Compund Words
- actitis hypoleucos
- arccos
- catholicos
- cocos
- corvus brachyrhyncos
- cos
- cos lettuce
- cosa nostra
- coscoroba
- cosec
- cosecant
- cosh
- cosignatory
- cosigner
- cosimo de medici
- cosimo the elder
- cosine
- cosiness
- cosmea
- cosmetic
- cosmetic dentistry
- cosmetic surgeon
- cosmetic surgery
- cosmetician
- cosmetologist
- cosmetology
- cosmic background radiation
- cosmic dust
- cosmic microwave background
- cosmic microwave background radiation
- cosmic radiation
- cosmic ray
- cosmic string
- cosmic time
- cosmid
- cosmocampus
- cosmocampus profundus
- cosmogeny
- cosmogony
- cosmographer
- cosmographist
- cosmography
- cosmolatry
- cosmological constant
- cosmologist
- cosmology
- cosmonaut
- cosmopolitan
- cosmopolite
- cosmos
- cosmotron
- coss
- cossack
- cost
- cost-benefit analysis
- cost-of-living allowance
- cost-of-living benefit
- cost-of-living index
- cost-plus contract
- cost-pull inflation
- cost accountant
- cost accounting
- cost analysis
- cost cutting
- cost increase
- cost ledger
- cost of capital
- cost of living
- cost overrun
- costa
- costa rica
- costa rican
- costa rican colon
- costa rican monetary unit
- costal cartilage
- costal groove
- costalgia
- costanoan
- costermonger
- costia
- costia necatrix
- costiasis
- costing
- costliness
- costmary
- costoaxillary vein
- costochondritis
- costs
- costume
- costume designer
- costumer
- costumier
- costus oil
- costusroot
- cosy
- genus cocos
- lama pacos
- marruecos
- pecos
- succos
- acapulco
- alnico
- art deco
- barbasco
- basuco
- bronco
- bucking bronco
- bunco
- calico
- capital of mexico
- capital of morocco
- capital of new mexico
- chicken taco
- chico
- chirico
- chrysobalanus icaco
- cisco
- ciudad de mexico
- co
- co-beneficiary
- co-defendant
- co-discoverer
- co-ed
- co-occurrence
- co-op
- co-operative republic of guyana
- co-optation
- co-option
- co-ordinate
- co-pilot
- co-respondent
- co-star
- co-worker
- co2
- coach
- coach-and-four
- coach dog
- coach horse
- coach house
- coach station
- coachbuilder
- coaching
- coaching job
- coachman
- coachwhip
- coachwhip snake
- coaction
- coadjutor
- coagulant
- coagulase
- coagulation
- coagulation factor
- coagulator
- coagulum
- coahuila
- coal
- coal-tar creosote
- coal black
- coal car
- coal chute
- coal gas
- coal house
- coal industry
- coal mine
- coal miner
- coal miner's lung
- coal oil
- coal scuttle
- coal seam
- coal shovel
- coal tar
- coal tongs
- coalbin
- coalescence
- coalescency
- coalface
- coalfield
- coalhole
- coaling station
- coalition
- coalman
- coalpit
- coaming
- coarctation
- coarseness
- coast
- coast banksia
- coast boykinia
- coast lily
- coast live oak
- coast mountains
- coast polypody
- coast range
- coast redwood
- coast rhododendron
- coast white cedar
- coastal diving bird
- coastal plain
- coastal rein orchid
- coaster
- coaster brake
- coaster wagon
- coastguard
- coastguardsman
- coastland
- coastline
- coat
- coat-of-mail shell
- coat button
- coat closet
- coat hanger
- coat of arms
- coat of mail
- coat of paint
- coat rack
- coat stand
- coat tree
- coatdress
- coatee
- coati
- coati-mondi
- coati-mundi
- coating
- coatrack
- coatroom
- coats land
- coattail
- coattails effect
- coauthor
- coax
- coax cable
- coaxer
- coaxial cable
- coaxing
- cob
- cobalamin
- cobalt
- cobalt 60
- cobalt bloom
- cobalt blue
- cobalt ultramarine
- cobaltite
- cobber
- cobble
- cobbler
- cobbler's last
- cobblers
- cobblestone
- cobbling
- cobia
- cobitidae
- cobnut
- cobol
- cobra
- cobweb
- coca
- coca cola
- coca plant
- cocain
- cocaine
- cocaine addict
- cocaine addiction
- cocarboxylase
- cocci
