Compund Words
- 1st class
- admass
- admiralty brass
- african love grass
- african wild ass
- age class
- ague grass
- air mass
- aleppo grass
- alkali grass
- alligator grass
- alpha-beta brass
- alpha brass
- american star grass
- arrow grass
- art class
- asian seabass
- ass
- ass-kisser
- assagai
- assailability
- assailant
- assam
- assam fever
- assam rubber
- assamese
- assassin
- assassin bug
- assassination
- assassinator
- assault
- assault and battery
- assault gun
- assault rifle
- assaulter
- assay
- assay-mark
- assayer
- assegai
- assemblage
- assembler
- assemblies of god
- assembling
- assembly
- assembly hall
- assembly language
- assembly line
- assembly plant
- assembly program
- assemblyman
- assemblywoman
- assent
- assenter
- assenting
- asserter
- assertion
- assertiveness
- assertiveness training
- assessee
- assessment
- assessor
- asset
- assets
- asseveration
- asseverator
- asshole
- assibilation
- assiduity
- assiduousness
- assignation
- assignee
- assigning
- assignment
- assignor
- assimilation
- assimilator
- assist
- assistance
- assistant
- assistant foreman
- assistant professor
- assisted suicide
- assize
- assizes
- associability
- associableness
- associate
- associate degree
- associate in applied science
- associate in arts
- associate in nursing
- associate professor
- associated state
- associateship
- association
- association area
- association cortex
- association football
- association for the advancement of retired persons
- association of islamic groups and communities
- association of orangemen
- association of southeast asian nations
- association theory
- associationism
- associative aphasia
- assonance
- assortative mating
- assortment
- assouan
- assuagement
- assuan
- assumed name
- assumption
- assumption of mary
- assur
- assurance
- assurbanipal
- assuredness
- assyria
- assyrian
- assyrian akkadian
- assyrian neo-aramaic
- assyriology
- atomic mass
- australian reed grass
- awnless bromegrass
- bahama grass
- bahia grass
- barley grass
- barn grass
- barnyard grass
- bass
- bay grass
- beach grass
- bear grass
- bearded wheatgrass
- bearing brass
- beer glass
- bell glass
- bent-grass
- bent grass
- bermuda grass
- billion-dollar grass
- biomass
- birdseed grass
- black bass
- black sea bass
- blackmouth bass
- blue-eyed grass
- blue grass
- bluegrass
- bluestem wheatgrass
- boarding pass
- bottle-grass
- bottle grass
- brandy glass
- brass
- brenner pass
- bristle grass
- bristlegrass
- bromegrass
- broom beard grass
- broom grass
- buffalo grass
- buffel grass
- bunch grass
- bunchgrass
- bur grass
- burgrass
- bypass
- cabin class
- camass
- canary grass
- canvass
- carcass
- carpet grass
- cartridge brass
- center of mass
- centre of mass
- cereal grass
- channel bass
- cheatgrass
- cheval glass
- childbirth-preparation class
- china grass
- class
- cloud grass
- common cotton grass
- common scurvy grass
- compass
- conservation of mass
- continuing trespass
- contrabass
- cord grass
- cordgrass
- coronary bypass
- cotton grass
- couch grass
- cover glass
- crab grass
- crabgrass
- creeping bentgrass
- creeping soft grass
- creeping windmill grass
- crested wheat grass
- crested wheatgrass
- critical mass
- crowfoot grass
- crown glass
- cuirass
- curly grass
- cut glass
- cutlass
- dallis grass
- dallisgrass
- deer grass
- devil grass
- dog grass
- domestic ass
- donbass
- donner pass
- double bass
- douglass
- downy bromegrass
- drinking glass
- dumbass
- economy class
- eelgrass
- egyptian grass
- elsass
- english ryegrass
- european dune grass
- evergreen grass
- eyeglass
- fairway crested wheat grass
- feather reed grass
- feathertop grass
- fescue grass
- fiberglass
- fibreglass
- field glass
- figured bass
- finger grass
- first class
- flare pass
- flint glass
- flute glass
- form class
- forward pass
- fountain grass
- foxtail grass
- frederick douglass
- freshman class
- freshwater bass
- freshwater cordgrass
- giant ryegrass
- giant star grass
- glass
- glaucous bristlegrass
- goat grass
- goose grass
- graduating class
- grama grass
- gramma grass
- grass
- gravitational mass
- green bristlegrass
- ground bass
- ground glass
- groundmass
- gunter grass
- gunter wilhelm grass
- gyrocompass
- hair grass
- hairy finger grass
- hall pass
- hallowmass
- hand glass
- harding grass
- hardinggrass
- herd's grass
- high-strength brass
- high brass
- high mass
- highball glass
- hourglass
- hungarian grass
- ice mass
- immigrant class
- inertial mass
- intermediate wheatgrass
- intestinal bypass
- isinglass
- italian ryegrass
- jackass
- japanese carpet grass
- japanese lawn grass
- jenny ass
- jeweler's glass
- johnson grass
- june grass
- junior class
- kentucky black bass
- kentucky bluegrass
- kentucy blue grass
- khyber pass
- knotgrass
- korean lawn grass
- korean velvet grass
- kvass
- laminated glass
- land mass
- landmass
- large crabgrass
- largemouth bass
- largemouth black bass
- largemouthed bass
- largemouthed black bass
- lass
- lateral pass
- laughing jackass
