Compund Words
- alytes cisternasi
- arctostaphylos uva-ursi
- bela lugosi
- brancusi
- brindisi
- citrus paradisi
- conessi
- constantin brancusi
- dalasi
- decree nisi
- do-si-do
- entsi
- farsi
- francis of assisi
- holocentrus bullisi
- isi
- kumasi
- latissimus dorsi
- lugosi
- mansi
- mustelus norrisi
- nentsi
- order ostariophysi
- ostariophysi
- pachisi
- parcheesi
- parchesi
- parchisi
- parsi
- pepsi
- percina tanasi
- psi
- saint francis of assisi
- salix uva-ursi
- san luis potosi
- sannyasi
- sanyasi
- sarcophilus hariisi
- scsi
- si
- si system
- si unit
- sial
- sialadenitis
- sialia
- sialidae
- sialis
- sialis lutaria
- sialolith
- siam
- siamang
- siamese
- siamese cat
- siamese connection
- siamese twin
- sian
- sib
- sibelius
- siberia
- siberian
- siberian crab
- siberian crab apple
- siberian elm
- siberian husky
- siberian larch
- siberian millet
- siberian pea tree
- siberian spruce
- siberian wall flower
- sibilant
- sibilant consonant
- sibilation
- sibine
- sibley tent
- sibling
- sibyl
- siccative
- sichuan
- sicilia
- sicilian
- sicilian mafia
- sicilian pizza
- sicily
- sick
- sick bag
- sick benefit
- sick berth
- sick call
- sick headache
- sick joke
- sick leave
- sick list
- sick parade
- sick pay
- sick person
- sickbag
- sickbay
- sickbed
- sickeningness
- sickle
- sickle-cell anaemia
- sickle-cell anemia
- sickle-cell disease
- sickle alfalfa
- sickle cell
- sickle feather
- sickle lucerne
- sickle medick
- sicklepod
- sickleweed golden aster
- sickness
- sickness benefit
- sickroom
- sid caesar
- sida
- sida hermaphrodita
- sida rhombifolia
- sida spinosa
- sidalcea
- sidalcea malviflora
- siddhartha
- siddons
- side
- side-blotched lizard
- side-glance
- side-look
- side-wheeler
- side-whiskers
- side arm
- side chair
- side chapel
- side dish
- side door
- side drum
- side effect
- side entrance
- side horse
- side judge
- side of bacon
- side of beef
- side of meat
- side of pork
- side order
- side pocket
- side road
- side street
- side view
- side yard
- sidebar
- sideboard
- sideburn
- sidecar
- sidekick
- sidelight
- sideline
- sidereal day
- sidereal hour
- sidereal month
- sidereal time
- sidereal year
- siderite
- sideritis
- sideroblast
- sideroblastic anaemia
- sideroblastic anemia
- siderochrestic anaemia
- siderochrestic anemia
- siderocyte
- sideropenia
- siderophilin
- siderosis
- sidesaddle
- sideshow
- sideslip
- sidesman
- sidesplitter
- sidestep
- sidestroke
- sideswipe
- sidetrack
- sidewalk
- sidewall
- sidewinder
- siding
- sidney
- sidney caesar
- sidney james webb
- sidney poitier
- sidney webb
- sidon
- sidonie-gabrielle claudine colette
- sidonie-gabrielle colette
- sids
- siege
- siege of orleans
- siege of syracuse
- siege of vicksburg
- siege of yorktown
- siege perilous
- siegfried
- siegfried line
- siemens
- sienna
- sierra
- sierra leone
- sierra leone monetary unit
- sierra leonean
- sierra lodgepole pine
- sierra madre occidental
- sierra madre oriental
- sierra nevada
- sierra nevada mountains
- sierra plum
- sierra redwood
- siesta
- sieur de lasalle
- sieva bean
- sieve
- sieve tube
- sif
- sifter
- sifting
- sigeh
- sigh
- sight
- sight bill
- sight draft
- sight gag
- sight setting
- sightedness
- sighting
- sightlessness
- sightreader
- sights
- sightseeing
- sightseer
- sigint
- sigma
- sigmodon
- sigmodon hispidus
- sigmoid colon
- sigmoid flexure
- sigmoid sinus
- sigmoid vein
- sigmoidectomy
- sigmoidoscope
- sigmoidoscopy
- sigmund freud
- sigmund romberg
- sign
- sign industry
- sign language
- sign manual
- sign of the cross
- sign of the zodiac
- sign painter
- signage
- signal
- signal-to-noise
- signal-to-noise ratio
- signal/noise
- signal/noise ratio
- signal box
- signal caller
- signal detection
- signal fire
- signal flag
- signal level
- signal light
- signal tower
- signaler
- signaling
- signaling device
- signalisation
- signalization
- signaller
- signalman
- signals intelligence
- signatory
- signature
- signature recognition
- signature tune
- signboard
