Compund Words
- aarp
- abamp
- abandoned ship
- abelian group
- abo group
- academicianship
- accountantship
- acetyl group
- acorn cup
- acquaintanceship
- acrocarp
- acyl group
- adapid group
- adenomatous polyp
- adp
- adrenergic agonist eyedrop
- aeolian harp
- aesop
- afp
- african bowstring hemp
- african hemp
- african tulip
- afterdamp
- age group
- agitprop
- aide-de-camp
- air group
- air pump
- airdrop
- airmanship
- airship
- airstrip
- aladdin's lamp
- alcohol group
- aldehyde group
- alep
- alfred krupp
- alkyl group
- alligator clip
- allyl group
- alp
- alphabet soup
- ambassadorship
- american hop
- amino group
- amp
- amphibole group
- ancestor worship
- angiocarp
- angle of dip
- animal-worship
- animal group
- anise hyssop
- anonymous ftp
- antwerp
- apostleship
- apothecary's shop
- apprenticeship
- arc lamp
- archbishop
- armed forces censorship
- armed islamic group
- arp
- arsenic group
- ascocarp
- asp
- associateship
- atp
- attorneyship
- authorship
- auxiliary pump
- azido group
- azo group
- backdrop
- backstop
- backup
- bacon strip
- bailiffship
- bakeshop
- balls-up
- ballup
- bap
- bar soap
- barbary sheep
- barbershop
- bargaining chip
- barkeep
- barrier strip
- baseball cap
- basidiocarp
- basketball hoop
- bath soap
- bathing cap
- battle group
- battleship
- bay scallop
- bean dip
- beauty shop
- beauty sleep
- bebop
- beep
- bellhop
- belly flop
- belly whop
- bench clamp
- benzoyl group
- benzyl group
- bermuda buttercup
- beta blocker eyedrop
- betting shop
- bible-worship
- bicycle clip
- bicycle pump
- big top
- bighorn sheep
- bilge pump
- bimetallic strip
- bimli hemp
- biochip
- biological group
- bishop
- bishop's cap
- bitmap
- black felt cup
- black sheep
- blackcap
- blackdamp
- blacktop
- blasting cap
- bleep
- blimp
- blip
- blood cup
- blood group
- blood kinship
- bloomsbury group
- blowing up
- blowlamp
- blowup
- blue chip
- blue skullcap
- blue tulip
- boatmanship
- bog hemp
- bombay hemp
- bone-ash cup
- booby trap
- bookshop
- boot camp
- bootstrap
- booze-up
- bop
- bopeep
- bottlecap
- bowstring hemp
- bracket creep
- brandysnap
- breakup
- brine shrimp
- bringing up
- brinkmanship
- broad jump
- brown cup
- brushup
- bucket shop
- buffalo chip
- buggy whip
- buildup
- bulldog clip
- bump
- burlap
- burnup
- burp
- bus stop
- business relationship
- bust-up
- butcher shop
- buttercup
- c-clamp
- cacodyl group
- cadetship
- calash top
- call up
- callathump
- caller-up
- callithump
- caltrop
- camp
- candlestick tulip
- cantaloup
- cap
- cape tulip
- capital ship
- captainship
- carbon arc lamp
- carbonyl group
- carboxyl group
- card sharp
- cardinalship
- cardsharp
- cargo ship
- carhop
- carp
- carrottop
- cartoon strip
- cartridge clip
- cash crop
- cassareep
- castile soap
- cat sleep
- catch crop
- catnap
- catnip
- catsup
- cattleship
- celery-leaved buttercup
- censorship
- centrifugal pump
- cervical cap
- cetchup
- ceylon bowstring hemp
- chairmanship
- chalcid wasp
- champ
- champagne cup
- championship
- chancellorship
- change-up
- chap
- chaplainship
- charred pancake cup
- checkup
- cheep
- cheese dip
- chemical group
- chemist's shop
- chicken coop
- chicken soup
- chieftainship
- chimneysweep
- chimp
- chin-up
- chin strap
- chip
- chirp
- chirrup
- chocolate syrup
- chokedamp
- chomp
- chop
- chop shop
- choropleth map
- chump
- citizenship
- civil censorship
- clam dip
- clamp
- clap
- claptrap
- claret cup
- clasp
- cleanup
- cleft lip
- cleistocarp
- clerkship
- clip
- clip-clop
- clipper ship
- clippety-clop
- clop
- closed loop
- closed shop
- closeup
- cloth cap
- clouding up
- clump
- co-op
- coachwhip
- cockup
- codswallop
- coffee cup
- coffee shop
- cold snap
- colonel blimp
- colorado river hemp
- combat ship
- comic strip
- commandership
- common buttercup
- common hop
- common wasp
- commutative group
- comp
- companionship
- compost heap
- comptrollership
- computer backup
- comradeship
- concentration camp
- condensation pump
- conic waxycap
- connoisseurship
- consulship
- container ship
- containership
- contour map
- controllership
- coonskin cap
- coop
- cop
- copartnership
- corbel step
- corbie-step
- corbiestep
- core dump
- core group
- corn chip
- corn syrup
- corp
- cottage tulip
- cough drop
- coughing up
- councillorship
- councilorship
- counsellorship
- counselorship
- countercoup
- countertop
- coup
- courtship
- cover-up
- cover crop
- cover slip
- cow chip
- cow parsnip
- cowslip
- crack-up
- cradle cap
- craftsmanship
- cramp
- crap
- creep
- creeping buttercup
- crimp
- crisp
- crop
- croup
- crow step
- crp
- crucian carp
- cruise ship
- crystal pickup
- cultivated parsnip
- cumberland gap
- cup
- curatorship
- cusp
- custodianship
- cut-up
- cyanide group
- cyano group
- cynipid gall wasp
- cynipid wasp
- dall's sheep
- dall sheep
- damp
- dance step
- darwin tulip
- davis cup
- davy lamp
- day camp
- dccp
- dead drop
- dealership
- deanship
- death camp
- death cap
- death cup
- deathtrap
- deccan hemp
- deep
- desert mariposa tulip
- desktop
- detention camp
- devil's turnip
