Compund Words
- audio compact disc
- blastodisc
- bosc
- cisc
- compact disc
- disc
- fisc
- germinal disc
- hard disc
- herniated disc
- intervertebral disc
- magnetic disc
- mollusc
- msc
- norvasc
- nsc
- optic disc
- optical disc
- risc
- ruptured intervertebral disc
- sc
- scab
- scabbard
- scabicide
- scabies
- scabiosa
- scabiosa arvensis
- scabiosa atropurpurea
- scabious
- scablands
- scad
- scads
- scaffold
- scaffolding
- scag
- scalability
- scalage
- scalar
- scalar field
- scalar matrix
- scalar product
- scalawag
- scald
- scalded milk
- scale
- scale factor
- scale fern
- scale insect
- scale leaf
- scale moss
- scale of c major
- scale of measurement
- scale value
- scale wax
- scalene muscle
- scalene triangle
- scalenus
- scalenus syndrome
- scaler
- scaliness
- scaling
- scaling ladder
- scallion
- scallop
- scallop shell
- scallopine
- scallopini
- scallywag
- scalp
- scalp lock
- scalpel
- scalper
- scaly anteater
- scaly fern
- scaly lentinus
- scaly pholiota
- scaly polypore
- scam
- scammer
- scammony
- scammonyroot
- scamp
- scamper
- scampi
- scampo
- scan
- scandal
- scandalisation
- scandalization
- scandalmonger
- scandalmongering
- scandalousness
- scandentia
- scandinavia
- scandinavian
- scandinavian country
- scandinavian language
- scandinavian lox
- scandinavian nation
- scandinavian peninsula
- scandium
- scanner
- scanning
- scansion
- scantiness
- scantling
- scantness
- scanty
- scape
- scapegoat
- scapegrace
- scaphiopus
- scaphiopus bombifrons
- scaphiopus hammondii
- scaphiopus multiplicatus
- scaphocephaly
- scaphoid bone
- scaphopod
- scaphopoda
- scaphosepalum
- scapula
- scapular
- scapulary
- scar
- scar tissue
- scarab
- scarabaean
- scarabaeid
- scarabaeid beetle
- scarabaeidae
- scarabaeus
- scarabaeus sacer
- scaramouch
- scaramouche
- scarceness
- scarcity
- scardinius
- scardinius erythrophthalmus
- scare
- scare quote
- scarecrow
- scaremonger
- scarer
- scarf
- scarf bandage
- scarf joint
- scarface
- scarfpin
- scaridae
- scarlatina
- scarlet
- scarlet bugler
- scarlet bush
- scarlet clematis
- scarlet cup
- scarlet fever
- scarlet fritillary
- scarlet hamelia
- scarlet haw
- scarlet letter
- scarlet lychnis
- scarlet maple
- scarlet musk flower
- scarlet oak
- scarlet pimpernel
- scarlet plume
- scarlet runner
- scarlet runner bean
- scarlet strawberry
- scarlet sumac
- scarlet tanager
- scarlet wisteria tree
- scarp
- scartella
- scartella cristata
- scat
- scat singing
- scathe
- scatology
- scatophagy
- scatter
- scatter pin
- scatter rug
- scatterbrain
- scattergood
- scattergun
- scattering
- scaup
- scaup duck
- scauper
- scavenger
- scavenger cell
- scd
- sceliphron
- sceloglaux
- sceloglaux albifacies
- sceloporus
- sceloporus graciosus
- sceloporus occidentalis
- sceloporus undulatus
- scenario
- scenarist
- scene
- scene-stealer
- scene of action
- scene painter
- scenery
- sceneshifter
- scenic artist
- scenic railway
- scent
- scented fern
- scented penstemon
- scented wattle
- scentless camomile
- scentless false camomile
- scentless hayweed
- scentless mayweed
- scepter
- sceptic
- scepticism
- sceptre
- scet
- schadenfreude
- schaffneria
- schaffneria nigripes
- schedule
- schedule feeding
- scheduled fire
- scheduled maintenance
- scheduled territories
- scheduler
- scheduling
- scheele
- scheelite
- schefflera
- schefflera actinophylla
- scheldt
- scheldt river
- schema
- schematic
- schematic drawing
- schematisation
- schematization
- scheme
- scheme arch
- schemer
- schemozzle
- schenectady
- scheol
- scherzo
- scheuchzeriaceae
- schiaparelli
- schick test
- schiller
- schilling
- schinus
- schinus chichita
- schinus molle
- schinus terebinthifolius
- schipperke
- schism
- schist
- schistorrhachis
- schistosoma
- schistosomatidae
- schistosome
- schistosome dermatitis