- signer
- signet
- signet ring
- significance
- significant digit
- significant figure
- significant other
- signification
- signified
- signifier
- signing
- signior
- signor
- signora
- signore
- signorina
- signory
- signpost
- sigrid undset
- sigurd
- sigyn
- sihasapa
- sika
- sikh
- sikhism
- sikkim
- sikorsky
- silage
- sild
- sildenafil
- sildenafil citrate
- silence
- silencer
- silene
- silene acaulis
- silene caroliniana
- silene dioica
- silene latifolia
- silene uniflora
- silene virginica
- silene vulgaris
- silent butler
- silent movie
- silent partner
- silent person
- silent picture
- silent treatment
- silents
- silenus
- silesia
- silex
- silhouette
- silica
- silica gel
- silicate
- silicic acid
- silicide
- silicle
- silicon
- silicon bronze
- silicon carbide
- silicon chip
- silicon dioxide
- silicon oxide
- silicon valley
- silicone
- silicone polymer
- silicone resin
- silicone rubber
- silicosis
- siliqua
- silique
- silk
- silk-cotton tree
- silk cotton
- silk gland
- silk grass
- silk hat
- silk oak
- silk road
- silk screen print
- silk stocking
- silk tree
- silk vine
- silk wood
- silkgrass
- silkiness
- silks
- silkscreen
- silkweed
- silkwood
- silkworm
- silkworm moth
- silkworm seed
- silky anteater
- silky cornel
- silky dogwood
- silky elm
- silky oak
- silky pocket mouse
- silky tamarin
- silky terrier
- silky willow
- silky wisteria
- sill
- sillabub
- sillaginidae
- sillago
- silliness
- sills
- silly
- silly season
- silo
- siloxane
- silphium
- silphium laciniatum
- silt
- siltstone
- silurian
- silurian period
- silurid
- silurid fish
- siluridae
- siluriform fish
- siluriformes
- silurus
- silurus glanis
- silva
- silvan
- silvanus
- silver
- silver-bell tree
- silver-bush
- silver-lace
- silver-leaved nettle
- silver-leaved nightshade
- silver-leaved poplar
- silver-tip
- silver-worker
- silver age
- silver ash
- silver beech
- silver bell
- silver berry
- silver birch
- silver bromide
- silver bullet
- silver certificate
- silver chloride
- silver city
- silver cord
- silver dollar
- silver fern
- silver fir
- silver fox
- silver grass
- silver gray
- silver grey
- silver hake
- silver iodide
- silver jenny
- silver jubilee
- silver lace
- silver lace vine
- silver lime
- silver linden
- silver lining
- silver maple
- silver medal
- silver mine
- silver nitrate
- silver oak
- silver perch
- silver pine
- silver plate
- silver protein
- silver quandong
- silver quandong tree
- silver sage
- silver sagebrush
- silver salmon
- silver screen
- silver solder
- silver spoon
- silver spruce
- silver standard
- silver star
- silver star medal
- silver state
- silver storm
- silver thatch
- silver tree
- silver tree fern
- silver vine
- silver wattle
- silver wedding anniversary
- silver whiting
- silver willow
- silverback
- silverbell tree
- silverberry
- silverbush
- silverfish
- silverleaf nightshade
- silverpoint
- silverrod
- silverside
- silversides
- silversmith
- silverspot
- silverstein
- silversword
- silvertip
- silvertop palmetto
- silvervine
- silverware
- silverweed
- silverwork
- silverworker
- silvery spleenwort
- silvery wormwood
- silvex
- silvia
- silvia atricapilla
- silviculture
- silybum
- silybum marianum
- sima
- simal
- simarouba
- simarouba amara
- simarouba glauca
- simaroubaceae
- simazine
- simchas torah
- simchat torah
- simenon
- simeon
- simhat torah
- simhath torah
- simian
- similarity
- simile
- similitude
- simmer
- simmering
- simmpleness
- simnel
- simoleons
- simon
- simon bolivar
- simon de montfort
- simon kuznets
- simon legree
- simon marks
- simon newcomb
- simon peter
- simon the canaanite
- simon the zealot
- simon zelotes
- simone de beauvoir
- simone weil
- simoniz
- simony
- simoom
- simoon
- simper
- simperer
- simple
- simple absence
- simple closed curve
- simple eye
- simple fraction
- simple fracture
- simple fruit
- simple harmonic motion
- simple interest
- simple leaf
- simple machine
- simple mastectomy
- simple microscope
- simple mindedness
