Compund Words
- abscessed tooth
- absinth
- absolute pitch
- abutment arch
- acorn squash
- acre inch
- acth
- active birth
- adam smith
- addressograph
- adh
- adi granth
- adjustable wrench
- adult tooth
- african american english
- african american vernacular english
- afterbirth
- aftermath
- airbrush
- al-fatah
- al-hudaydah
- al-ma'unah
- al-ummah
- al aqabah
- al ladhiqiyah
- al madinah
- aleksandr pavlovich
- aleph
- alfred charles william harmsworth
- aliyah
- alkaline earth
- allah
- allelomorph
- allen wrench
- alligator wrench
- alligatorfish
- allmouth
- allograph
- allomorph
- almond moth
- alms dish
- alpine ash
- alpine milk vetch
- altazimuth
- alternative birth
- alveolar arch
- amah
- amaranth
- amberfish
- ambush
- american beech
- american cockroach
- american cranberry bush
- american crayfish
- american dwarf birch
- american english
- american flagfish
- american gray birch
- american grey birch
- american larch
- american mountain ash
- american smooth dogfish
- american spicebush
- american white birch
- amish
- amphibrach
- anaglyph
- analog watch
- andhra pradesh
- andrew wyeth
- anemone fish
- angelfish
- angled loofah
- angler fish
- anglerfish
- anglican church
- anglo-french
- angoumois grain moth
- angoumois moth
- anguish
- animal starch
- anomalistic month
- anouilh
- ant thrush
- antediluvian patriarch
- anticipatory breach
- antioch
- antler moth
- aortic arch
- applied math
- approach
- approach path
- approach trench
- arch
- archerfish
- archibald macleish
- arctiid moth
- arishth
- arizona ash
- arm's length
- armenian apostolic orthodox church
- armenian church
- arminian church
- armored catfish
- arrowsmith
- artery of the labyrinth
- article of faith
- asarh
- asch
- ash
- ashtoreth
- asiatic cockroach
- asplenium ceterach
- atacama trench
- atlantic moonfish
- atlantic sailfish
- atlantic spiny dogfish
- atlas moth
- auction pitch
- australian cockroach
- australian heath
- australian lungfish
- autograph
- autoradiograph
- autotroph
- ayah
- ayatollah
- azedarach
- azederach
- azimuth
- baal merodach
- babe ruth
- babies'-breath
- baby's breath
- baby tooth
- bach
- back porch
- back tooth
- backbench
- backcloth
- backlash
- backsheesh
- backstitch
- backwash
- bacon-lettuce-tomato sandwich
- baisakh
- bait and switch
- baksheesh
- bakshish
- balderdash
- ballistocardiograph
- balloonfish
- banded rudderfish
- bandwidth
- bangla desh
- bangladesh
- baptist church
- bar graph
- bar mitzvah
- barbara hepworth
- barber's itch
- barish
- barograph
- baroness jackson of lodsworth
- barrelfish
- barth
- baruch
- bas mitzvah
- baseball coach
- bash
- basic english
- basket-handle arch
- basket ash
- basket fish
- basketball coach
- basting stitch
- bat mitzvah
- batch
- batfish
- bath
- bath mitzvah
- batholith
- bathyscaph
- batting coach
- battle of brunanburh
- battle of monmouth
- battle of rossbach
- battle of sempatch
- battle of shiloh
- bay wreath
- beach
- beach plum bush
- bear's breech
- beauty bush
- bee moth
- beech
- beef broth
- beef goulash
- behemoth
- bel-merodach
- belch
- bell arch
- bell push
- bellows fish
- belly laugh
- belted sandfish
- bench
- benjamin bush
- benjamin rush
- berith
- bernard baruch
- bernard mannes baruch
- berth
- bessie smith
- beth
- bethlehem-judah
- bethlehem ephrathah
- bh
- big fish
- big h
- big sagebrush
- bill of health
- billfish
- billionth
- billyoh
- biological research
- biotech
- biplane flying fish
- birch
- bird's-eye bush
- bird vetch
- birdbath
- birth
- birthing coach
- bismuth
- bitch
- bits per inch
- bitter betch
- blabbermouth
- black ash
- black beech
- black birch
- black cohosh
- black death
- black english
- black larch
- black rudderfish
- black vernacular english
- blackberry bush
- blackfish
- blacksmith
- blackwall hitch
- blackwash
- blah
- blanket stitch
- bleach
- bleaching earth
- bleeding tooth
- blemish
- blennioid fish
- bligh
- bloch
- bloodbath
- bloom of youth
- blotch
- blowfish
- blowtorch
- blue ash
- blue catfish
- blue channel catfish
- blue cohosh
- blue pikeperch
- blueberry bush
- bluefish
- blunt-leaf heath
- blush
- boarfish
- bobsleigh
- body english
- body length
- body plethysmograph
- bolograph
- bombycid moth
- bone ash
- bonefish
- bony fish
- bony labyrinth
- booby hatch
- book of baruch
- book of isaiah
- book of jeremiah
- book of jonah
- book of judith
- book of micah
- book of nehemiah
- book of obadiah
- book of ruth
- book of zachariah
- book of zephaniah
- booth
- borough
- borough english
- borsch
- borsh
- borshch
- bortsch
- bosch
- bosh
- botch