- devil-worship
- dewdrop
- dewlap
- dflp
- diapason stop
- dice cup
- dictatorship
- diffusion pump
- digger wasp
- digging up
- dimetapp
- dip
- dipterocarp
- directorship
- discharge lamp
- discipleship
- distributor cap
- dixie cup
- dna chip
- dollop
- domestic carp
- domestic help
- domestic sheep
- donkey pump
- doo-wop
- doorstep
- doorstop
- double-prop
- double sharp
- dowager's hump
- dp
- draftsmanship
- dress shop
- drip
- drip loop
- droop
- drop
- dry mop
- drying up
- duchamp
- duck soup
- dump
- dunce's cap
- dunce cap
- dust mop
- dustmop
- dustup
- dwarf tulip
- eardrop
- earflap
- earlap
- editorship
- edp
- egg cup
- eggcup
- eggdrop soup
- ego trip
- eldership
- electric-discharge lamp
- electric lamp
- electrosleep
- elf cup
- elite group
- embroidery hoop
- employee ownership
- encounter group
- endocarp
- epicarp
- escallop
- escarp
- esop
- esp
- espresso shop
- eternal sleep
- ethanoyl group
- ethnic group
- ethyl group
- european hop
- exocarp
- eye-drop
- eye cup
- eyecup
- eyedrop
- face soap
- factory ship
- fairy cup
- fairy shrimp
- false deathcap
- family relationship
- feathertop
- feedback loop
- fellowship
- felt tip
- feudal lordship
- field crop
- field press censorship
- field trip
- fillip
- film clip
- filter tip
- fingertip
- fire-worship
- fire ship
- firedamp
- firetrap
- first of october antifascist resistance group
- first step
- fish-worship
- five-point bishop's cap
- fix-it shop
- flag stop
- flagship
- flap
- flare-up
- flash lamp
- flat cap
- flattop
- flight strip
- flip
- flip-flop
- flood lamp
- floor lamp
- flop
- floral cup
- florist shop
- flue stop
- fluorescent lamp
- flytrap
- foglamp
- follow-up
- followup
- food shop
- food stamp
- fool's cap
- foolscap
- footstep
- fop
- force pump
- foremanship
- foretop
- fosbury flop
- foul-up
- frame-up
- freudian slip
- friedrich krupp
- friendly relationship
- friendship
- frump
- ftp
- fuckup
- full stop
- furring strip
- gaap
- gall wasp
- gallop
- gallup
- gamesmanship
- gamp
- gap
- garbage dump
- garbage heap
- garbage pickup
- garrison cap
- gas-discharge lamp
- gas-turbine ship
- gas lamp
- gas pump
- gasoline pump
- gasp
- gaza strip
- gdp
- gem clip
- gene chip
- generalship
- generation gap
- genetic map
- genip
- genipap
- getup
- giant buttercup
- giant hyssop
- giant scallop
- gift shop
- gift wrap
- gimp
- ginep
- ginger pop
- ginger snap
- gingersnap
- giving up
- gjellerup
- glop
- glottal stop
- glow lamp
- gnp
- goldcup
- golden cup
- golden syrup
- golf cap
- goop
- goose bump
- goose step
- goosebump
- gop
- gossip
- governorship
- gp
- grace cup
- grasp
- greater scaup
- greater water parsnip
- green pea soup
- green soap
- green turtle soup
- grip
- ground loop
- group
- grownup
- grump
- guard ship
- guardianship
- guilt trip
- gulp
- gumdrop
- gymslip
- gyp
- hairgrip
- half-slip
- half step
- hand pump
- handclap
- handclasp
- handgrip
- handicap
- handstamp
- hang-up
- hans arp
- hap
- hardship
- hardtop
- harelip
- harp
- hasp
- hat shop
- head shop
- head trip
- headlamp
- headmastership
- headmistressship
- heads-up
- headship
- heap
- heat lamp
- heat pump
- helium group
- help
- hemp
- hencoop
- hero worship
- hiccup
- high-up
- high jump
- higher-up
- hilltop
- hip
- hip-hop
- hired help
- hobo camp
- holdup
- home help
- honey crisp
- hookup
- hoop
- hop
- hop-step-and-jump
- horned asp
- horsemanship
- horsewhip
- hospital ship
- house of worship
- housetop
- hp
- http
- hubcap
- hula-hoop
- human relationship
- humming top
- hump
- hunting crop
- huntsman's cup
- hurricane lamp
- hydraulic pump
- hydrazo group
- hydroxyl group
- hyssop
- ice cap
- icecap
- idol worship
- idp
- imp
- incandescent lamp
- indian hemp
- indian turnip
- indicator lamp
- infrared lamp
- ingroup
- inky cap
- inside loop
- inspectorship
- instep
- instructorship
- interest group
- intermittent cramp
- internment camp
- internship
- interrelationship
- intravenous drip
- invert soap
- ion pump
- iop
- ip
- iron trap
- ironmonger's shop
- islamic group
- ivp
- jap
- japanese hop
- jazz group
- jean arp
- jeep
- jew's harp
- jews' harp
- jockey cap
- jockstrap
- john howard northrop
- johnny-jump-up
- judgeship
- julep
- jump
- junk heap
- junk shop
- kaplan group
- karl gjellerup
- kathleen mansfield beauchamp
- keep
- kelp
- kerosene lamp
- kerosine lamp
- ketchup
- ketone group
- kick up
- kin group
- kingcup
- kingship
- kinship
- kinship group
- kip
- kitchen help
- kneecap
- kp
- krung thep
- krupp
- l-p
- labial stop
- labor camp
- labour camp
- ladies'-eardrop
- lady's-eardrop
- lady tulip
- lady with the lamp
- ladyship
- lamb-chop
- lamb chop
- lambchop
- lamp
- landing flap
- landing strip
- landslip
- lap
- lapp
- laptop
- large cap
- lash-up
- last gasp
- lay-up
- layup
- leadership
- leap
- leather carp
- leather soap
- leather strip
- lectureship
- legateship
- legislatorship
- lemon drop
- lens cap
- lentil soup
- lesser scaup
- letup
- liberty cap
- liberty ship
- librarianship
- libyan fighting group
- libyan islamic fighting group
- libyan islamic group