- schistosomiasis
- schizachyrium
- schizachyrium scoparium
- schizaea
- schizaea pusilla
- schizaeaceae
- schizanthus
- schizocarp
- schizogony
- schizoid
- schizomycetes
- schizopetalon
- schizopetalon walkeri
- schizophragma
- schizophragma hydrangeoides
- schizophrenia
- schizophrenic
- schizophrenic disorder
- schizophrenic psychosis
- schizophyceae
- schizophyta
- schizopoda
- schizosaccharomyces
- schizosaccharomycetaceae
- schizothymia
- schizotypal personality
- schleiden
- schlemiel
- schlemm's canal
- schlep
- schlepper
- schlesien
- schlesinger
- schliemann
- schlimazel
- schlock
- schlockmeister
- schlumbergera
- schlumbergera baridgesii
- schlumbergera buckleyi
- schlumbergera gaertneri
- schlumbergera truncatus
- schmaltz
- schmalz
- schmear
- schmeer
- schmegegge
- schmidt
- schmidt camera
- schmidt telescope
- schmo
- schmoose
- schmooze
- schmoozer
- schmuck
- schnabel
- schnapps
- schnaps
- schnauzer
- schnecken
- schnittlaugh
- schnitzel
- schnook
- schnorchel
- schnorkel
- schnorrer
- schnoz
- schnozzle
- schoenberg
- schola cantorum
- scholar
- scholarly person
- scholarship
- scholastic
- scholasticism
- scholia
- scholiast
- scholium
- schomburgkia
- schonbein
- schonberg
- school
- school-age child
- school assignment
- school bell
- school board
- school bus
- school crossing
- school day
- school dictionary
- school district
- school newspaper
- school of dentistry
- school of law
- school of medicine
- school of music
- school of nursing
- school of thought
- school paper
- school phobia
- school principal
- school ship
- school superintendent
- school system
- school teacher
- school term
- school text
- school year
- schoolbag
- schoolbook
- schoolboy
- schoolchild
- schoolcraft
- schooldays
- schoolfellow
- schoolfriend
- schoolgirl
- schoolhouse
- schooling
- schoolma'am
- schoolman
- schoolmarm
- schoolmaster
- schoolmate
- schoolmistress
- schoolroom
- schoolteacher
- schooltime
- schoolwork
- schoolyard
- schooner
- schopenhauer
- schorl
- schottische
- schreiber's aster
- schrod
- schrodinger
- schrodinger equation
- schrodinger wave equation
- schtick
- schtickl
- schtik
- schtikl
- schubert
- schuller-christian disease
- schulz
- schumann
- schumann-heink
- schumpeter
- schutzstaffel
- schwa
- schwann
- schwann cell
- schwarzwald
- schweitzer
- schweiz
- sciadopityaceae
- sciadopitys
- sciadopitys verticillata
- sciaena
- sciaena antarctica
- sciaena aquila
- sciaenid
- sciaenid fish
- sciaenidae
- sciaenops
- sciaenops ocellatus
- sciara
- sciarid
- sciaridae
- sciatic nerve
- sciatica
- scid
- science
- science fiction
- science lab
- science laboratory
- science museum
- science teacher
- scientific agriculture
- scientific discipline
- scientific fact
- scientific instrument
- scientific knowledge
- scientific method
- scientific research
- scientific theory
- scientist
- scientology
- scilla
- scilla nonscripta
- scilla verna
- scilly islands
- scimitar
- scincella
- scincid
- scincid lizard
- scincidae
- scincus
- scindapsus
- scindapsus aureus
- scintilla
- scintillating scotoma
- scintillation
- scintillation counter
- sciolism
- sciolist
- scion
- scipio
- scipio africanus
- scipio africanus major
- scipio the elder
- scire facias
- scirpus
- scirpus acutus
- scirpus cyperinus
- scission
- scissor grip
- scissor hold
- scissors
- scissors grip
- scissors hold
- scissors kick
- scissortail
- scissortailed flycatcher
- scissure
- sciuridae
- sciuromorpha
- sciurus
- sciurus carolinensis
- sciurus griseus
- sciurus hudsonicus
- sciurus niger
- sciurus vulgaris
- sclaff
- sclera
- scleral veins
- scleranthus
- scleranthus annuus
- scleredema
- sclerite
- scleritis
- scleroderma
- scleroderma aurantium
- scleroderma bovista
- scleroderma citrinum
- scleroderma flavidium
- sclerodermataceae
