Compund Words
- about turn
- acorn
- adder's fern
- adder's tongue fern
- air horn
- alabama lip fern
- alder buckthorn
- alpine lady fern
- amended return
- american bittern
- american maidenhair fern
- american parsley fern
- american wall fern
- ampere-turn
- annual fern
- anterior horn
- apeldoorn
- approach pattern
- aquatic fern
- asparagus fern
- automobile horn
- bairn
- ball fern
- bamboo fern
- banking concern
- bannockburn
- baritone horn
- barleycorn
- barn
- basket fern
- bass horn
- basset horn
- battle of little bighorn
- battle of the little bighorn
- bead fern
- bear's-paw fern
- beech fern
- bermuda maidenhair fern
- bern
- berry fern
- bicorn
- bighorn
- bird's-foot fern
- bird's nest fern
- bittern
- black tree fern
- blackburn
- blackthorn
- bladder fern
- born
- boston fern
- boulder fern
- bourn
- boxthorn
- braun's holly fern
- bristle fern
- brittle bladder fern
- brittle fern
- brittle maidenhair fern
- broad beech fern
- broad buckler-fern
- broomcorn
- buckler fern
- buckthorn
- bulblet bladder fern
- bulblet fern
- bullhorn
- burn
- business concern
- butter churn
- button fern
- cairn
- california buckthorn
- california fern
- canary island hare's foot fern
- candy corn
- cape horn
- capricorn
- car horn
- carolina buckthorn
- carolina pond fern
- carriage return
- cascara buckthorn
- casern
- cavern
- central american strap fern
- chain fern
- chinese lantern
- christ's-thorn
- christ thorn
- christmas fern
- churn
- cigarette burn
- cinnamon fern
- cistern
- cithern
- cittern
- climbing bird's nest fern
- climbing fern
- climbing maidenhair fern
- clover fern
- cockspur hawthorn
- cockspur thorn
- coffee fern
- coffee urn
- common staghorn fern
- common stinkhorn
- concern
- corn
- country and western
- cow-tongue fern
- cow barn
- cowbarn
- crape fern
- creeping fern
- crepe fern
- crow corn
- crumhorn
- curly grass fern
- dagger fern
- daisy-leaved grape fern
- daisyleaf grape fern
- dark lantern
- darn
- day return
- deer fern
- dent corn
- devil's urn
- ditch fern
- dog stinkhorn
- dorsal horn
- downturn
- earthly concern
- edible corn
- egyptian corn
- electric burn
- elkhorn fern
- english hawthorn
- english horn
- ern
- estimated tax return
- european bittern
- european parsley fern
- evergreen thorn
- evergreen wood fern
- exponential return
- extern
- fairy lantern
- false buckthorn
- false return
- fan fern
- farley maidenhair fern
- fast of the firstborn
- felt fern
- fern
- fiddlehead fern
- field corn
- film fern
- filmy fern
- fire thorn
- firethorn
- first-degree burn
- firstborn
- five-fingered maidenhair fern
- flint corn
- floating fern
- florida strap fern
- flour corn
- flower-cup fern
- flowering fern
- fluegelhorn
- flugelhorn
- foghorn
- fragile fern
- fragrant cliff fern
- fragrant shield fern
- fragrant wood fern
- french horn
- friar's lantern
- giant fern
- giant scrambling fern
- gittern
- glade fern
- glory fern
- gold fern
- golden fairy lantern
- golden fern
- goldie's fern
- goldie's shield fern
- goldie's wood fern
- good turn
- grape fern
- grass fern
- green corn
- greenhorn
- guinea corn
- hairy lip fern
- hand fern
- hard fern
- hare's-foot bristle fern
- hare's-foot fern
- hart's-tongue fern
- hartford fern
- hawthorn
- hay-scented fern
- heartburn
- hedge thorn
- hepburn
- hereditary pattern
- herringbone pattern
- hohenzollern
- holding pattern
- holly fern
- horn
- horse barn
- huntsman's horn
- hurricane lantern
- hyperbilirubinemia of the newborn
- ill turn
- income tax return
- indian button fern
- indian corn
- information return
- intern
- interrupted fern
- intonation pattern
- isaac stern
- jack-a-lantern
- jack-o'-lantern
- jack-o-lantern
- jaundice of the newborn
- jerome david kern
- jerome kern
- jersey fern
- jerusalem thorn
- john barleycorn
- joint return
- kaffir corn
- kafir corn
- katharine hepburn
- katharine houghton hepburn
- kern
- key pattern
- kick turn
- kiddie porn
- kiddy porn
- kidney fern
- killarney fern
- king fern
- klavern
- krummhorn
- lace fern
- lady fern
- lake vanern
- lantern
- least bittern
- leather fern
- leatherleaf fern
- leatherleaf wood fern
- leathery grape fern
- lectern
- leghorn
- licorice fern
- limestone fern
- line of saturn
- lip fern
- lipfern
- little bighorn
- little horn
- long beech fern
- longhorn
- longicorn
- magic lantern
