Compund Words
- abies lasiocarpa
- adapa
- agrippa
- allium cepa
- alnus crispa
- alnus veridis crispa
- alpha methyl dopa
- amanita mappa
- amphicarpa
- arctium lappa
- arequipa
- atakapa
- atropa
- attacapa
- bendopa
- brassica rapa
- brocadopa
- carissa macrocarpa
- catalpa
- centaurea gymnocarpa
- centauria calcitrapa
- chutzpa
- clematis crispa
- cocopa
- conic verpa
- cpa
- cryptogramma crispa
- cuppa
- cupressus macrocarpa
- darpa
- diacalpa
- dopa
- dovyalis hebecarpa
- enterolobium cyclocarpa
- epa
- europa
- genipa
- genus amphicarpa
- genus atropa
- genus catalpa
- genus diacalpa
- genus genipa
- genus lasiocampa
- genus monotropa
- genus muscicapa
- genus nepa
- genus nipa
- genus nypa
- genus pipa
- genus rorippa
- genus salpa
- genus trapa
- genus tulipa
- genus upupa
- genus vespa
- genus xylocopa
- gpa
- grandpa
- grappa
- health spa
- helvella crispa
- hunkpapa
- hupa
- idesia polycarpa
- joppa
- kalon tripa
- kappa
- l-dopa
- lactuca sativa crispa
- larodopa
- lasiocampa
- levodopa
- limpa
- marcus vipsanius agrippa
- maricopa
- marupa
- mea culpa
- methyldopa
- mirabilis jalapa
- monotropa
- muscicapa
- nampa
- napa
- nepa
- nipa
- nolina microcarpa
- npa
- nymphalis antiopa
- nypa
- oenothera macrocarpa
- pa
- pa'anga
- pa system
- paba
- pabir
- pablo casals
- pablo neruda
- pablo picasso
- pablum
- pabulum
- pac
- pac-man strategy
- paca
- pace
- pace car
- pace lap
- pacemaker
- pacer
- pacesetter
- pacha
- pachinko
- pachisi
- pachouli
- pachuco
- pachycephala
- pachycephalosaur
- pachycephalosaurus
- pachycheilia
- pachyderm
- pachyderma
- pachyrhizus
- pachyrhizus erosus
- pachyrhizus tuberosus
- pachysandra
- pachysandra procumbens
- pachysandra terminalis
- pachytene
- pacific
- pacific bonito
- pacific bottlenose dolphin
- pacific coast
- pacific cod
- pacific giant salamander
- pacific halibut
- pacific hemlock
- pacific herring
- pacific newt
- pacific northwest
- pacific ocean
- pacific plum
- pacific ridley
- pacific sardine
- pacific silver fir
- pacific spiny dogfish
- pacific standard time
- pacific sturgeon
- pacific time
- pacific tree toad
- pacific tripletail
- pacific walrus
- pacific yew
- pacification
- pacificism
- pacificist
- pacifier
- pacifism
- pacifist
- pacing
- pacinian corpuscle
- pack
- pack animal
- pack ice
- pack of cards
- pack rat
- pack riding
- pack tent
- package
- package bomb
- package holiday
- package store
- package tour
- packaged goods
- packaging
- packaging company
- packaging concern
- packed cell volume
- packed cells
- packer
- packera
- packera aurea
- packet
- packet boat
- packhorse
- packing
- packing box
- packing case
- packing material
- packing needle
- packing nut
- packing plant
- packinghouse
- packman
- packrat
- packsack
- packsaddle
- packthread
- pact
- pad
- pad of paper
- padauk
- padda
- padda oryzivora
- padder
- padding
- paddle
- paddle-box
- paddle-wheeler
- paddle box
- paddle steamer
- paddle wheel
- paddlefish
- paddler
- paddlewheel
- paddock
- paddy
- paddy field
- paddy wagon
- paddymelon
- pademelon
- paderewski
- padlock
- padouk
- padova
- padre
- padrone
- padua
- paducah
- paean
- paederast
- paederasty
- paediatrician
- paediatrics
- paedophile
- paedophilia
- paella
- paeonia
- paeoniaceae
- paeony
- pagad
- pagan
- pagan religion
- paganini
- paganism
- page
- page-at-a-time printer
- page number
- page printer
- pageant
- pageantry
- pageboy
- pagellus
- pagellus centrodontus
- pager
- paget
- paget's disease
- pagination
- paging
- pago pago
- pagoda
- pagoda tree
- pagophila
- pagophila eburnea