- lift pump
- lightship
- limp
- lindy hop
- lineup
- linkage group
- linkup
- lip
- liquid soap
- lisp
- lockstep
- lockup
- lollipop
- long jump
- lookup
- loop
- loop-the-loop
- lordship
- loving cup
- lp
- lucky dip
- lump
- machine shop
- mad-dog skullcap
- madcap
- madnep
- magilp
- magnetic dip
- maildrop
- make-up
- makeup
- malaprop
- malaysia militant group
- malaysian mujahidin group
- malicious gossip
- managership
- maned sheep
- manila hemp
- manilla hemp
- mantis shrimp
- mantrap
- map
- maple syrup
- marcel duchamp
- marco polo's sheep
- marco polo sheep
- mariposa tulip
- marital relationship
- marksmanship
- markup
- marshalship
- mason wasp
- mastership
- match-up
- matchup
- mathematical group
- maypop
- meadow buttercup
- measuring cup
- medical checkup
- megaflop
- megilp
- membership
- memory chip
- merchant ship
- mercury-vapor lamp
- mericarp
- merino sheep
- meryl streep
- mesocarp
- mess-up
- messiahship
- methyl group
- methylene group
- mexican hyssop
- mflop
- micro chip
- microchip
- microprocessor chip
- military censorship
- military group
- milkcap
- milksop
- mint julep
- miotic eyedrop
- miracle-worship
- mirror carp
- mishap
- misstep
- mix-up
- mobcap
- mobius strip
- mock-up
- mock turtle soup
- moderatorship
- monocarp
- moon-worship
- mop
- mop up
- motorcycle cop
- mountain sheep
- mousetrap
- moustache cup
- mouth harp
- mp
- muckheap
- mugwump
- musical group
- musicianship
- musk sheep
- mussel shrimp
- mustache cup
- mutton chop
- mvp
- nadp
- nap
- nares deep
- national censorship
- nature worship
- neap
- neon induction lamp
- neon lamp
- new york strip
- night-stop
- nightcap
- nincompoop
- nip
- nitro group
- nlp
- no-trump
- nonpartisanship
- nonrapid eye movement sleep
- nonstop
- northern scup
- northrop
- nosh-up
- novelty shop
- np
- nrem sleep
- nuclear-powered ship
- oarsmanship
- occupational group
- ocean trip
- oil lamp
- oil pump
- okefenokee swamp
- omomyid
- act up
- add up
- aggroup
- air-drop
- air-ship
- ante up
- back up
- backslap
- backstop
- ball up
- bang up
- bar hop
- bear up
- beat up
- bebop
- bed-hop
- bedhop
- beef up
- beep
- belly-flop
- belt up
- blacktop
- blaze up
- bleep
- block up
- blow up
- board up
- bob up
- bollix up
- bollocks up
- bolster up
- bomb up
- bone up
- book up
- boost up
- bootstrap
- bop
- botch up
- bottle up
- box up
- brace up
- break camp
- break up
- brick up
- bridle up
- bring up
- brisk up
- bristle up
- brush up
- bubble up
- buck up
- build up
- bump
- bump up
- bunch up
- bundle up
- buoy up
- burn up
- burp
- bust up
- butter up
- button up
- buy up
- call up
- camp
- cap
- carp
- carve up
- catch up
- catnap
- cause to sleep
- chain up
- chalk up
- champ
- chap
- charge up
- chat up
- cheep
- cheer up
- chew up
- chin up
- chip
- chirk up
- chirp
- chirrup
- chock up
- choke up
- chomp
- choose up
- chop
- chop up
- chum up
- churn up
- clam up
- clamp
- clap
- clap up
- clasp
- clean up
- clear up
- climb up
- clip
- clock up
- clog up
- clomp
- clop
- close up
- cloud up
- clump
- clutter up
- cobble up
- cock up
- come up
- comparison-shop
- conjure up
- cook up
- coop up
- cop
- cork up
- cotton up
- cough up
- couple up
- cover up
- cozy up
- crack up
- cramp
- crank up
- crap
- crap up
- creep
- creep up
- crimp
- crisp
- crock up
- crop
- crop up
- crump
- cup
- curl up
- cut up
- dam up
- damp
- date stamp
- decamp
- deck up
- develop
- dig up
- dip
- discerp
- dish up
- divvy up
- do up
- doctor up
- doll up
- dope up
- double up
- drag up
- drain the cup
- draw up
- dream up
- dredge up
- dress ship
- dress up
- drink up
- drip
- drive up
- droop
- drop
- drum up
- dry up
- dummy up
- dump
- earth up
- ease up
- eat up
- eavesdrop
- edge up
- egotrip
- encamp
- end up
- entrap
- envelop
- enwrap
- equip
- escallop
- even up
- face up
- faggot up
- fall asleep
- fancy up
- fatten up
- felt up
- fess up
- fetch up
- fig up
- fill up
- finish up
- fire up
- firm up
- fix up
- flame up
- flap
- flare up
- flip
- flip-flop
- flop
- fluff up
- flump
- fly the coop
- fog up
- fold up
- follow up
- foot up
- fork up
- fort up
- foul up
- frame up
- frap
- freshen up
- ftp
- fuck up
- furbish up
- gallop
- gang up
- gap
- gas up
- gasp
- gather up
- gawp
- gazump
- gear up
- get the jump
- get up
- gift-wrap
- gimp
- ginger up
- gip
- give up
- glam up
- go deep
- go to sleep
- go up
- gobble up
- goose step
- gossip
- grasp
- grip
- group
- grow up
- grub up
- gulp
- gum up
- gussy up
- gyp
- ham it up
- handicap
- handstamp
- hang up
- hap
- harp
- hasp
- haul up
- head up
- heap
- heap up
- heat up
- heave up
- hedgehop
- heft up
- help
- hero-worship
- hiccup
- hike up
- hit it up
- hitch up
- hive up
- hold up
- hole up
- hook up
- hoop
- hop
- hop-skip
- hop up
- horsewhip
- hot up
- housekeep
- hump
- hush up
- hype up
- ice up
- island hop
- jack up
- jazz up
- jolly up
- juice up
- jump
- keep
- keep step
- keep up
- kick up
- kidnap
- kink up
- kip
- kit up
- knap
- kneecap
- knock up
- lace up
- land up
- lap
- lap up
- larrup
- lay up
- lead up
- leap
- let up
