Compund Words
- 16 pf
- aardwolf
- abruptly-pinnate leaf
- abu sayyaf
- abudefduf
- acerate leaf
- acuminate leaf
- adeline virginia stephen woolf
- alehoof
- alto clef
- amicus curiae brief
- amplexicaul leaf
- andre markoff
- aperitif
- arab chief
- arabian gulf
- arctic wolf
- asiatic sweetleaf
- atf
- bailiff
- banff
- barf
- barrier reef
- bas relief
- bass clef
- bay leaf
- beef
- beef stroganoff
- behalf
- belief
- beowulf
- better half
- bible leaf
- biff
- bijugate leaf
- bijugous leaf
- bipinnate leaf
- blastoff
- blindman's bluff
- blindman's buff
- bloodleaf
- bluff
- boeuf
- bombproof
- bookshelf
- boris karloff
- box calf
- breadstuff
- breaking off
- brief
- brush-off
- brush wolf
- buff
- bulgur pilaf
- bull mastiff
- bully beef
- bumf
- burden of proof
- c clef
- caff
- caitiff
- calf
- calif
- cardiff
- carl orff
- carl xvi gustaf
- cattle thief
- cf
- chaff
- chef
- chief
- chief of staff
- clef
- cliff
- clock golf
- closing off
- cloven hoof
- cloverleaf
- coif
- commander in chief
- compound leaf
- continental shelf
- coral reef
- cordate leaf
- corn beef
- corned beef
- cortef
- count nikolaus ludwig von zinzendorf
- cream puff
- crenate leaf
- cuff
- cuneate leaf
- curb roof
- cut of beef
- cutoff
- cutting off
- cynewulf
- cynwulf
- damping off
- dandruff
- daraf
- david sarnoff
- day off
- deaf
- decaf
- decompound leaf
- delf
- deltoid leaf
- dentate leaf
- denticulate leaf
- deputy sheriff
- disbelief
- disproof
- distaff
- drawing off
- drop-leaf
- drop-off
- duff
- dusseldorf
- dwarf
- dyer's woodruff
- dyestuff
- earmuff
- ecf
- edith piaf
- editor in chief
- ehf
- elf
- elie metchnikoff
- elliptic leaf
- elongate leaf
- emarginate leaf
- emf
- ensiform leaf
- entire leaf
- eragrostis tef
- erose leaf
- erroneous belief
- escalope de veau orloff
- etf
- even-pinnate leaf
- f
- f. d. roosevelt
- f. g. banting
- f. scott fitzgerald
- f.i.s.c.
- f clef
- f layer
- f number
- f region
- fa
- fa la
- faa
- fabaceae
- faberge
- fabian
- fabian society
- fabiana
- fabiana imbricata
- fabianism
- fable
- fabric
- fabrication
- fabricator
- fabulist
- facade
- face
- face-amount certificate company
- face-off
- face angle
- face card
- face cloth
- face cream
- face fungus
- face guard
- face lift
- face lifting
- face mask
- face pack
- face powder
- face recognition
- face saver
- face saving
- face soap
- face time
- face towel
- face value
- face veil
- facelift
- faceplate
- facer
- facet
- facet plane
- facetiousness
- facia
- facial
- facial artery
- facial expression
- facial gesture
- facial hair
- facial index
- facial muscle
- facial nerve
- facial profiling
- facial recognition
- facial tissue
- facial vein
- facilitation
- facilitator
- facility
- facing
- facing pages
- facsimile
- facsimile machine
- fact
- fact mood
- faction
- factoid
- factor
- factor analysis
- factor i
- factor ii
- factor iii
- factor iv
- factor ix
- factor of proportionality
- factor of safety
- factor v
- factor vii
- factor viii
- factor x
- factor xi
- factor xii
- factor xiii
- factorial
- factoring
- factorisation
- factorization
- factory
- factory farm
- factory price
- factory ship
- factory whistle
- factory worker
- factotum
- facts of life
- factuality
- factualness
- facula
- faculty
- faculty member
- fad
- fad diet
- faddist
- fade
- fadeout
- fading
- fading away
- fado
- fae
- faecal matter
- faecal occult test
- faecalith
- faeces
- faerie
- faeroe islands
- faeroes
- faeroese
- faery
- fafnir
- fag
- fag end
- fagaceae
- fagales
- faggot
- faggot stitch
- faggoting
- fagin
- fagopyrum
- fagopyrum esculentum
- fagot
- fagot stitch
- fagoting
- fagus
- fagus americana
- fagus grandifolia
- fagus pendula
- fagus purpurea
- fagus sylvatica
- fagus sylvatica atropunicea
- fagus sylvatica pendula
- fagus sylvatica purpurea
- fahd
- fahd ibn abdel aziz al-saud
- fahrenheit
- fahrenheit scale
- fahrenheit thermometer
- faience
- fail-safe
- failing
- faille
- failure
- faineance
- faint
- faintheartedness
- faintness
- fair
- fair-maids-of-france
- fair-mindedness
- fair-trade act
- fair-trade agreement
- fair ball
- fair catch
- fair chance
- fair copy
- fair deal
- fair game
- fair hearing
- fair sex
- fair trade
- fair use
- fair weather
- fairbanks
- fairground
- fairlead
- fairness
- fairness commission
- fairway
- fairway crested wheat grass
- fairy
- fairy-ring mushroom
- fairy-slipper
- fairy armadillo
- fairy bell
- fairy bluebird
