Compund Words
- albula vulpes
- anas rubripes
- antirrhinum filipes
- asplenium nigripes
- boletus subvelutipes
- boletus variipes
- clitocybe clavipes
- cyclopes
- dashing hopes
- diomedea nigripes
- dioscorea elephantipes
- eichhornia crassipes
- flammulina velutipes
- genital herpes
- genus cyclopes
- genus lobipes
- genus melanerpes
- genus ovalipes
- genus vulpes
- gripes
- gymnopilus validipes
- herpes
- ipomoea pes-caprae
- jackanapes
- john scopes
- john thomas scopes
- lepiota cepaestipes
- lobipes
- marie charlotte carmichael stopes
- marie stopes
- melanerpes
- mopes
- morchella crassipes
- mustela nigripes
- neotoma fuscipes
- oral herpes
- ovalipes
- oxalis pes-caprae
- pes
- pes cavus
- pes planus
- pesach
- pesah
- pesantran
- pesantren
- peseta
- pesewa
- pesh merga
- peshawar
- peshmerga
- peso
- pessary
- pessimism
- pessimist
- pest
- pesterer
- pesthole
- pesthouse
- pesticide
- pesticide poisoning
- pestilence
- pestis
- pestis ambulans
- pestis bubonica
- pestle
- pesto
- psidium littorale longipes
- reticulitermes flanipes
- rhone-alpes
- schaffneria nigripes
- scolopendrium nigripes
- scopes
- sour grapes
- stapes
- stars and stripes
- stopes
- stripes
- talipes
- tarzan of the apes
- tringa flavipes
- uropsilus soricipes
- vulpes
- vulpes vulpes
- adhesive tape
- agape
- alexander pope
- allied command europe
- allotrope
- american antelope
- amorphous shape
- anas penelope
- anchor rope
- angioscope
- angular shape
- antelope
- anthony trollope
- anthropoid ape
- antilope
- antipope
- antitype
- ape
- apocope
- archetype
- argiope
- arthroscope
- asterope
- asthenic type
- astronomical telescope
- athletic type
- audiotape
- auriscope
- auroscope
- autotype
- bagpipe
- barbary ape
- bathyscape
- bear's grape
- bell shape
- binocular microscope
- bioscope
- biotype
- blood type
- blowpipe
- bob hope
- body type
- briar pipe
- bronchoscope
- bullace grape
- cabernet sauvignon grape
- calabash pipe
- calliope
- calpe
- canape
- cantaloupe
- canton crepe
- cape
- cape of good hope
- cassegrainian telescope
- cassette tape
- cassiope
- cathode-ray oscilloscope
- catholic pope
- cellulose tape
- change of shape
- chardonnay grape
- chichipe
- chronoscope
- cityscape
- clay pipe
- collotype
- colonoscope
- compound microscope
- concave shape
- concord grape
- cone shape
- continental slope
- convex shape
- cope
- coude telescope
- coupe
- crape
- crepe
- croupe
- cryoscope
- culdoscope
- curved shape
- daguerreotype
- dark-field microscope
- date rape
- democratic republic of sao tome and principe
- digital audiotape
- discharge pipe
- disk shape
- distorted shape
- dope
- downslope
- drainpipe
- drape
- drilling pipe
- drone pipe
- drupe
- duct tape
- dupe
- dutchman's-pipe
- economic commission for europe
- electron microscope
- electroscope
- endoscope
- envelope
- epidiascope
- epitope
- escape
- esophagoscope
- europe
- euterpe
- exhaust pipe
- fetoscope
- fiberscope
- field-emission microscope
- fipple pipe
- fire escape
- flexible sigmoidoscope
- floral envelope
- flue pipe
- fluoroscope
- flying drainpipe
- foetoscope
- forlorn hope
- fox grape
- frappe
- friction tape
- funnel shape
- galilean telescope
- gape
- garden heliotrope
- gastroscope
- gaussian shape
- genotype
- genus antilope
- genus argiope
- genus cassiope
- genus euterpe
- genus liriope
- genus malope
- genus menippe
- genus penelope
- glide slope
- goat antelope
- grape
- great ape
