Compund Words
- flowers of zinc
- inc
- inca
- incalescence
- incan
- incandescence
- incandescent lamp
- incantation
- incapability
- incapableness
- incapacity
- incarceration
- incarnation
- incasement
- incaution
- incautiousness
- incendiarism
- incendiary
- incendiary bomb
- incense
- incense cedar
- incense tree
- incense wood
- incentive
- incentive option
- incentive program
- incentive scheme
- incentive stock option
- inception
- incertitude
- incessancy
- incessantness
- incest
- inch
- incheon
- inchoative
- inchoative aspect
- inchon
- inchworm
- incidence
- incidence angle
- incident
- incidental
- incidental expense
- incidental music
- incienso
- incineration
- incinerator
- incipience
- incipiency
- incision
- incisiveness
- incisor
- incisura
- incisure
- incitation
- incitement
- inciter
- incivility
- inclemency
- inclementness
- inclination
- inclination of an orbit
- incline
- incline bench press
- inclined fault
- inclined plane
- inclining
- inclinometer
- inclosure
- inclusion
- inclusion body
- inclusion body encephalitis
- inclusion body myositis
- incognizance
- incoherence
- incoherency
- income
- income bracket
- income statement
- income tax
- income tax bracket
- income tax return
- incoming
- incommodiousness
- incommutability
- incompatibility
- incompetence
- incompetency
- incompetent
- incompetent cervix
- incompetent person
- incomplete abortion
- incomplete fracture
- incompleteness
- incomprehensibility
- incomprehension
- incompressibility
- inconceivability
- inconceivableness
- inconclusiveness
- inconel
- incongruity
- incongruousness
- inconsequence
- inconsiderateness
- inconsideration
- inconsistency
- inconspicuousness
- inconstancy
- incontinence
- incontinency
- incontrovertibility
- incontrovertibleness
- inconvenience
- inconvertibility
- incoordination
- incorporation
- incorporeality
- incorrectness
- incorruptibility
- incorruption
- incorruptness
- increase
- incredibility
- incredibleness
- incredulity
- increment
- incremental cost
- incrimination
- incrustation
- incubation
- incubation period
- incubator
- incubus
- inculcation
- inculpability
- inculpableness
- inculpation
- incumbency
- incumbent
- incumbrance
- incurability
- incurable
- incurableness
- incurrence
- incurring
- incursion
- incurvation
- incurvature
- incus
- zinc
- incandesce
- incapacitate
- incarcerate
- incarnadine
- incarnate
- incase
- incense
- inch
- incinerate
- incise
- incite
- incline
- inclose
- include
- incommode
- inconvenience
- inconvenience oneself
- incorporate
- increase
- incriminate
- incrust
- incubate
- inculcate
- inculpate
- incur
- incurvate
- zinc
- incalculable
- incan
- incandescent
- incapable
- incapacitated
- incapacitating
- incarnate
- incased
- incautious
- incendiary
- incensed
- incertain
- incessant
- incestuous
- inchoate
- inchoative
- incident
- incidental
- incipient
- incised
- incisive
- incitive
- inclement
- inclined
- included
- inclusive
- incognito
- incognizable
- incognizant
- incognoscible
- incoherent
- incombustible
- incoming
- incommensurable
- incommensurate
- incommodious
- incommunicado
- incommunicative
- incommutable
- incomparable
- incompatible
- incompetent
- incomplete
- incomprehensible
- incomprehensive
- incompressible
- incomputable
- inconceivable
- inconclusive
- incongruent
- incongruous
- inconsequent
- inconsequential
- inconsiderable
- inconsiderate
- inconsistent
- inconsolable
- inconspicuous
- inconstant
- incontestable
- incontestible
- incontinent
- incontrovertible
- inconvenient
- inconvertible
- incorporate
- incorporated
- incorporative
- incorporeal
- incorrect
- incorrigible
- incorrupt
- incorruptible
- increased
- increasing
- increasing monotonic
- incredible
- incredulous
- incremental
- incriminating
- incriminatory
- inculpable
- inculpative
- inculpatory
- incumbent
- incumbent on
- incurable
- incurious
- incursive
- incurvate
- incurved
- incautiously
- incessantly
- incestuously
- incidentally
- incisively
- incognito
- incoherently
- incomparably
- incompatibly
- incompetently
- incompletely
- inconceivably
- inconclusively
- incongruously
- inconsequentially
- inconsequently
- inconsiderately
- inconsistently
- inconspicuously
- incontrovertibly
- inconveniently
- incorrectly
- increasingly
- incredibly
- incredulously
- incriminatingly
- incurably
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Search Result:INC
(TTS Sound)

Overview of noun inc
The noun inc has 1 sense
- Iraqi National Congress, INC -- (a heterogeneous collection of groups united in their opposition to Saddam Hussein's government of Iraq; formed in 1992 it is comprised of Sunni and Shiite Arabs and Kurds who hope to build a new government)