Compund Words
- abstract
- accessory after the fact
- accessory before the fact
- accessory during the fact
- accomplished fact
- act
- addict
- adduct
- adhesion contract
- adjunct
- administrative district
- aeolic dialect
- affect
- aftereffect
- air duct
- aleatory contract
- alimentary tract
- almond extract
- amish sect
- animal product
- apomict
- aqueduct
- arcadic dialect
- architect
- art object
- artefact
- artifact
- aspect
- atrial septal defect
- autodidact
- autosomal recessive defect
- bandwagon effect
- bathyal district
- beijing dialect
- benedict
- bilateral contract
- bile duct
- birth defect
- border district
- bract
- breach of contract
- business district
- butterfly effect
- by-product
- byproduct
- caffein addict
- caffeine addict
- cantonese dialect
- cartesian product
- cataphract
- cataract
- cerebral aqueduct
- child neglect
- city district
- class act
- classroom project
- coattails effect
- cocaine addict
- coccid insect
- cochineal insect
- code of conduct
- cola extract
- collect
- common bile duct
- compact
- compromise verdict
- conditional contract
- conduct
- confect
- conflict
- congenital defect
- congenital heart defect
- congressional district
- construct
- contact
- contract
- convict
- coriolis effect
- cortical cataract
- corticospinal tract
- cost-plus contract
- crack addict
- cross product
- ct
- ctc
- ctene
- ctenidium
- ctenizidae
- ctenocephalides
- ctenocephalides canis
- ctenocephalides felis
- ctenocephalus
- ctenophora
- ctenophore
- ctenophore family
- ctenophore genus
- dairy product
- death instinct
- defect
- depicted object
- derelict
- dialect
- dictyopterous insect
- digestive tract
- dipterous insect
- direct object
- directed verdict
- disconnect
- disorderly conduct
- disrespect
- district
- domino effect
- doppler effect
- doric dialect
- dot product
- drug addict
- duct
- durative aspect
- ect
- ectoproct
- edict
- effect
- eggs benedict
- ejaculatory duct
- elect
- election district
- electrical contact
- employment contract
- enabling act
- end product
- entoproct
- epithelial duct
- excretory product
- extract
- extraterrestrial object
- eye contact
- eye dialect
- fact
- fair-trade act
- false verdict
- federal district
- finding of fact
- flemish dialect
- food product
- foreign intelligence surveillance act
- fraud in fact
- future perfect
- futures contract
- gambling contract
- game misconduct
- gastrointestinal tract
- general verdict
- genetic defect
- gheg dialect
- gi tract
- greenhouse effect
- gross domestic product
- gross national product
- ground effect
- hakka dialect
- hemipterous insect
- hepatic duct
- heroin addict
- heteropterous insect
- homopterous insect
- housing project
- human genome project
- hymenopterous insect
- idiolect
- impact
- imperfect
- imperfective aspect
- inchoative aspect
- indirect object
- infarct
- inner product
- insect
- instinct
- intellect
- interdict
- introject
- ionic dialect
- iterative aspect
- knock-on effect
- kuchean dialect
- kuiper belt object
- labor contract
- lachrymal duct
- lacrimal duct
- lactiferous duct
- lake district
- landscape architect
- law of effect
- leaf insect
- legislative act
- lemon extract
- lepidopterous insect
- liege subject
- lower respiratory tract
- mandarin dialect
- manhattan project
- marriage contract
- mass defect
- mathematical product
- matter of fact
- mental object
- min dialect
- misconduct
- mulct
- murder suspect
- myocardial infarct
- nasolacrimal duct
- natural object
- neglect
- nerve tract
- neuropterous insect
- nuclear cataract
- object
- occupational safety and health act
- oct
- opium addict
- optic tract
- oral contract
- order of saint benedict
- orthopterous insect
- output contract
- oviduct
- pact
- pancreatic duct
- partial verdict
- past perfect
- pct
- perfect
- perfective aspect
- phasmid insect
- physical contact
- physical object
- piezo effect
- piezoelectric effect
- pilot project
- placebo effect
- plant product
- pluperfect
- police precinct
- position effect
- posterior subcapsular cataract
- powder compact
- precinct
- prefect
- prepositional object
- present perfect
- product
- progressive aspect
- project
- prospect
- psocopterous insect
- purchase contract
- pyramidal tract