- lift up
- light up
- lighten up
- limber up
- limp
- line up
- link up
- lisp
- live it up
- liven up
- load up
- lock up
- log up
- lollop
- look sharp
- look up
- loop
- loosen up
- lop
- louse up
- lump
- make up
- map
- mark up
- mat up
- matt-up
- matte up
- measure up
- mess up
- mix up
- mock up
- mop
- mop up
- mount up
- move up
- muck up
- muddy up
- mug up
- muster up
- namedrop
- nap
- nip
- offer up
- one-step
- open up
- outcrop
- outstrip
- overcrop
- overlap
- overleap
- oversleep
- overstep
- overtop
- overtrump
- own up
- pace
- pacify
- pack
- pack on
- pack together
- package
- pad
- paddle
- padlock
- paganise
- paganize
- page
- paginate
- pain
- paint
- paint a picture
- paint the lily
- pair
- pair off
- pal
- pal up
- palatalise
- palatalize
- palaver
- pale
- palisade
- pall
- palliate
- palm
- palm off
- palpate
- palpebrate
- palpitate
- palsy
- palter
- pamper
- pan
- pan-broil
- pan-fry
- pan off
- pan out
- pan roast
- pander
- panel
- panhandle
- panic
- pant
- pant-hoot
- pantomime
- paper
- par
- parachute
- parade
- paragraph
- parallel
- parallel-park
- parallelize
- paralyse
- paralyze
- paraphrase
- parboil
- parcel
- parcel out
- parch
- pardon
- pare
- pare down
- parent
- parget
- park
- parlay
- parley
- parody
- parole
- parrot
- parry
- parse
- part
- part with
- partake
- partake in
- parti-color
- participate
- particularise
- particularize
- partition
- partition off
- partner
- partner off
- party
- pass
- pass across
- pass along
- pass around
- pass away
- pass by
- pass judgment
- pass off
- pass on
- pass out
- pass over
- pass through
- pass up
- pass water
- pass with flying colors
- paste
- pasteurise
- pasteurize
- pasture
- pat
- patch
- patch up
- patent
- patinate
- patinise
- patinize
- patrol
- patronage
- patronise
- patronize
- patter
- pattern
- pattern-bomb
- pauperise
- pauperize
- pause
- pave
- paw
- pawn
- pay
- pay back
- pay cash
- pay for
- pay heed
- pay off
- pay out
- pay up
- peach
- peak
- peal
- pearl
- peck
- peck at
- peculate
- pedal
- peddle
- pedicure
- pee
- pee-pee
- peek
- peel
- peel off
- peep
- peer
- peer review
- peeve
- peg
- peg away
- peg down
- pelt
- pelt along
- pen
- pen up
- penalise
- penalize
- pencil
- penetrate
- penny-pinch
- pension
- pension off
- people
- pep up
- pepper
- peptise
- peptize
- perambulate
- perceive
- perch
- percolate
- percuss
- peregrinate
- perennate
- perfect
- perforate
- perform
- perfume
- perfuse
- peril
- perish
- perjure
- perk
- perk up
- perm
- permeate
- permit
- permute
- perorate
- peroxide
- perpetrate
- perpetuate
- perplex
- persecute
- perseverate
- persevere
- persist
- persist in
- personalise
- personalize
- personate
- personify
- perspire
- persuade
- pertain
- perturb
- peruse
- pervade
- pervaporate
- pervert
- pester
- pestle
- pet
- peter out
- petition
- petrify
- pettifog
- phase
- phase in
- phase out
- philander
- philosophise
- philosophize
- phlebotomise
- phlebotomize
- phonate
- phone
- phosphoresce
- photocopy
- photograph
- photosensitise
- photosensitize
- photostat
- phrase
- pick
- pick apart
- pick at
- pick off
- pick out
- pick over
- pick up
- pick up the gauntlet
- picket
- pickle
- picnic
- picture
- piddle
- piddle away
- piece
- piece-dye
- pierce
- piffle
- pig
- pig it
- pig out
- pigeonhole
- piggyback
- pigment
- pile
- pile up
- pilfer
- pillage
- pillory
- pillow
- pilot
- pimp
- pin
- pin down
- pin up
- pinch
- pine
- pine away
- ping
- pinion
- pink
- pinkify
- pinnacle
- pinpoint
- pioneer
- pip
- pip out
- pipe
- pipe-clay
- pipe down
- pipe in
- pipe up
- pique
- pirate
- pirouette
- piss
- pistol-whip
- pit
- pitch
- pitch in
- pitch into
- pitchfork
- pith
- pitter-patter
- pity
- pivot
- placard
- placate
- place
- place-kick
- place down
- place upright
- plagiarise
- plagiarize
- plague
- plain
- plait
- plan
- plane
- plank
- plank down
- plank over
- plant
- plash
- plaster
- plaster over
- plasticise
- plasticize
- plastinate
- plat
- plate
- platinize
- platitudinize
- play
- play a joke on
- play a trick on
- play along
- play around
- play back
- play down
- play false
- play hooky
- play it by ear
- play off
- play out
- play possum
- play tricks
- play up
- playact
- plea-bargain
- pleach
- plead
- please
- pleat
- pledge
- plicate
- plight
- plod
- plonk
- plonk down
- plop
- plot
- plough
- plough on
- plow
- plow ahead
- pluck
- pluck at
- plug
- plug away
- plug in
- plug into
- plumb
- plume
- plummet
- plump
- plump down
- plump for
- plump in
- plump out
- plump up
- plunder
- plunge
- plunk
- plunk down
- plunk for
- pluralise
- pluralize
- ply
- poach
- pock
- pockmark
- pod
- podcast
- poetise
- poetize
- point
- point jam
- point out
- point the way
- point up
- poise
- poison
- poke
- poke at
- poke fun
- poke into
- poke out
- polarise
- polarize
- pole
- poleax
- poleaxe
- polemicise
- polemicize
- polemise
- polemize
- police
- polish
- polish off
- polish up
- politicise
- politicize
- politick
- polka
- poll
- pollard
- pollenate
- pollinate
- pollute
- polychrome
- polychromise
