Compund Words
- 12-tone system
- 1st baron verulam
- a-team
- abdominal aortic aneurysm
- able-bodiedism
- able-bodism
- ableism
- ablism
- abm
- abo blood group system
- abo system
- abohm
- abolitionism
- abomasum
- abraham
- abraham's bosom
- absenteeism
- absolutism
- absorption spectrum
- abstract expressionism
- abstractionism
- abysm
- academic freedom
- academic program
- academic term
- academicism
- academism
- acanthocybium
- accentual system
- acclaim
- accounting firm
- accounting system
- accroides gum
- acephalism
- acer argutum
- acer circinatum
- acer glabrum
- acer japonicum
- acer macrophyllum
- acer negundo californicum
- acer palmatum
- acer pennsylvanicum
- acer rubrum
- acer saccharinum
- acer saccharum
- acer spicatum
- acetabulum
- acetum
- achillea millefolium
- achromatism
- acid-base equilibrium
- aconitum
- aconitum lycoctonum
- acoustic modem
- acoustic spectrum
- acroclinium
- acroclinium roseum
- acronym
- acrostichum
- acrostichum aureum
- act of terrorism
- actinism
- actinium
- action mechanism
- action spectrum
- actium
- activism
- adactylism
- adam
- addendum
- adenium
- adenium multiflorum
- adenium obesum
- adiantum
- adiantum bellum
- adiantum pedatum
- adiantum tenerum
- adjoining room
- adp system
- adventism
- adventurism
- aecium
- aeonium
- aeroembolism
- aerogram
- aesculus hippocastanum
- aethusa cynapium
- aframomum
- african oil palm
- agastache foeniculum
- age norm
- ageism
- agenda item
- agendum
- ageratum
- ageratum houstonianum
- agism
- aglaonema modestum
- agnosticism
- agrobacterium
- agropyron cristatum
- agropyron intermedium
- agropyron pauciflorum
- agropyron subsecundum
- agropyron trachycaulum
- ahem
- ailanthus silkworm
- aim
- air embolism
- air transportation system
- airstream
- al-hakim
- al-hasan ibn al-haytham
- al-haytham
- alarm
- alarm system
- alarmism
- alarum
- alastrim
- albigensianism
- albinism
- album
- alcoholism
- aldosteronism
- algorism
- algorithm
- algorithmic program
- alienism
- alleghany plum
- allegheny plum
- allium
- allium acuminatum
- allium ampeloprasum
- allium ascalonicum
- allium carinatum
- allium cepa aggregatum
- allium cepa viviparum
- allium cernuum
- allium fistulosum
- allium neopolitanum
- allium paradoxum
- allium porrum
- allium sativum
- allium schoenoprasum
- allium scorodoprasum
- allium sphaerocephalum
- allium tricoccum
- allium triquetrum
- allium tuberosum
- allium ursinum
- allomerism
- allotropism
- alluvium
- alpha geminorum
- alpha rhythm
- alpinia officinarum
- alpinism
- alprazolam
- altruism
- alum
- alumbloom
- aluminium
- aluminum
- alundum
- alyssum
- am
- amalgam
- amateurism
- ambulacrum
- ambystoma maculatum
- ambystoma mexicanum
- ambystoma talpoideum
- ambystoma tigrinum
- american dream
- american elm
- american hornbeam
- american oil palm
- american red plum
- american sweet gum
- americanism
- americium
- amianthum
- amianthum muscaetoxicum
- amianthum muscitoxicum
- ammobium
- ammobium alatum
- ammonia alum
- ammonium
- ammonium alum
- amobarbital sodium
- amoralism
- amorphophallus titanum
- amphitheatrum flavium
- amsterdam
- amylum
- anabaptism
- anabolism
- anacardium
- anachronism
- anacyclus pyrethrum
- anagram
- anaheim
- analphabetism
- analytical cubism
- anamorphism
- anarchism
- androecium
- anestrum
- anethum
- aneurism
- aneurysm
- angelim
- angiocardiogram
- angiogram
- angiosperm
- angleworm
- anglicanism
- anglicism
- anglo-catholicism
- angraecum
- angrecum
- angstrom
- angular momentum
- animal kingdom
- animal magnetism
- animalculum
- animalism
- animatism
- animism
- annam
- annelid worm
- annum
- anoestrum
- anomia ephippium
- anonym
- anorchidism
- anorchism
- ansar al-islam
- ansar al islam
- anselm
- antagonism
- anteroom
- anthem
- anthericum
- antheridium
- anthidium
- anthriscus cereifolium
- anthropocentrism
- anthropomorphism
- anthurium
- anthurium andraeanum
- anthurium scherzerianum
- anti-catholicism
- anti-semitism
- anti-virus program
- antiestablishmentarianism
- antiestablishmentism
- antifeminism
- antiferromagnetism
- antigram
- antilogarithm
- antinomianism
- antirrhinum
- antirrhinum coulterianum
- antisemitism
- antiserum
- antonym
- antrum
- antum
- aortic aneurysm
- aphorism
- apium
- apium graveolens rapaceum
- aplectrum
