Compund Words
- Search too large. Narrow search and try again...
- access
- act as
- address
- aggress
- amass
- assess
- backcross
- be amiss
- be at pains
- bear witness
- bend over backwards
- bias
- bless
- bollocks
- boss
- bus
- buss
- buttress
- bypass
- call it quits
- call the shots
- callous
- callus
- canvas
- canvass
- caress
- cash in one's chips
- catch some z's
- caucus
- census
- change hands
- change owners
- chorus
- class
- come across
- come to grips
- compass
- compress
- concuss
- confess
- cool one's heels
- crisscross
- cross
- cross-dress
- cuss
- cut across
- cut corners
- cut to ribbons
- de-access
- decompress
- degas
- degauss
- deliver the goods
- depress
- destress
- digress
- discuss
- disembarrass
- dismiss
- dispossess
- diss
- distress
- do drugs
- do the dishes
- do the honors
- doss
- double cross
- drag one's heels
- dress
- drop like flies
- egress
- embarrass
- emboss
- encompass
- engross
- express
- express feelings
- eyewitness
- fall over backwards
- feast one's eyes
- feel like a million dollars
- floss
- focus
- form bubbles
- fress
- fuss
- gas
- get across
- get one's lumps
- get the goods
- get to grips
- give thanks
- glass
- gloss
- go across
- go through the motions
- go to pieces
- go to the dogs
- grass
- grease one's palms
- gross
- guess
- handle with kid gloves
- harass
- harness
- have kittens
- have words
- head for the hills
- hiss
- hit the books
- impress
- join forces
- kick downstairs
- kick one's heels
- kick upstairs
- kiss
- line one's pockets
- log z's
- look across
- make pass
- make vibrant sounds
- mass
- mess
- misaddress
- miss
- muss
- nolle pros
- nonplus
- obsess
- oppress
- outclass
- outguess
- overdress
- overstress
- pass
- pass across
- pass with flying colors
- percuss
- piss
- play tricks
- possess
- precess
- precis
- premiss
- prepossess
- press
- process
- profess
- progress
- pull in one's horns
- pull out all the stops
- pull strings
- pull the wool over someone's eyes
- pull up stakes
- pull wires
- put across
- put behind bars
- put on airs
- put one across
- put out feelers
- rain buckets
- rain cats and dogs
- re-address
- reach one's nostrils
- read between the lines
- reassess
- recess
- redress
- refocus
- regard as
- regress
- rendezvous
- repercuss
- repossess
- repress
- reprocess
- retrogress
- rumpus
- run across
- run bases
- saber
- sabotage
- sabre
- saccharify
- sack
- sack out
- sack up
- sacrifice
- sadden
- saddle
- safeguard
- sag
- sag down
- sail
- sail through
- sailplane
- saint
- salaam
- salinate
- salivate
- sallow
- sally forth
- sally out
- salt
- salt away
- saltate
- salute
- salvage
- salve
- samba
- sample
- sanctify
- sanction
- sand
- sand cast
- sandbag
- sandblast
- sandpaper
- sandwich
- sanitate
- sanitise
- sanitize
- sap
- saponify
- sashay
- sass
- sate
- satellite
- satiate
- satirise
- satirize
- satisfice
- satisfise
- satisfy
- saturate
- sauce
- saunter
- saute
- savage
- save
- save up
- savor
- savour
- savvy
- saw
- saw logs
- saw wood
- say
- say farewell
- scab
- scaffold
- scald
- scale
- scale down
- scale up
- scallop
- scalp
- scam
- scamp
- scamper
- scan
- scandalise
- scandalize
- scant
- scar
- scare
- scare away
- scare off
- scarf
- scarf out
- scarify
- scarper
- scat
- scatter
- scavenge
- scend
- scent
- scent out
- schedule
- schematise
- schematize
- scheme
- schlep
- schmoose
- schmooze
- schnorr
- school
- schuss
- scintillate
- scissor
- sclaff
- scoff
- scold
- scollop
- scoop
- scoop out
- scoop up
- scoot
- scorch
- score
- score out
- scorn
- scotch
- scotch tape
- scour
- scourge
- scout
- scowl
- scrabble
- scrag
- scram
- scramble
- scranch
- scrap
- scrape
- scrape along
- scrape by
- scrape up
- scratch
- scratch along
- scratch off
- scratch out
- scratch up
- scraunch
- scrawl
- screak
- scream
- screech
- screen
- screen off
- screen out
- screw
- screw up
- scribble
- scribe
- scrimmage
- scrimp
- scrimshank
- script
- scroll
- scrounge
- scrub
- scrub up
- scrunch
- scrunch up
- scruple
- scrutinise
- scrutinize
- scry
- scud
- scuff
- scuffle
- scull
- sculpt
- sculpture
- scum
- scupper
- scurry
- scuttle
- scythe
- seal
