Compund Words
- 1 esdras
- 2 esdras
- aas
- abdias
- abkhas
- achras
- acragas
- actias
- aegiceras
- aeneas
- afars and issas
- air gas
- alexandre dumas
- alias
- alice b. toklas
- ameiurus melas
- anabas
- ananas
- ananias
- anarhichas
- anas
- anaxagoras
- angas
- antheropeas
- antidorcas
- aquinas
- aras
- arkansas
- arras
- as
- asa dulcis
- asa gray
- asa yoelson
- asadha
- asafetida
- asafoetida
- asahikawa
- asala
- asama
- asamiya
- asana
- asanga
- asaph hall
- asarabacca
- asarh
- asarum
- asarum canadense
- asarum europaeum
- asarum shuttleworthii
- asarum virginicum
- asbat al-ansar
- asbestos
- asbestos abatement
- asbestosis
- ascaphidae
- ascaphus
- ascaphus trui
- ascariasis
- ascaridae
- ascaridia
- ascaridia galli
- ascaris
- ascaris lumbricoides
- ascendance
- ascendancy
- ascendant
- ascendence
- ascendency
- ascendent
- ascender
- ascending
- ascending aorta
- ascending artery
- ascending colon
- ascending node
- ascension
- ascension day
- ascension of christ
- ascension of the lord
- ascent
- ascesis
- ascetic
- asceticism
- asch
- aschelminthes
- ascidiaceae
- ascidian
- ascidian tadpole
- ascii
- ascii character
- ascii character set
- ascii control character
- ascii text file
- ascites
- asclepia meadii
- asclepiad
- asclepiadaceae
- asclepias
- asclepias albicans
- asclepias curassavica
- asclepias exaltata
- asclepias incarnata
- asclepias meadii
- asclepias purpurascens
- asclepias speciosa
- asclepias subverticillata
- asclepias tuberosa
- asclepias verticillata
- asclepius
- ascocarp
- ascolichen
- ascoma
- ascomycete
- ascomycetes
- ascomycetous fungus
- ascomycota
- ascomycotina
- ascophyllum
- ascophyllum nodosum
- ascorbic acid
- ascospore
- ascot
- ascription
- ascus
- asdic
- asean
- asepsis
- asexual reproduction
- asexuality
- asgard
- ash
- ash-bin
- ash-key
- ash-leaved maple
- ash-pan
- ash bin
- ash cake
- ash can
- ash gray
- ash grey
- ash tree
- ash wednesday
- ashbin
- ashcake
- ashcan
- ashcan school
- ashe
- asheville
- ashir
- ashkenazi
- ashkhabad
- ashlar
- ashley montagu
- ashram
- ashton
- ashtoreth
- ashtray
- ashur
- ashurbanipal
- asia
- asia minor
- asian
- asian american
- asian black grouse
- asian coral snake
- asian country
- asian crocodile
- asian horseshoe crab
- asian influenza
- asian longhorned beetle
- asian nation
- asian russia
- asian seabass
- asian shamanism
- asian tiger mosquito
- asian wild ox
- asiatic
- asiatic beetle
- asiatic black bear
- asiatic buffalo
- asiatic cholera
- asiatic cockroach
- asiatic flu
- asiatic flying squirrel
- asiatic shrew mole
- asiatic sweetleaf
- aside
- asilidae
- asimina
- asimina triloba
- asimov
- asin
- asininity
- asio
- asio otus
- ask jeeves
- asker
- asking
- asking price
- asklepios
- asl
- asmara
- asmera
- asp
- asp viper
- aspadana
- aspalathus
- aspalathus cedcarbergensis
- aspalathus linearis
- asparagaceae
- asparaginase
- asparagine
- asparagus
- asparagus asparagoides
- asparagus bean
- asparagus bed
- asparagus fern
- asparagus officinales
- asparagus pea
- asparagus plumosus
- asparagus setaceous
- aspartame
- aspartic acid
- aspect
- aspect ratio
- aspen
- aspen poplar
- asper
- asperger's syndrome
- aspergill
- aspergillaceae
- aspergillales
- aspergillosis
- aspergillus
- aspergillus fumigatus
- asperity
- aspersion
- aspersorium
- asperula
- asperula odorata
- asperula tinctoria
- asphalt
- asphodel
- asphodelaceae
- asphodeline
- asphodeline lutea
- asphodelus
- asphyxia
- asphyxiation
- asphyxiator
- aspic
- aspidelaps
- aspidelaps lubricus
- aspidiotus
- aspidiotus perniciosus
- aspidistra
- aspidistra elatio
- aspidophoroides
- aspidophoroides monopterygius
- aspinwall
- aspirant
- aspirate
- aspiration
- aspiration pneumonia
- aspirator
- aspirer
- aspirin
- aspirin powder
- aspis
- aspleniaceae
- asplenium
- asplenium adiantum-nigrum
- asplenium billotii