- bottlebrush
- bottom fish
- bougainville trench
- bough
- bowditch
- box end wrench
- box wrench
- boxfish
- boxing match
- boysenberry bush
- bph
- brace wrench
- bradley method of childbirth
- brain death
- bramble bush
- branch
- branchial arch
- brandish
- breach
- bread dough
- breadth
- breakthrough
- breath
- breech
- breech birth
- breechcloth
- bridal-wreath
- bridal wreath
- bridle path
- brier patch
- brierpatch
- bristle brush
- brith
- british
- british commonwealth
- brittle bush
- brittlebush
- broach
- broadcloth
- broken arch
- brooch
- brood bitch
- broth
- brown-tail moth
- brown ash
- brown thrush
- bruch
- brunanburh
- brunch
- brush
- bsarch
- bubble bath
- bucktooth
- bud brush
- bud sagebrush
- budgereegah
- budgerygah
- buffalo fish
- buffalofish
- bulldog wrench
- bullfinch
- bullhead catfish
- bullrush
- bulrush
- bumph
- bunch
- bureau of intelligence and research
- burgh
- burning bush
- burnish
- burrfish
- bush
- bush vetch
- business lunch
- butch
- butter dish
- buttercrunch
- buttercup squash
- butterfish
- butterfly bush
- butterfly fish
- butterflyfish
- butternut squash
- butterscotch
- buttonhole stitch
- by-catch
- bycatch
- bypath
- byzantine church
- cabbalah
- cable's length
- cable length
- cacao moth
- calabash
- calash
- calendar month
- calico bush
- california sagebrush
- caliph
- camash
- camassia quamash
- camber arch
- camosh
- canadian french
- canine tooth
- canoe birch
- cape hyacinth
- capital of bangladesh
- capital of utah
- captain bligh
- captain john smith
- carangid fish
- cardinalfish
- cardiograph
- cargo hatch
- carnassial tooth
- carpet moth
- carriage wrench
- cartilaginous fish
- cartouch
- casbah
- casemaking clothes moth
- cash
- caspase-mediated cell death
- cassava starch
- catarrh
- catch
- catfish
- catholic church
- cattle ranch
- cause of death
- caustic potash
- cavendish
- cecropia moth
- ceilidh
- cell death
- cenotaph
- center punch
- cerebral death
- cerecloth
- ceterach
- chabad-lubavitch
- chaetognath
- chaffinch
- chafing dish
- chain stitch
- chain wrench
- challah
- chamois cloth
- channel catfish
- channukah
- channukkah
- chanukah
- chanukkah
- characin fish
- charles a. lindbergh
- charles augustus lindbergh
- charles bullfinch
- charles frederick worth
- charles lindbergh
- charles watson-wentworth
- cheek pouch
- cheesecloth
- cheetah
- chenfish
- cherry birch
- chess match
- chetah
- chicken broth
- chicken paprikash
- chicken sandwich
- chicken scratch
- chief joseph
- childbirth
- chilean firebush
- chinch
- chinese paddlefish
- chough
- christchurch
- christian church
- christmas bush
- chronograph
- church
- church bench
- chutzpah
- chuvash
- cichlid fish
- cigarfish
- cinch
- cinnabar moth
- circumflex artery of the thigh
- civil death
- clash
- clean bill of health
- clench
- climbing perch
- clinch
- clingfish
- clinid fish
- clocksmith
- cloth
- clothes moth
- clothesbrush
- clove hitch
- clown anemone fish
- club sandwich
- clunch
- clupeid fish
- clutch
- clyde tombaugh
- clyde william tombaugh
- coach
- cockroach
- cocopah
- codfish
- codlin moth
- codling moth
- coelacanth
- cohosh
- cold cash
- cold fish
- color wash
- colour wash
- columbian mammoth
- column inch
- common beech
- common birch
- common blackfish
- common european ash
- common grape hyacinth
- common heath
- common hyacinth
- common rush
- common touch
- commonwealth
- communication trench
- compass north
- concert pitch
- conch
- conchfish
- cone clutch
- cone friction clutch
- congregational christian church
- congregational church
- connemara heath
- constructive breach
- consumer research
- continuous receiver watch
- convict fish
- convictfish
- copper beech
- copper rockfish
- coppersmith
- coprolith
- coptic church
- coral bush
- corbel arch
- corinth
- corn borer moth
- corn tash
- corned beef hash
- cornetfish
- cornish
- cornish heath
- cornmeal mush
- cornstarch
- coronach
- cosh
- cot death
- cotton rush
- cottonmouth
- couch
- cough
- countermarch
- counterpunch
- covered couch
- cowfish
- coyote brush
- coyote bush
- crampfish
- cranberry bush
- cranberry heath
- crash
- crawfish
- crayfish
- credit crunch
- creeping spike rush
- creole-fish
- creosote bush
- crescent wrench
- crib death
- cricket match
- crith
- crochet stitch
- cromlech
- crookneck squash
- cross-leaved heath
- cross-stitch
- crossbench
- crosshatch
- crosspatch
- crotch
- crouch
- crown vetch
- crucifix fish
- crunch
- crush
- crutch
- cryptograph
- cuban itch
- cuban sandwich
- cuban spinach
- cubic inch
- cupid's itch
- currant bush
- cush-cush
