Compund Words
- aleppo
- augustine of hippo
- capo
- chemulpo
- chingpo
- cucurbita pepo
- cucurbita pepo melopepo
- expo
- gestapo
- gpo
- grapo
- harpo
- hippo
- hypo
- ipo
- jinghpo
- li po
- limpopo
- po
- po box
- po box no
- po box number
- po hai
- po river
- poa
- poa nemoralis
- poa pratensis
- poaceae
- poached egg
- poacher
- poaching
- pob
- pobeda peak
- pobedy peak
- pocahontas
- pocatello
- pochard
- pock
- pocket-handkerchief
- pocket battleship
- pocket billiards
- pocket book
- pocket borough
- pocket bread
- pocket calculator
- pocket comb
- pocket dictionary
- pocket edition
- pocket flap
- pocket flask
- pocket gopher
- pocket knife
- pocket lighter
- pocket money
- pocket mouse
- pocket rat
- pocket veto
- pocket watch
- pocketbook
- pocketbook issue
- pocketcomb
- pocketed bat
- pocketed freetail bat
- pocketful
- pocketknife
- pockmark
- pod
- podalgia
- podalyria
- podargidae
- podargus
- podaxaceae
- podetium
- podiatrist
- podiatry
- podiceps
- podiceps cristatus
- podiceps grisegena
- podiceps nigricollis
- podiceps ruficollis
- podicipedidae
- podicipediformes
- podicipitiform seabird
- podicipitiformes
- podilymbus
- podilymbus podiceps
- podium
- podocarp
- podocarpaceae
- podocarpus
- podocarpus amara
- podocarpus coriaceus
- podocarpus dacrydioides
- podocarpus elatus
- podocarpus elongatus
- podocarpus family
- podocarpus ferruginea
- podocarpus latifolius
- podocarpus nivalis
- podocarpus spicata
- podocarpus totara
- podophyllum
- podophyllum peltatum
- podsol
- podsol soil
- podsolic soil
- podzol
- podzol soil
- poe
- poeciliid
- poeciliid fish
- poeciliidae
- poecilocapsus
- poecilocapsus lineatus
- poecilogale
- poecilogale albinucha
- poem
- poenology
- poephila
- poephila castanotis
- poesy
- poet
- poet-singer
- poet laureate
- poetess
- poetic justice
- poetic license
- poetic rhythm
- poetics
- poetiser
- poetizer
- poetry
- pogey
- pogge
- pogo stick
- pogonia
- pogonia divaricata
- pogonia rosea
- pogonion
- pogonip
- pogonophora
- pogonophoran
- pogostemon
- pogostemon cablin
- pogrom
- pogy
- poi
- poignance
- poignancy
- poikilotherm
- poilu
- poinciana
- poinciana gilliesii
- poinciana pulcherrima
- poinciana regia
- poinsettia
- poinsettia strain
- point
- point-and-shoot camera
- point after
- point after touchdown
- point duty
- point in time
- point lace
- point man
- point mutation
- point of accumulation
- point of apoapsis
- point of departure
- point of entry
- point of honor
- point of intersection
- point of no return
- point of order
- point of periapsis
- point of reference
- point of view
- point source
- point system
- point woman
- pointed-leaf maple
- pointed arch
- pointedness
- pointel
- pointer
- pointillism
- pointillist
- pointing out
- pointing trowel
- pointlessness
- pointrel
- pointsman
- poise
- poison
- poison-berry
- poison arrow plant
- poison ash
- poison bush
- poison camas
- poison dogwood
- poison gas
- poison hemlock
- poison ivy
- poison mercury
- poison milkweed
- poison oak
- poison parsley
- poison pea
- poison pill
- poison sumac
- poisonberry
- poisoner
- poisoning
- poisonous nightshade
- poisonous parasol
- poisonous plant
- poisonous substance
- poisson distribution
- poitier
- poitiers
- poitou
- poitou-charentes
- poitrine d'agneau
- poivrade
- poke
- poke bonnet
- poke check
- poke milkweed
- poker
- poker alumroot
- poker chip
- poker face
- poker game
- poker hand
- poker heuchera
- poker plant
- pokeweed
- pokeweed family
- pokey
- poking
- pokomo
- poky
- pol
- polack
- poland
- polanisia
- polanisia dodecandra
- polanisia graveolens
- polar bear
- polar body
- polar circle
- polar coordinate
- polar front
- polar glacier
- polar hare
- polar opposition
- polar region
- polar star
- polar zone
- polarimeter
- polaris
- polarisation
- polariscope
- polarity
- polarization
- polarography
- polaroid
- polaroid camera
- polaroid land camera
- polder
- pole
- pole bean
- pole horse
- pole jump
- pole jumper
- pole jumping
- pole position
- pole star
- pole vault
- pole vaulter
- pole vaulting
- poleax
- poleaxe
- polecat
- polecat weed
- polemic
- polemicist
- polemics
- polemist
