Compund Words
- apr
- cpr
- nipr
- pr
- pr man
- practicability
- practicableness
- practical application
- practical joke
- practical joker
- practical nurse
- practical politics
- practicality
- practice
- practice game
- practice of law
- practice of medicine
- practice range
- practice session
- practice teacher
- practician
- practitioner
- praenomen
- praesidium
- praetor
- praetorian
- praetorian guard
- praetorium
- praetorship
- prag
- pragmatic
- pragmatic sanction
- pragmatics
- pragmatism
- pragmatist
- prague
- praha
- praia
- prairia sabbatia
- prairial
- prairie
- prairie anemone
- prairie aster
- prairie berry
- prairie bird's-foot trefoil
- prairie chicken
- prairie coneflower
- prairie cordgrass
- prairie crab
- prairie dock
- prairie dog
- prairie fire
- prairie fowl
- prairie fox
- prairie gentian
- prairie golden aster
- prairie gourd
- prairie gourd vine
- prairie grass
- prairie grouse
- prairie lotus
- prairie mallow
- prairie marmot
- prairie mimosa
- prairie orchid
- prairie rattler
- prairie rattlesnake
- prairie rocket
- prairie sage
- prairie sagewort
- prairie schooner
- prairie smoke
- prairie soil
- prairie star
- prairie state
- prairie sunflower
- prairie trefoil
- prairie trillium
- prairie vole
- prairie wagon
- prairie wake-robin
- prairie white-fringed orchid
- prairie white-fringed orchis
- prairie willow
- prairie wolf
- praise
- praiseworthiness
- praisworthiness
- prajapati
- prakrit
- praline
- pram
- prance
- prancer
- prang
- prank
- prankishness
- prankster
- praseodymium
- prat
- prate
- prater
- pratfall
- pratincole
- prattle
- prattler
- praunus
- pravachol
- pravastatin
- prawn
- praxis
- praxiteles
- praya
- prayer
- prayer beads
- prayer book
- prayer mat
- prayer meeting
- prayer of azariah and song of the three children
- prayer rug
- prayer service
- prayer shawl
- prayer wheel
- prayerbook
- praying mantid
- praying mantis
- prazosin
- prc
- pre-eclampsia
- pre-empt
- pre-emption
- pre-emptive strike
- pre-emptor
- pre-raphaelite
- pre-socratic
- preacher
- preacher man
- preachification
- preaching
- preachment
- preakness
- preamble
- prearrangement
- prebend
- prebendary
- precambrian
- precambrian aeon
- precambrian eon
- precambrian period
- precariousness
- precaution
- precava
- precedence
- precedency
- precedent
- precentor
- precentorship
- precentral gyrus
- precept
- preceptor
- preceptorship
- precession
- precession of the equinoxes
- prechlorination
- precinct
- preciosity
- precious coral
- precious metal
- precious stone
- preciousness
- precipice
- precipitance
- precipitancy
- precipitant
- precipitate
- precipitateness
- precipitation
- precipitator
- precipitin
- precipitousness
- precis
- preciseness
- precision
- precision cookie
- precision rifle
- preclinical phase
- preclinical test
- preclinical trial
- preclusion
- precocious dentition
- precociousness
- precocity
- precognition
- preconceived idea
- preconceived notion
- preconceived opinion
- preconception
- precondition
- precordium
- precursor
- predation
- predator
- predatory animal
- predecessor
- predestinarian
- predestinarianism
- predestination
- predestinationist
- predetermination
- predicament
- predicate
- predicate calculus
- predication
- predicator
- predictability
- prediction
- predictor
- predictor variable
- predilection
- predisposition
- prednisolone
- prednisone
- predominance
- predomination
- preeclampsia
- preemie
- preeminence
- preemployment training program
- preempt
- preemption
- preemptive bid
- preemptive right
- preemptor
- preen gland
- preexistence
- prefab
- prefabrication
- preface
- prefect
- prefecture
- preference
- preference shares
- preferment
- preferred shares
- preferred stock
- prefiguration
- prefix
- prefix notation
- prefixation
- preformation
- prefrontal cortex
- prefrontal leucotomy
- prefrontal leukotomy
- prefrontal lobe
- prefrontal lobotomy
- pregnancy
- pregnancy test
- pregnanediol
- pregnant chad
- prehension
- prehensor
- prehistoric culture
- prehistory
- preindication
- preinvasive cancer
- prejudgement
- prejudgment
- prejudice
- prelacy
- prelate
- prelature
- prelim
- preliminary