- cutch
- cutlassfish
- cuttlefish
- cycle of rebirth
- cymograph
- cynthia moth
- cyprinid fish
- cypriniform fish
- cystolith
- czech
- d. w. griffith
- da'wah
- dah
- daisy-bush
- daisy bush
- daisybush
- daleth
- dame barbara hepworth
- dame jean iris murdoch
- damselfish
- dance of death
- daniel chester french
- danish
- dartmouth
- daryacheh-ye orumiyeh
- dash
- david lewelyn wark griffith
- david roland smith
- david smith
- dawah
- day of the month
- day watch
- daytona beach
- dead march
- dealfish
- dearth
- death
- death's-head moth
- death wish
- deathwatch
- debauch
- deciduous tooth
- deep south
- deepwater pipefish
- deepwater squirrelfish
- defect of speech
- defender of the faith
- delilah
- department of english
- depth
- dervish
- desert paintbrush
- despatch
- devilfish
- dewberry bush
- dhobi itch
- dhu'l-hijjah
- dhu'l-qa'dah
- dhu al-hijjah
- dhu al-qadah
- diaglyph
- diaper rash
- diatomaceous earth
- dibrach
- dibranch
- dietrich
- digital plethysmograph
- digital watch
- digraph
- dimash
- diminished arch
- dip switch
- diplomatic pouch
- diptych
- director of research
- dish
- dishcloth
- disk clutch
- dispatch
- distich
- ditch
- dmitri dmitrievich shostakovich
- dmitri shostakovich
- dobrich
- doctor-fish
- doctor of public health
- doctor of the church
- doctorfish
- dog sleigh
- dog wrench
- dogfish
- dogtooth
- dogwatch
- doh
- dollarfish
- dolphinfish
- domestic silkworm moth
- domesticated silkworm moth
- door latch
- double clinch
- double dutch
- double stitch
- dough
- dourah
- downy ash
- downy birch
- dph
- dragon's mouth
- drainage ditch
- driftfish
- drop arch
- drop cloth
- drouth
- drumfish
- dry mouth
- dry vermouth
- dry wash
- dual inline package switch
- dubyuh
- dude ranch
- due north
- due south
- duke of edinburgh
- duke of marlborough
- duluth
- dustcloth
- dutch
- dwarf pipefish
- earreach
- earth
- east by north
- east by south
- eastern church
- eastern orthodox church
- echocardiograph
- echoencephalograph
- economic growth
- ectomorph
- edinburgh
- edvard munch
- edward teach
- edward thatch
- eggplant bush
- egyptian paper rush
- ehrlich
- eighteenth
- eighth
- eightieth
- el iskandriyah
- elasmobranch
- elderberry bush
- electric catfish
- electric switch
- electric toothbrush
- electrical switch
- electrocardiograph
- electroencephalograph
- electrograph
- electromyograph
- eleventh
- elijah
- elizabeth
- ellsworth
- embroidery stitch
- embryonic stem-cell research
- emery cloth
- emperor moth
- empire state of the south
- empirical research
- enantiomorph
- endolymph
- endomorph
- english
- enough
- enterolith
- eocene epoch
- eolith
- eparch
- ephah
- epigraph
- episcopal c
- aah
- abash
- abolish
- accomplish
- acid-wash
- admonish
- airbrush
- ally with
- ambush
- anguish
- approach
- arch
- ash
- astonish
- attach
- autograph
- avouch
- bach
- backlash
- backstitch
- badmouth
- banish
- bar mitzvah
- bash
- bat mitzvah
- batch
- bath
- beach
- beat around the bush
- belch
- bellylaugh
- bench
- bequeath
- berth
- beseech
- besmirch
- betroth
- bewitch
- birch
- birdwatch
- birth
- bitch
- blackwash
- blanch
- blandish
- bleach
- blemish
- blench
- blossom forth
- blotch
- blush
- body forth
- botch
- brainwash
- branch
- brandish
- breach
- break through
- break with
- breeze through
- bring forth
- bring through
- broach
- brooch
- brunch
- brush
- bull through
- bunch
- burgeon forth
- burnish
- burst forth
- bush
- call forth
- calligraph
- carry through
- cash
- catch
- catch one's breath
- catch up with
- center punch
- cherish
- choreograph
- church
- cinch
- clash
- clench
- clinch
- clutch
- co-occur with
- coach
- collide with
- collocate with
- come forth
- come through
- come with
- condole with
- confer with
- construe with
- contradistinguish
- cooccur with
- cope with
- cosh
- couch
- cough
- countermarch
- cranch
- crash
- craunch
- crawfish
- crosshatch
- crouch
- crunch
- crush
- cut through
- dash
- debauch
- debouch
- declutch
- demolish
- despatch
- detach
- diminish
- disagree with
- disestablish
- dish
- dispatch
- dispense with
- distinguish
- ditch
- do away with
- double stitch
- drench
- earth
- embellish
- encroach
- enmesh
- enrich
- entrench
- establish
- etch
- express mirth
- extinguish
- fall through
- famish
- fetch
- fiddle with
- filch
- finish
- fish
- flash
- flesh
- flinch
- flirt with
- flourish
- flush
- fly-fish
- fly high
- flyfish
- foam at the mouth
- follow through
- french
- frogmarch
- froth
- froth at the mouth
- furbish
- furlough
- furnish
- galumph
- garnish
- gash
- gate-crash