- apocynum
- apocynum androsaemifolium
- apocynum cannabinum
- apocynum pumilum
- apollo program
- apophatism
- apophthegm
- apothecium
- apothegm
- apple geranium
- application form
- application program
- aquarium
- aram
- arboretum
- arcanum
- arceuthobium
- arceuthobium pusillum
- archaebacterium
- archaicism
- archaism
- archegonium
- archesporium
- archipallium
- arctium
- argyranthemum
- argyroxiphium
- arianism
- aries the ram
- arisaema dracontium
- arisaema triphyllum
- arisarum
- aristotelianism
- arm
- armadillidium
- armamentarium
- arminianism
- army cutworm
- army worm
- armyworm
- arnhem
- arrhenatherum
- arrow arum
- arrowworm
- art form
- art tatum
- artemisia abrotanum
- artemisia absinthium
- arteria circumflexa ilium
- arteria ileum
- arteriogram
- arthrogram
- arthur tatum
- articulatory system
- artist's workroom
- arum
- arum maculatum
- arum palaestinum
- asarum
- asarum europaeum
- asarum virginicum
- asceticism
- ascophyllum
- ascophyllum nodosum
- ashram
- asian shamanism
- aspersorium
- asplenium
- asplenium adiantum-nigrum
- asplenium montanum
- asplenium pinnatifidum
- asplenium rhizophyllum
- asplenium scolopendrium
- assam
- assembly program
- associationism
- aster tripolium
- asterism
- astigmatism
- astroloma humifusum
- astronium
- astronium fraxinifolium
- astrophyton muricatum
- aswan high dam
- asylum
- asynchronism
- asynclitism
- atavism
- athanasianism
- atheism
- athenaeum
- atheneum
- athleticism
- athyrium
- athyrium distentifolium
- atlantic sea bream
- atm
- atom
- atomic spectrum
- atomism
- atonalism
- atrioventricular nodal rhythm
- atrium
- atrium dextrum
- atrium sinistrum
- audio system
- audiogram
- audit program
- auditorium
- auditory system
- august plum
- aum
- authoritarianism
- autism
- autoeroticism
- autoerotism
- autograph album
- automatic data processing system
- automatic firearm
- automatism
- autonomic nervous system
- autotelism
- autotrophic organism
- avaram
- axiom
- azactam
- azaleastrum
- aztreonam
- baba au rhum
- babassu palm
- baby's room
- baby boom
- back room
- backroom
- backup system
- bacterium
- baggage claim
- bahaism
- balance-of-payments problem
- balance beam
- ballistic pendulum
- ballistocardiogram
- ballroom
- balm
- balsam
- bam
- bamboo palm
- banking system
- bantam
- baptism
- bar exam
- barbarism
- barium
- barm
- barnum
- baron verulam
- barroom
- basal metabolism
- baseball team
- basic point defense missile system
- basidium
- basil balm
- basketball team
- basque homeland and freedom
- bass drum
- bathroom
- batoko palm
- battering ram
- battle of wagram
- baum
- bavarian cream
- bay rum
- bayes' theorem
- bayt lahm
- bdellium
- beach plum
- beam
- beard worm
- bedding geranium
- bedlam
- bedroom
- bedsitting room
- bee balm
- beebalm
- beefsteak geranium
- beerbohm
- beet armyworm
- begum
- behaviorism
- behaviourism
- behmenism
- beldam
- belem
- belgium
- bellingham
- benefit album
- bentham
- benzoin odoriferum
- berkelium
- berm
- bertillon system
- beryllium
- besom
- beta rhythm
- betel palm
- bethlehem
- big-tree plum
- bigram
- bilateralism
- bilingualism
- billiard room
- billy graham
- bimetallism
- bimillennium
- binary number system
- binary numeration system
- binary program
- binary system
- binomial theorem
- bioarm
- biochemical mechanism
- biological terrorism
- biologism
- bioterrorism
- bipedalism
- biprism
- birmingham
- bitter floom
- black bream
- black gum
- black muslim
- bladder worm
- blastoderm
- blechnum
- blenheim
- blepharism
- blepharospasm
- blindworm
- block diagram
- blood clam
- blood serum
- blood stream
- bloodstream
- bloodworm
- bloom
- blossom
- blue gum
- blue stem
- bluestem
- blushing mushroom
- bm
- boardroom
- boehm
- boehmenism
- bohemianism
- bohrium
- bollworm
- bologram
- bolshevism
- bongo drum
- book of nahum
- bookworm
- boom
- boredom
- bosom
- bosom of abraham
- bossism
- botrychium
- botrychium matricariifolium
- botrychium multifidum
- botrychium virginianum
- bottom
- botulinum
- botulism
- bound form
- bowdlerism
- box beam
- bpm
- brachium
- brachycephalism
- brahmanism
- brahminism
- brain-stem
- brain mushroom
- brain stem
- brainstem
- brainstorm
- brake drum
- brake system
- bream
- breathing room
- bridegroom
- brim
- briticism
- british empiricism
