KK Pronunciation
〔 ɑn,ɒn 〕
〔 ɒn 〕
Overview of adj on
The adj on has 2 senses
- on -- (in operation or operational; "left the oven on"; "the switch is in the on position")
- on -- ((of events) planned or scheduled; "the picnic is on, rain or shine"; "we have nothing on for Friday night")
Overview of adv on
The adv on has 3 senses
- along, on -- (with a forward motion; "we drove along admiring the view"; "the horse trotted along at a steady pace"; "the circus traveled on to the next city"; "move along"; "march on")
- on -- (indicates continuity or persistence or concentration; "his spirit lives on"; "shall I read on?")
- on -- (in a state required for something to function or be effective; "turn the lights on"; "get a load on")