- coccid insect
- coccidae
- coccidia
- coccidioidomycosis
- coccidiomycosis
- coccidiosis
- coccidium
- coccinellidae
- coccobacillus
- coccoidea
- coccothraustes
- coccothraustes coccothraustes
- cocculus
- cocculus carolinus
- coccus
- coccus hesperidum
- coccygeal nerve
- coccygeal plexus
- coccygeal vertebra
- coccyx
- coccyzus
- coccyzus erythropthalmus
- cochimi
- cochin
- cochin china
- cochineal
- cochineal insect
- cochise
- cochlea
- cochlearia
- cochlearia officinalis
- cochlearius
- cochlearius cochlearius
- cochon de lait
- cochran
- cock
- cock's eggs
- cock-a-doodle-doo
- cock-a-leekie
- cock-and-bull story
- cock of the rock
- cock sucking
- cockade
- cockaigne
- cockateel
- cockatiel
- cockatoo
- cockatoo parrot
- cockatrice
- cockchafer
- cockcroft
- cockcroft-walton accelerator
- cockcroft-walton voltage multiplier
- cockcroft and walton accelerator
- cockcroft and walton voltage multiplier
- cockcrow
- cocked hat
- cocker
- cocker spaniel
- cockerel
- cockfight
- cockfighting
- cockhorse
- cockiness
- cockle
- cockle-bur
- cockle-burr
- cocklebur
- cockleburr
- cockleshell
- cockloft
- cockney
- cockpit
- cockroach
- cockscomb
- cocksfoot
- cockspur
- cockspur hawthorn
- cockspur thorn
- cocksucker
- cocksureness
- cocktail
- cocktail dress
- cocktail lounge
- cocktail party
- cocktail sauce
- cocktail shaker
- cocktail table
- cockup
- cocky-leeky
- coco
- coco de macao
- coco palm
- coco plum
- coco plum tree
- cocoa
- cocoa bean
- cocoa butter
- cocoa palm
- cocoa plum
- cocoa powder
- cocoanut
- cocobolo
- coconspirator
- coconut
- coconut cake
- coconut cream
- coconut macaroon
- coconut meat
- coconut milk
- coconut oil
- coconut palm
- coconut tree
- coconut water
- cocoon
- cocooning
- cocopa
- cocopah
- cocos
- cocos nucifera
- cocoswood
- cocotte
- cocoyam
- cocozelle
- cocteau
- cocus
- cocuswood
- cocytus
- cod
- cod-liver oil
- cod liver oil
- cod oil
- coda
- codariocalyx
- codariocalyx motorius
- coddled egg
- coddler
- code
- code flag
- code of behavior
- code of conduct
- codefendant
- codeine
- coder
- codetalker
- codex
- codfish
- codfish ball
- codfish cake
- codger
- codiaeum
- codiaeum variegatum
- codicil
- codification
- coding
- coding dna
- coding system
- codlin moth
- codling
- codling moth
- codlins-and-cream
- codon
- codpiece
- codswallop
- cody
- coeducation
- coefficient
- coefficient of absorption
- coefficient of concordance
- coefficient of correlation
- coefficient of drag
- coefficient of elasticity
- coefficient of expansion
- coefficient of friction
- coefficient of mutual induction
- coefficient of reflection
- coefficient of self induction
- coefficient of viscosity
- coelacanth
- coelenterata
- coelenterate
- coelenterate family
- coelenterate genus
- coelenteron
- coeliac plexus
- coeloglossum
- coeloglossum bracteatum
- coeloglossum viride
- coelogyne
- coelom
- coelophysis
- coelostat
- coenobite
- coenzyme
- coenzyme a
- coenzyme q
- coercion
- coereba
- coerebidae
- coeur d'alene
- coeur d'alene lake
- coeval
- coevals
- coexistence
- coextension
- cofactor
- coffea
- coffea arabica
- coffea canephora
- coffea liberica
- coffea robusta
- coffee
- coffee-table book
- coffee bar
- coffee bean
- coffee berry
- coffee blight
- coffee break
- coffee cake
- coffee can
- coffee cappuccino
- coffee cream
- coffee cup
- coffee fern
- coffee filter
- coffee fungus
- coffee grinder
- coffee grounds
- coffee liqueur
- coffee maker
- coffee mill
- coffee mug
- coffee ring
- coffee roll
- coffee rose
- coffee royal
- coffee senna
- coffee shop
- coffee stall
- coffee substitute
- coffee table
- coffee tree
- coffee urn
- coffeeberry
- coffeecake