- pagophilus
- pagophilus groenlandicus
- pagrus
- pagrus pagrus
- paguridae
- pagurus
- pahautea
- pahlavi
- pahlevi
- pahoehoe
- paid vacation
- paige
- paigle
- pail
- pailful
- paillasse
- pain
- pain in the ass
- pain in the neck
- pain pill
- pain sensation
- pain threshold
- pain unit
- paine
- painful sensation
- painfulness
- painkiller
- pains
- painstakingness
- paint
- paint leaf
- paint roller
- paintball
- paintball gun
- paintbox
- paintbrush
- painted-leaf begonia
- painted beauty
- painted cup
- painted daisy
- painted desert
- painted greenling
- painted leaf
- painted nettle
- painted sandgrouse
- painted terrapin
- painted tongue
- painted tortoise
- painted turtle
- painter
- painter's colic
- painting
- pair
- pair creation
- pair formation
- pair of pincers
- pair of pliers
- pair of scissors
- pair of tongs
- pair of tweezers
- pair of virginals
- pair production
- pairing
- paisa
- paisley
- paiute
- paiwanic
- pajama
- pak choi
- pakchoi
- pakistan
- pakistani
- pakistani monetary unit
- pakistani rupee
- pal
- palace
- palace car
- palace of versailles
- paladin
- palaeencephalon
- palaemon
- palaemon australis
- palaemonidae
- palaeoanthropology
- palaeobiology
- palaeobotany
- palaeoclimatology
- palaeodendrology
- palaeoecology
- palaeoethnography
- palaeogeography
- palaeogeology
- palaeolithic
- palaeology
- palaeontologist
- palaeontology
- palaeopathology
- palaeornithology
- palaeozoology
- palaestra
- palaetiology
- palaic
- palankeen
- palanquin
- palaquium
- palaquium gutta
- palas
- palatability
- palatableness
- palatal
- palate
- palatinate
- palatine
- palatine artery
- palatine bone
- palatine raphe
- palatine tonsil
- palatine vein
- palatopharyngoplasty
- palau
- palau islands
- palaver
- pale
- pale ale
- pale chrysanthemum aphid
- pale coral root
- pale violet
- pale yellow
- paleacrita
- paleacrita vernata
- paleencephalon
- paleface
- paleness
- paleo-american
- paleo-american culture
- paleo-amerind
- paleo-amerind culture
- paleo-indian
- paleo-indian culture
- paleoanthropology
- paleobiology
- paleobotany
- paleocene
- paleocene epoch
- paleocerebellum
- paleoclimatology
- paleocortex
- paleodendrology
- paleoecology
- paleoencephalon
- paleoethnography
- paleogeography
- paleogeology
- paleographer
- paleographist
- paleography
- paleolith
- paleolithic
- paleolithic age
- paleology
- paleomammalogy
- paleontologist
- paleontology
- paleopathology
- paleornithology
- paleostriatum
- paleozoic
- paleozoic era
- paleozoology
- palermo
- palestine
- palestine authority
- palestine islamic jihad
- palestine liberation front
- palestine liberation organization
- palestine national authority
- palestinian
- palestinian arab
- palestinian hizballah
- palestinian islamic jihad
- palestinian national authority
- palestra
- palestrina
- paletiology
- palette
- palette knife
- palfrey
- palgrave
- pali
- palilalia
- palimony
- palimpsest
- palindrome
- paling
- palingenesis
- palinuridae
- palinurus
- palisade
- paliurus
- paliurus spina-christi
- pall
- pall-mall
- pall mall
- palladio
- palladium
- pallas
- pallas's cat
- pallas's sandgrouse
- pallas athena
- pallas athene
- pallasite
- pallbearer
- pallet
- pallette
- palliasse
- palliation
- palliative
- pallid bat
- pallidity
- pallidness
- pallidum
- pallium
- pallone
- pallor
- palm
- palm beach
- palm cat
- palm civet
- palm family
- palm kernel
- palm nut
- palm oil
- palm reading
- palm sunday
- palm tree
- palma christ
- palma christi
- palmaceae
- palmae
- palmales
- palmate leaf
- palmature
