Compund Words
- adirondack mountains
- afterpains
- allegheny mountains
- altai mountains
- altay mountains
- anterior labial veins
- anthony hopkins
- appalachian mountains
- archeological remains
- asvins
- atlas mountains
- balkan mountains
- blue ridge mountains
- buckskins
- cambrian mountains
- candlepins
- cantabrian mountains
- carpathian mountains
- cascade mountains
- catskill mountains
- caucasus mountains
- chain of mountains
- chains
- chilblains
- chitlins
- ciliary veins
- coast mountains
- coleman hawkins
- collins
- conjunctival veins
- cremains
- cumberland mountains
- duckpins
- episcleral veins
- esophageal veins
- gemini the twins
- george hubert wilkins
- gerard manley hopkins
- great plains
- great smoky mountains
- green mountains
- growing pains
- guadalupe mountains
- gubbins
- guinea grains
- hawkins
- himalaya mountains
- hindu kush mountains
- hopkins
- huggins
- hutchins
- ins
- insalubriousness
- insalubrity
- insane asylum
- insaneness
- insanity
- insanity plea
- inscription
- inscrutability
- insect
- insect bite
- insect powder
- insect repellant
- insect repellent
- insecta
- insecticide
- insectifuge
- insectivora
- insectivore
- insecureness
- insecurity
- insemination
- insensibility
- insensitiveness
- insensitivity
- insentience
- insert
- insertion
- insertional mutagenesis
- insessores
- inset
- inside
- inside caliper
- inside clinch
- inside information
- inside job
- inside loop
- inside passage
- inside track
- insider
- insider information
- insider trading
- insidiousness
- insight
- insightfulness
- insignia
- insignia of rank
- insignificance
- insincerity
- insinuation
- insipidity
- insipidness
- insistence
- insistency
- insisting
- insobriety
- insolation
- insole
- insolence
- insolubility
- insolvency
- insolvent
- insomnia
- insomniac
- insouciance
- inspection
- inspection and repair
- inspector
- inspector general
- inspector maigret
- inspectorate
- inspectorship
- inspiration
- inspirer
- inspissation
- instability
- installation
- installation charge
- installing
- installment
- installment buying
- installment credit
- installment debt
- installment loan
- installment plan
- installment rate
- instalment
- instance
- instancy
- instant
- instant coffee
- instant replay
- instantaneous sound pressure
- instantaneousness
- instantiation
- instar
- instauration
- instep
- instigant
- instigation
- instigator
- instillation
- instillator
- instilling
- instillment
- instilment
- instinct
- instinctive reflex
- institute
- institution
- instroke
- instruction
- instruction book
- instruction execution
- instruction manual
- instructions
- instructor
- instructorship
- instructress
- instrument
- instrument flying
- instrument landing
- instrument of execution
- instrument of punishment
- instrument of torture
- instrument panel
- instrumental conditioning
- instrumental music
- instrumental role
- instrumentalism
- instrumentalist
- instrumentality
- instrumentation
- insubordination
- insubstantiality
- insufficiency
- insufflation
- insulant
- insularism
- insularity
- insulating material
- insulating tape
- insulation
- insulator
- insulin
- insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
- insulin reaction
- insulin shock
- insulin shock therapy
- insulin shock treatment
- insult
- insurability
- insurable interest
- insurance
- insurance agent
- insurance broker
- insurance claim
- insurance company
- insurance coverage
- insurance firm
- insurance policy
- insurance premium
- insurance underwriter
- insured
- insured person
- insurer
- insurgence
- insurgency
- insurgent
- insurrection
- insurrectionism
- insurrectionist
- jerome robbins
- johns hopkins
- kuenlun mountains
- kunlun mountains
