Compund Words
- abator
- abbreviator
- abdicator
- abductor
- abettor
- abies concolor
- abnegator
- abominator
- abor
- abrogator
- absorption factor
- absorption indicator
- abstractor
- academic administrator
- accelerator
- accelerator factor
- accentor
- acceptor
- accommodator
- accordion door
- accumulator
- ace inhibitor
- achromatic color
- acid-base indicator
- activator
- actor
- actuator
- adaptor
- adductor
- adipose tumor
- adjudicator
- adjustor
- administrator
- adulator
- adulterator
- advisor
- advocator
- aerator
- aerogenerator
- african monitor
- agglomerator
- aggravator
- aggregator
- aggressor
- agitator
- air compressor
- alexander the liberator
- algorithm error
- alienator
- alienor
- all-or-none law
- alleviator
- alligator
- alliterator
- allocator
- alpha-adrenergic receptor
- alpha-adrenoceptor
- alpha receptor
- alternator
- amalgamator
- ambassador
- american alligator
- american federation of labor
- amor
- amputator
- anaphor
- ancestor
- anchor
- andean condor
- angiogenesis inhibitor
- angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor
- angiotensin ii inhibitor
- animator
- ann arbor
- annihilator
- annotator
- annunciator
- anterior
- anti-torque rotor
- antiberiberi factor
- anticipator
- antihaemophilic factor
- antihemophilic factor
- antihemorrhagic factor
- antiophthalmic factor
- antipernicious anemia factor
- antony tudor
- applicator
- appreciator
- appropriator
- aqueous humor
- arbitrator
- arbor
- archidiskidon imperator
- ardor
- aristolochia durior
- armor
- arrogator
- art director
- art editor
- arteria alveolaris inferior
- arteria alveolaris superior
- arteria labialis inferior
- arteria labialis superior
- arteria temporalis anterior
- arteria temporalis posterior
- articulator
- asia minor
- asphyxiator
- aspirator
- assassinator
- assessor
- asseverator
- assignor
- assimilator
- assistant professor
- associate professor
- astor
- astrantia major
- astrogator
- athanor
- atomic reactor
- attenuator
- attestator
- attestor
- attractor
- auditor
- authenticator
- author
- autoinjector
- aviator
- baby doctor
- bachelor
- back door
- backdoor
- bailor
- ballast resistor
- bangor
- barn door
- barndoor
- baroreceptor
- barrator
- basic color
- battle of marston moor
- beauty parlor
- beggar-my-neighbor
- behavior
- benefactor
- benign tumor
- beta-adrenergic receptor
- beta-adrenoceptor
- beta receptor
- bettor
- bi-fold door
- billiard parlor
- black humor
- blackamoor
- bleach liquor
- blood donor
- boa constrictor
- body armor
- body odor
- boiling water reactor
- bonded labor
- boor
- boston harbor
- brain doctor
- brain tumor
- breeder reactor
- bronchodilator
- budorcas taxicolor
- business editor
- business sector
- butterfly collector
- bypass capacitor
- c major
- caladium bicolor
- calculator
- california condor
- calosoma scrutator
- camera operator
- campaign for governor
- camphor
- candor
- canis major
- canis minor
- cantor
- capacitor
- capital of ecuador
- captor
- car door
- car mirror
- carburetor
- carburettor
- cardiac monitor
- cargo door
- cartridge ejector
- cartridge extractor
- castor
- causal factor
- caveat emptor
- cavity resonator
- celebrator
- celestial equator
- censor
- central processor
- cervus unicolor
- chador
- chain armor
- chain reactor
- chancellor
- change of color
- chaotic attractor
- character actor
- charge-exchange accelerator
- chemical reactor
- chemoreceptor
- chest protector
- chinese alligator
- chiropractor
- chocolate liquor
- christian dior
- christmas factor
- chromatic color
- cine projector
- cirsium discolor
- city editor
- claims adjustor
- clamor
- clangor
- clematis versicolor
- clotting factor
- clusia major
- coadjutor
- coagulation factor
- coagulator
- coauthor
- cockcroft-walton accelerator
- cockcroft and walton accelerator