- seal in
- seal off
- seam
- seaplane
- sear
- search
- season
- seat
- secede
- secern
- secernate
- seclude
- second
- second-guess
- secrete
- section
- sectionalise
- sectionalize
- secularise
- secularize
- secure
- sedate
- sediment
- seduce
- see
- see double
- see eye to eye
- see red
- see the light
- see through
- see to it
- seed
- seek
- seek out
- seel
- seem
- seep
- seesaw
- seethe
- segment
- segregate
- segue
- seine
- seize
- seize on
- seize with teeth
- select
- self-destroy
- self-destruct
- sell
- sell off
- sell out
- sell short
- sell up
- sellotape
- semaphore
- semi-automatise
- semi-automatize
- send
- send a message
- send around
- send away
- send back
- send down
- send for
- send in
- send off
- send on
- send out
- send packing
- send word
- senesce
- sense
- sensibilise
- sensibilize
- sensify
- sensitise
- sensitize
- sensualise
- sensualize
- sentence
- sentimentalise
- sentimentalize
- sentimentise
- sentimentize
- separate
- separate off
- separate out
- sequence
- sequester
- sequestrate
- serenade
- serialise
- serialize
- sermonise
- sermonize
- serrate
- serve
- serve up
- serve well
- service
- set
- set ablaze
- set about
- set afire
- set aflame
- set ahead
- set apart
- set ashore
- set aside
- set back
- set down
- set forth
- set free
- set in
- set in motion
- set off
- set on
- set on fire
- set out
- set to music
- set up
- set upon
- settle
- settle down
- settle on
- sever
- severalise
- severalize
- sew
- sew together
- sex
- sex up
- sexualise
- sexualize
- shack
- shack up
- shackle
- shade
- shade off
- shadow
- shadowbox
- shaft
- shag
- shake
- shake hands
- shake off
- shake up
- shallow
- sham
- shamanise
- shamanize
- shamble
- shame
- shampoo
- shanghai
- shank
- shape
- shape up
- share
- shark
- sharpen
- sharpshoot
- shatter
- shave
- she-bop
- shear
- sheathe
- shed
- shed blood
- shed light on
- sheer
- sheet
- shell
- shell out
- shell stitch
- shellac
- shellack
- shelter
- shelve
- shepherd
- shew
- shield
- shift
- shill
- shillyshally
- shimmer
- shimmy
- shin
- shine
- shine at
- shine up
- shingle
- shinny
- ship
- shipwreck
- shirk
- shirr
- shirt
- shit
- shiver
- shlep
- shmoose
- shmooze
- shnorr
- shoal
- shock
- shoe
- shoehorn
- shoetree
- shoo
- shoo away
- shoo off
- shoot
- shoot a line
- shoot craps
- shoot down
- shoot for
- shoot one's mouth off
- shoot the breeze
- shoot up
- shop
- shop at
- shoplift
- shore
- shore up
- short
- short-change
- short-circuit
- shorten
- shortlist
- shoulder
- shoulder in
- shout
- shout down
- shout out
- shove
- shove along
- shove off
- shovel
- shovel in
- show
- show off
- show the door
- show up
- shower
- shower down
- shred
- shriek
- shrill
- shrimp
- shrine
- shrink
- shrink back
- shrink from
- shrinkwrap
- shrive
- shrivel
- shrivel up
- shroud
- shrug
- shrug off
- shuck
- shudder
- shuffle
- shun
- shunt
- shush
- shut
- shut away
- shut down
- shut in
- shut off
- shut one's mouth
- shut out
- shut up
- shutter
- shuttle
- shuttlecock
- shy
- shy away from
- sibilate
- sic
- sick
- sicken
- side
- side-slip
- sideline
- sidestep
- sideswipe
- sidetrack
- sidle
- sidle up
- sieve
- sieve out
- sift
- sigh
- sight
- sight-read
- sight-sing
- sightread
- sightsee
- sightsing
- sign
- sign away
- sign in
- sign off
- sign on
- sign over
- sign up
- signal
- signalise
- signalize
- signify
- signpost
- silence
- silhouette
- silkscreen
- silt
- silt up
- silver
- silver-plate
- silverplate
- simmer
- simmer down
- simonise
- simonize
- simper
- simplify
- simulate
- sin
- sing
- sing along
- singe
- single
- single-foot
- single crochet
- single out
- single stitch
- singsong
- singularise
- singularize
- sink
- sink in
- sinter
- sip
- siphon
- siphon off
- sire
- siss
- sit
- sit around
- sit back
- sit by
- sit down
- sit in
- sit out
- sit tight
- sit up
- site
- situate
- size
- size up
- sizz
- sizzle
- skank
- skate
- skate over
- skateboard
- skedaddle
- sketch
- skew
- skewer
- ski
- ski jump
- skid
- skim
- skim off
- skim over
- skimcoat
- skimp
- skimp over
- skin
- skin-dive
- skin over
- skin pop
- skinny-dip
- skip
- skip-bomb
- skip over
- skip town