- law of conservation of mass
- lead glass
- lemon grass
- lemongrass
- life class
- liqueur glass
- looking glass
- love grass
- low brass
- low mass
- lower class
- lyme grass
- magnetic compass
- magnifying glass
- major form class
- manila grass
- manna grass
- mariner's compass
- mascarene grass
- mass
- master class
- meadow grass
- meadowgrass
- means grass
- middle class
- midgrass
- milk glass
- morass
- mountain pass
- muskus grass
- natural glass
- naval brass
- nut grass
- nutgrass
- object glass
- old witch grass
- old witchgrass
- opal glass
- optical crown glass
- optical glass
- orange grass
- orchard grass
- overpass
- pain in the ass
- pampas grass
- pane of glass
- panic grass
- parfait glass
- pass
- penny grass
- pepper grass
- perennial ryegrass
- pheasant under glass
- piece of ass
- pier glass
- pin grass
- plate glass
- plexiglass
- plume grass
- poor man's weatherglass
- poverty grass
- prairie cordgrass
- prairie grass
- quack grass
- quackgrass
- quartz glass
- quick grass
- radio compass
- ravenna grass
- red brass
- reed canary grass
- reed grass
- reed meadow grass
- relative atomic mass
- relative molecular mass
- relativistic mass
- rest mass
- rhodes grass
- ribbon grass
- ribgrass
- rice grass
- ricegrass
- ripple-grass
- rock bass
- rock sea bass
- rough bristlegrass
- ruling class
- rush-grass
- rush grass
- rye grass
- ryegrass
- safety glass
- salt reed grass
- sandglass
- sass
- screen pass
- scurvy grass
- scutch grass
- sea bass
- sea lyme grass
- seagrass
- second class
- senior class
- sergeant first class
- shatterproof glass
- sheet glass
- shop class
- short-grass
- shortgrass
- shot glass
- silk grass
- silkgrass
- silver grass
- slender wheatgrass
- slough grass
- smallmouth bass
- smallmouth black bass
- smallmouthed bass
- smallmouthed black bass
- smilo grass
- smooth crabgrass
- smut grass
- snake in the grass
- social class
- socio-economic class
- soft glass
- soluble glass
- sophomore class
- sour grass
- spot pass
- spotted black bass
- spyglass
- squaw grass
- squirreltail grass
- st. augustine grass
- stained glass
- star grass
- stone bass
- string bass
- striped bass
- subclass
- substitution class
- sunglass
- superclass
- supergrass
- sweet grass
- switch grass
- sword grass
- tall-grass
- tall meadow grass
- tall oat grass
- tallgrass
- tape grass
- teff grass
- third class
- thorough bass
- tiffany glass
- toowomba canary grass
- top brass
- tourist class
- trespass
- tumble grass
- underclass
- underpass
- upper class
- velvet bent grass
- velvet grass
- venetian glass
- viper's grass
- volcanic glass
- watch glass
- water glass
- water star grass
- weatherglass
- weeping love grass
- western wheatgrass
- wheat-grass
- wheatgrass
- white seabass
- whitlow grass
- wild ass
- wild oat grass
- windlass
- windmill grass
- window glass
- wineglass
- wire glass
- wire grass
- witch grass
- witchgrass
- wood meadowgrass
- wool grass
- word class
- working class
- yard grass
- yardgrass
- yellow-eyed grass
- yellow bass
- yellow bristle grass
- yellow bristlegrass
- yellow nutgrass
- amass
- assail
- assassinate
- assault
- assay
- assemble
- assent
- assert
- assert oneself
- assess
- asseverate
- assibilate
- assign
- assimilate
- assist
- associate
- assoil
- assonate
- assort
- assuage
- assume
- assure
- bypass
- canvass
- class
- compass
- disembarrass
- embarrass
- encompass
- glass
- grass
- harass
- make pass
- mass
- outclass
- pass
- sass
- surpass
- trespass
- assailable
- assamese
- assassinated
- assaultive
- assentient
- assertable
- asserted
- asserting
- assertive
- assessable
- assiduous
- assignable
- assigned
- assimilable
- assimilating
- assimilative
- assimilatory
- assistant
- assisted
- assistive
- associable
- associate
- associational
- associative
- associatory
- assonant
- assorted
- assuasive
- assumed
- assuming
- assumptive
- assured
- assurgent
- assuring
- bare-ass
- bass
- contrabass
- crass
- double-bass
- first-class
- high-class
- low-class
- lower-class
- lower-middle-class
- mass
- middle-class
- pass
- second-class
- underclass
- upper-class
- upper-lower-class
- upper-middle-class
- working-class
- world-class
- assertively
- assiduously
- assuredly
- first class
- second class
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Search Result:ass
(TTS Sound)

KK Pronunciation
〔 æs 〕
〔 æs 〕
Overview of noun ass
The noun ass has 4 senses
- buttocks, nates, arse, butt, backside, bum, buns, can, fundament, hindquarters, hind end, keister, posterior, prat, rear, rear end, rump, stern, seat, tail, tail end, tooshie, tush, bottom, behind, derriere, fanny, ass -- (the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on; "he deserves a good kick in the butt"; "are you going to sit on your fanny and do nothing?")
- ass -- (a pompous fool)
- ass -- (hardy and sure-footed animal smaller and with longer ears than the horse)
- fuck, fucking, screw, screwing, ass, nooky, nookie, piece of ass, piece of tail, roll in the hay, shag, shtup -- (slang for sexual intercourse)