Compund Words
- abramis brama
- abrocoma
- abronia maritima
- acanthoma
- acousma
- actinidia polygama
- acute glaucoma
- adenocarcinoma
- adenoma
- adenomyosarcoma
- aethionema
- agama
- ageratina altissima
- aglaonema
- agrostemma
- ailanthus altissima
- al sunna wal jamma
- alabama
- alisma
- allergic eczema
- alnus maritima
- alosa sapidissima
- alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma
- alveolar rhabdosarcoma
- ambystoma
- amphiuma
- anathema
- ancohuma
- angioedema
- angioma
- angiosarcoma
- angle-closure glaucoma
- anhima
- anima
- annular scotoma
- anogramma
- antepenultima
- ariomma
- arisaema
- armeria maritima
- arnoseris minima
- aroma
- artemisia maritima
- artocarpus odoratissima
- asama
- ascoma
- asthma
- astroloma
- atheroma
- atopic eczema
- atrophedema
- axolemma
- baker's eczema
- balarama
- barium enema
- batis maritima
- battle of zama
- bema
- bidens trichosperma
- birth trauma
- black grama
- blast trauma
- blastema
- blastocytoma
- blastoma
- blood plasma
- blue grama
- blunt trauma
- brahma
- brain edema
- brama
- bregma
- bronchial asthma
- burma
- butea monosperma
- caesalpinia pulcherrima
- cakile maritima
- calosoma
- capital of alabama
- capital of oklahoma
- capital of panama
- carcinoma
- carcinosarcoma
- cariama
- castanea mollissima
- celioma
- celoma
- central scotoma
- centrosema
- cephalhematoma
- cephalohematoma
- cerebral edema
- chacma
- chalcostigma
- charisma
- cheilanthes gracillima
- chiasma
- chloasma
- chlorenchyma
- chondroma
- chondrosarcoma
- chorizema
- chroma
- chronic eczema
- chronic glaucoma
- chyloderma
- cinema
- cineraria maritima
- citrus maxima
- closed-angle glaucoma
- closet drama
- colima
- coma
- comma
- conima
- coreopsis maritima
- crambe maritima
- crested cariama
- cryptogramma
- cucurbita argyrosperma
- cucurbita foetidissima
- cucurbita maxima
- curcuma
- cycloloma
- cyclorama
- cyma
- cystoid macular edema
- da gamma
- dalai lama
- dama
- dama dama
- dendranthema
- derma
- dharma
- diabetic coma
- diastema
- dilemma
- diorama
- diploma
- docudrama
- dodoma
- dogma
- domestic llama
- drachma
- drama
- duma
- eczema
- edema
- embryonal carcinoma
- embryonal carcinosarcoma
- embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma
- embryonal rhabdosarcoma
- emphysema
- empyema
- enanthema
- enchondroma
- endometrial carcinoma
- endothelial myeloma
- enema
- enigma
- entandrophragma
- entoloma
- ependyma
- epithelioma
- eriosoma
- erythema
- erythroderma
- euderma
- euphorbia pulcherrima
- eustoma
- ewing's sarcoma
- exanthema
- fatima
- fema
- fibroadenoma
- fibroma
- flittering scotoma
- fnma
- fraxinus pennsylvanica subintegerrima
- fujinoyama
- fujiyama
- gamma
- gangrenous emphysema
- gautama
- gemma
- genus abrocoma
- genus aethionema
- genus agama
- genus aglaonema
- genus agrostemma
- genus alisma
- genus ambystoma
- genus amphiuma
- genus anhima
- genus anogramma
- genus ariomma
- genus arisaema
- genus astroloma
- genus brama
- genus calosoma
- genus cariama
- genus centrosema
- genus chalcostigma
- genus chorizema
- genus cryptogramma
- genus curcuma
- genus cycloloma
- genus dama
- genus dendranthema
- genus entandrophragma
- genus entoloma
- genus eriosoma
- genus euderma
- genus eustoma
- genus ginglymostoma
- genus glechoma
- genus hedeoma
- genus heloderma
- genus hyalosperma
- genus hygrotrama
- genus hypoderma
- genus lama
- genus leiopelma
- genus lepisma
- genus liopelma
- genus lithophragma
- genus lomogramma
- genus loxoma
- genus lysiloma
- genus macrotyloma
- genus malacosoma
