Compund Words
- 12-tone music
- academic
- acatalectic
- acoustic
- acrostic
- acrylic
- adonic
- adrenergic
- adriatic
- aeolic
- aesthetic
- african-american music
- afro-asiatic
- afroasiatic
- agaric
- agnostic
- air traffic
- alaric
- alcaic
- alcoholic
- alembic
- alethic logic
- alexic
- allied command atlantic
- altaic
- amharic
- amino plastic
- amnesic
- anaesthetic
- analeptic
- analgesic
- analphabetic
- andrija mohorovicic
- anesthetic
- anglican catholic
- anionic
- anorectic
- anorexic
- antarctic
- anthelminthic
- anthelmintic
- antiarrhythmic
- antibiotic
- antic
- anticholinergic
- antidiabetic
- antidiuretic
- antiemetic
- antiepileptic
- antimicrobic
- antimycotic
- antineoplastic
- antineoplastic antibiotic
- antipruritic
- antipsychotic
- antipyretic
- antiseptic
- antispasmodic
- antisyphilitic
- anxiolytic
- aphakic
- aphasic
- aquatic
- arabic
- aramaic
- arcadic
- archaeozoic
- archbishopric
- archeozoic
- arctic
- argentine republic
- arial mosaic
- aristotelian logic
- arithmetic
- arsenic
- art critic
- arthritic
- ascetic
- asdic
- asiatic
- aspic
- assyrian neo-aramaic
- asthmatic
- ataractic
- atayalic
- atlantic
- atmospheric static
- attic
- austro-asiatic
- auto-mechanic
- automatic
- automobile mechanic
- automobile traffic
- azerbaijani republic
- azerbajdzhan republic
- bachelor of music
- baic
- baldric
- ballroom music
- baltic
- baltic-finnic
- baltic republic
- balto-slavic
- balto-slavonic
- banana republic
- baseball clinic
- basic
- basketball clinic
- biblical aramaic
- bicycle traffic
- biquadratic
- bishopric
- bitumastic
- black magic
- black music
- body politic
- boolean logic
- brachycephalic
- brittanic
- brythonic
- bucolic
- bulimic
- bus traffic
- caesar's agaric
- cambric
- canaanitic
- canada garlic
- capital of the dominican republic
- car-mechanic
- car traffic
- catalectic
- cataleptic
- cathartic
- catholic
- caustic
- cellulosic
- celtic
- cenozoic
- central african republic
- ceramic
- chadic
- chamber music
- characteristic
- chechen republic
- chic
- chin music
- chiropractic
- church music
- church slavic
- classic
- classical music
- cleric
- climacteric
- clinic
- colic
- colonic
- comic
- commuter traffic
- computer graphic
- concerted music
- congeneric
- conic
- conspecific
- coptic
- cosmetic
- country music
- critic
- crow garlic
- culver's physic
- culvers physic
- cushitic
- cymric
- cynic
- cyrillic
- czech republic
- daffodil garlic
- dance music
- danceroom music
- dardic
- deictic
- demographic
- demotic
- deontic logic
- department of music
- dermatoglyphic
- device characteristic
- diabetic
- diacritic
- dialectic
- diaphoretic
- dielectric
- diesel-electric
- diesel-hydraulic
- disco music
- distinguishing characteristic
- distribution free statistic
- diuretic
- doctor of music
- dolichocephalic
- domestic
- dominic
- dominican republic
- doric
- doxastic logic
- drama critic
- dravidic
- drug traffic
- dtic
- dynamic
- dyslectic
- dyspeptic
- east chadic
- east germanic
- eccentric
- ecclesiastic
- eclectic
- ecliptic
- egocentric
- elamitic
- elastic
- electric
- electrolytic
- electrophorus electric
- emetic
- encaustic
- endemic
- english-gothic
- entric
- eolic
- eolithic
- epic
- epidemic
- epileptic
- epipaleolithic
- epistemic logic
- eristic
- erotic
- esthetic
- ethic
- ethnic