- polemoniaceae
- polemoniales
- polemonium
- polemonium boreale
- polemonium caeruleum
- polemonium reptans
- polemonium van-bruntiae
- polemonium viscosum
- polenta
- poler
- polestar
- polianthes
- polianthes tuberosa
- police
- police academy
- police action
- police blotter
- police boat
- police captain
- police car
- police chief
- police commissioner
- police constable
- police court
- police cruiser
- police department
- police detective
- police dog
- police force
- police headquarters
- police investigation
- police lieutenant
- police matron
- police officer
- police precinct
- police sergeant
- police squad
- police state
- police station
- police van
- police wagon
- police work
- policeman
- policeman bird
- policewoman
- policy
- policy change
- policy maker
- policyholder
- polio
- poliomyelitis
- polioptila
- poliosis
- poliovirus
- poliovirus vaccine
- polish
- polish monetary unit
- polish notation
- polished rice
- polisher
- polishing
- polistes
- polistes annularis
- politburo
- politeness
- politesse
- political action committee
- political arena
- political boss
- political campaign
- political commissar
- political contribution
- political correctitude
- political correctness
- political detainee
- political dissident
- political donation
- political economy
- political entity
- political hack
- political incorrectness
- political leader
- political liberty
- political machine
- political movement
- political orientation
- political party
- political platform
- political prisoner
- political program
- political relation
- political science
- political scientist
- political sphere
- political sympathies
- political system
- political theory
- political unit
- politician
- politico
- politics
- polity
- polk
- polka
- polka dot
- poll
- poll parrot
- poll taker
- poll tax
- pollachius
- pollachius pollachius
- pollack
- pollard
- pollen
- pollen count
- pollen tube
- pollenation
- pollex
- pollination
- pollinator
- polling booth
- polling day
- polling place
- polling station
- pollinium
- pollinosis
- polliwog
- pollock
- polls
- pollster
- pollucite
- pollutant
- polluter
- pollution
- pollux
- polly fish
- pollyfish
- pollywog
- polo
- polo-neck
- polo-neck collar
- polo ball
- polo mallet
- polo pony
- polo shirt
- polo stick
- polonaise
- polonium
- polony
- polska
- poltergeist
- poltroon
- poltroonery
- polyamide
- polyandrist
- polyandry
- polyangiaceae
- polyangium
- polyanthus
- polyarteritis
- polyarteritis nodosa
- polyborus
- polyborus cheriway audubonii
- polyborus plancus
- polybotria
- polybotria cervina
- polybotrya
- polybotrya cervina
- polybutene
- polybutylene
- polycarp
- polychaeta
- polychaete
- polychaete worm
- polychete
- polychete worm
- polychrome
- polycillin
- polycirrus
- polyconic projection
- polycystic kidney disease
- polycythemia
- polydactylus
- polydactylus virginicus
- polydactyly
- polydipsia
- polyelectrolyte
- polyergus
- polyergus rufescens
- polyester
- polyester fiber
- polyethylene
- polyfoam
- polygala
- polygala alba
- polygala lutea
- polygala paucifolia
- polygala senega
- polygala vulgaris
- polygalaceae
- polygamist
- polygamy
- polygene
- polygenic disease
- polygenic disorder
- polyglot
- polygon
- polygonaceae
- polygonal shape
- polygonales
- polygonatum
- polygonatum biflorum
- polygonatum commutatum
- polygonia
- polygonia comma
- polygonum
- polygonum aubertii
- polygonum fagopyrum
- polygonum orientale
- polygraph
- polygynist
- polygyny
- polyhedral angle
- polyhedron
- polyhidrosis
- polyhymnia
- polymastigina
- polymastigote
- polymath
- polymer
- polymerase
- polymeric amide
- polymerisation
- polymerization
- polymethyl methacrylate
- polymonium caeruleum van-bruntiae
- polymorph
- polymorphism
- polymox
- polymyositis
- polymyxin
- polynemidae
- polynesia
- polynesian
- polynesian tattler
- polyneuritic psychosis
- polyneuritis
- polynomial
- polynya
- polyodon
- polyodon spathula
- polyodontidae
- polyoma
- polyoma virus
- polyose
- polyostotic fibrous dysplasia
- polyp
- polypectomy
- polypedates
- polypedatidae
- polypeptide
- polyphemus moth
- polyphone
- polyphonic letter
