Compund Words
- cr
- crab
- crab-eating dog
- crab-eating fox
- crab-eating macaque
- crab-eating opossum
- crab-eating raccoon
- crab-eating seal
- crab apple
- crab cactus
- crab cocktail
- crab grass
- crab legs
- crab louis
- crab louse
- crab nebula
- crabapple
- crabapple jelly
- crabbedness
- crabbiness
- crabby person
- crabeater seal
- crabgrass
- crabmeat
- crabs
- cracidae
- crack
- crack-up
- crack addict
- crack cocaine
- crack of doom
- crack shot
- crack willow
- crackdown
- cracked-wheat bread
- cracked wheat
- cracker
- cracker bonbon
- cracker crumbs
- crackerberry
- crackerjack
- cracking
- crackle
- crackle china
- crackleware
- crackling
- cracklings
- crackpot
- cracksman
- cracow
- cracticidae
- cracticus
- cradle
- cradle cap
- cradlesong
- craft
- craft fair
- craft union
- crafter
- craftiness
- craftsman
- craftsmanship
- crag
- cragsman
- craig ventner
- craigie
- crake
- crambe
- crambe maritima
- crammer
- cramp
- cramp iron
- crampbark
- crampfish
- crampon
- crampoon
- cran
- cranberry
- cranberry bush
- cranberry culture
- cranberry heath
- cranberry juice
- cranberry sauce
- cranberry tree
- crane
- crane's bill
- crane fly
- cranesbill
- crangon
- crangonidae
- cranial cavity
- cranial index
- cranial nerve
- cranial orbit
- craniata
- craniate
- craniologist
- craniology
- craniometer
- craniometric point
- craniometry
- craniotomy
- cranium
- crank
- crank call
- crank handle
- crank letter
- crankcase
- crankiness
- crankshaft
- cranny
- crap
- crap-shooter
- crap game
- crap shooting
- crapaud
- crape
- crape fern
- crape jasmine
- crape myrtle
- crapette
- crapper
- crappie
- craps
- crapshoot
- crapshooter
- crapulence
- crash
- crash barrier
- crash course
- crash dive
- crash helmet
- crash landing
- crash program
- crash programme
- crasher
- craspedia
- crassitude
- crassness
- crassostrea
- crassula
- crassulaceae
- crataegus
- crataegus aestivalis
- crataegus apiifolia
- crataegus biltmoreana
- crataegus calpodendron
- crataegus coccinea
- crataegus coccinea mollis
- crataegus crus-galli
- crataegus laevigata
- crataegus marshallii
- crataegus mollis
- crataegus monogyna
- crataegus oxyacantha
- crataegus oxycantha
- crataegus pedicellata
- crataegus tomentosa
- crate
- crateful
- crater
- crater lake national park
- crateva
- craton
- cravat
- craven
- cravenness
- craving
- craw
- crawdad
- crawdaddy
- crawfish
- crawford
- crawl
- crawl space
- crawler
- crawling
- crawlspace
- crax
- crayfish
- crayon
- craze
- craziness
- crazy
- crazy bone
- crazy glue
- crazy horse
- crazy house
- crazy quilt
- crazy weed
- crazyweed
- creak
- creaking
- cream
- cream-colored courser
- cream-of-tartar tree
- cream cheese
- cream of tartar
- cream pitcher
- cream puff
- cream sauce
- cream soda
- cream violet
- creamcups
- creamer
- creamery
- creaminess
- crease
- creashak
- creatin
- creatine
- creatine phosphate
- creatine phosphoric acid
- creating by mental acts
- creating by removal
- creating from raw materials
- creation
- creation science
- creationism
- creative activity
- creative person
- creative thinker
- creative thinking
- creativeness
- creativity
- creator
- creature
- creature comforts
- creche
- crecy
- cred
- credence
- credendum
- credential
- credentials
- credenza
- credibility
- credibleness
- credit
- credit account
- credit analyst
- credit application
- credit bureau
- credit card
- credit crunch
- credit entry
- credit hour
- credit line
- credit order
- credit rating
- credit side
- credit system
- credit union
- creditor
- credits
- creditworthiness
- credo
- credulity
- credulousness
- cree
- creed
- creek
- creek bed
- creek confederacy
- creel
- creep
- creep feed
- creeper
- creepiness
- creeping
- creeping bellflower
- creeping bent
- creeping bentgrass
- creeping bugle
- creeping buttercup
- creeping charlie
- creeping crowfoot
- creeping fern
- creeping jenny
- creeping juniper
- creeping lily
- creeping oxalis
