Compund Words
- bilsted
- blue pointed
- defeated
- departed
- discomfited
- elevated
- frederick law olmsted
- hans christian oersted
- hay-scented
- limited
- malted
- oersted
- olmsted
- retreated
- richard the lion-hearted
- ted
- ted hughes
- ted shawn
- ted williams
- teddy
- teddy bear
- teddy boy
- teddy boys
- tediousness
- tedium
- worsted
- get started
- take for granted
- abbreviated
- ablated
- abstracted
- accelerated
- accented
- accepted
- accredited
- accumulated
- acquainted
- acquitted
- activated
- actuated
- aculeated
- adapted
- addicted
- addlepated
- adjusted
- adopted
- adscripted
- adulterated
- aerated
- affected
- affiliated
- afflicted
- aftershafted
- age-related
- agglomerated
- aggravated
- aggregated
- agitated
- alated
- alienated
- alleviated
- allotted
- almond-scented
- amalgamated
- ammoniated
- animated
- anise-scented
- annihilated
- annulated
- anticipated
- antiquated
- apple-scented
- appointed
- appreciated
- armor-plated
- armour-plated
- articulated
- asphyxiated
- assassinated
- asserted
- assisted
- assorted
- asteriated
- attempted
- attenuated
- attested
- attrited
- augmented
- auriculated
- authenticated
- automated
- awaited
- bald-pated
- balsam-scented
- bare-breasted
- barefooted
- bated
- battlemented
- belated
- belted
- benighted
- besotted
- bichromated
- bifurcated
- big-chested
- bighearted
- bigoted
- bilobated
- binucleated
- black-coated
- blanketed
- blasted
- blighted
- blood-related
- blue-fruited
- blunted
- bony-plated
- booted
- borated
- bracted
- breasted
- bristle-pointed
- brokenhearted
- buffeted
- busted
- calculated
- calibrated
- campanulated
- camphorated
- cancellated
- candy-scented
- canted
- capsulated
- captivated
- carbolated
- carbonated
- carinated
- carpeted
- carunculated
- castellated
- castrated
- caudated
- cedar-scented
- celebrated
- certificated
- chanted
- chapleted
- chelated
- chicken-breasted
- chickenhearted
- ciliated
- cinnamon-scented
- clear-sighted
- closefisted
- clotted
- clove-scented
- cloven-footed
- clubfooted
- co-ordinated
- coagulated
- coated
- coin-operated
- coldhearted
- collected
- comforted
- committed
- compartmented
- compensated
- completed
- complicated
- conceited
- concentrated
- concerted
- congested
- conjugated
- connected
- consecrated
- consolidated
- constipated
- constituted
- constricted
- consummated
- contaminated
- contented
- contested
- contorted
- contracted
- converted
- convoluted
- coordinated
- copyrighted
- coroneted
- corrected
- correlated
- corrugated
- corrupted
- coveted
- credited
- crenated
- crenulated
- crested
- crocketed
- crusted
- cultivated
- curly-coated
- cuspated
- cuspidated
- dark-coated
- dark-fruited
- dark-spotted
- dated
- daunted
- debilitated
- decapitated
- deconsecrated
- decorated
- dedicated
- dedifferentiated
- deep-chested
- deep-rooted
- deep-seated
- defeated
- deflated
- defoliated
- dehydrated
- dejected
- delighted
- delimited
- delineated
- demented
- demonstrated
- dented
- departed
- depicted
- depleted
- depopulated
- desecrated
- desegrated
- deserted
- desiccated
- detected
- detested
- devoted
- dictated
- differentiated
- dighted
- dilapidated
- diluted
- dim-sighted
- dim-witted
- directed
- disaffected
- disappointed
- discombobulated
- discomfited
- disconcerted
- disconnected
- discontented
- discredited
- disenchanted
- disgusted
- disinherited
- disinterested
- disjointed
- dislocated
- disoriented
- dispirited
- disputed
- disquieted
- disrupted
- dissected
- dissipated
- distorted
- distracted
- distributed
- disunited
- diverted
- documented
- domesticated
- dominated
- dotted
- double-breasted
- double-jointed
- downhearted
- drug-addicted
- edited
- educated
- effected
- elaborated
- elated
- elected
- elevated
- elicited
- elongated
- emaciated
- emancipated
- emasculated
- enchanted
- encrusted
- encysted
- enervated
- etiolated
- evaporated
- exaggerated
- exalted
- exasperated
- excited
- exculpated
- executed
- exhausted
- exhilarated
- exonerated
- expected
- exploited
- expurgated
- exterminated
- extraverted
- extroverted
- fabricated
- faceted
- faint-hearted
- fainthearted
- farsighted
- fascinated
- fast-footed