- quasi contract
- question of fact
- quotient verdict
- racketeer influenced and corrupt organizations act
- rape suspect
- real gross national product
- red-light district
- redact
- reject
- relict
- religious sect
- requirements contract
- research project
- residential district
- respect
- respiratory tract
- retained object
- retrospect
- rico act
- riot act
- robbery suspect
- ruth benedict
- safe-conduct
- saint benedict
- salivary duct
- scalar product
- scale insect
- school district
- scientific fact
- sect
- self-respect
- seminal duct
- septal defect
- service contract
- severable contract
- sex act
- sex object
- shanghai dialect
- short subject
- side effect
- skin effect
- social contract
- social insect
- software product
- sound effect
- special act
- special contract
- special effect
- special verdict
- speech act
- speech defect
- spittle insect
- st. benedict
- stage effect
- stamp act
- stick insect
- subcompact
- subcontract
- subject
- suicide pact
- suspect
- sweat duct
- sylvian aqueduct
- tact
- tear duct
- tenement district
- term of a contract
- terrorist act
- tesseract
- thoracic duct
- thysanopterous insect
- thysanuran insect
- title of respect
- tocktact
- tosk dialect
- tract
- trichopterous insect
- turfan dialect
- tyndall effect
- unidentified flying object
- unilateral contract
- upper respiratory tract
- urinary tract
- usufruct
- vanilla extract
- vector product
- ventricular septal defect
- verdict
- viaduct
- vision defect
- visual aspect
- visual defect
- voting precinct
- waste product
- water project
- wax insect
- willful neglect
- wrongful conduct
- wu dialect
- yellow-dog contract
- yue dialect
- abduct
- abreact
- abstract
- act
- addict
- adduct
- advect
- affect
- afflict
- attract
- benefact
- bisect
- cathect
- coact
- collect
- compact
- complect
- concoct
- conduct
- confect
- conflict
- connect
- constrict
- construct
- contact
- contract
- contradict
- convect
- convict
- correct
- counteract
- create by mental act
- decoct
- deconstruct
- deduct
- defect
- deflect
- deject
- depict
- derestrict
- destruct
- detect
- detract
- diffract
- direct
- disaffect
- disconnect
- disinfect
- disrespect
- dissect
- distract
- district
- effect
- eject
- elect
- enact
- erect
- eruct
- evict
- exact
- expect
- extract
- fly contact
- genuflect
- impact
- indict
- induct
- infect
- inflect
- inflict
- infract
- inject
- inspect
- instruct
- interact
- interconnect
- interdict
- interject
- intersect
- introject
- introspect
- inunct
- maledict
- misconduct
- misdirect
- mulct
- neglect
- object
- obstruct
- over-correct
- overact
- overprotect
- overreact
- perfect
- playact
- predict
- project
- prospect
- protect
- protract
- react
- recollect
- reconstruct
- reconvict
- redact
- redirect
- reelect
- reenact
- reflect
- refract
- reject
- resect
- respect
- restrict
- resurrect
- retract
- retrospect
- select
- self-destruct
- stage direct
- subcontract
- subject
- subtract
- superinfect
- suspect
- take effect
- tinct
- transact
- transect
- trisect
- underact
- venesect
- vivisect
- abject
- abstract
- adjunct
- circumspect
- collect
- compact
- conjunct
- contrary to fact
- correct
- ctenoid
- defunct
- derelict
- direct
- disjunct
- distinct
- elect
- erect
- exact
- extinct
- imperfect
- in effect
- incorrect
- indirect
- indistinct
- inexact
- instinct
- intact
- letter-perfect
- maledict
- matter-of-fact
- perfect
- pinnatisect
- pluperfect
- politically correct
- politically incorrect
- sacrosanct
- select
- semi-erect
- semiabstract
- strict
- subject
- succinct
- suspect
- unerect
- word-perfect
- as a matter of fact
- collect
- direct
- in effect
- in fact
- in point of fact
- in that respect
- to that effect
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Last Search Words
Search Result:ct
(TTS Sound)

Overview of noun ct
The noun ct has 2 senses
- Connecticut, Nutmeg State, Constitution State, CT -- (a New England state; one of the original 13 colonies)
- computerized tomography, computed tomography, CT, computerized axial tomography, computed axial tomography, CAT -- (a method of examining body organs by scanning them with X rays and using a computer to construct a series of cross-sectional scans along a single axis)