- sclerodermatales
- sclerometer
- scleropages
- scleropages jardinii
- scleropages leichardti
- scleroparei
- scleroprotein
- sclerosing leukoencephalitis
- sclerosis
- sclerotic coat
- sclerotinia
- sclerotiniaceae
- sclerotium
- sclerotium disease
- sclerotium rot
- sclerotomy
- sclk
- scnt
- scoff
- scoffer
- scoffing
- scofflaw
- scoinson arch
- scoke
- scold
- scolder
- scolding
- scolion
- scoliosis
- scollop
- scolopacidae
- scolopax
- scolopax rusticola
- scolopendrium
- scolopendrium nigripes
- scolymus
- scolymus hispanicus
- scolytidae
- scolytus
- scolytus multistriatus
- scomber
- scomber colias
- scomber japonicus
- scomber scombrus
- scomberesocidae
- scomberesox
- scomberesox saurus
- scomberomorus
- scomberomorus cavalla
- scomberomorus maculatus
- scomberomorus regalis
- scomberomorus sierra
- scombresocidae
- scombresox
- scombridae
- scombroid
- scombroid fish
- scombroidea
- sconce
- sconcheon arch
- scone
- scoop
- scoop shot
- scoop shovel
- scoopful
- scooter
- scope
- scopes
- scopes trial
- scophthalmus
- scophthalmus aquosus
- scophthalmus rhombus
- scopolamine
- scopolia
- scopolia carniolica
- scops owl
- scorbutus
- scorch
- scorched-earth policy
- scorcher
- score
- score paper
- scoreboard
- scorecard
- scorekeeper
- scorer
- scores
- scoria
- scoring
- scoring system
- scorn
- scorner
- scorpaena
- scorpaena grandicornis
- scorpaenid
- scorpaenid fish
- scorpaenidae
- scorpaenoid
- scorpaenoid fish
- scorpaenoidea
- scorper
- scorpio
- scorpio the scorpion
- scorpioid cyme
- scorpion
- scorpion fish
- scorpion fly
- scorpion shell
- scorpion weed
- scorpionfish
- scorpionida
- scorpionweed
- scorpius
- scorsese
- scorzonera
- scorzonera hispanica
- scot
- scot and lot
- scotch
- scotch and soda
- scotch asphodel
- scotch broom
- scotch broth
- scotch egg
- scotch fir
- scotch gale
- scotch kiss
- scotch laburnum
- scotch malt whiskey
- scotch malt whisky
- scotch marigold
- scotch pancake
- scotch pine
- scotch tape
- scotch terrier
- scotch thistle
- scotch whiskey
- scotch whisky
- scotch woodcock
- scotchman
- scotchwoman
- scoter
- scotland
- scotland yard
- scotoma
- scotopic vision
- scots
- scots english
- scots gaelic
- scots heather
- scots pine
- scotsman
- scotswoman
- scott
- scott's spleenwort
- scott joplin
- scottie
- scottish
- scottish deerhound
- scottish gaelic
- scottish highlander
- scottish lallans
- scottish lowlander
- scottish maple
- scottish reel
- scottish terrier
- scoundrel
- scour
- scourer
- scourge
- scourge of god
- scourge of the gods
- scourger
- scouring
- scouring pad
- scouring rush
- scours
- scouse
- scouser
- scout
- scout car
- scout group
- scout troop
- scouter
- scouting
- scouting trip
- scoutmaster
- scow
- scowl
- scpo
- scrabble
- scrag
- scrag end
- scramble
- scrambled eggs
- scrambler
- scranton
- scrap
- scrap iron
- scrap metal
- scrapbook
- scrape
- scraper
- scrapheap
- scrapie
- scraping
- scrapper
- scrappiness
- scrapple
- scraps
- scratch
- scratch awl
- scratch line
- scratch pad
- scratch paper
- scratch race
- scratch sheet
- scratch test
- scratcher
- scratchiness
- scratching
- scratchpad
- scrawl
- scrawler
- scrawniness
- scream
- screamer
- screaming
- screaming meemies
- scree
- screech
- screech owl
- screecher
- screeching
- screed
- screen
- screen actor
- screen background
- screen door
- screen font
- screen memory
- screen pass
- screen saver
- screen test
- screener
- screening
- screenland
- screenplay
- screenwriter
- screw
- screw-pine family
- screw auger
- screw augur
- screw bean
- screw eye
- screw jack
- screw key
- screw log
- screw pine
- screw propeller
- screw thread
- screw tree
- screw wrench
- screwball
- screwballer
- screwbean
- screwbean mesquite
- screwdriver
- screwing
- screwtop
- screwup
- scriabin
- scribble