- fairy circle
- fairy cup
- fairy godmother
- fairy lantern
- fairy light
- fairy ring
- fairy shrimp
- fairy story
- fairy swallow
- fairy tale
- fairyland
- fairytale
- faisal
- faisal ibn abdel aziz al-saud
- faisalabad
- fait accompli
- faith
- faith cure
- faith healing
- faithful
- faithfulness
- faithlessness
- fake
- fake book
- fakeer
- faker
- fakery
- fakir
- fal la
- falafel
- falanga
- falange
- falangist
- falcatifolium
- falcatifolium falciforme
- falcatifolium taxoides
- falchion
- falciform ligament
- falco
- falco columbarius
- falco peregrinus
- falco rusticolus
- falco sparverius
- falco subbuteo
- falco tinnunculus
- falcon
- falcon-gentil
- falcon-gentle
- falconer
- falconidae
- falconiformes
- falconry
- falderol
- falkland islands
- falkner
- fall
- fall-blooming hydrangea
- fall-board
- fall armyworm
- fall cankerworm
- fall dandelion
- fall equinox
- fall guy
- fall of man
- fall webworm
- falla
- fallaciousness
- fallacy
- fallal
- fallback
- fallboard
- fallen arch
- faller
- fallibility
- falling off
- falling out
- falloff
- fallopian tube
- fallopio
- fallopius
- fallot
- fallot's syndrome
- fallot's tetralogy
- fallout
- fallout shelter
- fallow
- fallow deer
- falls
- false alarm
- false alumroot
- false asphodel
- false azalea
- false baby's breath
- false beachdrops
- false belief
- false bittersweet
- false bottom
- false bracken
- false buckthorn
- false bugbane
- false calyx
- false chamomile
- false deathcap
- false dogwood
- false dragon head
- false dragonhead
- false face
- false flax
- false foxglove
- false fruit
- false garlic
- false gavial
- false glottis
- false goatsbeard
- false gromwell
- false hair
- false heather
- false hellebore
- false imprisonment
- false indigo
- false labor
- false lily of the valley
- false lupine
- false mallow
- false mildew
- false mistletoe
- false miterwort
- false mitrewort
- false morel
- false name
- false nettle
- false oat
- false pimpernel
- false pregnancy
- false pretence
- false pretense
- false ragweed
- false return
- false rue
- false rue anemone
- false saber-toothed tiger
- false saffron
- false sago
- false sarsaparilla
- false scorpion
- false smut
- false tamarisk
- false teeth
- false topaz
- false truffle
- false vampire
- false vampire bat
- false verdict
- false vocal cord
- false vocal fold
- false wintergreen
- false witness
- falsehood
- falseness
- falsetto
- falsie
- falsification
- falsifier
- falsifying
- falsity
- falstaff
- falter
- faltering
- falun gong
- fame
- familial hypercholesterolemia
- familiar
- familiar spirit
- familiarisation
- familiarity
- familiarization
- family
- family acanthaceae
- family acanthisittidae
- family acanthuridae
- family acaridae
- family accipitridae
- family aceraceae
- family acipenseridae
- family acrididae
- family actinidiaceae
- family actinomycetaceae
- family adelgidae
- family adiantaceae
- family aegypiidae
- family aepyornidae
- family agamidae
- family agaricaceae
- family agavaceae
- family agonidae
- family ailuropodidae
- family aizoaceae
- family akeridae
- family alaudidae
- family albuginaceae
- family albulidae
- family alcedinidae
- family alcidae
- family aleyrodidae
- family alismataceae
- family alliaceae
- family alligatoridae
- family allioniaceae
- family aloeaceae
- family alopiidae
- family alstroemeriaceae
- family amaranthaceae
- family amaryllidaceae
- family ambrosiaceae
- family ambystomatidae
- family ameiuridae
- family amiidae
- family ammodytidae
- family amphioxidae
- family amphisbaenidae
- family amphiumidae
- family amygdalaceae
- family anabantidae
- family anacardiaceae
- family anarhichadidae
- family anatidae
- family ancylidae
- family ancylostomatidae
- family andrenidae
- family anguidae
- family anguillidae
- family anhimidae
- family anhingidae
- family anniellidae
- family annonaceae
- family anobiidae
- family anomalopidae
- family anomiidae
- family antedonidae
- family antennariidae
- family anthocerotaceae
- family antilocapridae
- family aphididae
- family aphyllanthaceae
- family apiaceae
- family apidae
- family aplodontiidae
- family aplysiidae
- family apocynaceae
- family apodidae
- family apogonidae
- family apterygidae
- family aquifoliaceae
- family araceae
- family araliaceae
- family araucariaceae
- family arcellidae
- family arcidae
- family arctiidae
- family ardeidae
- family arecaceae
- family argasidae
- family argentinidae
- family argiopidae