- skipper
- skirl
- skirmish
- skirt
- skitter
- skittle
- skive
- skreak
- skreigh
- skulk
- skunk
- sky
- sky dive
- skydive
- skyjack
- skylark
- skyrocket
- slabber
- slack
- slack off
- slack up
- slacken
- slacken off
- slag
- slake
- slalom
- slam
- slam-dunk
- slam dance
- slam on
- slander
- slang
- slant
- slap
- slap on
- slap together
- slash
- slat
- slate
- slather
- slaughter
- slave
- slaver
- slay
- sled
- sledge
- sledgehammer
- sleek
- sleek down
- sleek over
- sleep
- sleep around
- sleep in
- sleep late
- sleep off
- sleep out
- sleep over
- sleep together
- sleep with
- sleepwalk
- sleet
- sleigh
- slenderise
- slenderize
- sleuth
- slew
- slice
- slice into
- slice through
- slice up
- slick
- slick down
- slick up
- slide
- slide by
- slide down
- slight
- slim
- slim down
- slime
- sling
- slink
- slip
- slip away
- slip by
- slip in
- slip off
- slip on
- slip one's mind
- slip up
- slit
- slither
- sliver
- slobber
- slobber over
- slog
- sloganeer
- slop
- slope
- slosh
- slosh around
- slot
- slouch
- slough
- slough off
- slow
- slow down
- slow up
- slue
- slug
- sluice
- sluice down
- slum
- slumber
- slump
- slur
- slur over
- slurp
- slush
- slush around
- smack
- smart
- smarten up
- smash
- smash up
- smatter
- smear
- smell
- smell out
- smell up
- smelt
- smile
- smirch
- smirk
- smite
- smock
- smoke
- smoke out
- smolder
- smooch
- smooth
- smooth out
- smooth over
- smoothen
- smother
- smoulder
- smudge
- smuggle
- smut
- smutch
- snack
- snaffle
- snafu
- snag
- snail
- snake
- snap
- snap at
- snap back
- snap off
- snap up
- snare
- snarf
- snarl
- snarl up
- snatch
- snatch up
- sneak
- sneak away
- sneak in
- sneak off
- sneak out
- sneak up
- sneer
- sneeze
- snick
- snicker
- sniff
- sniff out
- sniffle
- snigger
- snip
- snip off
- snipe
- snitch
- snivel
- snog
- snooker
- snoop
- snooze
- snore
- snorkel
- snort
- snow
- snow-blind
- snowball
- snowboard
- snowmobile
- snowshoe
- snub
- snuff
- snuff it
- snuff out
- snuffle
- snuggle
- soak
- soak through
- soak up
- soap
- soar
- soar up
- soar upwards
- sob
- sober
- sober up
- socialise
- socialize
- sock
- sod
- sodomise
- sodomize
- soft-pedal
- soft-soap
- soft-solder
- soften
- soil
- sojourn
- solace
- solarise
- solarize
- solder
- soldier
- sole
- solemnise
- solemnize
- solicit
- solidify
- soliloquise
- soliloquize
- solmizate
- solo
- solvate
- solve
- somersault
- somnambulate
- sonnet
- soot
- soothe
- sop
- sop up
- sophisticate
- sorb
- sorcerise
- sorcerize
- sorrow
- sort
- sort out
- sough
- sound
- sound off
- sound out
- soundproof
- soup
- soup up
- sour
- source
- souse
- sovietise
- sovietize
- sow
- sow in
- sow one's oats
- sow one's wild oats
- space
- spacewalk
- spade
- spam
- span
- spang
- spangle
- spank
- spar
- spare
- sparge
- spark
- spark off
- sparkle
- spat
- spatchcock
- spatter
- spawn
- spay
- speak
- speak for
- speak in tongues
- speak of the devil
- speak out
- speak up
- spear
- spear up
- spearhead
- specialise
- specialize
- speciate
- specify
- speck
- speckle
- spectate
- speculate
- speech-read
- speechify
- speed
- speed skate
- speed up
- spell
- spell out
- spellbind
- spelunk
- spend
- spend a penny
- spew
- spew out
- sphacelate
- spice
- spice up
- spiel
- spiel off
- spiff up
- spike
- spike out
- spill
- spill out
- spill over
- spill the beans
- spin
- spin-dry
- spin around
- spin off
- spin out
- spiral
- spirit
- spirit away
- spirit off
- spirit up
- spiritise
- spiritize
- spiritualise
- spiritualize
- spirt
- spit
- spit out
- spit up
- spite
- splash
- splash around
- splat
- splatter
- splay
- splice
- splint
- splinter
- split
- split up
- splosh
- splotch
- splurge
- splutter
- spoil
- spondaise
- spondaize
- sponge
- sponge down
- sponge off
- sponge on
- sponge up
- sponsor
- spoof
- spook
- spool
- spoon
- spoonfeed
- sport
- sportscast
- sporulate
- spot
- spot-check
- spot-weld
- spot jam
- spot promote
- spotlight
- spotweld
- spout
- sprain
- sprawl
- spray
- spray-dry
- spread
- spread-eagle
- spread out
- spread over
- spreadeagle
- spree
- spring
- spring-clean
- spring to mind
- spring up
- sprinkle
- sprint
- spritz