- labor pains
- labour pains
- loins
- mark hopkins
- matins
- maurice hugh frederick wilkins
- maurice wilkins
- meningeal veins
- muggins
- ninepins
- oesophageal veins
- ozark mountains
- pains
- pamir mountains
- posterior labial veins
- range of mountains
- remains
- rhodope mountains
- robbins
- robert maynard hutchins
- rocky mountains
- roy wilkins
- sacramento mountains
- san juan mountains
- sayan mountains
- scleral veins
- selkirk mountains
- sierra nevada mountains
- sir anthony hopkins
- sir anthony philip hopkins
- sir frederick gowland hopkins
- sir john hawkins
- sir william huggins
- spillikins
- st. elias mountains
- superior epigastric veins
- taconic mountains
- tenpins
- tocantins
- tom collins
- twins
- ural mountains
- wilkie collins
- wilkins
- william wilkie collins
- 1st viscount montgomery of alamein
- acaroid resin
- accaroid resin
- accessory cephalic vein
- accessory hemiazygos vein
- accessory hemiazygous vein
- accessory vertebral vein
- accompanying vein
- accroides resin
- acetin
- acetophenetidin
- acetphenetidin
- achromatin
- achromycin
- acid rain
- acrolein
- acrylate resin
- acrylic resin
- actin
- actinomycin
- actomyosin
- actual sin
- adapin
- add-in
- adelie penguin
- adermin
- adrenalin
- adrenocorticotrophin
- adrenocorticotropin
- aflatoxin
- agent-in-place
- agglutinin
- aladdin
- alan hodgkin
- alan lloyd hodgkin
- albert bruce sabin
- albert einstein
- albert sabin
- albizia julibrissin
- albizzia julibrissin
- albrecht eusebius wenzel von wallenstein
- albumin
- alcohol-in-glass thermometer
- aleksandr borodin
- aleksandr nikolayevich scriabin
- aleksandr porfirevich borodin
- aleksandr scriabin
- aleksandr sergeyevich pushkin
- alexander pushkin
- alexandre emile jean yersin
- alexandre yersin
- algin
- algonkin
- algonquin
- alizarin
- alkyd resin
- allegheny chinkapin
- alluvial plain
- allyl resin
- alpha-lipoprotein
- alpha fetoprotein
- alpha foetoprotein
- alpha globulin
- alpine golden chain
- amandine aurore lucie dupin
- american robin
- amethopterin
- amino resin
- amoxicillin
- amphotericin
- ampicillin
- amygdalin
- anastomotic vein
- anatoxin
- anchor chain
- andelmin
- andre derain
- aneurin
- angevin
- angiotensin
- angiotonin
- angular vein
- animal skin
- animal toxin
- annuity in advance
- anterior cardinal vein
- anterior cerebral vein
- anterior facial vein
- anterior jugular vein
- anterior vertebral vein
- antihaemophilic globulin
- antihemophilic globulin
- antimycin
- antitoxin
- antivenin
- anton gregor rubinstein
- anton grigorevich rubinstein
- anton rubenstein
- apparel chain
- appendicular vein
- arcsin
- armin
- armored sea robin
- armored searobin
- arthur neville chamberlain
- arthur rubinstein
- artificial skin
- artur rubinstein
- ash-bin
- ash bin
- ashbin
- asin
- aspirin
- assassin
- associate in applied science
- associate in arts
- associate in nursing
- atlantic bottlenose dolphin
- atlantic puffin
- atorvastatin
- augmentin
- auguste rodin
- augustus welby northmore pugin
- aureomycin
- auricular vein
- austin
- autumn pumpkin
- auxin
- axillary vein
- ayin
- azadirachtin
- azithromycin
- azygos vein
- azygous vein
- b-complex vitamin
- b vitamin
- bachelor of arts in library science
- bachelor of arts in nursing
- bachelor of science in architecture
- bachelor of science in engineering
- bacitracin
- backspin
- bacterial toxin
- bahrain
- bahrein
- bakunin
- baldachin
- baldwin
- ball and chain
- bamboo curtain
- banana skin
- bank martin
- bargain
- baronne anne louise germaine necker de steal-holstein
- bartholin
- basal vein
- basilic vein
- basin
- basivertebral vein
- bathtub gin
- battle of britain
- battle of el alamein
- bearing rein
- bearskin
- bedouin
- beduin