- get along with
- get hitched with
- get in touch
- get on with
- get through
- girth
- give birth
- give forth
- gnash
- go dutch
- go forth
- go through
- go with
- graph
- grouch
- gush
- habilitate
- habit
- habituate
- hack
- hack on
- hackle
- had best
- haemagglutinate
- haggle
- hail
- hale
- halloo
- hallow
- hallucinate
- halt
- halter
- halve
- ham
- ham it up
- hammer
- hammer in
- hammer out
- hamper
- hamstring
- hand
- hand-build
- hand-dye
- hand-pick
- hand-wash
- hand down
- hand out
- hand over
- handbuild
- handcolor
- handcolour
- handcraft
- handcuff
- handicap
- handle
- handle with kid gloves
- handstamp
- handwash
- handwrite
- hang
- hang around
- hang back
- hang by a hair
- hang by a thread
- hang glide
- hang in
- hang on
- hang out
- hang together
- hang up
- hanker
- hap
- happen
- happen upon
- harangue
- harass
- harbinger
- harbor
- harbour
- hard surface
- harden
- hare
- hark
- hark back
- harken
- harlequin
- harm
- harmonise
- harmonize
- harness
- harp
- harpoon
- harrow
- harry
- harsh on
- harshen
- harvest
- hash
- hash out
- hash over
- hasp
- hassle
- hasten
- hat
- hatch
- hatchel
- hate
- haul
- haul away
- haul off
- haul up
- haunt
- have
- have-to doe with
- have a ball
- have a bun in the oven
- have a fit
- have a go
- have a go at it
- have a good time
- have a look
- have down
- have got
- have in mind
- have intercourse
- have it away
- have it coming
- have it off
- have kittens
- have on
- have sex
- have the best
- have words
- have young
- haw
- hawk
- hay
- hazard
- haze
- haze over
- head
- head for the hills
- head home
- head off
- head up
- headbutt
- headline
- headquarter
- heal
- heap
- heap up
- hear
- hear out
- hearken
- hearten
- heat
- heat up
- heave
- heave up
- heckle
- hectograph
- hector
- hedge
- hedge in
- hedgehop
- hee-haw
- heed
- heel
- heft
- heft up
- heighten
- heist
- heliograph
- helm
- help
- help oneself
- help out
- hem
- hem and haw
- hem in
- hemagglutinate
- hemorrhage
- hemstitch
- hen-peck
- henna
- herald
- herd
- hero-worship
- hesitate
- heterodyne
- hew
- hew out
- hex
- hibachi
- hibernate
- hiccough
- hiccup
- hide
- hide out
- hie
- higgle
- high-tail
- highjack
- highlight
- hightail
- hightail it
- hijack
- hike
- hike up
- hill
- hinder
- hinge
- hinge on
- hinge upon
- hint
- hire
- hire out
- hiss
- hit
- hit home
- hit it up
- hit the books
- hit the ceiling
- hit the deck
- hit the dirt
- hit the hay
- hit the jackpot
- hit the roof
- hit the sack
- hitch
- hitch up
- hitchhike
- hive
- hive away
- hive off
- hive up
- hoard
- hoax
- hob
- hobble
- hobnail
- hobnob
- hock
- hoe
- hog
- hog-tie
- hoist
- hold
- hold back
- hold close
- hold dear
- hold down
- hold fast
- hold firm
- hold forth
- hold in
- hold off
- hold on
- hold one's own
- hold open
- hold out
- hold over
- hold still for
- hold sway
- hold the line
- hold tight
- hold up
- hold water
- hole
- hole out
- hole up
- holiday
- holler
- holler out
- hollo
- hollow
- hollow out
- holystone
- home
- home-school
- home in
- homer
- homestead
- homogenise
- homogenize
- homologise
- homologize
- hone
- honey
- honeycomb
- honeymoon
- honk
- honor
- honour
- hood
- hoodoo
- hoodwink
- hoof
- hoof it
- hook
- hook on
- hook up
- hook up with
- hoop
- hoot
- hoover
- hop
- hop-skip
- hop on
- hop out
- hop up
- hope
- hopple
- horn
- horn in
- hornswoggle
- horrify
- horripilate
- horse
- horse-race
- horse-trade
- horse around
- horseshoe
- horsewhip
- hose
- hose down
- hospitalise
- hospitalize
- host
- hot-dog
- hot-wire
- hot-work
- hot up
- hotfoot
- hound
- house
- house-train
- housebreak
- houseclean
- housekeep
- hover
- howl
- huckster
- huddle
- huddle together
- hue
- huff
- hug
- hugger mugger
- hulk
- hull
- hum
- humanise
- humanize
- humble
- humbug
- humidify
- humify
- humiliate
- humor
- humour
- hump
- hunch
- hunch forward
- hunch over
- hunger
- hunker
- hunker down
- hunt
- hunt down
- hurdle
- hurl
- hurrah
- hurry
- hurt
- hurtle
- husband
- hush
- hush up
- husk
- hustle
- hybridise
- hybridize
- hydrate
- hydrogen-bomb
- hydrogenate
- hydrolise
- hydrolize
- hydrolyse
- hydrolyze
- hydroplane
- hygienise
- hygienize
- hymn
- hype
- hype up
- hyperbolise
- hyperbolize
- hyperextend
- hypertrophy
- hyperventilate
- hyphen
- hyphenate
- hypnotise
- hypnotize
- hypophysectomise
- hypophysectomize
- hypostatise
- hypostatize
- hypothecate
- hypothesise
- hypothesize
- impeach
- impoverish
- inch
- intrench
- inveigh
- issue forth
- itch
- josh
- kibosh
- kvetch
- languish
- lash
- latch
- laugh
- launch