- polychromize
- polymerise
- polymerize
- pomade
- pommel
- pompadour
- ponder
- poniard
- pontificate
- pony up
- pooch
- pooch out
- pooh-pooh
- pool
- poop out
- pop
- pop in
- pop off
- pop out
- pop the question
- pop up
- popularise
- popularize
- populate
- porcelainize
- pore
- port
- portend
- porter
- portion
- portion out
- portray
- pose
- posit
- position
- possess
- post
- postdate
- postmark
- postpone
- postpose
- postulate
- posture
- pot
- potentiate
- pother
- potter
- potter around
- pouch
- poultice
- pounce
- pound
- pound off
- pound up
- pour
- pour cold water on
- pour down
- pour forth
- pour out
- pout
- powder
- powderise
- powderize
- power
- power-dive
- powerwash
- powwow
- practice
- practice bundling
- practise
- praise
- prance
- prang
- prang up
- prank
- prate
- prattle
- prawn
- pray
- preach
- preachify
- preamble
- prearrange
- preassemble
- precede
- precess
- precipitate
- precis
- preclude
- preconceive
- precondition
- precook
- predate
- predecease
- predestinate
- predestine
- predetermine
- predicate
- predict
- predigest
- predispose
- predominate
- preempt
- preen
- preexist
- prefabricate
- preface
- prefer
- prefigure
- prefix
- preform
- preheat
- prehend
- preisolate
- prejudge
- prejudice
- prelude
- premeditate
- premier
- premiere
- premise
- premiss
- preoccupy
- preordain
- prepare
- prepare for
- prepay
- preponderate
- prepose
- prepossess
- prerecord
- presage
- prescribe
- present
- preserve
- preside
- press
- press down
- press down on
- press home
- press on
- press out
- pressure
- pressure-cook
- pressure-wash
- pressurise
- pressurize
- presume
- presuppose
- pretend
- pretermit
- prettify
- pretty up
- prevail
- prevaricate
- prevent
- preview
- previse
- prey
- price
- prick
- prick up
- prickle
- pride
- pride oneself
- prim
- prim out
- prim up
- prime
- primp
- prink
- print over
- prioritise
- prioritize
- prise
- privatise
- privatize
- privilege
- prize
- prizefight
- probate
- probe
- proceed
- process
- proclaim
- procrastinate
- procreate
- proctor
- procure
- prod
- produce
- profane
- profess
- professionalise
- professionalize
- proffer
- profile
- profit
- profiteer
- prognosticate
- program
- programme
- progress
- progress to
- prohibit
- project
- prolapse
- proliferate
- prologise
- prologize
- prologuize
- prolong
- promenade
- promise
- promote
- prompt
- promulgate
- pronate
- pronk
- pronounce
- proof
- proofread
- prop
- prop up
- propagandise
- propagandize
- propagate
- propel
- prophesy
- propitiate
- proportion
- propose
- proposition
- propound
- prorate
- prorogue
- proscribe
- prosecute
- proselytise
- proselytize
- prospect
- prosper
- prostitute
- prostrate
- protect
- protest
- protract
- protrude
- protuberate
- prove
- prove oneself
- provide
- provision
- provoke
- prowl
- prune
- pry
- psalm
- psych up
- psychoanalyse
- psychoanalyze
- ptyalise
- ptyalize
- pub-crawl
- publicise
- publicize
- publish
- pucker
- puddle
- puff
- puff out
- puff up
- puke
- pule
- pull
- pull a face
- pull a fast one on
- pull ahead
- pull along
- pull at
- pull away
- pull back
- pull down
- pull in
- pull in one's horns
- pull off
- pull one's weight
- pull out
- pull out all the stops
- pull over
- pull round
- pull someone's leg
- pull strings
- pull the leg of
- pull the plug
- pull the wool over someone's eyes
- pull through
- pull together
- pull up
- pull up short
- pull up stakes
- pull wires
- pullulate
- pullulate with
- pulp
- pulsate
- pulse
- pulverise
- pulverize
- pumice
- pummel
- pump
- pun
- punch
- punch in
- punch out
- punctuate
- puncture
- punish
- punt
- pup
- pupate
- purchase
- puree
- purge
- purify
- purl
- purl stitch
- purloin
- purple
- purport
- purpose
- purpurate
- purr
- purse
- pursue
- purvey
- push
- push around
- push aside
- push away
- push back
- push down
- push forward
- push on
- push out
- push through
- push up
- pussyfoot
- put
- put across
- put aside
- put away
- put back
- put behind bars
- put down
- put forward
- put in
- put off
- put on
- put on airs
- put on the line
- put one across
- put one over
- put out
- put out feelers
- put over
- put right
- put through
- put to death
- put to sleep
- put to work
- put together
- put under
- put up
- putrefy
- putt
- putter
- putter around
- putty
- puzzle
- puzzle out
- puzzle over
- pyramid
- queue up
- quicks
- amidship
- ankle-deep
- asleep
- atrip
- bang-up
- beat-up
- beaten-up
- beefed-up
- belly-up
- blown-up
- blue-chip
- bottom-up
- bound up
- bucked up
- built-up
- bundled-up
- buttoned-up
- camp
- caught up
- cheap
- churned-up
- cock-a-hoop
- crisp
- cut up
- damp
- deep
- dirt cheap
- divided up
- dolled up
- dressed-up
- dried-up
- fast asleep
- fed up
- field-crop
- flat-top
- flip
- fucked-up
- grownup
- hard up
- heads-up
- heated up
- hep
- het up
- high-top
- hip
- hopped-up
- hushed-up
- intragroup
- jumped-up
- kept up
- knee-deep
- laid up
- large-cap
- lighting-up
- limp
- madcap
- made-up
- marked-up
- mixed-up
- neck-deep
- nonslip
- nonstop
- on tap
- over-the-top
- p.m.