- polyphonic music
- polyphonic prose
- polyphony
- polyphosphate
- polyphosphoric acid
- polyplacophora
- polyplacophore
- polyploid
- polyploidy
- polypodiaceae
- polypodiales
- polypodium
- polypodium aureum
- polypodium glycyrrhiza
- polypodium polypodioides
- polypodium scouleri
- polypodium virgianum
- polypodium vulgare
- polypody
- polyporaceae
- polypore
- polyporus
- polyporus frondosus
- polyporus squamosus
- polyporus tenuiculus
- polyprion
- polyprion americanus
- polypropene
- polypropenonitrile
- polypropylene
- polyptoton
- polypus
- polysaccharide
- polysemant
- polysemantic word
- polysemous word
- polysemy
- polysomy
- polystichum
- polystichum acrostichoides
- polystichum aculeatum
- polystichum adiantiformis
- polystichum braunii
- polystichum lonchitis
- polystichum scopulinum
- polystichum setiferum
- polystyrene
- polysyllabic word
- polysyllable
- polysyndeton
- polytechnic
- polytechnic institute
- polytetrafluoroethylene
- polytheism
- polytheist
- polythene
- polytonalism
- polytonality
- polyunsaturated fat
- polyunsaturated fatty acid
- polyurethan
- polyurethane
- polyurethane foam
- polyuria
- polyvalence
- polyvalency
- polyvinyl-formaldehyde
- polyvinyl acetate
- polyvinyl chloride
- polyvinyl resin
- polyzoa
- polyzoan
- pom
- pom-pom
- pomacanthus
- pomace fly
- pomacentridae
- pomacentrus
- pomacentrus leucostictus
- pomade
- pomaderris
- pomaderris apetala
- pomatomidae
- pomatomus
- pomatomus saltatrix
- pomatum
- pome
- pomegranate
- pomegranate tree
- pomelo
- pomelo tree
- pomeranian
- pomfret
- pomme blanche
- pomme de prairie
- pommel
- pommel horse
- pommy
- pomo
- pomolobus
- pomolobus pseudoharengus
- pomologist
- pomology
- pomoxis
- pomoxis annularis
- pomoxis nigromaculatus
- pomp
- pompadour
- pompano
- pompeii
- pompey
- pompey the great
- pompon
- pomposity
- pompousness
- ponca
- ponce
- ponce de leon
- poncho
- poncirus
- poncirus trifoliata
- pond
- pond-apple tree
- pond-scum parasite
- pond-skater
- pond apple
- pond bald cypress
- pond cypress
- pond lily
- pond pine
- pond scum
- ponderer
- ponderosa
- ponderosa pine
- ponderosity
- ponderousness
- pondweed
- pondweed family
- pone
- pong
- pongamia
- pongamia glabra
- pongee
- pongid
- pongidae
- pongo
- pongo pygmaeus
- poniard
- ponka
- pons
- pons asinorum
- pons varolii
- ponselle
- ponstel
- ponte 25 de abril
- pontederia
- pontederia cordata
- pontederiaceae
- pontiac
- pontifex
- pontiff
- pontifical
- pontificate
- pontius pilate
- pontoon
- pontoon bridge
- pontoon plane
- pontos
- pontus
- pony
- pony-trekking
- pony cart
- pony express
- ponycart
- ponytail
- pooch
- pood
- poodle
- poodle dog
- pooecetes
- pooecetes gramineus
- poof
- pooh-bah
- pool
- pool ball
- pool cue
- pool player
- pool stick
- pool table
- pooler
- pooling of interest
- poolroom
- poon
- poop
- poop deck
- poor
- poor box
- poor boy
- poor devil
- poor fish
- poor law
- poor man's orchid
- poor man's pulse
- poor man's weatherglass
- poor people
- poor person
- poor rates
- poor speller
- poor white trash
- poorhouse
- poorness
- poorwill
- poove
- pop
- pop-fly
- pop-up
- pop-up book
- pop art
- pop bottle
- pop fly
- pop group
- pop music
- pop quiz
- pop tent
- popcorn
- popcorn ball
- pope
- pope's nose
- pope alexander vi
- popery
- popgun
- popillia
- popillia japonica
- popinjay
- poplar
- poplar bluff
- poplar tree
- poplin
- popliteal artery
- popliteal vein
- popover
- popper
- poppet
- poppet valve
- popping
- poppy
- poppy day
- poppy family
- poppy mallow
- poppy see
- poach
- pock
- pockmark
- pod
- podcast
- poetise
- poetize
- point
- point jam
- point out
- point the way
- point up
- poise
- poison
- poke
- poke at
- poke fun
- poke into
- poke out
- polarise
- polarize
- pole
- poleax
- poleaxe
- polemicise
- polemicize
- polemise
- polemize
- police
- polish
- polish off
- polish up
- politicise
- politicize
- politick
- polka
- poll
- pollard
- pollenate
- pollinate
- pollute
- polychrome
- polychromise
- polychromize
- polymerise
- polymerize
- pomade
- pommel
- pompadour
- ponder
- poniard
- pontificate
- pony up
- pooch
- pooch out
- pooh-pooh
- pool
- poop out