- sprout
- spruce
- spruce up
- spud
- spue
- spume
- spur
- spurn
- spurt
- sputter
- spy
- squabble
- squall
- squande
- abdominous
- abranchious
- abstemious
- abstentious
- acanthous
- acarpellous
- acarpelous
- acarpous
- acclivitous
- acephalous
- acetous
- achlamydeous
- achromatous
- achromous
- acidophilous
- acidulous
- acinous
- acrimonious
- acrocarpous
- acrogenous
- acronymous
- actinomorphous
- actinomycetous
- adactylous
- adenocarcinomatous
- adscititious
- adulterous
- advantageous
- adventitious
- adventurous
- aeriferous
- aerophilous
- afrikaans
- after-hours
- agamous
- ageless
- aimless
- airless
- alacritous
- albuminous
- all-mains
- all-victorious
- alliaceous
- allochthonous
- allogamous
- allomerous
- altitudinous
- aluminiferous
- aluminous
- ambagious
- ambidextrous
- ambiguous
- ambitionless
- ambitious
- amebous
- amentaceous
- amentiferous
- ametabolous
- amiss
- amoebous
- amorous
- amorphous
- amphibious
- amphitropous
- amylaceous
- anachronous
- anadromous
- analogous
- anasarcous
- anatropous
- androgenous
- androgynous
- anemophilous
- anencephalous
- anestrous
- anfractuous
- anginous
- angiocarpous
- angiomatous
- angiospermous
- anhydrous
- anisogamous
- anoestrous
- anomalous
- anonymous
- anthophagous
- anthophilous
- anthropomorphous
- anthropophagous
- antimonious
- antonymous
- anurous
- anxious
- apetalous
- aphyllous
- apivorous
- apocarpous
- apocynaceous
- apodous
- apogamous
- apropos
- apterous
- aqueous
- aquiferous
- araceous
- arboraceous
- arboreous
- arborous
- arduous
- arenaceous
- arenicolous
- argentiferous
- argentous
- argillaceous
- armless
- arsenious
- arteriovenous
- arthropodous
- arthrosporous
- artiodactylous
- artless
- arundinaceous
- asclepiadaceous
- ascocarpous
- ascomycetous
- ascosporous
- assiduous
- astomatous
- asynchronous
- at a loss
- at loggerheads
- at odds
- atheromatous
- atrabilious
- atrocious
- au jus
- audacious
- auriferous
- aurous
- auspicious
- autochthonous
- autoecious
- autogamous
- autogenous
- autoicous
- autologous
- autonomous
- avaricious
- aweless
- awless
- awnless
- azygos
- azygous
- bacciferous
- baccivorous
- backless
- backstairs
- bacteriophagous
- barbarous
- bare-ass
- baseless
- basidiomycetous
- basidiosporous
- bass
- bats
- beakless
- beardless
- beauteous
- bedless
- behind-the-scenes
- bellyless
- beltless
- betulaceous
- bias
- bibless
- bibliolatrous
- bibulous
- bicephalous
- bicornuous
- bigamous
- bignoniaceous
- bilious
- biogenous
- biparous
- biramous
- bituminous
- blameless
- blasphemous
- blood-and-guts
- bloodless
- blusterous
- bodacious
- bodiless
- bodyless
- bogus
- boisterous
- boneless
- bonkers
- bootless
- boss
- bottomless
- boughless
- boundless
- bounteous
- bourgeois
- bowelless
- brachiopodous
- brachydactylous
- brachypterous
- brachyurous
- brainless
- braless
- branchiopodous
- branchless
- breastless
- breathless
- briefless
- brimless
- brumous
- bulbaceous
- bulbous
- bumptious
- burdenless
- burglarious
- butyraceous
- cacophonous
- cadaverous
- caducous
- calamitous
- calcareous
- calcicolous
- calciferous
- calcifugous
- calculous
- caliginous
- callipygous
- callous
- calumnious
- camphoraceous
- campylotropous
- cancellous
- cancerous
- cankerous
- canorous
- cantankerous
- capacious
- capricious
- captious
- carbonaceous
- carboniferous
- carbonous
- carcinomatous
- careless
- carious
- carnivorous
- carpophagous
- carposporous
- cartilaginous
- carunculous
- caryophyllaceous
- caseous
- casteless
- catadromous
- causeless
- cautious
- cavernous
- ceaseless
- cementitious
- censorious
- ceremonious
- cernuous
- cerous
- ceruminous
- cetaceous
- chaetognathous
- chancrous
- changeless
- characterless
- chartaceous
- chartless
- cheerless
- chelicerous
- cheliferous
- childless
- chinless
- chitinous
- chivalrous
- chlamydeous
- chlorophyllous
- christless
- chylaceous
- chyliferous
- chylous
- circuitous
- circumlocutious
- citrous
- clamorous
- clangorous
- class-conscious
- classless
- cleistogamous
- clothesless
- cloudless
- clueless
- coetaneous
- collagenous
- collarless
- colorless
- colourless
- comfortless
- commodious
- compendious
