Compund Words
- asl
- dsl
- sl
- slab
- slack
- slack suit
- slack tide
- slack water
- slackening
- slacker
- slacking
- slackness
- slacks
- slag
- slag code
- slagheap
- slain
- slaked lime
- slalom
- slam
- slam dance
- slam dancing
- slam dunk
- slammer
- slander
- slanderer
- slang
- slang expression
- slang term
- slanginess
- slanguage
- slant
- slant-eye
- slap
- slapper
- slapshot
- slapstick
- slash
- slash pocket
- slasher
- slask
- slat
- slate
- slate-colored junco
- slate club
- slate pencil
- slate roof
- slater
- slating
- slattern
- slatternliness
- slaughter
- slaughterer
- slaughterhouse
- slav
- slave
- slave-maker
- slave-making ant
- slave ant
- slave dealer
- slave driver
- slave market
- slave owner
- slave ship
- slave state
- slave trade
- slave trader
- slave traffic
- slaveholder
- slaveholding
- slaver
- slavery
- slavey
- slavic
- slavic language
- slavic people
- slavic race
- slavonic
- slavonic language
- slaw
- slayer
- slaying
- sle
- sleaze
- sleaziness
- sled
- sled dog
- sledder
- sledding
- sledge
- sledge dog
- sledgehammer
- sleekness
- sleep
- sleep-learning
- sleep apnea
- sleep deprivation
- sleep disorder
- sleep talking
- sleep terror disorder
- sleeper
- sleeper cell
- sleeper goby
- sleeper nest
- sleepiness
- sleeping
- sleeping accommodation
- sleeping around
- sleeping bag
- sleeping beauty
- sleeping capsule
- sleeping car
- sleeping draught
- sleeping hibiscus
- sleeping partner
- sleeping pill
- sleeping room
- sleeping sickness
- sleeping tablet
- sleepless person
- sleeplessness
- sleepover
- sleepwalker
- sleepwalking
- sleepwear
- sleepy dick
- sleepy sickness
- sleepyhead
- sleet
- sleeve
- sleigh
- sleigh bed
- sleigh bell
- sleight
- sleight of hand
- slender-tailed meerkat
- slender centaury
- slender knapweed
- slender lady palm
- slender loris
- slender rush
- slender salamander
- slender spike rush
- slender wheatgrass
- slender wild oat
- slenderness
- sleuth
- sleuthhound
- sleuthing
- slew
- slews
- slezsko
- slice
- slice bar
- slicer
- slicing
- slick
- slick magazine
- slicker
- slickness
- slide
- slide action
- slide fastener
- slide projector
- slide rule
- slide valve
- slider
- slideway
- sliding board
- sliding door
- sliding keel
- sliding scale
- sliding seat
- sliding window
- slight
- slight care
- slightness
- slim chance
- slime
- slime bacteria
- slime eels
- slime mold
- slime mould
- slime mushroom
- sliminess
- slimness
- sling
- slingback
- slinger
- slinger ring
- slinging
- slingshot
- slip
- slip-joint pliers
- slip-on
- slip-up
- slip carriage
- slip clutch
- slip coach
- slip friction clutch
- slip noose
- slip of paper
- slip of the tongue
- slip ring
- slip road
- slip stitch
- slipcover
- slipknot
- slipover
- slippage
- slipped disc
- slipper
- slipper orchid
- slipper plant
- slipper spurge
- slipperiness
- slipperwort
- slippery dick
- slippery elm
- slipskin grape
- slipstick
- slipstream
- slipway
- slit
- slit lamp
- slit trench
- sliver
- slivovitz
- slo-bid
- sloanea
- sloanea jamaicensis
- slob
- slobber
- slobberer
- sloe
- sloe gin
- slogan
- sloganeer
- sloganeering
- slogger
- sloop
- sloop of war
- slop
- slop-seller
- slop basin
- slop bowl
- slop chest
- slop jar
- slop pail
- slope
- sloping trough
- sloppiness
- sloppy joe
- slops
- slopseller
- slopseller's shop
- slopshop
- slot
- slot machine
- sloth
- sloth bear
- slothfulness
- slouch
- slouch hat
- sloucher
- slough
- slough grass
- slough of despond
- sloughing
- slovak
- slovak republic
- slovakia