- family argonautidae
- family ariidae
- family aristolochiaceae
- family armadillidiidae
- family artamidae
- family ascaphidae
- family ascaridae
- family asclepiadaceae
- family asilidae
- family asparagaceae
- family aspergillaceae
- family asphodelaceae
- family aspleniaceae
- family astacidae
- family asteraceae
- family atherinidae
- family athiorhodaceae
- family athyriaceae
- family atrichornithidae
- family atropidae
- family aulostomidae
- family auriculariaceae
- family avicenniaceae
- family azollaceae
- family babesiidae
- family bacillaceae
- family bacteroidaceae
- family balaenicipitidae
- family balaenidae
- family balaenopteridae
- family balanidae
- family balistidae
- family balsaminaceae
- family bangiaceae
- family bathyergidae
- family batidaceae
- family batrachoididae
- family begoniaceae
- family belemnitidae
- family belonidae
- family belostomatidae
- family bennettitaceae
- family berberidaceae
- family betulaceae
- family bible
- family bignoniaceae
- family bittacidae
- family blastodiaceae
- family blattidae
- family blechnaceae
- family blenniidae
- family boidae
- family boletaceae
- family bombacaceae
- family bombycidae
- family bombycillidae
- family bombyliidae
- family boraginaceae
- family bothidae
- family bovidae
- family bradypodidae
- family bramidae
- family branchiobdellidae
- family branchiostegidae
- family branchiostomidae
- family brassicaceae
- family brevicipitidae
- family bromeliaceae
- family brotulidae
- family bruchidae
- family bryaceae
- family buccinidae
- family bucconidae
- family bucerotidae
- family bufonidae
- family burhinidae
- family burmanniaceae
- family burseraceae
- family business
- family buxaceae
- family cactaceae
- family caeciliadae
- family caeciliidae
- family caenolestidae
- family caesalpiniaceae
- family callionymidae
- family calliphoridae
- family callithricidae
- family callitrichaceae
- family calostomataceae
- family calycanthaceae
- family camelidae
- family campanulaceae
- family cancridae
- family canellaceae
- family canidae
- family cannabidaceae
- family cannaceae
- family capitonidae
- family capparidaceae
- family caprifoliaceae
- family caprimulgidae
- family caproidae
- family capromyidae
- family capsidae
- family carabidae
- family carangidae
- family carapidae
- family carcharhinidae
- family carchariidae
- family cardiidae
- family cariamidae
- family caricaceae
- family carpinaceae
- family caryocaraceae
- family caryophyllaceae
- family castoridae
- family casuaridae
- family casuarinaceae
- family cathartidae
- family catostomidae
- family caviidae
- family cebidae
- family cecidomyidae
- family cecropiaceae
- family celastraceae
- family centrarchidae
- family centriscidae
- family centropomidae
- family cephalobidae
- family cephalotaceae
- family cephalota
- assert oneself
- auction off
- back off
- band oneself
- barf
- bear off
- beef
- beetle off
- beg off
- bestir oneself
- betake oneself
- biff
- bind off
- bite off
- blast off
- block off
- blow off
- bluff
- body-surf
- bombproof
- bound off
- break off
- brief
- bring off
- bring oneself
- brush off
- buff
- bugger off
- bulletproof
- bully off
- bump off
- bundle off
- bunk off
- burn off
- buy off
- buzz off
- call off
- call one's bluff
- cap off
- carry off
- cart off
- cast off
- chaff
- channel-surf
- check off
- child-proof
- childproof
- chip off
- choke off
- chop off
- chuff
- clear off
- click off
- clock off
- close off
- coif
- come off
- conceive of
- cool off
- cordon off
- count off
- cream off
- create from raw stuff
- cross off
- cross oneself
- crossruff
- cuff
- curtain off
- cut off
- dash off
- deaf
- debrief
- declare oneself
- die off
- dispose of
- doff
- dope off
- doze off
- draw off
- drift off
- drive off
- drop off
- drowse off
- dwarf
- ease off
- ebb off
- eff
- enfeoff
- engulf
- even off
- extend oneself
- fabricate
- face
- face-harden
- face-lift
- face off
- face the music
- face up
- facilitate
- facsimile
- factor
- factor analyse
- factor analyze
- factor in
- factor out
- factorise
- factorize
- fade
- fade away
- fade out
- fag
- fag out
- faggot
- faggot up
- fagot
- fail
- faint
- fair
- fake
- falcon
- fall
- fall all over
- fall apart
- fall asleep
- fall away
- fall back
- fall behind
- fall by the wayside
- fall down
- fall flat
- fall for
- fall from grace
- fall in
- fall in line
- fall in love
- fall into
- fall into place
- fall off
- fall open
- fall out
