Compund Words
- 24-hour interval
- abdominal
- abettal
- aboriginal
- abrasive material
- absorbent material
- abu ali al-husain ibn abdallah ibn sina
- abu hafs al-masri brigades
- accelerator pedal
- accidental
- accrual
- accusal
- acetal
- acetyl radical
- acquittal
- action potential
- activated charcoal
- adhesive material
- adjutant general
- administrative official
- admiral
- admiralty metal
- adrenal
- adsorbent material
- adverbial
- advertorial
- aerial
- agal
- air marshal
- air medal
- air terminal
- airport terminal
- al
- al-aksa martyrs brigades
- al-asifa
- al-fatah
- al-gama'a al-islamiyya
- al-hakim
- al-hasan ibn al-haytham
- al-haytham
- al-hudaydah
- al-iraq
- al-itihaad al-islamiya
- al-jama'a al-islamiyyah al-muqatilah bi-libya
- al-jihad
- al-ma'unah
- al-magrib
- al-muhajiroun
- al-mukalla
- al-qa'ida
- al-qaeda
- al-qaida
- al-qur'an
- al-rashid trust
- al-tawhid
- al-ummah
- al alamayn
- al aqabah
- al capone
- al faran
- al gore
- al hirschfeld
- al itihaad al islamiya
- al jolson
- al ladhiqiyah
- al madinah
- al nathir
- al qahira
- al qanoon
- al sunna wal jamma
- al tawhid
- ala
- alabama
- alabama lip fern
- alabama river
- alabaman
- alabamian
- alabaster
- alacrity
- aladdin
- aladdin's lamp
- alalia
- alamo
- alan alexander milne
- alan bartlett shepard jr.
- alan hodgkin
- alan jay lerner
- alan lloyd hodgkin
- alan mathison turing
- alan paton
- alan seeger
- alan shepard
- alan stewart paton
- alan turing
- aland islands
- alanine
- alar
- alaric
- alarm
- alarm bell
- alarm clock
- alarm system
- alarmism
- alarmist
- alarum
- alaska
- alaska cedar
- alaska cod
- alaska crab
- alaska fur seal
- alaska king crab
- alaska native
- alaska peninsula
- alaska range
- alaska rein orchid
- alaska standard time
- alaskan
- alaskan brown bear
- alaskan king crab
- alaskan malamute
- alaskan native
- alaskan pipeline
- alastrim
- alauda
- alauda arvensis
- alaudidae
- alb
- albacore
- alban berg
- albania
- albanian
- albanian capital
- albanian monetary unit
- albany
- albatrellus
- albatrellus dispansus
- albatrellus ovinus
- albatross
- albedo
- albee
- alben barkley
- alben william barkley
- albers
- albers-schonberg disease
- albert
- albert abraham michelson
- albert bruce sabin
- albert camus
- albert edward
- albert einstein
- albert francis charles augustus emmanuel
- albert gore jr.
- albert michelson
- albert sabin
- albert schweitzer
- albert speer
- albert szent-gyorgyi
- albert von szent-gyorgyi
- alberta
- alberti
- alberto giacometti
- albigenses
- albigensianism
- albinism
- albino
- albino luciano
- albion
- albite
- albizia
- albizia julibrissin
- albizia lebbeck
- albizia saman
- albizzia
- albizzia julibrissin
- albizzia lebbeck
- alborg
- albrecht durer
- albrecht eusebius wenzel von wallenstein
- albright's disease
- albuca
- albuginaceae
- albuginea
- albugo
- albula
- albula vulpes
- albulidae
- album
- albumen
- albumin
- albuminoid
- albuminuria
- albuquerque
- albuterol
- alca
- alca torda
- alcaeus
- alcahest
- alcaic
- alcaic verse
- alcalde
- alcapton
- alcaptonuria
- alcazar
- alcea
- alcea rosea
- alcedinidae
- alcedo
- alcedo atthis
- alcelaphus
- alces
- alces alces
- alchemist
- alchemy
- alcibiades
- alcidae
- alcides
- alcohol
- alcohol-in-glass thermometer
- alcohol abuse
- alcohol addiction
- alcohol amnestic disorder
- alcohol group
- alcohol radical
- alcohol thermometer
- alcoholic
- alcoholic abuse
- alcoholic beverage
- alcoholic dementia
- alcoholic drink
- alcoholics anonymous
- alcoholism
- alcoholism abuse
- alcott
- alcove
- alcyonacea
- alcyonaria
- alcyone
- aldactone
- aldebaran
- aldehyde
- aldehyde-alcohol
- aldehyde group
- aldehyde radical
- alder