- british imperial system
- british system
- britishism
- broadcast medium
- broadloom
- brokerage firm
- bromoform
- bromus tectorum
- bronchospasm
- broom
- broom palm
- brougham
- bruchus pisorum
- brummagem
- bruxism
- bryum
- bubble gum
- buckram
- buddhism
- buddy system
- bulletin board system
- bum
- bunkum
- buphthalmum
- buphthalmum salicifolium
- bureaucratism
- burglar alarm
- burnham
- bush nasturtium
- business firm
- butcher's broom
- butea gum
- byzantinism
- byzantium
- c program
- cabalism
- cabbage palm
- cabbageworm
- cable system
- cablegram
- caddisworm
- cadmium
- caecum
- caelum
- caesarism
- caesaropapism
- caesium
- caffeinism
- cairngorm
- caladium
- calcium
- californium
- calm
- calocarpum
- calophyllum
- calophyllum candidissimum
- calophyllum inophyllum
- calophyllum longifolium
- calopogon pulchellum
- calopogon tuberosum
- calvinism
- calycophyllum
- calycophyllum candidissimum
- calymmatobacterium
- calyptridium umbellatum
- calystegia sepium
- cam
- cambium
- campanula medium
- campanula trachelium
- camphorated tincture of opium
- campyloneurum
- campyloneurum augustifolium
- canada balsam
- canada plum
- canal of schlemm
- canangium
- candelabrum
- canis lupus tundrarum
- cankerworm
- cannibalism
- cantering rhythm
- cape kafferboom
- capital of belgium
- capital of the united kingdom
- capital of vietnam
- capitalism
- capitulum
- capsicum
- capsicum annuum grossum
- capsicum annuum longum
- capsicum baccatum
- capsicum frutescens baccatum
- caranda palm
- carbon atom
- carborundum
- cardamom
- cardamum
- cardiac rhythm
- cardiogram
- cardiospasm
- cardiospermum
- cardiospermum grandiflorum
- cardiospermum halicacabum
- cardiovascular system
- cardium
- cardizem
- cardroom
- careerism
- carissa plum
- carnauba palm
- carom
- carpet loom
- cartesian coordinate system
- carum
- caryocar nuciferum
- caseworm
- castanospermum
- caste system
- castroism
- cat valium
- catabolism
- cataclysm
- cataflam
- cataphatism
- cataplasm
- catasetum
- catasetum macrocarpum
- catechism
- categorem
- catharism
- catholicism
- cattle farm
- caulophyllum
- cavum
- cd-rom
- cecum
- cedar elm
- celom
- cementum
- centaurium
- centaurium calycosum
- central nervous system
- centralism
- centrism
- centrolobium
- centrolobium robustum
- centrosema virginianum
- centrum
- cerastium
- cerastium alpinum
- cerastium tomentosum
- ceratopetalum
- ceratopetalum gummiferum
- ceratophyllum
- ceratotherium
- ceratotherium simum
- cercidiphyllum
- cercidiphyllum japonicum
- cercidium
- cercidium floridum
- cerebellum
- cerebral aneurysm
- cerebrum
- cerium
- ceroxylon alpinum
- cesium
- cestrum
- cestrum diurnum
- cestrum nocturnum
- cestum
- ceterach officinarum
- cgs system
- chabad hasidism
- chamaemelum
- chaparral broom
- charlatanism
- charles follen mckim
- charm
- chartism
- chasidim
- chasidism
- chasm
- chassidim
- chassidism
- chat room
- chatroom
- chauvinism
- checkerbloom
- checking program
- checkroom
- checksum
- chelidonium
- chemakum
- chemical equilibrium
- chemical mechanism
- chemical terrorism
- chenopodium
- chenopodium album
- chenopodium capitatum
- chenopodium glaucum
- chenopodium hybridum
- chenopodium rubrum
- cherry-tree
- acclaim
- accustom
- affirm
- aim
- alarm
- anagram
- arm
- barnstorm
- barrage jam
- beam
- becalm
- becharm
- bedim
- beseem
- blanket jam
- bloom
- blossom
- boom
- bosom
- bottom
- brainstorm
- bream
- brim
- broom
- buckram
- bum
- buy the farm
- calm
- carom
- carry to term
- change form
- charm
- chloroform
- claim
- clam
- cold-cream
- confirm
- conform
- copper-bottom
- counterclaim
- cram
- cream
- dam
- date from
- daydream
- declaim
- deem
- deform
- diagram
- dim
- disarm
- disclaim
- disesteem
- doom
- double-team
- dream
- drum
- embalm
- envenom
- escape from
- esteem
- exclaim
- farm
- fathom
- film
- firm
- flim-flam
- flow from
- foam
- forearm
- foredoom
- form
- gleam
- glom
- groom
- gum
- ham
- harm
- helm
- hem
- hold firm
- hum
- inform
- jam
- keep mum
- lam
- lay claim
- loom
- macadamise
- macadamize
- macerate
- machicolate
- machinate
- machine
- machine-wash
- machine gun
- machine wash
- macrame
- maculate
- madden
- madder
- madrigal
- magnetise
- magnetize
- magnify
- mail out
- maim
- mainline
- maintain
- major