- creeping snowberry
- creeping soft grass
- creeping spike rush
- creeping st john's wort
- creeping thistle
- creeping thyme
- creeping willow
- creeping windmill grass
- creeping wintergreen
- creeping wood sorrel
- creeping zinnia
- creeps
- creepy-crawlies
- creepy-crawly
- creese
- cremains
- cremation
- cremation chamber
- crematorium
- crematory
- creme anglais
- creme brulee
- creme caramel
- creme de cacao
- creme de fraise
- creme de menthe
- cremona
- crenate leaf
- crenation
- crenature
- crenel
- crenelation
- crenellation
- crenelle
- creole
- creole-fish
- creon
- creosol
- creosote
- creosote bush
- crepe
- crepe de chine
- crepe fern
- crepe flower
- crepe gardenia
- crepe jasmine
- crepe marocain
- crepe myrtle
- crepe paper
- crepe rubber
- crepe suzette
- crepis
- crepitation
- crepitation rale
- crepuscle
- crepuscule
- crescendo
- crescent
- crescent-cell anaemia
- crescent-cell anemia
- crescent roll
- crescent wrench
- crescentia
- crescentia cujete
- cresol
- cress
- cress plant
- crest
- crested cariama
- crested coral root
- crested myna
- crested penguin
- crested screamer
- crested swift
- crested wheat grass
- crested wheatgrass
- crestless wave
- cretaceous
- cretaceous period
- cretan
- cretan dittany
- crete
- crete dittany
- cretin
- cretinism
- cretonne
- creutzfeldt-jakob disease
- crevalle jack
- crevasse
- crevice
- crew
- crew cut
- crew member
- crew neck
- crew neckline
- crewelwork
- crewet
- crewman
- crex
- crex crex
- crib
- crib death
- cribbage
- cribbage board
- cricetidae
- cricetus
- cricetus cricetus
- crichton
- crick
- cricket
- cricket-bat willow
- cricket ball
- cricket bat
- cricket equipment
- cricket frog
- cricket match
- cricketer
- crier
- crime
- crime rate
- crime syndicate
- crime wave
- crimea
- crimea-congo hemorrhagic fever
- crimean war
- criminal
- criminal congress
- criminal contempt
- criminal conversation
- criminal court
- criminal intelligence services of canada
- criminal investigation command
- criminal law
- criminal maintenance
- criminal negligence
- criminal offence
- criminal offense
- criminal possession
- criminal prosecution
- criminal record
- criminal suit
- criminalisation
- criminalism
- criminality
- criminalization
- criminalness
- criminologist
- criminology
- crimp
- crimper
- crimson
- crimson clover
- cringle
- crinion
- crinkle
- crinkle-root
- crinkle root
- crinkleroot
- crinoid
- crinoidea
- crinoline
- criollo
- cripple
- crisis
- crisis intervention
- crisp
- crisphead lettuce
- crispin
- crispiness
- crispness
- crisscross
- cristal
- cristobal balenciaga
- cristobal colon
- cristobalite
- cristoforo colombo
- criterion
- crith
- critic
- critical analysis
- critical angle
- critical appraisal
- critical mass
- critical point
- critical review
- criticality
- criticalness
- criticism
- critique
- critter
- critter sitter
- crius
- crixivan
- crna gora
- cro
- cro-magnon
- croak
- croaker
- croaking
- croat
- croatia
- croatian
- crocanthemum canadense
- crocethia
- crocethia alba
- crochet
- crochet hook
- crochet needle
- crochet stitch
- crocheting
- crock
- crock pot
- crockery
- crocket
- crockett
- crocodile
- crocodile bird
- crocodile river
- crocodile tears
- crocodilia
- crocodilian
- crocodilian reptile
- crocodilus
- crocodylia
- crocodylidae
- crocodylus
- crocodylus niloticus
- crocodylus porosus
- crocolite
- crocus
- crocus sativus
- crocuta
- crocuta crocuta
- croesus
- croft
- crofter
- crohn
- crohn's disease
- croissant
- croix de guerre
- cromlech
- cromorne
- cromwell
- cronartium
- cronartium ribicola
- crone
- cronus
- crony
- cronyism
- cronyn
- croo monkey
- crook
- crookback
- crooked-stemmed aster
- crookedness
- crookes
- crookes radiometer
- crookes tube
- crookneck
- crookneck squash
- crooner
- crooning
- crop
- crop-dusting
- crop failure
- cropper
- croquet
- croquet ball
- croquet equipment
- croquet mallet
- croquette
- crore
- crosby
- crosier
- cross
- cross-classification