- preliminary exam
- preliminary examination
- preliminary prospectus
- prelims
- prelone
- prelude
- premature baby
- premature ejaculation
- premature infant
- premature labor
- premature labour
- premature ventricular contraction
- prematureness
- prematurity
- premeditation
- premenstrual syndrome
- premie
- premier
- premiere
- premiership
- premise
- premises
- premiss
- premium
- premium bond
- premix
- premolar
- premonition
- prenanthes
- prenanthes alba
- prenanthes purpurea
- prenanthes serpentaria
- prenatal diagnosis
- prentice
- preoccupancy
- preoccupation
- preordination
- prep
- prep school
- preparation
- preparation fire
- preparatory school
- preparedness
- prepayment
- preponderance
- preposition
- prepositional object
- prepositional phrase
- prepossession
- prepotency
- prepuberty
- prepuce
- prepyloric vein
- prerequisite
- prerogative
- pres young
- presage
- presbyope
- presbyopia
- presbyter
- presbyterian
- presbyterian church
- presbyterianism
- presbytery
- presbytes
- presbytes entellus
- preschool
- preschooler
- prescience
- prescott
- prescript
- prescription
- prescription drug
- prescription medicine
- prescriptive grammar
- prescriptive linguistics
- prescriptivism
- preseason
- presence
- presence chamber
- presence of mind
- presenile dementia
- present
- present moment
- present participle
- present perfect
- present perfect tense
- present progressive
- present progressive tense
- present tense
- present times
- presentation
- presenter
- presentiment
- presentism
- presentist
- presentment
- presentness
- preservation
- preservationist
- preservative
- preserve
- preserver
- preserves
- presidency
- president
- president abraham lincoln
- president adams
- president andrew johnson
- president arthur
- president benjamin harrison
- president buchanan
- president bush
- president carter
- president cleveland
- president clinton
- president coolidge
- president eisenhower
- president fillmore
- president ford
- president franklin roosevelt
- president garfield
- president george w. bush
- president grant
- president harding
- president harrison
- president hayes
- president hoover
- president jefferson
- president john adams
- president john f. kennedy
- president john quincy adams
- president johnson
- president kennedy
- president lincoln
- president lyndon johnson
- president madison
- president mckinley
- president monroe
- president nixon
- president of the united states
- president pierce
- president polk
- president reagan
- president roosevelt
- president taft
- president taylor
- president theodore roosevelt
- president truman
- president tyler
- president van buren
- president washington
- president william henry harrison
- president wilson
- presidential directive
- presidential term
- presidents' day
- presidentship
- presiding officer
- presidio
- presidium
- presley
- press
- press-up
- press agency
- press agent
- press association
- press box
- press clipping
- press conference
- press corps
- press cutting
- press gallery
- press gang
- press lord
- press of canvas
- press of sail
- press photographer
- press release
- press run
- press stud
- pressburg
- pressing
- pressman
- pressmark
- pressor
- pressure
- pressure-feed lubricating system
- pressure cabin
- pressure cooker
- pressure dome
- pressure feed
- pressure gage
- pressure gauge
- pressure group
- pressure level
- pressure point
- pressure sensation
- pressure sore
- pressure suit
- pressure unit
- pressurized water reactor
- prestidigitation
- prestidigitator
- prestige
- prestigiousness
- presumption
- presumptuousness
- presupposition
- preteen
- preteenager
- pretence
- pretend
- pretender
- pretending
- pretense
- pretension
- pretentiousness
- preterist
- preterit
- preterite
- preterition
- preterm baby
- preterm infant
- pretermission
- pretext
- pretor
- pretoria
- pretorium
- pretrial
- pretrial conference
- prettiness
- pretzel
- preussen
- prevacid
- prevailing party
- prevailing westerly
- prevailing wind
- prevalence
- prevarication
- prevaricator
- preventative
- prevention
- preventive
- preventive attack
- preventive medicine
- preventive strike
- preview