- compos mentis
- congenerous
- congruous
- coniferous
- consanguineous
- conscienceless
- conscientious
- conscious
- consentaneous
- conspicuous
- contagious
- contemporaneous
- contemptuous
- contentious
- conterminous
- contiguous
- continuous
- contrabass
- contrarious
- contumacious
- contumelious
- copious
- cordless
- coriaceous
- cormous
- corneous
- cost-plus
- costless
- coterminous
- countless
- courageous
- courteous
- covetous
- crackers
- crapulous
- crass
- creaseless
- credulous
- cretaceous
- cretinous
- crisscross
- cross
- crownless
- cruciferous
- crustaceous
- cryptogamous
- cucurbitaceous
- cumbrous
- cumulous
- cuprous
- curious
- curtainless
- curvaceous
- cutaneous
- dangerous
- dateless
- dauntless
- deathless
- deciduous
- declivitous
- decorous
- defenceless
- defenseless
- deleterious
- delicious
- delirious
- depilous
- desirous
- devious
- dexterous
- dextrous
- diadromous
- diaphanous
- dichotomous
- diclinous
- dicotyledonous
- diestrous
- dimorphous
- dioecious
- dioestrous
- dipterous
- directionless
- disadvantageous
- disastrous
- discomycetous
- discontinuous
- discourteous
- disharmonious
- disingenuous
- disputatious
- dissentious
- divers
- dizygous
- dolorous
- dolourous
- double-bass
- dowerless
- downstairs
- dreamless
- dress
- dressed to the nines
- dripless
- drugless
- drupaceous
- dubious
- ductless
- duplicitous
- duteous
- earless
- echoless
- edacious
- edematous
- edentulous
- edgeless
- efficacious
- effortless
- egregious
- emeritus
- emotionless
- emphysematous
- emulous
- endless
- endogamous
- endogenous
- endovenous
- enormous
- entomophilous
- envious
- eponymous
- equanimous
- erogenous
- erroneous
- errorless
- erythematous
- estrous
- euphonious
- euphonous
- excess
- exiguous
- exogamous
- exogenous
- expeditious
- express
- expressionless
- exsanguinous
- extemporaneous
- extraneous
- eyeless
- fabulous
- faceless
- facetious
- factious
- factitious
- faithless
- fallacious
- famous
- fantabulous
- farinaceous
- fastidious
- fatherless
- fatless
- fatuous
- faultless
- fearless
- featherless
- featureless
- feckless
- felicitous
- felonious
- fernless
- ferocious
- ferrous
- feverous
- fibrinous
- fibrocartilaginous
- fibrous
- fictitious
- filamentous
- fingerless
- first-class
- fissiparous
- fistulous
- flagitious
- flavorless
- flavorous
- flavourless
- flavourous
- flawless
- fledgeless
- flexuous
- flightless
- flirtatious
- flowerless
- foliaceous
- foodless
- footless
- forceless
- formless
- fortuitous
- fossiliferous
- fractious
- frictionless
- friendless
- frivolous
- fruitless
- fugacious
- fulgurous
- full-dress
- fungous
- furious
- fuscous
- futureless
- gallinaceous
- gamopetalous
- gangrenous
- garmentless
- garrulous
- gaseous
- gaumless
- gelatinous
- gemmiferous
- generous
- geosynchronous
- gibbous
- gill-less
- glabrous
- glamorous
- glamourous
- glassless
- glaucous
- glorious
- gloveless
- glutinous
- gluttonous
- goalless
- godless
- gorgeous
- gormless
- graceless
- gracious
- granuliferous
- granulomatous
- grassless
- grassroots
- gratis
- gratuitous
- gregarious
- grievous
- gross
- groundless
- grumous
- guileless
- guiltless
- gumptious
- gutless
- gymnospermous
- gynandromorphous
- hairless
- handleless
- handless
- hapless
- harmless
- harmonious
- hatless
- hazardous
- head-in-the-clouds
- headless
- heartless
- heatless
- heedless
- heinous
- helpless
- hemimetabolous
- hemimetamorphous
- herbaceous
- herbivorous
- heteroecious
- heterogeneous
- heterogenous
- heteroicous
- heterologous
- heterometabolous
- heterosporous
- heterozygous
- hideous
- high-class
- hilarious
- hipless
- hit-or-miss
- hitless
- holometabolous
- homeless
- homoecious
- homogeneous
- homogenous
- homologous
- homonymous
- homophonous
- homosporous
- homostylous
- homozygous
- honest-to-goodness
- hopeless
- hornless
- horrendous
- hueless
- humongous
- humorless
- humorous
- humourless
- humourous
- hydrous
- hymenopterous
- hypognathous
- ichorous
- idolatrous
- igneous
- ignominious
- illustrious
- impecunious
- imperious
- impervious
- impetiginous
- impetuous
- impious
- in-bounds
- in high spirits
- in series