- slovakian monetary unit
- sloven
- slovene
- slovenia
- slovenian
- slovenija
- slovenliness
- slovenly person
- slovenly woman
- slow-wittedness
- slow lane
- slow loris
- slow match
- slow motion
- slow time scale
- slow virus
- slowcoach
- slowdown
- slowing
- slowness
- slowpoke
- slowworm
- sls
- slub
- sludge
- slug
- slugabed
- slugfest
- sluggard
- slugger
- sluggishness
- sluice
- sluice valve
- sluicegate
- sluiceway
- slum
- slum area
- slumber
- slumber party
- slumberer
- slumgullion
- slump
- slur
- slurry
- slush
- slush fund
- slut
- sluttishness
- sluzhba vneshney razvedki
- slyboots
- slyness
- slabber
- slack
- slack off
- slack up
- slacken
- slacken off
- slag
- slake
- slalom
- slam
- slam-dunk
- slam dance
- slam on
- slander
- slang
- slant
- slap
- slap on
- slap together
- slash
- slat
- slate
- slather
- slaughter
- slave
- slaver
- slay
- sled
- sledge
- sledgehammer
- sleek
- sleek down
- sleek over
- sleep
- sleep around
- sleep in
- sleep late
- sleep off
- sleep out
- sleep over
- sleep together
- sleep with
- sleepwalk
- sleet
- sleigh
- slenderise
- slenderize
- sleuth
- slew
- slice
- slice into
- slice through
- slice up
- slick
- slick down
- slick up
- slide
- slide by
- slide down
- slight
- slim
- slim down
- slime
- sling
- slink
- slip
- slip away
- slip by
- slip in
- slip off
- slip on
- slip one's mind
- slip up
- slit
- slither
- sliver
- slobber
- slobber over
- slog
- sloganeer
- slop
- slope
- slosh
- slosh around
- slot
- slouch
- slough
- slough off
- slow
- slow down
- slow up
- slue
- slug
- sluice
- sluice down
- slum
- slumber
- slump
- slur
- slur over
- slurp
- slush
- slush around
- slack
- slain
- slaked
- slam-bang
- slanderous
- slangy
- slanted
- slanting
- slap-up
- slapdash
- slaphappy
- slapstick
- slashed
- slashing
- slate-black
- slate-gray
- slate-grey
- slatey
- slatternly
- slaty
- slaty-gray
- slaty-grey
- slaughterous
- slav
- slaveholding
- slaveless
- slavelike
- slavic
- slavish
- slavonic
- sleazy
- sleek
- sleeping
- sleepless
- sleepy
- sleepy-eyed
- sleepyheaded
- sleety
- sleeved
- sleeveless
- slender
- slender-bodied
- slender-waisted
- slender-winged
- sliced
- slick
- slicked
- slicked up
- sliding
- slight
- slighting
- slim
- slim-bodied
- slim-waisted
- slimed
- slimy
- slipper-shaped
- slippered
- slippery
- slipping
- slippy
- slipshod
- slithering
- slithery
- slivery
- sloped
- sloping
- slopped
- sloppy
- sloshed
- slothful
- slouchy
- sloughy
- slovakian
- slovenian
- slovenly
- slow
- slow-moving
- slow-witted
- slowgoing
- slubbed
- sluggish
- sluicing
- slumberous
- slumbery
- slumbrous
- slummy
- slurred
- slushy
- sluttish
- sly
- slackly
- slam-bang
- slanderously
- slangily
- slantingly
- slantways
- slantwise
- slap
- slap-bang
- slapdash
- slavishly
- sleekly
- sleepily
- sleeplessly
- slenderly
- slickly
- slightingly
- slightly
- slimly
- slopingly
- sloppily
- slouchily
- slouchingly
- slow
- slower
- slowest
- slowly
- sluggishly
- slyly
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Last Search Words
Search Result:SL
(TTS Sound)

Overview of noun sl
The noun sl has 1 sense
- Shining Path, Sendero Luminoso, SL -- (a terrorist group formed in Peru in the late 1960s as a splinter group from the communist party of Peru; is among the most ruthless guerilla organizations in the world; seeks to destroy Peruvian institutions and replace them with a Maoist peasant regime; is involved in the cocaine trade; "Shining Path has been responsible for 30,000 deaths")