Compund Words
- appro
- cipro
- daypro
- golf pro
- pro
- pro-choice faction
- pro-life faction
- pro-lifer
- proaccelerin
- probabilism
- probability
- probability theorist
- probability theory
- probable
- probable cause
- probate
- probate court
- probate will
- probation
- probation officer
- probationer
- probe
- probenecid
- probiotic
- probiotic bacterium
- probiotic flora
- probiotic microflora
- probity
- problem
- problem-oriented language
- problem solver
- problem solving
- proboscidea
- proboscidea arenaria
- proboscidea fragrans
- proboscidea louisianica
- proboscidean
- proboscidian
- proboscis
- proboscis flower
- proboscis monkey
- proboscis worm
- procaine
- procaine hydrochloride
- procarbazine
- procardia
- procaryote
- procavia
- procavia capensis
- procaviidae
- procedure
- proceeding
- proceedings
- proceeds
- procellaria
- procellaria aequinoctialis
- procellariidae
- procellariiform seabird
- procellariiformes
- process
- process-server
- process cheese
- process of monition
- process printing
- processed cheese
- processing
- processing time
- procession
- processional
- processional march
- processor
- processus coronoideus
- prochlorperazine
- prociphilus
- prociphilus tessellatus
- proclamation
- proclivity
- procnias
- proconsul
- proconsulate
- proconsulship
- proconvertin
- procrastination
- procrastinator
- procreation
- procrustean bed
- procrustean rule
- procrustean standard
- procrustes
- proctalgia
- proctitis
- proctocele
- proctologist
- proctology
- proctoplasty
- proctor
- proctorship
- proctoscope
- proctoscopy
- procural
- procurance
- procurator
- procurement
- procurer
- procuress
- procursive epilepsy
- procyclidine
- procyon
- procyon cancrivorus
- procyon lotor
- procyonid
- procyonidae
- prod
- prodding
- prodigal
- prodigality
- prodigy
- prodroma
- prodrome
- produce
- producer
- producer gas
- producer price index
- product
- product-moment correlation coefficient
- product development
- product introduction
- product line
- product research
- production
- production cost
- production line
- production order
- productiveness
- productivity
- proenzyme
- prof
- profanation
- profaneness
- profanity
- professing
- profession
- professional
- professional association
- professional baseball
- professional basketball
- professional boxing
- professional dancer
- professional football
- professional golf
- professional golfer
- professional life
- professional organisation
- professional organization
- professional person
- professional relation
- professional tennis
- professional tennis player
- professional wrestling
- professionalisation
- professionalism
- professionalization
- professor
- professorship
- proffer
- proficiency
- profile
- profiling
- profit
- profit-and-loss statement
- profit and loss
- profit and loss account
- profit margin
- profit sharing
- profit taker
- profitability
- profitableness
- profiteer
- profiterole
- profits
- profligacy
- profligate
- profoundness
- profundity
- profuseness
- profusion
- progenitor
- progeny
- progeria
- progesterone
- progestin
- progestogen
- prognathism
- progne
- progne subis
- prognosis
- prognostic
- prognostication
- prognosticator
- program
- program library
- program line
- program music
- program trading
- programing
- programing language
- programma
- programme
- programme music
- programmed cell death
- programmer
- programming
- programming error
- programming language
- progress
- progress report
- progression
- progressive
- progressive aspect
- progressive emphysematous necrosis
- progressive party
- progressive rock
- progressive tax
- progressive tense
- progressive vaccinia
- progressiveness
- progressivism
- progressivity
- progymnosperm
- prohibition
- prohibition era
- prohibition party
- prohibitionist
- project
- projectile
- projection
- projection screen
- projectionist
- projective device
- projective geometry
- projective technique
- projective test
- projector
- prokaryote
- prokayotae
- prokhorov
- prokofiev
- prolactin
- prolamine
- prolapse
- prolapsus
- prolate cycloid
- prole
- prolegomenon
- prolepsis
- proletarian
- proletariat
- proliferation
- prolificacy
- proline
- prolixity
- prolixness
- prolog
- prologue
- prolongation
- prolonge
- prolonge knot
- prolonged interrogation
- prolusion
- prom
- promenade
- promenade deck
- promethazine
- prometheus
- promethium
- prominence
- promiscuity
- promiscuousness
- promise
- promised land
- promisee
- promiser
- promisor
- promissory note
- promontory
- promoter
- promotion
- promotion system
- promotional expense
- promotional material
- prompt
- prompt box
- prompt copy
- promptbook
- prompter
- prompter's box
- prompting
- promptitude
- promptness
- promulgation
- promulgator
- promycelium
- pronation
- pronator
