Compund Words
- 5-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme a reductase
- ablative case
- abruzzi e molise
- abuse
- accoucheuse
- accusative case
- activase
- active air defense
- addison's disease
- additive inverse
- adenosine deaminase
- adiantum tenerum farleyense
- adobe house
- aerobic exercise
- air base
- air defense
- air hose
- albers-schonberg disease
- albright's disease
- alcaic verse
- alcohol abuse
- alcoholic abuse
- alcoholism abuse
- aldohexose
- aldose
- alehouse
- alessandro farnese
- allium canadense
- alzheimer's disease
- ambrose
- american cheese
- american harvest mouse
- american saddle horse
- aminopherase
- aminotransferase
- amylase
- anaerobic exercise
- anal intercourse
- anal phase
- anamnestic response
- anaphase
- angolese
- animal disease
- anise
- annamese
- annular eclipse
- antabuse
- anti-takeover defense
- anticholinesterase
- antitrust case
- apartment house
- apocalypse
- applause
- apse
- arbitration clause
- archdiocese
- argyroxiphium sandwicense
- arm exercise
- army base
- arse
- asarum canadense
- asian black grouse
- asparaginase
- assamese
- attache case
- attributive genitive case
- auction house
- auditory sense
- autoimmune disease
- autosomal dominant disease
- autosomal recessive disease
- axle grease
- baby rose
- back exercise
- background noise
- bagasse
- bakehouse
- balinese
- bang's disease
- banksia rose
- banti's disease
- bark-louse
- bark louse
- barnacle goose
- barrelhouse
- base
- bathhouse
- battle of monmouth court house
- battle of spotsylvania courthouse
- bawdyhouse
- beach house
- bearnaise
- bee house
- bench vise
- bengal rose
- beninese
- berceuse
- bertram brockhouse
- beta-lactamase
- betelgeuse
- betise
- bhutanese
- big cheese
- biodefense
- biological defense
- biological warfare defense
- bird louse
- bird of paradise
- birdhouse
- bise
- biting louse
- black disease
- black grouse
- black lung disease
- bladdernose
- blank verse
- bleeder's disease
- blockhouse
- blood disease
- blood glucose
- blouse
- blue cheese
- blue goose
- blue point siamese
- bluenose
- boarding house
- boardinghouse
- boathouse
- body louse
- bog rose
- boise
- book louse
- bookcase
- booklouse
- booster dose
- boothose
- bordelaise
- bornholm disease
- bose
- bosin's disease
- bottlenose
- bouillabaisse
- bourse
- box tortoise
- brain disease
- braincase
- brandy nose
- brant goose
- breach of promise
- brent goose
- brick cheese
- briefcase
- brigate rosse
- bright's disease
- brockhouse
- brokerage house
- browse
- bruise
- bse
- building supply house
- bull nose
- bullnose
- burmese
- burnoose
- burnouse
- business enterprise
- business expense
- bw defense
- caboose
- cactus mouse
- caisson disease
- camise
- canada goose
- canadian goose
- canarese
- canopic vase
- cantonese
- cape primrose
- capital offense
- carboxymethyl cellulose
- carcase
- card-house
- cardcase
- cardhouse
- cardiopulmonary exercise
- cardiovascular disease
- carnal abuse
- carouse
- carriage house
- cart horse
- carthorse
- cartridge fuse
- case
- caspase
- cat and mouse
- cat scratch disease
- catalase
- catch phrase
- catchphrase
- cathouse
- cause
- cavalry horse
- cayuse
- cease
- celiac disease
- cell-mediated immune response
- cellulose
- cerastium arvense
- cerise
- ceruse
- chaise
- change of course
- chapterhouse
- charcot-marie-tooth disease
- charity case
- charley-horse
- charley horse
- charlotte russe
- charnel house
- charterhouse
- chartreuse
- chase
- chasse
- chauffeuse
- cheddar cheese
- cheese
- chemical defense
- chemise
- cherokee rose
- cheshire cheese
- chestnut-bark disease
- cheval-de-frise
- chevaux-de-frise
- chicken louse
- chicken mousse
- child abuse
- china rose
- chinese
- chinese anise
- chinese goose
- chinese primrose
- chocolate mousse
- cholinesterase
- chophouse
- christmas disease
- christmas rose
- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- chronic wasting disease
- chrysoprase
- church mouse
- cigarette case
- cirsium arvense
- civil defense
- clause
- clearing house
- cliff rose
- clockwork universe
- close
- closed universe
- clotheshorse
- clubhouse
- coach horse
- coach house
- coagulase
- coal house
- cocarboxylase
- cochise
- cockhorse
- coffee rose
- coffeehouse
- coiffeuse
- collagenase
- collapse
- collision course
- commencement exercise
- commercial enterprise
- common booklouse
- common brant goose
- common evening primrose
- common louse
- common sense
- communicable disease
- compositor's case
- compromise
- computer database
- computer mouse
- concourse
- conditional response
- conditioned avoidance response
- conditioned emotional response
- conditioned response
- conenose
- confederate rose
- conference house
- congenital disease
- congolese
- contagious disease
- context of use
- continuous tense
- contra danse
- contredanse
- converse
- cookhouse
- coordinate clause
- copper nose
- copse
- coronary-artery disease
- coronary artery disease
- coronary heart disease
- corpse
- correspondence course
- corse
- cost increase
- cottage cheese
- cotton mouse
- cotton rose
- coulisse
- counterpoise
- countinghouse
- country house
- county courthouse
- course
- courthouse
- cowhouse
- crab louse
- crankcase
- crash course
- crazy horse
- crazy house
- cream cheese
- crease
- creese
- creme de fraise
- creutzfeldt-jakob disease
- crevasse
- criminal offense
- crocanthemum canadense
- crohn's disease
- cross-purpose
- crosse
- crouse
- cruise
- cruse
- cse
- cuisse
- cupid's disease
- curse
- cushing's disease
- custody case
- customhouse
- customshouse
- cutpurse
- cyclooxygenase
- cystic breast disease
- damask rose
- damp-proof course
- damp course
- danseuse
- darier's disease
- dark horse
- database
- dative case
- david rittenhouse
- dawn horse
- de-iodinase
- deae cellulose
- death house
- decarboxylase
- decease
- deck-house
- decrease
- deer mouse
- defense
- deficiency disease
- degenerative joint disease
- deliberate defense
- demise
- demitasse
- deoxyribose
- department of defense
- dependent clause
- descriptive clause
- desert rose
- desert tortoise
- detached house
- detention house
- detonating fuse
- devise
- dextroglucose
- dextrose
- diethylaminoethyl cellulose
- diocese
- direct discourse
- disaccharidase
- discount house
- discourse
- disease
- disguise
- dispatch case
- dispersed phase
- dispersing phase
- display case
- dispraise
- disuse
- dna polymerase
- dodecanese
- dog house
- dog rose
- doggerel verse
- doghouse
- doll's house
- dollhouse
- doorcase
- dormouse
- dose
- dosshouse
- double reverse
- dowse
- draft horse
- draught horse
- dray horse
- drayhorse
- dressing case
- driver's license
- driving license
- drowse
- drug abuse
- drug of abuse
- druse
- dry nurse
- dulse
- duplex house
- duse
- dutch elm disease
- dwelling house
- ease
- eating house
- eclipse
- ecrevisse
- edgar varese
- elastase
- elbow grease
- elective course
- electrical fuse
- electrical skin response
- electrodermal response
- electronic database
- eleonora duse
- ellipse
- eminence grise
- employee-owned enterprise
- enabling clause
- endemic disease
- endonuclease
- english primrose
- enterokinase
- enterprise
- epidemic disease
- epidendrum tampense
- equipoise
- equisetum arvense
- erse
- erythroxylon truxiuense
- escalator clause
- ese
- european black grouse
- european tortoise
- european wood mouse
- evening primrose
- ex-spouse
- excise
- excuse
- exercise
- exonuclease
- expanse
- expense
- expertise
- expose
- extension course
- eye disease
- faeroese
- fair use
- false pretense
- fare increase
- farm cheese
- farm horse
- farmer's cheese
- farmhouse
- faroese
- felo-de-se
- female horse
- femoral pulse
- fertile phase
- fesse
- fibrinase
- fibrocystic breast disease