- ethnic music
- eutectic
- eye clinic
- fabric
- false garlic
- fanatic
- fdic
- fennic
- ferdinand the catholic
- field garlic
- finnic
- finno-ugric
- first harmonic
- fluorocarbon plastic
- fly agaric
- folk music
- foot traffic
- formal logic
- french republic
- frequency-response characteristic
- frolic
- fuzzy logic
- gabonese republic
- gaelic
- gaiseric
- garlic
- gathic
- general anaesthetic
- general anesthetic
- generic
- genseric
- geodesic
- german democratic republic
- germanic
- giant garlic
- gin and tonic
- gnostic
- goidelic
- gothic
- graphic
- greek catholic
- gum arabic
- gum elastic
- haematinic
- hair tonic
- hamitic
- hamito-semitic
- harmonic
- heavy metal music
- hedge garlic
- hellenic
- hellenic republic
- helminthic
- hematinic
- hemiplegic
- hepatic
- heretic
- heroic
- heterocyclic
- heuristic
- hieratic
- hieroglyphic
- high colonic
- hillbilly music
- hispanic
- hockey clinic
- honorific
- housatonic
- hypercatalectic
- hypnotic
- hypodermic
- hysteric
- iambic
- ic
- icaco
- icao
- icarus
- icbm
- icc
- ice
- ice-cream bean
- ice-cream cake
- ice-cream cone
- ice-cream float
- ice-cream soda
- ice-cream sundae
- ice-hockey player
- ice-hockey rink
- ice-skater
- ice-skating rink
- ice-wagon
- ice age
- ice ax
- ice axe
- ice bag
- ice bear
- ice cap
- ice chest
- ice coffee
- ice cream
- ice crystal
- ice cube
- ice field
- ice floe
- ice fog
- ice hockey
- ice hockey rink
- ice lolly
- ice machine
- ice maker
- ice mass
- ice milk
- ice needle
- ice pack
- ice pick
- ice plant
- ice rink
- ice shelf
- ice show
- ice skate
- ice skating
- ice storm
- ice tea
- ice tongs
- ice wagon
- ice water
- ice yacht
- iceberg
- iceberg lettuce
- iceboat
- icebox
- icebox cake
- icebreaker
- icecap
- icecream
- iced-tea spoon
- iced coffee
- iced tea
- icefall
- icehouse
- iceland
- iceland lichen
- iceland moss
- iceland poppy
- iceland spar
- icelander
- icelandic
- icelandic krona
- icelandic monetary unit
- iceman
- icepick
- icetray
- ichneumon
- ichneumon fly
- ichneumonidae
- ichor
- ichthyolatry
- ichthyologist
- ichthyology
- ichthyosaur
- ichthyosauria
- ichthyosauridae
- ichthyosaurus
- ichthyosis
- ichyostega
- icicle
- icicle plant
- iciness
- icing
- icing sugar
- icing the puck
- icon
- iconoclasm
- iconoclast
- iconography
- iconolatry
- iconology
- iconoscope
- icosahedron
- icsh
- ictalurus
- ictalurus punctatus
- icteria
- icteria virens
- icteridae
- icterus
- icterus galbula
- icterus galbula bullockii
- icterus galbula galbula
- icterus neonatorum
- icterus spurius
- ictiobus
- ictiobus niger
- ictodosaur
- ictodosauria
- ictonyx
- ictonyx frenata
- ictonyx striata
- ictus
- icu
- illogic
- incidental music
- indic
- inhalation anaesthetic
- inhalation anesthetic
- inhalation general anaesthetic
- inhalation general anesthetic
- instrumental music
- intestinal colic
- intravenous anesthetic
- ionic
- irish gaelic
- irish republic
- isabella the catholic
- isometric
- italian republic
- italic
- jurassic
- kachinic
- karenic
- keeled garlic
- kyrgyz republic
- lao people's democratic republic
- lappic
- lead colic
- lebanese republic
- levant garlic
- literary critic
- local anaesthetic
- local anesthetic
- logic
- love lyric
- lower paleolithic
- lunar caustic
- lunatic
- lyric
- magic
- malagasy republic
- marching music