- asplenium bradleyi
- asplenium ceterach
- asplenium montanum
- asplenium nidus
- asplenium nigripes
- asplenium pinnatifidum
- asplenium platyneuron
- asplenium rhizophyllum
- asplenium ruta-muraria
- asplenium scolopendrium
- asplenium trichomanes
- asplenium viride
- ass
- ass-kisser
- assagai
- assailability
- assailant
- assam
- assam fever
- assam rubber
- assamese
- assassin
- assassin bug
- assassination
- assassinator
- assault
- assault and battery
- assault gun
- assault rifle
- assaulter
- assay
- assay-mark
- assayer
- assegai
- assemblage
- assembler
- assemblies of god
- assembling
- assembly
- assembly hall
- assembly language
- assembly line
- assembly plant
- assembly program
- assemblyman
- assemblywoman
- assent
- assenter
- assenting
- asserter
- assertion
- assertiveness
- assertiveness training
- assessee
- assessment
- assessor
- asset
- assets
- asseveration
- asseverator
- asshole
- assibilation
- assiduity
- assiduousness
- assignation
- assignee
- assigning
- assignment
- assignor
- assimilation
- assimilator
- assist
- assistance
- assistant
- assistant foreman
- assistant professor
- assisted suicide
- assize
- assizes
- associability
- associableness
- associate
- associate degree
- associate in applied science
- associate in arts
- associate in nursing
- associate professor
- associated state
- associateship
- association
- association area
- association cortex
- association football
- association for the advancement of retired persons
- association of islamic groups and communities
- association of orangemen
- association of southeast asian nations
- association theory
- associationism
- associative aphasia
- assonance
- assortative mating
- assortment
- assouan
- assuagement
- assuan
- assumed name
- assumption
- assumption of mary
- assur
- assurance
- assurbanipal
- assuredness
- assyria
- assyrian
- assyrian akkadian
- assyrian neo-aramaic
- assyriology
- astacidae
- astacura
- astacus
- astaire
- astana
- astarte
- astasia
- astatic coils
- astatic galvanometer
- astatine
- aster
- aster acuminatus
- aster arenosus
- aster cordifolius
- aster divaricatus
- aster dumosus
- aster ericoides
- aster falcatus
- aster family
- aster linarifolius
- aster linosyris
- aster macrophyllus
- aster novae-angliae
- aster novi-belgii
- aster ptarmicoides
- aster shortii
- aster tripolium
- aster turbinellis
- asteraceae
- astereognosis
- asterid dicot family
- asterid dicot genus
- asteridae
- asterion
- asterisk
- asterism
- asteroid
- asteroid belt
- asteroidea
- asterope
- asthenia
- asthenic type
- asthenopia
- asthenosphere
- astheny
- asthma
- asthma attack
- asthmatic
- astigmatism
- astigmia
- astilbe
- astilbe biternata
- astilbe chinensis pumila
- astilbe japonica
- astonishment
- astor
- astragal
- astragalus
- astragalus alpinus
- astragalus danicus
- astragalus glycyphyllos
- astrakhan
- astrantia
- astrantia major
- astraphobia
- astreus
- astreus hygrometricus
- astreus pteridis
- astringence
- astringency
- astringent
- astringent drug
- astrobiology
- astrocyte
- astrodome
- astrodynamics
- astrogator
- astroglia
- astrolabe
- astrolatry
- astrologer
- astrologist
- astrology
- astroloma
- astroloma humifusum
- astrometry
- astronaut
- astronautics
- astronavigation
- astronium
- astronium fraxinifolium
- astronomer
- astronomical telescope
- astronomical unit
- astronomical year
- astronomy
- astronomy satellite
- astronomy unit
- astrophysicist
- astrophysics
- astrophyton
- astrophyton muricatum
- astropogon
- astropogon stellatus
- astuteness
- asuncion
- asur
- asura
- asurbanipal
- asvina
- asvins
- aswan
- aswan high dam
- asylum
- asymmetry
- asymptote
- asynchronism
- asynchronous operation
- asynchronous transfer mode
- asynchrony
- asynclitism
- asyndeton
- asynergia
- asynergy
- asystole
- atlas
- atticus atlas
- augeas
- baas
- babe zaharias