- in small stages
- in straitened circumstances
- in their right minds
- inauspicious
- incautious
- incestuous
- incommodious
- incongruous
- inconspicuous
- incredulous
- incurious
- indecorous
- indexless
- indigenous
- industrious
- inefficacious
- infamous
- infectious
- infelicitous
- ingenious
- ingenuous
- inglorious
- inharmonious
- inhomogeneous
- iniquitous
- injudicious
- injurious
- innocuous
- innoxious
- innumerous
- inodorous
- insalubrious
- insectivorous
- insidious
- instantaneous
- interspecies
- intra vires
- intracutaneous
- intraspecies
- intravenous
- invidious
- iridaceous
- irreligious
- isochronous
- isomorphous
- isosceles
- isotropous
- jawless
- jealous
- jobless
- joyless
- joyous
- judicious
- juiceless
- jumentous
- keyless
- laborious
- landless
- languorous
- lascivious
- lawless
- leadless
- leafless
- lecherous
- legless
- leguminous
- lengthways
- lentiginous
- leprous
- less
- libellous
- libelous
- libidinous
- licentious
- lidless
- lifeless
- lightless
- ligneous
- liliaceous
- limbless
- limitless
- lipless
- listless
- litigious
- loamless
- lobeliaceous
- longanimous
- loquacious
- lordless
- lossless
- loveless
- low-class
- lower-class
- lower-middle-class
- lubricious
- lucifugous
- luckless
- ludicrous
- lugubrious
- luminous
- luscious
- lusterless
- lustreless
- lustrous
- luxurious
- macrencephalous
- macrocephalous
- magnanimous
- malapropos
- malicious
- malodorous
- malodourous
- marvellous
- marvelous
- mass
- masterless
- matchless
- mateless
- meaningless
- measureless
- meatless
- mecopterous
- mellifluous
- melodious
- memberless
- membranous
- mendacious
- merciless
- mercurous
- meretricious
- meritless
- meritorious
- metabolous
- metamorphous
- meticulous
- micaceous
- microcephalous
- middle-class
- milkless
- minacious
- mindless
- minus
- miraculous
- mirthless
- miscellaneous
- mischievous
- misogynous
- momentaneous
- momentous
- monandrous
- monecious
- monestrous
- moneyless
- monochromous
- monoclinous
- monocotyledonous
- monoecious
- monoestrous
- monogamous
- monogynous
- monoicous
- monosemous
- monotonous
- monstrous
- moonless
- moraceous
- mordacious
- motherless
- motionless
- motiveless
- motorless
- mountainous
- mouthless
- muciferous
- mucilaginous
- mucinous
- mucocutaneous
- mucous
- multifarious
- multiparous
- multitudinous
- murderous
- murmurous
- mutinous
- myrmecophagous
- myrmecophilous
- mysterious
- nacreous
- nameless
- nauseous
- nebulous
- necessitous
- neckless
- nectariferous
- nectarous
- needless
- nefarious
- neotenous
- nerveless
- nervous
- neuromatous
- newsless
- nidicolous
- nidifugous
- nitrogenous
- nitrous
- no-frills
- noiseless
- non-poisonous
- non-resinous
- non compos mentis
- nonautonomous
- nonconscious
- noncontagious
- noncontentious
- noncontinuous
- nonglutinous
- nongregarious
- noninfectious
- nonpoisonous
- nonporous
- nonresinous
- nonsynchronous
- nonvenomous
- noseless
- notorious
- noxious
- numberless
- numerous
- numinous
- nutritious
- nuts
- oblivious
- obnoxious
- obsequious
- obstreperous
- obvious
- odious
- odoriferous
- odorless
- odorous
- odourless
- off-limits
- offenceless
- offenseless
- officious
- offsides
- oleaceous
- oleaginous
- ominous
- omnibus
- omnifarious
- omnivorous
- onerous
- onymous
- opisthognathous
- opprobrious
- orthotropous
- osseous
- ossiferous
- ostentatious
- out-of-bounds
- outrageous
- overambitious
- overanxious
- overcautious
- overcredulous
- overcurious
- overgenerous
- overjealous
- overseas
- overserious
- oversolicitous
- oversuspicious
- overzealous
- oviparous
- ovoviviparous
- ownerless
- pachydermatous
- pachydermous
- painless
- parentless
- parlous
- paroicous
- parous
- parsimonious
- pass
- passionless
- pathless
- patronless
- peerless
- pelecypodous
- pemphigous
- pendulous
- penniless
- pentamerous
- penurious
- percutaneous
- p
- 'tween decks
- a hundred times
- a million times
- across
- after hours
- afterwards
- alas
- alias
- also known as
- always
- amidships
- amiss
- anyways
- apropos
- as
- as follows
- as it is
- as the crow flies
- at a loss
- at all costs
- at times
- backwards
- besides
- betimes