- martial music
- mastic
- mathematical logic
- matric
- matronymic
- mechanic
- medic
- melancholic
- mesolithic
- mesozoic
- metallic
- metic
- metric
- metronymic
- middle paleolithic
- military music
- mimic
- miotic
- mnemonic
- mock-heroic
- modal logic
- mohorovicic
- monastic
- mongolian people's republic
- mongolic
- monophonic music
- mosaic
- music
- music critic
- mydriatic
- myotic
- mystic
- naples garlic
- narcoleptic
- narcotic
- narcotraffic
- neobiotic
- neolithic
- neurasthenic
- neuroleptic
- neurotic
- newspaper critic
- nilotic
- non-catholic
- non-ugric
- nonparametric statistic
- nontricyclic
- nordic
- north atlantic
- north germanic
- north pacific
- notary public
- oceanic
- old catholic
- old church slavic
- old church slavonic
- old icelandic
- olive-tree agaric
- omotic
- optic
- organic
- oriental garlic
- oxytocic
- oyster agaric
- pacific
- painter's colic
- paiwanic
- palaeolithic
- palaic
- paleolithic
- paleozoic
- pandemic
- panegyric
- panic
- paralytic
- paramedic
- parametric statistic
- paraplegic
- parasympathetic
- paregoric
- paretic
- part music
- patronymic
- pedestrian traffic
- penicillinase-resistant antibiotic
- peripatetic
- permic
- phanerozoic
- pharmaceutic
- phenolic
- phenolic plastic
- philharmonic
- philippic
- photomosaic
- physic
- piano music
- pic
- picnic
- piece of music
- pindaric
- plastic
- pneumogastric
- polemic
- polyphonic music
- polytechnic
- pop music
- popular music
- portuguese republic
- potato mosaic
- pragmatic
- pre-socratic
- primary sex characteristic
- primary sexual characteristic
- probiotic
- prognostic
- program music
- programme music
- propaedeutic
- prophylactic
- propositional logic
- proterozoic
- psychic
- psychoneurotic
- psychotic
- public
- punic
- pyrectic
- pyrotechnic
- pyrrhic
- qiangic
- quadratic
- quadric
- quadriplegic
- quantic
- quartic
- radical chic
- rap music
- reading clinic
- relic
- religious music
- religious mystic
- renal colic
- republic
- rhaeto-romanic
- rhetoric
- rheumatic
- rock music
- romaic
- roman catholic
- roman republic
- romantic
- royal agaric
- rubric
- russian soviet federated socialist republic
- rustic
- rwandese republic
- saint dominic
- samoyedic
- sceptic
- schematic
- schizophrenic
- scholastic
- school of music
- scots gaelic
- scottish gaelic
- secondary sex characteristic
- secondary sexual characteristic
- sedative-hypnotic
- semiautomatic
- semitic
- serial music
- serious music
- sex characteristic
- sexual characteristic
- sheet music
- shop mechanic
- shopaholic
- sinitic
- skeptic
- slave traffic
- slavic
- slavonic
- slovak republic
- soporific
- south atlantic
- south pacific
- soviet socialist republic
- spanish garlic
- spasmolytic
- spastic
- specific
- spic
- spinal anaesthetic
- spinal anesthetic
- square-dance music
- st. dominic
- stag's garlic
- static
- statistic
- stigmatic
- stoic
- styptic
- subtonic
- sudorific
- supertonic
- supreme allied commander atlantic
- swing music
- symbolic logic
- symphonic music
- syndic
- synthetic
- syphilitic
- syrian arab republic
- system of logic
- tactic
- tartar emetic
- tayalic
- tenoretic
- tepic
- theater critic
- therapeutic
- thermoplastic
- thrombolytic
- tic
- tobacco mosaic
- togolese republic
- tonic
- topic
- topical anaesthetic
- topical anesthetic
- traffic
