Compund Words
- addressograph
- aleph
- allelomorph
- allograph
- allomorph
- anaglyph
- autograph
- autoradiograph
- autotroph
- ballistocardiograph
- bar graph
- barograph
- bathyscaph
- body plethysmograph
- bolograph
- bph
- bumph
- caliph
- cardiograph
- cenotaph
- chief joseph
- chronograph
- cryptograph
- cymograph
- diaglyph
- digital plethysmograph
- digraph
- dph
- echocardiograph
- echoencephalograph
- ectomorph
- electrocardiograph
- electroencephalograph
- electrograph
- electromyograph
- enantiomorph
- endolymph
- endomorph
- epigraph
- epitaph
- francis joseph
- franz joseph
- glyph
- graph
- gynandromorph
- hectograph
- heliograph
- heterotroph
- hieroglyph
- holograph
- homograph
- ideograph
- joseph
- kaliph
- kaph
- karyolymph
- kph
- kymograph
- lagomorph
- lithograph
- logograph
- lymph
- magnetograph
- mass spectrograph
- mesomorph
- mimeograph
- monograph
- morosoph
- mph
- nomograph
- nymph
- oomph
- oscillograph
- pantograph
- paragraph
- paraph
- perilymph
- petroglyph
- ph
- ph.d.
- ph scale
- phacelia
- phacelia campanularia
- phacelia minor
- phacelia tanacetifolia
- phacelia whitlavia
- phacochoerus
- phacoemulsification
- phaeochromocytoma
- phaeophyceae
- phaeophyta
- phaethon
- phaethontidae
- phaeton
- phage
- phagocyte
- phagocytosis
- phagun
- phaius
- phalacrocoracidae
- phalacrocorax
- phalacrocorax carbo
- phalacrosis
- phalaenopsis
- phalaenopsis amabilis
- phalaenoptilus
- phalaenoptilus nuttallii
- phalanger
- phalangeridae
- phalangida
- phalangiidae
- phalangist
- phalangitis
- phalangium
- phalangium opilio
- phalanx
- phalaris
- phalaris aquatica
- phalaris arundinacea
- phalaris canariensis
- phalaris tuberosa
- phalarope
- phalaropidae
- phalaropus
- phalaropus fulicarius
- phalguna
- phallaceae
- phallales
- phallic phase
- phallic stage
- phalloplasty
- phallus
- phallus impudicus
- phallus ravenelii
- phalsa
- phanerogam
- phanerogamae
- phaneromania
- phanerozoic
- phanerozoic aeon
- phanerozoic eon
- phantasm
- phantasma
- phantasmagoria
- phantasy
- phantasy life
- phantasy world
- phantom
- phantom limb
- phantom limb pain
- phantom limb syndrome
- phantom orchid
- pharaoh
- pharaoh's ant
- pharaoh's chicken
- pharaoh ant
- pharaoh of egypt
- pharisee
- pharma
- pharmaceutic
- pharmaceutical
- pharmaceutical chemist
- pharmaceutical company
- pharmaceutics
- pharmacist
- pharmacogenetics
- pharmacokinetics
- pharmacological medicine
- pharmacologist
- pharmacology
- pharmacopeia
- pharmacopoeia
- pharmacy
- pharomacrus
- pharomacrus mocino
- pharos
- pharsalus
- pharyngeal
- pharyngeal consonant
- pharyngeal recess
- pharyngeal reflex
- pharyngeal tonsil
- pharyngeal vein
- pharyngitis
- pharynx
- phascogale
- phascolarctos
- phascolarctos cinereus
- phase
- phase-out
- phase angle
- phase change
- phase i
- phase i clinical trial
- phase ii
- phase ii clinical trial
- phase iii
- phase iii clinical trial
- phase iv
- phase iv clinical trial
- phase modulation
- phase of cell division
- phase of the moon
- phase space
- phase transition
- phaseolus
- phaseolus aconitifolius
- phaseolus acutifolius latifolius
- phaseolus angularis
- phaseolus aureus
- phaseolus caracalla
- phaseolus coccineus
- phaseolus limensis
- phaseolus lunatus
- phaseolus multiflorus
- phaseolus vulgaris
- phasianid
- phasianidae
- phasianus
- phasianus colchicus
- phasmatidae
- phasmatodea
- phasmid
- phasmid insect
- phasmida
- phasmidae
- phasmidia
- phatic communication