- alder-leaved serviceberry
- alder blight
- alder buckthorn
- alder dogwood
- alder fly
- alder tree
- alderfly
- alderleaf juneberry
- alderman
- aldohexose
- aldol
- aldol reaction
- aldomet
- aldose
- aldosterone
- aldosteronism
- aldous huxley
- aldous leonard huxley
- aldrovanda
- aldrovanda vesiculosa
- ale
- ale drinker
- aleatory contract
- alec guinness
- alecost
- alectis
- alectis ciliaris
- alecto
- alectoria
- alectoris
- alectoris graeca
- alectoris ruffa
- alectura
- alectura lathami
- alehoof
- alehouse
- aleksandr aleksandrovich blok
- aleksandr borodin
- aleksandr feodorovich kerensky
- aleksandr i. solzhenitsyn
- aleksandr mikjailovich prokhorov
- aleksandr nikolayevich scriabin
- aleksandr pavlovich
- aleksandr porfirevich borodin
- aleksandr prokhorov
- aleksandr scriabin
- aleksandr sergeyevich pushkin
- aleksandr solzhenitsyn
- aleksey maksimovich peshkov
- aleksey maximovich peshkov
- alembic
- alendronate
- alep
- aleph
- aleph-nought
- aleph-null
- aleph-zero
- alepisaurus
- aleppo
- aleppo boil
- aleppo grass
- alert
- alerting
- alertness
- alessandro di mariano dei filipepi
- alessandro farnese
- alessandro manzoni
- alethic logic
- aletris
- aletris aurea
- aletris farinosa
- aletta jacobs
- aleuria aurantia
- aleurites
- aleurites fordii
- aleurites moluccana
- aleurone
- aleut
- aleutian
- aleutian islands
- aleutians
- aleve
- alewife
- alex boncayao brigade
- alex haley
- alexander
- alexander alexandrovich blok
- alexander archipelago
- alexander bell
- alexander calder
- alexander fleming
- alexander graham bell
- alexander hamilton
- alexander i
- alexander ii
- alexander iii
- alexander isayevich solzhenitsyn
- alexander melville bell
- alexander pope
- alexander pushkin
- alexander selcraig
- alexander selkirk
- alexander the great
- alexander the liberator
- alexander vi
- alexander wilson
- alexander woollcott
- alexanders
- alexandre dumas
- alexandre emile jean yersin
- alexandre gustave eiffel
- alexandre yersin
- alexandria
- alexandria senna
- alexandrian
- alexandrian laurel
- alexandrian senna
- alexandrine
- alexandrite
- alexia
- alexic
- alexis carrel
- alexis charles henri maurice de tocqueville
- alexis de tocqueville
- aleyrodes
- aleyrodidae
- alfalfa
- alfalfa sprout
- alfilaria
- alfileria
- alfonso borgia
- alfred
- alfred alistair cooke
- alfred bernhard nobel
- alfred binet
- alfred charles kinsey
- alfred charles william harmsworth
- alfred damon runyon
- alfred de musset
- alfred dreyfus
- alfred edward housman
- alfred edward woodley mason
- alfred eisenstaedt
- alfred habdank skarbek korzybski
- alfred hawthorne
- alfred hitchcock
- alfred joseph hitchcock
- alfred kastler
- alfred korzybski
- alfred kroeber
- alfred krupp
- alfred lord tennyson
- alfred lothar wegener
- alfred louis kroeber
- alfred lunt
- alfred nobel
- alfred north whitehead
- alfred noyes
- alfred russel wallace
- alfred stieglitz
- alfred tennyson
- alfred thayer mahan
- alfred the great
- alga
- algae
- algarobilla
- algarroba
- algarroba bean
- algarrobilla
- algebra
- algebraic language
- algebraic number
- algebraist
- alger
- algeria
- algerian
- algerian capital
- algerian centime
- algerian dinar
- algerian monetary unit
- algerie
- algeripithecus
- algeripithecus minutus
- algernon charles swinburne
- algidity
- algiers
- algin
- alginic acid
- algol
- algolagnia
- algology
- algometer
- algometry
- algonkian
- algonkin
- algonquian
- algonquian language
- algonquin
- algophilia
- algophobia
- algorism
- algorithm
- algorithm error
- algorithmic language
- algorithmic program
- algorithmic rule
- algren
- alhacen
- alhambra
- alhazen
- ali
- ali baba
- alias
- alibi
- alice-josephine pons
- alice b. toklas