- triassic
- tricyclic
- tropic
- truck traffic
- tsouic
- tungusic
- tunic
- turkic
- turmeric
- twelve-tone music
- ugaritic
- ugric
- united arab republic
- upper paleolithic
- ural-altaic
- uralic
- vehicle traffic
- vehicular traffic
- vicar apostolic
- vocal music
- volgaic
- voltaic
- weimar republic
- west chadic
- west germanic
- white arsenic
- white magic
- wild garlic
- wood garlic
- workaholic
- zygomatic
- antic
- face the music
- frolic
- go ballistic
- ice
- ice over
- ice skate
- ice up
- lyric
- mimic
- panic
- picnic
- relyric
- rubric
- set to music
- sic
- traffic
- trip the light fantastic
- abasic
- abatic
- abiogenetic
- aboulic
- absolutistic
- abulic
- academic
- acanthotic
- acapnic
- acapnotic
- acatalectic
- acentric
- acerbic
- acetic
- acetonic
- acetylenic
- acetylic
- acherontic
- achlorhydric
- achondritic
- achondroplastic
- achromatic
- achromatinic
- achromic
- acidic
- acidimetric
- acidophilic
- acidotic
- aciduric
- acinic
- acoustic
- acrobatic
- acrocentric
- acrogenic
- acromegalic
- acronymic
- acrophobic
- acroscopic
- actinic
- actinometric
- actinomorphic
- actinomycotic
- activistic
- acyclic
- adiabatic
- adonic
- adrenergic
- adrenocorticotrophic
- adrenocorticotropic
- adventuristic
- adynamic
- aeolotropic
- aerobic
- aerobiotic
- aerodynamic
- aerolitic
- aeromechanic
- aeronautic
- aerophilatelic
- aerophilic
- aesthetic
- aetiologic
- agamic
- agamogenetic
- agnatic
- agnostic
- agonistic
- agoraphobic
- agranulocytic
- agraphic
- agrestic
- agrobiologic
- agrologic
- agronomic
- agrypnotic
- albinic
- albinistic
- albinotic
- albitic
- albuminuric
- alchemic
- alchemistic
- alcoholic
- aldehydic
- aldermanic
- aleuronic
- alexic
- algebraic
- algolagnic
- algometric
- algophobic
- algorithmic
- aliphatic
- alkahestic
- alkalic
- alkalotic
- alkylic
- allantoic
- allegoric
- allelic
- allelomorphic
- allergenic
- allergic
- allochronic
- allogeneic
- allographic
- allometric
- allomorphic
- allopathic
- allopatric
- allophonic
- allotropic
- allylic
- alopecic
- alphabetic
- alphameric
- alphanumeric
- altaic
- altruistic
- amaurotic
- amblyopic
- amebic
- amenorrheic
- amenorrhoeic
- amerindic
- ametabolic
- ametropic
- amharic
- aminic
- amitotic
- ammonitic
- amnesic
- amnestic
- amnic
- amnionic
- amniotic
- amoebic
- amoristic
- amphibiotic
- amphiprotic
- amphitheatric
- amphoric
- amphoteric
- amylolytic
- anabatic
- anabiotic
- anabolic
- anachronic
- anachronistic
- anaclitic
- anacoluthic
- anaemic
- anaerobic
- anaerobiotic
- anaesthetic
- anaglyphic
- anaglyptic
- anagogic
- anagrammatic
- analeptic
- analgesic
- analgetic
- analphabetic
- analytic
- anamnestic
- anamorphic
- anapaestic
- anapestic
- anaphasic
- anaphoric
- anaphylactic
- anaplastic
- anarchic
- anarchistic
- anastigmatic
- anastomotic
- anatomic
- anchoritic
- androgenetic
- androgenic
- anecdotic
- anechoic
- anemic
- anemographic
- anemometric
- anencephalic
- anesthetic
- anestric
- aneurismatic
- aneurysmatic
- angelic
- angiocarpic
- anglo-catholic
- anglophilic
- anglophobic
- anicteric
- animalistic
- animatistic
- animistic
- anionic
- aniseikonic
- anisogametic
- anisogamic
- anisometric
- anisometropic
- anisotropic
- ankylotic
- annalistic
- anodic
- anomic
- anorectic
- anorexic
- anorexigenic
- anorthic
- anorthitic
- anosmatic