- lavish
- leach
- leash
- leech
- lie with
- lip-synch
- lithograph
- live with
- luck through
- lunch
- lurch
- lynch
- machine-wash
- machine wash
- malnourish
- march
- mash
- match
- meet up with
- mesh
- mimeograph
- mismatch
- monish
- mooch
- morph
- mosh
- mouth
- move back and forth
- move through
- mulch
- munch
- mush
- neigh
- net fish
- nosh
- notch
- nourish
- ooh
- ooze through
- outmarch
- outmatch
- outweigh
- overarch
- overreach
- overstretch
- paragraph
- parch
- part with
- pass through
- patch
- pay cash
- peach
- penny-pinch
- perch
- perish
- photograph
- pinch
- pitch
- pith
- plash
- pleach
- plough
- poach
- polish
- pooch
- pooh-pooh
- pouch
- pour forth
- powerwash
- preach
- pressure-wash
- publish
- pull through
- pullulate with
- punch
- punish
- purl stitch
- push
- push through
- put through
- put to death
- quash
- quench
- quetch
- ranch
- ravish
- reach
- reestablish
- refinish
- refresh
- refurbish
- refurnish
- rehash
- relinquish
- relish
- replenish
- reproach
- republish
- research
- retch
- retouch
- retrench
- ride the bench
- roach
- rough
- rubbish
- run through
- rush
- sail through
- sally forth
- sandwich
- scorch
- scotch
- scranch
- scratch
- scraunch
- screech
- scrunch
- search
- see through
- seize with teeth
- set forth
- shell stitch
- shush
- shut one's mouth
- sigh
- single stitch
- sketch
- skirmish
- skreigh
- slash
- sleep with
- sleigh
- sleuth
- slice through
- slosh
- slouch
- slough
- slush
- smash
- smirch
- smooch
- smooth
- smutch
- snatch
- snitch
- soak through
- sough
- splash
- splosh
- splotch
- squash
- squeak through
- squelch
- squinch
- squish
- stanch
- stand watch
- starch
- stash
- staunch
- stay fresh
- stenograph
- stick with
- still-fish
- stitch
- stomach
- stone-wash
- stonewash
- stretch
- stretch forth
- strip-search
- swash
- sweep through
- swish
- switch
- swoosh
- swosh
- sympathize with
- take a breath
- take the fifth
- tangle with
- tarnish
- teach
- telegraph
- thatch
- thrash
- thresh
- torch
- touch
- toy with
- trash
- trench
- triumph
- turn one's stomach
- twitch
- unchurch
- undernourish
- unearth
- unhitch
- unlash
- unleash
- unteach
- vanish
- vanquish
- varnish
- vouch
- walk through
- warm the bench
- wash
- watch
- water-wash
- weigh
- welch
- welsh
- wench
- whip through
- whish
- whitewash
- whoosh
- winch
- wish
- witch
- woosh
- work through
- wrench
- 1000th
- 100th
- 105th
- 10th
- 110th
- 115th
- 11th
- 120th
- 125th
- 12th
- 130th
- 135th
- 13th
- 140th
- 145th
- 14th
- 150th
- 155th
- 15th
- 160th
- 165th
- 16th
- 170th
- 175th
- 17th
- 180th
- 18th
- 190th
- 19th
- 200th
- 20th
- 24th
- 25th
- 26th
- 27th
- 28th
- 29th
- 300th
- 30th
- 34th
- 35th
- 36th
- 37th
- 38th
- 39th
- 400th
- 40th
- 44th
- 45th
- 46th
- 47th
- 48th
- 49th
- 4th
- 500th
- 50th
- 55th
- 5th
- 60th
- 64th
- 65th
- 6th
- 70th
- 75th
- 7th
- 80th
- 85th
- 8th
- 90th
- 95th
- 9th
- abroach
- aguish
- amateurish
- anglo-jewish
- apish
- arch
- awash
- aweigh
- baboonish
- babyish
- beamish
- bearish
- biggish
- billionth
- birch
- bitterish
- blackish
- blimpish
- blockish
- blueish
- bluish
- bookish
- boorish
- both
- bounderish
- boyish
- brackish
- brainish
- brash
- brattish
- british
- brownish
- brutish
- buffoonish
- bullish
- bush
- butch
- caddish
- cattish
- childish
- churlish
- clannish
- cliquish
- cloddish
- clownish
- clubbish
- coltish
- comparable with
- coquettish
- cornish
- couth
- currish
- cursed with
- czech
- dampish
- dandyish
- danish
- darkish
- devilish
- dilettanteish
- dilettantish
- doltish
- done with
- donnish
- dovish
- down-to-earth
- down in the mouth
- duncish
- dutch
- dwarfish
- each
- earlyish
- eighteenth
- eighth
- eightieth
- eighty-fifth
- eldritch
- eleventh
- elfish
- elvish
- english
- enough
- extrovertish
- faddish
- fairish
- fattish
- feverish
- fiendish
- fifteenth
- fifth
- fiftieth
- fifty-fifth
- fine-tooth
- finnish
- five-hundredth
- flash
- flemish
- flush
- fogyish
- foolish
- foppish
- fortieth
- forty-eighth
- forty-fifth
- forty-fourth
- forty-ninth
- forty-seventh
- forty-sixth
- four-hundredth
- fourteenth
- fourth
- frankish
- freakish
- french
- fresh
- frumpish
- full-length
- full-strength
- garish
- ghoulish
- girlish
- gnomish
- good enough
- goodish
- grayish
- greenish
- greyish
- h-shaped
- habilimented
- habit-forming
- habitable
- habited
- habitual
- hackneyed
- hadal
- hadean
- haemal
- haematal
- haematic
- haematogenic
- haematological
- haematopoietic
- haemic
- haemolytic
- haemophilic
- haemopoietic
- haemorrhagic
- hag-ridden
- haggard