- field house
- field mouse
- fieldmouse
- final cause
- finesse
- fire hose
- firebase
- firehouse
- firmness of purpose
- first base
- first cause
- fish louse
- fish mousse
- fishing license
- flophouse
- flying mouse
- fool's paradise
- foot-and-mouth disease
- fosse
- foster-nurse
- fraise
- framboise
- franchise
- frankincense
- frat house
- fraternity house
- free enterprise
- free house
- free verse
- frequency response
- fructose
- fukkianese
- full house
- funny house
- fuse
- future perfect tense
- future progressive tense
- future tense
- gabonese
- galactose
- galvanic skin response
- gambling house
- game license
- gaming house
- garden hose
- gaston lachaise
- gatehouse
- gaucher's disease
- gcse
- gear case
- genetic disease
- genital phase
- genitive case
- genoese
- genoise
- george westinghouse
- geranium pratense
- geum canadense
- giant tortoise
- gift horse
- gland disease
- glandular disease
- glasses case
- glasshouse
- glebe house
- glimpse
- glucose
- glutamic oxalacetic transaminase
- glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase
- glutathione peroxidase
- goat cheese
- golf course
- good sense
- goose
- goose grease
- gopher tortoise
- gorse
- gossypium barbadense
- gouda cheese
- graduate nurse
- graduation exercise
- grains of paradise
- grammatical case
- grandfather clause
- grape louse
- grasshopper mouse
- grated cheese
- graves' disease
- gravitational collapse
- graylag goose
- grease
- green mayonnaise
- green monkey disease
- greenhouse
- greylag goose
- ground noise
- ground rose
- grouse
- guardhouse
- guelder rose
- guesthouse
- guinea worm disease
- guise
- gun case
- guyanese
- gymnastic exercise
- gymnastic horse
- gynobase
- hair grease
- hair mousse
- hammer nose
- hand-schuller-christian disease
- hand cheese
- hansen's disease
- harbor porpoise
- hard cheese
- harness horse
- harvest mouse
- hash house
- hashimoto's disease
- hasty defense
- hawk nose
- hawse
- hazel mouse
- head louse
- head nurse
- headcheese
- headlinese
- hearse
- heart disease
- heartsease
- helianthemum canadense
- heliopause
- heloise
- henhouse
- henri emile benoit matisse
- henri matisse
- herbert marcuse
- hereditary disease
- hermann hesse
- heroic verse
- hesse
- hexose
- heyse
- high-rise
- high horse
- hire-purchase
- hirschsprung's disease
- hispid pocket mouse
- histaminase
- hmg-coa reductase
- hobbyhorse
- hodgkin's disease
- hokkianese
- hollandaise
- home base
- hoof-and-mouth disease
- hooknose
- hookworm disease
- horse
- horse sense
- horseradish peroxidase
- hose
- hothouse
- house
- house mouse
- hub of the universe
- humoral immune response
- hunting license
- huntington's disease
- hurler's disease
- hyaline membrane disease
- hyaluronidase
- hydatid disease
- hypotenuse
- icehouse
- idiopathic disease
- idocrase
- illegitimate enterprise
- immune response
- immunologic response
- impasse
- imperfect tense
- impulse
- incense
- incidental expense
- increase
- independent clause
- index case
- indian mongoose
- indirect discourse
- industrial disease
- industrial enterprise
- industrial watercourse
- infectious disease
- inflammatory bowel disease
- inflammatory disease
- inherited disease
- innocense
- intercourse
- interest expense
- inverse
- invertase
- invirase
- irish gorse
- iron-storage disease
- iron horse
- irrational impulse
- irresistible impulse
- isaac mayer wise
- isomerase
- isometric exercise
- isotonic exercise
- jailhouse
- jakob-creutzfeldt disease
- japanese
- japanese rose
- javanese
- jook house
- joss house
- journalese
- juke house
- jumping mouse
- jumping plant louse
- kakke disease
- kanarese
- kangaroo mouse
- kawasaki disease
- ketohexose
- ketose
- kidney disease
- kinase
- kissing disease
- knowledge base
- la crosse
- labyrinthine sense
- lachaise
- lacrosse
- lactase
- lactose
- lady of the house
- laevulose