- make
- make a clean breast of
- make a face
- make a motion
- make a point
- make a stink
- make as if
- make believe
- make bold
- make clean
- make do
- make for
- make full
- make fun
- make good
- make grow
- make happy
- make hay
- make headway
- make it
- make love
- make merry
- make no bones about
- make noise
- make off
- make out
- make over
- make pass
- make peace
- make pure
- make relaxed
- make sense
- make sure
- make unnecessary
- make up
- make up one's mind
- make vibrant sounds
- make water
- make way
- make whoopie
- maledict
- malfunction
- malign
- malinger
- malnourish
- malt
- maltreat
- malversate
- mambo
- man
- manacle
- manage
- mandate
- manducate
- maneuver
- mangle
- manhandle
- manicure
- manifest
- manifold
- manipulate
- manoeuver
- manoeuvre
- mantle
- manufacture
- manumit
- manure
- map
- map out
- mapquest
- mar
- maraud
- marble
- marbleise
- marbleize
- marcel
- march
- march on
- march out
- marginalise
- marginalize
- marinade
- marinate
- mark
- mark down
- mark off
- mark out
- mark up
- market
- maroon
- marry
- marshal
- martyr
- martyrise
- martyrize
- marvel
- masculinise
- masculinize
- mash
- mask
- masquerade
- mass
- mass-produce
- massacre
- massage
- master
- mastermind
- masticate
- masturbate
- mat
- mat up
- match
- mate
- materialise
- materialize
- matriculate
- matt-up
- matte
- matte up
- matter
- matter to
- maturate
- mature
- maul
- maunder
- max out
- maximise
- maximize
- mean
- meander
- measure
- measure out
- measure up
- mechanise
- mechanize
- meddle
- mediate
- medicate
- medicine
- meditate
- meet
- meet up with
- melanise
- melanize
- meld
- meliorate
- mellow
- mellow out
- melodise
- melodize
- melt
- melt down
- melt off
- memorialise
- memorialize
- memorise
- memorize
- menace
- mend
- menstruate
- mensurate
- mention
- mentor
- meow
- mercerise
- mercerize
- merchandise
- merge
- merit
- mesh
- mesmerise
- mesmerize
- mess
- mess about
- mess around
- mess up
- message
- metabolise
- metabolize
- metal
- metalize
- metallize
- metamorphose
- metastasise
- metastasize
- mete out
- meter
- metricate
- metricise
- metricize
- metrify
- mew
- mewl
- miaou
- miaow
- micro-cook
- microcopy
- microfilm
- microwave
- micturate
- middle
- miff
- migrate
- mildew
- militarise
- militarize
- militate
- milk
- mill
- mill about
- mill around
- mime
- mimeo
- mimeograph
- mimic
- mince
- mind
- mine
- mineralize
- mingle
- miniate
- miniaturise
- miniaturize
- minify
- minimise
- minimize
- minister
- minstrel
- mint
- mire
- mirror
- misaddress
- misadvise
- misalign
- misally
- misapply
- misapprehend
- misappropriate
- misbehave
- misbelieve
- miscalculate
- miscall
- miscarry
- miscast
- miscegenate
- misconceive
- misconduct
- misconstrue
- miscount
- miscreate
- misdate
- misdeal
- misdeliver
- misdemean
- misdirect
- misdo
- misestimate
- misfire
- misfunction
- misgauge
- misgive
- misgovern
- misguide
- mishandle
- misidentify
- misinform
- misinterpret
- misjudge
- mislay
- mislead
- mismanage
- mismarry
- mismatch
- mismate
- misname
- misperceive
- misplace
- misplay
- misprint
- mispronounce
- misquote
- misread
- misremember
- misrepresent
- miss
- misspeak
- misspell
- misspend
- misstate
- mist
- mist over
- mistake
- mistime
- mistranslate
- mistreat
- mistrust
- misunderstand
- misuse
- miter
- mitigate
- mix
- mix in
- mix up
- mizzle
- moan
- mob
- mobilise
- mobilize
- mock
- mock up
- model
- moderate
- modernise
- modernize
- modify
- modulate
- moil
- moisten
- moisturise
- moisturize
- mold
- molder
- molest
- mollify
- mollycoddle
- molt
- monetise
- monetize
- monger
- mongrelise
- mongrelize
- monish
- monitor
- monkey
- monkey around
- monologuise
- monologuize
- monopolise
- monopolize
- monumentalise
- monumentalize
- moo
- mooch
- moon
- moon about
- moon around
- moon on
- moonlight
- moonshine
- moor
- moot
- mop
- mop up
- mope
- mope around
- moralise
- moralize
- morph
- mortar
- mortgage
- mortice
- mortify
- mortise
- mosey
- mosh
- mothball
- mother
- mothproof
- motion
- motivate
- motley
- motor
- motorbike
- motorboat
- motorcycle
- motorise
- motorize
- mottle
- mould
- moulder
- moult
- mound
- mound over
- mount
- mount up
- mountaineer
- mourn
- mouse
- mousse
- mouth
- mouth off
- move
