Compund Words
- abdomen
- acumen
- agnomen
- albumen
- amen
- association of orangemen
- behmen
- bitumen
- board of selectmen
- bremen
- businessmen
- catechumen
- cerumen
- cognomen
- commission on the status of women
- cyclamen
- cytologic specimen
- difference limen
- differential limen
- dolmen
- duramen
- ehadhamen
- examen
- flamen
- foramen
- four horsemen
- genus cyclamen
- hymen
- ilmen
- imperforate hymen
- interventricular foramen
- jakob behmen
- lake ilmen
- limen
- linemen
- lumen
- meclomen
- men
- men's
- men's furnishings
- men's room
- menace
- menachem begin
- menadione
- menage
- menage a trois
- menagerie
- menai strait
- menander
- menarche
- mencken
- mend
- mendacity
- mendel
- mendel's law
- mendeleev
- mendeleev's law
- mendelevium
- mendeleyev
- mendelian
- mendelianism
- mendelism
- mendelsohn
- mendelssohn
- mendenhall glacier
- mender
- mendicancy
- mendicant
- mendicity
- mending
- menelaus
- menhaden
- menhaden oil
- menhir
- menial
- meniere
- meniere's disease
- meningeal artery
- meningeal veins
- meninges
- meningioma
- meningism
- meningitis
- meningocele
- meningoencephalitis
- meninx
- menippe
- menippe mercenaria
- meniscectomy
- meniscium
- meniscus
- menispermaceae
- menispermum
- menispermum canadense
- menninger
- mennonite
- mennonite church
- mennonitism
- meno mosso
- menominee
- menominee whitefish
- menomini
- menopause
- menopon
- menopon gallinae
- menopon palladum
- menorah
- menorrhagia
- menorrhea
- menotti
- menotyphla
- mens rea
- mens store
- mensa
- mensal line
- mensch
- menses
- mensh
- menshevik
- menstrual blood
- menstrual cycle
- menstrual flow
- menstrual phase
- menstruation
- menstruum
- mensuration
- mental ability
- mental abnormality
- mental age
- mental anguish
- mental attitude
- mental balance
- mental block
- mental capacity
- mental case
- mental condition
- mental confusion
- mental defectiveness
- mental deficiency
- mental dexterity
- mental disease
- mental disorder
- mental disturbance
- mental energy
- mental exhaustion
- mental faculty
- mental health
- mental home
- mental hospital
- mental hygiene
- mental illness
- mental image
- mental imagery
- mental institution
- mental lexicon
- mental measurement
- mental note
- mental object
- mental picture
- mental process
- mental quickness
- mental rejection
- mental representation
- mental reservation
- mental retardation
- mental soundness
- mental state
- mental strain
- mental synthesis
- mental telepathist
- mental test
- mental testing
- mental unsoundness
- mentalism
- mentality
- mentally retarded
- mentation
- mentha
- mentha aquatica
- mentha arvensis
- mentha citrata
- mentha longifolia
- mentha piperita
- mentha pulegium
- mentha rotundifolia
- mentha spicata
- mentha suaveolens
- menthol
- mentholated salve
- menticirrhus
- menticirrhus americanus
- menticirrhus littoralis
- menticirrhus saxatilis
- menticirrhus undulatus
- mention
- mentioner
- mentor
- mentum
- mentzelia
- mentzelia laevicaulis
- mentzelia lindleyi
- mentzelia livicaulis
- menu
- menuhin
- menura
- menurae
- menuridae
- menyanthaceae
- menyanthes
- menyanthes trifoliata
- menziesia
- menziesia ferruginea
- menziesia pilosa
- midsummer-men
- monro's foramen
- numen
- omen
- praenomen
- putamen
- regimen
- republic of yemen
- rumen
- semen
- specimen
- stamen
- transverse muscle of abdomen
- turkmen
- turkomen
- tutankhamen
- type specimen
- wise men
- yemen
- a'man
- a. e. housman
- abel janszoon tasman
- abel tasman
- able-bodied seaman
- able seaman