- lafora's disease
- lamp house
- lamphouse
- lao-tse
- lapse
- largesse
- larousse
- latency phase
- lazar house
- leaf disease
- learned response
- lease
- lebanese
- leg exercise
- legalese
- legi
- abase
- abrase
- abscise
- abuse
- acclimatise
- accurse
- accuse
- acetylise
- achromatise
- actualise
- advertise
- advise
- aerosolise
- affranchise
- agenise
- aggrandise
- agnise
- agonise
- alchemise
- alcoholise
- alkalinise
- alkalise
- allegorise
- alphabetise
- aluminise
- americanise
- amortise
- amuse
- anaesthetise
- anagrammatise
- analogise
- analyse
- anastomose
- anathematise
- anathemise
- anatomise
- ancylose
- anesthetise
- anglicise
- animalise
- animise
- ankylose
- anodise
- antagonise
- anthologise
- anthropomorphise
- aphorise
- apologise
- apostatise
- apostrophise
- apotheose
- apotheosise
- appease
- appose
- appraise
- apprise
- arborise
- archaise
- arise
- aromatise
- arouse
- arterialise
- asperse
- atomise
- attitudinise
- authorise
- automatise
- autotomise
- avianise
- avulse
- bacterise
- balkanise
- baptise
- barbarise
- baronetise
- base
- bastardise
- bemuse
- bestialise
- bituminise
- blow a fuse
- bolshevise
- bonderise
- botanise
- bouse
- bowdlerise
- bowse
- braise
- break loose
- breathalyse
- brown-nose
- browse
- bruise
- brutalise
- burglarise
- canalise
- cannibalise
- cannulise
- canonise
- capitalise
- caponise
- capsulise
- caramelise
- carbonise
- carburise
- carnalise
- carouse
- case
- catabolise
- catalyse
- catch a glimpse
- catechise
- categorise
- catheterise
- catholicise
- cause
- cauterise
- cease
- cense
- centralise
- change course
- channelise
- characterise
- chase
- chasse
- chastise
- cheese
- choose
- chouse
- christianise
- chronologise
- cicatrise
- cinematise
- circularise
- circumcise
- circumfuse
- civilise
- classicise
- clean house
- cleanse
- close
- cocainise
- cognise
- collapse
- collectivise
- colonise
- colorise
- colourise
- come close
- commercialise
- communalise
- communise
- compartmentalise
- compose
- comprise
- compromise
- computerise
- conceptualise
- concertise
- concretise
- condense
- confuse
- constitutionalise
- containerise
- contemporise
- contra danse
- contredanse
- contuse
- conventionalise
- converse
- convulse
- copolymerise
- counterpoise
- counterpose
- course
- crease
- criminalise
- criticise
- cross-fertilise
- cruise
- crystalise
- crystallise
- curse
- customise
- de-emphasise
- de-energise
- debase
- decarbonise
- decarburise
- decease
- decentralise
- decimalise
- decolonise
- decolorise
- decolourise
- decompose
- decrease
- decriminalise
- defeminise
- defuse
- deglycerolise
- degrease
- dehumanise
- delouse
- demagnetise
- demasculinise
- dematerialise
- demilitarise
- demineralise
- demise
- demobilise
- democratise
- demonetise
- demonise
- demoralise
- demythologise
- denationalise
- denaturalise
- deodorise
- deodourise
- deoxidise
- depersonalise
- depolarise
- depose
- depressurise
- deputise
- derecognise
- desalinise
- desensitise
- desexualise
- despise
- destabilise
- destalinise
- desynchronise
- detransitivise
- detribalise
- devilise
- devise
- devitalise
- diabolise
- diagnose
- diagonalise
- dialyse
- dichotomise
- diffuse
- digitalise
- digitise
- diphthongise
- disabuse
- disburse
- discase
- disclose
- discolorise
- discolourise
- discompose
- discourse
- disenfranchise
- disfranchise
- disguise
- disorganise
- dispense
- disperse
- displease
- dispose
- dogmatise
- domesticise
- dose
- douse
- dowse
- dramatise
- draw close
- drowse
- dry-nurse
- dynamise
- ease
- ebonise
- eclipse
- economise
- editorialise
- effeminise
- effuse
- elapse
- elegise
- empathise
- emphasise
- encase
- enclose
- endorse
- energise
- enfranchise
- enthuse
- epitomise
- equalise
- equilibrise
- erase
- espouse
- eternalise
- eternise
- etherialise
- etherise
- etymologise
- eulogise
