Compund Words
- anpu
- coypu
- cpu
- illampu
- napu
- pu
- pub
- pub crawl
- puberty
- pubes
- pubescence
- pubic bone
- pubic hair
- pubic louse
- pubic region
- pubis
- public
- public-relations campaign
- public-service corporation
- public address system
- public assistance
- public charity
- public convenience
- public debate
- public debt
- public defender
- public discussion
- public domain
- public easement
- public executioner
- public exposure
- public eye
- public figure
- public holiday
- public house
- public housing
- public knowledge
- public lavatory
- public law
- public lecture
- public library
- public mover
- public nudity
- public nuisance
- public office
- public opinion
- public opinion poll
- public presentation
- public press
- public property
- public prosecutor
- public relations
- public relations man
- public relations person
- public school
- public security
- public servant
- public service
- public speaker
- public speaking
- public square
- public toilet
- public transit
- public transport
- public treasury
- public trust
- public utility
- public utility company
- public violence
- public works
- publican
- publication
- publiciser
- publicist
- publicity
- publicity man
- publicizer
- publicizing
- publisher
- publishing
- publishing company
- publishing conglomerate
- publishing empire
- publishing firm
- publishing house
- publius aelius hadrianus
- publius cornelius scipio
- publius cornelius scipio africanus major
- publius cornelius tacitus
- publius ovidius naso
- publius terentius afer
- publius vergilius maro
- pubococcygeus exercises
- puccini
- puccinia
- puccinia graminis
- pucciniaceae
- puccoon
- puce
- puck
- pucker
- puckerbush
- puckishness
- pud
- pudden-head
- pudding
- pudding-face
- pudding-wife
- pudding berry
- pudding face
- pudding head
- pudding pipe tree
- pudding stone
- puddingwife
- puddle
- puddler
- pudendal artery
- pudendal block
- pudendal cleavage
- pudendal cleft
- pudendal slit
- pudendal vein
- pudendum
- pudge
- pudginess
- puebla
- puebla de zaragoza
- pueblo
- pueraria
- pueraria lobata
- puerility
- puerpera
- puerperal fever
- puerperium
- puerto rican
- puerto rico
- puff
- puff adder
- puff batter
- puff of air
- puff paste
- puffball
- puffbird
- puffed rice
- puffed wheat
- puffer
- pufferfish
- puffery
- puffin
- puffiness
- puffing
- puffinus
- puffinus puffinus
- pug
- pug-dog
- pug nose
- puget sound
- pugilism
- pugilist
- pugin
- puglia
- pugnacity
- puissance
- pujunan
- puka
- puka inti
- puke
- puking
- puku
- pul
- pula
- pulasan
- pulasan tree
- pulassan
- pulchritude
- pulex
- pulex irritans
- pulicaria
- pulicaria dysenterica
- pulicidae
- pulitzer
- pull
- pull-in
- pull-off
- pull-through
- pull-up
- pull chain
- pullback
- puller
- pullet
- pulley
- pulley-block
- pulley block
- pulling
- pulling out
- pullman
- pullman car
- pullman porter
- pullorum disease
- pullout
- pullover
- pullulation
- pulmonary anthrax
- pulmonary artery
- pulmonary circulation
- pulmonary congestion
- pulmonary embolism
- pulmonary emphysema
- pulmonary plexis
- pulmonary reserve
- pulmonary stenosis
- pulmonary trunk
- pulmonary tuberculosis
- pulmonary valve
- pulmonary vein
- pulmonata
- pulmonic plague
- pulp
- pulp cavity
- pulp magazine
- pulpiness
- pulpit
- pulpwood
- pulque
- pulsar
- pulsatilla
- pulsatilla occidentalis
- pulsatilla patens
- pulsatilla vulgaris
- pulsation
- pulse
- pulse-time modulation
- pulse counter
- pulse generator
- pulse height analyzer
- pulse modulation
- pulse rate
- pulse timing circuit
- pulseless disease
- pulsing
- pulverisation
- pulverization
- puma
- pumice
- pumice stone
- pummelo
- pump
- pump-and-dump scheme
- pump-type pliers
- pump action
- pump house
- pump priming
- pump room
- pump well