- alice hamilton
- alice malsenior walker
- alice paul
- alice walker
- alicia alonso
- alicyclic compound
- alidad
- alidade
- alien
- alien absconder
- alienage
- alienation
- alienation of affection
- alienator
- alienee
- alienism
- alienist
- alienor
- alignment
- alikeness
- aliment
- alimentary canal
- alimentary paste
- alimentary tract
- alimentary tract smear
- alimentation
- alimony
- alinement
- aliphatic compound
- aliquant
- aliquant part
- aliquot
- aliquot part
- alir
- alisma
- alisma plantago-aquatica
- alismales
- alismataceae
- alismatidae
- alistair cooke
- aliterate
- aliterate person
- aliveness
- aliyah
- alizarin
- alizarin carmine
- alizarin crimson
- alizarin red
- alizarin yellow
- alizarine
- alizarine red
- alka-seltzer
- alkahest
- alkalemia
- alkali
- alkali bee
- alkali grass
- alkali metal
- alkali poisoning
- alkalimetry
- alkaline-earth metal
- alkaline earth
- alkaline metal
- alkalinity
- alkalinuria
- alkaliser
- alkalizer
- alkaloid
- alkalosis
- alkaluria
- alkane
- alkane series
- alkanet
- alkapton
- alkaptonuria
- alkene
- alkeran
- alky
- alkyd
- alkyd resin
- alkyl
- alkyl group
- alkyl halide
- alkyl radical
- alkylating agent
- alkylbenzene
- alkylbenzenesulfonate
- alkyne
- all-day sucker
- all-or-none law
- all-rounder
- all-terrain bike
- all arounder
- all clear
- all fools' day
- all fours
- all get out
- all saints' day
- all souls' day
- alla breve
- alla nazimova
- allah
- allamanda
- allamanda cathartica
- allantois
- allayer
- allegation
- allegement
- alleghany plum
- alleghenies
- allegheny
- allegheny chinkapin
- allegheny mountain spurge
- allegheny mountains
- allegheny plum
- allegheny river
- allegheny spurge
- allegheny vine
- allegiance
- allegoriser
- allegorizer
- allegory
- allegretto
- allegro
- allegro con spirito
- allele
- allelomorph
- allemande
- allemande sauce
- allen
- allen ginsberg
- allen screw
- allen stewart konigsberg
- allen tate
- allen wrench
- allentown
- allergen
- allergic eczema
- allergic reaction
- allergic rhinitis
- allergist
- allergology
- allergy
- allergy diet
- alleviant
- alleviation
- alleviator
- alley
- alley cat
- alleyway
- allgood
- allhallows
- allhallows eve
- allhallowtide
- alliaceae
- alliaceous plant
- alliance
- alliaria
- alliaria officinalis
- allice
- allice shad
- allied command atlantic
- allied command europe
- allies
- alligator
- alligator clip
- alligator grass
- alligator lizard
- alligator mississipiensis
- alligator pear
- alligator sinensis
- alligator snapper
- alligator snapping turtle
- alligator weed
- alligator wrench
- alligatorfish
- alligatoridae
- allionia
- allionia incarnata
- allioniaceae
- allis
- allis shad
- alliteration
- alliterator
- allium
- allium acuminatum
- allium ampeloprasum
- allium ascalonicum
- allium canadense
- allium carinatum
- allium cepa
- allium cepa aggregatum
- allium cepa viviparum
- allium cernuum
- allium fistulosum
- allium haematochiton
- allium neopolitanum
- allium paradoxum
- allium porrum
- allium sativum
- allium schoenoprasum
- allium scorodoprasum
- allium sphaerocephalum
- allium tricoccum
- allium triquetrum
- allium tuberosum
- allium ursinum
- allium vineale
- allmouth
- alloantibody
- allocation
- allocation unit
- allocator
- allocution
- allogamy
- allograft
- allograph
- allomerism
- allometry
- allomorph
- allopathy
- allopatry
- allophone
- allopurinol
- allosaur
- allosaurus
- allotment
- allotrope
- allotropism
- allotropy
- allowance
- allowance account
- alloy
- alloy cast iron
- alloy iron
- alloy steel
- allspice
- allspice tree
- allure
- allurement
- allusion
- allusiveness
- alluvial cone
- alluvial deposit
- alluvial fan
- alluvial flat