- euphemise
- europeanise
- evangelise
- excise
- excuse
- exercise
- exorcise
- expense
- expose
- extemporise
- exteriorise
- externalise
- factor analyse
- factorise
- familiarise
- fantasise
- federalise
- feminise
- fertilise
- fictionalise
- finalise
- flense
- fluoridise
- focalise
- foreclose
- formalise
- formularise
- fossilise
- fragmentise
- franchise
- fraternise
- free-base
- fund-raise
- fund raise
- fundraise
- fuse
- galvanise
- gelatinise
- generalise
- get wise
- get worse
- ghettoise
- give chase
- give rise
- glamorise
- glamourise
- glimpse
- globalise
- gluttonise
- glycerolise
- goose
- gormandise
- grease
- grouse
- harmonise
- have intercourse
- hold close
- homogenise
- homologise
- horse
- hose
- hospitalise
- house
- humanise
- hybridise
- hydrolise
- hydrolyse
- hygienise
- hyperbolise
- hypnotise
- hypophysectomise
- hypostatise
- hypothesise
- idealise
- idolise
- ill-use
- illegalise
- immaterialise
- immerse
- immobilise
- immortalise
- immunise
- impose
- improvise
- incase
- incense
- incise
- inclose
- increase
- indispose
- individualise
- indorse
- industrialise
- infuse
- initialise
- institutionalise
- interiorise
- internalise
- internationalise
- interpose
- intersperse
- intransitivise
- iodise
- ionise
- islamise
- isomerise
- italicise
- itemise
- jeopardise
- juxtapose
- keratinise
- labialise
- laicise
- lapse
- latinise
- lead by the nose
- lease
- legalise
- legitimatise
- legitimise
- let loose
- lexicalise
- liaise
- liberalise
- license
- linearise
- lionise
- liquidise
- literalise
- localise
- loose
- lose
- lyophilise
- macadamise
- magnetise
- make noise
- make sense
- marbleise
- marginalise
- martyrise
- masculinise
- materialise
- maximise
- mechanise
- melanise
- melodise
- memorialise
- memorise
- mercerise
- merchandise
- mesmerise
- metabolise
- metamorphose
- metastasise
- metricise
- militarise
- miniaturise
- minimise
- misadvise
- misuse
- mobilise
- modernise
- moisturise
- monetise
- mongrelise
- monologuise
- monopolise
- monumentalise
- moralise
- mortise
- motorise
- mouse
- mousse
- muse
- mythicise
- mythologise
- narcotise
- nasalise
- nationalise
- naturalise
- necrose
- neutralise
- nitrogenise
- noise
- noose
- normalise
- nose
- notarise
- novelise
- nurse
- occidentalise
- odourise
- officialise
- opalise
- oppose
- optimise
- organise
- orientalise
- ostracise
- overcapitalise
- overdose
- overdramatise
- overemphasise
- overexpose
- overgeneralise
- overpraise
- overspecialise
- overuse
- oxidise
- oxygenise
- ozonise
- paganise
- palatalise
- paralyse
- paraphrase
- parse
- particularise
- pasteurise
- patinise
- patronise
- pauperise
- pause
- penalise
- peptise
- perfuse
- personalise
- peruse
- phase
- philosophise
- phlebotomise
- photosensitise
- phrase
- plagiarise
- plasticise
- play false
- please
- pluralise
- poetise
- poise
- polarise
- polemicise
- polemise
- politicise
- polychromise
- polymerise
- popularise
- pose
- postpose
- powderise
- practise
- praise
- predecease
- predispose
- premise
- prepose
- pressurise
- presuppose
- previse
- prioritise
- prise
- privatise
- professionalise
- prolapse
- prologise
- promise
- propagandise
- propose
- proselytise
- psychoanalyse
- ptyalise
- publicise
- pulse
- pulverise
- purchase
- purpose
- purse
- quantise
- raise
- randomise
- rase
- rationalise
- re-emphasise
- realise
- reappraise
- recognise
- recompense
- recuse
- redispose
- reflectorise
- refuse
- regularise
- reharmonise
- rehearse
- rehouse
- reimburse
- reimpose
- relapse
- relativise
- release
- remilitarise
- renormalise
- reorganise
- rephrase
- repose
- reprise
- repulse
- repurchase
- reuse
- reverse
- revise
- revitalise
- revolutionise
- rhapsodise
- rinse
- rise
- ritualise
- romanise
- romanticise
- rough-house
- roughhouse
- rouse
- rubberise
- ruggedise
- sanitise
- satirise
- satisfise