- palmer
- palmer peninsula
- palmetto
- palmetto state
- palmist
- palmister
- palmistry
- palmitic acid
- palmitin
- palmyra
- palmyra palm
- palo alto
- palo santo
- palo verde
- palometa
- palometa simillima
- palomino
- palooka
- paloverde
- palpability
- palpation
- palpebra
- palpebra conjunctiva
- palpebration
- palpitation
- palsgrave
- palsy
- paltering
- paltriness
- pamelor
- pamir mountains
- pamlico
- pampas
- pampas grass
- pamperer
- pampering
- pamphlet
- pamphleteer
- pan
- pan american day
- pan american union
- pan gravy
- pan paniscus
- pan troglodytes
- pan troglodytes schweinfurthii
- pan troglodytes troglodytes
- pan troglodytes verus
- panacea
- panache
- panadol
- panama
- panama canal
- panama canal zone
- panama city
- panama hat
- panama redwood
- panama redwood tree
- panama tree
- panamanian
- panamanian capital
- panamanian monetary unit
- panamica
- panamiga
- panatela
- panax
- panax ginseng
- panax pseudoginseng
- panax quinquefolius
- panax schinseng
- pancake
- pancake batter
- pancake day
- pancake turner
- pancake turtle
- pancarditis
- panchayat
- panchayet
- panchen lama
- pancho villa
- panchromatic film
- pancreas
- pancreatectomy
- pancreatic artery
- pancreatic cancer
- pancreatic duct
- pancreatic fibrosis
- pancreatic juice
- pancreatic vein
- pancreatin
- pancreatitis
- pancytopenia
- panda
- panda bear
- panda car
- pandanaceae
- pandanales
- pandanus
- pandanus tectorius
- pandar
- pandean pipe
- pandemic
- pandemonium
- pander
- panderer
- pandiculation
- pandion
- pandion haliaetus
- pandionidae
- pandora
- pandora's box
- pandowdy
- pandurate leaf
- panduriform leaf
- pane
- pane of glass
- panegyric
- panegyrist
- panel
- panel discussion
- panel heating
- panel light
- panel truck
- paneling
- panelist
- panelling
- panellist
- panencephalitis
- panetela
- panetella
- panfish
- pang
- panga
- pangaea
- pangea
- pangloss
- pango pango
- pangolin
- panhandle
- panhandler
- panhysterectomy
- panic
- panic attack
- panic button
- panic disorder
- panic grass
- panicle
- panicled aster
- panicum
- panicum capillare
- panicum miliaceum
- panicum texanum
- panicum virgatum
- panini
- panipat
- panjabi
- panjandrum
- pannier
- pannikin
- panocha
- panoche
- panofsky
- panonychus
- panonychus ulmi
- panoply
- panopticon
- panorama
- panoramic sight
- panoramic view
- panorpidae
- panpipe
- pansa
- pansexual
- pansinusitis
- pansy
- pansy orchid
- pansy violet
- pant
- pant leg
- pantaloon
- pantechnicon
- pantheism
- pantheist
- pantheon
- panther
- panther cat
- panther lily
- panthera
- panthera leo
- panthera onca
- panthera pardus
- panthera tigris
- panthera uncia
- pantie
- pantile
- panting
- panto
- pantograph
- pantomime
- pantomimer
- pantomimist
- pantothen
- pantothenic acid
- pantotheria
- pantry
- pantryman
- pants
- pants presser
- pants suit
- pantsuit
- panty
- panty girdle
- pantyhose
- pantywaist
- panzer
- paola caliari
- paolo veronese
- pap
- pap smear
- pap test
- papa
- papa doc
- papacy
- papaia
- papain
- papal bull
- papal cross
- papal infallibility
- papal nuncio
- papal states
- papanicolaou smear
- papanicolaou test
- paparazzo
- papaver
- papaver alpinum
- papaver argemone
- papaver californicum
- papaver heterophyllum
- papaver nudicaule
- papaver orientale
- papaver rhoeas
- papaver somniferum
- papaveraceae
- papaverales
- papaverine
- papaw
- papaw tree
- papaya
- papaya family
- papaya juice
- papaya tree
- papeete
- paper
- paper-back book
- paper-mache
- paper-pusher
- paper bag
- paper birch
- paper chain
- paper chase