- bahamas
- balas
- bartholomeu dias
- battle of lule burgas
- bermudas
- bias
- bisayas
- bishop ulfilas
- blow gas
- blowing gas
- blue copperas
- bob mathias
- boreas
- bottled gas
- british honduras
- budorcas
- bufo boreas
- callas
- camas
- candlemas
- canvas
- cape hatteras
- capital of arkansas
- capital of kansas
- capital of texas
- capital of the bahamas
- caracas
- carbon monoxide gas
- carbonic acid gas
- carcharhinus leucas
- carcharias
- carcharodon carcharias
- carolinas
- cedrela calantas
- centas
- ceras
- chelonia mydas
- chlamydomonas
- christmas
- cn gas
- coal gas
- common camas
- commonwealth of the bahamas
- compressed gas
- contras
- coracias
- cornus mas
- cs gas
- cutlas
- cycas
- dacelo gigas
- dallas
- damon and pythias
- das
- death camas
- degas
- delphinapterus leucas
- dialect atlas
- dias
- dinoceras
- doing business as
- dolmas
- donbas
- doubting thomas
- douglas
- dryas
- dryopteris filix-mas
- dukas
- dumas
- dylan marlais thomas
- dylan thomas
- eas
- edgar degas
- elephas
- ellas
- epispadias
- erysipelas
- erythrocebus patas
- eumetopias
- euphorbia cyparissias
- eutamias
- experimenter bias
- eyas
- ezekias
- fas
- father christmas
- faux pas
- fibrocystic disease of the pancreas
- fieri facias
- foie gras
- fracas
- freedom of the seas
- galeras
- gas
- genus achras
- genus actias
- genus aegiceras
- genus anabas
- genus ananas
- genus anarhichas
- genus anas
- genus antheropeas
- genus antidorcas
- genus asclepias
- genus budorcas
- genus carcharias
- genus chlamydomonas
- genus coracias
- genus cycas
- genus dryas
- genus elephas
- genus eumetopias
- genus eutamias
- genus grias
- genus languas
- genus lepas
- genus lonas
- genus micropogonias
- genus naias
- genus najas
- genus nitrosomonas
- genus paranthias
- genus pholas
- genus phytelephas
- genus procnias
- genus pseudomonas
- genus ptyas
- genus sassafras
- genus spondias
- genus tamias
- genus trichomonas
- genus xanthomonas
- genus xiphias
- george lucas
- geothlypis trichas
- getulio dornelles vargas
- gorgas
- grassy death camas
- gravitas
- greenhouse gas
- grias
- gulyas
- gyromitra gigas
- hallowmas
- hamas
- hilaire germain edgar degas
- himalayas
- honduras
- hydrodamalis gigas
- hypospadias
- ideal gas
- iglesias
- ii esdras
- inert gas
- interplanetary gas
- ipomoea batatas
- joseph ben matthias
- judas
- julio iglesias
- kalantas
- kansas
- kaunas
- lammas
- las vegas
- laughing gas
- lavandula stoechas
- law of areas
- law of equal areas
- leichtlin's camas
- leonidas
- lepas
- lily of the incas
- linguistic atlas
- liquefied petroleum gas
- litas
- lonas
- lowell jackson thomas
- lowell thomas
- lucas
- lule burgas
- lycaena hypophlaeas
- madeiras
- madras
- malachias
- mardi gras
- maria callas
- maria meneghini callas
- marianas
- marsh gas
- martinmas
- materfamilias
- mathias
- mayas
- meshugaas
- michaelmas
- micheas
- micropogonias
- midas
- mildred ella didrikson zaharias
- mishegaas
- mithras
- moluccas
- monas
- mushy peas
- mustard gas
- naias
- najas
- natural gas
- nerve gas
- nicholas
- nitrosomonas
- noble gas
- norman mattoon thomas
- norman thomas
- northern marianas
- notemigonus crysoleucas
- oas
- oireachtas
- ostrea gigas
- palas
- pallas
- pampas
- pancreas
- papaver rhoeas
- paranthias
- pas
- patas
- pate de foie gras
- paterfamilias
- patras
- paul dukas
- pay as you earn
- perfect gas
- pheidias
- phidias
- phintias
- pholas
- phytelephas
- plexiglas
- pocahontas
- poison camas
- poison gas
- press of canvas
- procnias
- producer gas
- pseudomonas
- psoas
- ptyas
- punta arenas
- pythagoras
- pythias
- ras
- rastas
- republic of honduras
- robert bruce mathias
- saint nicholas
- saint thomas
- saint thomas aquinas
- sas
- sassafras
- scire facias
- scomber colias
- sete quedas
- seth thomas
- seven seas
- sewer gas
- sophonias
- spondias