- scandalise
- schematise
- schmoose
- scrutinise
- seal
- seal in
- seal off
- seam
- seaplane
- sear
- search
- season
- seat
- secede
- secern
- secernate
- seclude
- second
- second-guess
- secrete
- section
- sectionalise
- sectionalize
- secularise
- secularize
- secure
- sedate
- sediment
- seduce
- see
- see double
- see eye to eye
- see red
- see the light
- see through
- see to it
- seed
- seek
- seek out
- seel
- seem
- seep
- seesaw
- seethe
- segment
- segregate
- segue
- seine
- seize
- seize on
- seize with teeth
- select
- self-destroy
- self-destruct
- sell
- sell off
- sell out
- sell short
- sell up
- sellotape
- semaphore
- semi-automatise
- semi-automatize
- send
- send a message
- send around
- send away
- send back
- send down
- send for
- send in
- send off
- send on
- send out
- send packing
- send word
- senesce
- sense
- sensibilise
- sensibilize
- sensify
- sensitise
- sensitize
- sensualise
- sensualize
- sentence
- sentimentalise
- sentimentalize
- sentimentise
- sentimentize
- separate
- separate off
- separate out
- sequence
- sequester
- sequestrate
- serenade
- serialise
- serialize
- sermonise
- sermonize
- serrate
- serve
- serve up
- serve well
- service
- set
- set ablaze
- set about
- set afire
- set aflame
- set ahead
- set apart
- set ashore
- set aside
- set back
- set down
- set forth
- set free
- set in
- set in motion
- set off
- set on
- set on fire
- set out
- set to music
- set up
- set upon
- settle
- settle down
- settle on
- sever
- severalise
- severalize
- sew
- sew together
- sex
- sex up
- sexualise
- sexualize
- shamanise
- shmoose
- signalise
- simonise
- singularise
- slenderise
- socialise
- sodomise
- solarise
- solemnise
- soliloquise
- sorcerise
- souse
- sovietise
- specialise
- spiritise
- spiritualise
- spondaise
- stabilise
- stalinise
- standardise
- sterilise
- stigmatise
- stylise
- sublease
- submerse
- subsidise
- subtilise
- suburbanise
- subvocalise
- suffuse
- summarise
- summerise
- superimpose
- superpose
- supervise
- suppose
- surmise
- surprise
- syllabise
- syllogise
- symbolise
- symmetrise
- sympathise
- symphonise
- synchronise
- syncretise
- synthesise
- systematise
- systemise
- tabularise
- tantalise
- tease
- telepathise
- televise
- temporise
- tenderise
- tense
- terrasse
- territorialise
- terrorise
- theologise
- theorise
- thrombose
- totalise
- touch base
- traipse
- tranquillise
- transfuse
- transistorise
- transitivise
- transpose
- traumatise
- traverse
- trivialise
- tyrannise
- uncase
- underexpose
- unhorse
- uniformise
- unionise
- unitise
- universalise
- unloose
- unsubstantialise
- upraise
- uprise
- urbanise
- use
- utilise
- vamoose
- vandalise
- vaporise
- vascularise
- vasectomise
- verbalise
- verse
- victimise
- virilise
- visualise
- vitalise
- vitaminise
- vocalise
- volatilise
- vowelise
- vulcanise
- vulgarise
- warehouse
- westernise
- wet-nurse
- winterise
- womanise
- abstruse
- acerose
- acetose
- acinose
- adipose
- adverse
- ahorse
- all-purpose
- anginose
- anticlockwise
- antrorse
- ariose
- assamese
- averse
- base
- bellicose
- beninese
- bhutanese
- blase
- boytrose
- burmese
- caespitose
- case-by-case
- cerise
- cespitose
- ceylonese
- chartreuse
- chinese
- chlorophyllose
- clockwise
- close
- coarse
- coastwise
- comatose
- commonsense
- comose
- concise
- congolese
- contraclockwise
- converse
- cormose
- corymbose
- counterclockwise
- crabwise
- crosswise
- crustose
- cymose
- dense
- dextrorse
- diffuse
- diverse
- erose
- false
- fibrillose
- floccose
- foliose
- footloose
- free-enterprise
- fruticose
- fruticulose
- gabonese
- general-purpose
- genoese
- genovese
- ghanese
- gibbose
- globose
- go-as-you-please
- grandiose
- granulose
- greenhouse
- grumose
- guyanese
- hard-to-please
- hard to please
- high-rise
- hoarse
- house-to-house
- ill at ease
- immense