- pop
- pop in
- pop off
- pop out
- pop the question
- pop up
- popularise
- popularize
- populate
- porcelainize
- pore
- port
- portend
- porter
- portion
- portion out
- portray
- pose
- posit
- position
- possess
- post
- postdate
- postmark
- postpone
- postpose
- postulate
- posture
- pot
- potentiate
- pother
- potter
- potter around
- pouch
- poultice
- pounce
- pound
- pound off
- pound up
- pour
- pour cold water on
- pour down
- pour forth
- pour out
- pout
- powder
- powderise
- powderize
- power
- power-dive
- powerwash
- powwow
- po-faced
- poached
- pocked
- pocket-size
- pocket-sized
- pocketable
- pockmarked
- podgy
- podlike
- poetic
- poetical
- poignant
- poikilothermic
- poikilothermous
- point-blank
- point-of-sale
- pointed
- pointed-toe
- pointillist
- pointillistic
- pointless
- pointy-toed
- poised
- poisonous
- poker-faced
- pokey
- poky
- polar
- polarographic
- pole-handled
- polemic
- polemical
- polemoniaceous
- policy-making
- polish
- polished
- polite
- politic
- political
- politically correct
- politically incorrect
- polluted
- pollyannaish
- poltroon
- polyandrous
- polyatomic
- polychromatic
- polychrome
- polychromic
- polycrystalline
- polydactyl
- polydactylous
- polyestrous
- polygamous
- polygenic
- polyglot
- polygonal
- polygynous
- polyhedral
- polymeric
- polymorphemic
- polymorphic
- polymorphous
- polynesian
- polynomial
- polyoestrous
- polyoicous
- polypetalous
- polyphase
- polyphonic
- polyphonous
- polyploid
- polysemantic
- polysemous
- polysyllabic
- polysynthetic
- polytheistic
- polytonal
- polyunsaturated
- polyvalent
- pomaded
- pompous
- ponderable
- pondering
- ponderous
- pontifical
- poor
- poor-spirited
- poorly
- pop
- popeyed
- popish
- popliteal
- popular
- populated
- populous
- porcine
- poriferous
- pornographic
- porose
- porous
- porphyritic
- port
- portable
- portentous
- porticoed
- portly
- portrayed
- portuguese
- posed
- posh
- positionable
- positional
- positioning
- positive
- positively charged
- positivist
- positivistic
- possessed
- possessive
- possible
- post-communist
- post-free
- post meridiem
- postal
- postbiblical
- postdiluvian
- postdoctoral
- posted
- posterior
- postexilic
- postganglionic
- postglacial
- postgraduate
- posthumous
- postictal
- postindustrial
- postmenopausal
- postmeridian
- postmillennial
- postmodern
- postmodernist
- postmortal
- postmortem
- postnatal
- postnuptial
- postoperative
- postpaid
- postpartum
- postpositive
- postprandial
- postulational
- postural
- postwar
- pot-trained
- potable
- potbellied
- potbound
- potent
- potential
- potholed
- potted
- potty
- potty-trained
- pouch-shaped
- pouched
- pouchlike
- pound-foolish
- pouring
- poverty-stricken
- powder-puff
- powder blue
- powdered
- powdery
- powdery-blue
- power-assisted
- power-driven
- powered
- powerful
- powerless
- poetically
- poignantly
- point-blank
- pointedly
- pointlessly
- poisonously
- polemically
- politely
- politically
- polygonally
- polyphonically
- polysyllabically
- pompously
- ponderously
- poorly
- pop
- popishly
- popularly
- pornographically
- portentously
- positively
- possessively
- possibly
- post-free
- post-haste
- post-paid
- post meridiem
- posthumously
- postoperatively
- potentially
- potently
- poutingly
- powerful
- powerfully
- powerlessly
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Last Search Words
Search Result:po
(TTS Sound)

KK Pronunciation
〔 po 〕
〔 pou 〕
Overview of noun po
The noun po has 4 senses
- polonium, Po, atomic number 84 -- (a radioactive metallic element that is similar to tellurium and bismuth; occurs in uranium ores but can be produced by bombarding bismuth with neutrons in a nuclear reactor)
- petty officer, PO, P.O. -- (a noncommissioned officer in the Navy or Coast Guard with a rank comparable to sergeant in the Army)
- Po, Po River -- (a European river; flows into the Adriatic Sea)
- United States Post Office, US Post Office, Post Office, PO -- (an independent agency of the federal government responsible for mail delivery (and sometimes telecommunications) between individuals and businesses in the United States)