- alluvial plain
- alluvial sediment
- alluvial soil
- alluviation
- alluvion
- alluvium
- ally
- allyl
- allyl alcohol
- allyl group
- allyl radical
- allyl resin
- alma-ata
- alma mater
- almanac
- almandine
- almandite
- almaty
- almighty
- almond
- almond-leaves willow
- almond cookie
- almond crescent
- almond extract
- almond moth
- almond oil
- almond tree
- almond willow
- almoner
- almoravid
- alms
- alms-giving
- alms box
- alms dish
- alms tray
- almsgiver
- almsgiving
- alnico
- alnus
- alnus crispa
- alnus glutinosa
- alnus incana
- alnus maritima
- alnus rhombifolia
- alnus rubra
- alnus rugosa
- alnus
- alarm
- alchemise
- alchemize
- alcoholise
- alcoholize
- alert
- alibi
- alien
- alienate
- alight
- align
- aliment
- aline
- alkalify
- alkalinise
- alkalinize
- alkalise
- alkalize
- allay
- allege
- allegorise
- allegorize
- alleviate
- alligator
- alliterate
- allocate
- allot
- allow
- allow for
- allow in
- allowance
- alloy
- allude
- allure
- ally
- ally with
- alphabetise
- alphabetize
- alter
- altercate
- alternate
- aluminise
- aluminize
- anneal
- appal
- appeal
- backpedal
- cabal
- canal
- change by reversal
- charcoal
- coal
- conceal
- congeal
- corral
- court-martial
- create from raw material
- deal
- dial
- enthral
- equal
- foal
- general
- heal
- initial
- instal
- madrigal
- marshal
- metal
- misdeal
- outgeneral
- outrival
- pal
- peal
- pedal
- repeal
- reseal
- reveal
- rival
- seal
- shoal
- signal
- soft-pedal
- spiral
- squeal
- steal
- teetotal
- total
- unseal
- victual
- 2-dimensional
- 3-dimensional
- 4-dimensional
- abactinal
- abaxial
- abbatial
- abdominal
- abdominovesical
- abnormal
- abomasal
- aboral
- aboriginal
- abranchial
- abysmal
- abyssal
- acapnial
- acaudal
- accentual
- accessional
- accessorial
- accidental
- accommodational
- acculturational
- accusatorial
- achenial
- acoustical
- acritical
- acropetal
- actinal
- actinometrical
- actinomycetal
- actual
- actuarial
- adaptational
- adaxial
- additional
- adenoidal
- adjectival
- adnexal
- adrenal
- adrenocortical
- adventitial
- adverbial
- aecial
- aerial
- aerological
- aeromedical
- aeronautical
- aesthetical
- aestival
- aetiological
- affectional
- affinal
- affixal
- affixial
- agential
- agnostical
- agonadal
- agonal
- agonistical
- agricultural
- agrobiological
- agrological
- agronomical
- ahistorical
- al dente
- alabaster
- alabastrine
- alacritous
- alar
- alarmed
- alarming
- alary
- alaskan
- alate
- alated
- albanian
- albescent
- albigensian
- albinal
- albinic
- albinistic
- albinotic
- albitic
- albuminous
- albuminuric
- alcalescent
- alchemic
- alchemical
- alchemistic
- alchemistical
- alcohol-dependent
- alcohol-soluble
- alcoholic
- aldehydic
- aldermanic
- aldermanly
- aleatory
- alert
- aleuronic
- aleutian
- alexandrian
- alexic
- alfresco
- algal
- algebraic
- algebraical
- algerian
- algid
- algoid
- algolagnic
- algometric
- algometrical
- algonkian
- algonquian
- algonquin
- algophobic
- algorithmic
- alien
- alienable
- alienated
- alienating
- aliform
- alight
- aligned
- aligning
- alike
- alimental
- alimentary
- alimentative
- aliphatic
- aliquot
- alive
- alkahestic
- alkalescent
- alkalic
- alkaline
- alkaline-loving
- alkaloidal
- alkalotic
- alkylic
- all
- all-around
- all-devouring
- all-embracing
- all-encompassing
- all-fired
- all-important
- all-inclusive
- all-knowing
- all-mains
- all-metal
- all-night
- all-or-none
- all-or-nothing
- all-out
- all-powerful
- all-purpose
- all-round
- all-time
- all-victorious
- all-weather
- all important
- all in
- all over
- all right
- allantoic
- allantoid
- allargando
- alleged
- allegiant
- allegoric
- allegorical
- allegretto
- allegro
- allelic