- coffeehouse
- coffeepot
- coffer
- cofferdam
- coffey still
- coffin
- coffin nail
- cofounder
- cog
- cog railway
- cogency
- cogent evidence
- cogitation
- cognac
- cognate
- cognate word
- cognation
- cognisance
- cognition
- cognitive content
- cognitive factor
- cognitive neuroscience
- cognitive neuroscientist
- cognitive operation
- cognitive process
- cognitive psychology
- cognitive science
- cognitive scientist
- cognitive semantics
- cognitive state
- cognizance
- cognomen
- cognoscente
- cognovit judgement
- cognovit judgment
- cogwheel
- cohabitation
- cohan
- coherence
- coherency
- cohesion
- cohesiveness
- cohn
- coho
- coho salmon
- cohoe
- cohort
- cohosh
- cohune
- cohune-nut oil
- cohune fat
- cohune nut
- cohune oil
- cohune palm
- coif
- coiffeur
- coiffeuse
- coiffure
- coign
- coigne
- coigue
- coil
- coil spring
- coin
- coin bank
- coin blank
- coin box
- coin collecting
- coin collection
- coin collector
- coin machine
- coin silver
- coin slot
- coinage
- coincidence
- coiner
- coinsurance
- coir
- coition
- coitus
- coitus interruptus
- coke
- col
- cola
- cola acuminata
- cola extract
- cola nut
- colander
- colaptes
- colaptes auratus
- colaptes caper collaris
- colaptes chrysoides
- colbert
- colbert butter
- colchicaceae
- colchicine
- colchicum
- colchicum autumnale
- colchis
- cold
- cold-water flat
- cold cash
- cold cathode
- cold cereal
- cold chisel
- cold comfort
- cold cream
- cold cuts
- cold duck
- cold feet
- cold fish
- cold frame
- cold front
- cold fusion
- cold gangrene
- cold medicine
- cold rubber
- cold shoulder
- cold snap
- cold sore
- cold spell
- cold storage
- cold stuffed tomato
- cold sweat
- cold turkey
- cold war
- cold water
- cold wave
- cold weather
- coldcream
- coldheartedness
- coldness
- cole
- cole albert porter
- cole porter
- coleman hawkins
- coleonyx
- coleoptera
- coleridge
- coleslaw
- colette
- coleus
- coleus amboinicus
- coleus aromaticus
- coleus blumei
- colewort
- colic
- colic artery
- colic root
- colic vein
- colicroot
- colima
- colin luther powell
- colin powell
- colinus
- colinus virginianus
- coliphage
- coliseum
- colitis
- collaboration
- collaborationism
- collaborationist
- collaborator
- collage
- collage film
- collagen
- collagenase
- collapse
- collapsible shelter
- collar
- collar blight
- collar cell
- collarbone
- collard
- collard greens
- collards
- collared lizard
- collared peccary
- collared pika
- collateral
- collateral damage
- collateral fraud
- collation
- colleague
- collect
- collect call
- collectable
- collectible
- collecting
- collection
- collection plate
- collective
- collective agreement
- collective bargaining
- collective farm
- collective noun
- collective security
- collectivisation
- collectivism
- collectivist
- collectivization
- collector
- collector's item
- collector of internal revenue
- colleen
- college
- college boy
- college girl
- college level
- college man
- college of cardinals
- college student
- collegian
- collegiate dictionary
- collembola
- collembolan
- collet
- collet chuck
- collider
- collie
- collier
- colliery
- colligation
- collimation
- collimator
- collins
- collinsia
- collinsia bicolor
- collinsia heterophylla
- collinsia parviflora
- collinsia verna
- collinsonia
- collinsonia canadensis
- collis potter huntington
- collision
- collision course
- collocalia
- collocalia inexpectata
- collocation
- collodion
- colloid
- colloidal gel
- colloidal solution
- colloidal suspension
- colloquialism
- colloquium
- colloquy
- collotype
- collotype printing
- collusion
- collyrium
- collywobbles
- colobus
- colobus guereza
- colobus monkey
- colocasia