- paper chromatography
- paper clip
- paper cup
- paper currency
- paper cutter
- paper doll
- paper electrophoresis
- paper fastener
- paper feed
- paper flower
- paper gold
- paper knife
- paper loss
- paper mill
- paper money
- paper mulberry
- paper nautilus
- paper plant
- paper plate
- paper profit
- paper round
- paper route
- paper rush
- paper tape
- paper tiger
- paper towel
- paper toweling
- paper trail
- paper wasp
- paper white
- paperback
- paperback book
- paperbark birch
- paperboard
- paperboy
- paperclip
- paperer
- paperhanger
- paperhanging
- papering
- paperknife
- papermaking
- papers
- paperweight
- paperwork
- paphiopedilum
- papier-mache
- papilionaceae
- papilionoideae
- papilla
- papillary muscle
- papillary tumor
- papillary tumour
- papilledema
- papilloma
- papillon
- papio
- papio ursinus
- papism
- papist
- papoose
- papoose root
- papooseroot
- papovavirus
- pappa
- pappataci fever
- pappoose
- pappus
- paprika
- paprika sauce
- paprilus
- paprilus alepidotus
- papua
- papua new guinea
- papuan
- papuan language
- papuan monetary unit
- papule
- papulovesicle
- papyrus
- par
- par value
- para
- para aminobenzoic acid
- para i
- para river
- para rubber
- para rubber tree
- parable
- para
- pace
- pacify
- pack
- pack on
- pack together
- package
- pad
- paddle
- padlock
- paganise
- paganize
- page
- paginate
- pain
- paint
- paint a picture
- paint the lily
- pair
- pair off
- pal
- pal up
- palatalise
- palatalize
- palaver
- pale
- palisade
- pall
- palliate
- palm
- palm off
- palpate
- palpebrate
- palpitate
- palsy
- palter
- pamper
- pan
- pan-broil
- pan-fry
- pan off
- pan out
- pan roast
- pander
- panel
- panhandle
- panic
- pant
- pant-hoot
- pantomime
- paper
- par
- parachute
- parade
- paragraph
- parallel
- parallel-park
- parallelize
- paralyse
- paralyze
- paraphrase
- parboil
- parcel
- parcel out
- parch
- pardon
- pare
- pare down
- parent
- parget
- park
- parlay
- parley
- parody
- parole
- parrot
- parry
- parse
- part
- part with
- partake
- partake in
- parti-color
- participate
- particularise
- particularize
- partition
- partition off
- partner
- partner off
- party
- pass
- pass across
- pass along
- pass around
- pass away
- pass by
- pass judgment
- pass off
- pass on
- pass out
- pass over
- pass through
- pass up
- pass water
- pass with flying colors
- paste
- pasteurise
- pasteurize
- pasture
- pat
- patch
- patch up
- patent
- patinate
- patinise
- patinize
- patrol
- patronage
- patronise
- patronize
- patter
- pattern
- pattern-bomb
- pauperise
- pauperize
- pause
- pave
- paw
- pawn
- pay
- pay back
- pay cash
- pay for
- pay heed
- pay off
- pay out
- pay up
- pachydermal
- pachydermatous
- pachydermic
- pachydermous
- pacific
- pacifist
- pacifistic
- packable
- packaged
- packed
- padded
- paddle-shaped
- paederastic
- paediatric
- pagan
- paid
- paid-up
- pain-free
- pained
- painful
- painless
- painstaking
- paintable
- painted
- painterly
- paired
- pakistani
- palaeolithic
- palaeontological
- palatable
- palatal
- palatalised
- palatalized
- palatial
- palatine
- palatoglossal
- pale
- pale-colored
- pale-faced
- pale-hued
- pale blue
- paleoanthropological
- paleocortical
- paleolithic
- paleontological
- paleozoic
- palestinian
- palingenetic
- palish
- palladian
- palliative
- pallid
- pally
- palm-shaped
- palmar
- palmate
- palmately-lobed
- palmatifid
- palmlike
- palmy
- palpable
- palpatory
- palpebrate
- palpitant
- palpitating
- palsied
- palsy-walsy
- paltry
- pampering
- pan-hellenic
- panamanian
- pancake-like