- fall over
- fall over backwards
- fall short
- fall short of
- fall through
- fall under
- fall upon
- falsify
- falter
- familiarise
- familiarize
- famish
- fan
- fan out
- fancify
- fancy
- fancy up
- fantasise
- fantasize
- fantasy
- farce
- fare
- farm
- farm out
- farrow
- fart
- fascinate
- fashion
- fast
- fast dye
- fasten
- fasten on
- fat
- fate
- father
- fathom
- fatigue
- fatten
- fatten out
- fatten up
- fault
- favor
- favour
- fawn
- fax
- faze
- fear
- feast
- feast one's eyes
- feather
- feather one's nest
- featherbed
- feature
- fecundate
- federalise
- federalize
- federate
- fee
- fee-tail
- feed
- feed back
- feed in
- feed on
- feed upon
- feel
- feel for
- feel like
- feel like a million
- feel like a million dollars
- feel out
- feign
- feint
- felicitate
- fell
- fellate
- felt
- felt up
- feminise
- feminize
- fence
- fence in
- fend
- fend for
- fend off
- ferment
- ferret
- ferret out
- ferry
- fertilise
- fertilize
- fess up
- fester
- festinate
- festoon
- fetch
- fetch up
- fete
- fetishize
- fetter
- fettle
- feud
- feudalize
- fib
- fibrillate
- fictionalise
- fictionalize
- fiddle
- fiddle with
- fidget
- field
- field-test
- fig out
- fig up
- fight
- fight back
- fight down
- fight off
- figure
- figure out
- figure skate
- filch
- file
- file away
- file in
- file out
- filet
- filiate
- filibuster
- filigree
- fill
- fill again
- fill in
- fill out
- fill the bill
- fill up
- fillet
- film
- film-make
- film over
- filter
- filter out
- filtrate
- fin
- finagle
- finalise
- finalize
- finance
- financier
- find
- find fault
- find oneself
- find out
- fine
- fine-tune
- finedraw
- finger
- finger-paint
- finger-spell
- fingerprint
- fingerspell
- finish
- finish off
- finish out
- finish up
- fink
- fire
- fire up
- firebomb
- fireproof
- firm
- firm up
- fish
- fishtail
- fissure
- fistfight
- fit
- fit in
- fit out
- fit the bill
- fix
- fix up
- fixate
- fizz
- fizzle
- fizzle out
- flabbergast
- flag
- flag down
- flagellate
- flail
- flake
- flake off
- flake out
- flambe
- flame
- flame up
- flank
- flap
- flap down
- flare
- flare out
- flare up
- flash
- flash-freeze
- flash back
- flat-hat
- flatten
- flatten out
- flatter
- flaunt
- flavor
- flavour
- flaw
- flay
- fleck
- fledge
- flee
- fleece
- fleer
- fleet
- flense
- flesh
- flesh out
- flex
- flick
- flicker
- flight
- flim-flam
- flinch
- fling
- fling off
- flip
- flip-flop
- flip one's lid
- flip one's wig
- flip out
- flip over
- flirt
- flirt with
- flit
- flitter
- float
- flocculate
- flock
- flog
- flood
- flood in
- flood out
- floodlight
- floor
- flop
- floss
- flounce
- flounder
- flour
- flourish
- flout
- flow
- flow away
- flow from
- flow off
- flow out
- flower
- flub
- fluctuate
- fluff
- fluff up
- flummox
- flump
- flump down
- flunk
- fluoresce
- fluoridate
- fluoridise
- fluoridize
- flurry
- flush
- flush down
- flush it
- fluster
- flute
- flutter
- flux
- fly
- fly-fish
- fly blind
- fly by
- fly contact
- fly high
- fly in the face of
- fly in the teeth of
- fly off the handle
- fly on
- fly open
- fly the coop
- flyfish
- foal
- foam
- foam at the mouth
- fob
- fob off
- focalise
- focalize
- focus
- focus on
- fodder
- fog
- fog up
- foil
- foist
- foist off
- fold
- fold up
- foliate
- folk dance
- follow
- follow out
- follow suit
- follow through
- follow up
- follow up on
- foment
- fondle
- fool
- fool around
- fool away
- foolproof
- foot
- foot up
- footle
- footnote
- footslog
- forage
- foray
- foray into
- forbear
- forbid
- force
- force-feed
- force-land
- force back
- force out
- ford
- forearm
- forebode
- forecast
- foreclose
- foredate
- foredoom
- forefend
- foregather
- forego
- foreground
- foreknow
- foreordain
- foresee
- foreshadow
- foreshorten
- foreshow
- forest
- forestall
- foreswear
- foretell
- forewarn
- forfeit
- forfend
- forgather
- forge
- forget
- forgive
- forgo
- fork
- fork out
- fork over
- fork up
- form
- form bubbles
- formalise
- formalize
- format
- formicate
- formularise
- formularize
- formulate
- fornicate
- forsake
- forswear
- fort
- fort up
- fortify
- forward
- fossilise
- fossilize
- foster
- foul
- foul out
- foul up
- found
- founder
- fowl
- fox
- foxhunt
- foxtrot
- fraction
- fractionate
- fracture
- fragment
- fragmentise
- fragmentize
- frame
- frame in
- frame up
- franchise
- frank
- frap
- fraternise
- fraternize
- fray
- frazzle
- freak
- freak out
- freckle
- free