- between decks
- breadthways
- by all means
- by all odds
- by any means
- by artificial means
- by fits and starts
- by inches
- by no means
- by rights
- by small degrees
- ceteris paribus
- crisscross
- crossways
- defenceless
- defenseless
- disregardless
- doubtless
- down the stairs
- downstairs
- downwards
- eastwards
- edgeways
- endways
- even as
- express
- first class
- for 24 hours
- for all intents and purposes
- for all practical purposes
- for keeps
- forwards
- four times
- frontwards
- gratis
- head over heels
- heaps
- heavenwards
- hereabouts
- homewards
- in arrears
- in both ears
- in chorus
- in circles
- in darkness
- in everyone's thoughts
- in extremis
- in fiscal matters
- in good spirits
- in large quantities
- in loco parentis
- in low spirits
- in other words
- in spades
- in stages
- in this
- in two ways
- indoors
- inwards
- irregardless
- just as
- landwards
- leastways
- lengthways
- less
- like kings
- longways
- lots
- malapropos
- midships
- more or less
- much as
- mutatis mutandis
- needs
- nevertheless
- nine times
- no matter what happens
- nonetheless
- northwards
- nowadays
- oftentimes
- ofttimes
- on a regular basis
- on all fours
- on an individual basis
- on an irregular basis
- on the coattails
- one one's coattails
- onwards
- out of doors
- outdoors
- outwards
- overseas
- perhaps
- precious
- rearwards
- regardless
- sacredly
- sacrilegiously
- sadly
- safely
- sagaciously
- sagely
- salaciously
- sanctimoniously
- sanely
- sapiently
- sarcastically
- sardonically
- satirically
- satisfactorily
- satisfyingly
- saucily
- savagely
- scandalously
- scantily
- scarce
- scarcely
- scarily
- scathingly
- scenically
- sceptically
- schematically
- schismatically
- scholastically
- scienter
- scientifically
- scoffingly
- scorching
- scornfully
- scot free
- scrappily
- screakily
- screamingly
- scrumptiously
- scrupulously
- scurrilously
- scurvily
- searchingly
- seasonably
- seasonally
- seaward
- seawards
- second
- second-best
- second class
- second hand
- secondarily
- secondhand
- secondly
- secretively
- secretly
- securely
- sedately
- seductively
- sedulously
- seemingly
- seldom
- selectively
- self-conceitedly
- self-consciously
- self-evidently
- self-indulgently
- self-righteously
- selfishly
- selflessly
- semantically
- semiannually
- semimonthly
- semiweekly
- sensationally
- senselessly
- sensibly
- sensitively
- sensually
- sensuously
- sententiously
- sentimentally
- separably
- separately
- sequentially
- serenely
- serially
- seriatim
- seriously
- servilely
- sevenfold
- seventhly
- severally
- severely
- sexually
- shabbily
- shaggily
- shakily
- shallowly
- shambolically
- shamefacedly
- shamefully
- shamelessly
- shapelessly
- sharp
- sharply
- sheepishly
- sheer
- shiftily
- shockingly
- shoddily
- short
- shortly
- shoulder-to-shoulder
- showily
- shrewdly
- shrewishly
- shrilly
- shudderingly
- shyly
- sic
- sickeningly
- sidearm
- sidelong
- sidesaddle
- sidesplittingly
- sideward
- sidewards
- sideway
- sideways
- sidewise
- signally
- significantly
- silently
- silkily
- similarly
- simperingly
- simply
- simultaneously
- since a long time ago
- sincerely
- sincerely yours
- sine die
- single-handed
- single-handedly
- single-mindedly
- singly
- singularly
- sinuously
- sinusoidally
- six times
- sixfold
- sixthly
- skeptically
- sketchily
- skew-whiff
- skilfully
- skillfully
- skimpily
- skittishly
- sky-high
- skyward
- skywards
- slackly
- slam-bang
- slanderously
- slangily
- slantingly
- slantways
- slantwise
- slap
- slap-bang
- slapdash
- slavishly
- sleekly
- sleepily
- sleeplessly
- slenderly
- slickly
- slightingly
- slightly
- slimly
- slopingly
- sloppily
- slouchily
- slouchingly
- slow
- slower
- slowest
- slowly
- sluggishly
- slyly
- smack
- small
- small-mindedly
- smarmily
- smartly
- smash
- smashingly
- smilingly
- smolderingly
- smoothly
- smoulderingly
- smugly
- smuttily
- snappishly
- sneakily
- sneakingly
- sneeringly
- snidely
- snobbishly
- snootily
- snugly
- so
- so-so
- so far
- so to speak
- soaking
- sobbingly
- soberly
- sociably
- socially
- sociobiologically
- socioeconomically
- sociolinguistically