- colocasia esculenta
- cologne
- cologne water
- colombia
- colombian
- colombian monetary unit
- colombian peso
- colombo
- colon
- colon cancer
- colonel
- colonel blimp
- colonial
- colonialism
- colonialist
- colonic
- colonic irrigation
- colonisation
- coloniser
- colonist
- colonization
- colonizer
- colonnade
- colonoscope
- colonoscopy
- colony
- colophon
- colophony
- color
- color-blind person
- color bar
- color bearer
- color blindness
- color chart
- color circle
- color code
- color constancy
- color force
- color guard
- color line
- color of law
- color property
- color scheme
- color sergeant
- color spectrum
- color television
- color television system
- color television tube
- color tube
- color tv
- color tv tube
- color vision
- color vision deficiency
- color wash
- color wheel
- coloradan
- coloradillo
- colorado
- colorado beetle
- colorado blue spruce
- colorado desert
- colorado fir
- colorado four o'clock
- colorado plateau
- colorado potato beetle
- colorado river
- colorado river hemp
- colorado springs
- colorado spruce
- coloration
- coloratura
- coloratura soprano
- colorcast
- colored
- colored audition
- colored hearing
- colored person
- colorimeter
- colorimetric analysis
- colorimetry
- coloring
- coloring book
- coloring material
- colorist
- colorlessness
- colors
- colossae
- colosseum
- colossian
- colossians
- colossus
- colossus of rhodes
- colostomy
- colostrum
- colour
- colour bar
- colour blindness
- colour constancy
- colour line
- colour of law
- colour scheme
- colour supplement
- colour television
- colour television system
- colour television tube
- colour tube
- colour tv
- colour tv tube
- colour vision deficiency
- colour wash
- colouration
- colourcast
- colouring
- colouring material
- colourlessness
- colours
- colpitis
- colpocele
- colpocystitis
- colpocystocele
- colpoxerosis
- colt
- coltan
- colter
- coltsfoot
- coluber
- coluber constrictor
- coluber constrictor flaviventris
- coluber hippocrepis
- colubrid
- colubrid snake
- colubridae
- colubrina
- colugo
- columba
- columba fasciata
- columba livia
- columba palumbus
- columbarium
- columbary
- columbia
- columbia river
- columbia tiger lily
- columbia university
- columbian mammoth
- columbidae
- columbiform bird
- columbiformes
- columbine
- columbite
- columbite-tantalite
- columbium
- columbo
- columbus
- columbus
- cosh
- cosign
- cosponsor
- cosset
- cost
- costume
- coseismal
- coseismic
- cosher
- cosignatory
- cosmetic
- cosmic
- cosmogenic
- cosmogonic
- cosmogonical
- cosmologic
- cosmological
- cosmopolitan
- cost-effective
- cost-efficient
- cost-plus
- costa rican
- costal
- costate
- costive
- costless
- costly
- costumed
- cosy
- cosily
- cosmetically
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Search Result:cos
(TTS Sound)

KK Pronunciation
〔 kɑs,kɒs 〕
〔 kɒs 〕
Overview of noun cos
The noun cos has 2 senses
- cosine, cos -- (ratio of the adjacent side to the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle)
- cos, cos lettuce, romaine, romaine lettuce -- (lettuce with long dark-green leaves in a loosely packed elongated head)
Overview of noun co
The noun co has 4 senses
- carbon monoxide, carbon monoxide gas, CO -- (an odorless very poisonous gas that is a product of incomplete combustion of carbon)
- cobalt, Co, atomic number 27 -- (a hard ferromagnetic silver-white bivalent or trivalent metallic element; a trace element in plant and animal nutrition)
- conscientious objector, CO -- (one who refuses to serve in the armed forces on grounds of conscience)
- Colorado, Centennial State, CO -- (a state in west central United States in the Rocky Mountains)