- coconspirator
- code of behavior
- cofactor
- cognitive factor
- coin collector
- collaborator
- collector
- collimator
- collinsia bicolor
- color
- coluber constrictor
- command sergeant major
- commentator
- common denominator
- common divisor
- common factor
- communicator
- commutator
- company operator
- competitor
- complementary color
- compositor
- compressor
- computer error
- computer monitor
- conciliator
- condor
- conductor
- confessor
- congenator
- congressional medal of honor
- conjuror
- connector
- conqueror
- conquistador
- conscientious objector
- conservator
- consignor
- conspirator
- constrictor
- constrictor constrictor
- constructor
- contractor
- contributor
- convector
- conversion factor
- convertor
- conveyor
- cooperator
- coordinator
- copper color
- copy editor
- corn liquor
- corporate investor
- corregidor
- corridor
- corticium salmonicolor
- cottrell precipitator
- councillor
- counsellor
- counselor
- counterdemonstrator
- countertenor
- country doctor
- cox-2 inhibitor
- creator
- creditor
- crystal detector
- crystal oscillator
- cultivator
- cunctator
- curator
- cursor
- cursorius cursor
- cuspidor
- cygnus buccinator
- cygnus olor
- cystic fibrosis transport regulator
- dance floor
- data processor
- dead metaphor
- debitor
- debtor
- decisive factor
- decor
- decorator
- deems taylor
- defalcator
- defecator
- defector
- defense contractor
- defibrillator
- deflator
- deflector
- defoliator
- demeanor
- demodulator
- demonstrator
- dennis gabor
- denominator
- department of commerce and labor
- department of labor
- department of the interior
- depilator
- depositor
- depreciator
- depressor
- dermacentor
- descriptor
- detector
- determining factor
- detonator
- detractor
- devisor
- dictator
- diesel motor
- differentiator
- diffusor
- dilator
- dior
- director
- disambiguator
- discriminator
- disfavor
- dishonor
- disk error
- disorderly behavior
- display adaptor
- disseminator
- dissimulator
- distributor
- dithered color
- divisor
- doctor
- dolor
- donor
- door
- double door
- double standard of sexual behavior
- drill instructor
- drum major
- duchess of windsor
- duke of windsor
- duplicator
- dutch door
- ear-nose-and-throat doctor
- ear doctor
- earth color
- earth tremor
- east timor
- ecuador
- editor
- educator
- edward the confessor
- effector
- egg-and-anchor
- ejaculator
- ejector
- el libertador
- el salvador
- elector
- electric motor
- electric razor
- electric refrigerator
- electrical distributor
- electrolytic capacitor
- electron accelerator
- electronic fetal monitor
- electronic foetal monitor
- electronic transistor
- electrostatic generator
- electrostatic precipitator
- elevator
- elevator operator
- eliminator
- elizabeth taylor
- emancipator
- embassador
- emperor
- emptor
- emulator
- endeavor
- english professor
- enteroceptor
- enumerator
- eoraptor
- epilator
- epilepsia major
- epilepsia minor
- equator
- equivalent-binary-digit factor
- equivocator
- eradicator
- error
- escalator
- essential tremor
- estimator
- evaluator
- ewing's tumor
- ex-mayor
- excavator
- excelsior
- excogitator
- executive director
- executor
- exhibitor
- existential operator
- exmoor
- expectorator
- expositor
- expurgator
- extensor
- exterior
- exterior door
- exterminator
- exteroceptor
- extractor
- eye doctor
- fabricator
- facilitator
- factor
- false labor
- family doctor
- fast reactor
- favor
- felis concolor
- fervor
- festuca elatior
- fetal monitor
- fetor
- fibroid tumor
- field-effect transistor
- field of honor
- film director
- film projector
- fire door
- first floor
- fish doctor
- flannery o'connor
- flavor
- flexor
- flight indicator
- flight simulator
- floor
- fluor
- flux applicator
- fly floor
- foetal monitor
- foetor
- folding door
- fomor
- food color
- food elevator
