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Search Result:wired

KK Pronunciation

〔 waIrd 〕


〔 ˊwaiәd 〕

Overview of verb wire

The verb wire has 5 senses

  • wire -- (provide with electrical circuits; "wire the addition to the house")

  • cable, telegraph, wire -- (send cables, wires, or telegrams)

  • wire -- (fasten with wire; "The columns were wired to the beams for support")

  • wire -- (string on a wire; "wire beads")

  • electrify, wire -- (equip for use with electricity; "electrify an appliance")

Overview of adj wired

The adj wired has 3 senses

  • wired -- (equipped with wire or wires especially for electric or telephone service; "a well-wired house")

  • pumped-up, pumped up, pumped, wired -- (tense with excitement and enthusiasm as from a rush of adrenaline; "we were really pumped up for the race"; "he was so pumped he couldn't sleep")

  • wired -- (tied or bound with wire; "wired bundles of newspapers")