- maidenhair fern
- male fern
- marginal wood fern
- marsh fern
- massachusetts fern
- matterhorn
- max born
- meadow fern
- medical extern
- medical intern
- milking shorthorn
- modern
- morn
- mosquito fern
- motor horn
- mountain bladder fern
- mountain fern
- mountain male fern
- mountain parsley fern
- mysore thorn
- narrow-leaved strap fern
- narrow beech fern
- nebraska fern
- new york fern
- newborn
- norn
- northern
- northern beech fern
- northern holly fern
- northern oak fern
- oak fern
- oleander fern
- ostrich fern
- outturn
- overturn
- packaging concern
- parsley-leaved thorn
- pastern
- pattern
- pay as you earn
- pear hawthorn
- peppercorn
- periodic apnea of the newborn
- physiological jaundice of the newborn
- pibgorn
- pine fern
- point of no return
- popcorn
- porn
- post horn
- postern
- potato fern
- powder horn
- prickly shield fern
- prince-of-wales fern
- printing concern
- pronghorn
- quartern
- quatern
- quern
- rabbit's-foot fern
- radiation pattern
- ram's horn
- rasp fern
- rate of return
- rattlesnake fern
- respiratory distress syndrome of the newborn
- resurrection fern
- return
- rhythmic pattern
- ribbon fern
- river severn
- rn
- rna
- rna polymerase
- rnase
- rocky mountain bighorn
- rope burn
- rope yarn
- royal fern
- saddle horn
- sago fern
- saturn
- saxhorn
- scale fern
- scaly fern
- scented fern
- scorn
- second-degree burn
- seed corn
- seed fern
- self-concern
- sensitive fern
- serpent fern
- severn
- shield fern
- shoehorn
- shorthorn
- shuttlecock fern
- sideburn
- silver fern
- silver tree fern
- skeleton fork fern
- slattern
- smooth lip fern
- snake fern
- snuffbox fern
- soft corn
- soft shield fern
- soft tree fern
- sojourn
- south american staghorn
- southern beech fern
- southern buckthorn
- southwestern
- southwestern lip fern
- spaghetti western
- speech pattern
- spider fern
- spindle horn
- spun yarn
- squaw corn
- squirrel's-foot fern
- squirrel corn
- staghorn fern
- stem turn
- stern
- stinkhorn
- stockhorn
- storm lantern
- strap fern
- subaltern
- sugar corn
- sunburn
- sweet corn
- sweet fern
- sword fern
- tarn
- tavern
- tax return
- tea urn
- ten-day fern
- tern
- texas longhorn
- third-degree burn
- thorn
- three-point turn
- tithe barn
- tonal pattern
- tongue fern
- toothed sword fern
- tornado lantern
- traffic pattern
- tree fern
- tricorn
- tropic of capricorn
- turn
- u-turn
- umbrella fern
- unconcern
- unicorn
- upturn
- urn
- vanern
- ventral horn
- venus'-hair fern
- virginia chain fern
- walking fern
- wall fern
- water fern
- weisshorn
- western
- western holly fern
- whisk fern
- white fairy lantern
- whitethorn
- willow-pattern
- windburn
- winter fern
- winter urn
- wivern
- wood-fern
- wood fern
- woodfern
- wooly lip fern
- worldly concern
- worsted yarn
- wyvern
- yankee corn
- yarn
- zithern
- adjourn
- adorn
- attorn
- be born
- burn
- cavern
- churn
- concern
- corn
- darn
- dehorn
- discern
- earn
- forewarn
- govern
- horn
- intern
- kern
- larn
- learn
- misgovern
- mourn
- overturn
- pattern
- relearn
- return
- scorn
- secern
- shoehorn
- sojourn
- spurn
- suborn
- sunburn
- turn
- unlearn
- warn
- yarn
- yearn
- auburn
- baseborn
- bicorn
- born
- careworn
- cedarn
- city-born
- earthborn
- eastern
- firstborn
- foreign-born
- forlorn
- freeborn
- highborn
- inborn
- liveborn
- lovelorn
- lowborn
- middle eastern
- midwestern
- modern
- naked as the day one was born
- naked as the day you were born
- native-born
- newborn
- nonmodern
- northeastern
- northern
- northwestern
- postmodern
- reborn
- shopworn
- shorn
- silvern
- southeastern
- southern
- southwestern
- stern
- stillborn
- stubborn
- subaltern
- sworn
- taciturn
- timeworn
- torn
- travel-worn
- ultramodern
- unborn
- unshorn
- unsworn
- war-torn
- war-worn
- waterworn
- weatherworn
- well-worn
- wellborn
- western
- worn
- astern
- in return
- in turn
- prn
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Search Result:Rn
(TTS Sound)

Overview of noun rn
The noun rn has 2 senses
- radon, Rn, atomic number 86 -- (a radioactive gaseous element formed by the disintegration of radium; the heaviest of the inert gasses; occurs naturally (especially in areas over granite) and is considered a hazard to health)
- registered nurse, RN -- (a graduate nurse who has passed examinations for registration)