- anosmic
- anoxemic
- anoxic
- antagonistic
- antarctic
- anthelminthic
- anthelmintic
- anthracitic
- anthropic
- anthropocentric
- anthropogenetic
- anthropogenic
- anthropometric
- anthropomorphic
- anti-semitic
- antiadrenergic
- antibiotic
- antic
- anticholinergic
- anticlimactic
- anticyclonic
- antidromic
- antiferromagnetic
- antigenic
- antimagnetic
- antimicrobic
- antimonic
- antineoplastic
- antipathetic
- antiphlogistic
- antipyretic
- antisemitic
- antiseptic
- antistrophic
- antithetic
- antitoxic
- antitypic
- anuretic
- anuric
- anxiolytic
- aoristic
- aortic
- apathetic
- aperiodic
- aphaeretic
- aphakic
- aphanitic
- aphasic
- apheretic
- aphetic
- aphonic
- aphoristic
- aphotic
- aplanatic
- aplitic
- apneic
- apnoeic
- apocalyptic
- apochromatic
- apodeictic
- apodictic
- apogametic
- apogamic
- apologetic
- apomictic
- aponeurotic
- apopemptic
- apophatic
- apoplectic
- aposiopetic
- apostolic
- apostrophic
- apothegmatic
- apotropaic
- apractic
- apraxic
- aquaphobic
- aquatic
- arabic
- aramaic
- archaeologic
- archaeozoic
- archaic
- archaistic
- archangelic
- archeologic
- archeozoic
- archipelagic
- architectonic
- arctic
- argentic
- aristocratic
- aristotelic
- arithmetic
- aromatic
- arrhythmic
- arteriosclerotic
- arthralgic
- arthritic
- arthromeric
- arthrosporic
- artistic
- ascetic
- ascitic
- ascosporic
- aseptic
- asiatic
- asphaltic
- aspheric
- astatic
- asthenic
- asthmatic
- astigmatic
- astrocytic
- astronautic
- astronomic
- asymmetric
- asymptomatic
- asymptotic
- asyndetic
- asynergic
- atactic
- ataractic
- ataraxic
- atavistic
- ataxic
- ateleiotic
- atheistic
- atheromatic
- atherosclerotic
- athletic
- atlantic
- atmospheric
- atomic
- atomistic
- atonalistic
- atonic
- atoxic
- atrophic
- attic
- audiometric
- augitic
- auric
- austenitic
- autarchic
- autarkic
- authentic
- autistic
- autobiographic
- autocatalytic
- autochthonic
- autocratic
- autodidactic
- autoerotic
- autogamic
- autogenetic
- autogenic
- autographic
- autolytic
- automatic
- autonomic
- autophytic
- autoplastic
- autoradiographic
- autosemantic
- autotelic
- autotomic
- autotrophic
- autotypic
- auxetic
- auxinic
- avifaunistic
- avionic
- avitaminotic
- axenic
- axiomatic
- azoic
- azonic
- azotemic
- azotic
- bacchantic
- bacchic
- bacteremic
- bacteriologic
- bacteriolytic
- bacteriophagic
- bacteriostatic
- balletic
- ballistic
- balsamic
- baltic
- banausic
- baptistic
- barbaric
- bardic
- baric
- barographic
- barometric
- barytic
- basaltic
- basic
- basiscopic
- basophilic
- bathetic
- batholithic
- batholitic
- bathymetric
- bauxitic
- beatific
- behavioristic
- behaviouristic
- belemnitic
- belletristic
- benefic
- benthic
- benthonic
- bentonitic
- benzoic
- benzylic
- bibliographic
- bibliophilic
- bibliopolic
- bibliotic
- bicentric
- bicyclic
- bigeneric
- bilaterally symmetric
- bimetallic
- bimetallistic
- bimorphemic
- biocatalytic
- bioclimatic
- biogenetic
- biogenic
- biogeographic
- biographic
- biologic
- biologistic
- bionic
- bionomic
- biosynthetic
- biosystematic
- biotic
- biotitic
- biotypic
- biquadratic
- bismuthic
- bistroic
- blastematic
- blastemic
- blastocoelic
- blastodermatic
- blastodermic
- blastogenetic
- blastomeric
- blastomycotic
- blastoporic
- blastospheric
- bolographic
- bolometric
- bolshevistic