- sociologically
- soft
- softly
- solely
- solemnly
- solicitously
- solidly
- solitarily
- solo
- somberly
- sombrely
- some
- someday
- somehow
- someplace
- sometime
- sometimes
- someway
- someways
- somewhat
- somewhere
- somnolently
- sonorously
- soon
- soon enough
- sooner
- soonest
- soothingly
- sopping
- sordidly
- sorely
- sorrowfully
- sort of
- sottishly
- sotto voce
- sou'-east
- sou'-sou'-east
- sou'-sou'-west
- sou'west
- soughingly
- soulfully
- soullessly
- soundlessly
- soundly
- sourly
- south
- south-east
- south-southeast
- south-southwest
- south-west
- southeast
- southeastward
- southeastwardly
- southerly
- southward
- southwards
- southwest
- southwestward
- southwestwardly
- spaceward
- spacewards
- spaciously
- sparely
- sparingly
- sparsely
- spasmodically
- spatially
- specially
- specifically
- speciously
- spectacularly
- spectrographically
- speculatively
- speechlessly
- speedily
- spherically
- spicily
- spinally
- spirally
- spiritedly
- spiritually
- spitefully
- splendidly
- spontaneously
- spookily
- sporadically
- sportingly
- sportively
- spotlessly
- sprucely
- spuriously
- squalidly
- square
- squarely
- squeamishly
- stably
- staccato
- staggeringly
- stagily
- staidly
- stanchly
- standoffishly
- stark
- starkly
- startlingly
- statistically
- statutorily
- staunchly
- steadfastly
- steadily
- steady
- stealthily
- steaming
- steeply
- step by step
- stepwise
- stereotypically
- sternly
- stertorously
- stickily
- stiff
- stiffly
- still
- stiltedly
- stingily
- stirringly
- stochastically
- stock-still
- stockily
- stodgily
- stoically
- stolidly
- stonily
- stormily
- stoutly
- stragglingly
- straight
- straight-backed
- straight off
- straightaway
- straightforwardly
- straightway
- strangely
- strategically
- strenuously
- strictly
- strictly speaking
- stridently
- strikingly
- stringently
- strongly
- structurally
- stubbornly
- studiously
- stuffily
- stunningly
- stupendously
- stupidly
- sturdily
- stylishly
- stylistically
- suavely
- sub rosa
- subconsciously
- subcutaneously
- subjectively
- sublimely
- submissively
- subsequently
- subserviently
- substantially
- subtly
- successfully
- successively
- succinctly
- such
- suddenly
- sufficiently
- suggestively
- suitably
- sulkily
- sullenly
- sultrily
- summa cum laude
- summarily
- sumptuously
- sunnily
- super
- superbly
- superciliously
- superficially
- superfluously
- superlatively
- supernaturally
- superstitiously
- supinely
- supposedly
- supra
- supremely
- sure
- sure as shooting
- sure enough
- surely
- surgically
- surlily
- surpassingly
- surprisedly
- surprisingly
- surreptitiously
- suspiciously
- sweepingly
- sweet
- sweetly
- swiftly
- swimmingly
- syllabically
- symbiotically
- symbolically
- symmetrically
- sympathetically
- symptomatically
- synchronously
- synergistically
- synonymously
- syntactically
- synthetically
- systematically
- thereabouts
- thousand times
- three times
- thus
- to all intents and purposes
- to both ears
- two times
- ultra vires
- unawares
- under arms
- under the circumstances
- up the stairs
- upstairs
- upwards
- vis-a-vis
- westwards
- when the time comes
- wondrous
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Search Result:s
Overview of noun s
The noun s has 6 senses
- second, sec, s -- (1/60 of a minute; the basic unit of time adopted under the Systeme International d'Unites)
- sulfur, S, sulphur, atomic number 16 -- (an abundant tasteless odorless multivalent nonmetallic element; best known in yellow crystals; occurs in many sulphide and sulphate minerals and even in native form (especially in volcanic regions))
- south, due south, southward, S -- (the cardinal compass point that is at 180 degrees)
- mho, siemens, reciprocal ohm, S -- (a unit of conductance equal to the reciprocal of an ohm)
- S, s -- (the 19th letter of the Roman alphabet)
- randomness, entropy, S -- ((thermodynamics) a thermodynamic quantity representing the amount of energy in a system that is no longer available for doing mechanical work; "entropy increases as matter and energy in the universe degrade to an ultimate state of inert uniformity")