- imprecise
- in use
- intense
- inverse
- japanese
- javanese
- jocose
- lachrymose
- lebanese
- lengthwise
- lentiginose
- leprose
- loose
- low-rise
- lowercase
- lyonnaise
- maltese
- matter-of-course
- milanese
- morose
- mucose
- multiphase
- multipurpose
- nebulose
- nepalese
- nipponese
- no-nonsense
- nodulose
- nonsense
- norse
- north vietnamese
- obese
- obtuse
- off-base
- on the loose
- on the nose
- one-horse
- operose
- otherwise
- otiose
- out of use
- papillose
- pappose
- passe
- penny-wise
- perverse
- pilose
- plumose
- polyphase
- porose
- portuguese
- precise
- private-enterprise
- profuse
- pug-nose
- quartzose
- racemose
- ramose
- recluse
- retrorse
- retrousse
- reverse
- rimose
- rose
- rugose
- san marinese
- scapose
- screw-loose
- sea-green
- sea-level
- seaborne
- seafaring
- seagirt
- seagoing
- sealed
- seamanlike
- seamanly
- seamed
- seamless
- seamy
- sear
- searching
- seared
- searing
- seasick
- seasonable
- seasonal
- seasoned
- seated
- seaward
- seaworthy
- sebaceous
- sec
- secluded
- second
- second-best
- second-class
- second-rate
- second-sighted
- second-string
- second-year
- secondary
- secondhand
- secret
- secretarial
- secretive
- secretory
- sectarian
- sectional
- sectioned
- sectorial
- secular
- secure
- sedate
- sedative
- sedentary
- sedgelike
- sedgy
- sedimentary
- seditious
- seductive
- sedulous
- see-through
- seeable
- seeded
- seedless
- seedy
- seeing
- seeming
- seemly
- seeping
- seething
- segmental
- segmented
- segregated
- seismal
- seismic
- seismologic
- seismological
- select
- selected
- selective
- self
- self-abnegating
- self-absorbed
- self-acting
- self-activating
- self-addressed
- self-aggrandising
- self-aggrandizing
- self-appointed
- self-asserting
- self-assertive
- self-assured
- self-aware
- self-balancing
- self-centered
- self-centred
- self-collected
- self-colored
- self-coloured
- self-complacent
- self-conceited
- self-confessed
- self-confident
- self-conscious
- self-consistent
- self-constituted
- self-contained
- self-contradictory
- self-defeating
- self-denying
- self-deprecating
- self-destructive
- self-directed
- self-disciplined
- self-educated
- self-effacing
- self-employed
- self-enclosed
- self-established
- self-evident
- self-examining
- self-explanatory
- self-fertilised
- self-fertilized
- self-forgetful
- self-generated
- self-giving
- self-governing
- self-important
- self-imposed
- self-induced
- self-indulgent
- self-involved
- self-limited
- self-loading
- self-locking
- self-loving
- self-luminous
- self-made
- self-moving
- self-opinionated
- self-pollinated
- self-pollinating
- self-possessed
- self-proclaimed
- self-produced
- self-propelled
- self-propelling
- self-referent
- self-regulating
- self-reliant
- self-renewing
- self-respectful
- self-respecting
- self-restraining
- self-righteous
- self-sacrificing
- self-satisfied
- self-sealing
- self-seeded
- self-seeking
- self-service
- self-serving
- self-sowed
- self-sown
- self-styled
- self-sufficient
- self-sufficing
- self-supporting
- self-sustained
- self-sustaining
- self-whispered
- self-willed
- self-winding
- selfish
- selfless
- selfsame
- seljuk
- sellable
- semantic
- semestral
- semestrial
- semi-climbing
- semi-dry
- semi-erect
- semi-evergreen
- semi-formal
- semi-processed
- semi-prostrate
- semi-tuberous
- semi-upright
- semi-wild
- semiabstract
- semiannual
- semiaquatic
- semiarid
- semiautobiographical
- semiautomatic
- semicentenary
- semicentennial
- semicircular
- semicomatose
- semiconducting
- semiconductive
- semiconscious
- semidark
- semidetached
- semiempirical
- semiformal
- semihard
- semiliquid
- semiliterate
- semilunar
- semimonthly
- seminal
- seminiferous
- seminude
- semiofficial
- semiopaque
- semiotic
- semiotical
- semiparasitic
- semipermanent
- semipermeable
- semipolitical