- move around
- move back
- move back and forth
- move in
- move in on
- move into
- move involuntarily
- move on
- move out
- move over
- move reflexively
- move through
- move up
- mow
- mow down
- muck
- muck about
- muck around
- muck up
- muckrake
- mud
- mud-wrestle
- muddle
- muddy
- muddy up
- mudwrestle
- muff
- muffle
- mug
- mug up
- mulch
- mulct
- mull
- mull over
- multiply
- mumble
- mummify
- munch
- munition
- murder
- murk
- murmur
- muscle
- muscle into
- muse
- mush
- mushroom
- muss
- mussitate
- muster
- muster in
- muster out
- muster up
- mutate
- mute
- mutilate
- mutiny
- mutter
- muzzle
- mystify
- mythicise
- mythicize
- mythologise
- mythologize
- outperform
- overwhelm
- palm
- perform
- perm
- play possum
- point jam
- preform
- prim
- proclaim
- program
- psalm
- ram
- ransom
- re-arm
- reaffirm
- ream
- rearm
- reclaim
- reconfirm
- redeem
- reform
- remain firm
- rim
- roam
- room
- salaam
- scam
- scram
- scream
- scum
- seam
- seem
- sham
- shrink from
- shy away from
- skim
- slalom
- slam
- slim
- slum
- spam
- spot jam
- squirm
- stand firm
- steam
- stem
- storm
- stream
- strong-arm
- strum
- sum
- swarm
- swim
- take aim
- take form
- team
- teem
- term
- thrum
- tram
- transform
- trim
- unarm
- unbosom
- underperform
- uniform
- vacuum
- vroom
- warm
- wham
- whelm
- worm
- wring from
- zoom
- abloom
- acneiform
- ad hominem
- aeriform
- agleam
- aliform
- amygdaliform
- ante meridiem
- antebellum
- antemortem
- antepartum
- apoplectiform
- arboriform
- arciform
- auriform
- bacilliform
- baculiform
- bantam
- bell-bottom
- bellbottom
- biform
- bottom
- botuliform
- broadloom
- brummagem
- buckram
- bum
- bursiform
- buxom
- calceiform
- calm
- columniform
- cordiform
- cruciform
- cubiform
- cumuliform
- cuneiform
- custom
- dendriform
- dim
- disciform
- dolabriform
- dot-com
- downstream
- ensiform
- falciform
- filiform
- firm
- flat-bottom
- flatbottom
- full-term
- fusiform
- glum
- goddam
- grim
- harum-scarum
- ho-hum
- humdrum
- infirm
- interim
- item-by-item
- lentiform
- lissom
- locker-room
- long-term
- low-beam
- lukewarm
- m
- macabre
- macaronic
- macedonian
- macerative
- machiavellian
- machine-accessible
- machine-controlled
- machine-driven
- machine-made
- machine readable
- machinelike
- macho
- macrencephalic
- macrencephalous
- macro
- macrobiotic
- macrocephalic
- macrocephalous
- macrocosmic
- macroeconomic
- macromolecular
- macroscopic
- macroscopical
- maculate
- mad
- madagascan
- madcap
- maddened
- maddening
- made
- made-to-order
- made-up
- magenta
- magenta pink
- maggoty
- magic
- magical
- magisterial
- magna cum laude
- magnanimous
- magnetic
- magnetised
- magnetized
- magnificent
- magnified
- magniloquent
- magyar
- mahogany-red
- maiden
- maidenlike
- maidenly
- mail-cheeked
- mail-clad
- mailed
- maimed
- main
- mainstreamed
- maintainable
- maintained
- majestic
- major
- majuscular
- majuscule
- make-believe
- makeshift
- maladaptive
- maladjusted
- maladjustive
- maladroit
- malapropos
- malarial
- malawian
- malay
- malayan
- malayo-polynesian
- malaysian
- malcontent
- male
- maledict
- malefic
- maleficent
- malevolent
- malformed
- malfunctioning
- malian
- malicious
- malign
- malignant
- malleable
- malnourished
- malodorous
- malodourous
- malposed
- malted
- maltese
- malthusian
- maltreated
- mammalian
- mammary
- mammoth
- man-made
- man-portable
- man-sized
- man-to-man
- manageable
- managerial
- manchurian
- mancunian
- mandaean
- mandatory
- mandean
- mandibular
- mandibulate
- mandibulofacial
- maneuverable
- manful
- mangey
- mangled
- mangy
- maniac
- maniacal
- manic
- manic-depressive
- manichaean
- manichean
- manichee
- maniclike
- manifest
- manifold
- manipulable
- manipulative
- manky
- manlike
- manly
- manned
- mannered
- mannerly
- mannish
- manoeuvrable
- manorial
- manque
- mansard
- mantic
- mantled
- manual
- manufactured
- manx
- many
- many-chambered
- many-lobed
- many-sided
- many a
- many an
- many another
- maoist
- maple-like
- maplelike
- marauding
- marbled
- marbleised
- marbleized
- marched upon
- marginal
- marian
- marine
- marital
- maritime
- marked
- marked-up
- marketable
- markovian
- marly
- marmoreal
- marmorean
- maroc
- maroon
- maroon-purple
- maroon-spotted