- pumpernickel
- pumping station
- pumpkin
- pumpkin ash
- pumpkin pie
- pumpkin seed
- pumpkin vine
- pumpkinseed
- pun
- punch
- punch-up
- punch bag
- punch bowl
- punch card
- punch line
- punch pliers
- punch press
- punchayet
- punchball
- punchboard
- punched card
- puncher
- punching bag
- punching ball
- punctilio
- punctiliousness
- punctuality
- punctuated equilibrium
- punctuation
- punctuation mark
- punctum
- puncture
- pundit
- pung
- pungapung
- pungency
- punic
- punic war
- punica
- punica granatum
- punicaceae
- puniness
- punishment
- punitive damages
- punjab
- punjabi
- punk
- punk rock
- punk rocker
- punkah
- punkey
- punkie
- punks
- punky
- punnet
- punning
- punster
- punt
- punta arenas
- punter
- punting
- pup
- pup tent
- pupa
- pupet regime
- pupil
- pupillary reflex
- pupillary sphincter
- puppet
- puppet government
- puppet leader
- puppet play
- puppet ruler
- puppet show
- puppet state
- puppeteer
- puppetry
- puppis
- puppy
- puppy fat
- puppy love
- purace
- purana
- purau
- purcell
- purchase
- purchase agreement
- purchase contract
- purchase order
- purchase price
- purchaser
- purchasing
- purchasing agent
- purchasing department
- purdah
- pure absence
- pure binary numeration system
- pure gold
- pure imaginary number
- pure mathematics
- pure tone
- pureblood
- purebred
- puree
- pureness
- purgation
- purgative
- purgatory
- purge
- purging
- purging cassia
- purification
- purifier
- purim
- purine
- purinethol
- purism
- purist
- puritan
- puritanism
- purity
- purkinje
- purkinje's system
- purkinje's tissue
- purkinje cell
- purkinje fiber
- purkinje network
- purl
- purl stitch
- purlieu
- purloo
- purple
- purple-flowering raspberry
- purple-fringed orchid
- purple-fringed orchis
- purple-hooded orchis
- purple-staining cortinarius
- purple-stemmed aster
- purple amaranth
- purple anise
- purple apricot
- purple avens
- purple bacteria
- purple beech
- purple boneset
- purple chinese houses
- purple clematis
- purple clover
- purple cress
- purple emperor
- purple finch
- purple fringeless orchid
- purple fringeless orchis
- purple gallinule
- purple grackle
- purple granadillo
- purple ground cherry
- purple heart
- purple heather
- purple loco
- purple locoweed
- purple loosestrife
- purple martin
- purple milk vetch
- purple mullein
- purple nightshade
- purple onion
- purple orchis
- purple osier
- purple passage
- purple pea
- purple poppy mallow
- purple rock brake
- purple sage
- purple sanicle
- purple saxifrage
- purple silkweed
- purple strawberry guava
- purple trillium
- purple velvet plant
- purple virgin's bower
- purple willow
- purpleness
- purplish-red
- purplish blue
- purplish pink
- purplish red
- purport
- purpose
- purposefulness
- purposelessness
- purpura
- purpura hemorrhagica
- purr
- purse
- purse-string operation
- purse seine
- purse string
- purser
- purslane
- purslane family
- purslane speedwell
- pursual
- pursuance
- pursued
- pursuer
- pursuit
- purulence
- purulency
- purulent pleurisy
- purus
- purus river
- purveyance
- purveyor
- purview
- pus
- pus-forming bacteria
- pusan
- pusey
- puseyism
- push
- push-bike
- push-button radio
- push-down list
- push-down queue
- push-down stack
- push-down storage
- push-down store
- push back
- push broom
- push button
- pushan
- pushball
- pushcart
- pushchair
- pusher
- pushiness
- pushing
- pushkin
- pushover
- pushpin
- pushtun
- pushup
- pusillanimity
- pusillanimousness
- puss
- pussley
- pussly
- pussy
- pussy's-paw
- pussy-paw
- pussy-paws
- pussy willow
- pussycat
- pussytoes
- pustule
- put
- put-down
- put-on
- put-put
- put option
- putamen
- putin
- putoff
- putout
- putrajaya
- putrefaction
- putrescence
- putrescine
- putridity
- putridness
- putsch
- putt
- puttee
- putter
- putterer