- free-associate
- free-base
- freelance
- freeload
- freewheel
- freeze
- freeze-dry
- freeze down
- freeze off
- freeze out
- freight
- french
- french-fry
- frenchify
- frequent
- fresco
- freshen
- freshen up
- fress
- fret
- fricassee
- frig around
- fright
- frighten
- frighten away
- frighten off
- fringe
- frisk
- fritter
- fritter away
- frivol
- frivol away
- frizz
- frizzle
- frock
- frog
- frogmarch
- frolic
- front
- frost
- frost over
- froth
- froth at the mouth
- frown
- frown on
- frown upon
- fructify
- fruit
- frustrate
- fry
- ftp
- fuck
- fuck off
- fuck up
- fuddle
- fudge
- fudge together
- fuel
- fulfil
- fulfill
- full
- fullback
- fulminate
- fumble
- fume
- fumigate
- function
- fund
- fund-raise
- fund raise
- fundraise
- funk
- funnel
- furbish
- furbish up
- furcate
- furl
- furlough
- furnish
- furrow
- further
- fuse
- fusillade
- fuss
- fustigate
- get a whiff
- get hold of
- get off
- get rid of
- get the better of
- give off
- go off
- golf
- goof
- goof-proof
- goofproof
- handcuff
- haul off
- have it off
- head off
- help oneself
- hit the roof
- hive off
- hold off
- hoof
- huff
- inconvenience oneself
- jack off
- jerk off
- jump off
- keep off
- keep one's eyes off
- keep one's hands off
- keep to oneself
- kick off
- kill off
- kill oneself
- knock off
- laugh off
- lay off
- lead off
- leaf
- leave off
- lend oneself
- let go of
- let off
- level off
- lift off
- lip off
- loaf
- log off
- loose off
- lop off
- lose sight of
- lower oneself
- luff
- make a clean breast of
- make as if
- make off
- mark off
- melt off
- miff
- mothproof
- mouth off
- muff
- nip off
- nod off
- off
- overexert oneself
- overstuff
- pair off
- palm off
- pan off
- partition off
- partner off
- pass off
- pay off
- peel off
- pension off
- pick off
- play off
- polish off
- pop off
- pound off
- pride oneself
- proof
- prove oneself
- puff
- pull off
- pull the leg of
- put off
- quaff
- raffle off
- rail off
- raise the roof
- rake off
- rattle off
- rebuff
- reef
- reel off
- relieve oneself
- remember oneself
- reproof
- rid of
- ride off
- riff
- rinse off
- rip off
- roar off
- roll off
- roof
- rope off
- round off
- rub off
- ruff
- run off
- rush off
- scare off
- scarf
- sclaff
- scoff
- scratch off
- screen off
- scuff
- seal off
- sell off
- send off
- separate off
- set off
- shade off
- shake off
- shoo off
- shoot one's mouth off
- shove off
- show off
- shrug off
- shut off
- sign off
- siphon off
- skim off
- slack off
- slacken off
- sleep off
- slip off
- slough off
- snap off
- snarf
- sneak off
- sniff
- snip off
- snuff
- sound off
- soundproof
- spark off
- spiel off
- spin off
- spirit off
- sponge off
- spoof
- square off
- staff
- stave off
- stay off
- strike off
- stuff
- surf
- swear off
- sweat off
- sweep off
- switch off
- take hold of
- take off
- take time off
- talk of
- talk out of
- taper off
- tariff
- tear off
- tee off
- tell off
- think of
- think the world of
- throw off
- tick off
- tip off
- top off
- toss off
- touch off
- trigger off
- trouble oneself
- turf
- turn off
- unstuff
- walk off
- walk out of
- ward off
- wash off
- waterproof
- wave off
- wear off
- weatherproof
- wharf
- whiff
- whisk off
- wind off
- windsurf
- wipe off
- wolf
- work off
- write of
- write off
- a couple of
- aloof
- better off
- bluff
- bombproof
- brief
- broadleaf
- browned off
- buff
- bulletproof
- burglarproof
- caitiff
- cast-off
- cheesed off
- chief
- connotative of
- creaseproof
- cut off
- deaf
- demonstrative of
- distaff
- do-it-yourself
- fab
- fabian
- fabled
- fabricated
- fabulous
- face-saving
- face-to-face
- faced
- faceless
- faceted
- facetious
- facial
- facile
- facilitative
- facilitatory
- fact-finding
- factious
- factitious
- factor analytic
- factor analytical
- factorial
- factory-made
- factual
- facultative
- faddish
- faddy
- faded
- faecal
- fagged
- fahrenheit
- fail-safe
- failing
- fain
- faineant
- faint
- faint-hearted
- fainthearted
- fair
- fair-and-square
- fair-haired
- fair-minded
- fair to middling
- fairish
- faithful
- faithless
- fake
- falcate
- falciform
- falconine
- fall-blooming
- fall-flowering
- fallacious
- fallen
- fallible
- falling
- fallow
- false
- falsetto
- falsifiable
- falstaffian
- faltering
- famed
- familial
- familiar
- familiarised
- familiarising
- familiarized
- familiarizing
- famished
- famous
- fan-leafed
- fan-leaved
- fan-shaped
- fanatic