- marooned
- marred
- marriageable
- married
- marshy
- marsupial
- martial
- martian
- marvellous
- marvelous
- marxist
- marxist-leninist
- masculine
- masked
- masochistic
- masonic
- masoretic
- mass
- mass-produced
- mass-spectrometric
- mass spectroscopic
- massive
- masted
- master
- mastered
- masterful
- masterless
- masterly
- mastoid
- mastoidal
- mat
- matched
- matching
- matchless
- mated
- mateless
- material
- materialistic
- maternal
- maternalistic
- matey
- mathematical
- matriarchal
- matriarchic
- matricentric
- matrilineal
- matrilinear
- matrimonial
- matronly
- matt
- matte
- matted
- matter-of-course
- matter-of-fact
- maturational
- mature
- matured
- matutinal
- maudlin
- mauritanian
- mauritian
- mauve
- mauve-blue
- mauve-pink
- maverick
- mawkish
- maxi
- maxillary
- maxillodental
- maxillofacial
- maxillomandibular
- maximal
- maximising
- maximizing
- maximum
- mayoral
- mazed
- mazy
- meager
- meagerly
- meagre
- mealy
- mealy-mouthed
- mealymouthed
- mean
- meandering
- meaning
- meaningful
- meaningless
- meanspirited
- measly
- measurable
- measured
- measureless
- meat-eating
- meatless
- meaty
- mechanic
- mechanical
- mechanically skillful
- mechanised
- mechanistic
- mechanized
- mecopterous
- meddlesome
- meddling
- mediaeval
- medial
- median
- mediate
- mediated
- mediatorial
- mediatory
- medical
- medicative
- medicinal
- medicolegal
- medieval
- mediocre
- meditative
- mediterranean
- medium
- medium-dry
- medium-large
- medium-size
- medium-sized
- medullary
- medullated
- medusoid
- meek
- meet
- megakaryocytic
- megalithic
- megaloblastic
- megalomaniacal
- megalomanic
- megascopic
- meiotic
- melancholic
- melancholy
- melanesian
- meliorative
- mellifluous
- mellisonant
- mellow
- mellowed
- melodic
- melodious
- melodramatic
- meltable
- melted
- melting
- membered
- memberless
- membrane-forming
- membranous
- memorable
- menacing
- mendacious
- mendelian
- mendicant
- menial
- meningeal
- menopausal
- mensal
- menstrual
- mensurable
- mensural
- mental
- mentally ill
- mentholated
- mephistophelean
- mephistophelian
- mephitic
- mercantile
- mercenary
- mercerised
- mercerized
- merchantable
- merciful
- merciless
- mercurial
- mercuric
- mercurous
- mercury-contaminated
- mere
- meretricious
- merged
- merging
- meridian
- meridional
- meritable
- merited
- meritless
- meritocratic
- meritorious
- merovingian
- merry
- mesenteric
- meshed
- meshuga
- meshugga
- meshugge
- meshuggeneh
- meshuggener
- mesial
- mesic
- mesmeric
- mesmerised
- mesmerized
- mesmerizing
- mesoamerican
- mesoblastic
- mesodermal
- mesolithic
- mesomorphic
- mesonic
- mesophytic
- mesozoic
- messianic
- messy
- metabolic
- metabolous
- metacarpal
- metacentric
- metagrabolised
- metagrabolized
- metagrobolised
- metagrobolized
- metal
- metal-colored
- metal-coloured
- metal-cutting
- metal-looking
- metallic
- metallic-colored
- metallic-coloured
- metallic-looking
- metallike
- metalloid
- metallurgic
- metallurgical
- metameric
- metamorphic
- metamorphous
- metaphoric
- metaphorical
- metaphysical
- metastable
- metastatic
- metatarsal
- meted out
- meteoric
- meteoritic
- meteoritical
- meteorologic
- meteorological
- methodical
- methodist
- methodological
- methylated
- meticulous
- metonymic
- metonymical
- metric
- metrical
- metrological
- metropolitan
- mettlesome
- mexican
- miasmal
- miasmic
- micaceous
- michelangelesque
- micro
- microbial
- microbic
- microcephalic
- microcephalous
- microcosmic
- microcrystalline
- microeconomic
- microelectronic
- micrometeoric
- micrometeoritic
- micropylar
- microscopic
- microscopical
- microsomal
- mid
- mid-atlantic
- middle
- middle-aged
- middle-class
- middle-level
- middle-of-the-road
- middle atlantic
- middle eastern
- middlemost
- middling
- midget
- midi
- midland
- midmost
- midway
- midweekly
- midwestern
- miffed
- mighty
- migrant
- migrational
- migratory
- milanese
- milch
- mild
- mild-mannered
- mild-tasting
- militant
- militarised
- militaristic
- militarized
- military
- milk-sick
- milk-white
- milkless
- milklike
- milky
- milled
- millenarian
- millenary
- millennial
- millennian
- million
- millionth
- mimetic
- mimic
- minacious
- minatory
- mincing
- mind-altering
- mind-bending
- mind-blowing