- great snipe
- great white hope
- gregorian telescope
- gripe
- grippe
- grope
- guadeloupe
- guide rope
- guimpe
- guttersnipe
- guy rope
- gyroscope
- half snipe
- hangman's rope
- haplotype
- harnessed antelope
- hawsepipe
- heliotrope
- heliotype
- herschelian telescope
- hodoscope
- hollygrape
- holotype
- honeycomb tripe
- hope
- hornpipe
- horoscope
- hosepipe
- hygroscope
- hype
- hyperope
- iconoscope
- indian pipe
- insulating tape
- isotope
- jacksnipe
- james francis thorpe
- jape
- jeweler's loupe
- jim thorpe
- jump rope
- kaleidoscope
- karyotype
- keratoscope
- kinescope
- kinetoscope
- labial pipe
- lagniappe
- landscape
- laparoscope
- laryngoscope
- leaf shape
- lemaireocereus chichipe
- leslie townes hope
- lesser ape
- light microscope
- linotype
- liriope
- logotype
- lope
- loupe
- lycanthrope
- mag tape
- magnetic stripe
- magnetic tape
- maksutov telescope
- malope
- masking tape
- melody pipe
- menippe
- microscope
- misanthrope
- monotype
- mope
- mountain grape
- muscat grape
- musette pipe
- myope
- nape
- narrow escape
- natural shape
- nephoscope
- netscape
- newtonian telescope
- northern europe
- northern phalarope
- oesophagoscope
- opepe
- operating microscope
- ophthalmoscope
- optical telescope
- oregon grape
- oregon holly grape
- organ pipe
- orthoscope
- oscilloscope
- otoscope
- pandean pipe
- panpipe
- paper tape
- passero cape
- pay envelope
- pe
- pe-tsai
- pea
- pea-chick
- pea-souper
- pea bean
- pea crab
- pea family
- pea flour
- pea green
- pea jacket
- pea plant
- pea pod
- pea shooter
- pea soup
- pea tree
- pea weevil
- peabody
- peace
- peace advocacy
- peace corps
- peace garden state
- peace initiative
- peace lily
- peace march
- peace of mind
- peace of westphalia
- peace offering
- peace officer
- peace pipe
- peace process
- peace treaty
- peaceableness
- peacefulness
- peacekeeper
- peacekeeping
- peacekeeping mission
- peacekeeping operation
- peacemaker
- peacenik
- peacetime
- peach
- peach-leaved willow
- peach-wood
- peach bell
- peach bells
- peach blight
- peach ice cream
- peach melba
- peach orchard
- peach pit
- peach sauce
- peach state
- peach tree
- peachick
- peachleaf willow
- peachwood
- peacoat
- peacock
- peacock-throne
- peacock blue
- peacock butterfly
- peacock flower
- peacock flower fence
- peacock ore
- peafowl
- peag
- peahen
- peak
- peak season
- peaked cap
- peal
- pealing
- pean
- peanut
- peanut bar
- peanut brittle
- peanut butter
- peanut gallery
- peanut oil
- peanut vine
- peanut worm
- peanuts
- pear
- pear blight
- pear haw
- pear hawthorn
- pear tree
- pearl
- pearl-fish
- pearl-weed
- pearl ash
- pearl bailey
- pearl barley
- pearl buck
- pearl diver
- pearl fishery
- pearl harbor
- pearl hominy
- pearl mae bailey
- pearl millet
- pearl oyster
- pearl river
- pearl sago
- pearl sydenstricker buck
- pearler
- pearlfish
- pearlite
- pearlweed
- pearlwort
- pearly
- pearly-shelled mussel
- pearly everlasting
- pearly nautilus
- pearly razorfish
- pearmain
- pearson product-moment correlation coefficient
- peary
- peasant
- peasant's revolt
- peasanthood
- peasantry
- pease pudding
- peasecod
- peat
- peat bog
- peat moss
- peavey
- peavy
- peba
- pebble
- pebble plant
- pebibit
- pebibyte
- pecan
- pecan pie
- pecan tree
- peccadillo
- peccari angulatus
- peccary
- peck
- pecker
- peckerwood
- pecking order
- pecopteris
- pecos
- pecos river
- pecs
- pecten irradians