- cross-country jumping
- cross-country riding
- cross-country skiing
- cross-division
- cross-dresser
- cross-examination
- cross-examiner
- cross-eye
- cross-fertilisation
- cross-fertilization
- cross-florida waterway
- cross-index
- cross-leaved heath
- cross-link
- cross-linkage
- cross-pollination
- cross-purpose
- cross-question
- cross-questioner
- cross-reference
- cross-stitch
- cross bit
- cross bun
- cross country
- cross dressing
- cross hair
- cross infection
- cross of calvary
- cross of lorraine
- cross product
- cross section
- cross street
- cross thwart
- cross vine
- cross wire
- crossbar
- crossbeam
- crossbench
- crossbencher
- crossbill
- crossbones
- crossbow
- crossbreed
- crossbreeding
- crosscheck
- crosscurrent
- crosscut
- crosscut handsaw
- crosscut saw
- crosse
- crossed eye
- crossfire
- crosshairs
- crosshatch
- crosshead
- crossheading
- crossing
- crossing guard
- crossing over
- crossjack
- crossness
- crossopterygian
- crossopterygii
- crossover
- crossover voter
- crosspatch
- crosspiece
- crossroad
- crossroads
- crosstalk
- crosstie
- crosswalk
- crossway
- crosswind
- crossword
- crossword puzzle
- crotal
- crotalaria
- crotalaria sagitallis
- crotalaria spectabilis
- crotalidae
- crotalus
- crotalus adamanteus
- crotalus atrox
- crotalus cerastes
- crotalus horridus atricaudatus
- crotalus horridus horridus
- crotalus lepidus
- crotalus mitchellii
- crotalus scutulatus
- crotalus tigris
- crotalus viridis
- crotaphion
- crotaphytus
- crotch
- crotch hair
- crotchet
- crotchetiness
- croton
- croton bug
- croton eluteria
- croton oil
- croton tiglium
- crotonbug
- crotophaga
- crottal
- crottle
- crouch
- croup
- croupe
- croupier
- croupier's rake
- crouse
- crouton
- crow
- crow's feet
- crow's foot
- crow's nest
- crow-bait
- crow blackbird
- crow corn
- crow garlic
- crow pheasant
- crow step
- crowbait
- crowbar
- crowberry
- crowberry family
- crowd
- crowd control
- crowding
- crowfoot
- crowfoot family
- crowfoot grass
- crowing
- crown
- crown-beard
- crown-of-the-field
- crown beard
- crown colony
- crown daisy
- crown fire
- crown gall
- crown glass
- crown imperial
- crown jewel
- crown jewels
- crown land
- crown lens
- crown monkey
- crown of thorns
- crown prince
- crown princess
- crown roast
- crown saw
- crown vetch
- crown wart
- crownbeard
- crowned head
- crownwork
- crozier
- crp
- crt
- crt screen
- cruciality
- crucian carp
- crucible
- crucible steel
- crucifer
- cruciferae
- cruciferous plant
- cruciferous vegetable
- crucifix
- crucifix fish
- crucifixion
- crud
- crude
- crude oil
- crudeness
- crudites
- crudity
- cruel and unusual punishment
- cruel plant
- cruelness
- cruelty
- cruet
- cruet-stand
- cruise
- cruise control
- cruise liner
- cruise missile
- cruise ship
- cruiser
- cruiserweight
- cruller
- crumb
- crumb cake
- crumbliness
- crumhorn
- crumpet
- crunch
- crupper
- crus
- crusade
- crusader
- cruse
- crush
- crushed leather
- crushed rock
- crusher
- crushing
- crust
- crustacea
- crustacean
- crustal movement
- crustal plate
- crustose thallus
- crutch
- crux
- crux australis
- crux of the matter
- cry
- cry-baby tree
- cryaesthesia
- crybaby
- crybaby tree
- cryesthesia
- crying
- cryoanaesthesia
- cryoanesthesia
- cryobiology
- cryocautery
- cryogen
- cryogenics
- cryogeny
- cryolite
- cryometer
- cryonics
- cryopathy
- cryophobia
- cryoscope
- cryostat
- cryosurgery
- crypt
- cryptacanthodes
- cryptacanthodes maculatus
- cryptanalysis
- cryptanalyst
- cryptanalytics
- cryptic coloration
- cryptobiosis
- cryptobranchidae
- cryptobranchus
- cryptobranchus alleganiensis
- cryptocercidae
- cryptocercus
- cryptococcosis
- cryptocoryne
- cryptogam
- cryptogamia
- cryptogram
- cryptogramma
- cryptogramma acrostichoides
- cryptogramma crispa
- cryptogrammataceae
- cryptograph
- cryptographer
- cryptography
- cryptologist
- cryptology
- cryptomeria
- cryptomeria japonica
- cryptomonad
- cryptophyceae