- bombastic
- boracic
- boric
- boronic
- botanic
- boustrophedonic
- brachycephalic
- brachycranic
- brachydactylic
- brahminic
- bregmatic
- britannic
- bromic
- bromidic
- bronchitic
- bronchoscopic
- bryophytic
- bubonic
- bucolic
- buddhistic
- bulimic
- bureaucratic
- butyric
- cabalistic
- cachectic
- cacodaemonic
- cacodemonic
- cacodylic
- cacogenic
- cacophonic
- cadaveric
- caffeinic
- calcic
- calcific
- calcitic
- calendric
- calisthenic
- calligraphic
- caloric
- calorific
- calorimetric
- calvinistic
- camphoric
- cannibalic
- cannibalistic
- canonic
- capitalistic
- carbocyclic
- carbonic
- carbonylic
- carboxylic
- carcinogenic
- cardiographic
- cardiologic
- carposporic
- cartographic
- casuistic
- catabatic
- catabolic
- catachrestic
- cataclysmic
- catalatic
- catalectic
- cataleptic
- catalytic
- cataphatic
- cataphoretic
- cataplastic
- catapultic
- catastrophic
- catatonic
- catechetic
- catechistic
- categorematic
- categoric
- cathartic
- cathectic
- cathodic
- catholic
- cationic
- catoptric
- caucasic
- caustic
- celtic
- cenobitic
- cenogenetic
- cenozoic
- centralistic
- centric
- centromeric
- centrosomic
- centrosymmetric
- cephalic
- ceramic
- ceric
- chaotic
- characteristic
- charismatic
- chasidic
- chassidic
- chauvinistic
- chemic
- chemotherapeutic
- cherubic
- chiasmatic
- chiasmic
- chic
- chiliastic
- chimeric
- chiromantic
- chivalric
- chlorotic
- choleraic
- choleric
- cholinergic
- chondritic
- choragic
- choreographic
- choric
- chorionic
- chromatic
- chromatinic
- chromatographic
- chronic
- chthonic
- chylific
- cinematic
- citric
- civic
- classic
- classicistic
- clastic
- claustrophobic
- cleistogamic
- climactic
- climatic
- clitoric
- clonic
- coenobitic
- collagenic
- collectivistic
- colonic
- colorimetric
- cometic
- comic
- communistic
- concentric
- conceptualistic
- concretistic
- congeneric
- conic
- conspecific
- constructive-metabolic
- copacetic
- copasetic
- copesetic
- copesettic
- coptic
- cortico-hypothalamic
- coseismic
- cosmetic
- cosmic
- cosmogenic
- cosmogonic
- cosmologic
- craniometric
- cross-linguistic
- cryogenic
- cryonic
- cryptanalytic
- cryptic
- cryptobiotic
- cryptogamic
- cryptographic
- cryptologic
- cubic
- cubistic
- cupric
- cyanogenetic
- cyanogenic
- cybernetic
- cyclic
- cyclonic
- cyclothymic
- cylindric
- cyrillic
- cystic
- cytoarchitectonic
- cytogenetic
- cytokinetic
- cytologic
- cytolytic
- cytomegalic
- cytopathogenic
- cytophotometric
- cytoplasmatic
- cytoplasmic
- cytoplastic
- cytotoxic
- czaristic
- dacitic
- dactylic
- decasyllabic
- decreasing monotonic
- deictic
- deific
- deistic
- delphic
- demagogic
- democratic
- demographic
- demonic
- demosthenic
- demotic
- dendritic
- dermatologic
- dermic
- despotic
- destructive-metabolic
- deterministic
- deuteranopic
- diabatic
- diabetic
- diabolic
- diachronic
- diacritic
- diagnostic
- diagrammatic
- dialectic
- diamagnetic
- diametric
- dianoetic
- diaphoretic
- diarrheic
- diarrhetic
- diarrhoeic
- diarrhoetic
- diastolic
- diatomic
- diatonic
- dicarboxylic
- dichromatic
- didactic
- dietetic
- dimorphic
- diplomatic
- dislogistic
- disyllabic
- dithyrambic
- dizygotic
- dogmatic
- dolichocephalic
- dolichocranic
- dolomitic
- domestic
- doric
- dramatic
- dramaturgic
- drastic
- dualistic
- dyadic
- dynamic