- semiprecious
- semiprivate
- semipublic
- semirigid
- semiskilled
- semisoft
- semisolid
- semisweet
- semisynthetic
- semite
- semiterrestrial
- semitic
- semitic-speaking
- semitransparent
- semitropic
- semitropical
- semiweekly
- sempiternal
- senatorial
- senecan
- senegalese
- senescent
- senile
- senior
- sensate
- sensational
- sensationalistic
- sensed
- senseless
- sensible
- sensitised
- sensitising
- sensitive
- sensitized
- sensitizing
- sensorial
- sensorimotor
- sensorineural
- sensory
- sensual
- sensuous
- sent
- sentential
- sententious
- sentient
- sentimental
- sepaline
- sepaloid
- separable
- separate
- separated
- separatist
- separative
- septal
- septate
- septic
- septicemic
- septrional
- septuple
- sepulchral
- sequent
- sequential
- sequestered
- sequined
- seraphic
- seraphical
- serbian
- sere
- serendipitous
- serene
- serflike
- serial
- sericeous
- sericultural
- seriocomic
- seriocomical
- serious
- serious-minded
- serologic
- serological
- serous
- serpentine
- serrate
- serrated
- serried
- serrulate
- serviceable
- servile
- servo
- servomechanical
- sesquipedalian
- sessile
- set
- set-apart
- set-aside
- set in stone
- setaceous
- setose
- settled
- seven
- seven-day
- seven-fold
- seven-membered
- seven-sided
- sevenfold
- seventeen
- seventeenth
- seventh
- seventieth
- seventy
- seventy-eight
- seventy-fifth
- seventy-five
- seventy-four
- seventy-nine
- seventy-one
- seventy-seven
- seventy-six
- seventy-three
- seventy-two
- severable
- several
- several-seeded
- severe
- severed
- sewed
- sewn
- sex-limited
- sex-linked
- sex-starved
- sexagenarian
- sexagesimal
- sexed
- sexist
- sexless
- sextuple
- sexual
- sexually attractive
- sexy
- seychellois
- siamese
- singhalese
- sinhalese
- sinistrorse
- sparse
- spinose
- squamulose
- stepwise
- streetwise
- sudanese
- sunrise
- taiwanese
- tense
- terse
- thwartwise
- time-release
- timorese
- togolese
- tomentose
- torulose
- transverse
- true-false
- tyrolese
- unwise
- uppercase
- varicose
- venose
- ventricose
- verbose
- verrucose
- viennese
- vietnamese
- wise
- worldly-wise
- worse
- zairese
- ahorse
- anticlockwise
- at any expense
- baby-wise
- breadthwise
- broadwise
- clockwise
- close
- coastwise
- contrariwise
- counterclockwise
- course
- crosswise
- edgewise
- en masse
- endwise
- false
- in any case
- in case
- in due course
- in one case
- in the adjacent house
- just in case
- leastwise
- lengthwise
- likewise
- longwise
- loose
- nowise
- of course
- on base
- on purpose
- on the nose
- or else
- otherwise
- per se
- please
- searchingly
- seasonably
- seasonally
- seaward
- seawards
- second
- second-best
- second class
- second hand
- secondarily
- secondhand
- secondly
- secretively
- secretly
- securely
- sedately
- seductively
- sedulously
- seemingly
- seldom
- selectively
- self-conceitedly
- self-consciously
- self-evidently
- self-indulgently
- self-righteously
- selfishly
- selflessly
- semantically
- semiannually
- semimonthly
- semiweekly
- sensationally
- senselessly
- sensibly
- sensitively
- sensually
- sensuously
- sententiously
- sentimentally
- separably
- separately
- sequentially
- serenely
- serially
- seriatim
- seriously
- servilely
- sevenfold
- seventhly
- severally
- severely
- sexually
- sidewise
- slantwise
- stepwise
- to be precise
- worse
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Search Result:SE
(TTS Sound)

Overview of noun se
The noun se has 2 senses
- selenium, Se, atomic number 34 -- (a toxic nonmetallic element related to sulfur and tellurium; occurs in several allotropic forms; a stable grey metallike allotrope conducts electricity better in the light than in the dark and is used in photocells; occurs in sulfide ores (as pyrite))
- southeast, sou'-east, southeastward, SE -- (the compass point midway between south and east; at 135 degrees)