- hagridden
- hail-fellow
- hail-fellow-well-met
- hair-raising
- hair-shirt
- hair-shirted
- haired
- hairless
- hairlike
- hairsplitting
- hairy
- haitian
- halal
- halcyon
- hale
- half
- half-and-half
- half-baked
- half-blooded
- half-bound
- half-bred
- half-breed
- half-clothed
- half-crazed
- half-dozen
- half-evergreen
- half-hardy
- half-hearted
- half-hourly
- half-length
- half-seas-over
- half-size
- half-timber
- half-timbered
- half-time
- half-track
- half-tracked
- half-witted
- half-yearly
- half dozen
- halfhearted
- halfway
- hallowed
- hallucinating
- hallucinatory
- hallucinogenic
- halt
- halting
- ham-fisted
- ham-handed
- hammer-shaped
- hammered
- hammy
- hand-crafted
- hand-down
- hand-held
- hand-hewn
- hand-loomed
- hand-me-down
- hand-operated
- hand-to-hand
- hand-to-mouth
- handed
- handed-down
- handelian
- handheld
- handicapped
- handled
- handleless
- handless
- handmade
- hands-down
- hands-off
- hands-on
- handsewn
- handsome
- handstitched
- handwoven
- handwritten
- handy
- hangdog
- hanoverian
- haphazard
- hapless
- haploid
- haploidic
- happy
- happy-go-lucky
- haptic
- harassed
- hard
- hard-and-fast
- hard-baked
- hard-bitten
- hard-boiled
- hard-core
- hard-fought
- hard-hitting
- hard-line
- hard-nosed
- hard-of-hearing
- hard-pressed
- hard-shelled
- hard-to-please
- hard put
- hard to please
- hard up
- hardback
- hardbacked
- hardbound
- hardcore
- hardcover
- hardened
- hardfisted
- hardheaded
- hardhearted
- hardline
- hardly a
- hardscrabble
- hardworking
- hardy
- harebrained
- harmful
- harmless
- harmonic
- harmonical
- harmonious
- harmonised
- harmonizable
- harmonized
- harnessed
- harp-shaped
- harried
- harrowing
- harsh
- harsh-voiced
- harum-scarum
- hasidic
- hassidic
- hastate
- hasty
- hatched
- hated
- hateful
- hatless
- hatted
- haughty
- haunted
- haunting
- hawaiian
- hawk-eyed
- hawkish
- haywire
- hazardous
- hazel
- hazel-brown
- hazy
- head-in-the-clouds
- head-on
- head-to-head
- headed
- headfirst
- headless
- headlike
- headlong
- heads-up
- headstrong
- heady
- healed
- healing
- healthful
- healthier
- healthy
- hearable
- heard
- hearing
- hearing-impaired
- hearsay
- heart-healthy
- heart-shaped
- heart-to-heart
- heart-whole
- heartbreaking
- heartbroken
- heartening
- heartfelt
- heartless
- heartrending
- heartsick
- heartwarming
- hearty
- heat-absorbing
- heat-releasing
- heatable
- heated
- heated up
- heathen
- heathenish
- heathlike
- heatless
- heaven-sent
- heavenly
- heavenward
- heavier-than-air
- heavily traveled
- heavy
- heavy-armed
- heavy-coated
- heavy-duty
- heavy-footed
- heavy-handed
- heavy-laden
- heavy-limbed
- heavyhearted
- heavyset
- hebdomadal
- hebdomadary
- hebephrenic
- hebraic
- hebraical
- hebrew
- hebridean
- hectic
- hedged
- hedonic
- hedonistic
- heedful
- heedless
- hefty
- hegelian
- heightening
- heinous
- held
- heliac
- heliacal
- helical
- heliocentric
- hell-bent
- hellenic
- hellenistic
- hellenistical
- hellish
- helmet-shaped
- helmeted
- helminthic
- helpful
- helpless
- helter-skelter
- hemal
- hematal
- hematic
- hematogenic
- hematologic
- hematological
- hematopoietic
- hemic
- hemimetabolic
- hemimetabolous
- hemimetamorphic
- hemimetamorphous
- hemingwayesque
- hemiparasitic
- hemispheric
- hemispherical
- hemodynamic
- hemolytic
- hemophilic
- hemopoietic
- hemorrhagic
- hemostatic
- hempen
- henpecked
- hep
- hepatic
- hepatotoxic
- heralded
- heraldic
- heraldist
- herbaceous
- herbal
- herbivorous
- herculean
- here
- hereditary
- heretical
- heritable
- hermaphrodite
- hermaphroditic
- hermeneutic
- hermetic
- hermitic
- hermitical
- heroic
- heroical
- hertzian
- hesitant
- hesitating
- hesperian
- het
- het up
- heterocercal
- heterocyclic
- heterodactyl
- heterodox
- heterodyne
- heteroecious
- heterogeneous
- heterogenous
- heteroicous
- heterologic
- heterological
- heterologous
- heterometabolic
- heterometabolous
- heterosexual
- heterosporous
- heterothermic
- heterotrophic
- heterozygous
- heuristic
- hewn
- hex
- hexadecimal
- hexagonal
- hexangular
- hexed
- hi-fi
- hi-tech
- hibernal
- hibernating
- hick
- hidden
- hidebound
- hideous
- hidrotic
- hiemal
- hierarchal
- hierarchic
- hierarchical
- hieratic
- hieratical
- hieroglyphic
- hieroglyphical
- hifalutin
- higgledy-piggledy
- high
- high-altitude
- high-and-mighty
- high-backed
- high-ceilinged
- high-class
- high-crowned
- high-energy
- high-fidelity
- high-flown
- high-grade
- high-handed
- high-interest
- high-keyed
- high-level
- high-minded
- high-necked
- high-octane
- high-performance