- fanatical
- fancied
- fanciful
- fancy
- fancy-free
- fang-like
- fanged
- fanlike
- fanned
- fantabulous
- fantastic
- fantastical
- far
- far-famed
- far-flung
- far-off
- far-out
- far-right
- far left
- faraway
- farcical
- farfetched
- farinaceous
- farming
- farseeing
- farsighted
- farther
- farthermost
- farthest
- fascinated
- fascinating
- fascist
- fascistic
- fashionable
- fashioned
- fast
- fast-breaking
- fast-flying
- fast-footed
- fast-growing
- fast-paced
- fast asleep
- fastened
- fastidious
- fastigiate
- fat
- fat-free
- fat-soluble
- fatal
- fatalist
- fatalistic
- fated
- fateful
- fatheaded
- fatherless
- fatherlike
- fatherly
- fathomable
- fatigued
- fatless
- fattened
- fattening
- fattish
- fatty
- fatuous
- faucal
- faultfinding
- faultless
- faulty
- faustian
- faux
- faveolate
- favorable
- favored
- favorite
- favourable
- favourite
- fawn-colored
- fawn-coloured
- fawning
- fazed
- fearful
- fearless
- fearsome
- feasible
- featherbrained
- feathered
- featheredged
- featherless
- featherlike
- feathery
- featured
- featureless
- febrile
- fecal
- feckless
- feculent
- fecund
- fed up
- federal
- federate
- federated
- feeble
- feebleminded
- feigned
- feisty
- felicitous
- feline
- fell
- felonious
- felted
- female
- feminine
- feminist
- femoral
- fencelike
- fenestral
- feral
- ferial
- ferine
- fermentable
- ferned
- fernless
- fernlike
- ferny
- ferocious
- ferret-sized
- ferric
- ferromagnetic
- ferrous
- fertile
- fertilizable
- fervent
- fervid
- festal
- festive
- fetal
- fetching
- fetid
- fettered
- feudal
- feudalistic
- feudatory
- fevered
- feverish
- feverous
- few
- fewer
- fewest
- fey
- fiber-optic
- fiberoptic
- fibre-optic
- fibreoptic
- fibrillose
- fibrinous
- fibrocalcific
- fibrocartilaginous
- fibrous
- fickle
- fictile
- fictional
- fictitious
- fictive
- fiddle-shaped
- fiddling
- fidgety
- fiducial
- fiduciary
- field-crop
- fiendish
- fierce
- fiery
- fifteen
- fifteenth
- fifth
- fiftieth
- fifty
- fifty-eight
- fifty-fifth
- fifty-fifty
- fifty-five
- fifty-four
- fifty-nine
- fifty-one
- fifty-seven
- fifty-six
- fifty-three
- fifty-two
- fig-shaped
- fighting
- figural
- figurative
- figured
- fijian
- filamentlike
- filamentous
- filar
- filarial
- filariid
- file-like
- filial
- filiform
- filipino
- filled
- filmable
- filmed
- filmy
- filter-tipped
- filthy
- fimbriate
- fin de siecle
- finable
- final
- financial
- fine
- fine-grained
- fine-leafed
- fine-leaved
- fine-looking
- fine-textured
- fine-tooth
- fine-toothed
- fineable
- finer
- finespun
- fingered
- fingerless
- fingerlike
- finical
- finicky
- finished
- finite
- finnish
- finno-ugric-speaking
- fire-resistant
- fire-resisting
- fire-resistive
- fire-retardant
- fired
- fireproof
- firm
- firmamental
- first
- first-class
- first-come-first-serve
- first-rate
- first-string
- first-year
- firstborn
- firsthand
- fiscal
- fisheye
- fishy
- fissile
- fissionable
- fissiparous
- fistular
- fistulate
- fistulous
- fit
- fitful
- fitted
- fitted out
- fitter
- fitting
- five
- five-fold
- five-hundredth
- five-lobed
- five-membered
- five-needled
- five-petaled
- five-petalled
- five-pointed
- five-sided
- five-year-old
- five hundred
- fivefold
- fixed
- fizzing
- fizzy
- flabbergasted
- flabby
- flaccid
- flag-waving
- flagellate
- flagellated
- flagging
- flagitious
- flagrant
- flakey
- flaky
- flamboyant
- flame-colored
- flame-coloured
- flame-orange
- flame-retardant
- flameproof
- flaming
- flammable
- flaring
- flash
- flash-frozen
- flashy
- flat
- flat-bellied
- flat-bottom
- flat-bottomed
- flat-footed
- flat-growing
- flat-top
- flat-topped
- flatbottom
- flatbottomed
- flattened
- flattering
- flatulent
- flatus-relieving
- flaunty
- flavorful
- flavorless
- flavorous
- flavorsome
- flavourful
- flavourless
- flavourous
- flavoursome
- flawed
- flawless
- flaxen
- flea-bitten
- flecked
- fledged
- fledgeless
- fledgeling
- fledgling
- fleeceable
- fleecy
- fleet
- fleeting
- flemish
- flemish-speaking
- flesh-colored
- flesh-coloured
- flesh-eating
- fleshed out
- fleshly
- fleshy
- flexible
- flexile
- flexuous
- flickering
- flighted
- flightless
- flighty
- flimsy
- flint
- flinty
- flip
- flippant
- flipper-like
- flirtatious
- floating
- floaty
- floccose
- flocculent
- flooded
- floodlighted
- floodlit
- floored
- floppy
- floral
- florentine
- floricultural
- florid
- flossy
- flourishing
- floury
- flowered