- simple pendulum
- simple phobia
- simple pistil
- simple protein
- simple regression
- simple sentence
- simple sugar
- simpleness
- simpleton
- simplicity
- simplification
- simplism
- simpson
- simpson desert
- simulacrum
- simulated military operation
- simulation
- simulative electronic deception
- simulator
- simulcast
- simuliidae
- simulium
- simultaneity
- simultaneous equations
- simultaneous operation
- simultaneousness
- simvastatin
- sin
- sinai
- sinai desert
- sinai peninsula
- sinanthropus
- sinapis
- sinapis alba
- sinapis arvensis
- sinapism
- sinatra
- sinbad
- sinbad the sailor
- sincerity
- sinciput
- sinclair
- sinclair lewis
- sind
- sindhi
- sine
- sine curve
- sine qua non
- sine wave
- sinecure
- sinequan
- sinew
- sinfulness
- sing-kwa
- singalong
- singan
- singapore
- singapore dollar
- singapore island
- singaporean
- singe
- singer
- singhalese
- singing
- singing voice
- single
- single-breasted jacket
- single-breasted suit
- single-entry bookkeeping
- single-foot
- single-leaf
- single-leaf pine
- single-leaf pinyon
- single-member system
- single-mindedness
- single-propeller plane
- single-reed instrument
- single-reed woodwind
- single-rotor helicopter
- single-spacing
- single-valued function
- single bed
- single combat
- single cream
- single crochet
- single dwelling
- single entry
- single file
- single nucleotide polymorphism
- single prop
- single quote
- single shell
- single stitch
- single supplement
- single tax
- singleness
- singles
- singlestick
- singlet
- singletary pea
- singleton
- singsong
- singular
- singular form
- singular matrix
- singularity
- singultus
- sinhala
- sinhalese
- sinistrality
- sinitic
- sinitic language
- sink
- sinker
- sinkhole
- sinkiang
- sinking
- sinking feeling
- sinking fund
- sinking spell
- sinlessness
- sinn fein
- sinner
- sinning
- sinningia
- sinningia speciosa
- sino-japanese war
- sino-tibetan
- sino-tibetan language
- sinoatrial node
- sinologist
- sinology
- sinoper
- sinopia
- sinopis
- sinornis
- sinuosity
- sinuousness
- sinus
- sinus cavernosus
- sinus coronarius
- sinus ethmoidales
- sinus headache
- sinus paranasales
- sinus rectus
- sinus sigmoideus
- sinus transversus
- sinus venosus sclerae
- sinusitis
- sinusoid
- sinusoidal projection
- sion
- siouan
- siouan language
- sioux
- sioux city
- sioux falls
- sip
- sipah-e-sahaba
- siphon
- siphonaptera
- siphonophora
- siphonophore
- sipper
- sipuncula
- sipunculid
- siqueiros
- sir
- sir alan hodgkin
- sir alec guinness
- sir alexander fleming
- sir alexander korda
- sir alexander mackenzie
- sir alexander robertus todd
- sir alfred charles bernard lovell
- sir alfred hitchcock
- sir angus wilson
- sir anthony hopkins
- sir anthony philip hopkins
- sir anthony vandyke
- sir arthur conan doyle
- sir arthur john evans
- sir arthur stanley eddington
- sir arthur sullivan
- sir arthur travers harris
- sir barton
- sir bernard law montgomery
- sir bernard lovell
- sir bernard williams
- sir charles leonard woolley
- sir charles scott sherrington
- sir charles spencer chaplin
- sir charles wheatstone
- sir charles william siemens
- sir christopher wren
- sir clive marles sinclair
- sir david alexander cecil low
- sir david bruce
- sir david low
- sir edmund hillary
- sir edmund percival hillary
- sir edward elgar
- sir edward victor appleton
- sir edward william elgar
- sir edwin landseer luytens
- sir edwin lutyens
- sir ernst boris chain
- sir francis bacon
- sir francis drake
- sir francis galton
- sir frank whittle
- sir fred hoyle
- sir frederick ashton
- sir frederick gowland hopkins
- sir frederick grant banting
- sir frederick handley page
- sir frederick william herschel
- sir galahad
- sir gawain
- sir geoffrey wilkinson
- sir george otto trevel
- sibilate
- sic
- sick
- sicken
- side
- side-slip
- sideline
- sidestep
- sideswipe
- sidetrack
- sidle
- sidle up
- sieve
- sieve out
- sift
- sigh
- sight
- sight-read
- sight-sing
- sightread
- sightsee
- sightsing
- sign
- sign away
- sign in
- sign off