- phatic speech
- phd
- pheasant
- pheasant's-eye
- pheasant coucal
- pheasant cuckoo
- pheasant under glass
- phegopteris
- phegopteris connectilis
- phegopteris hexagonoptera
- pheidias
- phellem
- phellodendron
- phellodendron amurense
- phenacetin
- phenacomys
- phenaphen
- phenazopyridine
- phencyclidine
- phencyclidine hydrochloride
- phenelzine
- phenergan
- phenicia
- pheniramine
- pheno-safranine
- phenobarbital
- phenobarbitone
- phenol
- phenolic
- phenolic plastic
- phenolic resin
- phenolic urea
- phenolphthalein
- phenomenology
- phenomenon
- phenoplast
- phenothiazine
- phenotype
- phenoxymethyl penicillin
- phensuximide
- phentolamine
- phenyl salicylate
- phenylacetamide
- phenylalanine
- phenylamine
- phenylbutazone
- phenylephrine
- phenylethylene
- phenylic acid
- phenylketonuria
- phenylpropanolamine
- phenyltoloxamine
- phenytoin
- pheochromocytoma
- pheresis
- pheromone
- phi
- phi coefficient
- phi correlation
- phial
- phidias
- phil anderson
- philadelphaceae
- philadelphia
- philadelphia fleabane
- philadelphia pepper pot
- philadelphus
- philadelphus coronarius
- philaenus
- philaenus spumarius
- philanderer
- philanthropic foundation
- philanthropic gift
- philanthropist
- philanthropy
- philatelist
- philately
- philemon
- philharmonic
- philharmonic pitch
- philhellene
- philhellenism
- philhellenist
- philia
- philibert de l'orme
- philibert delorme
- philip
- philip anderson
- philip augustus
- philip dormer stanhope
- philip ii
- philip ii of macedon
- philip ii of spain
- philip marlowe
- philip michael ondaatje
- philip milton roth
- philip of valois
- philip roth
- philip v
- philip vi
- philip warren anderson
- philipp lenard
- philipp melanchthon
- philipp schwarzerd
- philippi
- philippian
- philippians
- philippic
- philippine
- philippine cedar
- philippine islands
- philippine mahogany
- philippine monetary unit
- philippine peso
- philippine sea
- philippines
- philippopolis
- philippus aureolus paracelsus
- philistia
- philistine
- philistinism
- phillidae
- phillips screw
- phillips screwdriver
- phillipsite
- phillis wheatley
- phillyrea
- philodendron
- philogyny
- philohela
- philohela minor
- philologist
- philologue
- philology
- philomachus
- philomachus pugnax
- philomath
- philophylla
- philosopher
- philosopher's stone
- philosopher's wool
- philosophers' stone
- philosophers' wool
- philosophical doctrine
- philosophical system
- philosophical theory
- philosophiser
- philosophizer
- philosophizing
- philosophy
- philosophy department
- philter
- philtre
- phimosis
- phineas taylor barnum
- phintias
- phiz
- phlebectomy
- phlebitis
- phlebodium
- phlebodium aureum
- phlebogram
- phlebothrombosis
- phlebotomist
- phlebotomus
- phlebotomus papatasii
- phlebotomy
- phlegm
- phlegmasia alba dolens
- phleum
- phleum pratense
- phloem
- phlogiston
- phlogopite
- phlomis
- phlomis fruticosa
- phlox
- phlox bifida
- phlox family
- phlox stellaria
- phlox subulata
- phnom penh
- phobia
- phobic disorder
- phobic neurosis
- phobophobia
- phobos
- phoca
- phoca vitulina
- phocidae
- phocoena
- phocoena phocoena
- phocoena sinus
- phocomelia
- phoebe
- phoebe bird
- phoebus
- phoebus apollo
- phoenicia
- phoenician
- phoenicophorium
- phoenicopteridae
- phoeniculidae
- phoeniculus
- phoenicurus
- phoenix
- phoenix dactylifera
- phoenix tree
- pholadidae
- pholas
- pholidae
- pholidota
- pholiota
- pholiota astragalina
- pholiota aurea
- pholiota destruens