- abominable snowman
- adman
- age of man
- ahriman
- aircraftman
- aircraftsman
- aircrewman
- airman
- airwoman
- alabaman
- albizia saman
- alderman
- alfred edward housman
- amman
- anchorman
- anglo-norman
- ape-man
- artilleryman
- assemblyman
- assemblywoman
- assistant foreman
- averell harriman
- backup man
- backwoodsman
- baggageman
- bagman
- bandsman
- barbara tuchman
- barbara wertheim tuchman
- bargeman
- barman
- barrow-man
- batman
- batsman
- battle of omdurman
- beadsman
- bedesman
- beef man
- beggarman
- beggarwoman
- belle miriam silverman
- bellman
- benjamin david goodman
- benny goodman
- bergman
- best man
- big businessman
- bionic man
- bionic woman
- black man
- black woman
- boatman
- bogeyman
- bondman
- bondsman
- bondswoman
- bondwoman
- boogeyman
- bookman
- border patrolman
- boskop man
- bowman
- bozeman
- brahman
- brakeman
- broth of a man
- bushman
- businessman
- businesswoman
- busman
- cabman
- caiman
- cameraman
- capital of oman
- cardinal newman
- career man
- cattleman
- cavalryman
- cave man
- caveman
- cayman
- ceriman
- chairman
- chairwoman
- chapman
- chargeman
- charlotte anna perkins gilman
- charwoman
- chessman
- chinaman
- christiaan eijkman
- churchman
- city man
- clansman
- clanswoman
- cleaning woman
- clergyman
- coachman
- coalman
- coastguardsman
- college man
- comfort woman
- committeeman
- committeewoman
- common man
- company man
- con man
- confidence man
- congressman
- congresswoman
- conjure man
- corner man
- cornishman
- cornishwoman
- councilman
- councilwoman
- counterman
- counterwoman
- countryman
- countrywoman
- cousin-german
- cow man
- cowman
- cracksman
- craftsman
- cragsman
- crewman
- customer's man
- dairyman
- dalesman
- david barnard steinman
- david riesman
- deliveryman
- deskman
- dirty old man
- disagreeable woman
- divorced man
- doberman
- dolman
- domingo de guzman
- doorman
- draftsman
- dragoman
- draughtsman
- dustin hoffman
- dustman
- dutchman
- e. h. harriman
- earthman
- east german
- eastman
- edward henry harriman
- eijkman
- ekman
- elder statesman
- elevator man
- elizabeth cochrane seaman
- elizabeth seaman
- emma goldman
- end man
- englishman
- englishwoman
- enlisted man
- enlisted woman
- ent man
- ethel merman
- everyman
- ex-serviceman
- exciseman
- fall of man
- family man
- fancy man
- fancy woman
- feral man
- ferryman
- feynman
- fieldsman
- fingerprint man
- fireman
- first baseman
- fisherman
- flying dutchman
- foeman
- foolish woman
- footman
- foreman
- forewoman
- four-minute man
- freedman
- freedwoman
- freeman
- freewoman
- frenchman
- frenchwoman
- freshman
- friedman
- frogman
- front man
- frontiersman
- frontierswoman
- fugleman
- g-man
- gagman
- garbage man
- garbageman
- gasman
- gay man
- gay woman
- gentleman
- gentleman's gentleman
- gentlewoman
- genus caiman
- george eastman
- george s. kaufman
- george simon kaufman
- german
- gilman
- gingerbread man
- goldman
- goodman
- government man
- greg norman
- gregory john norman
- groomsman
- groundsman
- guardsman
- gulf of oman
- gunman
- hachiman
- haman
- handyman
- hangman
- hanuman
- hardwareman
- harriet tubman
- harriman
- harry s truman
- harry truman
- harvestman
- hatchet man
- he-man
- head linesman
- headman
- headsman
- heidelberg man
- hellman
- helmsman
- henchman
- herdsman
- herman
- high german
- highwayman
- hired man
- hit man
- hitman
- hodman
- hoffman
- holdup man
- holy man
- honest woman
- horseman
- horsewoman
- hotelman
- houseman
- housman
- human
- huntsman
- husbandman