- sign on
- sign over
- sign up
- signal
- signalise
- signalize
- signify
- signpost
- silence
- silhouette
- silkscreen
- silt
- silt up
- silver
- silver-plate
- silverplate
- simmer
- simmer down
- simonise
- simonize
- simper
- simplify
- simulate
- sin
- sing
- sing along
- singe
- single
- single-foot
- single crochet
- single out
- single stitch
- singsong
- singularise
- singularize
- sink
- sink in
- sinter
- sip
- siphon
- siphon off
- sire
- siss
- sit
- sit around
- sit back
- sit by
- sit down
- sit in
- sit out
- sit tight
- sit up
- site
- situate
- size
- size up
- sizz
- sizzle
- nisi
- quasi
- siamese
- siberian
- sibilant
- sibyllic
- sibylline
- sicilian
- sick
- sick-abed
- sick of
- sickening
- sickish
- sickle-shaped
- sickly
- side
- side-to-side
- side by side
- sidearm
- sidelong
- sidereal
- sidesplitting
- sideways
- sierra leonean
- sighted
- sightless
- sightly
- sigmoid
- sigmoidal
- sign
- sign-language
- signal
- signed
- significant
- significative
- sikh
- silenced
- silent
- siliceous
- silicious
- silk-lined
- silken
- silklike
- silky
- silky-haired
- silky-leafed
- silky-leaved
- silly
- silty
- silvan
- silver
- silver-blue
- silver-bodied
- silver-colored
- silver-gray
- silver-green
- silver-grey
- silver-haired
- silver-leafed
- silver-leaved
- silver-scaled
- silver-tongued
- silver-white
- silverish
- silvern
- silvery
- silvery-blue
- silvery-bodied
- silvery-gray
- silvery-green
- silvery-grey
- silvery-leafed
- silvery-leaved
- silvery-white
- simian
- similar
- simple
- simple-minded
- simplex
- simplified
- simplistic
- simulated
- simultaneous
- sincere
- sinewy
- sinful
- singable
- singaporean
- singhalese
- singing
- single
- single-barreled
- single-barrelled
- single-bedded
- single-breasted
- single-celled
- single-channel
- single-handed
- single-humped
- single-lane
- single-minded
- single-seeded
- single-shelled
- single-spaced
- single-stranded
- singsong
- singular
- sinhala
- sinhalese
- sinister
- sinistral
- sinistrorsal
- sinistrorse
- sinitic
- sinkable
- sinless
- sinning
- sintered
- sinuate
- sinuous
- sinusoidal
- siouan
- siouan-speaking
- sissified
- sissy
- sissyish
- sisterlike
- sisterly
- sisyphean
- sitting
- situated
- six
- six-fold
- six-membered
- six-pointed
- six-sided
- sixfold
- sixpenny
- sixteen
- sixteenth
- sixth
- sixtieth
- sixty
- sixty-eight
- sixty-fifth
- sixty-five
- sixty-four
- sixty-fourth
- sixty-nine
- sixty-one
- sixty-seven
- sixty-six
- sixty-three
- sixty-two
- sizable
- size
- sizeable
- sized
- sizzling
- sic
- sickeningly
- sidearm
- sidelong
- sidesaddle
- sidesplittingly
- sideward
- sidewards
- sideway
- sideways
- sidewise
- signally
- significantly
- silently
- silkily
- similarly
- simperingly
- simply
- simultaneously
- since a long time ago
- sincerely
- sincerely yours
- sine die
- single-handed
- single-handedly
- single-mindedly
- singly
- singularly
- sinuously
- sinusoidally
- six times
- sixfold
- sixthly
Last Search Words
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Search Result:Si
(TTS Sound)

KK Pronunciation
〔 si 〕
〔 si: 〕
Overview of noun si
The noun si has 3 senses
- silicon, Si, atomic number 14 -- (a tetravalent nonmetallic element; next to oxygen it is the most abundant element in the earth's crust; occurs in clay and feldspar and granite and quartz and sand; used as a semiconductor in transistors)
- Systeme International d'Unites, Systeme International, SI system, SI, SI unit, International System of Units, International System -- (a complete metric system of units of measurement for scientists; fundamental quantities are length (meter) and mass (kilogram) and time (second) and electric current (ampere) and temperature (kelvin) and amount of matter (mole) and luminous intensity (candela); "Today the United States is the only country in the world not totally committed to the Systeme International d'Unites")
- ti, te, si -- (the syllable naming the seventh (subtonic) note of any musical scale in solmization)