- pecten magellanicus
- pectic acid
- pectin
- pectinibranchia
- pectinidae
- pectoral
- pectoral arch
- pectoral fin
- pectoral girdle
- pectoral medallion
- pectoral muscle
- pectoral sandpiper
- pectoral vein
- pectoralis
- pectoralis major
- pectoralis minor
- pectus
- peculation
- peculator
- peculiar velocity
- peculiarity
- pecuniary resource
- pedagog
- pedagogics
- pedagogue
- pedagogy
- pedal
- pedal extremity
- pedal point
- pedal pusher
- pedaler
- pedaliaceae
- pedaller
- pedant
- pedantry
- pedate leaf
- peddler
- peddling
- pederast
- pederasty
- pedesis
- pedestal
- pedestal table
- pedestrian
- pedestrian bridge
- pedestrian crossing
- pedestrian traffic
- pediamycin
- pediapred
- pediatric medicine
- pediatrician
- pediatrics
- pediatrist
- pedicab
- pedicel
- pedicle
- pediculati
- pediculicide
- pediculidae
- pediculosis
- pediculosis capitis
- pediculosis corporis
- pediculosis pubis
- pediculus
- pediculus capitis
- pediculus corporis
- pediculus humanus
- pedicure
- pedigree
- pedilanthus
- pedilanthus bracteatus
- pedilanthus pavonis
- pedilanthus tithymaloides
- pediment
- pediocactus
- pediocactus knowltonii
- pedioecetes
- pedioecetes phasianellus
- pedionomus
- pedionomus torquatus
- pedipalpi
- pedlar
- pedodontist
- pedology
- pedometer
- pedophile
- pedophilia
- pedro calderon de la barca
- peduncle
- pedunculate oak
- pedunculated polyp
- pedwood
- pee
- pee dee
- pee dee river
- peeing
- peek
- peekaboo
- peel
- peeler
- peeling
- peen
- peep
- peep sight
- peeper
- peephole
- peeping tom
- peepshow
- peepul
- peer
- peer group
- peer of the realm
- peerage
- peeress
- peeve
- peevishness
- peewee
- peewit
- peg
- peg top
- pegasus
- pegboard
- pegleg
- pegmatite
- pehlevi
- pei
- peignoir
- peiping
- peirce
- peireskia
- pekan
- peke
- pekinese
- peking
- peking man
- pekingese
- pekoe
- pel
- pelage
- pelagianism
- pelagic bird
- pelagius
- pelargonium
- pelargonium graveolens
- pelargonium hortorum
- pelargonium limoneum
- pelargonium odoratissimum
- pelargonium peltatum
- pelecanidae
- pelecaniform seabird
- pelecaniformes
- pelecanoididae
- pelecanus
- pelecanus erythrorhynchos
- pelecanus onocrotalus
- pelecypod
- peleus
- pelew
- pelf
- pelham
- pelham grenville wodehouse
- pelican
- pelican crossing
- pelican state
- peliosis
- pelisse
- pellaea
- pellaea andromedifolia
- pellaea atropurpurea
- pellaea mucronata
- pellaea ornithopus
- pellaea rotundifolia
- pellagra
- pellet
- pellicle
- pellicularia
- pellicularia filamentosa
- pellicularia koleroga
- pellitory
- pellitory-of-spain
- pellitory-of-the-wall
- pellucidity
- pellucidness
- pelmet
- pelobatidae
- peloponnese
- peloponnesian peninsula
- peloponnesian war
- peloponnesus
- pelota
- pelt
- peltandra
- peltandra virginica
- peltate leaf
- pelter
- pelting
- peltiphyllum
- peltiphyllum peltatum
- peludo
- pelvic arch
- pelvic cavity
- pelvic fin
- pelvic girdle
- pelvic inflammatory disease
- pelvimeter
- pelvimetry
- pelvis
- pelycosaur
- pelycosauria
- pembroke
- pembroke welsh corgi
- pemican
- pemmican
- pempheridae
- pemphigus
- pen
- pen-and-ink
- pen-friend
- pen-tail
- pen-tailed tree shrew
- pen name
- pen nib
- pen pal
- penal code
- penal colony
- penal facility
- penal institution
- penalisation
- penalization
- penalty
- penalty box
- penalty free throw
- penance
- penchant
- pencil
- pencil box
- pencil case
- pencil cedar
- pencil cedar tree
- pencil eraser