- flowering
- flowerless
- flowery
- flowing
- fluctuating
- fluent
- fluffy
- fluid
- flukey
- fluky
- fluorescent
- flush
- flush-seamed
- flushed
- flustered
- fluvial
- fly
- fly-by-night
- flyaway
- flyblown
- flying
- flyspeck
- foaming
- foamy
- focal
- focused
- focussed
- foetal
- foetid
- fogbound
- fogged
- foggy
- fogyish
- foiled
- foldable
- foldaway
- folding
- foliaceous
- foliaged
- foliate
- foliated
- foliolate
- foliose
- folksy
- follicular
- following
- fond
- foodless
- foolhardy
- fooling
- foolish
- foolproof
- foot-shaped
- football-shaped
- footed
- footless
- footling
- footloose
- footsore
- footsure
- foppish
- for sale
- for sure
- forbearing
- forbidden
- forbidding
- forced
- forceful
- forceless
- forcible
- forcipate
- fordable
- fore
- fore-and-aft
- foreboding
- foregoing
- foregone
- forehand
- forehanded
- foreign
- foreign-born
- foremost
- forensic
- foreordained
- foreseeable
- foreshadowing
- foresighted
- foresightful
- forested
- forethoughtful
- forfeit
- forfeited
- forficate
- forged
- forgetful
- forgettable
- forgivable
- forgiving
- forgotten
- fork-like
- forked
- forlorn
- form-only
- formal
- formalised
- formalistic
- formalized
- formative
- formed
- former
- formic
- formidable
- formless
- formosan
- formulaic
- formulary
- formulated
- forte
- fortemente
- forthcoming
- forthright
- fortieth
- fortified
- fortissimo
- fortnightly
- fortuitous
- fortunate
- forty
- forty-eight
- forty-eighth
- forty-fifth
- forty-first
- forty-five
- forty-four
- forty-fourth
- forty-nine
- forty-ninth
- forty-one
- forty-second
- forty-seven
- forty-seventh
- forty-six
- forty-sixth
- forty-third
- forty-three
- forty-two
- forward
- forward-looking
- forward-moving
- fossil
- fossiliferous
- fossilised
- fossilized
- fossorial
- foster
- foul
- foul-mouthed
- foul-smelling
- foul-spoken
- fouled
- found
- four
- four-dimensional
- four-fold
- four-footed
- four-hundredth
- four-lane
- four-lobed
- four-membered
- four-needled
- four-party
- four-petaled
- four-petalled
- four-ply
- four-pronged
- four-sided
- four-wheel
- four-wheeled
- four-year-old
- four hundred
- fourfold
- fourhanded
- fourpenny
- fourscore
- foursquare
- fourteen
- fourteenth
- fourth
- fourth-year
- foxy
- fractional
- fractious
- fragile
- fragmental
- fragmentary
- fragmented
- fragrant
- frail
- framed
- franciscan
- frangible
- frank
- frankish
- frantic
- fraternal
- fraudulent
- fraught
- frayed
- freakish
- freaky
- freckled
- free
- free-and-easy
- free-enterprise
- free-flying
- free-lance
- free-living
- free-range
- free-soil
- free-spoken
- free-swimming
- free-thinking
- free burning
- freeborn
- freehand
- freehanded
- freehearted
- freelance
- freestanding
- freewheeling
- freewill
- freeze-dried
- french
- french-speaking
- frenetic
- frenzied
- frequent
- fresh
- fresh-cut
- freshman
- fretful
- fretted
- freudian
- friable
- fricative
- frictional
- frictionless
- fried
- friendless
- friendly
- frightened
- frightening
- frightful
- frigid
- frigorific
- frilled
- frilly
- fringed
- fringy
- frisian
- frisky
- frivolous
- frizzly
- frizzy
- frolicky
- frolicsome
- front
- frontal
- frontmost
- frore
- frost-bound
- frostbitten
- frosted
- frostian
- frosty
- frothing
- frothy
- froward
- frowning
- frowsty
- frowsy
- frowzled
- frowzy
- frozen
- frugal
- fruit-eating
- fruitful
- fruiting
- fruitless
- fruity
- frumpish
- frumpy
- frustrated
- frustrating
- frustrative
- fruticose
- fruticulose
- fucked-up
- fucking
- fuddled
- fueled
- fugacious
- fugal
- fuggy
- fugitive
- fugly
- fulfilled
- fulgent
- fulgid
- fulgurant
- fulgurating
- fulgurous
- full
- full-blood
- full-blooded
- full-blown
- full-bodied
- full-bosomed
- full-clad
- full-dress
- full-face
- full-fashioned
- full-fledged
- full-grown
- full-length
- full-page
- full-scale
- full-size
- full-strength
- full-term
- full-time
- full of life
- fully fashioned
- fully fledged
- fully grown
- fulminant
- fulsome
- fumbling
- fumed
- functional
- functionally illiterate
- functioning
- fundamental
- fundamentalist
- fundamentalistic
- funded
- funerary
- funereal
- fungal
- fungible
- fungicidal
- fungoid
- fungous
- funguslike
- funicular
- funky
- funnel-shaped
- funny
- fur-bearing
- furious
- furled
- furlike
- furnished
- furred
- furrowed
- furry
- further
- furthermost
- furthest
- furtive
- fuscous
- fused
- fusible
- fusiform
- fussy
- fusty
- futile
- future