- iceman
- indiaman
- infantryman
- ingerman
- ingmar bergman
- ingrid bergman
- irishman
- irishwoman
- iron man
- ironman
- isle of man
- java man
- jazzman
- jessye norman
- john chapman
- john henry newman
- journeyman
- julius ullman
- juryman
- jurywoman
- kaufman
- kept woman
- kinsman
- kinswoman
- klansman
- ladies' man
- lake leman
- landman
- landsman
- laundryman
- laundrywoman
- lawman
- layman
- leading man
- ledgeman
- lensman
- letterman
- liegeman
- life-of-man
- liftman
- lighterman
- lillian hellman
- liman
- lineman
- linesman
- linkman
- linksman
- liveryman
- lobsterman
- lockman
- lollipop woman
- longbowman
- longshoreman
- lookout man
- loose woman
- louis the german
- low german
- lowerclassman
- lumberman
- macho-man
- madman
- madwoman
- mailman
- maintenance man
- maltman
- malvina hoffman
- man
- man's body
- man's clothing
- man-about-town
- man-at-arms
- man-child
- man-eater
- man-eating shark
- man-made fiber
- man-made lake
- man-of-the-earth
- man-of-war
- man-of-war bird
- man-on-a-horse
- man and wife
- man friday
- man hour
- man in the street
- man jack
- man of action
- man of affairs
- man of deeds
- man of letters
- man of means
- man of the cloth
- man of the world
- manacle
- manageability
- manageableness
- managed economy
- management
- management consultant
- management consulting
- management control
- management personnel
- manager
- manageress
- managership
- managing director
- managing editor
- managua
- manakin
- manama
- manana
- manannan
- manassa mauler
- manat
- manatee
- manawydan
- manawyddan
- manchester
- manchester terrier
- manchu
- manchu dynasty
- manchuria
- mancunian
- manda
- mandaean
- mandaeanism
- mandala
- mandalay
- mandamus
- mandara
- mandarin
- mandarin chinese
- mandarin dialect
- mandarin duck
- mandarin orange
- mandarin orange tree
- mandatary
- mandate
- mandator
- mandatory
- mandatory injunction
- mande
- mandean
- mandeanism
- mandela
- mandelamine
- mandelbrot
- mandelbrot set
- mandelshtam
- mandelstam
- mandevilla
- mandevilla boliviensis
- mandevilla laxa
- mandible
- mandibula
- mandibular bone
- mandibular condyle
- mandibular fossa
- mandibular gland
- mandibular joint
- mandibular notch
- mandioc
- mandioca
- mandola
- mandolin
- mandragora
- mandragora officinarum
- mandrake
- mandrake root
- mandrel
- mandril
- mandrill
- mandrillus
- mandrillus leucophaeus
- mandrillus sphinx
- manduca
- manduca quinquemaculata
- manduca sexta
- manduction
- mane
- maned sheep
- maned wolf
- manes
- manet
- maneuver
- maneuverability
- maneuverer
- manfred eigen
- manfulness
- mangabey
- manganate
- manganese
- manganese bronze
- manganese steel
- manganese tetroxide
- manganic acid
- manganite
- mange
- mangel-wurzel
- manger
- mangifera
- mangifera indica
- manginess
- mangle
- mangler
- manglietia
- mango
- mango tree
- mangold
- mangold-wurzel
- mangonel
- mangosteen
- mangosteen tree
- mangrove
- mangrove family
- mangrove snapper
- manhattan
- manhattan clam chowder
- manhattan island
- manhattan project
- manhole
- manhole cover
- manhood
- manhunt
- mania
- maniac
- manic-depressive
- manic-depressive psychosis
- manic depression
- manic depressive illness
- manic disorder
- manichaean
- manichaeanism
- manichaeism
- manichean
- manichee
- manicotti
- manicure
- manicure set
- manicurist
- manidae
- manifest
- manifest destiny
- manifestation
- manifesto
- manifold
- manifold paper
- manihot
- manihot dulcis
- manihot esculenta
- manihot utilissima
- manikin
- manila
- manila bay