- pholiota flammans
- pholiota flavida
- pholiota nameko
- pholiota squarrosa
- pholiota squarrosa-adiposa
- pholiota squarrosoides
- pholis
- pholis gunnellus
- pholistoma
- pholistoma auritum
- phon
- phonation
- phone
- phone-in
- phone bill
- phone book
- phone booth
- phone call
- phone card
- phone company
- phone cord
- phone jack
- phone line
- phone message
- phone number
- phone plug
- phone service
- phone system
- phone tapper
- phonebook
- phoneme
- phonemic system
- phonemics
- phoner
- phonetic alphabet
- phonetic symbol
- phonetic transcription
- phonetician
- phonetics
- phoney
- phonics
- phonogram
- phonograph
- phonograph album
- phonograph needle
- phonograph record
- phonograph recording
- phonograph recording disk
- phonologic system
- phonological system
- phonologist
- phonology
- phonophobia
- phony
- phoradendron
- phoradendron flavescens
- phoradendron serotinum
- phoronid
- phoronida
- phoronidea
- phosgene
- phosphatase
- phosphate
- phosphate buffer solution
- phosphine
- phosphocreatine
- phospholipid
- phosphoprotein
- phosphor
- phosphor bronze
- phosphorescence
- phosphoric acid
- phosphorous acid
- phosphorus
- phot
- photalgia
- photinia
- photinia arbutifolia
- photius
- photo
- photo-offset
- photo-offset printing
- photo credit
- photo finish
- photo op
- photo opportunity
- photoblepharon
- photoblepharon palpebratus
- photocathode
- photocell
- photochemical exchange
- photochemical reaction
- photochemistry
- photocoagulation
- photocoagulator
- photoconduction
- photoconductive cell
- photoconductivity
- photocopier
- photocopy
- photoelectric cell
- photoelectric emission
- photoelectricity
- photoelectron
- photoemission
- photoengraving
- photoflash
- photoflood
- photogelatin process
- photogenic epilepsy
- photograph
- photograph album
- photographer
- photographer's model
- photographic camera
- photographic density
- photographic emulsion
- photographic equipment
- photographic film
- photographic material
- photographic paper
- photographic plate
- photographic print
- photography
- photogravure
- photojournalism
- photojournalist
- photolithograph
- photolithography
- photomechanics
- photometer
- photometrician
- photometrist
- photometry
- photomicrograph
- photomontage
- photomosaic
- photon
- photophobia
- photopic vision
- photopigment
- photoplate making
- photoretinitis
- photosensitivity
- photosphere
- photostat
- photostat machine
- photosynthesis
- phototherapy
- phototrophic bacteria
- phototropic bacteria
- phototropism
- photovoltaic cell
- phoxinus
- phoxinus phoxinus
- phragmacone
- phragmipedium
- phragmites
- phragmites communis
- phragmocone
- phrasal idiom
- phrasal verb
- phrase
- phrase book
- phrase structure
- phraseology
- phrasing
- phratry
- phrenic nerve
- phrenic vein
- phrenitis
- phrenologist
- phrenology
- phrontistery
- phrygia
- phrygian
- phrygian deity
- phrynosoma
- phrynosoma cornutum
- phs
- phthalic acid
- phthalic anhydride
- phthiriidae
- phthirius
- phthirius pubis
- phthirus
- phthisis
- phthorimaea
- phthorimaea operculella
- phycobilin
- phycocyanin
- phycoerythrin
- phycology
- phycomycetes
- phycomycetes group
- phycomycosis
- phylactery
- phyle
- phyllidae
- phyllitis
- phyllitis scolopendrium
- phyllium
- phyllo
- phylloclad
- phyllocladaceae
- phylloclade
- phyllocladus
- phyllocladus alpinus
- phyllocladus asplenifolius
- phyllocladus trichomanoides
- phyllode
- phyllodoce