- future day
- futureless
- futurist
- futuristic
- fuzzed
- fuzzy
- greaseproof
- gruff
- half
- half-and-half
- hands-off
- in-chief
- in the buff
- ladder-proof
- laid-off
- leakproof
- lightproof
- looseleaf
- mothproof
- naif
- off
- off-the-cuff
- off-the-shelf
- patient of
- pissed off
- powder-puff
- profoundly deaf
- proof
- proud of
- puff
- rainproof
- runproof
- rustproof
- sawed-off
- sawn-off
- self
- shatterproof
- shellproof
- sick of
- skew-whiff
- snuff
- soundproof
- splinterproof
- stiff
- stone-deaf
- stormproof
- tapering off
- tired of
- tone-deaf
- tref
- undreamed of
- undreamt of
- unheard-of
- unthought-of
- waterproof
- weatherproof
- well-off
- well-thought-of
- wrinkleproof
- aloof
- cf
- fabulously
- face-to-face
- face to face
- facetiously
- facially
- factually
- faddily
- faddishly
- fain
- faintly
- fair
- fairly
- faithfully
- faithlessly
- false
- falsely
- falteringly
- familiarly
- famously
- fanatically
- fancifully
- fantastically
- far
- far and away
- far and near
- far and wide
- farcically
- farther
- farthest
- fascinatingly
- fashionably
- fast
- faster
- fastest
- fastidiously
- fatally
- fatefully
- fatuously
- faultily
- faultlessly
- favorably
- favourably
- fearfully
- fearlessly
- fearsomely
- feasibly
- fecklessly
- federally
- feebly
- feelingly
- feetfirst
- felicitously
- ferociously
- fervently
- fervidly
- feudally
- feverishly
- fictitiously
- fiendishly
- fiercely
- fierily
- fifthly
- figuratively
- filthily
- finally
- financially
- fine
- finely
- finitely
- firm
- firmly
- first
- first-rate
- first and last
- first class
- first of all
- first off
- firsthand
- firstly
- fiscally
- fishily
- fitfully
- fitly
- fittingly
- fixedly
- flabbily
- flagrantly
- flamboyantly
- flashily
- flat
- flat out
- flatly
- flawlessly
- fleetly
- flexibly
- flimsily
- flip-flap
- flippantly
- flirtatiously
- flop
- floridly
- fluently
- flush
- focally
- fondly
- foolishly
- for 24 hours
- for a bargain price
- for a song
- for a while
- for all intents and purposes
- for all practical purposes
- for all the world
- for any price
- for anything
- for certain
- for dear life
- for each one
- for each person
- for example
- for free
- for good
- for good measure
- for instance
- for keeps
- for love or money
- for one
- for short
- for sure
- for that matter
- for the asking
- for the first time
- for the moment
- for the most part
- for the time being
- forbiddingly
- forcefully
- forcibly
- fore
- foremost
- forever
- forever and a day
- forevermore
- forgetfully
- forgivably
- forgivingly
- forlornly
- formally
- formerly
- formidably
- formlessly
- forrad
- forrader
- forrard
- forsooth
- forte
- forth
- forthright
- forthrightly
- forthwith
- fortissimo
- fortnightly
- fortuitously
- fortunately
- forward
- forwards
- foully
- four times
- fourfold
- foursquare
- fourth
- fourthly
- foxily
- fractiously
- frankly
- frantically
- fraternally
- fraudulently
- freakishly
- free
- free of charge
- freely
- frenetically
- frenziedly
- frequently
- fresh
- freshly
- fretfully
- frighteningly
- frightfully
- frigidly
- friskily
- frivolously
- from each one
- from head to toe
- from nowhere
- from pillar to post
- from scratch
- from start to finish
- from the heart
- from time to time
- from way back
- frontally
- frontward
- frontwards
- frostily
- frothily
- frowningly
- frugally
- fruitfully
- fruitlessly
- frumpily
- frumpishly
- fucking
- fugally
- full
- full-time
- fully
- fulsomely
- functionally
- fundamentally
- funnily
- furiously
- further
- furthermore
- furthest
- furtively
- fussily
- futilely
- half
- half-and-half
- hereof
- in and of itself
- in brief
- kind of
- lief
- off
- off the cuff
- on and off
- only if
- out of
- overleaf
- skew-whiff
- sort of
- stiff
- straight off
- thereof
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Search Result:F
Overview of noun f
The noun f has 4 senses
- degree Fahrenheit, F -- (a degree on the Fahrenheit scale of temperature)
- fluorine, F, atomic number 9 -- (a nonmetallic univalent element belonging to the halogens; usually a yellow irritating toxic flammable gas; a powerful oxidizing agent; recovered from fluorite or cryolite or fluorapatite)
- farad, F -- (the capacitance of a capacitor that has an equal and opposite charge of 1 coulomb on each plate and a voltage difference of 1 volt between the plates)
- F, f -- (the 6th letter of the Roman alphabet)