- fated
- federated
- felted
- fitted
- five-pointed
- flabbergasted
- flagellated
- flat-footed
- flighted
- floodlighted
- foliated
- footed
- foresighted
- forested
- forfeited
- formulated
- four-footed
- fragmented
- freehearted
- fretted
- frosted
- frustrated
- garmented
- gauntleted
- gifted
- ginger-scented
- glaciated
- glossy-coated
- glutted
- goal-directed
- good-hearted
- grade-constructed
- graduated
- granted
- granulated
- greathearted
- gusseted
- habilimented
- habited
- hair-shirted
- half-hearted
- half-witted
- halfhearted
- ham-fisted
- hand-crafted
- hand-operated
- hardfisted
- hardhearted
- hated
- hatted
- haunted
- heated
- heavy-coated
- heavy-footed
- heavyhearted
- helmeted
- high-spirited
- honey-scented
- humiliated
- hunted
- hydrated
- ignited
- ill-affected
- ill-fated
- ill-scented
- ill-sorted
- ill-treated
- illuminated
- imbricated
- impacted
- implanted
- implemented
- implicated
- imported
- incapacitated
- incorporated
- indebted
- inebriated
- infatuated
- infected
- inflated
- inflected
- infuriated
- inhabited
- inherited
- inhibited
- integrated
- interconnected
- interested
- interpreted
- interrelated
- interrupted
- intimidated
- intoxicated
- introjected
- introverted
- inundated
- invalidated
- inverted
- invigorated
- iodinated
- irritated
- isolated
- jilted
- jointed
- jolted
- keen-sighted
- kind-hearted
- kindhearted
- knitted
- knotted
- lacerated
- lamented
- lap-jointed
- large-hearted
- lemon-scented
- liberated
- lifted
- light-footed
- light-hearted
- lighted
- lighthearted
- limited
- lionhearted
- listed
- lobated
- located
- long-dated
- long-snouted
- longsighted
- loose-jointed
- looted
- low-spirited
- lubricated
- maladjusted
- malted
- maltreated
- maroon-spotted
- masted
- mated
- matted
- meanspirited
- mediated
- medullated
- melted
- mentholated
- mercury-contaminated
- merited
- methylated
- mint-scented
- misappropriated
- mismated
- misrelated
- misrepresented
- mistreated
- mitigated
- moated
- modulated
- monounsaturated
- motivated
- motor-assisted
- mounted
- multifaceted
- musk-scented
- musky-scented
- muted
- mutilated
- myelinated
- nauseated
- nearsighted
- neglected
- netted
- nighted
- nitwitted
- nodulated
- nominated
- noncarbonated
- nonelected
- nonintegrated
- nonsegregated
- noted
- nucleated
- obligated
- obliterated
- obstructed
- ocellated
- openhearted
- operculated
- opinionated
- orchestrated
- orientated
- oriented
- outdated
- outfitted
- oval-fruited
- overexcited
- overheated
- overstated
- painted
- parented
- parted
- party-spirited
- pasted
- patented
- perfected
- perforated
- perverted
- petticoated
- pigeon-breasted
- pinnated
- pitted
- pixilated
- planted
- plotted
- pointed
- polluted
- polyunsaturated
- poor-spirited
- populated
- posted
- potted
- power-assisted
- precedented
- preconcerted
- predigested
- premeditated
- prohibited
- projected
- promulgated
- protected
- protracted
- public-spirited
- purple-spotted
- purple-tinted
- quick-sighted
- quick-witted
- quilted
- rare-roasted
- rattlepated
- re-created
- reanimated
- reconstructed
- red-coated
- red-fruited
- redistributed
- reflected
- refrigerated
- regimented
- regulated
- reinvigorated
- rejected
- related
- relocated
- remunerated
- repeated
- reported
- represented
- requested
- resinated
- respected
- rested
- restricted
- resuscitated
- retracted
- ringleted
- roasted
- rooted
- rose-tinted
- rotated
- rotted
- round-fruited
- rusted
- rutted
- sacculated
- safety-related
- sainted
- salted
- satiated
- saturated
- scented
- scripted
- sculpted
- seated
- second-sighted
- segmented
- segregated
- selected
- self-appointed
- self-collected
- self-conceited
- self-constituted
- self-directed
- self-educated
- self-generated
- self-limited
- self-opinionated
- self-pollinated
- separated
- serrated
- sex-limited
- shaggy-coated
- sharp-pointed
- sharp-sighted
- short-dated
- short-snouted
- shortsighted
- shouted
- sighted
- simulated
- single-breasted
- situated
- six-pointed
- slanted
- slender-waisted
- slim-waisted
- slow-witted
- small-fruited
- soft-footed
- soft-witted
- softhearted
- sophisticated
- sorted
- spice-scented