- prone float
- proneness
- prong
- prongbuck
- pronghorn
- pronghorn antelope
- pronominal
- pronominal phrase
- pronoun
- pronouncement
- pronucleus
- pronunciamento
- pronunciation
- proof
- proof spirit
- proofreader
- prop
- prop root
- propaedeutic
- propaedeutics
- propaganda
- propagandist
- propagation
- propagator
- propanal
- propanamide
- propane
- propanediol
- propanoic acid
- propanol
- propanolol
- propanone
- proparoxytone
- propellant
- propellant explosive
- propellent
- propeller
- propeller plane
- propellor
- propenal
- propene
- propenoate
- propenoic acid
- propenonitrile
- propensity
- propenyl alcohol
- proper fraction
- proper name
- proper noun
- properness
- property
- property line
- property man
- property master
- property owner
- property right
- property settlement
- property tax
- prophase
- prophecy
- prophesier
- prophet
- prophetess
- prophets
- prophylactic
- prophylactic device
- prophylaxis
- prophyll
- propinquity
- propionaldehyde
- propionic acid
- propitiation
- propitiousness
- propjet
- propman
- proponent
- proportion
- proportional
- proportional counter
- proportional counter tube
- proportional font
- proportional representation
- proportional sample
- proportional sampling
- proportional tax
- proportionality
- proportionateness
- proposal
- proposal of marriage
- proposer
- proposition
- propositional calculus
- propositional logic
- propositus
- propoxyphene
- propoxyphene hydrochloride
- propping up
- proprietary
- proprietary colony
- proprietary drug
- proprietor
- proprietorship
- proprietorship certificate
- proprietress
- propriety
- proprioception
- proprioceptor
- proprionamide
- props
- propulsion
- propulsion system
- propyl
- propyl alcohol
- propyl group
- propyl radical
- propylene
- propylene glycol
- propylthiouracil
- proration
- prorogation
- prosaicness
- prosauropoda
- proscenium
- proscenium arch
- proscenium wall
- prosciutto
- proscription
- prose
- prose poem
- prosecuting attorney
- prosecuting officer
- prosecution
- prosecutor
- proselyte
- proselytism
- prosencephalon
- proserpina
- proserpine
- prosimian
- prosimii
- prosiness
- prosodic system
- prosodion
- prosody
- prosom
- prosopis
- prosopis glandulosa
- prosopis juliflora
- prosopis juliiflora
- prosopis pubescens
- prosopium
- prosopium cylindraceum
- prosopium williamsonii
- prosopopoeia
- prospect
- prospector
- prospectus
- prosper meniere
- prosperity
- prospero lambertini
- prospicience
- prostaglandin
- prostate
- prostate cancer
- prostate gland
- prostate specific antigen
- prostatectomy
- prostatic adenocarcinoma
- prostatitis
- prostheon
- prosthesis
- prosthetic device
- prosthetics
- prosthetist
- prosthion
- prosthodontia
- prosthodontics
- prosthodontist
- prostigmin
- prostitute
- prostitution
- prostration
- protactinium
- protagonism
- protagonist
- protamine
- protanopia
- protea
- protea cynaroides
- protea family
- protea mellifera
- proteaceae
- proteales
- protease
- protease inhibitor
- protection
- protectionism
- protectionist
- protective coloration
- protective cover
- protective covering
- protective embankment
- protective fold
- protective garment
- protective tariff
- protectiveness
- protector
- protector of boundaries
- protectorate
- protectorship
- protege
- protegee
- proteidae
- protein
- protein folding
- protein molecule
- proteinase
- proteinuria
- proteles
- proteles cristata
- proteolysis
- proteolytic enzyme
- proteome
- proteomics
- proteosome
- proteosome vaccine
- proterochampsa
- proterozoic
- proterozoic aeon
- proterozoic eon
- protest
- protest march
- protestant
- protestant church
- protestant deacon
- protestant denomination
- protestant episcopal church
- protestant reformation
- protestantism
- protestation
- protester
- proteus
- proteus anguinus
- prothalamion
- prothalamium
- prothorax
- prothrombin
- prothrombin accelerator
- prothrombinase
- protirelin
- protist
- protista
- protistan
- protium
- protium guianense
- protium heptaphyllum
- proto-indo european
- proto-norse
- proto-oncogene
- protoactinium
- protoanthropology
- protoarchaeology
- protoarcheology
- protoavis
- protoceratops
- protocol
- protoctist
- protoctist family
- protoctist genus
- protoctist order
- protoctista
- protoheme
- protohemin
- protohippus
- protohistory
- protology
- protomammal
- proton
- proton accelerator
- proton magnetic resonance
- protoplasm
- protoplasmic astrocyte
- protoplast
- prototheria
- prototherian
- prototype
- protozoa
- protozoal infection
- protozoan
- protozoologist
- protozoology
- protozoon
- protraction
- protractor
- protriptyline
- protropin
- protrusion
- protuberance
- protura
- proturan
- proud flesh
- proudhon
- proust
- provability
- provenance
- provencal
- provence
- provender
- provenience