- previous question
- prevision
- prevue
- prexy
- prey
- priacanthidae
- priacanthus
- priacanthus arenatus
- priam
- priapism
- priapus
- price
- price-fixing
- price-to-earnings ratio
- price bracket
- price competition
- price control
- price cut
- price cutting
- price floor
- price freeze
- price gouging
- price increase
- price index
- price level
- price list
- price of admission
- price reduction
- price support
- price tag
- price war
- pricelessness
- pricing
- pricing system
- prick
- pricker
- pricket
- pricking
- prickle
- prickle-weed
- prickle cell
- prickleback
- prickliness
- prickling
- prickly-edged leaf
- prickly-seeded spinach
- prickly ash
- prickly custard apple
- prickly heat
- prickly lettuce
- prickly pear
- prickly pear cactus
- prickly pine
- prickly poppy
- prickly shield fern
- prickteaser
- pride
- pride-of-india
- pride of barbados
- pride of bolivia
- pride of california
- pride of place
- pridefulness
- prie-dieu
- priest
- priest-doctor
- priest-penitent privilege
- priestcraft
- priestess
- priesthood
- priestley
- prig
- priggishness
- prilosec
- prima
- prima ballerina
- prima donna
- primacy
- primality
- primaquine
- primary
- primary amenorrhea
- primary atypical pneumonia
- primary care
- primary care physician
- primary care provider
- primary cell
- primary censorship
- primary coil
- primary color
- primary color for light
- primary color for pigments
- primary colour
- primary colour for light
- primary colour for pigments
- primary dentition
- primary dysmenorrhea
- primary election
- primary feather
- primary health care
- primary quill
- primary school
- primary sex character
- primary sex characteristic
- primary sexual characteristic
- primary solid solution
- primary subtractive color for light
- primary subtractive colour for light
- primary syphilis
- primary tooth
- primary winding
- primate
- primates
- primateship
- primatology
- primaxin
- prime
- prime factor
- prime interest rate
- prime meridian
- prime minister
- prime mover
- prime number
- prime of life
- prime quantity
- prime time
- primer
- primer coat
- primidone
- primigravida
- priming
- priming coat
- primipara
- primitive
- primitive art
- primitive person
- primitiveness
- primitivism
- primness
- primo
- primogenitor
- primogeniture
- primordial dwarf
- primordium
- primping
- primrose
- primrose family
- primrose jasmine
- primrose path
- primula
- primula auricula
- primula elatior
- primula polyantha
- primula sinensis
- primula veris
- primula vulgaris
- primulaceae
- primulales
- primum mobile
- primus
- primus stove
- prince
- prince's-feather
- prince's-plume
- prince's pine
- prince-of-wales'-heath
- prince-of-wales feather
- prince-of-wales fern
- prince-of-wales plume
- prince albert
- prince albert's yew
- prince albert yew
- prince charles
- prince charming
- prince consort
- prince edward
- prince edward island
- prince eugene of savoy
- prince fumimaro konoe
- prince fumimaro konoye
- prince klemens wenzel nepomuk lothar von metternich
- prince of darkness
- prince of smolensk
- prince of wales
- prince of wales heath
- prince otto eduard leopold von bismarck
- prince otto von bismarck
- prince peter kropotkin
- prince philip
- prince rupert
- princedom
- princeling
- princess
- princess diana
- princess feather
- princess grace of monaco
- princess o
- practice
- practice bundling
- practise
- praise
- prance
- prang
- prang up
- prank
- prate
- prattle
- prawn
- pray
- preach
- preachify
- preamble
- prearrange
- preassemble
- precede
- precess
- precipitate
- precis
- preclude
- preconceive
- precondition
- precook
- predate
- predecease
- predestinate
- predestine
- predetermine
- predicate
- predict
- predigest
- predispose
- predominate
- preempt
- preen
- preexist
- prefabricate
- preface
- prefer
- prefigure
- prefix
- preform
- preheat
- prehend
- preisolate
- prejudge
- prejudice
- prelude
- premeditate
- premier
- premiere
- premise
- premiss
- preoccupy
- preordain
- prepare
- prepare for
- prepay
- preponderate
- prepose
- prepossess
- prerecord
- presage
- prescribe
- present
- preserve
- preside
- press
- press down
- press down on