- beef loin
- beef tenderloin
- begin
- belaying pin
- bell captain
- benin
- benjamin
- benjamin franklin
- benzoin
- benzylpenicillin
- berlin
- bernstein
- beta-lipoprotein
- beta endorphin
- beta globulin
- betweenbrain
- bevin
- biblical latin
- bicycle chain
- biggin
- bight of benin
- bilirubin
- bill mauldin
- bin
- biotin
- birdbrain
- bitt pin
- black marlin
- blain
- blasting gelatin
- blessed virgin
- blitzstein
- bloemfontein
- blood spavin
- bloodstain
- blue marlin
- bluefin
- boat train
- boatswain
- bobbin
- bobby pin
- bodkin
- boffin
- bog spavin
- bone spavin
- borodin
- bottle-nosed dolphin
- bottlenose dolphin
- botulin
- botulinum toxin
- botulinus toxin
- botulismotoxin
- bowfin
- bowling pin
- brachial vein
- brachiocephalic vein
- brahmin
- brain
- brain drain
- bran muffin
- branched chain
- bread-bin
- break-in
- breastpin
- breathing in
- britain
- broad-leaved plantain
- bromeosin
- bronchial vein
- brother-in-law
- bruin
- bryan donkin
- buckskin
- buffered aspirin
- bufferin
- built-in bed
- built in bed
- bukharin
- bullet train
- bulletin
- bumpkin
- burin
- buskin
- butazolidin
- butyrin
- c-reactive protein
- cabin
- caffein
- cain
- calcitonin
- calf's brain
- calfskin
- calkin
- call-in
- calvin
- calvin klein
- calvin richard klein
- candlepin
- cannabin
- cannabis resin
- cannikin
- capelin
- capillary vein
- capital gain
- capital of bahrain
- capital of benin
- capital of liechtenstein
- capital of spain
- capital of wisconsin
- caplin
- capsaicin
- captain
- capuchin
- capulin
- car train
- carbomycin
- carcinoma in situ
- cardinal vein
- carotin
- carrageenin
- case in point
- casein
- cash in hand
- caspar bartholin
- castle in spain
- castle in the air
- catamountain
- catchment basin
- catechin
- catkin
- caudal fin
- cave in
- ceftin
- cephalexin
- cephalic vein
- cephaloglycin
- cephalosporin
- cephalothin
- ceratin
- cercopithecus talapoin
- cerebellar vein
- cerebral vein
- ceresin
- cerivastatin
- cervical vein
- ch'in
- chagrin
- chain
- chamberlain
- champlain
- chaplain
- chaplin
- characin
- charles's wain
- charles darwin
- charles robert darwin
- charlie chaplin
- check-in
- checkrein
- chemical chain
- chest pain
- chevrotain
- chieftain
- chilblain
- chin
- chincapin
- chinkapin
- chinquapin
- chitin
- chlorofucin
- chloromycetin
- chloropicrin
- cholecystokinin
- cholesterin
- chondrin
- chopin
- choroid vein
- chow mein
- christ within
- christian friedrich schonbein
- christian schonbein
- chromatin
- chrysarobin
- chymosin
- ciprofloxacin
- circumflex femoral vein
- circumflex iliac vein
- circumflex vein
- citrin
- classical latin
- clay-colored robin
- clitoral vein
- closed chain
- closing curtain
- clostridium perfringens epsilon toxin
- clothes pin
- clothespin
- coalbin
- coastal plain
- cobalamin
- cocain
- cochin
- coffin
- coin
- colic vein
- combination in restraint of trade
- commander in chief
- common cardinal vein
- common dolphin
- common facial vein
- common iliac vein
- common mullein
- common plantain
- commuter train
- complin
- compound protein
- conjoined twin
- conjugated protein
- contradiction in terms
- coonskin
- coq au vin
- coricidin
- corn muffin
- corticotrophin
- corticotropin
- costoaxillary vein
- cothromboplastin
- cotter pin
- cotton gin
- cotton strain
- cottonmouth moccasin
- coumadin
- coumarone-indene resin
- coumarone resin
- count ferdinand von zeppelin
- counterstain
- country of origin
- coup de main
- couperin
- cousin
- cowskin
- cox's orange pippin
- coxswain
- creatin
- crepe marocain
- crested penguin
- cretin
- crispin
- cu in
- culverin
- cumin
- curtain
- cut-in
- cutaneous vein
- cutin
- cyanocobalamin
- cyanohydrin
- cystic vein
- cytokinin
- cytolysin