- food processor
- foot doctor
- fornicator
- fraxinus excelsior
- freight elevator
- french door
- front door
- front projector
- frozen metaphor
- fructidor
- fudge factor
- fuel indicator
- full professor
- full radiator
- fumigator
- funeral director
- funeral parlor
- furor
- fusion reactor
- gabor
- garbage collector
- gas-cooled reactor
- gator
- gene delivery vector
- generator
- genitor
- genus alligator
- genus castor
- genus dermacentor
- genus eoraptor
- genus mucor
- genus myocastor
- genus nestor
- genus stentor
- genus utahraptor
- genus velociraptor
- gerardus mercator
- gladiator
- glamor
- glossopsitta versicolor
- good humor
- governor
- grand inquisitor
- grantor
- grape arbor
- grapnel anchor
- great attractor
- great elector
- greatest common divisor
- greatest common factor
- ground floor
- growth factor
- growth hormone-releasing factor
- growth regulator
- guarantor
- guard of honor
- guest of honor
- guvnor
- hageman factor
- half door
- ham actor
- hand calculator
- hand mirror
- harbor
- hard liquor
- hardware error
- hatchback door
- heart monitor
- hector
- henry tudor
- herb doctor
- heritor
- hesitator
- heterodyne oscillator
- highest common factor
- holocanthus tricolor
- holy roman emperor
- holy terror
- honor
- horror
- horse doctor
- house decorator
- house of tudor
- house of windsor
- humor
- hybrid vigor
- hyla arenicolor
- hypothalamic releasing factor
- ichor
- identity operator
- ignitor
- ill humor
- illustrator
- imitator
- immunosuppressor
- impersonator
- impostor
- incinerator
- incisor
- incubator
- indicator
- induction accelerator
- induction of labor
- inductor
- inferior
- infiltrator
- inflator
- inhalator
- inheritor
- inhibitor
- initiator
- injector
- innovator
- inocor
- inoculator
- inquisitor
- inspector
- instigator
- instillator
- instructor
- insulator
- integrator
- interceptor
- intercessor
- interior
- interior decorator
- interior door
- interlocutor
- intermediator
- internal auditor
- interoceptor
- interrogator
- intervenor
- intrinsic factor
- invalidator
- inventor
- investigator
- investment advisor
- investor
- invigilator
- invigorator
- ipomoea tricolor
- iridoprocne bicolor
- iris versicolor
- iron chancellor
- jailor
- janitor
- john jacob astor
- john major
- john r. major
- john roy major
- joint author
- joseph deems taylor
- junction transistor
- junior
- jupiter fulminator
- juror
- k-lor
- kaochlor
- knight bachelor
- komondor
- konqueror
- kor
- kwashiorkor
- labor
- labrador
- lachrymator
- lacrimator
- lake superior
- laminator
- languor
- lanius excubitor
- lapidator
- laudator
- lauritz lebrecht hommel melchior
- lauritz melchior
- lead-acid accumulator
- leading indicator
- lector
- leg extensor
- legislator
- lemna minor
- lespedeza bicolor
- lessor
- levator
- liberator
- lie detector
- lieutenant governor
- lightning conductor
- linear accelerator
- linear operator
- linkage editor
- lipitor
- liposomal delivery vector
- liquid metal reactor
- liquidator
- liquor
- literal error
- litigator
- little terror
- load factor
- lobster thermidor
- local oscillator
- locator
- looking for
- lopressor
- lord chancellor
- lord high chancellor
- louis d'or
- lubricator
- luxor
- macgregor
- machinator
- magnetic equator
- maid of honor
- main rotor
- major
- malefactor
- malignant tumor
- malodor
- malt liquor
- managing director
- managing editor
- mandator
- manipulator
- maniraptor
- manor
- manual labor
- margin of error
- markhoor
- markhor
- marston moor
- mary flannery o'connor
- mary tudor
- massage parlor
- masturbator
- matador
- matron of honor
- mayetiola destructor
- mayor
- medal of honor
- mediator
- melchior
- mentor
- mercator
- mergus serrator
- messidor
- metal detector
- metaphor
- metastatic tumor
- meteor
- mevacor
- mezzanine floor