- phyllodoce breweri
- phyllodoce caerulea
- phylloporus
- phylloporus boletinoides
- phylloquinone
- phyllorhynchus
- phylloscopus
- phylloscopus sibilatrix
- phyllostachys
- phyllostachys aurea
- phyllostachys bambusoides
- phyllostachys nigra
- phyllostomatidae
- phyllostomidae
- phyllostomus
- phyllostomus hastatus
- phylloxera
- phylloxera vitifoleae
- phylloxeridae
- phylogenesis
- phylogenetic relation
- phylogeny
- phylum
- phylum acanthocephala
- phylum annelida
- phylum arthropoda
- phylum aschelminthes
- phylum brachiopoda
- phylum bryozoa
- phylum chaetognatha
- phylum chordata
- phylum cnidaria
- phylum coelenterata
- phylum cryptophyta
- phylum ctenophora
- phylum cycliophora
- phylum echinodermata
- phylum ectoprocta
- phylum entoprocta
- phylum mollusca
- phylum nematoda
- phylum nemertea
- phylum nemertina
- phylum phoronida
- phylum platyhelminthes
- phylum pogonophora
- phylum porifera
- phylum protozoa
- phylum pyrrophyta
- phylum rotifera
- phylum sipuncula
- physa
- physalia
- physalis
- physalis alkekengi
- physalis ixocarpa
- physalis peruviana
- physalis philadelphica
- physalis pruinosa
- physalis pubescens
- physalis viscosa
- physaria
- physeter
- physeter catodon
- physeteridae
- physiatrics
- physic
- physic nut
- physical ability
- physical anthropology
- physical attraction
- autograph
- calligraph
- choreograph
- galumph
- graph
- hectograph
- heliograph
- lithograph
- mimeograph
- morph
- paragraph
- phase
- phase in
- phase out
- philander
- philosophise
- philosophize
- phlebotomise
- phlebotomize
- phonate
- phone
- phosphoresce
- photocopy
- photograph
- photosensitise
- photosensitize
- photostat
- phrase
- stenograph
- telegraph
- triumph
- phagocytic
- phalangeal
- phallic
- phantasmagoric
- phantasmagorical
- phantasmal
- phantom
- pharaonic
- pharisaic
- pharisaical
- pharmaceutic
- pharmaceutical
- pharmacologic
- pharmacological
- pharyngeal
- phenomenal
- phenotypic
- phenotypical
- philanthropic
- philatelic
- philatelical
- philharmonic
- philhellene
- philhellenic
- philippine
- philistine
- philological
- philosophic
- philosophical
- phlegmatic
- phlegmatical
- phlegmy
- phobic
- phocine
- phoenician
- phonemic
- phonetic
- phoney
- phonic
- phonogramic
- phonologic
- phonological
- phony
- phosphorescent
- phosphoric
- phosphorous
- photic
- photochemical
- photoconductive
- photoelectric
- photoelectrical
- photoemissive
- photogenic
- photographic
- photomechanical
- photometric
- photometrical
- photosensitive
- photosynthetic
- photovoltaic
- phrasal
- phreatic
- phrenetic
- phrenic
- phrenological
- phyletic
- phylliform
- phyllodial
- phylogenetic
- physical
- physicochemical
- physiologic
- physiological
- physiotherapeutic
- phytophagic
- phytophagous
- phytophilous
- pharmacologically
- phenomenally
- philanthropically
- philatelically
- philosophically
- phlegmatically
- phonemic
- phonetically
- photoelectrically
- photographically
- photometrically
- phylogenetically
- physically
- physiologically
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Search Result:pH
(TTS Sound)

Overview of noun ph
The noun ph has 1 sense
- pH, pH scale -- ((from potential of Hydrogen) the logarithm of the reciprocal of hydrogen-ion concentration in gram atoms per liter; provides a measure on a scale from 0 to 14 of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution (where 7 is neutral and greater than 7 is more basic and less than 7 is more acidic);)