- press home
- press on
- press out
- pressure
- pressure-cook
- pressure-wash
- pressurise
- pressurize
- presume
- presuppose
- pretend
- pretermit
- prettify
- pretty up
- prevail
- prevaricate
- prevent
- preview
- previse
- prey
- price
- prick
- prick up
- prickle
- pride
- pride oneself
- prim
- prim out
- prim up
- prime
- primp
- prink
- print over
- prioritise
- prioritize
- prise
- privatise
- privatize
- privilege
- prize
- prizefight
- probate
- probe
- proceed
- process
- proclaim
- procrastinate
- procreate
- proctor
- procure
- prod
- produce
- profane
- profess
- professionalise
- professionalize
- proffer
- profile
- profit
- profiteer
- prognosticate
- program
- programme
- progress
- progress to
- prohibit
- project
- prolapse
- proliferate
- prologise
- prologize
- prologuize
- prolong
- promenade
- promise
- promote
- prompt
- promulgate
- pronate
- pronk
- pronounce
- proof
- proofread
- prop
- prop up
- propagandise
- propagandize
- propagate
- propel
- prophesy
- propitiate
- proportion
- propose
- proposition
- propound
- prorate
- prorogue
- proscribe
- prosecute
- proselytise
- proselytize
- prospect
- prosper
- prostitute
- prostrate
- protect
- protest
- protract
- protrude
- protuberate
- prove
- prove oneself
- provide
- provision
- provoke
- prowl
- prune
- pry
- practicable
- practical
- practiced
- practised
- praetorial
- praetorian
- pragmatic
- pragmatical
- praiseful
- praiseworthy
- praising
- prakritic
- prandial
- prankish
- prayerful
- pre-christian
- pre-columbian
- pre-emptive
- pre-existent
- pre-existing
- pre-jurassic
- pre-raphaelite
- pre-socratic
- preachy
- preadolescent
- preanal
- precancerous
- precarious
- precast
- precative
- precatory
- precautional
- precautionary
- precedent
- precedented
- precedential
- preceding
- precious
- precipitant
- precipitate
- precipitating
- precipitous
- precise
- preclinical
- preclusive
- precocial
- precocious
- precognitive
- preconceived
- preconcerted
- preconditioned
- precooked
- precooled
- precordial
- precursory
- predaceous
- predacious
- predatory
- predestinarian
- predestinate
- predestined
- predetermined
- predicative
- predictable
- predictive
- predigested
- predisposed
- predominant
- predominate
- preeminent
- preemptive
- preexistent
- preexisting
- prefab
- prefaded
- prefatorial
- prefatory
- prefectural
- preferable
- preferent
- preferential
- preferred
- prefigurative
- prefrontal
- pregnant
- prehensile
- prehistoric
- prehistorical
- prejudiced
- prejudicial
- prejudicious
- prelapsarian
- preliminary
- preliterate
- premarital
- premature
- premedical
- premeditated
- premenopausal
- premenstrual
- premier
- premiere
- premium
- premonitory
- prenatal
- prenominal
- prenuptial
- preoccupied
- preoperative
- prepackaged
- prepacked
- prepaid
- preparative
- preparatory
- prepared
- preponderant
- preponderating
- prepositional
- prepossessing
- preposterous
- preprandial
- prepubertal
- prepubescent
- prepupal
- prerecorded
- prerequisite
- presbyopic
- prescient
- prescribed
- prescription
- prescriptive
- present
- present-day
- presentable
- presentational
- preservable
- preservative
- preserved
- preset
- presidential
- presocratic
- pressed
- pressing
- pressor
- prestigious
- prestissimo
- presto
- presumable
- presumptive
- presumptuous
- presymptomatic
- preteen
- pretend
- pretended
- pretentious
- preternatural
- pretorial
- pretorian
- pretty
- pretty-pretty
- prevailing
- prevalent
- prevenient
- preventable
- preventative
- preventive
- previous
- prewar
- priapic
- price-controlled
- priceless
- pricey
- prickly
- prickly-leafed
- prickly-leaved
- pricy
- prideful
- priestlike
- priestly
- priggish
- prim
- prima
- prima facie
- primaeval
- primal
- primary
- prime
- primed
- primeval
- primiparous
- primitive
- primo
- primordial
- princely
- principal
- principled
- printable
- prior
- prismatic
- prisonlike
- prissy
- pristine
- private
- private-enterprise
- privileged
- privy
- prix fixe
- prize
- prizewinning
- pro
- pro-american
- pro-choice
- pro-inflammatory
- pro-life
- pro bono
- pro forma
- pro tem
- pro tempore
- proactive
- probabilistic
- probable
