Compund Words
- aardvark
- acadia national park
- accent mark
- amusement park
- angel shark
- angostura bark
- antiquark
- arches national park
- ark
- ark of the covenant
- ark shell
- arkansan
- arkansas
- arkansas kingbird
- arkansas river
- arkansawyer
- assay-mark
- badlands national park
- ballpark
- bark
- basking shark
- beauty quark
- belmont park
- bench mark
- benchmark
- big bend national park
- big shagbark
- big shellbark
- birch bark
- birchbark
- birthmark
- biscayne national park
- bismark
- bitter-bark
- blacktip shark
- blue shark
- bonito shark
- bonnet shark
- bookmark
- bottom quark
- bryce canyon national park
- bull shark
- bulwark
- burn mark
- cabbage bark
- call mark
- canella bark
- canyonlands national park
- capitol reef national park
- car park
- card shark
- carlsbad caverns national park
- carpet shark
- cartagena bark
- cascarilla bark
- cassia bark
- cat shark
- caustic remark
- central park
- channel islands national park
- charles joseph clark
- charm quark
- chatter mark
- check mark
- chittam bark
- chittem bark
- cinchona bark
- cinnamon bark
- clark
- copper's nark
- cow shark
- crampbark
- crater lake national park
- cub shark
- dame muriel spark
- danmark
- dark
- denali national park
- denmark
- deutsche mark
- deutschmark
- diacritical mark
- dita bark
- ditto mark
- dollar mark
- down quark
- dusky shark
- earmark
- eastern meadowlark
- easy mark
- eleuthera bark
- everglades national park
- exclamation mark
- fingermark
- finnish mark
- footmark
- fox shark
- funny remark
- gates of the arctic national park
- georgia bark
- german mark
- goldmark
- gospel according to mark
- grand canyon national park
- grand teton national park
- great blue shark
- great smoky mountains national park
- great white shark
- guadalupe mountains national park
- haleakala national park
- hallmark
- hammerhead shark
- hash mark
- hashmark
- hawaii volcanoes national park
- high-water mark
- hoof-mark
- hoof mark
- hot springs national park
- industrial park
- isle royal national park
- jesuit's bark
- joe clark
- katmai national park
- kenai fjords national park
- kenneth bancroft clark
- kenneth clark
- kingdom of denmark
- kings canyon national park
- kobuk valley national park
- lacebark
- lake clark national park
- landmark
- lark
- lassen volcanic national park
- lemon shark
- loan shark
- low-water mark
- lubber's mark
- mackerel shark
- mako shark
- mammoth cave national park
- man-eating shark
- mark
- mark clark
- mark wayne clark
- meadowlark
- memorial park
- mesa verde national park
- mintmark
- mount ranier national park
- mungo park
- muriel sarah spark
- muriel spark
- nark
- national park
- newark
- north cascades national park
- nurse shark
- oceanic whitetip shark
- olympic national park
- oyster park
- park
- peruvian bark
- peter carl goldmark
- peter goldmark
- petrified forest national park
- platt national park
- plimsoll mark
- pockmark
- postmark
- pressmark
- punctuation mark
- quark
- question mark
- quotation mark
- redwood national park
- reef whitetip shark
- remark
- requiem shark
- ripple mark
- rocky mountain national park
- ropebark
- safari park
- saint mark
- sand shark
- sandbar shark
- sequoia national park
- serengeti national park
- shagbark
- shark
- shellbark
- shenandoah national park
- shoulder mark
- six-gilled shark
- skylark
- smoothbark
- smoothhound shark
- soupfin shark
- spark
- squark
- st. mark
- strange quark
- strawberry mark
- stress mark
- stretch mark
- stringybark
- stylemark
- sweetwood bark
- tanbark
- tapa bark
- tappa bark
- telemark
- theme park
- theodore roosevelt memorial national park
- thin-leaved stringybark
- thresher shark
- tidemark
- tiger shark
- titlark
- top quark
- trademark
- trailer park
- truth quark
- up quark
- virgin islands national park
- voyageurs national park
- watermark
- western meadowlark
- whale shark
- white-tipped shark
- white shark
- white stringybark
- whitetip shark
- william clark
- wind cave national park
- wind park
- winter's bark
- wrangell-st. elias national park
- yellowstone national park
- yosemite national park
- zion national park
- angle-park
- bark
- brandmark
- bulwark
- cark
- date-mark
- datemark
- debark
- disembark
- double-park
- earmark
- embark
- hark
- lark
- mark
- nark
- parallel-park
- park
- pockmark
- postmark
- remark
- shark
- skylark
- spark
- trademark
- dark
- pitch-dark
- semidark
- stark
- wide of the mark
- stark
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(TTS Sound)

KK Pronunciation
〔 ɑrk 〕
〔 ɑːk 〕
Overview of noun ark
The noun ark has 2 senses
- Ark, Ark of the Covenant -- ((Judaism) sacred chest where the ancient Hebrews kept the two tablets containing the Ten Commandments)
- ark -- (a boat built by Noah to save his family and animals from the flood)