- allelomorphic
- allergenic
- allergic
- alleviated
- alleviative
- alleviatory
- alliaceous
- allied
- alligatored
- alliterative
- allocable
- allocatable
- allochronic
- allochthonous
- allogamous
- allogeneic
- allographic
- allomerous
- allometric
- allomorphic
- allopathic
- allopatric
- allophonic
- allotropic
- allotropical
- allotted
- allover
- allowable
- alloyed
- alluring
- allusive
- alluvial
- allylic
- almighty
- almond-eyed
- almond-scented
- almond-shaped
- alone
- aloof
- alopecic
- alpestrine
- alpha
- alphabetic
- alphabetical
- alphabetised
- alphabetized
- alphameric
- alphamerical
- alphanumeric
- alphanumerical
- alpine
- alright
- alsatian
- altaic
- alterable
- alterative
- altered
- alternate
- alternating
- alternative
- altissimo
- altitudinal
- altitudinous
- alto
- altricial
- altruistic
- alular
- aluminiferous
- aluminous
- alveolar
- alveolate
- alvine
- ambassadorial
- ambrosial
- ambulacral
- amenorrheal
- amenorrhoeal
- ammoniacal
- amphitheatrical
- amygdaloidal
- amyloidal
- anaclinal
- anaglyphical
- anaglyptical
- anagogical
- anagrammatical
- anal
- analogical
- analytical
- anarchical
- anatomical
- ancestral
- anecdotal
- anecdotical
- anemometrical
- aneurismal
- aneurysmal
- angelical
- anginal
- animal
- annexal
- annexational
- annual
- anodal
- anoperineal
- anorectal
- antecubital
- antediluvial
- antenatal
- antennal
- antenuptial
- antheral
- antheridial
- anthropical
- anthropoidal
- anthropological
- anthropometrical
- anti-intellectual
- antibacterial
- anticlimactical
- anticlinal
- antidotal
- antifungal
- antiheretical
- antimicrobial
- antimonial
- antipathetical
- antiphonal
- antipodal
- antisocial
- antithetical
- antitypical
- antiviral
- aortal
- aphrodisiacal
- apical
- apicultural
- aplacental
- apocalyptical
- apocryphal
- apodal
- apolitical
- apomictical
- apophyseal
- apostolical
- apothecial
- apothegmatical
- apparitional
- appositional
- apsidal
- apteral
- aptitudinal
- aquacultural
- aquicultural
- araneidal
- arbitral
- arbitrational
- arboreal
- arborical
- archaeological
- archangelical
- archducal
- archegonial
- archeological
- archepiscopal
- archesporial
- archetypal
- archetypical
- archidiaconal
- archiepiscopal
- architectural
- archival
- areal
- aristocratical
- arithmetical
- armorial
- arrhythmical
- arsenical
- artefactual
- arterial
- arthropodal
- artifactual
- artificial
- ascensional
- ascetical
- asexual
- asocial
- aspectual
- aspherical
- associational
- asterismal
- asternal
- asteroidal
- astomatal
- astral
- astrological
- astronautical
- astronomical
- astrophysical
- asymmetrical
- atheistical
- atmospherical
- atomistical
- atonal
- atrial
- attentional
- attitudinal
- attritional
- atypical
- auctorial
- audio-lingual
- audiovisual
- aural
- auroral
- austral
- autacoidal
- autarchical
- autarkical
- authorial
- autobiographical
- autochthonal
- autosomal
- autumnal
- avifaunal
- avocational
- axial
- axiological
- axiomatical
- axonal
- azimuthal
- azonal
- bacchanal
- bacterial
- bactericidal
- bacterioidal
- bacteriological
- bacteroidal
- banal
- baptismal
- barometrical
- baronial
- basal
- basidial
- basinal
- basipetal
- bathyal
- bathymetrical
- behavioral
- behavioural
- beneficial
- benthal
- bestial
- biannual
- biaural
- biaxal
- biaxial
- biblical
- bibliographical
- bibliomaniacal
- bibliothecal
- bibliothecarial
- bicameral
- bicentennial
- bicipital
- bicylindrical
- bidirectional
- biennial
- bifacial
- bifocal
- bigeminal
- bilabial
- bilateral
- bilaterally symmetrical
- bilingual
- bimanual
- bimestrial
- bimetal
- bimillenial
- bimodal
- binaural
- binomial
- binominal
- biochemical
- biogeographical
- biographical