- genus malosma
- genus maxostoma
- genus mazama
- genus megaderma
- genus melastoma
- genus microgramma
- genus montezuma
- genus mycoplasma
- genus neotoma
- genus ochroma
- genus pholistoma
- genus phrynosoma
- genus physostigma
- genus picrasma
- genus piroplasma
- genus pityrogramma
- genus retama
- genus sarcostemma
- genus schistosoma
- genus schizophragma
- genus scleroderma
- genus tellima
- genus thalassoma
- genus theobroma
- genus tichodroma
- genus tomistoma
- genus toxostoma
- genus trema
- genus treponema
- genus triatoma
- genus tribonema
- genus tricholoma
- genus trichostema
- genus trichostigma
- genus tulestoma
- genus tulostoma
- genus uma
- genus xanthosoma
- genus xylosma
- genus zygnema
- ginglymostoma
- giriama
- glandular carcinoma
- glaucoma
- glaux maritima
- glechoma
- glioblastoma
- glioma
- goma
- grama
- gramma
- grand lama
- grandma
- granuloma
- greek drachma
- guama
- gumma
- gymnadenia odoratissima
- haemangioma
- haematoma
- hakea lissosperma
- halchidhoma
- halma
- hamartoma
- haoma
- hedeoma
- heloderma
- hemangioma
- hematoma
- hemianopic scotoma
- hepatic coma
- hepatocarcinoma
- hepatocellular carcinoma
- hepatoma
- higher national diploma
- hiroshima
- hyalosperma
- hybridoma
- hygrotrama
- hyphema
- hypoderma
- hypozeugma
- ilama
- intima
- inverted comma
- iris foetidissima
- isthmus of panama
- iwo jima
- kama
- kaposi's sarcoma
- karma
- keratoacanthoma
- keratoderma
- kerugma
- kerygma
- khama
- kussmaul's coma
- lama
- lasthenia chrysostoma
- leiomyoma
- leiomyosarcoma
- leiopelma
- lemma
- lepisma
- leucoma
- leukoderma
- leukoma
- lichtenoid eczema
- lima
- limnocryptes minima
- liopelma
- lipoma
- liposarcoma
- lithophragma
- llama
- lobularia maritima
- lomogramma
- lounging pajama
- lounging pyjama
- loxoma
- lumma
- lymphadenoma
- lymphangioma
- lymphedema
- lymphogranuloma
- lymphoma
- lysiloma
- ma
- ma'am
- maalox
- maar
- maarianhamina
- mac
- macaca
- macaca irus
- macaca mulatta
- macaca radiata
- macaca sylvana
- macadam
- macadamia
- macadamia integrifolia
- macadamia nut
- macadamia nut tree
- macadamia ternifolia
- macadamia tetraphylla
- macadamia tree
- macamba
- macao
- macao monetary unit
- macaque
- macaroni
- macaroni and cheese
- macaroni salad
- macaroni wheat
- macaroon
- macarthur
- macau
- macaulay
- macaw
- macbeth
- macdowell
- mace
- macebearer
- macedoine
- macedon
- macedonia
- macedonian
- macedonian war
- macer
- maceration
- macgregor
- macguffin
- mach
- mach number
- machaeranthera
- machaeranthera bigelovii
- machaeranthera tanacetifolia
- machaeranthera tortifoloia
- machete
- machiavelli
- machiavellian
- machiavellianism
- machicolation
- machilid
- machilidae
- machination
- machinator
- machine
- machine-displayable text
- machine-oriented language
- machine-readable text
- machine bolt
- machine code
- machine gun
- machine gunner
- machine language
- machine operation
- machine pistol
- machine politician
- machine readable dictionary
- machine rifle
- machine screw
- machine shop
- machine stitch
- machine tool
- machine translation
- machinery
- machinist
- machinist's vise
- machismo
- machmeter
- macho
- macho-man
- machu picchu
- machupo virus
- macintosh
- mack
- mack sennett
- mackem
- mackenzie
- mackenzie river
- mackerel
- mackerel scad
- mackerel shad
- mackerel shark
- mackerel sky
- mackinac bridge
- mackinaw
- mackinaw blanket
- mackinaw boat
- mackinaw coat
- mackintosh
- mackle
- macleaya
- macleaya cordata
- macleish
- macleod
- maclura
- maclura pomifera
- macon
- maconnais
- macoun