- pachydermal
- pachydermatous
- pachydermic
- pachydermous
- pacific
- pacifist
- pacifistic
- packable
- packaged
- packed
- padded
- paddle-shaped
- paederastic
- paediatric
- pagan
- paid
- paid-up
- pain-free
- pained
- painful
- painless
- painstaking
- paintable
- painted
- painterly
- paired
- pakistani
- palaeolithic
- palaeontological
- palatable
- palatal
- palatalised
- palatalized
- palatial
- palatine
- palatoglossal
- pale
- pale-colored
- pale-faced
- pale-hued
- pale blue
- paleoanthropological
- paleocortical
- paleolithic
- paleontological
- paleozoic
- palestinian
- palingenetic
- palish
- palladian
- palliative
- pallid
- pally
- palm-shaped
- palmar
- palmate
- palmately-lobed
- palmatifid
- palmlike
- palmy
- palpable
- palpatory
- palpebrate
- palpitant
- palpitating
- palsied
- palsy-walsy
- paltry
- pampering
- pan-hellenic
- panamanian
- pancake-like
- pancake-style
- pancreatic
- pandemic
- pandurate
- panduriform
- panegyric
- panegyrical
- paneled
- panhellenic
- panic-stricken
- panic-struck
- panicked
- panicky
- panicled
- paniculate
- panoplied
- panoptic
- panoptical
- panoramic
- pantalooned
- pantheist
- pantheistic
- pantropic
- pantropical
- papal
- paper thin
- paperback
- paperbacked
- paperlike
- papery
- papillary
- papillate
- papilliform
- papillose
- papist
- papistic
- papistical
- pappose
- papuan
- parabolic
- parabolical
- paraboloidal
- paradigmatic
- paradisaic
- paradisaical
- paradisal
- paradisiac
- paradisiacal
- paradoxical
- paraguayan
- parallel
- paralytic
- paralytical
- paralyzed
- paramagnetic
- paramedical
- parametric
- paramilitary
- paramount
- paranasal
- paranoid
- paranormal
- paraphrastic
- paraplegic
- parapsychological
- parasitic
- parasitical
- parasiticidal
- parasympathetic
- parasympathomimetic
- parceled out
- parched
- pardonable
- parental
- parented
- parenteral
- parenthetic
- parenthetical
- parentless
- pareve
- parheliacal
- parhelic
- parietal
- paripinnate
- parisian
- parked
- parky
- parliamentary
- parlous
- parochial
- paroicous
- parotid
- parous
- paroxysmal
- parrotlike
- parsimonious
- part-time
- parted
- parthenogenetic
- parthian
- partial
- partible
- participating
- participatory
- participial
- particolored
- particoloured
- particular
- particularised
- particularistic
- particularized
- particulate
- partisan
- partitive
- partizan
- parttime
- parturient
- party-spirited
- parve
- parvenu
- parvenue
- paschal
- pass
- passable
- passant
- passe
- passee
- passerine
- passing
- passionate
- passionless
- passive
- past
- pasted
- pastel
- pastel-colored
- pastelike
- pasteurian
- pasteurised
- pasteurized
- pastoral
- pasty
- pat
- patched
- patchy
- patellar
- patelliform
- patent
- patented
- paternal
- paternalistic
- pathetic
- pathless
- pathogenic
- pathologic
- pathological
- patient
- patient of
- patriarchal
- patriarchic
- patricentric
- patrician
- patrilineal
- patrilinear
- patrimonial
- patriotic
- patristic
- patristical
- patronised
- patronising
- patronized
- patronizing
- patronless
- patronymic
- patterned
- pauline
- paunchy
- paved
- pavlovian
- pawky
- payable
- paying
- paying attention
- pea-green
- peace-loving
- peaceable
- peaceful
- peacekeeping
- peach-colored
- peachy
- peachy-colored
- peachy-coloured
- peacock-blue
- peaked
- peaky
- peanut
- pear-shaped
- pearl gray
- pearl grey
- pearlescent
- pearly
- pearly-white
- peaty
- pebble-grained
- pebbly
- peccable
- peccant
- peckish
- pectic
- pectinate
- pectineal
- pectoral
- peculiar
- pecuniary
- pedagogic
- pedagogical
- pedal
- pedantic
- pedate
- pederastic
- pedestrian
- pediatric
- pedigree
- pedigreed
- pedunculate
- peeled
- peerless
- peeved
- peevish
- pegged-down
- pejorative
- pelagic
- pelecypod
- pelecypodous
- pell-mell
- pellucid
- peloponnesian
- peltate
- pelvic
- pemphigous
- penal
- penciled
- pencilled
- pendant
- pendent
- pending
- pendulous
- penetrable
- penetrating
- penetrative
- penial
- penicillin-resistant
- penile
- peninsular
- penitent
- penitential
- penitentiary
- pennate
- penniless
- penny-pinching
- penny-wise
- pensionable
- pensive
- pent
- pent-up
- pentagonal
- pentamerous
- pentangular
- pentasyllabic
- pentatonic
- pentavalent
- pentecostal
- penultimate
- penumbral
- penurious
- peopled
- peppery
- peppy
- peptic
- per capita
- perambulating
- perceivable
- perceived
- perceptible
- perceptive
- perceptual
- percipient
- percussive
- percutaneous
- perdurable
- peregrine
- peremptory
- perennial
- perfect
- perfected
- perfectible
- perfervid
- perfidious
- perfoliate
- perforate
- perforated
- perfumed
- perfunctory
- perianal
- pericardiac
- pericardial
- perigonal
- perilous
- perinasal
- perinatal
- perineal
- periodic
- periodical
- periodontal
- periodontic
- peripatetic
- peripheral
- periphrastic
- peripteral
- perirhinal
- perishable
- peristylar
- perithelial
- peritoneal
- peritrichous
- periwigged
- perked up
- perky
- permanent
- permanent-press
- permeable
- permeant
- permeating
- permeative
- permed
- permissible
- permissive
- permutable
- pernicious
- pernickety
- peroneal
- perpendicular
- perpetual
- perplexed
- perplexing
- persevering
- persian
- persistent
- persisting
- persnickety
- person-to-person
- personable
- personal
- personalised
- personalized
- perspicacious
- perspicuous
- persuadable
- persuasible
- persuasive
- pert
- pertinacious
- pertinent
- perturbed
- perturbing
- peruked
- peruvian
- pervasive
- perverse
- perversive
- perverted
- pervious
- pesky
- pessimal
- pessimistic
- pessimum
- pestered
- pestering
- pestiferous
- pestilent
- pestilential
- pet
- petal-like
- petaled
- petalled
- petalless
- petallike
- petaloid
- petalous
- petite
- petitionary
- petrifying
- petrous
- petticoated
- pettish
- petty
- petulant
- phagocytic
- phalangeal
- phallic