- mind-boggling
- mind-expanding
- minded
- mindful
- mindless
- mine run
- mined
- mineral
- mingy
- mini
- miniature
- minimal
- minimalist
- minimized
- minimum
- miniscule
- ministerial
- ministrant
- minoan
- minor
- mint
- mint-scented
- minty
- minus
- minuscular
- minuscule
- minute
- miotic
- miraculous
- mired
- mirky
- mirrored
- mirrorlike
- mirthful
- mirthless
- miry
- misanthropic
- misanthropical
- misappropriated
- misbegot
- misbegotten
- misbranded
- miscellaneous
- mischievous
- miscible
- miserable
- miserly
- misfortunate
- misguided
- mishnaic
- mislabeled
- mislaid
- misleading
- mismatched
- mismated
- misogynic
- misogynistic
- misogynous
- misplaced
- misrelated
- misrepresented
- missed
- misshapen
- missing
- missional
- missionary
- mistakable
- mistaken
- mistreated
- mistrustful
- misty
- misty-eyed
- misunderstood
- misused
- mithraic
- mithraistic
- mitigable
- mitigated
- mitigative
- mitigatory
- mitotic
- mitral
- mixable
- mixed
- mixed-up
- mnemonic
- mnemotechnic
- mnemotechnical
- moated
- mobbish
- mobile
- moblike
- mock
- mocking
- mod
- modal
- model
- modeled
- moderate
- moderate-size
- moderate-sized
- moderating
- moderato
- modern
- modern-day
- moderne
- modernised
- modernistic
- modernized
- modest
- modifiable
- modified
- modish
- modular
- modulated
- mohammedan
- moire
- moist
- molal
- molar
- moldable
- molded
- moldovan
- moldy
- molecular
- molten
- momentaneous
- momentary
- momentous
- monacan
- monandrous
- monarchal
- monarchic
- monarchical
- monastic
- monastical
- monatomic
- monaural
- monecious
- monegasque
- moneran
- monestrous
- monetary
- moneyed
- moneyless
- moneymaking
- mongol
- mongolian
- mongoloid
- monied
- monistic
- monitory
- monkish
- mono
- monoatomic
- monocarboxylic
- monocarpic
- monochromatic
- monochrome
- monochromic
- monochromous
- monocled
- monoclinal
- monoclinic
- monoclinous
- monoclonal
- monocotyledonous
- monodic
- monodical
- monoecious
- monoestrous
- monogamous
- monogenic
- monogynic
- monogynous
- monoicous
- monolingual
- monolithic
- monomaniacal
- monometallic
- monomorphemic
- mononuclear
- mononucleate
- monophonic
- monophysite
- monophysitic
- monoploid
- monopolistic
- monopteral
- monosemous
- monosyllabic
- monotheistic
- monotone
- monotonic
- monotonous
- monotypic
- monounsaturated
- monovalent
- monovular
- monozygotic
- monstrous
- montane
- monthlong
- monthly
- montserratian
- monumental
- moody
- moon-faced
- moon-round
- moon-splashed
- moonless
- moonlike
- moonlit
- moonstruck
- moony
- moorish
- moot
- mop-headed
- moraceous
- moral
- moralistic
- moravian
- morbid
- morbific
- morbilliform
- mordacious
- mordant
- more
- more than
- moresque
- morganatic
- moribund
- mormon
- moroccan
- moronic
- morose
- morphemic
- morphologic
- morphological
- morphophonemic
- mortal
- mortgaged
- mortified
- mortifying
- mortuary
- mosaic
- moslem
- moss-grown
- moss green
- mosstone
- mossy
- most
- most-favored-nation
- most-valuable
- moth-eaten
- moth-resistant
- mother-naked
- motherless
- motherlike
- motherly
- mothproof
- mothy
- motile
- motional
- motionless
- motivated
- motivating
- motivational
- motivative
- motive
- motiveless
- motley
- motor
- motor-assisted
- motored
- motorial
- motorised
- motorized
- motorless
- mottled
- mouldy
- mounded over
- mountainous
- mounted
- mournful
- mourning
- mouse-colored
- mouse-eared
- mouse-sized
- mouselike
- mousey
- mousy
- mouth-watering
- mouthless
- mouthlike
- movable
- moveable
- moved
- moving
- mown
- mozambican
- mozartean
- mozartian
- much
- muciferous
- mucilaginous
- mucinoid
- mucinous
- mucky
- mucocutaneous
- mucoid
- mucoidal
- mucopurulent
- mucosal
- mucose
- mucous
- mud-beplastered
- mud-brick
- muddied
- muddled
- muddleheaded
- muddy
- muffled
- muggy
- muhammadan
- mulish
- mullioned
- multi-color
- multi-colored
- multi-colour
- multi-coloured
- multi-ethnic
- multi-seeded
- multi-stemmed
- multi-valued
- multicellular
- multicolor
- multicolored
- multicolour
- multicoloured
- multicultural
- multidimensional
- multiethnic
- multifaceted
- multifactorial
- multifarious
- multiform
- multilane
- multilateral
- multilevel
- multilingual
- multinational
- multinomial
- multinucleate
- multiparous