- macowanites
- macowanites americanus
- macrame
- macrencephaly
- macro
- macro instruction
- macrobiotic diet
- macrobiotics
- macrocephalon
- macrocephalon maleo
- macrocephaly
- macrocheira
- macrocheira kaempferi
- macroclemys
- macroclemys temmincki
- macrocosm
- macrocyte
- macrocytic anaemia
- macrocytic anemia
- macrocytosis
- macrodactylus
- macrodactylus subspinosus
- macrodantin
- macroeconomic expert
- macroeconomics
- macroeconomist
- macroevolution
- macroglia
- macroglossia
- macromolecule
- macron
- macronectes
- macronectes giganteus
- macrophage
- macropodidae
- macropus
- macropus agiles
- macropus giganteus
- macrorhamphosidae
- macroscopic anatomy
- macrosporangium
- macrospore
- macrothelypteris
- macrotis
- macrotis lagotis
- macrotus
- macrotus californicus
- macrotyloma
- macrotyloma uniflorum
- macrouridae
- macrozamia
- macrozamia communis
- macrozamia spiralis
- macrozoarces
- macrozoarces americanus
- macruridae
- macula
- macula lutea
- macular area
- macular degeneration
- macular edema
- maculation
- macule
- macumba
- macushla
- mad-dog skullcap
- mad-dog weed
- mad anthony wayne
- mad apple
- mad cow disease
- madagascan
- madagascar
- madagascar cat
- madagascar franc
- madagascar jasmine
- madagascar pepper
- madagascar periwinkle
- madagascar plum
- madake
- madam
- madame
- madame curie
- madame de maintenon
- madame de stael
- madame tussaud
- madcap
- madder
- madder family
- madderwort
- madeira
- madeira cake
- madeira islands
- madeira river
- madeira sponge
- madeira winter cherry
- madeiras
- mademoiselle
- madhouse
- madia
- madia elegans
- madia oil
- madia oil plant
- madia sativa
- madison
- madman
- madnep
- madness
- madonna
- madonna lily
- madonna louise ciccone
- madoqua
- madras
- madrasa
- madrasah
- madreporaria
- madrepore
- madrid
- madrigal
- madrigalist
- madrilene
- madriporian coral
- madrona
- madrono
- madwoman
- madwort
- mae west
- maeandra
- maelstrom
- maenad
- maestro
- maeterlinck
- mafa
- maffeo barberini
- maffia
- mafia
- mafioso
- mag
- mag tape
- magadhan
- magazine
- magazine article
- magazine publisher
- magazine rack
- magdalen
- magdalena
- magdalena river
- magellan
- magellanic cloud
- magen david
- magenta
- maggot
- magh
- magha
- maghreb
- magi
- magic
- magic bullet
- magic eye
- magic lantern
- magic marker
- magic mushroom
- magic number
- magic realism
- magic spell
- magic square
- magic trick
- magical ability
- magical power
- magical spell
- magician
- magicicada
- magicicada septendecim
- magilp
- maginot
- maginot line
- magistracy
- magistrate
- magistrature
- maglev
- magma
- magna carta
- magna charta
- magna mater
- magnanimity
- magnanimousness
- magnate
- magnesia
- magnesite
- magnesium
- magnesium bicarbonate
- magnesium carbonate
- magnesium hydroxide
- magnesium nitride
- magnesium oxide
- magnesium sulfate
- magnet
- magnetic attraction
- magnetic bottle
- magnetic bubble memory
- magnetic compass
- magnetic core
- magnetic core memory
- magnetic declination
- magnetic dip
- magnetic dipole
- magnetic dipole moment
- magnetic disc
- magnetic disk
- magnetic equator
- magnetic field
- magnetic field strength
- magnetic flux
- magnetic flux density
- magnetic flux unit
- magnetic force
- magnetic head
- magnetic inclination
- magnetic induction
- magnetic ink
- magnetic intensity
- magnetic iron-ore
- magnetic levitation
- magnetic line of force
- magnetic medium
- magnetic meridian
- magnetic mine
- magnetic moment
- magnetic monopole
- magnetic needle
- magnetic north
- magnetic pole