- phantasmagoric
- phantasmagorical
- phantasmal
- phantom
- pharaonic
- pharisaic
- pharisaical
- pharmaceutic
- pharmaceutical
- pharmacologic
- pharmacological
- pharyngeal
- phenomenal
- phenotypic
- phenotypical
- philanthropic
- philatelic
- philatelical
- philharmonic
- philhellene
- philhellenic
- philippine
- philistine
- philological
- philosophic
- philosophical
- phlegmatic
- phlegmatical
- phlegmy
- phobic
- phocine
- phoenician
- phonemic
- phonetic
- phoney
- phonic
- phonogramic
- phonologic
- phonological
- phony
- phosphorescent
- phosphoric
- phosphorous
- photic
- photochemical
- photoconductive
- photoelectric
- photoelectrical
- photoemissive
- photogenic
- photographic
- photomechanical
- photometric
- photometrical
- photosensitive
- photosynthetic
- photovoltaic
- phrasal
- phreatic
- phrenetic
- phrenic
- phrenological
- phyletic
- phylliform
- phyllodial
- phylogenetic
- physical
- physicochemical
- physiologic
- physiological
- physiotherapeutic
- phytophagic
- phytophagous
- phytophilous
- piagetian
- pianissimo
- pianissimo assai
- pianistic
- piano
- picaresque
- picayune
- pickled
- picky
- pictographic
- pictorial
- pictural
- pictured
- picturesque
- piddling
- pie-eyed
- piebald
- piecemeal
- pied
- pierced
- piercing
- pietistic
- pietistical
- piezoelectric
- piffling
- pig-sized
- pigeon-breasted
- pigeon-toed
- piggish
- piggy
- pigheaded
- pilar
- pilary
- pillaged
- pillar-shaped
- pillared
- pilose
- pilosebaceous
- pilotless
- pilous
- pimpled
- pimply
- pinchbeck
- pinched
- pineal
- pinioned
- pink
- pink-collar
- pink-lavender
- pink-orange
- pink-purple
- pink-red
- pink-slipped
- pink-tinged
- pink-tipped
- pinkish
- pinkish-lavender
- pinkish-orange
- pinkish-purple
- pinkish-white
- pinnate
- pinnate-leafed
- pinnate-leaved
- pinnated
- pinnatifid
- pinnatisect
- pinstriped
- pint-size
- pint-sized
- pinwheel-shaped
- pious
- piquant
- piratical
- piscatorial
- piscatory
- piscine
- piscivorous
- pissed
- pissed off
- pistillate
- pitch-black
- pitch-dark
- pitched
- pitcher-shaped
- pitchy
- piteous
- pithy
- pitiable
- pitiful
- pitiless
- pitted
- pituitary
- pivotal
- pixilated
- pizzicato
- placable
- placating
- placative
- placatory
- placeable
- placed
- placental
- placid
- placoid
- plagiarised
- plagiaristic
- plagiarized
- plagioclastic
- plaguey
- plaguy
- plain
- plain-woven
- plainspoken
- plaintive
- planar
- planate
- plane
- plane-polarized
- planetal
- planetary
- plangent
- planktonic
- planless
- planned
- planoconcave
- planoconvex
- planographic
- plant-eating
- plantal
- plantar
- planted
- plantigrade
- plastered
- plastic
- platelike
- platinum-blonde
- platitudinal
- platitudinous
- platonic
- platonistic
- platyrhine
- platyrhinian
- platyrrhine
- platyrrhinian
- platyrrhinic
- plausible
- plausive
- playable
- played
- played out
- playful
- pleading
- pleasant
- pleasant-smelling
- pleasant-tasting
- pleased
- pleasing
- pleasurable
- plebeian
- pledged
- plenary
- plenteous
- plentiful
- pleochroic
- pleomorphic
- pleonastic
- plethoric
- pleural
- pleurocarpous
- pliable
- pliant
- plodding
- plotted
- ploughed
- plowed
- plucked
- plucky
- plugged
- plumaged
- plumate
- plumb
- plumbable
- plumbaginaceous
- plumbic
- plumbous
- plume-tipped
- plumed
- plumelike
- plumlike
- plummy
- plumose
- plump
- plumping
- plumy
- plundered
- plundering
- pluperfect
- plural
- pluralistic
- plus
- plush
- plush-like
- plushy
- plutocratic
- plutocratical
- plutonian
- plutonic
- pneumatic
- pneumococcal
- pneumogastric
- pneumonic
- po-faced
- poached
- pocked
- pocket-size
- pocket-sized
- pocketable
- pockmarked
- podgy
- podlike
- poetic
- poetical
- poignant
- poikilothermic
- poikilothermous
- point-blank
- point-of-sale
- pointed
- pointed-toe
- pointillist
- pointillistic
- pointless
- pointy-toed
- poised
- poisonous
- poker-faced
- pokey
- poky
- polar
- polarographic
- pole-handled
- polemic
- polemical
- polemoniaceous
- policy-making
- polish
- polished
- polite
- politic
- political
- politically correct
- politically incorrect
- polluted
- pollyannaish
- poltroon
- polyandrous
- polyatomic
- polychromatic
- polychrome
- polychromic
- polycrystalline
- polydactyl
- polydactylous
- polyestrous
- polygamous
- polygenic
- polyglot
- polygonal
- polygynous
- polyhedral
- polymeric
- polymorphemic
- polymorphic
- polymorphous
- polynesian
- polynomial
- polyoestrous
- polyoicous
- polypetalous
- polyphase
- polyphonic
- polyphonous
- polyploid
- polysemantic
- polysemous
- polysyllabic
- polysynthetic
- polytheistic
- polytonal
- polyunsaturated
- polyvalent
- pomaded
- pompous
- ponderable
- pondering
- ponderous
- pontifical
- poor
- poor-spirited
- poorly
- pop
- popeyed
- popish
- popliteal
- popular
- populated
- populous
- porcine
- poriferous
- pornographic
- porose
- porous
- porphyritic
- port
- portable
- portentous
- porticoed
- portly
- portrayed
- portuguese
- posed
- posh
- positionable
- positional
- positioning
- positive
- positively charged
- positivist
- positivistic
- possessed
- possessive
- possible
- post-communist
- post-free
- post meridiem
- postal
- postbiblical
- postdiluvian
- postdoctoral
- posted
- posterior
- postexilic
- postganglionic
- postglacial
- postgraduate
- posthumous
- postictal
- postindustrial
- postmenopausal
- postmeridian
- postmillennial
- postmodern
- postmodernist
- postmortal
- postmortem
- postnatal
- postnuptial
- postoperative
- postpaid
- postpartum
- postpositive
- postprandial
- postulational
- postural
- postwar
- pot-trained
- potable
- potbellied
- potbound
- potent
- potential
- potholed
- potted
- potty
- potty-train
- amidship
- as a group
- asap
- asleep
- atop
- breast-deep
- chop-chop
- close up
- deep
- flip-flap
- flop
- high up
- higher up
- knee-deep
- mayhap
- nonstop
- p.a.