- pencil lead
- pencil pusher
- pencil sharpener
- pendant
- pendant earring
- pendent
- pendragon
- pendulum
- pendulum clock
- pendulum watch
- peneidae
- penelope
- peneplain
- peneplane
- penetrability
- penetralia
- penetrating injury
- penetrating trauma
- penetration
- penetration bomb
- penetrator
- peneus
- pengo
- penguin
- penicillamine
- penicillin
- penicillin-resistant bacteria
- penicillin f
- penicillin g
- penicillin o
- penicillin v
- penicillin v potassium
- penicillinase
- penicillinase-resistant antibiotic
- penicillium
- penile implant
- peninsula
- penis
- penis envy
- penitence
- penitent
- penitentiary
- penknife
- penlight
- penman
- penmanship
- penn
- penn'orth
- pennant
- pennatula
- pennatulidae
- penne
- penni
- pennilessness
- pennine chain
- pennines
- penning
- pennisetum
- pennisetum americanum
- pennisetum cenchroides
- pennisetum glaucum
- pennisetum ruppelii
- pennisetum setaceum
- pennistum villosum
- pennon
- pennoncel
- pennoncelle
- pennsylvania
- pennsylvania dutch
- pennsylvanian
- pennsylvanian period
- penny
- penny-pinching
- penny ante
- penny ante poker
- penny arcade
- penny bank
- penny dreadful
- penny grass
- penny pincher
- penny stock
- pennycress
- pennyroyal
- pennyroyal oil
- pennyweight
- pennywhistle
- pennyworth
- penobscot
- penobscot bay
- penobscot river
- penoche
- penologist
- penology
- penoncel
- penpusher
- pensacola
- pension
- pension account
- pension fund
- pension plan
- pensionary
- pensioner
- pensiveness
- penstemon
- penstemon barbatus
- penstemon centranthifolius
- penstemon cyananthus
- penstemon davidsonii
- penstemon deustus
- penstemon dolius
- penstemon fruticosus
- penstemon linarioides
- penstemon newberryi
- penstemon palmeri
- penstemon parryi
- penstemon rupicola
- penstemon rydbergii
- penstemon serrulatus
- penstemon whippleanus
- penstock
- pentacle
- pentad
- pentaerythritol
- pentagon
- pentagon gang
- pentagram
- pentahedron
- pentail
- pentameter
- pentamethylenetetrazol
- pentangle
- pentanoic acid
- pentastomid
- pentastomida
- pentateuch
- pentathlete
- pentathlon
- pentatone
- pentatonic scale
- pentazocine
- pentecost
- pentecostal
- pentecostal religion
- pentecostalism
- pentecostalist
- penthouse
- pentimento
- pentlandite
- pentobarbital
- pentobarbital sodium
- pentode
- pentose
- pentothal
- pentoxide
- pentoxifylline
- pentylenetetrazol
- penuche
- penuchle
- penult
- penultima
- penultimate
- penumbra
- penuriousness
- penury
- penutian
- peon
- peonage
- peony
- peony family
- people
- people's liberation army
- people's mujahidin of iran
- people's party
- people's republic of bangladesh
- people's republic of china
- people's republican army
- people against gangsterism and drugs
- people in power
- people of color
- people of colour
- peoples
- peoria
- pep
- pep pill
- pep rally
- pep talk
- pepcid
- peperom
- pester
- pestle
- pesky
- pessimal
- pessimistic
- pessimum
- pestered
- pestering
- pestiferous
- pestilent
- pestilential
- pessimistically
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Search Result:pes
(TTS Sound)

KK Pronunciation
〔 piz, pєs 〕
〔 pi:z 〕
Overview of noun pes
The noun pes has 1 sense
- foot, human foot, pes -- (the part of the leg of a human being below the ankle joint; "his bare feet projected from his trousers"; "armored from head to foot")
Overview of noun pe
The noun pe has 1 sense
- pe -- (the 17th letter of the Hebrew alphabet)