- cytotoxin
- daisy chain
- dammar resin
- darwin
- daughter-in-law
- dauphin
- deadly sin
- dean martin
- decline in quality
- declomycin
- deep cervical vein
- deep middle cerebral vein
- deep temporal vein
- deerskin
- dentin
- derain
- detention basin
- dextrin
- diamondback terrapin
- dick turpin
- dicloxacillin
- digital vein
- digitalin
- digitoxin
- digoxin
- dihydrostreptomycin
- dilantin
- din
- dinner napkin
- dioxin
- diphenylhydantoin
- diploic vein
- discount chain
- disdain
- disease of the skin
- dizygotic twin
- dobbin
- doeskin
- dog in the manger
- dolphin
- domain
- donets basin
- donkin
- dorothy hodgkin
- dorothy mary crowfoot hodgkin
- dorsal fin
- dorsal scapular vein
- double chin
- dowel pin
- downspin
- doxazosin
- doxepin
- doxorubicin
- drain
- drainage basin
- drawing pin
- drinking fountain
- drive-in
- drop curtain
- drumlin
- dubbin
- dublin
- duckpin
- dunlin
- durabolin
- duralumin
- dustbin
- dutch florin
- dwarf golden chinkapin
- e-mycin
- early wake-robin
- eastern chinquapin
- edecrin
- edible sea urchin
- editor in chief
- edwin
- einstein
- eisenstein
- el alamein
- elastin
- electric main
- elixophyllin
- elmer reizenstein
- emesis basin
- eminent domain
- emissary vein
- emperor penguin
- empirin
- endorphin
- endorsement in blank
- endotoxin
- engineer's chain
- english muffin
- english plantain
- enkephalin
- enteric-coated aspirin
- enterotoxin
- eosin
- epicyclic gear train
- epicyclic train
- epigastric vein
- epinephrin
- epoxy resin
- epsilon toxin
- epstein
- erin
- ernest bevin
- ernst boris chain
- erythrocin
- erythrocytolysin
- erythrolysin
- erythromycin
- erythropoietin
- etamin
- ethmoidal vein
- exotoxin
- external iliac vein
- external jugular vein
- external nasal vein
- eyestrain
- facial vein
- fagin
- fat-soluble vitamin
- father-in-law
- feed grain
- felix klein
- femoral vein
- ferritin
- fetoprotein
- fibrin
- fibrinolysin
- fibular vein
- filaggrin
- fill-in
- fin
- financial gain
- fire-on-the-mountain
- firing pin
- firkin
- first baron kelvin
- first cousin
- first in first out
- flag captain
- flannel mullein
- flash in the pan
- flavin
- flood plain
- floodplain
- florin
- flour bin
- flower chain
- fluorescein
- fluvastatin
- fly in the ointment
- flying robin
- foetoprotein
- folacin
- food chain
- food grain
- forebrain
- foreskin
- formalin
- fountain
- four-in-hand
- fradicin
- francois auguste rene rodin
- francois couperin
- frankenstein
- frankfurt on the main
- franklin
- fraternal twin
- fraud in fact
- fraud in law
- fraud in the factum
- fraud in the inducement
- fraulein
- frederic francois chopin
- free rein
- freight train
- full cousin
- fulvicin
- fusain
- gabapentin
- gagarin
- gain
- gamin
- gamma globulin
- ganoin
- gantrisin
- garamycin
- gary weinstein
- gas main
- gaskin
- gastric vein
- gastrin
- gastroepiploic vein
- gastroomental vein
- gauguin
- gawain
- geartrain
- gegenschein
- gelatin
- genicular vein
- gentamicin
- genus benzoin
- genus triglochin
- george gershwin
- gershwin
- gertrude stein
- gherkin
- ghrelin
- giant chinkapin
- gibberellin
- gin
- girondin
- globin
- globulin
- gluteal vein
- glutelin
- glycerin
- glycerinated gelatin
- glycerogelatin
- glycoprotein
- goatskin
- goblin
- golden chain
- golden chinkapin
- golden rain
- gonadotrophin
- gonadotropin
- goose skin
- gorgerin
- government-in-exile
- graf zeppelin
- grain
- gram's stain
- gram stain
- gramicidin
- grant-in-aid
- gravy train
- great britain
- great cerebral vein
- great mullein
- great saphenous vein
- gremlin
- griffin
- grigori aleksandrovich potemkin
- grigori efimovich rasputin
- grigori potemkin
- grigori potyokin
- grin
- griseofulvin
- groin
- grosgrain
- gross margin
- gross profit margin