- p.m.
- pacifically
- pacifistically
- painfully
- painlessly
- painstakingly
- palatably
- palely
- pallidly
- palmately
- palpably
- par excellence
- paradoxically
- parasitically
- pardonably
- parentally
- parenterally
- parenthetically
- pari passu
- parochially
- part
- part-time
- partially
- particularly
- partly
- passably
- passim
- passing
- passionately
- passively
- past
- pat
- patchily
- patently
- paternally
- pathetically
- pathogenically
- pathologically
- patiently
- patrilineally
- patriotically
- patronisingly
- patronizingly
- peaceably
- peacefully
- peculiarly
- pedagogically
- pedantically
- peevishly
- pejoratively
- pell-mell
- pellucidly
- penally
- penetratingly
- penetratively
- penitentially
- penitently
- pensively
- penuriously
- per annum
- per capita
- per diem
- per se
- per year
- peradventure
- perceptibly
- perceptively
- perceptually
- perchance
- peremptorily
- perennially
- perfectly
- perfidiously
- perforce
- perfunctorily
- perhaps
- perilously
- periodically
- peripherally
- perkily
- permanently
- permissibly
- permissively
- perniciously
- perpendicularly
- perpetually
- perplexedly
- perseveringly
- persistently
- person-to-person
- personally
- perspicuously
- persuasively
- pertinaciously
- pertinently
- pertly
- pervasively
- perversely
- pessimistically
- pettily
- pettishly
- petulantly
- pharmacologically
- phenomenally
- philanthropically
- philatelically
- philosophically
- phlegmatically
- phonemic
- phonetically
- photoelectrically
- photographically
- photometrically
- phylogenetically
- physically
- physiologically
- pianissimo
- piano
- pickaback
- pictorially
- picturesquely
- piecemeal
- piercingly
- pig-a-back
- pig-headedly
- piggishly
- piggyback
- pinnately
- piously
- piping
- piquantly
- piratically
- pit-a-pat
- piteously
- pithily
- pitiably
- pitifully
- pitilessly
- pitter-patter
- pitty-pat
- pitty-patty
- pityingly
- pizzicato
- placatingly
- placidly
- plaguey
- plaguily
- plaguy
- plain
- plainly
- plaintively
- plastically
- plausibly
- playfully
- pleadingly
- pleasantly
- please
- pleasingly
- pleasurably
- plenarily
- plenteously
- plentifully
- plenty
- ploddingly
- plop
- pluckily
- plum
- plumb
- plump
- plunk
- pneumatically
- poetically
- poignantly
- point-blank
- pointedly
- pointlessly
- poisonously
- polemically
- politely
- politically
- polygonally
- polyphonically
- polysyllabically
- pompously
- ponderously
- poorly
- pop
- popishly
- popularly
- pornographically
- portentously
- positively
- possessively
- possibly
- post-free
- post-haste
- post-paid
- post meridiem
- posthumously
- postoperatively
- potentially
- potently
- poutingly
- powerful
- powerfully
- powerlessly
- practicably
- practically
- pragmatically
- praiseworthily
- pre-eminently
- precariously
- precedentedly
- precious
- preciously
- precipitately
- precipitously
- precisely
- precociously
- predicatively
- predictably
- predominantly
- preeminently
- preferably
- preferentially
- prematurely
- preponderantly
- prepositionally
- preposterously
- presciently
- presentably
- presently
- presidentially
- pressingly
- prestissimo
- presto
- presumably
- presumptively
- presumptuously
- pretentiously
- preternaturally
- prettily
- pretty
- pretty much
- previously
- priggishly
- prima facie
- primarily
- primitively
- primly
- principally
- prissily
- privately
- privily
- prn
- pro
- pro forma
- pro rata
- pro re nata
- pro tem
- pro tempore
- probabilistically
- probably
- problematically
- prodigally
- prodigiously
- productively
- profanely
- professedly
- professionally
- professorially
- proficiently
- profitably
- profitlessly
- profligately
- profoundly
- profusely
- progressively
- prohibitively
- prominently
- promiscuously
- promisingly
- promptly
- pronto
- properly
- properly speaking
- prophetically
- propitiously
- proportionally
- proportionately
- prosaically
- prosily
- prosperously
- protectively
- protractedly
- proudly
- provably
- proverbially
- providentially
- providently
- provincially
- provisionally
- provocatively
- provokingly
- prudently
- prudishly
- pruriently
- pryingly
- psychically
- psychologically
- publically
- publicly
- puckishly
- pugnaciously
- punctiliously
- punctually
- pungently
- punily
- punishingly
- punitively
- punitorily
- purely
- puritanically
- purportedly
- purposefully
- purposelessly
- purposely
- pusillanimously
- put differently
- pyramidically
- sharp
- slap
- step by step
- tip-top
- unable to help
- up
- waist-deep
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Search Result:P
KK Pronunciation
〔 pi 〕
〔 pi: 〕
Overview of noun p
The noun p has 2 senses
- phosphorus, P, atomic number 15 -- (a multivalent nonmetallic element of the nitrogen family that occurs commonly in inorganic phosphate rocks and as organic phosphates in all living cells; is highly reactive and occurs in several allotropic forms)
- P, p -- (the 16th letter of the Roman alphabet)