- biological
- biomedical
- bionomical
- bipedal
- biracial
- biradial
- bisectional
- bisexual
- bismuthal
- bizonal
- blastemal
- blastoporal
- boreal
- botanical
- botryoidal
- botulinal
- brachial
- brachycranial
- bracteal
- brahminical
- branchial
- bridal
- bronchial
- brumal
- brutal
- buccal
- bursal
- cacuminal
- cadastral
- caecal
- caesural
- calcaneal
- calendrical
- calligraphical
- calvinistical
- calyceal
- calycinal
- cambial
- campestral
- canonical
- cantonal
- capital
- cardinal
- carinal
- carnal
- carnassial
- carpal
- cartographical
- casual
- casuistical
- catachrestical
- cataclinal
- cataclysmal
- catamenial
- catarrhal
- catechetical
- catechismal
- categorial
- categorical
- cathedral
- catoptrical
- caudal
- causal
- cecal
- celestial
- cenobitical
- censorial
- centennial
- centesimal
- central
- centrical
- centrifugal
- centripetal
- centroidal
- cercarial
- cereal
- cerebral
- cerebrospinal
- ceremonial
- cervical
- chaetal
- chancroidal
- charcoal
- cheliceral
- chemical
- chemotherapeutical
- chiasmal
- chimeral
- chimerical
- chlamydial
- choral
- chordal
- christological
- chromatographical
- chromosomal
- chronological
- cilial
- circumboreal
- circumferential
- circumstantial
- clamatorial
- classical
- clausal
- clerical
- climatical
- clinical
- clitoral
- cloistral
- clonal
- coastal
- coaxal
- coaxial
- coccal
- coccygeal
- coeducational
- coenobitical
- coequal
- coeval
- coincidental
- coital
- collateral
- collegial
- colloidal
- colloquial
- colonial
- colorectal
- colorimetrical
- colossal
- comal
- combinational
- combinatorial
- comical
- commensal
- commercial
- commonsensical
- communal
- communicational
- compartmental
- complemental
- compositional
- computational
- concentrical
- conceptional
- conceptual
- conditional
- confidential
- configurational
- confrontational
- congenerical
- congenial
- congenital
- congregational
- congressional
- conical
- conjectural
- conjugal
- conjunctival
- connatural
- connotational
- connubial
- consanguineal
- consensual
- consequential
- consonantal
- conspiratorial
- constitutional
- consubstantial
- contextual
- continental
- continual
- contractual
- contralateral
- contrapuntal
- controversial
- conventional
- conventual
- conversational
- convivial
- coral
- cordial
- coreferential
- corneal
- corporal
- corporeal
- correctional
- correlational
- cortical
- corticifugal
- corticipetal
- corticofugal
- coseismal
- cosmogonical
- cosmological
- costal
- cotyloidal
- counterfactual
- cranial
- craniometrical
- credal
- creedal
- criminal
- criminological
- criterial
- criterional
- critical
- cross-cultural
- cross-modal
- cross-sectional
- cross-sentential
- crucial
- crural
- crustal
- cryptical
- cryptographical
- cryptological
- cubical
- cubital
- cuboidal
- cultural
- cuneal
- curatorial
- cursorial
- curtal
- curvilineal
- cuspidal
- custodial
- cutaneal
- cyanobacterial
- cyclical
- cycloidal
- cyclonal
- cyclonical
- cylindrical
- cynical
- cytoarchitectural
- cytogenetical
- cytological
- daedal
- decimal
- decompositional
- deferential
- deformational
- delusional
- demagogical
- demoniacal
- dendroidal
- denominational
- dental
- departmental
- derivational
- dermal
- dermatological
- despotical
- detrimental
- developmental
- devotional
- dextral
- dextrorsal
- diabolical
- diacritical
- diagonal
- diagrammatical
- dialectal
- dialectical
- diametral
- diametrical
- diaphyseal
- diaphysial
- diarrheal
- diarrhoeal
- dictatorial
- didactical
- diestrual
- dietetical
- differential
- digital
- diluvial
- dimensional
- dioestrual
- diplomatical
- directional
- disciplinal
- discoidal
- discretional
- disloyal
- dismal
- disproportional