- probationary
- probative
- probatory
- probing
- problematic
- problematical
- procaryotic
- procedural
- processed
- processional
- proclaimed
- proconsular
- procreative
- procrustean
- procumbent
- procurable
- prodigal
- prodigious
- prodromal
- prodromic
- productive
- profanatory
- profane
- profaned
- professed
- professional
- professorial
- proficient
- profit-maximising
- profit-maximizing
- profitable
- profitless
- profligate
- profound
- profoundly deaf
- profuse
- progestational
- prognathic
- prognathous
- prognostic
- prognosticative
- progressive
- prohibited
- prohibitive
- prohibitory
- proinflammatory
- projected
- projectile
- projecting
- prokaryotic
- prolate
- proletarian
- prolific
- prolix
- prolonged
- prolusory
- prominent
- promiscuous
- promising
- promissory
- promotional
- promotive
- prompt
- promulgated
- prone
- pronged
- prongy
- pronominal
- pronounceable
- pronounced
- proof
- proofed
- propaedeutic
- propagandist
- propagandistic
- propagative
- propellant
- propellent
- propelling
- proper
- propertied
- property-owning
- propertyless
- prophetic
- prophetical
- prophylactic
- propitiative
- propitiatory
- propitious
- proportionable
- proportional
- proportionate
- proprietary
- proprioceptive
- propulsive
- prosaic
- proscribed
- prosodic
- prospective
- prospering
- prosperous
- prospicient
- prostate
- prostatic
- prosthetic
- prosthodontic
- prostrate
- prostyle
- prosy
- protanopic
- protean
- protected
- protecting
- protective
- proteinaceous
- proteolytic
- proterozoic
- protestant
- proto
- protogeometric
- prototypal
- prototypic
- prototypical
- protozoal
- protozoan
- protozoic
- protozoological
- protracted
- protractible
- protractile
- protruding
- protrusible
- protrusile
- protrusive
- protuberant
- proud
- proud of
- proustian
- provable
- proved
- proven
- provencal
- proverbial
- provident
- providential
- provincial
- provisional
- provisionary
- provisory
- provocative
- provoked
- provoking
- prox
- proximal
- proximate
- proximo
- prudent
- prudential
- prudish
- prurient
- prussian
- prying
- practicably
- practically
- pragmatically
- praiseworthily
- pre-eminently
- precariously
- precedentedly
- precious
- preciously
- precipitately
- precipitously
- precisely
- precociously
- predicatively
- predictably
- predominantly
- preeminently
- preferably
- preferentially
- prematurely
- preponderantly
- prepositionally
- preposterously
- presciently
- presentably
- presently
- presidentially
- pressingly
- prestissimo
- presto
- presumably
- presumptively
- presumptuously
- pretentiously
- preternaturally
- prettily
- pretty
- pretty much
- previously
- priggishly
- prima facie
- primarily
- primitively
- primly
- principally
- prissily
- privately
- privily
- prn
- pro
- pro forma
- pro rata
- pro re nata
- pro tem
- pro tempore
- probabilistically
- probably
- problematically
- prodigally
- prodigiously
- productively
- profanely
- professedly
- professionally
- professorially
- proficiently
- profitably
- profitlessly
- profligately
- profoundly
- profusely
- progressively
- prohibitively
- prominently
- promiscuously
- promisingly
- promptly
- pronto
- properly
- properly speaking
- prophetically
- propitiously
- proportionally
- proportionately
- prosaically
- prosily
- prosperously
- protectively
- protractedly
- proudly
- provably
- proverbially
- providentially
- providently
- provincially
- provisionally
- provocatively
- provokingly
- prudently
- prudishly
- pruriently
- pryingly
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Search Result:Pr
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Overview of noun pr
The noun pr has 3 senses
- praseodymium, Pr, atomic number 59 -- (a soft yellowish-white trivalent metallic element of the rare earth group; can be recovered from bastnasite or monazite by an ion-exchange process)
- Puerto Rico, Porto Rico, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, PR -- (a self-governing commonwealth associated with the United States occupying the island of Puerto Rico)
- public relations, PR -- (a promotion intended to create goodwill for a person or institution)