- crypto
- crab
- crack
- crack down
- crack up
- crackle
- cradle
- craft
- cram
- cramp
- cranch
- crane
- crank
- crank out
- crank up
- crap
- crap up
- crape
- crash
- crash-dive
- crash land
- crate
- craunch
- crave
- crawfish
- crawfish out
- crawl
- crawl in
- crayon
- craze
- creak
- cream
- cream off
- crease
- create
- create by mental act
- create from raw material
- create from raw stuff
- create mentally
- create verbally
- credit
- creep
- creep in
- creep up
- cremate
- crenel
- crenelate
- crenellate
- creolize
- creosote
- crepe
- crepitate
- crescendo
- crest
- crew
- crib
- crick
- cricket
- criminalise
- criminalize
- criminate
- crimp
- crimson
- cringe
- crinkle
- cripple
- crisp
- crispen
- crisscross
- criticise
- criticize
- critique
- croak
- crochet
- crock
- crock up
- cronk
- crook
- croon
- crop
- crop out
- crop up
- croquet
- cross
- cross-check
- cross-dress
- cross-fertilise
- cross-fertilize
- cross-file
- cross-index
- cross-link
- cross-pollinate
- cross-refer
- cross examine
- cross off
- cross oneself
- cross out
- cross question
- crossbreed
- crosscut
- crosshatch
- crossruff
- crouch
- crow
- crowd
- crowd out
- crowd together
- crown
- crucify
- cruise
- crumb
- crumble
- crump
- crumple
- crunch
- crusade
- crush
- crush out
- crust
- cry
- cry for
- cry out
- cry out for
- crystalise
- crystalize
- crystallise
- crystallize
- crabbed
- crabby
- crabwise
- crack
- crackbrained
- cracked
- cracker-barrel
- crackers
- cracking
- crackle
- crafty
- cragfast
- cragged
- craggy
- cram full
- cramped
- cranial
- craniometric
- craniometrical
- crank
- cranky
- crannied
- crappy
- crapulent
- crapulous
- crashing
- crass
- craved
- craven
- crazed
- crazy
- creaky
- cream-colored
- creamy
- creamy-colored
- creamy-white
- creamy-yellow
- crease-resistant
- creaseless
- creaseproof
- creative
- credal
- credentialled
- credible
- creditable
- credited
- creditworthy
- credulous
- creedal
- creepy
- creepy-crawly
- crenate
- crenated
- crenulate
- crenulated
- creole
- crepuscular
- crescendo
- crescent
- crescent-shaped
- cress green
- cresson
- crested
- crestfallen
- cretaceous
- cretinous
- criminal
- criminative
- criminatory
- criminological
- crimson
- crimson-magenta
- crimson-purple
- crimson-yellow
- cringing
- crinkled
- crinkly
- crinoid
- crippled
- crippling
- crisp
- crispate
- crispy
- crisscross
- crisscrossed
- criterial
- criterional
- critical
- croaky
- croatian
- crocked
- crocketed
- cromwellian
- crookback
- crookbacked
- crooked
- cropped
- cross
- cross-banded
- cross-cultural
- cross-eyed
- cross-grained
- cross-linguistic
- cross-modal
- cross-ply
- cross-pollinating
- cross-section
- cross-sectional
- cross-sentential
- cross-shaped
- cross-town
- crossbred
- crossed
- crosshatched
- crosstown
- crosswise
- crotchety
- croupy
- crow-sized
- crowded
- crowing
- crowned
- crowning
- crownless
- crucial
- cruciate
- cruciferous
- cruciform
- cruddy
- crude
- cruel
- crumbly
- crummy
- crumpled
- crural
- crushed
- crushing
- crustacean
- crustaceous
- crustal
- crusted
- crustlike
- crustose
- crusty
- crying
- cryogenic
- cryonic
- cryptanalytic
- cryptic
- cryptical
- cryptobiotic
- cryptogamic
- cryptogamous
- cryptographic
- cryptographical
- cryptologic
- cryptological
- crystal clear
- crystalised
- crystalized
- crystalline
- crystallised
- crystallized
- craftily
- crazily
- creakily
- creakingly
- creatively
- credibly
- creditably
- credulously
- criminally
- crisply
- crisscross
- critically
- crookedly
- cross-country
- cross-legged
- cross-linguistically
- crossly
- crosstown
- crossways
- crosswise
- crucially
- crudely
- cruelly
- crushingly
- cryptically
- cryptographically
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Search Result:cr
(TTS Sound)

Overview of noun cr
The noun cr has 1 sense
- chromium, Cr, atomic number 24 -- (a hard brittle multivalent metallic element; resistant to corrosion and tarnishing)