Compund Words
- abandoned ship
- academicianship
- accountantship
- acquaintanceship
- african tulip
- airmanship
- airship
- airstrip
- alligator clip
- ambassadorship
- ancestor worship
- angle of dip
- animal-worship
- apostleship
- apprenticeship
- armed forces censorship
- associateship
- attorneyship
- authorship
- bacon strip
- bailiffship
- bargaining chip
- barrier strip
- battleship
- bean dip
- bible-worship
- bicycle clip
- bimetallic strip
- biochip
- blip
- blood kinship
- blue chip
- blue tulip
- boatmanship
- brinkmanship
- buffalo chip
- buggy whip
- bulldog clip
- business relationship
- cadetship
- candlestick tulip
- cape tulip
- capital ship
- captainship
- cardinalship
- cargo ship
- cartoon strip
- cartridge clip
- catnip
- cattleship
- censorship
- chairmanship
- championship
- chancellorship
- chaplainship
- cheese dip
- chieftainship
- chip
- citizenship
- civil censorship
- clam dip
- cleft lip
- clerkship
- clip
- clipper ship
- coachwhip
- combat ship
- comic strip
- commandership
- companionship
- comptrollership
- comradeship
- connoisseurship
- consulship
- container ship
- containership
- controllership
- copartnership
- corn chip
- cottage tulip
- councillorship
- councilorship
- counsellorship
- counselorship
- courtship
- cover slip
- cow chip
- cow parsnip
- cowslip
- craftsmanship
- cruise ship
- cultivated parsnip
- curatorship
- custodianship
- darwin tulip
- dealership
- deanship
- desert mariposa tulip
- devil's turnip
- devil-worship
- dictatorship
- dip
- directorship
- discipleship
- dna chip
- draftsmanship
- drip
- dwarf tulip
- editorship
- ego trip
- eldership
- employee ownership
- factory ship
- family relationship
- fellowship
- felt tip
- feudal lordship
- field press censorship
- field trip
- fillip
- film clip
- filter tip
- fingertip
- fire-worship
- fire ship
- fish-worship
- flagship
- flight strip
- flip
- foremanship
- freudian slip
- friendly relationship
- friendship
- furring strip
- gamesmanship
- gas-turbine ship
- gaza strip
- gem clip
- gene chip
- generalship
- genip
- gossip
- governorship
- greater water parsnip
- grip
- guard ship
- guardianship
- guilt trip
- gymslip
- hairgrip
- half-slip
- handgrip
- hardship
- harelip
- head trip
- headmastership
- headmistressship
- headship
- hero worship
- hip
- horsemanship
- horsewhip
- hospital ship
- house of worship
- human relationship
- idol worship
- indian turnip
- inspectorship
- instructorship
- internship
- interrelationship
- intravenous drip
- ip
- ipecac
- iphigenia
- ipidae
- ipo
- ipod
- ipomoea
- ipomoea alba
- ipomoea batatas
- ipomoea coccinea
- ipomoea fastigiata
- ipomoea imperialis
- ipomoea leptophylla
- ipomoea nil
- ipomoea orizabensis
- ipomoea panurata
- ipomoea pes-caprae
- ipomoea purpurea
- ipomoea quamoclit
- ipomoea tricolor
- ipratropium bromide
- iproclozide
- ipse dixit
- ipsedixitism
- ipsus
- ipv
- judgeship
- kingship
- kinship
- kip
- lady tulip
- ladyship
- landing strip
- landslip
- leadership
- leather strip
- lectureship
- legateship
- legislatorship
- liberty ship
- librarianship
- lightship
- lip
- lordship
- lucky dip
- magnetic dip
- malicious gossip
- managership
- mariposa tulip
- marital relationship
- marksmanship
- marshalship
- mastership
- membership
- memory chip
- merchant ship
- messiahship
- micro chip
- microchip
- microprocessor chip
- military censorship
- miracle-worship
- mobius strip
- moderatorship
- moon-worship
- musicianship
- national censorship
- nature worship
- new york strip
- nip
- nonpartisanship
- nuclear-powered ship
- oarsmanship
- ocean trip
- one-upmanship
- overlip
- overlordship
- ownership
- oxlip
- paper clip
- paperclip
- parsnip
- partisanship
- partnership
- party whip
- passenger ship
- pastorship
- patrol ship
- payslip
- penmanship
- personal relationship
- philip
- picket ship
- pillow slip
- pincurl clip
- pink slip
- pip
- pirate ship
- pistol grip
- place-worship
- place of worship
- pleasure trip
- pocket battleship
- pogonip
- poker chip
- postnasal drip
- potato chip
- power trip
- praetorship
- precentorship
- preceptorship
- premiership
- presidentship
- primary censorship
- primateship
- prince philip
- principalship
- priorship
- prisoner of war censorship
- proconsulship
- proctorship
- professorship
- proprietorship
- protectorship
- prune whip
- quip
- read-only memory chip
- readership
- receivership
- rectorship
- relationship
- rip
- roach clip
- rose hip
- rosehip
- round trip
- rulership
- sagebrush mariposa tulip
- sailing ship
- sailing warship
- salesmanship
- saratoga chip
- scholarship
- school ship
- scissor grip
- scissors grip
- scouting trip
- scrip
- seamanship
- secondary censorship
- secretaryship
- self-worship
- senatorship
- serpent-worship
- sexual relationship
- sheep dip
- ship
- showmanship
- sideslip
- silicon chip
- silver-tip
- silvertip
- sip
- sirloin tip
- sister ship
- sistership
- skinny-dip
- skip
- slave ship
- slip
- small ship
- snip
- soldiership
- solicitorship
- spaceship
- speakership
- sponsorship
- sportsmanship
- spousal relationship
- star tulip
- starship
- statesmanship
- steamship
- steprelationship
- stewardship
- stiff upper lip
- strip
- studentship
- submersible warship
- sun-worship
- supply ship
- surface ship
- swedish turnip
- swordsmanship
- symbol-worship
- tank ship
- taxi strip
- tcp/ip
- teachership
- thaneship
- thrip
- tide rip
- tie clip
- tip
- tortilla chip
- township
- traineeship
- training ship
- transport ship
- treasure ship
- treasurership
- tree-worship
- tribuneship
- trip
- troopship
- trouser clip
- trusteeship
- tulip
- turnip
- tutorship
- underlip
- vicarship
- viceroyship
- vip
- virginia cowslip
- viziership
- wardenship
- wardership
- warship
- water parsnip
- weather ship
- weather strip
- weatherstrip
- whaling ship
- whip
- white turnip
- wild parsnip
- wing tip
- woman-worship
- word-worship
- workmanship
- worship
- yellow mariposa tulip
- yellow turnip
- yip
- zip
- air-ship
- chip
- clip
- dip
- dress ship
- drip
- egotrip
- equip
- flip
- gip
- gossip
- grip
- hero-worship
- hop-skip
- horsewhip
- kip
- nip
- outstrip
- pip
- pistol-whip
- quip
- re-equip
- reship
- rip
- ship
- side-slip
- sip
- skinny-dip
- skip
- slip
- snip
- strip
- tip
- transship
- trip
- unclip
- unzip
- wear ship
- weatherstrip
- whip
- worship
- yip
- zip
- amidship
- atrip
- blue-chip
- flip
- hip
- ipsilateral
- nonslip
- smart as a whip
- amidship
- ipso facto
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Search Result:IP
(TTS Sound)

Overview of noun ip
The noun ip has 1 sense
- information science, informatics, information processing, IP -- (the sciences concerned with gathering, manipulating, storing, retrieving, and classifying recorded information)