- high-pitched
- high-potential
- high-power
- high-powered
- high-pressure
- high-priced
- high-principled
- high-ranking
- high-resolution
- high-rise
- high-risk
- high-sounding
- high-speed
- high-spirited
- high-stepped
- high-stepping
- high-strung
- high-sudsing
- high-tech
- high-tension
- high-ticket
- high-toned
- high-top
- high-topped
- high-velocity
- high-voltage
- high-yield
- highborn
- highbrow
- highbrowed
- higher
- higher-ranking
- highfalutin
- highfaluting
- highflying
- highland
- highly-developed
- highly-sexed
- highly infective
- highly sensitive
- highly strung
- hilar
- hilarious
- hilly
- himalayan
- hind
- hinder
- hindering
- hindermost
- hindi
- hindmost
- hindoo
- hindu
- hindustani
- hip
- hip-length
- hip to
- hiplength
- hipless
- hipped
- hippocratic
- hircine
- hired
- hirsute
- hispanic
- hispaniolan
- hispid
- histologic
- histological
- historic
- historical
- historied
- histrionic
- hit-and-run
- hit-or-miss
- hitlerian
- hitless
- hittite
- hmong
- ho-hum
- hoar
- hoarse
- hoary
- hobnailed
- hogged
- hoggish
- hoity-toity
- hokey
- hole-and-corner
- hole-in-corner
- holey
- holier-than-thou
- holistic
- hollow
- hollow-eyed
- hollow-horned
- hollywood
- holographic
- holographical
- holometabolic
- holometabolous
- holophytic
- holozoic
- holy
- home
- home-baked
- home-brewed
- home-cured
- home-loving
- home-style
- homebound
- homegrown
- homeless
- homelike
- homely
- homemade
- homeopathic
- homeostatic
- homeothermic
- homeric
- homesick
- homespun
- homeward
- homeward-bound
- homey
- homicidal
- homiletic
- homiletical
- hominal
- homing
- hominian
- hominid
- hominine
- homocentric
- homocercal
- homochromatic
- homocyclic
- homoecious
- homoerotic
- homogeneous
- homogenised
- homogenized
- homogenous
- homoiothermic
- homologic
- homological
- homologous
- homonymic
- homonymous
- homophile
- homophobic
- homophonic
- homophonous
- homosexual
- homosporous
- homostyled
- homostylic
- homostylous
- homothermic
- homozygous
- homy
- honduran
- honest
- honest-to-god
- honest-to-goodness
- honey
- honey-colored
- honey-coloured
- honey-scented
- honeycombed
- honeyed
- honeylike
- honied
- honorable
- honorary
- honored
- honorific
- honourable
- hoofed
- hooflike
- hook-nosed
- hook-shaped
- hooked
- hooklike
- hooved
- hoped-for
- hopeful
- hopeless
- hopped-up
- horary
- horizontal
- hormonal
- horn-rimmed
- horn-shaped
- horned
- hornless
- hornlike
- horny
- horrendous
- horrible
- horrid
- horrific
- horrified
- horrifying
- horror-stricken
- horror-struck
- horse-and-buggy
- horse-drawn
- hortative
- hortatory
- horticultural
- hospitable
- hostile
- hot
- hot-blooded
- hot-tempered
- hot and bothered
- hot under the collar
- hotheaded
- hottish
- hourglass-shaped
- hourlong
- hourly
- house-proud
- house-to-house
- house-trained
- housebound
- housebroken
- housewifely
- howling
- hoydenish
- huddled
- hueless
- huffish
- huffy
- huge
- hugger-mugger
- hugoesque
- hulking
- hulky
- human
- human-centered
- human-centred
- human-sized
- humane
- humanist
- humanistic
- humanitarian
- humanlike
- humble
- humbled
- humbling
- humdrum
- humic
- humid
- humified
- humiliated
- humiliating
- humongous
- humoral
- humorless
- humorous
- humourless
- humourous
- humpbacked
- humped
- hunchbacked
- hunched
- hundred
- hundred-and-eightieth
- hundred-and-fifteenth
- hundred-and-fifth
- hundred-and-fiftieth
- hundred-and-fifty-fifth
- hundred-and-first
- hundred-and-fortieth
- hundred-and-forty-fifth
- hundred-and-ninetieth
- hundred-and-seventieth
- hundred-and-seventy-fifth
- hundred-and-sixtieth
- hundred-and-sixty-fifth
- hundred-and-tenth
- hundred-and-thirtieth
- hundred-and-thirty-fifth
- hundred-and-twentieth
- hundred-and-twenty-fifth
- hundred and one
- hundred thousand
- hundredth
- hungarian
- hungry
- hunky-dory
- hunted
- hurried
- hurrying
- hurt
- hurtful
- husbandly
- hush-hush
- hushed
- hushed-up
- husky
- huxleian
- huxleyan
- hyaline
- hyaloid
- hyaloplasmic
- hybrid
- hydrated
- hydraulic
- hydric
- hydrocephalic
- hydrodynamic
- hydroelectric
- hydrographic
- hydrographical
- hydrokinetic
- hydrolyzable
- hydrometric
- hydropathic
- hydrophilic
- hydrophobic
- hydrophytic
- hydroponic
- hydrostatic
- hydrous
- hydroxy
- hygienic
- hygienical
- hygrophytic
- hygroscopic
- hymenal
- hymeneal
- hymenopterous
- hyoid
- hypaethral
- hyperactive
- hyperbolic
- hyperboloidal
- hypercatalectic
- hypercritical
- hyperemic
- hyperfine
- hypermetropic
- hyperopic
- hypersensitised
- hypersensitive
- hypersensitized
- hypertensive