- magnetic pyrites
- magnetic recorder
- magnetic resonance
- magnetic resonance imaging
- magnetic storage
- magnetic storage medium
- magnetic storm
- magnetic stripe
- magnetic tape
- magnetic variation
- magnetics
- magnetisation
- magnetism
- magnetite
- magnetization
- magneto
- magnetoelectric machine
- magnetograph
- magnetohydrodynamics
- magnetometer
- magnetomotive force
- magnetomotive force unit
- magneton
- magnetosphere
- magnetron
- magnificat
- magnification
- magnificence
- magnifico
- magnifier
- magnifying glass
- magniloquence
- magnitude
- magnitude relation
- magnolia
- magnolia acuminata
- magnolia family
- magnolia fraseri
- magnolia grandiflora
- magnolia macrophylla
- magnolia soulangiana
- magnolia state
- magnolia stellata
- magnolia tripetala
- magnolia virginiana
- magnoliaceae
- magnoliid dicot family
- magnoliid dicot genus
- magnoliidae
- magnoliophyta
- magnoliopsid
- magnoliopsid family
- magnoliopsid genus
- magnoliopsida
- magnum
- magnum opus
- magnus hitch
- magpie
- magritte
- maguey
- magus
- magyar
- magyarorszag
- mah-jongg
- maha
- mahabharata
- mahabharatam
- mahabharatum
- mahagua
- mahalia jackson
- mahan
- maharaja
- maharaj
- macadamise
- macadamize
- macerate
- machicolate
- machinate
- machine
- machine-wash
- machine gun
- machine wash
- macrame
- maculate
- madden
- madder
- madrigal
- magnetise
- magnetize
- magnify
- mail out
- maim
- mainline
- maintain
- major
- make
- make a clean breast of
- make a face
- make a motion
- make a point
- make a stink
- make as if
- make believe
- make bold
- make clean
- make do
- make for
- make full
- make fun
- make good
- make grow
- make happy
- make hay
- make headway
- make it
- make love
- make merry
- make no bones about
- make noise
- make off
- make out
- make over
- make pass
- make peace
- make pure
- make relaxed
- make sense
- make sure
- make unnecessary
- make up
- make up one's mind
- make vibrant sounds
- make water
- make way
- make whoopie
- maledict
- malfunction
- malign
- malinger
- malnourish
- malt
- maltreat
- malversate
- mambo
- man
- manacle
- manage
- mandate
- manducate
- maneuver
- mangle
- manhandle
- manicure
- manifest
- manifold
- manipulate
- manoeuver
- manoeuvre
- mantle
- manufacture
- manumit
- manure
- map
- map out
- mapquest
- mar
- maraud
- marble
- marbleise
- marbleize
- marcel
- march
- march on
- march out
- marginalise
- marginalize
- marinade
- marinate
- mark
- mark down
- mark off
- mark out
- mark up
- market
- maroon
- marry
- marshal
- martyr
- martyrise
- martyrize
- marvel
- masculinise
- masculinize
- mash
- mask
- masquerade
- mass
- mass-produce
- massacre
- massage
- master
- mastermind
- masticate
- masturbate
- mat
- mat up
- match
- mate
- materialise
- materialize
- matriculate
- matt-up
- matte
- matte up
- matter
- matter to
- maturate
- mature
- maul
- maunder
- max out
- maximise
- maximize
- macabre
- macaronic
- macedonian
- macerative
- machiavellian
- machine-accessible
- machine-controlled
- machine-driven
- machine-made
- machine readable
- machinelike
- macho
- macrencephalic
- macrencephalous
- macro
- macrobiotic
- macrocephalic
- macrocephalous
- macrocosmic
- macroeconomic
- macromolecular
- macroscopic
- macroscopical
- maculate
- mad
- madagascan
- madcap
- maddened
- maddening
- made
- made-to-order
- made-up
- magenta
- magenta pink
- maggoty
- magic
- magical
- magisterial
- magna cum laude
- magnanimous
- magnetic
- magnetised
- magnetized
- magnificent
- magnified
- magniloquent
- magyar
- mahogany-red