- putting
- putting green
- putting iron
- putting surface
- putting to death
- putty
- putty knife
- puttyroot
- putz
- puzzle
- puzzlement
- puzzler
- quipu
- tipu
- pub-crawl
- publicise
- publicize
- publish
- pucker
- puddle
- puff
- puff out
- puff up
- puke
- pule
- pull
- pull a face
- pull a fast one on
- pull ahead
- pull along
- pull at
- pull away
- pull back
- pull down
- pull in
- pull in one's horns
- pull off
- pull one's weight
- pull out
- pull out all the stops
- pull over
- pull round
- pull someone's leg
- pull strings
- pull the leg of
- pull the plug
- pull the wool over someone's eyes
- pull through
- pull together
- pull up
- pull up short
- pull up stakes
- pull wires
- pullulate
- pullulate with
- pulp
- pulsate
- pulse
- pulverise
- pulverize
- pumice
- pummel
- pump
- pun
- punch
- punch in
- punch out
- punctuate
- puncture
- punish
- punt
- pup
- pupate
- purchase
- puree
- purge
- purify
- purl
- purl stitch
- purloin
- purple
- purport
- purpose
- purpurate
- purr
- purse
- pursue
- purvey
- push
- push around
- push aside
- push away
- push back
- push down
- push forward
- push on
- push out
- push through
- push up
- pussyfoot
- put
- put across
- put aside
- put away
- put back
- put behind bars
- put down
- put forward
- put in
- put off
- put on
- put on airs
- put on the line
- put one across
- put one over
- put out
- put out feelers
- put over
- put right
- put through
- put to death
- put to sleep
- put to work
- put together
- put under
- put up
- putrefy
- putt
- putter
- putter around
- putty
- puzzle
- puzzle out
- puzzle over
- pubertal
- puberulent
- pubescent
- pubic
- public
- public-spirited
- publicised
- publicized
- publishable
- published
- pucka
- puckish
- puddingheaded
- pudendal
- pudgy
- puerile
- puerperal
- puff
- puffed
- puffy
- pug-faced
- pug-nose
- pug-nosed
- pugilistic
- pugnacious
- puissant
- pukka
- pulchritudinous
- pulmonary
- pulmonic
- pulpy
- pulseless
- pulverised
- pulverized
- pumped
- pumped-up
- pumped up
- pumpkin-shaped
- punch-drunk
- punctilious
- punctual
- puncturable
- punctured
- punctureless
- pungent
- punic
- punishable
- punished
- punishing
- punitive
- punitory
- punk
- puny
- pupal
- pupillary
- puppyish
- puppylike
- puranic
- purblind
- purchasable
- pure
- pureblood
- pureblooded
- purebred
- purgative
- purgatorial
- purging
- purifying
- puritanic
- puritanical
- purple
- purple-black
- purple-blue
- purple-brown
- purple-eyed
- purple-flowered
- purple-green
- purple-lilac
- purple-red
- purple-spotted
- purple-tinged
- purple-tinted
- purple-veined
- purple-white
- purplish
- purplish-black
- purplish-blue
- purplish-brown
- purplish-green
- purplish-lilac
- purplish-red
- purplish-white
- purpose-built
- purpose-made
- purposeful
- purposeless
- purposive
- purse-proud
- pursuant
- pursued
- pursuing
- pursy
- purulent
- pushful
- pushy
- pusillanimous
- pussy
- pustulate
- put-up
- put-upon
- put on
- putative
- putdownable
- putrefacient
- putrefactive
- putrefiable
- putrescent
- putrescible
- putrid
- putrid-smelling
- puzzled
- puzzling
- publically
- publicly
- puckishly
- pugnaciously
- punctiliously
- punctually
- pungently
- punily
- punishingly
- punitively
- punitorily
- purely
- puritanically
- purportedly
- purposefully
- purposelessly
- purposely
- pusillanimously
- put differently
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Search Result:pu
(TTS Sound)

Overview of noun pu
The noun pu has 1 sense
- plutonium, Pu, atomic number 94 -- (a solid silvery grey radioactive transuranic element whose atoms can be split when bombarded with neutrons; found in minute quantities in uranium ores but is usually synthesized in nuclear reactors; 13 isotopes are known with the most important being plutonium 239)