- hyperthermal
- hypertonic
- hypertrophied
- hypethral
- hypnagogic
- hypnogogic
- hypnoid
- hypnotic
- hypnotised
- hypnotized
- hypoactive
- hypochondriac
- hypochondriacal
- hypocritical
- hypodermal
- hypodermic
- hypoglycaemic
- hypoglycemic
- hypognathous
- hypophyseal
- hypophysectomised
- hypophysectomized
- hypophysial
- hypotensive
- hypothalamic
- hypothermic
- hypothetic
- hypothetical
- hypotonic
- hypovolaemic
- hypovolemic
- hysteric
- hysterical
- impish
- in the flesh
- industrial-strength
- interchurch
- interfaith
- introvertish
- irish
- jewish
- kittenish
- knavish
- knee-length
- kurdish
- lamellibranch
- largish
- last-ditch
- latish
- lavish
- leftish
- life-and-death
- life-or-death
- liverish
- loath
- longish
- loth
- loutish
- low-tech
- lumpish
- lush
- mammoth
- mannish
- mawkish
- meshuggeneh
- milch
- millionth
- mobbish
- modish
- monkish
- m
- afresh
- and so forth
- as such
- at arm's length
- at first blush
- at length
- back and forth
- beneath
- breast-high
- by word of mouth
- devilish
- each
- enough
- every inch
- flush
- forsooth
- forth
- forthwith
- fourth
- fresh
- from scratch
- from start to finish
- habitually
- haggardly
- half
- half-and-half
- half-heartedly
- half-hourly
- half-price
- half-time
- half-yearly
- halfway
- haltingly
- hand and foot
- hand and glove
- hand in glove
- hand in hand
- hand over fist
- hand to hand
- hand to mouth
- handily
- hands down
- handsomely
- haphazard
- haphazardly
- haply
- happily
- haptically
- hard
- hardly
- harmfully
- harmlessly
- harmonically
- harmoniously
- harshly
- harum-scarum
- hastily
- hatefully
- haughtily
- hazardously
- hazily
- head-on
- head-to-head
- head and shoulders above
- head over heels
- headfirst
- headlong
- healthily
- heaps
- heart and soul
- heartily
- heartlessly
- heatedly
- heavenward
- heavenwardly
- heavenwards
- heavily
- heavy
- hebdomadally
- hectically
- heedfully
- heedlessly
- heels over head
- heinously
- hell-for-leather
- hellishly
- helpfully
- helplessly
- helter-skelter
- hence
- henceforth
- henceforward
- here
- here and there
- hereabout
- hereabouts
- hereafter
- hereby
- herein
- hereinafter
- hereinbefore
- hereof
- hereto
- heretofore
- hereunder
- hereupon
- herewith
- hermetically
- heroically
- hesitantly
- hesitatingly
- hideously
- hierarchically
- hieroglyphically
- higgledy-piggledy
- high
- high-handedly
- high-mindedly
- high and low
- high up
- higher up
- highly
- hilariously
- hinderingly
- histologically
- historically
- hither
- hither and thither
- hitherto
- hoarsely
- home
- homeostatically
- homeward
- homewards
- homogeneously
- honestly
- honorably
- honourably
- hook line and sinker
- hopefully
- hopelessly
- horizontally
- horribly
- horridly
- horrifyingly
- horseback
- horticulturally
- hospitably
- hostilely
- hotfoot
- hotly
- hourly
- however
- huffily
- hugely
- hugger-mugger
- humanely
- humanly
- humbly
- humiliatingly
- humorlessly
- humorously
- humourlessly
- hundredfold
- hungrily
- hurriedly
- huskily
- hydraulically
- hydraulicly
- hygienically
- hyperbolically
- hypnotically
- hypocritically
- hypothalamically
- hypothetically
- hysterically
- in a flash
- in the lurch
- in the same breath
- in the south
- in truth
- insomuch
- knee-high
- month by month
- much
- nigh
- north
- on earth
- on faith
- overmuch
- pretty much
- rough
- sky-high
- slapdash
- smash
- soon enough
- south
- such
- sure enough
- that much
- thenceforth
- therewith
- though
- through
- through and through
- to begin with
- to the south
- together with
- too much
- underneath
- very much
- waist-high
- well-nigh
- yeah
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Search Result:h
Overview of noun h
The noun h has 5 senses
- hydrogen, H, atomic number 1 -- (a nonmetallic univalent element that is normally a colorless and odorless highly flammable diatomic gas; the simplest and lightest and most abundant element in the universe)
- henry, H -- (a unit of inductance in which an induced electromotive force of one volt is produced when the current is varied at the rate of one ampere per second)
- Planck's constant, h -- (the constant of proportionality relating the energy of a photon to its frequency; approximately 6.626 x 10^-34 joule-second)
- H, h -- (the 8th letter of the Roman alphabet)
- heat content, total heat, enthalpy, H -- ((thermodynamics) a thermodynamic quantity equal to the internal energy of a system plus the product of its volume and pressure; "enthalpy is the amount of energy in a system capable of doing mechanical work")