- group captain
- gudgeon pin
- gum benjamin
- gum benzoin
- gum resin
- gunter's chain
- haematoidin
- haemitin
- haemoglobin
- haemolysin
- haemoprotein
- haemosiderin
- hairpin
- hamelin
- hammerstein
- handbasin
- hans holbein
- haptoglobin
- harkat-ul-mujahidin
- harlequin
- hatpin
- headpin
- heart urchin
- heinlein
- hematin
- hematoidin
- hemin
- hemizygos vein
- hemizygous vein
- hemoglobin
- hemolysin
- hemoprotein
- hemorrhoidal vein
- hemosiderin
- heparin
- hepatic portal vein
- hepatic vein
- hepatoflavin
- hepatotoxin
- heroin
- heterocercal fin
- high-density lipoprotein
- hin
- hindbrain
- hoactzin
- hoary plantain
- hoatzin
- hobgoblin
- hodgkin
- holbein
- hole-in-the-wall
- holland gin
- holstein
- homocercal fin
- horned puffin
- horse grain
- hospital chaplain
- hospital train
- house martin
- human chorionic gonadotrophin
- human chorionic gonadotropin
- human gamma globulin
- humin
- humulin
- husain
- hussein
- hyalin
- hydantoin
- hypertensin
- hypogastric vein
- hytrin
- ibn talal hussein
- identical twin
- ileocolic vein
- iliac vein
- iliolumbar vein
- immune gamma globulin
- immune globulin
- immune serum globulin
- immunoglobulin
- in
- in-basket
- in-fighting
- in-joke
- in-law
- in-line skate
- in-migration
- in-tray
- in time
- inability
- inaccessibility
- inaccuracy
- inachis
- inachis io
- inaction
- inact
- be at pains
- inscribe
- inseminate
- insert
- inset
- insinuate
- insist
- insolate
- inspan
- inspect
- inspire
- inspirit
- inspissate
- instal
- install
- instance
- instantiate
- instigate
- instil
- instill
- institute
- institutionalise
- institutionalize
- instruct
- instrument
- instrumentate
- insufflate
- insulate
- insult
- insure
- take pains
- all-mains
- insalubrious
- insane
- insanitary
- insatiable
- insatiate
- inscribed
- inscriptive
- inscrutable
- insectan
- insecticidal
- insectivorous
- insecure
- insensate
- insensible
- insensitive
- insentient
- inseparable
- inshore
- inside
- inside-out
- insidious
- insightful
- insignificant
- insincere
- insinuating
- insipid
- insistent
- insolent
- insoluble
- insolvable
- insolvent
- insomniac
- insouciant
- inspirational
- inspiratory
- inspired
- inspiring
- inspiriting
- inst
- instant
- instantaneous
- instigative
- instinct
- instinctive
- institutional
- institutionalised
- institutionalized
- instructional
- instructive
- instrumental
- insubordinate
- insubstantial
- insufferable
- insufficient
- insular
- insulting
- insuperable
- insupportable
- insurable
- insured
- insurgent
- insurmountable
- insurrectional
- insurrectionary
- insusceptible
- insanely
- insatiably
- inscriptively
- inscrutably
- insecticidally
- insecurely
- insensately
- insensibly
- insensitively
- inseparably
- inshore
- inside
- inside out
- insidiously
- insignificantly
- insincerely
- insinuatingly
- insipidly
- insistently
- insofar
- insolently
- insomuch
- inspirationally
- instantaneously
- instantly
- instead
- instinctively
- institutionally
- instructively
- insubstantially
- insufficiently
- insultingly
- insuperably
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Search Result:ins
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Overview of noun ins
The noun ins has 1 sense
- Immigration and Naturalization Service, INS -- (an agency in the Department of Justice that enforces laws and regulations for the admission of foreign-born persons to the United States)
Overview of noun in
The noun in has 3 senses
- inch, in -- (a unit of length equal to one twelfth of a foot)
- indium, In, atomic number 49 -- (a rare soft silvery metallic element; occurs in small quantities in sphalerite)
- Indiana, Hoosier State, IN -- (a state in midwestern United States)