- manila bean
- manila grass
- manila hemp
- manila maguey
- manila paper
- manila tamarind
- manilkara
- manilkara bidentata
- manilkara zapota
- manilla
- manilla hemp
- manilla paper
- manioc
- manioca
- manipulability
- manipulation
- manipulative electronic deception
- manipulator
- manipur
- maniraptor
- maniraptora
- manis
- manitoba
- mankato
- mankind
- manliness
- mann
- manna
- manna ash
- manna from heaven
- manna grass
- manna gum
- manna lichen
- mannequin
- manner
- manner name
- manner of speaking
- manner of walking
- mannerism
- manners
- mannheim
- mannikin
- mannitol
- manoeuvrability
- manoeuvre
- manoeuvrer
- manometer
- manor
- manor hall
- manor house
- manpad
- manpower
- manroot
- mansard
- mansard roof
- mansart
- manse
- manservant
- mansfield
- mansi
- mansion
- mansion house
- manslaughter
- manslayer
- manson
- manta
- manta birostris
- manta ray
- mantegna
- manteidae
- mantel
- mantelet
- mantell
- mantelpiece
- manteodea
- mantichora
- manticora
- manticore
- mantid
- mantidae
- mantiger
- mantilla
- mantinea
- mantineia
- mantis
- mantis crab
- mantis prawn
- mantis religioso
- mantis shrimp
- mantispid
- mantispidae
- mantissa
- mantle
- mantled ground squirrel
- mantlepiece
- mantlet
- mantophasmatodea
- mantoux test
- mantra
- mantrap
- mantua
- manual
- manual alphabet
- manual dexterity
- manual labor
- manual laborer
- manual labour
- manual of arms
- manubrium
- manuel de falla
- manuel rodriquez patriotic front
- manufactory
- manufacture
- manufactured home
- manufacturer
- manufacturing
- manufacturing business
- manufacturing plant
- manul
- manumission
- manumitter
- manure
- manus
- manuscript
- manx
- manx cat
- manx shearwater
- manzanilla
- manzanita
- manzoni
- marcus whitman
- marksman
- married man
- married woman
- matman
- meatman
- mechanical man
- medical man
- medicine man
- medieval schoolman
- merchantman
- merman
- middle-aged man
- middle high german
- middle low german
- middleman
- midshipman
- military man
- military policeman
- militiaman
- milkman
- milton friedman
- minuteman
- miracle man
- modern man
- moneyman
- motorcycle policeman
- motorman
- mount sherman
- mountain man
- muffin man
- muscat and oman
- muscleman
- navy man
- neandertal man
- neanderthal man
- needlewoman
- newman
- newsman
- newspaperman
- newspaperwoman
- newswoman
- night watchman
- nobleman
- noblewoman
- norman
- norseman
- northman
- nurseryman
- oarsman
- oarswoman
- odd-job man
- odd man out
- oilman
- oklahoman
- old-man-of-the-woods
- old high german
- old man
- old man of the mountain
- old woman
- oman
- ombudsman
- omdurman
- one-man rule
- orangeman
- organization man
- ottoman
- outdoor man
- outdoorsman
- outdoorswoman
- pac-man strategy
- packman
- pantryman
- party man
- patrolman
- paul leonard newman
- paul newman
- peking man
- penman
- pieter zeeman
- pigman
- piltdown man
- pinchas zukerman
- pitchman
- pitman
- pivot man
- placeman
- plainclothesman
- plainsman
- plantsman
- ploughman
- plowman
- point man
- point woman
- pointsman
- policeman
- policewoman
- portuguese man-of-war
- posseman
- postman
- potman
- poultryman
- pr man
- preacher man
- president truman
- pressman
- privateersman
- property man
- propman
- public relations man
- publicity man
- pullman
- quarryman
- raftman
- raftsman
- railroad man
- railway man
- railwayman
- ramman
- red man
- remittance man
- renaissance man
- repairman
- rewrite man
- rhodesian man
- rich man
- richard feynman
- richard phillips feynman
- riesman
- rifleman