- multipartite
- multiphase
- multiple
- multiple-choice
- multiplex
- multiplicative
- multiplied
- multipotent
- multipurpose
- multiracial
- multistorey
- multistoried
- multistory
- multitudinous
- multivalent
- multivariate
- mum
- mummy-brown
- mundane
- municipal
- munificent
- mural
- murdered
- murderous
- murine
- murky
- murmuring
- murmurous
- muscle-bound
- muscovite
- muscular
- musculoskeletal
- mushy
- musical
- musicological
- musing
- musk-scented
- musky
- musky-scented
- muslim
- mussy
- must
- mustached
- mustachioed
- musty
- mutable
- mutafacient
- mutagenic
- mutant
- mutational
- mutative
- mute
- muted
- mutilated
- mutinous
- mutual
- mutualist
- mutually beneficial
- mutually exclusive
- muzzle-loading
- muzzy
- myalg
- abeam
- ad infinitum
- ad interim
- ad libitum
- ad nauseam
- ad valorem
- ante meridiem
- at bottom
- at random
- downstream
- firm
- goddam
- harum-scarum
- ibidem
- in tandem
- item
- literatim
- macroscopically
- madly
- magically
- magisterially
- magna cum laude
- magnanimously
- magnetically
- magnificently
- magniloquently
- mainly
- majestically
- maladroitly
- malapropos
- malevolently
- maliciously
- malignantly
- malignly
- man-to-man
- manageably
- managerially
- mandatorily
- manfully
- mangily
- maniacally
- manifestly
- manipulatively
- manly
- manually
- marginally
- markedly
- martially
- marvellously
- marvelously
- masochistically
- massively
- masterfully
- materialistically
- materially
- maternally
- mathematically
- matrilineally
- maturely
- mawkishly
- maximally
- maybe
- mayhap
- meagerly
- meagrely
- meanderingly
- meaningfully
- meanly
- meanspiritedly
- meantime
- meanwhile
- measurably
- measuredly
- mechanically
- mechanistically
- medially
- medically
- medicinally
- meditatively
- meekly
- mellow
- mellowingly
- mellowly
- melodically
- melodiously
- melodramatically
- memorably
- menacingly
- mendaciously
- menially
- mentally
- mercifully
- mercilessly
- merely
- meretriciously
- meritoriously
- merrily
- messily
- metabolically
- metaphorically
- metaphysically
- meteorologically
- methodically
- methodologically
- meticulously
- metonymically
- metrically
- microscopically
- middling
- midmost
- midships
- midway
- midweek
- mightily
- mighty
- mildly
- militarily
- millionfold
- mincingly
- mindfully
- mindlessly
- minimally
- ministerially
- minutely
- miraculously
- mirthfully
- mischievously
- miserably
- misleadingly
- mistakenly
- mistily
- mistrustfully
- mockingly
- moderately
- modestly
- modishly
- moistly
- molto
- momentarily
- momently
- momentously
- monaurally
- monolingually
- monosyllabically
- monotonously
- monstrously
- month by month
- monthly
- moodily
- moonily
- morally
- morbidly
- mordaciously
- more
- more and more
- more often than not
- more or less
- moreover
- morosely
- morphologically
- mortally
- most
- most especially
- most importantly
- mostly
- motherly
- motionlessly
- mournfully
- movingly
- much
- much as
- mulishly
- multifariously
- multilaterally
- multiplicatively
- multiply
- mundanely
- municipally
- munificently
- murderously
- murkily
- musically
- musicologically
- musingly
- mutatis mutandis
- mutely
- mutually
- mysteriously
- mystically
- passim
- per annum
- per diem
- plum
- post meridiem
- pro tem
- round-arm
- seldom
- seriatim
- sidearm
- tandem
- therefrom
- underarm
- upstream
- verbatim
- warm
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Last Search Words
Search Result:M
Overview of noun m
The noun m has 6 senses
- meter, metre, m -- (the basic unit of length adopted under the Systeme International d'Unites (approximately 1.094 yards))
- molarity, molar concentration, M -- (concentration measured by the number of moles of solute per liter of solution)
- thousand, one thousand, 1000, M, K, chiliad, G, grand, thou, yard -- (the cardinal number that is the product of 10 and 100)
- megabyte, M, MB -- (a unit of information equal to 1000 kilobytes or 10^6 (1,000,000) bytes)
- megabyte, mebibyte, M, MB, MiB -- (a unit of information equal to 1024 kibibytes or 2^20 (1,048,576) bytes)
- M, m -- (the 13th letter of the Roman alphabet)
Overview of adj m
The adj m has 1 sense
- thousand, one thousand, 1000, m, k -- (denoting a quantity consisting of 1,000 items or units)