- dynastic
- dysgenic
- dyslectic
- dyslexic
- dyslogistic
- dyspeptic
- dysphemistic
- dysphoric
- dysplastic
- dyspneic
- dyspnoeic
- eccentric
- ecclesiastic
- ecdemic
- echoic
- eclectic
- ecologic
- econometric
- economic
- ecstatic
- ectodermic
- ectomorphic
- ectopic
- ectothermic
- ecumenic
- egocentric
- egoistic
- egotistic
- eidetic
- elastic
- electric
- electrocardiographic
- electroencephalographic
- electrolytic
- electromagnetic
- electron microscopic
- electronic
- electrophoretic
- electrostatic
- elliptic
- emblematic
- embolic
- embryologic
- embryonic
- embryotic
- emmetropic
- empathetic
- empathic
- emphatic
- empiric
- enatic
- encomiastic
- encyclopaedic
- encyclopedic
- endemic
- endergonic
- endermatic
- endermic
- endocentric
- endodontic
- endoergic
- endogamic
- endogenetic
- endogenic
- endomorphic
- endoparasitic
- endoscopic
- endothermic
- endozoic
- energetic
- enigmatic
- enolic
- enteric
- enthusiastic
- entomologic
- entozoic
- enzootic
- enzymatic
- eolithic
- eolotropic
- eosinophilic
- epenthetic
- epic
- epicyclic
- epideictic
- epidemic
- epidemiologic
- epidermic
- epigastric
- epigrammatic
- epileptic
- epilithic
- epimorphic
- epiphytic
- epiphytotic
- episodic
- epistemic
- epizoic
- epizootic
- eponymic
- eremitic
- ergodic
- ergonomic
- ergotic
- ergotropic
- eristic
- erotic
- erratic
- erythropoietic
- esoteric
- esthetic
- estrogenic
- ethnic
- ethnocentric
- ethnographic
- ethnologic
- etiologic
- eucaryotic
- eucharistic
- eudaemonic
- eudemonic
- eugenic
- eukaryotic
- eulogistic
- euphemistic
- euphonic
- euphoric
- eupneic
- eupnoeic
- eurasiatic
- eurocentric
- europocentric
- eutrophic
- evangelistic
- exegetic
- exergonic
- exhibitionistic
- exilic
- exocentric
- exodontic
- exoergic
- exogamic
- exogenic
- exoteric
- exothermic
- exotic
- expressionistic
- extragalactic
- extralinguistic
- extrasystolic
- extrinsic
- extropic
- factor analytic
- fanatic
- fantastic
- fascistic
- fatalistic
- ferric
- ferromagnetic
- feudalistic
- fiber-optic
- fiberoptic
- fibre-optic
- fibreoptic
- fibrocalcific
- forensic
- formalistic
- formic
- formulaic
- frantic
- frenetic
- frigorific
- fundamentalistic
- futuristic
- gaelic
- galactic
- gallic
- galvanic
- gastric
- gastronomic
- genealogic
- generic
- genetic
- genic
- genotypic
- geocentric
- geodesic
- geodetic
- geographic
- geologic
- geometric
- geomorphologic
- geophytic
- geostrategic
- geothermic
- geriatric
- germanic
- gigantic
- glycogenic
- gnomic
- gnostic
- gonadotrophic
- gonadotropic
- gothic
- graecophilic
- grammatic
- granitic
- granulocytic
- graphic
- gravimetric
- gymnastic
- gynandromorphic
- gynecologic
- gyroscopic
- haematic
- haematogenic
- haematopoietic
- haemic
- haemolytic
- haemophilic
- h
- as if by magic
- icily
- in public
- phonemic
- sic
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Search Result:IC
(TTS Sound)

Overview of noun ic
The noun ic has 1 sense
- Intelligence Community, National Intelligence Community, United States Intelligence Community, IC -- (a group of government agencies and organizations that carry out intelligence activities for the United States government; headed by the Director of Central Intelligence)
Overview of adj ic
The adj ic has 1 sense
- ninety-nine, 99, ic -- (being nine more than ninety)