- pancake-style
- pancreatic
- pandemic
- pandurate
- panduriform
- panegyric
- panegyrical
- paneled
- panhellenic
- panic-stricken
- panic-struck
- panicked
- panicky
- panicled
- paniculate
- panoplied
- panoptic
- panoptical
- panoramic
- pantalooned
- pantheist
- pantheistic
- pantropic
- pantropical
- papal
- paper thin
- paperback
- paperbacked
- paperlike
- papery
- papillary
- papillate
- papilliform
- papillose
- papist
- papistic
- papistical
- pappose
- papuan
- parabolic
- parabolical
- paraboloidal
- paradigmatic
- paradisaic
- paradisaical
- paradisal
- paradisiac
- paradisiacal
- paradoxical
- paraguayan
- parallel
- paralytic
- paralytical
- paralyzed
- paramagnetic
- paramedical
- parametric
- paramilitary
- paramount
- paranasal
- paranoid
- paranormal
- paraphrastic
- paraplegic
- parapsychological
- parasitic
- parasitical
- parasiticidal
- parasympathetic
- parasympathomimetic
- parceled out
- parched
- pardonable
- parental
- parented
- parenteral
- parenthetic
- parenthetical
- parentless
- pareve
- parheliacal
- parhelic
- parietal
- paripinnate
- parisian
- parked
- parky
- parliamentary
- parlous
- parochial
- paroicous
- parotid
- parous
- paroxysmal
- parrotlike
- parsimonious
- part-time
- parted
- parthenogenetic
- parthian
- partial
- partible
- participating
- participatory
- participial
- particolored
- particoloured
- particular
- particularised
- particularistic
- particularized
- particulate
- partisan
- partitive
- partizan
- parttime
- parturient
- party-spirited
- parve
- parvenu
- parvenue
- paschal
- pass
- passable
- passant
- passe
- passee
- passerine
- passing
- passionate
- passionless
- passive
- past
- pasted
- pastel
- pastel-colored
- pastelike
- pasteurian
- pasteurised
- pasteurized
- pastoral
- pasty
- pat
- patched
- patchy
- patellar
- patelliform
- patent
- patented
- paternal
- paternalistic
- pathetic
- pathless
- pathogenic
- pathologic
- pathological
- patient
- patient of
- patriarchal
- patriarchic
- patricentric
- patrician
- patrilineal
- patrilinear
- patrimonial
- patriotic
- patristic
- patristical
- patronised
- patronising
- patronized
- patronizing
- patronless
- patronymic
- patterned
- pauline
- paunchy
- paved
- pavlovian
- pawky
- payable
- paying
- paying attention
- pacifically
- pacifistically
- painfully
- painlessly
- painstakingly
- palatably
- palely
- pallidly
- palmately
- palpably
- par excellence
- paradoxically
- parasitically
- pardonably
- parentally
- parenterally
- parenthetically
- pari passu
- parochially
- part
- part-time
- partially
- particularly
- partly
- passably
- passim
- passing
- passionately
- passively
- past
- pat
- patchily
- patently
- paternally
- pathetically
- pathogenically
- pathologically
- patiently
- patrilineally
- patriotically
- patronisingly
- patronizingly
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Last Search Words
Search Result:Pa
(TTS Sound)

Overview of noun pa
The noun pa has 5 senses
- dad, dada, daddy, pa, papa, pappa, pop -- (an informal term for a father; probably derived from baby talk)
- protactinium, protoactinium, Pa, atomic number 91 -- (a short-lived radioactive metallic element formed from uranium and disintegrating into actinium and then into lead)
- pascal, Pa -- (a unit of pressure equal to one newton per square meter)
- Pennsylvania, Keystone State, PA -- (a Mid-Atlantic state; one of the original 13 colonies)
- public address system, P.A. system, PA system, P.A., PA -- (an electronic amplification system used as a communication system in public areas)