- micrometeor
- micronor
- microprocessor
- microwave linear accelerator
- migrator
- military advisor
- military governor
- mine detector
- minor
- mirror
- misbehavior
- misdemeanor
- mixed metaphor
- moderator
- monitor
- monoamine oxidase inhibitor
- monsignor
- moor
- mooring anchor
- mortgagor
- mother superior
- motivator
- mot
- abhor
- account for
- act superior
- alligator
- allow for
- anchor
- answer for
- armor
- ask for
- author
- bachelor
- belabor
- brace oneself for
- budget for
- call for
- care for
- cast anchor
- censor
- clamor
- clangor
- co-author
- color
- come in for
- cosponsor
- court favor
- cover for
- cry for
- cry out for
- curry favor
- decolor
- discolor
- disfavor
- dishonor
- doctor
- drop anchor
- enamor
- endeavor
- factor
- fall for
- favor
- feel for
- fend for
- flavor
- floor
- gain vigor
- go for
- grope for
- handcolor
- harbor
- hector
- hold still for
- honor
- humor
- labor
- look for
- major
- make for
- mentor
- mirror
- monitor
- moor
- motor
- neighbor
- orate
- orb
- orbit
- orchestrate
- ordain
- order
- ordinate
- organise
- organize
- orient
- orientalise
- orientalize
- orientate
- originate
- originate in
- ornament
- orphan
- parti-color
- pay for
- plump for
- plunk for
- prepare for
- proctor
- quest for
- razor
- root for
- rumor
- run for
- savor
- scissor
- send for
- shoot for
- show the door
- speak for
- sponsor
- squeeze for
- stand for
- steel onself for
- succor
- tailor
- take for
- take the floor
- tremor
- try for
- tutor
- watercolor
- weigh anchor
- weigh the anchor
- all-or-none
- all-or-nothing
- anterior
- antitumor
- bicolor
- cared-for
- closed-door
- color
- common or garden
- countertenor
- counterterror
- do-or-die
- done for
- door-to-door
- exterior
- ground-floor
- hit-or-miss
- hoped-for
- in for
- indoor
- inferior
- interior
- junior
- life-or-death
- locomotor
- longed-for
- major
- minor
- motor
- multi-color
- multicolor
- neuromotor
- off-color
- oracular
- oral
- orange
- orange-brown
- orange-colored
- orange-coloured
- orange-flowered
- orange-hued
- orange-red
- orange-sized
- orangish
- orangish-red
- oratorical
- orb-weaving
- orbicular
- orbiculate
- orbital
- orbitual
- orchestral
- orchestrated
- ordained
- ordered
- orderly
- ordinal
- ordinary
- organic
- organicistic
- organisational
- organised
- organismal
- organismic
- organizational
- organized
- orgiastic
- oriental
- orientated
- orientating
- oriented
- orienting
- original
- originative
- ornamental
- ornate
- ornery
- ornithological
- oropharyngeal
- orotund
- orphaned
- orphic
- orthodontic
- orthodox
- orthogonal
- orthographic
- orthomolecular
- orthopaedic
- orthopedic
- orthopedical
- orthoptic
- orthostatic
- orthotropous
- orwellian
- out-of-door
- out or keeping
- outdoor
- poor
- posterior
- pressor
- prior
- psychomotor
- responsible for
- senior
- sensorimotor
- superior
- tenor
- trial-and-error
- tricolor
- tudor
- ulterior
- uncalled-for
- uncared-for
- unhoped-for
- unlooked-for
- unprovided for
- unwished-for
- vasomotor
- wished-for
- yearned-for
- by hook or by crook
- by trial and error
- come hell or high water
- for love or money
- give or take
- more or less
- next door
- on a higher floor
- on a lower floor
- or else
- or so
- orad
- orally
- ordinarily
- organically
- organizationally
- originally
- ornamentally
- ornately
- therefor
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Search Result:or
(TTS Sound)

KK Pronunciation
〔 Z 〕
〔 ә 〕
Overview of noun or
The noun or has 2 senses
- Oregon, Beaver State, OR -- (a state in northwestern United States on the Pacific)
- operating room, OR, operating theater, operating theatre, surgery -- (a room in a hospital equipped for the performance of surgical operations; "great care is taken to keep the operating rooms aseptic")