- squalus acanthias
- st. nicholas
- st. thomas
- st. thomas aquinas
- stapelias asterias
- stephen a. douglas
- stephen arnold douglas
- strombus gigas
- tamias
- tareekh e kasas
- tear gas
- teargas
- teras
- texas
- thomas
- thomas aquinas
- tiresias
- toklas
- toona cala
- act as
- ascend
- ascertain
- ascribe
- ash
- ask
- ask for
- ask for it
- ask for trouble
- ask in
- ask out
- ask over
- ask round
- asperse
- asphalt
- asphyxiate
- aspirate
- aspire
- assail
- assassinate
- assault
- assay
- assemble
- assent
- assert
- assert oneself
- assess
- asseverate
- assibilate
- assign
- assimilate
- assist
- associate
- assoil
- assonate
- assort
- assuage
- assume
- assure
- asterisk
- astonish
- astound
- astringe
- astrogate
- bias
- canvas
- degas
- gas
- make as if
- regard as
- teargas
- view as
- asat
- ascendable
- ascendant
- ascendent
- ascendible
- ascending
- ascensional
- ascensive
- ascertainable
- ascertained
- ascetic
- ascetical
- ascitic
- asclepiadaceous
- ascocarpous
- ascomycetous
- ascosporic
- ascosporous
- ascribable
- aseptic
- asexual
- ash-blonde
- ash-gray
- ash-grey
- ashamed
- ashen
- ashy
- asian
- asiatic
- asinine
- askance
- askant
- askew
- aslant
- asleep
- aslope
- asocial
- aspectual
- asphaltic
- aspheric
- aspherical
- asphyxiated
- asphyxiating
- aspirant
- aspiring
- asquint
- assailable
- assamese
- assassinated
- assaultive
- assentient
- assertable
- asserted
- asserting
- assertive
- assessable
- assiduous
- assignable
- assigned
- assimilable
- assimilating
- assimilative
- assimilatory
- assistant
- assisted
- assistive
- associable
- associate
- associational
- associative
- associatory
- assonant
- assorted
- assuasive
- assumed
- assuming
- assumptive
- assured
- assurgent
- assuring
- astatic
- asteriated
- asterisked
- asterismal
- asternal
- asteroid
- asteroidal
- asthenic
- asthmatic
- astigmatic
- astir
- astomatal
- astomatous
- astonied
- astonished
- astonishing
- astounded
- astounding
- astragalar
- astral
- astringent
- astrocytic
- astrological
- astronautic
- astronautical
- astronomic
- astronomical
- astrophysical
- astute
- astylar
- asunder
- asymmetric
- asymmetrical
- asymptomatic
- asymptotic
- asynchronous
- asyndetic
- asynergic
- bias
- bright as a new penny
- deaf as a post
- go-as-you-please
- naked as a jaybird
- naked as the day one was born
- naked as the day you were born
- overseas
- smart as a whip
- sure as shooting
- alas
- alias
- also known as
- as
- as a formality
- as a group
- as a matter of fact
- as far as possible
- as follows
- as if by magic
- as it is
- as it were
- as luck would have it
- as much as possible
- as needed
- as required
- as such
- as the crow flies
- as usual
- as we say
- as well
- as yet
- asap
- ascetically
- asea
- asexually
- ashamedly
- ashore
- aside
- askance
- askew
- aslant
- asleep
- assertively
- assiduously
- assuredly
- astern
- astonishingly
- astraddle
- astray
- astride
- astronomically
- astutely
- asunder
- asymmetrically
- asymptotically
- even as
- just as
- much as
- overseas
- sure as shooting
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Search Result:As
(TTS Sound)

KK Pronunciation
〔 әz, z 〕
〔 әz, z 〕
Overview of noun as
The noun as has 2 senses
- arsenic, As, atomic number 33 -- (a very poisonous metallic element that has three allotropic forms; arsenic and arsenic compounds are used as herbicides and insecticides and various alloys; found in arsenopyrite and orpiment and realgar)
- American Samoa, Eastern Samoa, AS -- (a United States territory on the eastern part of the island of Samoa)
Overview of adv as
The adv as has 1 sense
- equally, as, every bit -- (to the same degree (often followed by `as'); "they were equally beautiful"; "birds were singing and the child sang as sweetly"; "sang as sweetly as a nightingale"; "he is every bit as mean as she is")