- distal
- distributional
- diurnal
- divisional
- doctoral
- doctorial
- doctrinal
- documental
- dogmatical
- dolichocranial
- dominical
- dorsal
- dorsoventral
- dramaturgical
- dropsical
- dual
- ducal
- duncical
- duodecimal
- duodenal
- dural
- dynamical
- dysfunctional
- dyspneal
- dyspnoeal
- east-central
- ecclesiastical
- ecological
- economical
- ectodermal
- ecumenical
- edental
- editorial
- educational
- effectual
- egoistical
- egotistical
- electoral
- electrical
- electrochemical
- electromechanical
- electroneutral
- elemental
- ellipsoidal
- elliptical
- emblematical
- embryonal
- emotional
- empirical
- empyreal
- encyclical
- endemical
- endocrinal
- endometrial
- endothelial
- endothermal
- enigmatical
- enteral
- entomological
- entrepreneurial
- environmental
- eparchial
- ephemeral
- epical
- epicarpal
- epicyclical
- epideictical
- epidemiological
- epidermal
- epidural
- epiphyseal
- epiphysial
- episcopal
- epistemological
- epithelial
- epochal
- equal
- equatorial
- equilateral
- equinoctial
- equivocal
- eremitical
- eristical
- eschatological
- esophageal
- especial
- essential
- esthetical
- estival
- estuarial
- eternal
- ethereal
- ethical
- ethnical
- ethnographical
- ethnological
- etiological
- etymological
- euphonical
- evangelical
- eventual
- evidential
- exaugural
- exceptional
- exegetical
- existential
- exothermal
- experiential
- experimental
- exponential
- extensional
- external
- exterritorial
- extradural
- extrajudicial
- extralegal
- extramarital
- extramural
- extraterrestrial
- extraterritorial
- exuvial
- facial
- factor analytical
- factorial
- factual
- faecal
- familial
- fanatical
- fantastical
- farcical
- fatal
- faucal
- fecal
- federal
- femoral
- fenestral
- feral
- ferial
- festal
- fetal
- feudal
- fictional
- fiducial
- figural
- filarial
- filial
- final
- financial
- finical
- firmamental
- fiscal
- floral
- floricultural
- fluvial
- focal
- foetal
- formal
- fossorial
- four-dimensional
- fractional
- fragmental
- fraternal
- frictional
- frontal
- frugal
- fugal
- functional
- fundamental
- funereal
- fungal
- fungicidal
- gastroduodenal
- gastroesophageal
- gastrointestinal
- gastronomical
- genealogical
- general
- generational
- genetical
- genial
- genital
- genotypical
- geodesical
- geographical
- geological
- geometrical
- geomorphological
- geophysical
- geopolitical
- geothermal
- germicidal
- germinal
- gerontological
- gerundial
- gestational
- gestural
- gingival
- glacial
- gladiatorial
- glial
- gl
- a good deal
- a great deal
- ad val
- alarmingly
- alas
- alee
- alertly
- alfresco
- algebraically
- alias
- alike
- all
- all-fired
- all along
- all at once
- all day long
- all in all
- all of a sudden
- all over
- all right
- all the same
- all the time
- all the way
- all together
- all told
- all too
- allegedly
- allegorically
- allegretto
- allegro
- alliteratively
- allowably
- almost
- aloft
- alone
- along
- alongside
- aloof
- aloud
- alphabetically
- already
- alright
- also
- also known as
- alternately
- alternatively
- altogether
- altruistically
- always
- as usual
- caudal
- connubial
- et al
- in general
- interdepartmental
- neurobiological
- on approval
- piecemeal
- real
- therewithal
- withal
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Search Result:al
(TTS Sound)

KK Pronunciation
〔 -әl,-L 〕
〔 -әl,-l 〕
Overview of noun al
The noun al has 2 senses
- aluminum, aluminium, Al, atomic number 13 -- (a silvery ductile metallic element found primarily in bauxite)
- Alabama, Heart of Dixie, Camellia State, AL -- (a state in the southeastern United States on the Gulf of Mexico; one of the Confederate states during the American Civil War)