- proventil
- provera
- proverb
- proverbs
- providence
- provider
- province
- provincial
- provincial capital
- provincialism
- proving ground
- provirus
- provision
- provisional ira
- provisional irish republican army
- provisioner
- provisions
- proviso
- provitamin
- provitamin a
- provo
- provocateur
- provocation
- provoker
- provos
- provost
- provost court
- provost guard
- provost marshal
- prow
- prowess
- prowl
- prowl car
- prowler
- proxemics
- proxima
- proxima centauri
- proximity
- proxy
- proxy fight
- proxy war
- prozac
- quid pro quo
- semipro
- tennis pro
- probate
- probe
- proceed
- process
- proclaim
- procrastinate
- procreate
- proctor
- procure
- prod
- produce
- profane
- profess
- professionalise
- professionalize
- proffer
- profile
- profit
- profiteer
- prognosticate
- program
- programme
- progress
- progress to
- prohibit
- project
- prolapse
- proliferate
- prologise
- prologize
- prologuize
- prolong
- promenade
- promise
- promote
- prompt
- promulgate
- pronate
- pronk
- pronounce
- proof
- proofread
- prop
- prop up
- propagandise
- propagandize
- propagate
- propel
- prophesy
- propitiate
- proportion
- propose
- proposition
- propound
- prorate
- prorogue
- proscribe
- prosecute
- proselytise
- proselytize
- prospect
- prosper
- prostitute
- prostrate
- protect
- protest
- protract
- protrude
- protuberate
- prove
- prove oneself
- provide
- provision
- provoke
- prowl
- pro
- pro-american
- pro-choice
- pro-inflammatory
- pro-life
- pro bono
- pro forma
- pro tem
- pro tempore
- proactive
- probabilistic
- probable
- probationary
- probative
- probatory
- probing
- problematic
- problematical
- procaryotic
- procedural
- processed
- processional
- proclaimed
- proconsular
- procreative
- procrustean
- procumbent
- procurable
- prodigal
- prodigious
- prodromal
- prodromic
- productive
- profanatory
- profane
- profaned
- professed
- professional
- professorial
- proficient
- profit-maximising
- profit-maximizing
- profitable
- profitless
- profligate
- profound
- profoundly deaf
- profuse
- progestational
- prognathic
- prognathous
- prognostic
- prognosticative
- progressive
- prohibited
- prohibitive
- prohibitory
- proinflammatory
- projected
- projectile
- projecting
- prokaryotic
- prolate
- proletarian
- prolific
- prolix
- prolonged
- prolusory
- prominent
- promiscuous
- promising
- promissory
- promotional
- promotive
- prompt
- promulgated
- prone
- pronged
- prongy
- pronominal
- pronounceable
- pronounced
- proof
- proofed
- propaedeutic
- propagandist
- propagandistic
- propagative
- propellant
- propellent
- propelling
- proper
- propertied
- property-owning
- propertyless
- prophetic
- prophetical
- prophylactic
- propitiative
- propitiatory
- propitious
- proportionable
- proportional
- proportionate
- proprietary
- proprioceptive
- propulsive
- prosaic
- proscribed
- prosodic
- prospective
- prospering
- prosperous
- prospicient
- prostate
- prostatic
- prosthetic
- prosthodontic
- prostrate
- prostyle
- prosy
- protanopic
- protean
- protected
- protecting
- protective
- proteinaceous
- proteolytic
- proterozoic
- protestant
- proto
- protogeometric
- prototypal
- prototypic
- prototypical
- protozoal
- protozoan
- protozoic
- protozoological
- protracted
- protractible
- protractile
- protruding
- protrusible
- protrusile
- protrusive
- protuberant
- proud
- proud of
- proustian
- provable
- proved
- proven
- provencal
- proverbial
- provident
- providential
- provincial
- provisional
- provisionary
- provisory
- provocative
- provoked
- provoking
- prox
- proximal
- proximate
- proximo
- pro
- pro forma
- pro rata
- pro re nata
- pro tem
- pro tempore
- probabilistically
- probably
- problematically
- prodigally
- prodigiously
- productively
- profanely
- professedly
- professionally
- professorially
- proficiently
- profitably
- profitlessly
- profligately
- profoundly
- profusely
- progressively
- prohibitively
- prominently
- promiscuously
- promisingly
- promptly
- pronto
- properly
- properly speaking
- prophetically
- propitiously
- proportionally
- proportionately
- prosaically
- prosily
- prosperously
- protectively
- protractedly
- proudly
- provably
- proverbially
- providentially
- providently
- provincially
- provisionally
- provocatively
- provokingly
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Last Search Words
Search Result:pro
(TTS Sound)
KK Pronunciation
〔 pro 〕
〔 prou 〕
Overview of noun pro
The noun pro has 2 senses
- professional, pro -- (an athlete who plays for pay)
- pro -- (an argument in favor of a proposal)
Overview of adj pro
The adj pro has 1 sense
- pro -- (in favor of (an action or proposal etc.); "a pro vote")
Overview of adv pro
The adv pro has 1 sense
- pro -- (in favor of a proposition, opinion, etc.)