- scribbler
- scribbling block
- scribe
- scriber
- scribing block
- scrim
- scrimmage
- scrimmage line
- scrimshanker
- scrimshaw
- scrip
- scripps
- script
- scriptorium
- scripture
- scriptwriter
- scrivener
- scrod
- scrofula
- scroll
- scroll saw
- scrooge
- scrophularia
- scrophulariaceae
- scrophulariales
- scrotal vein
- scrotum
- scrounger
- scrub
- scrub-bird
- scrub beefwood
- scrub bird
- scrub brush
- scrub fowl
- scrub nurse
- scrub oak
- scrub
- scab
- scaffold
- scald
- scale
- scale down
- scale up
- scallop
- scalp
- scam
- scamp
- scamper
- scan
- scandalise
- scandalize
- scant
- scar
- scare
- scare away
- scare off
- scarf
- scarf out
- scarify
- scarper
- scat
- scatter
- scavenge
- scend
- scent
- scent out
- schedule
- schematise
- schematize
- scheme
- schlep
- schmoose
- schmooze
- schnorr
- school
- schuss
- scintillate
- scissor
- sclaff
- scoff
- scold
- scollop
- scoop
- scoop out
- scoop up
- scoot
- scorch
- score
- score out
- scorn
- scotch
- scotch tape
- scour
- scourge
- scout
- scowl
- scrabble
- scrag
- scram
- scramble
- scranch
- scrap
- scrape
- scrape along
- scrape by
- scrape up
- scratch
- scratch along
- scratch off
- scratch out
- scratch up
- scraunch
- scrawl
- screak
- scream
- screech
- screen
- screen off
- screen out
- screw
- screw up
- scribble
- scribe
- scrimmage
- scrimp
- scrimshank
- script
- scroll
- scrounge
- scrub
- scrub up
- scrunch
- scrunch up
- scruple
- scrutinise
- scrutinize
- scry
- scud
- scuff
- scuffle
- scull
- sculpt
- sculpture
- scum
- scupper
- scurry
- scuttle
- scythe
- scabby
- scabrous
- scalable
- scalar
- scaled
- scaleless
- scalelike
- scalene
- scaley
- scalic
- scalloped
- scaly
- scaly-tailed
- scandalmongering
- scandalous
- scandent
- scandinavian
- scant
- scantily clad
- scanty
- scaphoid
- scapose
- scapular
- scapulohumeral
- scarce
- scarecrowish
- scared
- scarey
- scarlet
- scarlet-crimson
- scarlet-pink
- scarred
- scary
- scathing
- scatological
- scatterbrained
- scattered
- scattershot
- scatty
- scenic
- scented
- scentless
- sceptered
- sceptical
- sceptred
- scheduled
- schematic
- scheming
- schismatic
- schismatical
- schizoid
- schizophrenic
- schmaltzy
- schmalzy
- scholarly
- scholastic
- schoolboyish
- schoolgirlish
- schoolwide
- sciatic
- scientific
- scintillant
- scintillating
- sciolistic
- scissor-tailed
- sclerosed
- sclerotic
- scopal
- scorbutic
- scorched
- scorching
- scoreless
- scorned
- scornful
- scotch
- scotomatous
- scots
- scottish
- scoundrelly
- scoured
- scowling
- scrabbly
- scraggly
- scraggy
- scrambled
- scrappy
- scratchy
- scrawny
- screaky
- screaming
- screechy
- screw-loose
- screw-topped
- screwball
- screwy
- scrimpy
- scrimy
- scripted
- scriptural
- scrivened
- scrofulous
- scrotal
- scrub
- scrubbed
- scrubby
- scruffy
- scrumptious
- scrupulous
- sculpted
- sculptural
- sculptured
- sculpturesque
- scummy
- scurfy
- scurrilous
- scurrying
- scurvy
- scythian
- subfusc
- scandalously
- scantily
- scarce
- scarcely
- scarily
- scathingly
- scenically
- sceptically
- schematically
- schismatically
- scholastically
- scienter
- scientifically
- scoffingly
- scorching
- scornfully
- scot free
- scrappily
- screakily
- screamingly
- scrumptiously
- scrupulously
- scurrilously
- scurvily
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Last Search Words
Search Result:SC
(TTS Sound)

Overview of noun sc
The noun sc has 3 senses
- scandium, Sc, atomic number 21 -- (a white trivalent metallic element; sometimes classified in the rare earth group; occurs in the Scandinavian mineral thortveitite)
- South Carolina, Palmetto State, SC -- (a state in the Deep South; one of the original 13 colonies)
- Security Council, SC -- (a permanent council of the United Nations; responsible for preserving world peace)