- maiden
- maidenlike
- maidenly
- mail-cheeked
- mail-clad
- mailed
- maimed
- main
- mainstreamed
- maintainable
- maintained
- majestic
- major
- majuscular
- majuscule
- make-believe
- makeshift
- maladaptive
- maladjusted
- maladjustive
- maladroit
- malapropos
- malarial
- malawian
- malay
- malayan
- malayo-polynesian
- malaysian
- malcontent
- male
- maledict
- malefic
- maleficent
- malevolent
- malformed
- malfunctioning
- malian
- malicious
- malign
- malignant
- malleable
- malnourished
- malodorous
- malodourous
- malposed
- malted
- maltese
- malthusian
- maltreated
- mammalian
- mammary
- mammoth
- man-made
- man-portable
- man-sized
- man-to-man
- manageable
- managerial
- manchurian
- mancunian
- mandaean
- mandatory
- mandean
- mandibular
- mandibulate
- mandibulofacial
- maneuverable
- manful
- mangey
- mangled
- mangy
- maniac
- maniacal
- manic
- manic-depressive
- manichaean
- manichean
- manichee
- maniclike
- manifest
- manifold
- manipulable
- manipulative
- manky
- manlike
- manly
- manned
- mannered
- mannerly
- mannish
- manoeuvrable
- manorial
- manque
- mansard
- mantic
- mantled
- manual
- manufactured
- manx
- many
- many-chambered
- many-lobed
- many-sided
- many a
- many an
- many another
- maoist
- maple-like
- maplelike
- marauding
- marbled
- marbleised
- marbleized
- marched upon
- marginal
- marian
- marine
- marital
- maritime
- marked
- marked-up
- marketable
- markovian
- marly
- marmoreal
- marmorean
- maroc
- maroon
- maroon-purple
- maroon-spotted
- marooned
- marred
- marriageable
- married
- marshy
- marsupial
- martial
- martian
- marvellous
- marvelous
- marxist
- marxist-leninist
- masculine
- masked
- masochistic
- masonic
- masoretic
- mass
- mass-produced
- mass-spectrometric
- mass spectroscopic
- massive
- masted
- master
- mastered
- masterful
- masterless
- masterly
- mastoid
- mastoidal
- mat
- matched
- matching
- matchless
- mated
- mateless
- material
- materialistic
- maternal
- maternalistic
- matey
- mathematical
- matriarchal
- matriarchic
- matricentric
- matrilineal
- matrilinear
- matrimonial
- matronly
- matt
- matte
- matted
- matter-of-course
- matter-of-fact
- maturational
- mature
- matured
- matutinal
- maudlin
- mauritanian
- mauritian
- mauve
- mauve-blue
- mauve-pink
- maverick
- mawkish
- maxi
- maxillary
- maxillodental
- maxillofacial
- maxillomandibular
- maximal
- maximising
- maximizing
- maximum
- mayoral
- mazed
- mazy
- prima
- pro forma
- macroscopically
- madly
- magically
- magisterially
- magna cum laude
- magnanimously
- magnetically
- magnificently
- magniloquently
- mainly
- majestically
- maladroitly
- malapropos
- malevolently
- maliciously
- malignantly
- malignly
- man-to-man
- manageably
- managerially
- mandatorily
- manfully
- mangily
- maniacally
- manifestly
- manipulatively
- manly
- manually
- marginally
- markedly
- martially
- marvellously
- marvelously
- masochistically
- massively
- masterfully
- materialistically
- materially
- maternally
- mathematically
- matrilineally
- maturely
- mawkishly
- maximally
- maybe
- mayhap
- pro forma
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Search Result:mA
(TTS Sound)

Overview of noun ma
The noun ma has 4 senses
- ma, mama, mamma, mom, momma, mommy, mammy, mum, mummy -- (informal terms for a mother)
- Master of Arts, MA, Artium Magister, AM -- (a master's degree in arts and sciences)
- milliampere, mA -- (one thousandth of an ampere)
- Massachusetts, Bay State, Old Colony, MA -- (a state in New England; one of the original 13 colonies)