- spirited
- splayfooted
- spotted
- sprouted
- stalemated
- state-supported
- stated
- steel-plated
- stilted
- stimulated
- stonyhearted
- stouthearted
- strong-scented
- stunted
- subjugated
- sublimated
- sugar-coated
- suited
- sulfuretted
- sulphuretted
- superannuated
- superfatted
- supersaturated
- supported
- sure-footed
- surefooted
- surmounted
- suspected
- sweet-scented
- swift-footed
- syncopated
- tainted
- taken for granted
- talented
- tansy-scented
- tea-scented
- tedious
- tenanted
- tenderhearted
- terminated
- tessellated
- tested
- thoriated
- throated
- thrown and twisted
- thwarted
- tightfisted
- tilted
- time-tested
- tip-tilted
- titillated
- toasted
- topknotted
- tormented
- touristed
- trabeated
- transmitted
- treated
- trifoliated
- trilobated
- trinucleated
- tripinnated
- truehearted
- truncated
- trusted
- tufted
- twisted
- two-footed
- ulcerated
- unabated
- unaccented
- unaccepted
- unaccredited
- unacquainted
- unadapted
- unaddicted
- unadjusted
- unadulterated
- unaerated
- unaffected
- unaffiliated
- unagitated
- unanimated
- unanticipated
- unappreciated
- unarticulated
- unassisted
- unbelted
- unbigoted
- unbolted
- uncamphorated
- uncarbonated
- uncarpeted
- uncastrated
- uncharted
- uncoated
- uncollected
- uncommitted
- uncompartmented
- uncompensated
- uncompleted
- uncomplicated
- unconnected
- unconsecrated
- unconsolidated
- unconstipated
- unconstricted
- unconsummated
- uncontaminated
- uncontested
- unconverted
- uncoordinated
- uncorrected
- uncorrelated
- uncorroborated
- uncorrupted
- uncounted
- uncultivated
- undated
- undaunted
- undecorated
- undedicated
- undefeated
- undelineated
- undepicted
- undercoated
- undereducated
- underpopulated
- understated
- undetected
- undifferentiated
- undigested
- undiluted
- undirected
- undisputed
- undistorted
- undistributed
- undocumented
- undomesticated
- unedited
- uneducated
- unelaborated
- unexcited
- unexhausted
- unexpected
- unexploited
- unexpurgated
- unfaceted
- unfermented
- unforested
- unfrequented
- unfretted
- unfrosted
- ungarmented
- unguiculated
- ungulated
- ungusseted
- unheated
- unilluminated
- unimpregnated
- unincorporated
- uninebriated
- uninfected
- uninflected
- uninhabited
- uninhibited
- uninitiated
- uninstructed
- unintegrated
- uninterested
- uninterrupted
- unintimidated
- unintoxicated
- uninvited
- united
- unjointed
- unlamented
- unlighted
- unlimited
- unlisted
- unlocated
- unlubricated
- unmalted
- unmated
- unmediated
- unmelted
- unmerited
- unmitigated
- unmoderated
- unmodulated
- unmolested
- unmotivated
- unmutilated
- unmyelinated
- unnoted
- unobligated
- unobstructed
- unoriented
- unornamented
- unoxygenated
- unpainted
- unparented
- unpatented
- unpigmented
- unplanted
- unpointed
- unpolluted
- unpopulated
- unpotted
- unprecedented
- unpredicted
- unpremeditated
- unprompted
- unprotected
- unreciprocated
- unreconstructed
- unreflected
- unregenerated
- unregulated
- unrelated
- unreported
- unrequested
- unrequited
- unrested
- unrestricted
- unsalted
- unsated
- unsatiated
- unsaturated
- unscripted
- unsegmented
- unsegregated
- unselected
- unsighted
- unsolicited
- unsophisticated
- unsorted
- unspotted
- unstated
- unstilted
- unstinted
- unsubstantiated
- unsuited
- unsupported
- unsuspected
- untainted
- untalented
- untasted
- untenanted
- untested
- untoasted
- untreated
- untufted
- untwisted
- unvaccinated
- unvented
- unventilated
- unwanted
- unwarranted
- unwonted
- uplifted
- vaccinated
- vacuolated
- validated
- vanilla-scented
- variegated
- vaulted
- vented
- ventilated
- vermiculated
- verticillated
- vested
- vestmented
- vindicated
- violated
- violet-scented
- violet-tinted
- vitiated
- voluted
- wainscoted
- wanted
- warmhearted
- wasp-waisted
- wasted
- web-footed
- weighted
- well-adjusted
- well-appointed
- well-conducted
- well-connected
- well-educated
- well-lighted
- well-situated
- wholehearted
- widely distributed
- wilted
- wiry-coated
- wonted
- yellow-spotted
- barefooted
- tediously
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Search Result:ted
(TTS Sound)

KK Pronunciation
〔 tZd 〕
〔 tєd 〕
Overview of noun ted