- right-hand man
- roadman
- roger sherman
- roman
- roundsman
- running postman
- salesman
- saleswoman
- saman
- sandman
- sandwichman
- schoolman
- scotchman
- scotchwoman
- scotsman
- scotswoman
- seaman
- second baseman
- section man
- seedman
- seedsman
- selectman
- selectwoman
- service man
- serviceman
- shaman
- sheepman
- sherman
- showman
- sidesman
- signalman
- sir isaac pitman
- skilled workman
- slovenly woman
- small businessman
- snowman
- solo man
- soman
- soundman
- spaceman
- spectacled caiman
- spokesman
- spokeswoman
- sporting man
- sportsman
- sportswoman
- squaw man
- stableman
- stan the man
- statesman
- stateswoman
- stayman
- steelman
- steersman
- steinman
- stickup man
- stockman
- straight man
- straw man
- strawman
- strongman
- stunt man
- stunt woman
- sultanate of oman
- superman
- swagman
- switchman
- swordsman
- t-man
- takilman
- talisman
- tallyman
- tasman
- taximan
- taxman
- third baseman
- tibeto-burman
- timberman
- tollman
- townsman
- tradesman
- trainbandsman
- trainman
- traveling salesman
- travelling salesman
- trencherman
- tribesman
- triggerman
- trinil man
- truman
- tubman
- tuchman
- turcoman
- turkoman
- tv newsman
- two-man saw
- two-man tent
- underclassman
- unmarried man
- unmarried woman
- unpleasant woma
- menace
- mend
- menstruate
- mensurate
- mention
- mentor
- omen
- menacing
- mendacious
- mendelian
- mendicant
- menial
- meningeal
- menopausal
- mensal
- menstrual
- mensurable
- mensural
- mental
- mentally ill
- mentholated
- turkmen
- menacingly
- mendaciously
- menially
- mentally
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Search Result:men
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KK Pronunciation
〔 mєn 〕
〔 men 〕
Overview of noun men
The noun men has 1 sense
- work force, workforce, manpower, hands, men -- (the force of workers available)
Overview of noun man
The noun man has 11 senses
- man, adult male -- (an adult person who is male (as opposed to a woman); "there were two women and six men on the bus")
- serviceman, military man, man, military personnel -- (someone who serves in the armed forces; a member of a military force; "two men stood sentry duty")
- man -- (the generic use of the word to refer to any human being; "it was every man for himself")
- homo, man, human being, human -- (any living or extinct member of the family Hominidae characterized by superior intelligence, articulate speech, and erect carriage)
- man -- (a male subordinate; "the chief stationed two men outside the building"; "he awaited word from his man in Havana")
- man -- (an adult male person who has a manly character (virile and courageous competent); "the army will make a man of you")
- valet, valet de chambre, gentleman, gentleman's gentleman, man -- (a manservant who acts as a personal attendant to his employer; "Jeeves was Bertie Wooster's man")
- man -- (a male person who plays a significant role (husband or lover or boyfriend) in the life of a particular woman; "she takes good care of her man")
- Man, Isle of Man -- (one of the British Isles in the Irish Sea)
- man, piece -- (game equipment consisting of an object used in playing certain board games; "he taught me to set up the men on the chess board"; "he sacrificed a piece to get a strategic advantage")
- world, human race, humanity, humankind, human beings, humans, mankind, man -- (all of the living human inhabitants of the earth; "all the world loves a lover"; "she always used `humankind' because `mankind' seemed to slight the women")